• Patriotic civic education program. The program of civic-patriotic education "raising patriots" is a work program on the topic. Direction “Me and Family”


    Municipal educational government institution “Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities of the VIII type No. 4”


    on civic-patriotic education

    "I am a patriot, I am a citizen"

    (Educational program)

      The program was developed by:

    Deputy Director for VR

    boarding school No. 4

    Ganieva S.N.

    Head of the ShMK of educators

    Bogatyreva O.V.

    Izhevsk, 2015

    Program passport

    Full name of the institution

    Municipal educational institution "Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities of the VIII type school No. 4

    Program name

    Program “I am a patriot, I am a citizen”

    Main program developer

    Deputy Director for HR: Ganieva S.N.;

    Head of ShMK educators: Bogatyreva O.V.

    Purpose of the program

    Program objectives

    Implementation period

    2015 - 2019

    Performers of the main program activities

    Students of grades 1-11, parents (legal representatives) of students, teaching staff of the school, specialists from departmental organizations.

    Explanatory note

    The program is aimed at students of a special (correctional) general education boarding school with disabilities. It determines the content, the main ways of development of the system of patriotic education of boarding school students, its main components, which make it possible to form a readiness to serve the Fatherland.

    The program represents a certain system of content, forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical influences, and is of great importance for solving educational and social problems.

    Relevance of the problem patriotic education and justification for the need to solve it.

    Patriotic education of youth is increasingly defined as one of the priorities in modern youth policy.

    In recent years, the Russian educational system has undergone significant changes. Changes have affected various areas of educational activity. Economic instability in the country, the erosion of moral and ethical values, a sharp decline in the social activity of young people, the crisis of the family and the relationship between parents and children force us to take a fresh look at the educational system and the possibilities of upbringing.

    Today for Russia there is no more important idea than patriotism. In order to become a patriot, you don’t have to be a hero, it’s enough to love your homeland for what it is, because there won’t be another one. Patriotism is, first of all, a state of mind and soul. Life shows that children grow up, and the time comes when they ask about the family traditions of their parents and grandparents, reflecting on the past of their homeland. These are good lessons of courage for the younger generation. Indeed, at present this problem is very relevant.

    Article No. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” defines the requirements for educational activities in state and municipal educational institutions. Among the most important is the task of a patriotic orientation: “Education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family.” The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the state program “Patriotic education of Russian citizens for 2011-2016”, the federal state educational standard emphasize the importance and relevance of patriotic education, determine the place and role of instilling patriotism among Russian citizens.

    It is important for a person and citizen of Russia to know its history, spiritual origins and traditions in order to understand the events taking place in it today. The education system plays a leading role in the patriotic formation of the younger generation.

    The main issue currently facing teaching staff is the revival of the spiritual traditions of Russia, with a very clear fixation in the child’s mind of such concepts as Motherland, Fatherland, Motherland, Native Land, Citizen, Patriot, Hero, Veteran of War and Labor.

    Patriotic education in a boarding school is a systematic and purposeful activity of the teaching staff to form in the younger generation a patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, and readiness to fulfill their civic duty.

    The process of patriotic education in a special (correctional) school is difficult and its result is not as noticeable as in a mass school; it is complicated by a number of psychophysiological characteristics inherent in children with disabilities. A child with mental retardation has much greater difficulty in learning the norms and rules of behavior and communication; he needs more time to learn what love for home, family, and Motherland is. A child with disabilities will never understand the meaning of many civic-patriotic qualities, and those concepts that a child from a public school begins to understand by the 2nd-3rd grade will be clear to him much later.

    The rules by which the process of civil-patriotic formation of personality is carried out are the same for both mass and special (correctional) boarding schools of the VIII type, because “The presence of mental retardation in a child cannot change the general ideological orientation of educational work with him. The level of solving educational problems in a special (correctional) school will be different than in a mainstream school.”

    Currently, a certain system of patriotic education of children has developed at the boarding school, which includes various directions for developing a sense of patriotism in children. Events are held dedicated to memorable dates in Russian history, exhibitions, competitions, and conversations. The first lessons on Knowledge Day are dedicated to the Motherland, the heroic pages of its history, and culture. The main goal of these lessons is to reveal to students the meaning of the concept of “love for the Motherland” and to instill in young citizens feelings of respect and love for the Fatherland. An understanding of the essence and meaning of the state symbols of the country, a respectful attitude towards them is formed among students in history lessons, social studies, in the process of extracurricular activities, and the organization of Courage Lessons.

    Civic and patriotic education is one of the priorities of the educational work of the Education Center. Patriotism is one of the basic components of an individual, a citizen, expressed in a feeling of love, pride, recognition of one’s Fatherland, its history and culture, traditions, awareness of civic duty to it, readiness to protect its interests, and the formation in students of a sense of readiness to fulfill their civic duty and constitutional duties.

    A citizen and patriot begins at school: before becoming a citizen and patriot of the Motherland, a student must learn to be a citizen and patriot of his school, know its history, and actively participate in all the affairs and activities of the school.

    Memory is the most important component of patriotic education; it reflects the connection between generations, their continuity, the desire to learn the history of one’s region, city, Motherland, its military and labor achievements and pride in these achievements, respect for the older generation as the bearer of the traditions of the people. Memory determines a caring attitude towards veterans, a respectful attitude towards the memory of those who died in battles for their homeland.

    This program should be considered as a step towards solving the problem in educating a citizen.

    This Program is based on the need to transform the educational process into a single spiritually rich educational space with the aim of educating a fundamentally new, democratic type of personality, capable of managing their own life and activities, ready to rely on their own strengths, to ensure their own material independence through their own labor. The modern school should make a significant contribution to the formation of such a civic personality, combining a developed moral, legal and political culture.

    Public surveys and work with children show that crime is growing rapidly among young people, the number of drug addicts is increasing, morality is falling, there is a desire to leave their homeland, and there are other negative phenomena that weaken the foundations of the state.

    Based on the above, in order to increase the effectiveness of patriotic education of students, the development and adoption of a program of patriotic education is extremely relevant and necessary.

    The civic-patriotic education program is intended for children aged 7 to 17 years old, designed for five years, and takes into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children.

    The implementation of the program will allow the child to meet the needs for full development as an individual, will help to enter the modern world, to join its values ​​through expanding ideas about his native land and the native country in which he lives.

    The structure and organization of this educational program is built taking into account the different age categories of students, in connection with the specific characteristics and tasks of the spiritual, moral and physical development of students of different school ages and takes into account the degree of preparedness of students and pupils for life and activities in a team, their ability to make decisions and act on one's own.

    Purpose of the program:

    Development of a system of civic and patriotic education for students with limited intelligence, aimed at developing a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland and one’s people.


    1. Obtaining and expanding the knowledge of students and pupils about Russia: its history, traditions, culture, law, etc.
    2. Formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of students on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world, preservation and development of pride in their country, its outstanding achievements in the field of politics, economics, science, sports, culture.
    3. Instilling a sense of pride, deep respect and veneration for the symbols of the Russian Federation, historical shrines of the Fatherland.
    4. Cultivating international feelings in students using the example of acquaintance with Udmurtia and the city of Izhevsk.
    5. Formation of a humanistic attitude towards the surrounding world and people.

    Implementation period:

    Start: 2015

    Completion: 2019

    Performers of the main program activities:

    1. Students of the Municipal General Educational State Institution “Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities of the VIII type school No. 4
    1. Parents (legal representatives) of students.
    2. The teaching staff of the school.
    3. Specialists from departmental organizations.

    Principles of program implementation:

    1. the principle of correctional-compensatory orientation - in all types of activities, correction and compensation of the primary defect and secondary deviations occurs;
    1. principle of humanization - the teacher’s ability to take the child’s position, take into account his point of view, see the child as a full partner, and also focus on the highest universal concepts - love for family, native land, Fatherland;
    1. principle of taking into account regional conditions - propaganda of ideas and values ​​not only of all-Russian patriotism, but also local and regional;
    1. principle of differentiation - creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child in the process of mastering knowledge about their native land, country, taking into account their age, experience gained, characteristics of the emotional and cognitive sphere, etc.;
    1. principle of continuity and consistency - the relationship between the processes of education and training;
    1. principle of integration - cooperation with family, library, museum, etc.;
    1. principle  stimulating activity - planning and implementation of project activities, which ensure the practical application of acquired knowledge, joint search for solutions to problems, collection of material, etc.

    The program includes the following thematic blocks:

    1. "Family and family values"

    Goals: Instilling love for mom. Cultivating a caring and respectful attitude towards family members, love for loved ones. Consolidating the ability to determine the name of family relationships between close family members. Formation of ideas about the continuity of generations in the family. Getting to know the traditions of family and clan and respecting them. Consolidating children's knowledge about the professions of parents and other family members. Udmurt Grandmother's Day (May 26).

    1. “My land is spring-fed”

    Goals: Students’ awareness of involvement in the fate of their native land, its past, present, and future. Introducing children to the traditions, sights, and memorable places of Udmurtia. Fostering the need to study the native land.

    Goals: To help each child realize the uniqueness of his own personality, as well as the personality of each classmate. Study the interests, needs and personal characteristics of class members; (including national ones). Instill in children respect for themselves, peers and elders.

    Goals: Formation of pride and a sense of belonging to the actions of ancestors and contemporaries. Preserving the connection between generations and their continuity. Expanding knowledge about the military and labor achievements of fellow countrymen and instilling a sense of respect for them.

    1. “I am a citizen of Russia”

    Goals: forming ideas about the structure of our state, studying the symbols of our country, getting to know other cities of Russia, the capital of our Motherland, realizing oneself as citizens of Russia.

    Work plan for civic and patriotic education

    1. "Family and family values"




    Excursion "Hello, school."

    Drawing up a “Road to School” diagram (the road from home to school).

    Conversation “My group is my family.”

    Conversation-dialogue “You are at home.”

    Cognitive lesson “Family people, family relationships.”

    Extracurricular activity “My rights and responsibilities in the group - family.”

    I'm a schoolboy. Construction: “School things”.

    Conversation-workshop “How to address people”

    Educational lesson “The history of my name and surname.”

    Conversation “My family heirlooms.”

    Conversation-reasoning “My pedigree.”

    Drawing. Portrait of mother (father, sister, brother).

    Conversation-dialogue “My ancestors in labor and in battle.”

    Conversation-dialogue “New Year is a family holiday.”

    Drawing "Family holidays and traditions."

    Conversation “Family ethics”.

    Theme evening “Wormwood cannot grow without roots.”

    Role-playing game “I am proud of my family.”

    Conversation “What is “peace in the family?”

    What would I like my country to be like? Evening for two (game-situation). Family law.

    Conversation “The people and I are one family.”

    Theme evening "Father, Fatherland, Fatherland".

    1. “My land is spring-fed”





    Extracurricular activity “Love and know your land”

    Organizing teacher, social teacher, psychologist, class teachers, educators, parent committee.


    Conversation. “Acquaintance with the symbols of the Republic of Udmurtia”


    Thematic evening “Journey along the River of Time”, the history of the emergence of the city on Izha


    Excursion. Architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve "Ludorvai"


    KVN "Local History".


    Conversation-dialogue “Famous vacation spots in your hometown”


    A game. “One potato, two potatoes” (peculiarities of national cuisine)


    A correspondence tour through time. “Alangasars are heroic people”


    Practical lesson. “Let’s dress the amulet doll” (features of national clothing)


    Poetry evening "Seasons".


    Excursion. "Sharkan - Homeland of Tol Babai"


    KVN “Sports “stars” of our Republic.”


    Thematic meetings. “Famous people come from my republic”


    Project activity “How to make the location of springs a recreation area”


    Research essay competition “My spring land.”


    Folklore holiday (ritual songs)

    1. “We are all different, but we are all together”




    Conversation. “What is tolerance?”

    Organizing teacher, social teacher, psychologist, class teachers, educators, parent committee.

    Game "Let's be friends."

    Conversation-dialogue. “Every nation has its own hero”

    Contest. Culture of different peoples.

    Extracurricular activity. “We will gather a big round dance”

    Theatrical games: “A friend will always come to the rescue”, “How the Sun and Moon quarreled”, “How to behave on the street”, “Theater”

    Conversation-dialogue. "I'm just like everyone else"

    Competition of drawings and essays “Family Traditions”.

    Festival “Give a Person Joy”

    Cultural lessons “On cultivating attentiveness to others.”

    Competition “Our Friendly Family”

    Business game with parents “Tolerance is...”

    Evening meeting. “It’s great that we are all here today!”

    1. "Renaissance" (military glory of the past and heroism of our time)




    A series of classes and conversations in memory of internationalist soldiers. "Heroes are not forgotten"

    Organizing teacher, social teacher, psychologist, class teachers, educators, parent committee.

    A series of classes, conversations Children are defenders of the fatherland.

    Lessons in courage. Dedicated to people who showed heroism in peacetime.

    Mini books “Heroes Among Us”

    Promotions: - “Heroes live nearby”

    - "Heart to Heart"

    Exhibition of wall newspapers, booklets

    • “The Patriotic War in children’s drawings, essays and letters”,
    • “My family’s military history in photographs”

    Watching feature films about courage and heroism.

    Visiting museums of military glory and courage.

    Making holiday cards for Victory Day

    Military sports game.

    Publishing wall newspapers, holding classes and literary and musical compositions about the cities of military glory of Russia

    Preparation and holding of events for professional holidays of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

    ● Border Guard Day

    ● Airborne Forces Day

    ● Navy Day

    ● Air Fleet Day

    Conducting a competition of children's drawings about the Great Patriotic War “War through the eyes of children”

    Creation of an electronic photo album “Guarding the Motherland”

    Holding military-patriotic holidays

    • “Ah, come on guys!”
    • “Come on, boys!”

    Meeting with representatives of the local police department

    Meeting with fire department employees

    Cool hours aimed at promoting professions - “I am a Rescuer!”

    Conducting a quiz “We are faithful to this memory”

    1. “I am a citizen of Russia”




    Conversation about the state - “Russian Federation”.

    Organizing teacher, social teacher, psychologist, class teachers, educators, parent committee.

    Poetry hour “Poems about the Motherland.”

    Conversation “Russia is a multinational state.”

    Class hour “What does it mean to love your Motherland?”

    Extracurricular activity “Responsibilities of a Russian citizen.”

    Class hour “We are citizens of Russia.”

    Conversation “Who will I become, who should I be in order to serve my Motherland?”

    Extracurricular activity “Here it is, how big my Motherland is.”

    Discussion “Am I a patriot of my Motherland?”

    Oral journal “The blond birch tree is a symbol of my Motherland.”

    School-wide promotions:

    • “Home without loneliness” (for the Day of the Elderly);
    • “Mercy” (for the Day of Persons with Disabilities).

    Drawing competition “We and the world”.

    Educational lesson “Who is the President of Russia?”

    Conversation “What is “peace in the country?”

    Lesson “Man in Society”.

    Mother's Day Celebration:

    organization of exhibitions

    • "By mother's hands"

    exhibitions of drawings

    • "My mother's profession"
    • "Portrait of my mother"

    photo competition

    • "Mom's eyes."

    Essay competition “Memory is Alive”, dedicated to the participants of the war.

    School-wide “Constitution Day” event.

    Month “We are the future defenders of the Fatherland”:

    • Knight Tournament;
    • Sports relay race;
    • “A Veteran Lives Nearby” campaign;
    • Poster competition “High rank - Russian soldier”;
    • Art postcard competition for February 23;

    A Lesson in Courage: “The Lives of Remarkable People.”

    Month of Glory and Memory:

    • Campaign “Congratulate a veteran at home”;
    • Patriotic Song Competition;
    • Newspaper competition “Our Memory”.

    Festival of children's creativity “I love you, Russia”.

    Program implementation mechanism

    Stages of program implementation:

    Stage 1: preparatory.

    Study and analysis of the state of civic-patriotic education in school, the level of civic-patriotic consciousness among schoolchildren, selection of criteria for assessing the level of civil-patriotic consciousness among schoolchildren, development of a regulatory framework related to the implementation of the program of civil-patriotic education.

    Stage 2: practical.

    Development of a comprehensive strategy aimed at developing a civic position and instilling patriotic feelings. Selection of methods, techniques according to the program, introduction of modern technologies.

    To study and implement already developed modern pedagogical technologies for the patriotic education of children with disabilities of type VIII.

    Expanding and strengthening connections and relationships between the boarding school and cultural institutions and social partners.

    Monitoring the effectiveness of the program, informing teachers studying about the progress of the program.

    Active participation in municipal, regional, and all-Russian events on patriotic themes.

    Stage 3: analytical.

    Analysis and generalization of the results of the work.

    Correcting difficulties in program implementation.

    Publication of a methodological complex (long-term plans, methods, methodological recommendations, teaching aids). Planning work for the next period.

    Forms of program implementation.

    Thematic conversations, lessons, collective creative activities, didactic games, oral journals, subject weeks, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, meetings with interesting people, competitions, museum visits, holidays dedicated to memorable dates, round tables, reader conferences, organization of exhibitions, promotions, holding “Lessons of Courage”, thematic stands, collecting material for the school museum, etc.

    Criteria for assessing project effectiveness

    The final result of the program implementation should be:

    • positive dynamics of growth of patriotism and internationalism of the younger generation;
    • revival of spirituality; strengthening the cultural and historical traditions of the people;
    • providing on its basis favorable conditions for the spiritual and cultural education of the personality of a schoolchild, citizen and patriot of the Motherland;
    • increasing the authority of the school.

    Expected results:

    The implementation of this program will allow:

    • continue to work on improving the system of patriotic education at the boarding school;
    • to form students’ readiness for patriotic action and active citizenship;
    • distract students and pupils from illegal activities, fill the teenager’s free time with socially significant, interesting activities.
    • to form such values ​​as: family, Fatherland, freedom, culture, peaceful existence of peoples of different countries, environmental well-being;
    • instill respect for the past and present of your people, traditions, culture, older generations, parents;


    The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of his homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Program should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students and pupils, as the basis of the personality of a Russian citizen.


    1. Adamenko S. Raising patriots of Russia // Public education - 2005 - No. 4 - p. 23.
    2. Borshchanskaya M. S. Creation of an educational system in a school of the VIII type / Borshchanskaya M. S. // Defectology. – 2001. - No. 4 – p. 37.
    3. Vygodsky L.S. Moral education / - Ped. Psychology. – M.: 1991- p. 138.
    4. Efremova G. Patriotic education of schoolchildren // Education of schoolchildren - 2005 - No. 8 - p.17.
    5. Scientific and methodological magazine "Classroom teacher", Moscow 2013 - No. 1 - p. 22.
    6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010 “795 “On the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015.”
    7. “Patriotic Internet site” of the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.
    8. Rogotneva A.V. Organization of educational work in orphanages and boarding schools // Manual for teachers, M.: Humanitarian. ed. VLADOS center, 2008.
    9. Khudenko E. D. Organization and planning of educational work in a special (correctional) boarding school, orphanage: A manual for educators and teachers. – M.: ARKTI, 2005.

    Gruzdeva Yulia Alexandrovna
    Program for civic and patriotic education of children “We are patriots!”

    Municipal government educational institution

    For orphans and children left without parental care,

    Verkh – Chebulinsky district orphanage



    "We are patriots!"

    For children and orphans, left without parental care 2015 – 2017 academic year. G.

    Made up teacher:



    Top – Chebula

    1. Explanatory note. Relevance of the topic…

    2. Goal and objectives…

    3. Age pupils, types of control, forms of work, timing and stages of implementation programs ….

    4. Expected result...

    Explanatory note.

    “The historical significance of every Russian person

    measured by his services to the Motherland, his human

    dignity - by the strength of his patriotism."

    N. G. Chernyshevsky


    The problem of patriotism education and civic The formation of the younger generation is today one of the urgent tasks of the state, society and educational institutions of our country.

    Today, profound socio-economic transformations in the country are making significant changes to the system of values ​​and priorities of rural residents. One of these priorities is changing the content and quality of education, forms and methods of teaching and education. Living in the village, we teachers of orphanages are called upon to contribute to the solution of the task of forming a common personal culture. It is in it, the countryside, that the conditions for the revival of the Russian village are laid, the psychology of the owner of the land, responsible for the preservation of his village, city, country, as well as opportunities for patriotic and civic education the younger generation.

    Currently, Russia is going through precisely such a period when questions of patriotic education, historical memory came to the fore. What are the origins of patriotism? I believe that a patriot begins with the formation of kindred feelings for one’s family: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, close and distant relatives. This is the first stage in the formation of patriotism.

    The second stage goes through upbringing love for the small homeland - village, city, student body, local traditions and history.

    The third stage of formation of patriotism is nurturing love for the Fatherland, society, their history, culture, traditions.

    Program compiled taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. This approach to organization educational process allows you to arouse the student’s interest in himself, his environment, family, and society.

    In solving the problem of patriotic and civic education For schoolchildren and youth, the efforts of educational institutions alone are not enough. It is necessary to jointly with them systematic and purposeful activities of state bodies, public associations and organizations, military units and institutions to form in the younger generation a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness and ability to carry out civil duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland.

    This program designed for creative use. The teacher has the right to vary the methods of presenting the material, based on specific working conditions and based on the individual characteristics of the students, the degree of preparedness children, their general development and interests.

    System civilly-patriotic work in an orphanage includes a system, a set of measures to form civilian and patriotic feelings and consciousness pupils. Civic-patriotic education should be planned, systematic, permanent and one of the priority areas in the field educational activities.

    Regular specially organized developmental classes on civic-patriotic education of children will contribute to the most effective development of thinking and patriotic consciousness in orphanage pupils.

    The program is designed for children 8 - 14 years old.

    Goal and tasks programs.

    Main goal programs is the formation of patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social value, human upbringing with a sense of national pride, civil dignity, social activity, love for the Motherland, capable of manifesting them in the creative process in the interests of society, in strengthening and improving its foundations, including in those activities related to its protection.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    1. Improving the quality of patriotic education in an orphanage.

    2. Implementation programs patriotic events with subsequent assessment of the quality of performance.

    3. Patriotic content update education, expanding the range of active forms and methods of work in this area.

    4. Strengthening the role of the family in patriotic education the younger generation.

    What will I teach and what personality traits? bring up?

    I will form a patriotic consciousness and civic behavior; develop moral qualities, such as humanism, conscience, honor, dignity, duty, integrity, responsibility, camaraderie, collectivism, kindness, shame, respect for people, mercy through the creation of problematic situations, socially significant activities,

    I will form the experience of social behavior consistent with accepted ethical standards and traditions; moral habits, moral consciousness, the main categories of which are the moral ideal, ethical values ​​and norms, moral motivation, ethical assessments.

    Forms of organization of activities students: lessons of Courage, socially significant actions, creation of the Council of Causes, search groups, business and sports-military games necessary to create conditions for the expression of personal, patriotic and civic position of students, excursions, holidays, drawing competitions, newspapers, writing creative essays, celebrating Days of Military Glory (events, rallies, classes, reading competitions.

    Implementation of these activities assumes:

    -upbringing patriotic feelings among schoolchildren; respect and love for one’s Motherland and compatriots;

    Forming a desire to develop communication skills, self-expression, self-confidence and the results of one’s work, self-realization;

    Developing among schoolchildren an interest in the history of the village where they were born and raised, as well as in the historical past of Russia;

    Formation of a respectful attitude towards nature, homeland, architectural monuments, culture;

    Development of interest in knowledge, creativity, initiative;

    Formation of a sustainable knowledge system in a given area;

    Development of such qualities as awareness of the importance of work; honesty, respectful and friendly attitude towards people, organization, punctuality and self-demandingness.

    Timing and stages of implementation programs:

    Stage I: - 2015-2016 academic year

    Stage II: - 2016-2017 academic year

    Types of control: diagnostics, testing.

    Age of participants: 8 – 14 years;

    Form of work: group.

    Classes are held: 1 time every two weeks for 40 – 45 minutes.

    Expected final results programs:

    Creation of a legal system;

    Generalization of the content of legal, civic-patriotic education;

    Involvement in the legal system, civic-patriotic education representatives of all subjects of educational activities;

    Forming a positive influence on the child’s personality through the general culture of family relationships;

    Forming the image of a graduate as a socially significant person

    Expected results from implementation programs by stages:

    By the end of 1 year of study, children should know: cultural and historical achievements of the peoples of Russia; historical past of the small Motherland; names of Russian cities.

    By the end of the 2nd year of study, children should know: mechanisms for the protection of human rights at all levels.

    Be able to: receive and analyze information about social phenomena and processes based on a wide range of sources; identify social problems; defend your opinion; identify preconceived notions, stereotypes, prejudices; work in a group based on cooperation.

    Implementation programs called upon contribute:

    Development of a holistic system of patriotic education, which allows students to develop a high general culture, patriotic feelings and consciousness based on the historical values ​​of Russia, their native village and region;

    - education students have love for their "small" The Motherland, its wonderful people;

    Formation of students' responsible understanding of their civil duty and constitutional duties;

    Creating favorable conditions for the moral, intellectual and physical formation of the personality of the child and the younger generation.

    Calendar-thematic work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year civic-patriotic education

    children 8-14 years old.

    September 09/15/2015 "I love my village"

    class hour - Expand knowledge children about their native village

    Bring up citizens of Russia.

    September 09/23/2015 "My Favorite Orphanage"

    Quiz - Raising a sense of pride in children, respect and love for his native village, for his native home in which he lives.

    - Bring up love and respect for one’s home, village, region, Motherland, pride in belonging to citizens of Russia. -

    October 04.10.2015 "Top - Chebula"- how it all began!

    Class hour - Tell the story of the origin of the village

    Expand knowledge children about their native village, people living and working in it.

    October 10/17/2015 Visit to the local history museum. Acquaintance with the history of the Kemerovo region. -Expand knowledge children about the history of the formation of the Kemerovo region

    -Foster a sense of patriotism

    November 11/12/2015 “Kuzbass is my small homeland”

    Getting to know the cities of the Kemerovo region. Class hour - Introduction children with a small homeland, instilling in them a sense of respect and pride for their region, city, Kuzbass.

    Acquaintance with the modern symbols of the Kemerovo region.

    Development of educational interest in the history of Kuzbass.

    Learn children reason

    -Bring up a feeling of pride for one’s big and small homeland, a sense of patriotism and love for one’s

    November 21.11.2015 Symbols of the Kemerovo region.

    Class hour - civic and patriotic education of students;

    Acquaintance with the modern symbols of the Kemerovo region,

    -upbringing love and respect for your land in which you live.

    December 12/13/2015 "Where the Motherland Begins"

    children about their native country.

    - Educates he has a sense of pride and respect for the Motherland,

    December 12/24/2015 History of symbols of state power.

    Class hour -Create conditions for students to understand the significance of state symbols and expand historical knowledge and ideas about them;

    To develop students’ critical thinking, the ability to work in groups and develop a sense of patriotism, pride in their country, and respect for state symbols;

    -Raise successful students, real citizens Russian Federation

    January 01/18/2016 “Customs and traditions of the Russian people - Baptism!

    Gaming program - Educational The traditions of Ancient Rus' date back more than two thousand years. Historical elements of patriotism in the form of attachment to the native land, language, traditions. To develop tolerance and respect for other peoples and their traditions.

    January 23.01.2016 "City Heroes" Getting to know the Great Cities of Russia.

    Class hour - Formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness citizens based on historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world, maintaining and developing a sense of pride in one’s country;

    - Education of the personality of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland capable of defending the state interests of the country.

    February 05.02. 2016 “Kemerovo region is my homeland!”

    Quiz - Formation children the basics of patriotism, citizenship, knowledge about the history of their small homeland and Russia, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and readiness to defend it

    February 02/23/2016 "Our defenders!"

    Program, dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. Increase patriotic consciousness, moral and ethical guidelines.

    B To develop tolerance, feelings of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

    Foster love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for my country Russia

    March 03/07/2016 “Customs and traditions of the Russian people - Maslenitsa”

    Gaming program

    March 03/13/2016 Visit to a regional entertainment event “Maslenitsa is beautiful!” To form tolerance, feelings of respect for our people and traditions

    April 04/12/2016 "YU. A. Gagarin is a man of peace!”

    Cosmonautics Day.

    Class hour To develop tolerance, feelings of respect for our people and traditions

    May 05/01/2016 “Customs and traditions of the Russian people - Easter!”

    Entertaining program

    Program dedicated to Victory Day. - Raising respect

    Calendar-thematic work plan for 2016-2017

    academic year civic-patriotic education

    children 8-14 years old.

    Month Date Lesson topic Objective of the lesson

    September 09/08/2016 Drawing competition "I only heard about the war"

    Formation children the basics of patriotism, citizenship, knowledge about the history of their small homeland and Russia, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and readiness to defend it;

    Increase patriotic consciousness, moral and ethical guidelines.

    September 20.09.2016 Visiting the literature exhibition at the district library "Love and know your land" -Raising a sense of pride in children, respect and love for his native village, for his native home in which he lives.

    - Bring up love and respect for one’s home, village, region, Motherland, pride in belonging to citizens of Russia. -

    October 01.10.2016 "Old Person's Day"- congratulations to veterans.

    - Bring up a sense of respect and gratitude to veterans;

    October 10/22/2016 Essay competition "Memory Lives", dedicated to fellow villagers - war veterans. - Bring up a sense of respect and gratitude to veterans, a sense of patriotism

    Develop a sense of duty and responsibility to the Motherland.

    Learn children reason, think, express your thoughts.

    November 05.11.2016 "Military Intelligence Day" class hour - Introduction Happy holiday to children

    November25.11.2016 Festive program“To Mom with love!” -upbringing love and respect for mother.

    December 08.12.2016 "Rocket Forces Day"

    Class hour - Expands knowledge children about the holiday.

    - Educates raises a true patriot

    December 12/27/2016 "Rescuer's Day" meeting with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - Introduction Happy holiday to children, heroes of this profession, instilling in them a sense of respect and pride.

    January 01/07/2017 "Nativity" competitive - gaming program

    Form tolerance.

    January 01/18/2017 "Epiphany Christmas Eve" participation in a theatrical competition program of the House of Culture

    Instill a sense of respect for Russian traditions.

    Form tolerance.

    February 17.02. 2017 Poster competition dedicated to all defenders of the Fatherland “The most courageous!”

    Formation children the basics of patriotism, citizenship

    February 02/23/2017 "Knight Tournament!"

    Program, dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. -Formation children the basics of patriotism, citizenship, Increase patriotic consciousness, moral and ethical guidelines.

    responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and readiness to defend it.

    March 03/05/2017 Watching films dedicated to the events of the Second World War and listening to songs of the war years.

    To form tolerance, feelings of respect for our people, heroes, traditions.

    March 03/17/2017 Visit to the district recreation center, participation in an entertainment event “Maslenitsa is beautiful!”

    To form tolerance, feelings of respect for our people and traditions.

    04/24/2017 Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.

    “Everyone needs to know this!”

    Meeting with a local library employee.

    "Anniversary of the Battle of the Ice" class hour To develop tolerance, feelings of respect for our people and traditions.

    Develop a sense of responsibility and pride for the country's achievements.

    Expands knowledge children about the history of Russia.

    - Educates he has a sense of pride in his country, raises a true patriot.

    May 05/01/2017 Participation in the competition “The best postcard for a veteran” - Raising respect, love and gratitude to the people who defended our country in the war against the fascist invaders;

    Formation of ideas about the courage and dedication of Michurin soldiers who fought at the front;

    Program, dedicated to Victory Day, congratulations to WWII veterans. - Raising respect, love and gratitude to the people who defended our country in the war against the fascist invaders;

    Formation of ideas about the courage and dedication of Michurin soldiers who fought at the front;

    Civic-patriotic education program



    The program determines the content, the main ways of developing civic-patriotic education in an educational institution and is aimed at nurturing patriotism and the formation of citizenship.

    The program represents a certain system of content, forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical influences.

    The civic-patriotic education program is of great importance for solving a number of educational and social problems.

    The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children and youth

    The formation of civil society and the rule of law in our country largely depends on the level of civic education and patriotic education. Under these conditions, patriotism becomes the most important value, integrating not only social, but also spiritual, moral, ideological, cultural, historical, military-patriotic and other aspects.

    In the conditions of the formation of civil society and the rule of law, it is necessary to educate a fundamentally new, democratic type of personality, capable of innovation, of managing one’s own life and activities, the affairs of society, ready to rely on one’s own strengths, to ensure one’s financial independence through one’s own labor. The modern school should make a significant contribution to the formation of such a civic personality, combining a developed moral, legal and political culture.

    The institution of secondary general education for children, being a complex organism, reflects the character, problems and contradictions of society and, to a large extent, thanks to its educational potential, determines the orientation of a particular individual and is responsible for the socialization of the individual. Childhood is the most optimal age for the system of civic-patriotic education, since it is a period of self-affirmation, active development of social interests and life ideals.

    Civic-patriotic education in modern conditions is a purposeful, morally determined process of preparing the younger generation for functioning and interaction in a democratic society, for proactive work, participation in the management of socially valuable affairs, for the implementation of rights and responsibilities, as well as strengthening responsibility for their political , moral and legal choice, for the maximum development of one’s abilities in order to achieve success in life. Civic-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country.

    Goal and objectives of the Program

    Goal: creating conditions for the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with his inherent values, views, orientations, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior.

    This goal covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating educational activities and extracurricular life of students, various types of activities. Its achievement becomes possible through solving the following tasks:

      carrying out reasonable organizational activities to create conditions for effective patriotic education of schoolchildren;

      formation of effective work on patriotic education, providing optimal conditions for the development of every teenager, boy and girl’s loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to benefit society and the state;

      affirmation in the minds and feelings of pupils of patriotic values, views and beliefs, instilling respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for the traditions of their native land;

      involving students in work to revive and preserve the cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​of their native land.

    Form of implementation of the Program

    The form of organization of work under the program is mainly collective, and group and individual forms of work are also used.

    The principles underlying mass events

    Patriotic education is understood as a systematic and purposeful pedagogical activity to develop in students a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, and a desire to fulfill their civic duty.

    The program is based on the principles of social activity, individualization, motivation, interaction between the individual and the team, developmental education and the unity of the educational and educational environment.

    Educational work is based on age criteria.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program implementation

    The assessment of the effectiveness of the Program implementation is carried out based on the use of a system of objective criteria represented by moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters.

    Moral and spiritual parameters:

    Formation of civic skills:

    ability to work and act individually and in a team;

    knowledge of your rights and responsibilities and the ability to use them;

    the ability to make and defend your decisions;

    willingness to participate in public affairs;

    readiness for education.

    Formation of a conscious attitude towards basic values:

    patriotism and love for the Motherland;

    rights and freedom of man and citizen;

    symbols of the Russian Federation;

    national identity;

    respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens; - citizenship.

    Quantitative parameters:

    the involvement of each pupil in educational situations;

    quality of relationships (children’s attitude to the realities of life in the institution, to the institution, to the teacher, association, joint affairs);

    absence of children with deviant behavior;

    participation in competitions on civil-patriotic topics;

    hosting an event.

    Expected results, their social and educational significance

    As a result of the implementation of the Program it is expected:

    In an institution, as in an educational system:

    creation of work on civic-patriotic education;

    enriching the content of civic-patriotic education;

    involvement of representatives of all subjects of educational activities in the work of civic-patriotic education.

    As a graduate:

    in the cognitive sphere: development of creative abilities;

    in historical and local history: awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, the formation of pride in involvement in the actions of previous generations;

    in social: the ability for self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position; knowledge and compliance with the rules of the rule of law;

    in the spiritual and moral sphere: students’ awareness of the highest values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

    The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of his homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Program should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a Russian citizen.

    Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation

    When summing up the results of the Program implementation, a final celebration is held, which includes awarding the best and most active students in the academic year with certificates of honor, letters of gratitude and prizes; organization of the final exhibition with artistic, applied and technical works; formation of a leadership group of proactive and active program participants.

    The program includes the following areas:

    Goal: Students’ awareness of the value of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, and future.

    To foster pride in one’s homeland and national heroes.

    Preserve the historical memory of generations in the memory of the younger generation.

    To promote in students a sense of belonging to history and responsibility for the future of the country.

    Forms: thematic conversations, subject weeks, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers, competitions, visits to museums, holidays dedicated to memorable dates.

    Goal: formation of civil and legal orientation of the individual, active life position.

    To develop legal awareness, the ability to understand one’s rights and the rights of another person.

    To create a culture of manifestation of citizenship.

    To form in students a system of knowledge, respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

    Goal: To educate students to love their native land as their small homeland.

    Study the history of your native land.

    Develop a citizen's attitude in students

    Form environmental behavior.

    Forms: thematic conversations, collective creative activities, competitions, quizzes on legal topics, celebration of receiving a passport, Constitution Day, oral journal, meetings with interesting people, promotions, debates.

    Goal: students’ awareness of family as the most important life value.

    Foster a culture of family relationships and positive family values.

    Forms: conversations, parent meetings, parent lectures, individual counseling, joint events, games, surveys, family holidays, communication hours.

    All these areas are interconnected and complement each other. The set of program activities provides for their implementation through:

    The acquired knowledge is based on the subject beginning for children of primary, middle and high school age.

    Regional component with consideration of civil issues.

    A system of thematic conversations, creative meetings and extracurricular educational activities.

    Participation in thematic competitions and exhibitions.

    Active cooperation with society and public organizations.

    Civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren

    “Don’t ask what your Motherland can do for you, ask

    what can you do for your homeland?

    Passport of the Civic-Patriotic Education Program

    Civic-patriotic education program

    "We are patriots"

    Basis for development

      Convention on the Rights of the Child.

      Federal Law “On Education”.

    Program Developers

    Deputy Director for Educational Work Pozdina N.A.


    Creating conditions for the formation of a civil attitude towards the Motherland among schoolchildren, instilling a value-based attitude towards the history of the country, the formation of a civic position and self-awareness.


      Formation of a children's movement in order to study the history of their village and collect materials about WWII veterans.

      Preparation for the anniversary events of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War.

      Preparing young men for service in the Russian army.

      Organization of creative events of a patriotic nature.

      Realization of the educational potential of educational disciplines of the regional and school components.

    Target groups

    School administration

    Elementary, middle and high school students

    School teachers, class teachers, social educator, teacher-organizer


    Main directions of implementation of the Program

    Improving the process of civic-patriotic education;

    Development of scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations

    civic-patriotic education;

    Coordination of activities of public organizations


    Information support for activities.

    Implementation mechanism

    School administration

    Coordinates the activities of all school structures to implement the Program,

    Ensures coordination of the activities of all participants in the educational process,

    Contributes to the implementation of planned tasks,


    All participants in the educational process

    Timing of the Program implementation

    3 years (from 2017 to 2020)

    Expected results of implementation

      A children's movement will be formed at the school to study the history of the village and collect local history materials;

      Carrying out anniversary events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War;

      Increasing the intellectual, cultural, physical, moral development of students;

      Obtaining practical skills in the development and implementation of social projects by students.

    This Program is designed to form an active civic position, primarily in relation to a specific social object (school, small Motherland), which is manifested in the practical activities of the school community, which will continue to cultivate the patriotic qualities of the individual in relation to the Motherland in the broad sense of the word. The theoretical foundations of patriotism, laid down by the traditional system of patriotic education, have a practical application in this program and allow students to see the positive results of their activities, which is the key to continuing to work on themselves in this direction.

    The program includes the following areas:

      "I'm from Russia"

    Target: Formation of civil and legal orientation of the individual, active life position of students.


      Conducting a series of extracurricular activities to develop a civic and legal orientation;

      Conducting events that promote students’ development of respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

      Propaganda of service in the Russian army.

      "History is in us"

    Target: Consolidating patriotic values, views and beliefs in the minds of students, instilling respect for the historical past of their native land.


      Creation of a search-oriented student association at school;

      Conducting search work to collect materials about the history of the village and WWII veterans;

    Systematization of local history materials for the design of a school museum corner

      "My little homeland"

    Target: Fostering in students love for their native land and pride in their small homeland.


      Development of a social project for village improvement;

      Creation of teams to provide all possible assistance to fellow villagers;

    Organization of creative competitions on the theme “My Small Motherland”.

    The connecting link in the system of educational work on patriotic education is traditional “key” cases: the “Mercy” campaign for the Day of the Elderly, the “Home Without Loneliness” campaign, the creation of teams to improve the yards of veterans and widows of WWII veterans, cleaning the territory of the monument, traditional class hours as part of the military-patriotic month, “Zarnitsa”, a military-patriotic song competition , a holiday dedicated to February 23 “Come on, boys”, a rally dedicated to Victory Day, “Zarnichka” for junior grades.

    The school's teaching staff has various forms of organizing and conducting educational activities of a patriotic nature. Methodological reserves are constantly replenished, the most interesting findings are summarized.

    Plan of activities within the framework of the “We are Patriots” Program

    in away competitions

    "History is in us"

    Carrying out activities to collect materials about the history of the village and WWII veterans, class hours on the topics: “War in our family”, “They fought for the Motherland”, historical and literary composition “On the Roads of the Battle of Stalingrad”, collection of exhibits for the school museum corner, rally, dedicated to Victory Day, Operation “Veteran”, lessons of courage, excursions, a trip to the regional local history museum, development of social projects

    Creation of a school museum corner, design of the “Walk of Glory” stand (materials about the participants of the Chechen and Afghan companies), updating of the “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” stand (information about WWII veterans of our village), improvement of the territory of the monument to fallen soldiers - fellow villagers, implementation social project.

    "My little homeland"

    Exhibitions of drawings on the theme “My native land”, themed classes on the history of the village, development of social projects, the action “I live here - and therefore I am responsible for everything” (organizing the work of a labor team to improve the village), essay competition “Why am I I love my village,” debates, disputes, discussions “How can I help my village.”

    Implementation of a social project, creation and distribution of propaganda materials on the theme “My home is my village”, “Order comes first”

    Educational activities

    Lessons on life safety, music, history and law, literature, fine arts

    Design of thematic stands, book exhibitions, photo reports

    Program Implementation Plan

    the “Mercy” campaign for the Day of the Elderly, the “Home Without Loneliness” campaign, the creation of teams to improve the yards of veterans and widows of WWII veterans, cleaning the territory of the monument, traditional class hours as part of the military-patriotic month, “Zarnitsa”, a military-patriotic song competition , a holiday dedicated to February 23 “Come on boys”, a rally dedicated to Victory Day, “Zarnichka” for junior classes.

    All period

    4. Practical classes on developing social projects

    Initiative group, students

    January 2018

    5. Implementation of social projects:

    - “The village is my home”;

    - “Dedicated to the memory of the hero...”


    2018 – 2020

    7. Design of a school museum corner

    initiative group, teachers, students

    8. Organizing teams to provide all possible assistance to fellow villagers

    initiative group, teachers, students

    All period

    Stage 3 - generalizing

    1. Creation of a bank of methodological developments for the patriotic education of schoolchildren

    All period

    2. Generalization of the experience of effective forms of cooperation of all subjects of the educational community within the framework of patriotic education

    Administration, initiative group, teachers

    3. Preparation of diagnostic and analytical materials on the results of the Program implementation

    Administration, teachers

    4. Design of promising ways and methods for further development of the OS


    Topics for classes and events within the framework of the “We are Patriots” program

    for students 1 – 11 grades

      "The history of my name and surname"

      "Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia"

      “Here it is, how big my homeland is”

      "I'm Russian"

      "History of my village"

      "My Family Heirlooms"

      "Glorious sons of our fatherland"

      "History of my village"

      "My Pedigree"

      “Customs and traditions of the Russian people”

      "Student Rules of Conduct"

      “My ancestors in labor and battle”

      “Customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia”

      "Discipline and responsibility"

      "The beauty of Russian nature"

      “What does it mean to love your Motherland?”

      "Spiritual Heritage of Russia"

      "History of my area"

      "Our rights and responsibilities"

      “Defending the Motherland is an honorable duty”

      "Father, Fatherland, Fatherland"

      "Literary Heritage of Russia"

      "Holidays of the Russian people"

      “What does it mean to be responsible?”

      "Holidays of the peoples of Russia"

      "Art of Russia"

      "Novosibirsk Region and the Second World War"

      “When defending your rights, do not forget about the rights of others”

      "Am I a citizen of Russia"

      “What do we know about the peoples inhabiting Russia”

      "Russians Abroad"

      "Obligation, duty, oath"

      “Am I a patriot of my Motherland?”

      "Our ancestors"

      "Children defending the fatherland"

      “Can I be called a citizen of Russia?”

      "Achievements of Russian scientists and inventors"

      "My wonderful fellow countrymen"

      "Memorable places of my region"

      “Who will I become, who should I be in order to serve my Motherland?!”

      “Why do I love Russia?”

      “The people and I are one family”

      “How can I help those who need my help?”

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Balashikha urban district

    "Gymnasium No. 1 named after Hero of the Russian Federation A.V. Balandin"


    by order of the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1"

    from ________________ No._____

    Civic-patriotic education program

    “I am a citizen of Russia”


    2016, Balashikha

    1. The relevance of the problem of civic-patriotic education

    The formation of civil society and the rule of law in our country largely depends on the level of civic education and patriotic education. Today, the relationship of a Russian citizen with the state and society is radically changing. He received great opportunities to realize himself as an independent person in various areas of life and at the same time, responsibility for his own destiny and the destiny of other people increased. Under these conditions, patriotism becomes the most important value, integrating not only social, but also spiritual, moral, ideological, cultural, historical, military-patriotic and other aspects.

    In the conditions of the formation of civil society and the rule of law, it is necessary to educate a fundamentally new, democratic type of personality, capable of innovation, of managing one’s own life and activities, the affairs of society, ready to rely on one’s own strengths, to ensure one’s financial independence through one’s own labor. The modern school should make a significant contribution to the formation of such a civic personality, combining a developed moral, legal and political culture.

    The school, being a complex organism, reflects the character, problems and contradictions of society and, to a large extent, thanks to its educational potential, determines the orientation of a particular individual, is responsible for the socialization of the individual and is the most important tool that is capable of providing an evolutionary change in mentality, educating a citizen and a patriot.

    Childhood is the most optimal age for the system of civic-patriotic education, since it is a period of self-affirmation, active development of social interests and life ideals.

    But the implementation of civic-patriotic education only with the help of a knowledge approach is impossible. New times require from schools the content, forms and methods of civic-patriotic education that are adequate to modern social and pedagogical realities. There is a need for an activity-based component of civic-patriotic education. Only through active involvement in social activities and conscious participation in it, through changing the school climate, and the development of self-government can success be achieved in this direction.

    Civic-patriotic education in modern conditions is a purposeful, morally determined process of preparing the younger generation for functioning and interaction in a democratic society, for proactive work, participation in the management of socially valuable affairs, for the implementation of rights and responsibilities, as well as strengthening responsibility for their political , moral and legal choice, for the maximum development of one’s abilities in order to achieve success in life. Civic-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country.

    1. Goal and objectives of the Program

    Purpose The program is to educate Russian patriots, citizens of a legal democratic state with a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland and their people.

    This goal covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating educational activities and extracurricular life of students, various types of activities. Its achievement becomes possible through solving the following tasks:

    To form a conscious attitude towards the Fatherland, its past, present and future on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world by improving the forms and methods of educational and extracurricular activities;
    - develop citizenship and national identity of students in the process of educational and extracurricular activities;
    - create conditions for each student to realize their own civic position through the activities of student self-government bodies;
    - develop and deepen knowledge about the history and culture of the native land.

    III. Resource support for the Program





    Administrative coordination

    Exercising general control and direction.
    Management of team activities.
    Analyze the situation and make adjustments.

    Director of the gymnasium

    Advisory, scientific and methodological

    Coordination of program implementation.

    Conducting seminars and consultations.

    Deputy Director for VR

    Deputy Director for HR

    Gymnasium teachers

    Implementation of the program in the educational process.

    Use of modern educational technologies.


    Class teachers

    Specialists collaborating with the gymnasium

    Organization of professional assistance to teachers.

    Conducting trainings, round tables, meetings.


    Participation in school events.

    NMC methodologists

    Teachers of educational institutions of further education of the city

    1. Contents of the Program

    The program includes the following areas:

    1. Connection of generations. Target: Students’ awareness of the moral value of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, and future.

    Tasks: 1. To foster pride in one’s homeland and national heroes.
    2. Preserve the historical memory of generations in the memory of the younger generation.
    3. Contribute to the formation in students of a sense of belonging to history and responsibility for the future of the country.

    Shapes: themed classes, lessons of courage, oral journals, subject weeks, conversations, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers, competitions, visits to museums, holidays dedicated to memorable dates.

    1. We are raising a patriot and citizen of Russia.

    Target: formation of civil and legal orientation of the individual, active life position.

    Tasks: 1. To develop legal awareness, the ability to understand one’s rights and the rights of another person.
    2.Develop student self-government.
    3.Form a culture of manifestation of citizenship.
    4. To form in students a system of knowledge, respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

    Shapes: themed class hours, collective creative activities, competitions, quizzes on legal topics, celebration of receiving a passport, Constitution Day, oral journal, meetings with interesting people, promotions, debates.

    1. My native land.

    Target: Fostering in students a love for their native land as their own small homeland.

    Tasks: 1. Study the history of your native land.
    2. To instill in students the position “I am a citizen of Russia.”
    3. Form environmental behavior.

    Shapes: environmental movement, production of leaflets, newspapers, landscaping, games, marathons, quizzes, themed classes, subject weeks, oral journal.

    1. Me and family.

    Target: students’ awareness of family as the most important life value.

    Tasks: 1. Foster a culture of family relationships and positive family values.
    2.Increase the pedagogical and psychological competence of parents.
    3. Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.

    Shapes: conversations , parent meetings, parent lectures, individual counseling, joint events, games, surveys, family holidays and communication hours.

    All these areas are interconnected and complement each other. The set of program activities provides for their implementation through:

    1. Knowledge component based on the subject beginning from grades 1 to 9.
    2. Regional component with consideration of civil issues.
    3. A system of thematic, creative classroom hours and extracurricular educational activities.
    4. School self-government.
    5. Participation in thematic competitions and exhibitions.
    6. Active cooperation between society and public organizations.

    The implementation of the Program is designed for 5 years - 2016-2020 academic years.

    1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program implementation.

    The assessment of the effectiveness of the Program implementation is carried out based on the use of a system of objective criteria represented by moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters.

    Moral and spiritual parameters: 1. development of civil skills:

    Ability to work and act individually and in a team;
    -knowledge of your rights and responsibilities and the ability to use them;
    -the ability to make and defend your decisions;
    -readiness to participate in public affairs;
    - readiness for education;

    1. formation of a conscious attitude towards basic values:

    Patriotism and love for the Motherland;
    -rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
    -symbols of the Russian Federation;
    -national identity;
    -respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens;
    - citizenship.

    Quantitative parameters:

    1. Involvement of each gymnasium student in educational situations;
    2. quality of gymnasium relations (children’s attitude to the realities of school life, to the gymnasium, to the teacher, class, joint affairs);
    3. absence of children with deviant behavior;
    4. participation in competitions on civil-patriotic topics;
    5. hosting an event.
    1. Expected results, their social and educational significance

    As a result of the implementation of the Program it is expected:

    Creation of a system of civic-patriotic education;
    -enrichment of the content of civic-patriotic education;
    -involvement of representatives of all subjects of educational activities in the system of civic-patriotic education.

    In the cognitive sphere: development of creative abilities;
    - in historical and local history: awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, the formation of pride in involvement in the actions of previous generations;
    - in social: the ability for self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position; knowledge and compliance with the rules of the rule of law;
    - in the spiritual and moral sphere: students’ awareness of the highest values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

    The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of his homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Program should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a future citizen of Russia.

    Civic-patriotic education in the gymnasium includes a system, a set of measures to form patriotic feelings and consciousness of students, is planned, systematic, permanent, one of the priority areas in the field of educational activities and includes:


    Main events

    Local history and search direction

    Children and adolescents mastering the traditional culture of their people, developing creative activity, preserving and developing Russian culture through the study of folk customs, traditions, and crafts. Studying the history of the Fatherland

    • School-wide festival of good deeds. Participation in the regional competition “My Moscow Region”
    • All types of activities carried out on the basis of the museum of gymnasium No. 1, replenishment of the museum fund about the hero of the Russian Federation Balandin A.V. (lectures, conversations, stories about internationalist wars A. Stramnov S. Erofeev, meetings with WWII veterans)
    • Defense of research works
    • Search work: collecting information about heroic graduates who died defending the integrity of the Russian Federation
    • Chef's work. Help for veterans.
    • Meetings with war and labor veterans.
    • Campaigns “Care”, “Mercy”, “Week of Good Deeds”, “Congratulate the Veteran!”, “Grandchildren for Grandfathers”.

    Literary and musical

    Instilling artistic taste, the need for communication with art, studying the works and creativity of local writers, poets, composers, nurturing musical culture.

    • Literary living rooms
    • Theater productions
    • School song festivals: (formation and song review, choir competition in primary school)
    • Festival of civil-patriotic songs dedicated to Victory Day among grades 5-11
    • Poetry competition dedicated to Victory Day
    • Traditional rulers for holidays (Teacher's Day, Mother's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8th)
    • Holiday for mothers
    • Festival "Peoples of Russia"

    Excursion and tourism

    Fostering the need to study the history of the native land, studying masterpieces of folk and world culture, educating a literate viewer who can distinguish highly artistic images of traditional and modern Russian culture from low-grade ones. Acquaintance with cultural and architectural monuments of Russia.

    • Excursions to enterprises in our city as part of the career guidance program
    • Excursion trips to cities in Russia and abroad.

    Physical education and health

    Formation in students of a culture of preserving and improving their own health, nurturing healthy sports competition between children's teams.
    Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    • Participation in city events “We are for positivity!” - “Smoking-free class”, “Youth against beer”, “We want to live!” and etc.
    • A series of lectures (on the prevention of tobacco smoking, psychoactive substances, alcohol consumption) by specialists from additional education institutions - (SDA, DUP)
    • A series of class hours on healthy lifestyle
    • School action “We are for a safe life!”, Safety Days in the gymnasium
    • Schoolchildren's Spartakiad
    • Path of health
    • City relay races


    Fostering a love for nature, the need to protect it from negative influences - pollution, deforestation, extermination of rare plant species, studying the nature of the native land.

    • Earth Day at Gymnasium No. 1
    • Competition of posters and drawings on ecology “Our Green Planet”
    • Excursions to the forest
    • Hiking
    • Lessons in nature
    • Participation in city and regional environmental events, conferences, and meetings.


    Formation of legal culture, free and responsible self-determination in students in the field of legal relations with society.

    • Work of the headquarters of the student government of the gymnasium
    • Work of the lecture group
    • Classroom system for legal education
    • A series of class hours on patriotic education
    • The work of the DUP and YID detachments
    • A series of class hours for Russian national holidays - (National Unity Day and Constitution Day)
    • Defender of the Fatherland Month (according to a special plan)
    • Participation in the Memory Watch
    • Design of removable stands according to state symbols.


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