• Living stones in Romania. Mysterious trovant stones Trovants - stones or plants


    In the center and south of Romania, far from cities, there are amazing stones. Local residents call these stones “trovant” (translated from Romanian as “concretion”). These stones can not only grow, but also multiply. In most cases, these stones have a round or streamlined shape and do not have sharp chips. In appearance, they are not much different from any other boulders, of which there are many in these places. But after the rain, something incredible begins to happen to the trovants: they, like mushrooms, begin to grow and increase in size.

    Each trovant, weighing just a few grams, can grow over time and weigh more than a ton. Young stones grow faster, but with age, the growth of trovante slows down.

    The growing stones consist mostly of sandstone. Their internal structure is also very unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on the cut, like a cut tree, you can see several age rings, concentrated around a small solid core.

    Despite the uniqueness of trovants, geologists are in no hurry to classify them as phenomena inexplicable to science. According to scientists, although the growing stones are unusual, their nature can be explained. Geologists say that trovants are the result of a long process of sand cementation that took place over millions of years in the bowels of the earth. Such stones appeared on the surface during strong seismic activity.

    Scientists have also found an explanation for the growth of trovants: stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts located under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and put pressure on the sand, causing the stone to “grow.”

    Nevertheless, the Trovants have one feature that geologists are unable to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of reproducing. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, and when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother one.

    The structure of new trovants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing the stone core defies any logic. In general, the process of reproduction of trovants resembles budding, which is why some experts have seriously thought about the question of whether they are a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.

    Local residents have known about the unusual properties of trovants for hundreds of years, but do not pay much attention to them. In the past, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovants can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.

    Some trovants also have one more ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from California's Death Valley Nature Reserve, they sometimes move from place to place.

    Today the trovants are one of those attractions in Central Romania that tourists from all over the world come to see. In turn, resourceful Romanians make souvenirs and decorations from small trovants, and therefore each guest has the opportunity to bring with them a piece of the stone miracle from their trip.

    Many owners of souvenir stones claim that commemorative items made from trovants, when wet, begin to grow, and they sometimes move around the house without permission, which produces a rather eerie impression.

    The largest accumulation of growing stones was recorded in the Romanian region of Valcea. On its territory there are trovants of all shapes, sizes and colors. Due to the great interest of tourists, in 2006, the only open-air museum of trovantes in the village of Costesti was created by the Valcin authorities. Its area is 1.1 hectares.

    The most unusual-looking growing stones from all over the area are collected on the territory of the museum. For a small fee, those interested can view the exhibition and purchase small samples as souvenirs.

    Stones similar to Romanian trovants are found in other countries of the world. We have something similar in Russia. For several years now, in the Kolpnyansky district of the Oryol region in the village of Andreevka and its environs, round blocks of stone have been appearing from underground, as if by magic, on the surface. They can be seen in fields, vegetable gardens, near houses and in personal plots.
    Oryol growing stones look like sticky sand, but their fragility is deceptive. In fact, these stones are very strong, and in order to break off even a small fragment from them, great effort must be made.

    The sizes of the stones vary greatly. In the vicinity of Andreevka, both small growing stones and huge blocks several meters long, reminiscent of building slabs, are found.
    Both geologists and local historians are trying to understand the nature of this phenomenon. Growing stones are very popular among local residents.

    They are endowed with mystical properties; it is believed that the boulders growing from the ground are rich in the life-giving power of mother earth. Some even transported several stones and decorated the path to the local holy springs with them. Others build decorative rock gardens from stones in their garden plots and use them as finishing materials for houses.

    The unusual nature of the Trovantes sometimes leads to the emergence of very bold and, at first glance, implausible opinions and hypotheses, the authenticity of which official science is in no hurry to recognize. A number of researchers, as already mentioned, believe that trovants are representatives of an inorganic form of life. The principle of their existence and structure have nothing in common with the same characteristics of already studied species of flora and fauna. At the same time, growing stones may turn out to be both the indigenous inhabitants of our planet, who have quietly existed side by side with humans for millennia, and representatives of unearthly life forms that fell to earth with meteorites or brought by aliens.

    It is quite possible that people are looking for other forms of life in the wrong places; real aliens have been among us for a long time, and we simply do not notice them.

    Can rocks grow, move and reproduce? They can!

      In the center and south of Romania, far from cities, there are amazing stones. Local residents even came up with a special name for them - trovants. These stones can not only grow and move, but also multiply.

      In most cases, these stones have a round or streamlined shape and do not have sharp chips. In appearance, they are not much different from any other boulders, of which there are many in these places. But after the rain, something incredible begins to happen to the trovants: they, like mushrooms, begin to grow and increase in size.
      Each trovant, weighing just a few grams, can grow over time and weigh more than a ton. Young stones grow faster, but with age, the growth of trovante slows down.
      The growing stones consist mostly of sandstone. Their internal structure is also very unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on the cut, like a cut tree, you can see several age rings, concentrated around a small solid core.

      Despite the uniqueness of trovants, geologists are in no hurry to classify them as phenomena inexplicable to science. According to scientists, although the growing stones are unusual, their nature can be explained. Geologists say that trovants are the result of a long process of sand cementation that took place over millions of years in the bowels of the earth. Such stones appeared on the surface during strong seismic activity.
      Scientists have also found an explanation for the growth of trovants: stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts located under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and put pressure on the sand, causing the stone to “grow.”

      Reproduction by budding.
      Nevertheless, the Trovants have one feature that geologists are unable to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of reproducing. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, and when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother one.
      The structure of new trovants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing the stone core defies any logic. In general, the process of reproduction of trovants resembles budding, which is why some experts have seriously thought about the question of whether they are a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.
      Local residents have known about the unusual properties of trovants for hundreds of years, but do not pay much attention to them. In the past, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovants can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.

      Ability to move.
      Some Trovants have another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from California's Death Valley Nature Reserve, they sometimes move from place to place.
      Cobblestones can move, although very slowly. To measure the average step, the researchers photographed one of the stones at long intervals. In the end it turned out that
      Fourteen days later the stone moved 2.5 mm. It would seem minuscule! But this fact explains the huge number of walking stones known throughout the world.
      Academic science was extremely skeptical about the experimenters’ statement, without, however, denying the “possibility of independent movement.” The strange movement is explained by the cooling or, conversely, heating of the soil, which, with some periodicity, either “sucks in” or, on the contrary, “pushes” stones out of itself, due to which they can theoretically move. The pulsation of stones due to ion exchange with air is also possible, as well as the absorption of water and carbon dioxide by the stone.

      Any number of stones, anywhere, that “adore” movement. On the territory of Kazakhstan, not far from Semipalatinsk, there is a vast stretch of forest-steppe, which has long been called the Wandering Field. The local round boulders, for some reason, only in the winter months start running in different directions, plowing wavy, ragged furrows.
      In 1832, salt merchant Ivan Troitsky had the opportunity to observe the development of the phenomenon. In a letter sent to his brother Kirill in Omsk, he writes: “Stones do not roll. They run and crawl on one side, scattering sheafs of sparks visible even in the sun. The stones plow tolerably without sowing. That’s why nothing grows on the bald patches where they frolic. Gray air envelops them. It’s easier to breathe on the field than around it. At the same time, the soul is oppressed, melancholy rolls over. I’d rather get in the saddle and get out of there!”
      The impressions of the salt merchant Ivan Troitsky are indistinguishable from what Anthony Petrushev, deacon of the Pereslavl Semyonovskaya Church, experienced at the end of the 17th century, unsuccessfully trying to calm down the Blue Stone, which haunted the Orthodox people because, buried deep, and even crushed by an earthen mound, it then serenely slept for six months, then suddenly shot out of the mound like a cannonball.
      In winter, when they were being transported on a sleigh across Lake Pleshcheyevo, a stone fell off the sleigh, became red-hot, melted the ice, and sank to the bottom. Fishermen in clear weather saw a stone underwater. Slowly but surely he moved towards the shore. After 50 years, he returned to his original place - a windswept hillock. The stone didn’t play pranks anymore - after all, it wasn’t disturbed.

      His Far Eastern brother, a one and a half ton boulder, has been and continues to be aggressive to this day, entrenched at the western end of Lake Bolon since the creation of the world. “What does this magician do?” admires the Russian geologist Ya.A. Skrypnik. - Either he lies motionless, then he begins to jump, then he slowly drags along the path, then he makes his way through the reeds. Resembling an ancient mossy turtle, it invites you to think - isn’t it reasonable?”

      Chinese geophysicists, taking as a working hypothesis that the atypical behavior of boulders and cobblestones is obviously associated with emissions of strong gravitational and anti-gravitational energies from geopathogenic faults, they, armed with all-hearing and all-seeing equipment, went to Tibet, where they set up camp near the ancient Northern Monastery, monks whose biography of the so-called Buddha Stone has been compiled for a millennium and a half. According to legend, his palms were imprinted on the stone. This shrine weighs 1100 kilograms. It climbs a mountain 2565 meters high and descends from it along a spiral trajectory, drawing circles at the top and bottom points. Each ascent and descent exactly fits into 16 years. Circling around the mountain and at the top takes half a century.
      Chinese scientists using laser rangefinders, acoustic, seismic sensors, and night vision devices have established that it is impossible to visually notice the movement of the boulder. However, the maximum speed it reaches reaches a third of a kilometer per hour. The creeping stone is enveloped in a faint glow. Low-pitched sounds are also heard, something like the inarticulate muttering of an old man.

    Trovants are stones. When talking about them, they usually add “live stones”. In the sense that they can reproduce, grow and even slowly move.

    In appearance, trovants resemble ordinary gray boulders, but are made of sandstone. They all have a rounded shape, they do not have any sharp chips or corners, and there are no fragments. Trovants look very curious from the inside: their sawing resembles a cut of a tree, they also have annual rings, and also a mysterious small solid core around which these rings are located.

    For trovant to begin to grow, it requires moisture, much like mushrooms. Therefore, the main growth process occurs after heavy rains. And almost like all living organisms, small “young” pebbles grow the fastest, while mature “individuals” grow much more slowly.

    The growth rates and volumes are amazing. A tiny trovant, weighing only a few grams, with good watering, in a couple of years can turn into a giant weighing almost a ton! Growth occurs, as observations have shown, every week.


    How can stones reproduce? In the case of trovants, after rains, tubercles appear on their surface, which increase in size, gradually taking on a rounded shape, and then fall off, becoming full-fledged independent specimens that can also grow and “multiply.” In some ways this incredible process is reminiscent of budding. Only with a caveat - “minerals are forged”!

    What’s even more surprising is that new stones always have exactly the same structure as the “mother” ones, including the core. But how a stone core can divide is an unanswered question. In fact, this is simply impossible. But this happens in front of everyone.

    All this even suggests that trovants are actually some other and completely unexplored form of inorganic life.

    By the way, as a rule, there are no single trovantes; they are always found in “families.” And here a comparison with a person already suggests itself: at the dawn of history, people also settled in a specific place in entire clans. The largest “family” of trovantes is located in the Romanian region of Valcea - there are hundreds of these amazing stones here.


    There are plenty of hypotheses explaining what trovants are and why they can “grow”. Currently, the most widespread hypothesis is that trovants, firstly, are “children” of the earth’s crust who found themselves on the earth’s surface due to active seismic activity of the past, and, secondly, they are the result of the process of sand cementation water rich in calcium carbonate, which continued in the depths of our planet for millions of years.

    On the surface of the earth, under the influence of atmospheric moisture, trovants containing a large amount of mineral salts increase in size due to the fact that the chemical compounds (carbon dioxide salts) in their composition, expanding, squeeze up the lower layers of sand, forming new and new ones. growths and bulges. In this way, trovants “grow”, increasing their size in diameter and weight from several centimeters and grams to several meters and tons, and “multiply.”

    But this hypothesis does not at all explain the fact that “newborn” trovants have inside the same “core” as the trovant – “mother”.

    Therefore, enthusiasts insist that trovants are special forms of inorganic life, possibly brought from other planets with meteorites and asteroids. Considering their ability to “grow,” just one tiny pebble from an alien planet was enough for many stone “aliens” to be “born” on Earth over many millions of years.

    And it is quite possible that the Trovants are the “indigenous” inhabitants of planet Earth, whose “civilization” began millions of years ago and which we are not even aware of.


    The theory of the extraterrestrial origin of the Trovants, as well as the fact that they are alive, is also supported by the fact that the Trovants can move - slowly, imperceptibly to the eye, but surely.

    This inexplicable fact was first encountered by local residents, who often installed trovants because of their unusual appearance as unique tombstones in cemeteries. And they often discovered that the “gravestone” had escaped.

    Landscape designers are now experiencing the same problem. Trovants are very interesting stones in terms of shapes, which greatly decorate parks and city lawns. But they do not stand still and arbitrarily change their location, violating the original composition.

    In general, trovants have a remarkable ability to move. They can “crawl” over very long distances and even sometimes “crawl” up a mountain.

    Scientists try to explain this phenomenon like this; They say that the movement of trovants occurs during the growth of bulges on the stones, by simple rolling. But this hypothesis does not answer why trovants, as a rule, do not turn over?


    Stones similar to trovants can be found not only in Romania, although they are most numerous here, but also in other countries. And even in Russia.

    Namely, in the Krasnodar region, in the village of Goncharka, where the famous dendrological park named after P.V. Bukreeva. Here, in addition to collected rare species of plants and trees, you can see stone blocks with a bizarre shape. Around these giants are scattered round stone balls, which once “branched off” from larger ones.

    In the Oryol region, near the village of Andreevka, strange round stones with the ability to grow also periodically appear from underground. The Oryol growing stones look precarious, as if someone’s hand molded them out of sand. In fact, they are very strong; in order to break such a pebble, special tools and great effort are required.

    As for Romania, in 2006, in sand quarries, near the village of Costesti in the Valce region, an open-air museum of trovantes was created. Its area is 1.1 hectares. On the territory of the museum are collected the most unusual in appearance, color and size growing stones from all over the area, for example, trovants, reminiscent of huge snails or fantastic monsters up to 10 meters in height.

    There is no end to tourists, as well as those who want to buy a “baby” trovante as a souvenir. Sellers will definitely tell those who bought a stone “pet” how to care for it and will certainly warn that the little one cannot be left alone for a long time, otherwise it will run away and get lost.

    Trovants - living stones in Romania

    Unusual stones can be found in the central and southern regions of Romania. Trovants – that’s what the locals call them. Turns out, these stones can not only grow, but also, to everyone’s surprise, multiply.

    Most of these stones do not have sharp chips, they have a round or streamlined shape. There are a lot of different boulders in these areas, from which these unique trovant stones are not much different. But, after the rain, inexplicable events happen to them: they begin to grow like mushrooms and increase in size.

    For example, a small trovant that weighed only a few grams may well grow to gigantic proportions over time and become more than a ton heavier. The older the stone, the slower it grows. Young stones grow faster. The main component of growing trovant stones is sandstone. In terms of their internal structure, these stones also look unusual: if you cut the stone in half, then on the cut, which is very similar to the cut of a tree, you can see the so-called age rings, which are concentrated around a small solid core.

    Despite everything, geologists are in no hurry to classify trovants as phenomena inexplicable to science. Scientists have come to the conclusion that although the growing stones are unusual, their nature can be explained. They are sure that trovants are just the results of long-term sand cementation processes that take place over millions of years in the bowels of the earth. And with the help of strong seismic activity, the stones end up on the surface.

    Scientists have also found an explanation for the growth of trovants: stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts located under their shell. Under the influence of water, these chemical compounds begin to expand and put pressure on the sand, causing the stone to “grow.”

    However, the Trovants have another feature that scientists are not yet able to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of reproducing. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, and when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother one.

    The structure of new trovants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing the stone core defies any logic. In general, the process of reproduction of trovants resembles budding, which is why some experts have seriously thought about the question of whether they are a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.

    Local residents have known about the unusual properties of trovants for hundreds of years, but do not pay much attention to them. In the past, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovants can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.
    Some Trovants have another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling stones from California's Death Valley Nature Reserve, they sometimes move from place to place.

    At school we were taught that “Life is one of the forms of existence of protein bodies...”, but as recent observations and discoveries show, this is not entirely true. Today the story is about living stones that grow, move and even reproduce on their own. Surprised that this is possible? Read...


    In the south and center of Romania there are very unusual and amazing stones that can grow, move from place to place and even reproduce. These stones are called trovants. In appearance, trovants are almost no different from ordinary boulders; they have a streamlined or round shape and lack sharp corners. However, after rain these stones begin to grow, significantly increasing in size. Each trovant, which weighs only a few kilograms, can eventually grow into a huge boulder weighing several tons. Small stones grow faster than large ones.

    Trovants consist mainly of sandstone. If you cut a stone in half, it reveals age rings like a tree. However, in terms of their chemical composition, trovants have nothing in common with plants. These are stones. Scientists are trying to explain the phenomenon of trovant growth by the fact that it is due to the high content of mineral salts that are part of these stones. When the surface of the trovant gets wet, these chemical compounds expand and put pressure on the cemented sand, causing the stone to “grow.”

    True, the Trovants have one feature that geologists have not yet been able to explain. “Living” stones not only grow, but also reproduce by budding. This process occurs as follows: as a result of wetting the surface of the stone, a bulge appears on it, which grows over time, and when it becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother stone. The most amazing thing is that the new stones have the same structure as the mother stone. Scientists cannot understand where its core comes from. Some experts have even suggested that trovants are an inorganic life form unknown to science.

    Another fantastic ability has been noticed in some trovants - from time to time they move from place to place. Local residents have observed these unusual properties of trovants for centuries, so they have become accustomed to them and hardly pay attention to this phenomenon. In the past, growing stones were used as building materials and tombstones in cemeteries. Nowadays, trovants are the attractions of Central Romania. At the same time, there are so many “living” stones that local residents make souvenirs out of them, which they sell to visiting tourists.

    The largest concentration of trovants is in the Romanian region of Valcea. Due to the huge interest of tourists, in the village of Costesti, the Valcin authorities created in 2006 the only open-air museum in Romania, where a huge number of trovants are collected on an area of ​​more than a hectare. “Living” stones of various shapes, sizes and colors are presented here.

    Living stones from the valley of death

    Death Valley is a US national wildlife refuge located in California on the border with Nevada. This area is known as the hottest place on Earth and as home to living rocks, which themselves move through the desert, leaving long trails behind them.

    Over the past 50 years, scientists have observed spontaneous movements of several hundred stones ranging in size from a soccer ball to half a ton in weight, moving in different directions, leaving visible traces. The stones moved straight, then turned, then crossed their own trail, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups. Sometimes in a group the stones moved along parallel trajectories.

    These running stones leave behind them grooves in the ground, which are very uniform in their geometric parameters. Which indicates the constancy of the force applied to the stones, the uniformity of pressure, etc. Sometimes boulders can move up the slope if the angle of inclination is not too large. Traces of movement lasts up to seven years.

    Running stones have been studied for more than fifty years. But none of the hypotheses about the nature of this phenomenon provides any acceptable explanation for what is happening.

    Buddha Stone

    In Tibet, the monks of the ancient Northern Monastery have been compiling a biography of the so-called Buddha Stone for a millennium and a half. According to legend, his palms were imprinted on the boulder. This shrine weighs 1100 kilograms. At the same time, independently, without anyone’s help, he climbs a mountain 2565 meters high and descends from it along a spiral trajectory. Each ascent and descent fit exactly into 16 years.

    Blue stone of happiness

    The largest moving stone in the world is considered to be the legendary Blue stone, discovered in Russia on the coast of Lake Pleshcheevo near Pereslavl-Zalessky. On dark moonless nights it glows blue, and in winter the snow never lingers on it for long.

    According to ancient Russian legends, a certain spirit lives in this stone, fulfilling dreams and desires. Even today, gifts from those waiting for a miracle are scattered around him - coins and flowers.

    From a geological point of view, the large gray-blue boulder is an ordinary fine-grained quartz biotite shale, brought here in time immemorial by a mighty glacier. But it is much more interesting to look at it from the point of view of history and find out why it is so famous...

    A couple of thousand years ago, the pagan tribe of the Meryans (a Finno-Ugric group) settled on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, slightly changing the surrounding area - in particular, filling up several hills and leveling their tops. At the top of one such hill there was a large boulder of an unusual color.
    Perhaps the pagans brought it there, believing that the spirit of some deity lived in it. Maybe he just ended up in that place by a whim of nature. It's not that important. Later, the Slavs came to the territory of the Meryans, who named the hill Yarilina Mountain, and the boulder the Blue Stone.

    It was still considered the heart of the pagan god, and people worshiped it - they decorated it in every possible way, made sacrifices on it and danced round dances around the boulder.

    When Christianity came to Rus', the adherents of the new religion did not like these dances, and the “sinful” stone was solemnly and publicly thrown to the foot of the hill. The pagans rebelled and even set fire to the nearest town in protest. The riot, of course, was suppressed (by the way, by the soldiers of the notorious Yuri Dolgoruky) and the stone was not returned to its place, but the Meryans cursed the place and declared that the stone would not let anyone into its place anyway.

    And he didn’t let me in! They tried to build a wooden church on Yarilina Mountain, but it burned down. Then the residence of Prince Alexander Nevsky - it collapsed (although the mountain was renamed Alexandrova). Then the monastery - and that did not last long.

    The priests officially announced that the stone was possessed by evil spirits and promised all its fans to burn in hell. But the number of the latter did not decrease, especially since a spring suddenly appeared next to the fallen boulder.

    In the 17th century, one of the deacons dug a deep hole with his own hands, where he threw the cursed stone, covering it with earth for good measure. It was here that the 12-ton boulder showed its character for the first time - it didn’t like being underground, and after ten years it simply... returned to the surface.

    Of course, this fact did not go unnoticed and people again flocked to the “demonic” stone for worship and the annual pagan games on the eve of Peter’s Day in June.

    The church's next attempt to cope with the unruly boulder was made in the winter of 1788, when Blue stone They decided to take it across the ice of the lake to the Holy Spiritual Church under construction and wall up its bell tower in the foundation. On the way, the ice broke and the stone sank to a depth of five meters, ending up at the bottom of the lake. However, this did not upset the priests too much - rather, on the contrary. However, the unusual boulder did not want to stay there either.
    At first, they did not particularly listen to the words of the fishermen, who claimed that the stone was slowly moving towards its native shore and its mountain - you never know what you might imagine even in clear water, the depth is quite considerable, and it was moving very slowly.

    However, less than half a century had passed before the stone ended up in its original place, at the foot of Yarilina Mountain. True, he did not climb the hill - he was probably tired from such a long journey - he remained lying at the foot of the hill, where numerous pilgrims and tourists can see it to this day.

    True, even today the restless blue boulder has not calmed down - it is crawling little by little. Photographs from the fifties of the last century captured it on the very shore of the lake, and thirty years later the stone was already a hundred meters away from its previous residence. Today it is separated from the hill by a third of a kilometer. Moreover, annoying tourists, who do not limit themselves to bringing flowers to the stone and breaking off pieces as souvenirs, apparently managed to get fed up with the legendary boulder and it began to bury itself in the ground. Today, only its top about 20 cm is visible above the surface of the earth (and not so long ago it rose almost a couple of meters) and local old-timers predict the end of the world if the stone decides to finally leave people.

    How do they do it?

    There are many theories and guesses about why and how stones move. Scientists have been conducting experiments for many years, trying to recreate the conditions for the movement of stones in laboratories. So far, only one fact can be reliably stated: to date, the mystery of the wandering stones has not been solved. The currently existing versions cannot yet satisfy serious scientists. The search for clues to the manifestation of life in seemingly lifeless objects continues.

    And at this time, all over the Earth, stones continue to be torn from their places, leaving behind clear traces, climbing mountains, wandering around the surrounding area, going deep into the soil and returning to the sunlight - in a word, living their mysterious life.

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