• Where can I ask a question to a real magician. Where can I ask a question to a real magician Questions to magicians online


    Dear visitors of the site GadalkinDom.ru, if you have any problems, or just in your life a situation has arisen in which the intervention of an experienced specialist may be useful, we will be happy to provide you with prompt and qualified assistance:

    • Do you need the help of a magician in the current life situation?
    • Are you having problems with your loved one?
    • Haunted by failures at work or in business?
    • Thinking about making a love spell or a conspiracy?

    You can ask any question you are interested in and get an answer, practical advice and real help. To do this, enter the data in the form located here:

    1. Enter your Name and Date of Birth;
    2. Ask your question, describe the situation or problem;
    3. Enter carefully email and you will get FREE consultation today!

    Remember! You have come to the right place! Please describe your question or problem in this form, our specialists will contact you shortly by e-mail, answer your question, consult and give the necessary advice!

    Get a free psychic answer today.

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    Free help from psychics: they will tell you what really worries you

    Each of us at least once had questions that are extremely difficult or even impossible to find the answer to on our own. The help of psychics for free is a unique opportunity to lift the veil of secrets that torment and deprive you of sleep, as well as look into your own future.

    How to seek help from experienced psychics?

    Some problems and obstacles that arise on the path of life can confuse, and sometimes completely confuse a person. What to do when situations seem hopeless, and it is simply impossible to choose between several options? Alas, constant reflection alone with oneself can not always give a result and solve the difficulties that have arisen. From the very beginning of time, people, finding themselves face to face with problems, turned to magicians, sorcerers and high priests.

    On our site you can contact highly qualified specialists - esotericists, tarot readers, astrologers and numerologists. Their ability to communicate with the other world is undeniable. If you were wondering "Psychics: how to ask for help", then you have already found the answer.


    1. Be specific. It is desirable in such a way that the answer is unambiguous.

    Wrong question: What will happen to me next?

    Correct question: What can I expect in the area of ​​personal life/career/family/art in the near future?

    1. If any people appear in your fortune-telling, it is better to attach their photographs to the question that you decide to ask the psychic.
    2. Ask the question consciously. Often the answer of a psychic depends on the state of the person in need of his help. For example, the intoxication of the questioner affects the correctness of the answer received extremely negatively.
    3. While waiting for the psychic's answer, try to immerse yourself in thoughts about the question that concerns you and not be distracted from them.

    These simple rules will help you get a 100% correct interpretation of the problem that has arisen. You can ask a question of interest on our website, leaving your contact details and describing the painful situation in as much detail as possible in a specially designed form.

    Are you asking questions that you can't find an answer to? The best solution is to consult an expert in clairvoyance! Thanks to the gift to see the past, present and future, clairvoyants find a way out of the most difficult situations! You can verify this! Choose an expert to whom you would like to personally ask your questions - online clairvoyants will answer you right now!

    I am a bioenergetic, clairvoyant, international psychic. Experience - more than 25 years. I am proficient in a wide variety of techniques and techniques. My abilities came to me through the female line of the family, from my great-grandmother. In my work I use clairvoyance and clairaudience, modern scientific knowledge and spiritual practices.

    I am a tarot reader and parapsychologist, and have been successfully practicing for over 30 years. I will review your past, present and future. I will try to give the best recommendations to improve the situation. You can contact me on a variety of issues that concern you. Call, I will be sincerely glad to help you, with whatever question you may apply!

    Good day! My name is Christina Sothis. I am a tarot reader, astrologer, cosmoenergetist and parapsychologist. I use Tarot cards, a pendulum in my method of work, I use extrasensory abilities, clairvoyance. I will help to find the cause of the problem and remove it, I can give advice and correct the situation.

    I am a tarot reader, runologist and astrologer. Tarot cards and Oracle Lenorman help me in my work, as well as Scandinavian runes and fate cards. I will consider the question that concerns you and suggest the right solution. Call us and we will solve your problem together!

    I am a numerologist, tarot reader. I calculate the situation according to the date of birth and according to the cards, I reveal the hidden potentials of a person. I will answer the most important questions about fate. I look at the events of the past on the maps. I clarify the events of the present and the future. I deal with issues of personal life (compatibility of partners, mutual understanding between spouses, critical periods of marriage, future love, etc.). I look at the relationship between children and parents. I help you find your life purpose.

    I am a tarot reader and parapsychologist. Tarot is a wonderful tool with which you can find out what is hidden. Thanks to accurate layouts, you can better analyze the most difficult situation, it is easier to solve problems in any area, to find a way out of situations that seem to be dead ends. The answer to your question is just a phone call away. Call me, I'll be glad to help you!

    I am an expert in astrology and tarot. Over the years of work, I have become convinced that it is the combination of astrology and Tarot that most effectively helps in solving a variety of issues. I use both techniques extensively in my work. Call me, I'll be glad to help you. Work experience - more than 17 years.

    I am professionally engaged in parapsychology and astrology, fortune telling on Tarot cards. I help you see into the future. I will give qualified advice on karmic influences in the present. I hope that my advice will help you find peace in your soul and solve many problems. Experience - more than 20 years.

    I am a professional psychic of international level with over 20 years of experience. Clairvoyant. I analyze situations remotely and correct them. I work with karmic influences and human hereditary programs in different dimensions. I resolve difficult situations. I harmonize the biofield, remove negative attitudes, improve the spiritual state (charge with optimism). I will help you become happier! *Bioenergetics is not a medical discipline.

    I will try to help you achieve your goal. In my work, I professionally use various possibilities: from runes to extrasensory perception. My consultations can lead to the fulfillment of your desires and teach you how to effectively interact with money.

    I offer qualified and professional tarot card divination, Manara erotic tarot, Lenorman divination, rune divination, I-Ching Book of Changes, coffee grounds, candle divination. Experience - more than 20 years.

    I am an astrologer. I work in the traditions of Western European astrology, which is closest to us. It gives answers to practical questions: how to choose a profession? What awaits at work? Where to earn? Will I be rich? Will my marriage be happy? When will I start a family? What awaits me this month, this year? I don't do psychoanalysis. I do not consider questions of karma and past lives. I do not provide medical advice.

    I do astrology and read tarot cards. As a professional fortune teller, I will help you with family and love matters. I will help you make a choice in a difficult life situation. I will answer questions about work, career. I especially want to highlight the topic of "business astrology" - this is a rare service! I am sure that I will help you and I want to help! Work experience - 12 years.

    I work with Tarot cards, I am a fortune teller and a fortune teller. My forecasts of future events by date of birth can help you in choosing a profession and developing talents, solving problems in love, family, work, conflict situations. Experience - more than 20 years.

    I am a psychic, I read Tarot, I use the techniques of quantum psychology. I help in critical situations. I will analyze any life difficulties and try to solve your problems. Work experience - more than 12 years.

    I am a psychic and a tarot reader. I analyze the general state of human energy, identify the negative, harmonize the energy. I resolve issues of dependence on other people: men and women, parents and children.

    I am a qualified psychologist. I have psychic abilities, I can tell about the future with the help of Gypsy cards and Tarot cards. I will help you achieve success at work, solve family and love problems, gain confidence. Work experience: 19 years in psychology, more than 13 years - with cards and runes, 2 years - classical Western European astrology.

    I am a tarot reader, numerologist, psychologist. I look through situations with the help of various esoteric practices. I provide psychological assistance, help improve family relationships. In my work I use numerology to determine compatibility, layouts on Tarot cards, and harmonize relationships. Experience - more than 30 years.

    Clairvoyants: reviews

    • 4.8 out of 5 , based on 13193 reviews

    “Love has already interested me from the first words. She presented information so easily, as if she were reading a book about my life. I am sure that other customers will also like it and will surprise them the way it surprised me))»*

    “This conversation really inspired me. I am infinitely grateful for such a warm and productive conversation.”*

    How to find a clairvoyant on Astro7?

    Astro7 is a specialized site for clairvoyants, psychics and mediums. Here you can always find an expert who practices clairvoyance, which is right for you and will meet all your requirements. Be sure that absolutely all clairvoyant psychics have been thoroughly tested and really have a special gift. Finding a clairvoyant on the Astro7 website is easy - select the right expert in the listing. Find out more about each expert in the "About me" section on his personal page.

    How to talk to a clairvoyant for free?

    You can see for yourself the quality of Astro7 services - especially for this, specialists will give you the first consultation online for free. All you need to do is register on the site and order a conversation with the right expert. Clairvoyants will consult on any questions you are interested in about love, relationships, career, business and much more. The first consultation is free!

    What question to ask a clairvoyant?

    Before you ask an expert a question, focus and think about what interests you the most. Do you want to know about relationship prospects? Are you excited about the success of your new business? Worried about whether the trip will be successful? You can ask any question - the clairvoyant will help you in any situation. Remember that the clarity of the expert's answer depends on how accurately you formulate the question!

    There are several recommendations that will help you in communicating with an expert.

    What services do clairvoyants offer?

    On Astro7, clairvoyants will consult you online on a variety of issues in the area of ​​life that interests you the most:

    • - the prospect of relationships, the search for a soul mate;
    • - resolution of conflicts and disagreements;
    • - attracting money, success and prosperity;
    • - forecast of the development of a specific situation;
    • - search for the right way out and solution, etc.

    Clairvoyant services are your key to success in love, relationships, career and business! Use the recommendations of experts to reach the real heights!

    Often you have to turn to psychics online, this happens for various reasons. Someone thinks that all the best psychics are in Moscow, someone is simply embarrassed to consult face to face. For whatever reason you ask a question to a psychic online, we will tell you how to do it right.

    How to ask a psychic a question?

    Wisdom says that in any question at least half of the answer is hidden. The ability to ask questions is no less an art than the ability to answer them. And the ability to ask questions to oneself is the basis not only for spiritual search, but also for the correct solution of everyday life tasks.

    When a person turns to a specialist (any) for help or advice, he must clearly understand what he wants to know and why. Fears and doubts should be forgotten, but the question may be related to getting rid of them. Interest in solving the problem must be strong: it is better to face fears fearlessly, and to ask about doubts - decisively.

    An online consultation may be limited in time and does not involve live contact between the client and the specialist. Therefore, the client should not delay the opening speech and get down to business as soon as possible.

    What does a psychic need to know to answer your question?

    Even the best psychics need data about people and the problem situation in which they are involved to answer a question.

    1. Full name, dates of birth, photos

    The personal data concerns you and those people whom you are going to "watch". They must be provided at the request of the psychic. If he demands something else (for example, place and time of birth, place of residence, marital status, etc.) - be prepared for this.

    2. Briefly describe the situation

    You can start a dialogue with a story about the situation, naming its participants and clinging to each of his personal data. The psychic may ask for details. Then move on to the question.

    3. Ask the right question

    The clearer, more specific the question, the clearer and more specific the answer will be. Leave abstract questions for longer consultations.

    For example, if you ask “What awaits me in life for 10 years?”, Then a good answer to such a question may be a long story of a psychic about each of the areas of your life, and he will have to watch the dynamics of changes. It is impossible to give a detailed answer to a global question in 10-15 minutes. Moreover, a psychic can warn you how far into the future he is ready to look. Many experts limit the forecast to one, maximum two years.

    Preparing for a Psychic Consultation

    Questions like “Tell me something about me?” “How can I get rich?” “How can I be happy?” “When will I fall in love?” - this is a senseless waste of your time and money, not to mention the resources of a specialist. It is very unlikely that a psychic will work with such questions.

    Before asking, decide if you need a short answer or a detailed review of the situation.

    Communication with a psychic while briefly reviewing the situation

    For example, you asked the question “Will I get married to the person who is now next to me?”. Short answers to this question: “Yes, it will”, “No, it won’t”, “At the moment, 50/50, that is, the situation is in a state where there can be no clear answer.”

    Communication with a psychic in a detailed analysis of the situation

    A detailed analysis of the situation involves looking at all aspects of your relationship in the present, the probabilistic outcomes in the near future, and possibly your past connections. From this, the psychic's recommendations for you regarding these relationships will follow - what to do next with them, whether it is worth staying in them if marriage is impossible, etc.

    Psychic answers to consultations

    The answer to your question can be anything, and not always the one you want to hear. It is clear that when you turn to a psychic, you have certain expectations for the best outcome of the situation, a quick solution to the problem, a positive answer. However, reality and forecast may not meet expectations, so be prepared for this. That is why, when you go for a consultation, you need courage and a willingness to find out the truth. This is the key to the successful work of the psychic and the maximum effectiveness of the consultation for you.

    🔮Olga Kholmova. Empath. Seeing. I have the ability to read people's states well. Thoughts, feelings, intentions. To do this, I do not need to see a person. Enough real name and age. Additionally, I have a background in psychology. Knowledge in Human Design, Hellinger Constellations, RPT, Vector Psychology, Coaching, Transactional Analysis, Deep Systemic Constellations. Studied the tarot system. I use it to find answers to some questions.


    • You can ask one question for free. The service is provided on a one-time basis. Choose a question that really interests you.
    • To get a detailed answer, provide information about the situation. The more data you provide, the easier it is for me to "hook" into your energy field to find the answer. I donate my time and energy to those who do not have the opportunity to pay for the service, but who really need it. Read sample questions and answers in the comments.
    • The term for processing letters is up to 3 days. Please enter correct email addresses and check your spam folder. Sometimes letters with the answer fall through there.
    • Not all questions have an answer. When I read letters, the answer either comes right away or doesn't come at all. This means that I had nothing to cling to. In this case, you will receive a message: "There is no answer to your question." Ask a different question, add data, or change the subject altogether
    • I don't answer cheating questions. If you want to ask about it, contact another specialist. Questions about cheating are deleted.
    • Ask questions about YOURSELF and YOUR life. And write the NAMES (without last names) of those you are asking about. Those. I don’t watch problems with my brother / sister / husband / wife / parents. If they have problems, let them write themselves. It is permissible for a mother to ask about her child if it concerns his health.
    • The future is multivariate. I can only foresee the most likely course of events based on your condition today. But there is no guarantee that it will happen exactly as I saw it. You influence its formation by the fact that you have learned about it. So try not to ask direct answers about the future! It is better to ask about what is preventing you from getting what you want or what you need to do to get what you want, rather than whether you get it or not.

    For those who do not like to wait and who need an answer today!

    Access to the form is closed until January 1

    You can ask a clairvoyant question if you have:

    There are problems in relationships

    with spouses / loved ones / relatives / children / friends / colleagues
    Misunderstandings, conflicts, suspicions, fears and worries. I help to understand why the problem occurred. How does the situation really look like? What needs to be done to resolve the conflict. I can "enter" each of the participants in the situation and see the true picture: thoughts, feelings, intentions. All this applies to both situations in the present and situations that have occurred in the past, and which you would like to clarify for yourself.

    There are difficulties in business development

    Sometimes the cause of problems in business is the person himself, and sometimes the problem lies in external factors or the very structure of the business. I look at the relationships within the structure and help to see the root of the problem /

    • Should I start a new business or not?
    • Reasons for stopping or hindering business development
    • Possible ways to solve problem situations
    • Is it worth it or not to move in the chosen direction
    • Partnership analysis

    There are inner doubts in decision making

    To go / not to go, to marry / not to marry, to get divorced / not to get divorced, to enter / not to enter. I review the significance of each of the options and expand your understanding of the situation. In any case, you make the decision yourself, but more consciously.

    Don't ask a question if you're not ready to hear the answer!

    Renata: "Many things have become clearer and closer"
    It was my first experience with a psychologist, and I thank heaven that I was so lucky to meet Olga! It's amazing how gifted people see us so clearly, without even having to retell their entire life story, and help us in our quest. Many things have become clearer and closer, peace has come, motivation has appeared to move and work on oneself. I will definitely apply again!

    Renata| Russia

    Anonymous: “…all questions were answered in detail”
    I am grateful to Olga for her work, the warmth that comes from her! After communication, detailed answers were given to all questions, everything fell into place, I looked at myself from the side that other people see me. The understanding of what needs to be worked on, self-confidence has come!) Thank you, Olya!

    Anonymously| Russia

    Andrei: “... my idea of ​​extrasensory perception and psychology has completely turned upside down”

    Everyone has important meetings in life ... I want to say that the meeting with Olya is one of the most important for me!

    After talking with her, my idea of ​​extrasensory perception and psychology was completely turned upside down !!! Now I look at these things in a completely different way ... The fear of the unknown is gone ... All the thoughts in my head have formed the right puzzle ... What Olya is doing is a new and modern trend in the therapy of the human soul ... It's like a symbiosis of extrasensory perception, psychology and psychotherapy ... You learn how to correctly understand and manage energy flows ... You will understand the essence of the problem and its origins ... It's like a fairy tale that you will find yourself in, and Olya will guide you in search of a way out)

    Olya! You are doing a very necessary, right thing and in the right direction! Thank you ... I'm sure that our meeting is not the last

    Andrey| Odessa (Ukraine)

    Comments (21 720)

    The site maintains a friendly atmosphere. All comments are moderated. Angry, unconstructive remarks are removed. Financial stability and the increase of available benefits for those who come to me with pure thoughts. Let it be so.

    You can always ask the magician about what worries you on the website of black or white magic by filling out a special application form, or on a magic forum where working rites are discussed. If you have chosen a magician, trust him, and want him to take care of your problem, you can ask the magician online on his personal website.

    How to ask a real magician a free question

    Many powerful magicians working on the Internet are scrupulous about guarantees of results. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will say this: - a real practicing sorcerer will not vouch for a 100% result, because it is quite difficult to give a guarantee in witchcraft, you can damage your reputation. But, there is no doubt that a strong magician will do everything possible to solve your problem. He can guarantee only one thing, which will provide you with qualified assistance.

    Turning to the black magician, you can ask a question for free, learn about all the pros and cons of witchcraft, as well as the possibility of getting a rollback or a negative result. Free answers and explanations from a strong magician will help you make the final decision whether to resort to magical help.

    Ask a question to the magician for free on the online site

    Having decided to turn to a practicing black magician for competent magical help, you can order cemetery damage, cemetery love spells, strong black love spells, after asking the magician about the most likely. In addition, the magician will help you get rid of damage and curses, perform magical rites for profit in business and other ways to increase income. It is within the competence of the strongest magician to set up effective magical protection and so on.

    Good sorcerers of practical magic carry out orders with the attachment of a photo or video material proving the punctual attitude of the magician to work. But they warn the customer that he himself should not repeat this. In magical work, especially when performing complex rites, experience and connection with the Forces are necessary.

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