• Temperature during pregnancy - why dangerous values ​​appear, medications and folk remedies. Increased temperature during pregnancy Temperature 37.5 in the second trimester


    During the period of bearing a child, many changes occur in the female body. The main changes are observed in the endocrine system - the level of progesterone and estrogen increases significantly. The expectant mother’s immunity also suffers; the body produces fewer defense factors against pathogenic microorganisms.

    Normal temperature during pregnancy differs from the physiological values ​​characteristic of a woman who is not carrying a child. This phenomenon is observed due to an increased amount of progesterone and an immunosuppressive state.

    Favorable human body temperature

    For a healthy person, normal body temperature is between 36.0 and 36.9 degrees Celsius. Thermometer values ​​between 37.0 and 37.9 degrees are called subfebrile, from 38.0 to 38.9 degrees - febrile, from 39.0 to 40.9 degrees - pyretic, more than 41.0 - hyperpyretic.

    The above classification is valid only for measurements taken in the axillary region. The temperature in the mouth is approximately 0.3 degrees higher, in the rectum - by 0.5 degrees. You should also take into account the measurement error of the thermometer.

    Favorable body temperature during pregnancy

    Temperatures during pregnancy may be slightly higher than those of a normal person. This phenomenon is associated with the action of the hormone progesterone. After ovulation, in the second half of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s ovary forms a corpus luteum. This organ produces progesterone, a hormone that supports pregnancy.

    One of the functions of progesterone is to maintain a high basal temperature (measured in the rectum) at a level of up to 37.4-37.5 degrees. Such values ​​are necessary for the processes of implantation and cell division of the fertilized egg. If a woman does not become pregnant, a few days after ovulation the corpus luteum dies and the temperature returns to normal values.

    If conception has taken place, the corpus luteum does not die, but continues to synthesize progesterone. That is why basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy is often several tenths of a degree higher than normal values. However, in some women it may remain below 37.0-37.1. Such values ​​are typical for expectant mothers whose normal body temperature in the armpit is less than 36.6 degrees.

    Attention! The permissible temperature in the 1st trimester of pregnancy when measured in the armpit ranges from 36.0 to 37.2 degrees; in later stages, the maximum values ​​normally do not exceed 36.9 degrees.

    Summarizing the above, the temperature in early pregnancy, measured in the armpit, can range widely from 36.0 to 37.2 degrees. When the thermometer is in the oral cavity, the upper values ​​reach 37.4 degrees. Basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy can reach 37.5 degrees.

    However, the corpus luteum functions only until the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Normal body temperature in pregnant women after the 14th week of gestation should not exceed 36.9 degrees when measured in the axillary region.

    Low temperature during pregnancy

    Low body temperature during pregnancy is a temperature less than 36.0 degrees when measured in the armpit. Sometimes such indicators are the result of incorrect use of a thermometer. In other cases, low temperature in early pregnancy is the result of the following diseases:

    #1. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland.

    Its hormones influence all processes occurring in the human body, including heat exchange. With a reduced amount of thyroxine, a decrease in metabolism, weakness, fatigue, and swelling is observed. People suffering from an underactive thyroid gland may experience chills without a rise in body temperature.

    #2. Lack of nutrients.

    A person receives energy and warmth from eating food. In the first weeks of pregnancy, women often suffer from toxicosis, which is why most of the food is not absorbed and the body experiences starvation.

    #3. Fall of immunity.

    During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body synthesizes fewer antibodies, which can be manifested by a decrease in body temperature.

    #4. Increased loads.

    Stress and physical fatigue can cause disturbances in the thermoregulation center located in the brain.

    Low body temperature in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is often the result. The decrease in hemoglobin occurs due to the growing need for iron and vitamins B3 and B12, which are not supplied in sufficient quantities with food. Due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells, the intensity of metabolism and heat production decreases.

    Another reason for a drop in body temperature in the middle or end of pregnancy is gestational diabetes. The disease leads to impaired glucose metabolism, which leads to thermoregulation pathologies.

    Low body temperature does not have a direct effect on the fetus. However, the listed diseases and conditions can provoke malnutrition of the unborn child, his delay in growth and development.

    If a body temperature is diagnosed below 36.0 degrees for more than two days in a row, a woman should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe additional tests and instrumental research methods that will help make a diagnosis and select treatment.

    High body temperature during pregnancy

    Fever during pregnancy is almost always one of the symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases. This reaction is protective, since many pathogenic microorganisms cannot live and reproduce under high heat exchange. An increase in body temperature occurs due to the activation of a center located in the medulla oblongata.

    Quite often, infections are accompanied by other complaints. The most common of them are symptoms of general intoxication: dizziness, weakness, nausea, etc. Depending on the location of the lesion, other complaints characteristic of certain diseases are added to the general complaints: abdominal pain, cough, blood in the urine, etc.

    Any microorganism is conditionally dangerous for the fetus. Bacteria and viruses can cause the following negative reactions:

    #1. Congenital anomalies.

    Even cold pathogens can cause fetal malformations. The earlier the infection occurred, the more serious the consequences for the unborn child. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, there is a risk of such severe anomalies as absence of a heart or kidney, underdevelopment of the brain, and an increase in the number of limbs. Quite often they lead to intrauterine fetal death. In later stages of pregnancy, microorganisms cause less severe defects that are compatible with life. The most dangerous agents are considered to be the causative agents of TORCH infections - toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes.

    #2. Decreased blood supply to the placenta.

    Due to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus, a delay in its growth and development and pathology of the central nervous system are formed.

    #3. Placental abruption.

    This pathology is manifested by bleeding from the vagina and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Without medical assistance, placental abruption ends in fetal death.

    #4. Increased uterine tone.

    Some bacteria and viruses synthesize antibodies that affect the smooth muscles of human internal organs. Due to this, the uterus begins to spontaneously contract, which leads to miscarriage or premature birth.

    #5. General intoxication.

    Severe disease affects the entire body of the expectant mother. Infections may affect the cardiovascular, urinary, digestive, and respiratory systems, which will lead to a decrease in fetal nutrition.

    Treatment of high fever

    Under no circumstances should you self-treat for infectious diseases during pregnancy. The doctor must make an accurate diagnosis, assess the need for treatment and select. Many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, so choosing them independently can lead to unpredictable consequences.

    In most cases, low-grade fever should not be lowered, as it helps the mother's body fight infection. Thermometer readings above 38.0 degrees almost always require intervention.

    Among non-drug methods of treating elevated body temperature, one of the most famous is tea with a variety of additives. , lemon, lemon balm, raspberries and other products have antiseptic properties, strengthen the immune system, and supply the mother’s body with vitamins.

    Also, the expectant mother should drink as much clean, cool water as possible. It causes sweating, which lowers body temperature. Rubbing with cool water, which cools the woman’s skin, is useful.

    Treatment of ARVI in pregnant women:

    Drug treatment is extremely limited during pregnancy. The safest drugs are Paracetamol, which in studies did not cause congenital anomalies of the fetus. However, these medications should not be taken for more than 3-5 days in a row, as they contribute to impaired kidney and liver function.

    If there is no effect from Paracetamol, the doctor may prescribe more serious drugs. Nurofen is a modern remedy that not only reduces body temperature, but also relieves pain and inflammation. However, this medication is prohibited for use from 30 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Nurofen affects the smooth muscles of the uterus and, when taken in the 3rd trimester, can provoke pathologies of labor.

    Celecoxib preparations are one of the most powerful remedies for elevated body temperature. However, medications should not be used in the third trimester of pregnancy. At earlier stages, their use is possible only if there are serious indications.

    Acetylsalicylic acid preparations are strictly prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy, as they increase the likelihood of developmental abnormalities in the unborn child. Also, medications in this group cannot be used in the third trimester of gestation due to their effect on labor and the cardiovascular system of the fetus. The drugs can be used from 14 to 28 weeks, but even during this period their use is not advisable, since there are more effective and safe analogues.

    Disease Prevention

    To prevent infection, the expectant mother should increase her immunity. To do this, she is recommended to engage in light sports - feasible gymnastics, swimming, badminton, etc. Also, a pregnant woman should walk a lot in the fresh air and avoid strenuous physical activity and stress.

    To strengthen the immune system, the expectant mother should take a responsible approach to planning her diet. It should include sufficient amounts of proteins, vitamins and minerals. A pregnant woman should eat lean meat, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries several times a week. If necessary, the expectant mother can take vitamin complexes.

    A pregnant woman should also reduce the likelihood of infection. To do this, she is advised to ventilate the room in which she is located, not to contact sick people, dress warmly, and not sit under a draft, fan or air conditioner. If possible, she should avoid public places, especially in autumn and winter.

    A woman expecting the birth of a child is advised to carefully monitor hygiene rules. Upon arrival home, the expectant mother should thoroughly wash her hands and wash her face with soap. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. During pregnancy, you should not touch animals that can be carriers of infections.

    Body temperature directly depends on the state of a person’s health, as well as on his immune system. Particular attention to such an indicator as body temperature should be paid to women during pregnancy, because in this position it is very important to monitor your health and the proper course of pregnancy. For this purpose, doctors recommend that pregnant women regularly measure their body temperature throughout pregnancy in order to promptly identify any health problems and effectively eliminate them.

    Taking temperature during pregnancy

    Doctors use body temperature measurements as one of the tests to determine the overall health of the mother and baby in the womb. During the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the most informative is measuring basal temperature. The level of basal temperature indicates the functioning of the ovaries and the entire reproductive system of a woman. Basal temperature measurements should be taken in the morning, before you even get out of bed. Only in this case will information about basal temperature be reliable. Starting from the 25th week of pregnancy, there is no need to measure basal temperature - it will correspond to the general body temperature, so measure the temperature in the armpit. Temperature should be measured throughout pregnancy. It is advisable to do this regularly, at least once a week, if you feel very well and nothing bothers you.

    What temperature is normal in the second trimester of pregnancy?

    The second trimester of pregnancy can be called the “golden” period. In this trimester, toxicosis and headaches usually pass, and the swelling and heaviness throughout the body that occurs in the third trimester have not yet begun. General health in the second trimester of pregnancy is usually good. Temperatures in the second trimester of pregnancy are generally within normal limits.

    However, there are often cases when the normal temperature during the first and second trimester of pregnancy is 36.6-37.5 degrees. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, the hormone progesterone begins to be released in large quantities in the female body. It affects the increase in basal and general body temperature.

    In most cases, at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, namely by the 13th week, the temperature returns to normal, that is, it does not exceed 37 degrees. A slightly elevated temperature (up to 37.5) in the second trimester of pregnancy is normal.

    What to do if the temperature is 37 in the second trimester of pregnancy

    If you take your temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy and find that it is slightly higher than the usual norm, this is a reason to visit a doctor. It is possible that this increase is due to high levels of progesterone in your body. However, such a temperature may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or the onset of a viral or bacterial disease. For this reason, it is very important to immediately inform your doctor about an increase in temperature, who will prescribe a series of simple tests and studies. Based on their results, the cause of the increase in temperature will be known, and the necessary treatment will be prescribed.

    An increase in temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy to 37.5 degrees does not harm the health of the child and mother. In this case, viruses and infections that cause such an increase in temperature can be much more dangerous. If you have any other symptoms of the disease other than fever, contact your doctor immediately. If your temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, but there are no symptoms of a cold, this may be a sign of a serious pathology or illness.

    It is worth lowering the temperature during pregnancy only when it exceeds 37.8 degrees, because such a temperature can harm the developing body of the child in the womb. It is better to reduce the temperature with warm teas with raspberries, honey and lemon, as well as cooling compresses on the forehead. Paracetamol is allowed to be taken as an antipyretic during pregnancy.

    Remember that body temperature is an indicator of the overall health and condition of the body. Do not neglect the signs that your body sends you, listen to them in time. Visit your doctor regularly and get tested - this way you can easily carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

    Gestation is not always a wonderful and happy period of waiting for the birth of a baby. Throughout the entire 9-month period, mommy faces many dangers. One of these threats is considered to be an increase in temperature during pregnancy in the second trimester. Even minor ailments can indicate the development of serious diseases, and signs of hyperthermia even make you panic. What can happen to the temperature in the middle of pregnancy, what explains its deviation from the norm, and what a girl should do in such a situation.

    Self-administration of medications is very dangerous

    The period of the second trimester is considered, in fact, the calmest, in contrast to the 1st and 3rd stages of gestation. Its terms are 13-24 weeks.

    • Toxic manifestations in the 2nd trimester no longer bother the girl, headaches and dizziness also disappear.
    • Mommy’s tummy has already noticeably rounded, but under clothes it can still remain invisible. That is, mommy has not yet acquired the clumsiness characteristic of late pregnancy, she is quite capable of walking and yoga for pregnant women.
    • During these weeks, the baby’s intraorganic structures are actively formed.
    • His brain has already fully developed, he is slowly starting to move, although mommy doesn’t feel these movements yet.
    • The baby can already feel pain, learns to perform swallowing and sucking movements, and begins to breathe periodically.
    • At 16 weeks, pregnant women complete the formation of placental structures, which completely take over providing the fetus with nutrition and oxygen, as well as protection from negative factors such as infections, etc.

    The changes in general are significant, so the immune system can react to them with hyperthermic reactions.

    Temperature in pregnant women is normal

    The normal temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is considered to be 36-37 degrees. Although in some cases thermodynamic indicators can rise to 37.5 degrees. If there are no pathological signs, then it is considered that this is a normal temperature. It’s just that the placental structures actively produce progesterone hormone, which provokes the appearance of low-grade fever.

    The water should be warm enough, but not hot

    During gestation, progesterone gradually increases, but closer to childbirth its content drops. Therefore, a slightly elevated temperature during all periods of pregnancy should not cause concern if it is not accompanied by any deterioration in well-being. But to exclude any pathology, you still need to consult a specialist.

    You should be concerned if there are specific clinical situations. For example, when a girl feels ailments and discomfort in the lower half of the abdomen, in addition to these manifestations, the patient is worried about hyperthermia during pregnancy, then she needs to undergo an examination and ultrasound diagnostics. If you have a low-grade fever after conception, you can suspect ectopic pregnancy.

    If a girl experiences a feeling of aching, all the signs of a viral infection are present, and hyperthermia is slightly higher than the 37-degree mark, then there is no need to be particularly alarmed. Experts say that such a temperature during gestation is not dangerous for the fetus. The placenta takes an active part in thermoregulation, preventing the penetration of viruses and infectious agents. But you still need to see a doctor urgently in order to stop the virus and avoid possible complications of the disease.

    It is also considered abnormal if hyperthermia during pregnancy exceeds 38 degrees. In such a situation, emergency treatment is necessary, because such a condition may indicate not only influenza or ARVI, but also more serious chronic pathologies. Tuberculosis or intoxication, pyelonephritis or herpes and other severe pathologies may be accompanied by fever. Therefore, you need to urgently contact specialists.

    How to measure temperature

    Carrying out thermodynamic measurements in the 2nd trimester (and at other times) is considered one of the most important studies for diagnosing the condition of the fetus and mother.

    • Girls are advised to regularly determine what temperature is occurring in order to determine the general condition of the pregnant woman's reproductive structures.
    • The most informative is considered to be basal measurements, which are carried out in the morning without getting out of bed.
    • Starting from the third trimester, measurements can be taken in the usual way - in the armpit, because at this period the basal indicators coincide with the usual ones.
    • If pregnancy is proceeding normally, then in the 2nd trimester it is enough to take measurements once every 5-7 days.

    Usually, by the 13th week, thermodynamic parameters stabilize, since progesterone reduces growth rates, the temperature during this period normally does not exceed 37.5 ° C

    Causes of hyperthermic reaction

    It's important to keep your weight under control

    If the thermometer reports a temperature increase, then it is necessary to find out the reasons for such a reaction. Usually the most common cause is colds. The fetus as a whole is protected by the placental barrier, but advanced viral pathologies can simply cause irreparable complications. Experts warn that sometimes such conditions are fraught with fetal hypoxia and miscarriages. Sometimes a febrile state is caused by an infectious influence, and an increase in renal load occurs.

    An ectopic is unlikely, because in the 2nd trimester it is too late to detect it; as a rule, it is detected much earlier. But it’s still worth getting checked, if only to rule out any pathological conditions. Sometimes a hyperthermic reaction is a consequence of overheating, which is typical in hot summers. To prevent such a reaction, it is necessary to avoid stuffy rooms, always have water on hand and avoid crowds of people.

    If the thermometer shows 37°C

    If the temperature during the 13-24th week of gestation has risen to 37 degrees, then you should not release everything on the brakes. It is imperative to consult a doctor, even if the causes of hyperthermia are not serious and are not pathological. It’s just that sometimes such a condition is associated with inflammatory processes that begin with viral or bacterial pathologies, etc. The specialist will conduct the necessary examinations, rule out or confirm the presence of the disease and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

    If hyperthermia is above 37.5 degrees, then you need to start treatment. This temperature during gestation requires serious attention; it must be brought down, because such indicators can seriously harm the baby. In order for the mother and fetus to always be healthy, it is necessary to periodically carry out thermodynamic measurements, undergo tests prescribed by the doctor and undergo laboratory tests. A girl should be more attentive to her well-being, listen to the signals that her body gives her, then she will promptly notice suspicious signs of fever, which is important in case of serious illnesses.

    Colds in the second trimester

    A decrease in immune status often becomes a provoking factor for colds during pregnancy. Colds are caused by acute respiratory viral infections or the influenza virus. Usually a girl realizes that she has a cold when she develops sudden weakness and headaches, general malaise and fatigue. Mommy notices the appearance of a cough, often sneezes, she loses her appetite, chills and fever appear.

    A common cold is accompanied by 38-degree hyperthermia, but when the ailment is of influenza origin, all the symptoms become more pronounced and intense.

    It is much more difficult for pregnant women to protect themselves from colds; the immune system simply decreases in the first weeks after conception in order to prevent a possible conflict between the mother’s body and the fetus. Doctors call this condition immunosuppression; it is absolutely natural, but it can leave the patient defenseless against colds. Stress and smoking, contact with a sick person, an unhealthy diet and long stays outside in the cold can aggravate the situation and increase the likelihood of cold infections.

    Why is a cold dangerous for pregnant women?

    Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate therapy

    If temperature increases are observed frequently and bother you for a long time, then mommy must definitely find out the reason for such reactions. A cold can become very dangerous for the fetus, because it can negatively affect the formation of vital intraorganic structures or cause miscarriage. An advanced cold can lead to intrauterine infection and fetal death.

    Influenza conditions are dangerous due to secondary infection with bacterial microorganisms, which is fraught with malformations and miscarriages. But you shouldn’t panic when cold symptoms appear; it’s not healthy for pregnant women to be nervous. According to statistics, about 75% of patients manage to get over a cold during pregnancy, but serious consequences occur in less than 1%. The main thing is to start treatment with safe drugs in a timely manner.

    If the mother ignores the fever and tries to cure it on her own, complications such as hypoxia, malformations or secondary infections, fetoplacental insufficiency and developmental delay syndrome, as well as intrauterine infection may arise. Similar consequences arise due to prolonged elevated temperature in a pregnant woman. Therefore, such conditions require therapy.

    What not to do

    Some mothers, naively believing that they are able to cope with the fever on their own, begin to treat themselves with home methods or remedies from the home medicine cabinet, while forgetting about their interesting situation. Before you lower your temperature with the help of any medication, you need to talk to the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

    1. It is forbidden to take Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Analgin, Citramon and Askofen, Coldrex, etc.
    2. For colds, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking antibiotics and various dietary supplements.
    3. Going to the bathhouse or taking an overly hot bath during pregnancy is very unsafe.
    4. If you have a severe runny nose, you should not use vasoconstrictor drugs like Naphthyzin or Nazivin, Otrivin or Sanorin.
    5. Home methods can also be far from safe. For example, it is strictly forbidden to steam your legs during pregnancy.
    6. If you need to warm them up, it is better to put on woolen socks and wrap your feet in a blanket.
    7. You should not wipe yourself with alcohol or vinegar, because the toxic components of these liquids actively penetrate the skin and negatively affect the fetus.

    You shouldn’t risk your baby’s health or even his life. It is better to contact your doctor once again and consult with him regarding your further actions, rather than later reap the fruits of your reckless behavior.

    How to reduce hyperthermia in the second trimester

    Bed rest must be observed

    If it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the temperature rose above 37.5°C, then you need to think about how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. Remember, it is absolutely unacceptable to suffer even the slightest cold on your feet, especially when carrying a baby. You need to get proper rest and stay in bed.

    Self-medication is contraindicated, as is independent herbal treatment, etc. Before using any remedy, consultation with a gynecologist is required. It is necessary to avoid any strong medications to relieve a cough or runny nose, because for pregnant women, any drug can be potentially dangerous.

    In addition to taking unauthorized medications, it is also necessary to avoid stressful and overly exciting psycho-emotional situations and get more sleep. And in general, pregnancy is the best time to get some sleep, because after the baby is born, mommy won’t have much time to sleep. Only a doctor, and not girlfriends, can recommend any specific drug or herbal infusion.


    If during pregnancy a rapid increase in temperature begins, then care must be taken to stop the hyperthermic reaction with the help of antipyretic medications. Paracetamol is considered the safest and permitted in the second and other trimesters. This drug belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs. Due to its ability to influence the thermoregulatory center, Paracetamol is widely used as an antipyretic in pregnant women.

    Moreover, Paracetamol is indispensable for colds and respiratory tract infections, headaches. But this is precisely the symptomatology that is present with hyperthermia against the background of a cold. Therefore, with the help of Paracetamol, you can eliminate not only fever, but also a number of other associated symptoms. But even such an almost safe drug is contraindicated at all stages of gestation for patients who have problems with the functioning of the liver, renal structures, or who are allergic to the drug. Otherwise, the drug effectively helps to cope with hyperthermia in pregnant women.

    Home methods

    Sometimes the problem of elevated temperature in a pregnant woman can be solved without the use of medications.

    • If mommy suffers from a runny nose for a long time, then this condition will have an extremely negative effect on the fetus, causing oxygen deficiency.
    • And with a strong and long-term disturbing cough, a pregnant woman may develop uterine hypertonicity.
    • The use of most antitussive or nasal medications is undesirable, but inaction is also unacceptable.
    • Drinking plenty of teas, herbal decoctions, natural juices or fruit drinks will help relieve fever.
    • It is useful to ventilate the room, put a cool compress on the forehead (but not cold, otherwise vascular spasm will occur).
    • If mommy is trembling, she is freezing, her hands are cold and dry, and the thermometer shows the presence of temperature, then you need to warm the body with a hot drink and warm clothes.

    Any action must be coordinated with an obstetrician-gynecologist, taking any herbal drink or tablet, rubbing, etc. If there is a sudden rise in temperature, the lower back and stomach hurt, the woman begins to feel feverish, then it is necessary to urgently go to an antenatal clinic or call an ambulance, the main thing is not to wait , that it will get better, otherwise you can miss the moment, then the consequences will be disastrous.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine also offers many means to normalize the temperature of a pregnant woman. Since mothers in this condition are advised to drink plenty of fluids, rosehip juice or infusion, raspberry tea, and linden decoction are ideal for these purposes. If, against the background of hyperthermia, there are also accompanying symptoms such as a sore throat or cough, then it is recommended to rinse. There are a lot of recipes for rinsing solutions, for example, with chamomile infusion or warm water with soda and salt, with soda and honey, just a saline solution using sea salt, etc.

    Gargles with sage, eucalyptus and calendula are also good for sore throats. These herbs are mixed and brewed with boiling water, and then gargled. You can also use this herbal decoction for inhalation. A dry cough is effectively eliminated with soda inhalation, after which intensive sputum discharge begins. If you have been bothered by a runny nose for a long time, then rinsing the nasal cavity with a saline solution, prepared from a teaspoon of sea salt (or regular salt) and a liter of warm water, can help alleviate the condition.

    Why is hyperthermia dangerous?

    If a pregnant woman sees a reading higher than 37.5°C on the thermometer, she will naturally begin to worry about the possible adverse effects of a hyperthermic state on the fetus. The temperature itself is generally not dangerous for the baby; its consequences or root causes are of concern. Temperature is not a pathology - it is only a pathological sign indicating that not everything is in order in the body and warning about the need to take certain measures.

    Typically, hyperthermic reactions during pregnancy occur against the background of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. If the treatment is timely and correct, then there will be no negative consequences after such pathologies. A dangerous condition in the second trimester is considered to be high and prolonged hyperthermia in the absence of any accompanying manifestations. This is typical for kidney inflammation or herpesvirus. To identify the exact cause, a comprehensive diagnosis will be required. Such pathologies must be treated, otherwise adverse consequences cannot be avoided.

    How to avoid fever

    Most often, pregnant women have a fever due to colds and flu infections.

    1. In order not to catch a cold, mommy is advised to monitor her diet so that it contains a high content of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain normal immunity. Talk to your doctor about taking vitamin complexes; if necessary, the doctor will select the right medications.
    2. During epidemics, you need to avoid places where there are a lot of people (metro, hypermarkets, hospitals, etc.).
    3. When you arrive home, you must wash your hands with soap, rinse your nose or lubricate your nostrils with oxolinka.
    4. During the day, it is advisable to ventilate your home at least 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes, but you don’t need to sit in a draft, otherwise you can get hypothermic and get sick. It’s better to go into another room for airing.

    When expecting a child, you need to take your own situation with the utmost seriousness. A mother must understand that only she is responsible for the child she is carrying. Therefore, if suspicious symptoms such as fever or severe chills appear, which is typical for hyperthermic reactions, you should consult with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Only he will be able to identify the origin of the temperature and recommend treatment methods.

    Every expectant mother knows that during pregnancy you need to protect yourself from colds and viral diseases. Any virus or infection is dangerous for the developing fetus, especially in the 1st trimester. But not everyone can protect themselves from the disease, especially in the off-season. Therefore, every woman should know how to quickly and effectively reduce fever during pregnancy, since fever is a threat to the unborn child.

    Typically, the temperature begins to rise against the background of a cold or viral infection. At the same time, a short-term rise in temperature to 38 degrees is not considered threatening.

    The risk is a temperature of 38 degrees or higher that does not subside for several days. In this case, the process of coagulation of protein compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the fetus begins in the woman’s body. That is why you should reduce your temperature during pregnancy immediately and with the help of a doctor.

    The temperature can rise for various reasons. These may be pathologies of the internal secretion organs, inflammatory processes, infections, neuropsychiatric disorders and intoxication of the body due to poisoning.

    But most often women experience fever due to the following reasons:

    • In the 1st trimester: colds, flu, physiological increase in temperature.
    • In the 2nd trimester: respiratory infections, flu,.
    • In the 3rd trimester: acute appendicitis, intrahepatic cholestasis, viral infections.

    Every woman should remember that regardless of the cause of the increase in temperature, a doctor must treat it during pregnancy.

    Of the conditions listed above, 3 main groups can be classified:

    1. physiological state;
    2. pathologies that can be treated on an outpatient basis after medical consultation;
    3. pathologies that require urgent medical attention.

    A representative of the first group is hyperthermia in pregnancy. It develops against the background of increased levels of progesterone in the blood, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy in the 1st trimester until the placenta is formed.

    Hyperthermia in pregnant women is a physiological condition; the body temperature fluctuates around 37 degrees, but does not rise above 37.5.

    The second group includes conditions that can be treated at home after examination by a doctor. These are acute respiratory viral diseases, respiratory tract infections. Symptoms of these diseases include sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, cough and fever.

    The third group includes diseases that require emergency medical care. The list of these pathologies includes:

    • Pyelonephritis in pregnant women is a kidney disease of an infectious or bacterial nature that first appeared during pregnancy. The causes of pyelonephritis in pregnant women are frequent colds, caries, furunculosis, tonsillitis. Microbes from the source of infection enter the kidneys through the general bloodstream, provoking the development of the inflammatory process. This type of pyelonephritis is usually diagnosed in the 2nd trimester. Symptoms of the disease: high fever, pain in the lumbar region, difficulty urinating.
    • Intrahepatic cholestasis is an infection that affects the bile ducts in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Symptoms of the pathology: low-grade fever, with the temperature not exceeding 37.5 degrees, severe itching, yellowness of the skin.
    • Acute appendicitis develops during pregnancy due to weakened motility of the intestinal tract and pressure of the growing uterus on its walls. Symptoms of appendicitis are pain in the iliac region, nausea, and fever.

    If a pregnant woman experiences the symptoms described above, she should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication at elevated body temperature is excluded.

    When are antipyretics needed and which ones?

    Doctors say that it is necessary to bring down the temperature in the following cases:

    • In women 1-2 trimesters without concomitant pathology, the temperature begins to drop above 38 degrees.
    • In women in the 3rd trimester, it is necessary to reduce the temperature from the first signs of its increase, avoiding the mark of 38 degrees, in order to avoid additional stress on the cardiovascular system.
    • In women with concomitant pathologies (diseases of the kidneys, heart, thyroid gland, etc.), the temperature is lowered starting from 37.5 degrees, to avoid exacerbations.

    Paracetamol and its derivatives (Panadol, etc.) are a medicinal antipyretic during pregnancy. You need to take Paracetamol 3 times a day, 1 tablet. Do not take this drug without a doctor's recommendation for more than 3 days.

    Medications such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen are prohibited for pregnant women at any stage. Aspirin can cause bleeding in a woman, and Ibuprofen negatively affects the development of the fetus. Therefore, reducing the temperature with these drugs is contraindicated.

    Is it possible to do without medications?

    Non-drug methods do not give quick results, but cause fewer side effects, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, and therefore are more acceptable during pregnancy.

    The temperature can rise according to the “red” and “white” scenarios.

    "Red hyperthermia" characterized by an increase in temperature against the background of vasodilatation. In this case, the skin becomes pink, moist and hot to the touch.

    How to lower the temperature during pregnancy in this case: ventilate the room, wipe the body with cool water and place a damp compress on the forehead. To avoid vasospasm, the water should not be cold.

    You also need to provide the woman with plenty of fluids: fruit drinks, compotes. All drinks must be at a cool temperature.

    It is forbidden to use vinegar and alcohol wipes, since the active components of these products enter the body and can cause undesirable effects.

    "White hyperthermia" manifested by an increase in temperature against the background of vasospasm. In this case, the woman develops chills, her hands and feet are dry and cold to the touch.

    How to reduce the temperature during pregnancy if “white hyperthermia” is detected? Treatment includes drinking plenty of hot drinks and keeping the body warm.

    Plants that can be used by pregnant women to reduce fever:

    • Linden blossom;
    • chamomile;
    • strawberry leaves;
    • raspberries.

    It is forbidden to use coltsfoot, calendula, oregano, fireweed and St. John's wort at high temperatures. These plants have an adverse effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

    What could be more wonderful than the birth and birth of a new life? Although pregnancy is an absolutely normal process from a physiological point of view, a woman needs to take care of herself more than ever during this period of her life, without, however, crossing boundaries or going to extremes.

    It was so conceived by Mother Nature that in order to create optimal conditions for conceiving and bearing a baby, the expectant mother’s immunity is reduced, because otherwise it may be rejected: after all, 50% of the baby’s DNA belongs to her husband. And getting sick now would be extremely undesirable, because taking most medications during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Many diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature - this is normal, this is how the body reacts to the disease and produces antibodies to attack viral cells. How can pregnant women deal with fever during pregnancy?

    Increased body temperature during pregnancy

    So, in ordinary life, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body, and, as a rule, can be accompanied by other signs of the disease - sore throat, cough, general weakness, stuffy nose, etc. Since fever is a consequence of the disease, it is necessary to fight all the symptoms together after the diagnosis has been made by a doctor.

    Temperature is our defense against external irritants, so we should not rush to fight it. As a rule, it should be knocked down after 38.5, since otherwise the load on the heart increases. But this indicator is individual for everyone; for some, even at 38, it becomes unbearable, for others, even at 39, they feel great.

    In any case, if the temperature has risen, the first thing you should do is deal with it yourself, without resorting to medications, to give your body a try to get out on its own:

    1. Control your appetite. In principle, people with a high temperature, as a rule, do not have it, and this is a signal from the body - there is no need to force food into it, it is already weakened, all forces are devoted to fighting the virus! And the process of digesting food will take away from him the strength that he would use for this very struggle, therefore, even if you really want to, it’s still not worth filling your stomach to capacity.
    2. Heat loss according to pediatrician of the highest category E.O. Komarovsky is possible in two ways - by evaporating sweat and by warming the inhaled air. That’s why drinking plenty of warm water is so necessary. In other words, you need to sweat properly, and if there is no excess fluid in the body, then there is nothing to sweat with, so the temperature will not drop on its own. That’s why we drink even though I don’t want to! It is worth remembering that the closer the temperature of the absorbed liquid is to body temperature, the faster it will be absorbed. Anything will do: tea with honey and lemon, raspberry jam, or ginger, compote, fruit juice, herbs, etc.
    3. Warming the inhaled air is possible when the temperature in the room fluctuates between 18-22 degrees. If you experience chills and fever during pregnancy, it is better to dress warmly, but do not try to warm the air with heaters. On the contrary, fresh air is the key to health!

    If you fulfill the conditions listed above, then the chances that the body will cope with the temperature on its own are very high. And this applies to pregnant women just like small children - first of all. And for everyone else, as a last resort, it is permissible to lower the temperature with the help of medications, fortunately there is now a large choice on the market.

    It is extremely undesirable for expectant mothers, like young children, to resort to drug treatment, but they still have their own list of drugs approved for use. But first, let's try to figure out what the causes of elevated temperature may be, depending on the stage of pregnancy.

    Temperature during early pregnancy

    The first trimester is a time of change and adaptation of the mother's body to a new life, which has significant differences from the previous one. This so-called transitional period is very sensitive; the less interference there is in the mystery of the process, the better. Fertilization of the egg occurs, it turns into a tiny embryo, attaching to the wall of the uterus. All vital organs and systems are formed in him, the placenta - a protective temporary organ - has not yet been formed, therefore most medications are still prohibited. In a word, the expectant mother needs to do everything possible and impossible so as not to catch some kind of ARVI in the first trimester.

    The body of a pregnant woman undergoes a number of significant changes, both internally and noticeable to the naked eye. If an average person has an average temperature of 36.6, then it is difficult to say for sure what temperature is normal during pregnancy.

    The fact is that the temperature at the beginning of pregnancy rises in many expectant mothers, and the reason for this is the pregnancy itself. With its onset, the mother’s body produces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the normal development and growth of the embryo. Due to its effect on the thermoregulation center, body temperature rises. In addition, the immune system of the expectant mother weakens, immunosuppression occurs - this is how the fetus protects itself from possible rejection.

    Of course, in such cases we are talking about minor increases - up to a temperature of 37.2 during pregnancy, by and large, there is nothing to worry about. Higher rates with accompanying symptoms of ARVI, infectious diseases or other diseases indicate that a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed!

    For example, an increase in body temperature can also be a consequence of diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland or respiratory system. And depending on the diagnosis established by the doctor, comprehensive treatment is necessary, aimed primarily at the cause of the increase in body temperature!

    Temperature: second trimester of pregnancy

    The golden mean or equator of pregnancy - during this period, catching a particular disease is not as dangerous as at the very beginning or before childbirth. But it’s still undesirable, of course.

    A temperature of 37 - 37.2 during pregnancy may still persist if its cause is pregnancy itself, in some cases even until childbirth. This is normal, there is no need to panic.

    A higher temperature during pregnancy in the second trimester, in addition to the reasons listed above, can be caused by the development of defects in the fetus, damage to the placenta, or uterine tone. Therefore, we repeat that it is necessary to fight, first of all, not with the temperature, but with the reason causing its increase.

    So, warm drinks and cool air in the bedroom will still be effective, but now, with particularly high body temperatures, it’s not so scary to take legal antipyretics!

    Can there be a fever during pregnancy in the third trimester?

    For some expectant mothers, it turns out that the temperature of 36.9 - 37.2 during pregnancy can remain until the onset of labor. By and large, in the third trimester the baby is already fully formed, and now he is actively gaining weight, looking more and more like a newborn baby every day. But this does not mean that now a pregnant woman is not afraid of getting sick and taking medications - the closer this happens to the start of labor, the worse it is for both her and the baby.

    However, it is possible to reduce fever with some caution using approved medications when the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

    Fever during pregnancy: what to do

    So, by and large, you already know what to do - provide plenty of fluids and cool air in the room. But it happens that this is not enough, and the temperature persists during pregnancy for quite a long time, and this is already fraught with danger to the health of the mother and her unborn baby. What can you do about temperature during pregnancy in this case?

    In the first and second trimesters, Paracetamol is best. It is the safest of all antipyretics and is approved for use even during breastfeeding. Acceptable options are Nurofen, Panadol (it is based on the same Paracetamol) and, with caution, Ibuprofen.

    In the third trimester, only Paracetamol and Panadol remain on the list of approved drugs. Nurofen is prohibited because it can provoke premature labor, while Ibuprofen, on the contrary, can prolong and complicate the process of labor.

    Now you know how to lower your temperature during pregnancy, but remember - before taking any medicine, consultation with a doctor is required!

    Pregnancy: fever, cough

    It is rare that an elevated temperature is not accompanied by additional symptoms, and, as a rule, a sore throat and fever are the most common symptoms during pregnancy.

    This may be a sign of ARVI or influenza, for example: treatment depends on the specific diagnosis. In any case, drinking plenty of warm water is a double blow; it not only provokes sweating, but also relieves unpleasant pain syndromes. Remember that if the pain is sharp, acute, this may be a symptom of a sore throat, and, as you know, it can only be treated with antibiotics.

    In any case, a sore throat, even at a temperature of 37.5 during pregnancy, indicates that you need to urgently go to the doctor and start treatment as early as possible, otherwise you can earn yourself significant complications. Gargling with soda, salt and iodine, for example, helps very well - if you do this regularly and do not stop at the first signs of improvement, you can significantly alleviate your condition.

    Often a sore throat is accompanied by a cough, and the baby in the tummy can be extremely uncomfortable from such tremors. And again, warm drink comes to the rescue - this is such a multifunctional and at the same time accessible weapon to everyone! E. O. Komarovsky classifies medications designed to thin sputum as drugs with unproven effectiveness, but most of them should not be taken during pregnancy, so think carefully before buying any of them.

    You should also know that if a high temperature during pregnancy lasts a week, then this cannot be called the norm, since a number of complications may arise, with which the pregnancy will be much more difficult.

    High temperature during pregnancy: let's summarize

    Now you know what an increase in temperature during pregnancy means, when and how to deal with it in a way that is safe for the baby and the expectant mother. This does not mean that you can now self-medicate - only a doctor will tell you the correct diagnosis and treatment after an examination, you may have to undergo some tests - each case is individual, and the body of a pregnant woman is completely unpredictable.

    Be that as it may, of course, it is better for the expectant mother not to get sick. To do this, you should avoid large crowds of people, especially during periods of active illness, do not hesitate to wear a mask if someone is coughing nearby, and at the first signs of illness, rather take sick leave and observe bed rest as much as possible. Be healthy and don't get sick!


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