• Cotton vest. Cotton vest Knitting vest


    A selection of master classes on crocheting cats and seals.

    Scops owl cat

    And we will sew this heart on the cat’s tummy.

    We embroider the nose with lilac yarn and make a few stitches on the ears.

    Sew or glue the eyes. Sew on the bow.

    This is the red cat we got!

    Green cat

    Bright crocheted toys always look unusual and colorful. And in this master class we will knit a small one that will decorate the house and bring a great mood!

    For knitting cat we will need:

    • Yarn (two colors);
    • Hook;
    • Needle;
    • Filler.


    We will knit the body of the toy and the head together, inseparably.

    You can choose any yarn colors you like. In this case it is green and lilac.

    We will start knitting with torso main (green) color.

    We make an initial ring and knit six single crochets into it.

    Now we’ll just knit three rows.

    Again two rows and three decreases in each of them. And we’ll just knit two rows.

    And now we will add on the contrary for knitting heads cat First we add to each column, and in the second row we make increases to every third stitch.

    We simply knit five rows.

    Another version of the heart cat in this video:

    Kitty Kitty

    Let's talk today about how to knit a Kitty cat for a girl using threads, a crochet hook and your own imagination. Master class by Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

    To work we will need:

    • white and pink threads,
    • eyes,
    • glue,
    • regular thread with a needle,
    • wires for hands
    • and filler.

    The time to make a toy is approximately 3 hours (for beginner craftswomen, perhaps about 4.5 hours). Level of preparation for knitting: slightly above elementary.

    Act one. Let's start with the head.

    In any business you need to start from the head. At the same time, we do not need a circle for knitting, but an oval, because the head will have an unusual oval shape.

    Photo 1 shows the beginning of knitting the head.

    When about 7 cm is knitted, we close the knitting and get a head like this (photo 2).

    Act two. We make the ears and muzzle.

    What a cat without ears! Our beauty needs them too. In order to knit the ears, we knit two loops together and start knitting in the round, gradually increasing them to form a hemisphere. We repeat everything again and get ears like this.

    Now we have both ears and a head. We sew the parts to each other. Also, don’t forget to glue on the half-bead eyes.

    Using black thread we embroider the mouth and mustache, and using pink thread we make a charming nose.

    Act three. Making the body.

    Our cat's body will be pink. It needs to be made 8 cm high. The shape of the body is a bit like a pear; at the bottom you need to knit the wider part, gradually decreasing the loops towards the top.

    When the part is ready, you need to fill it with filler and sew the body to the head. Also, for beauty, you can knit a small pink flower, sew a bead inside, also pink, and decorate the cat with it.

    In order to give Kitty the look of a real cat, you need to knit a skirt for her from pink threads and sew it to the body.

    Act four. Kitty's hands.

    Now you need to make the front legs for Kitty.

    First we thread the wire through the places of the hands. Then we start knitting the paws. To do this, you need to knit a chain of 8 loops, called air loops, and then knit a height of 6 cm.

    Repeat everything with the other hand. Here they are, Kitty's hands.

    This is how our kitty Kitty looks now. However, she lacks hind limbs, which we will call legs.

    Act five. Legs.

    In order to tie the feet, you need to make pink Kitty boots. To do this, knit in a circle using a pink thread, and then knit a sock. We repeat everything again, and we get the following.

    Now using white thread we knit the shin and knees. Their height should not exceed 4 cm.

    Now in Kitty’s body we insert wires into the places of future legs.

    We sew pink shoes and feet together and stuff them with stuffing. Sew the legs to the body. And now our Kitty is completely ready.

    Look how it turned out. A beautiful and cute toy, isn't it?! Her paws are bending.

    May you also get the same cute cat!

    Kitty knitting video:

    Cat in a vest

    Master class on crochet by Dina Kiseleva.

    Are you wondering what to give your loved one? Are you already tired of mugs and shampoos year after year? Surprise your man - give him a cat! We offer original gift for February 23 for men to do it yourself.


    Let's start knitting from the bottom, here is the pattern of the sole:

    1 row. 8 VP (air loop), 1 VP (air lifting loop). (photo 01)

    2nd row. 7 sbn (single crochet), 5 sbn to the outermost - so we will turn to the other side of the row, (photo 02)

    7 sc and to the extreme again 3 sc (turn to the next row). (photo 03)

    3rd row. 8 sbn, three times two in one column, 8 sbn, again three times two in one sbn. (photo 04)

    4 row. 9 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 9 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 in 1 sc, (photo 05)

    5 row. 12 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 13 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 2 in 1 sc, 1 connecting post. (photo 06)

    6th row. 37 sc, but we make stitches into the inner thread of the loop of the previous row. (photo 07)

    7 - 8 rows. 37 sc. (photo 08)

    9 row. 9 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sn (double crochet), 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 19 sbn.
    10 row. 6 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 1, sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 16 sbn. (photo 09)

    11 row. 5 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 15 sbn. (photo 10)

    12 row. 4 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 1 sbn, 1 skip, 13 sbn. (photo 11)

    13 - 20 rows. 20 sc. (photo 12)

    Let's make a second boot and fill both with padding polyester or holofiber (whatever synthetic fillers you have). It is necessary to fill it so that the sole does not bulge, but the figurine’s legs are not too soft. (photo 13)


    For the pants we take green yarn and continue to knit with it above the boots. In our case, the yarn is melange with shades of camouflage).

    1 row. 20 sc.
    2nd row. 20 + 6 = 26sc. Let's add every fifth column.
    3rd row. 26 + 4 = 30sc. We will distribute the increases evenly.
    4 row. 30 - 6 = 24sc. Decrease every fourth column.
    5 -18 rows. 24 sc, turn and make 6 sc and 1 runway (lifting aerial loop) three times. We knit such protrusions from the inside on both legs. (photo 14, 15)

    Let's fold both parts with protrusions and connect them with connecting posts (cc) (photo 16)

    19 row. Let's combine everything in one circular row 42 sc.
    20 -25 rows. 42sbn. Straight knitting. (photo 17)

    26 row. 42 - 3 = 39 sc. We skip 2 sc from the back, and 1 sc from the front.
    27 row. 39 - 3 = 36 sc. Let's repeat the decreases in the same way.


    30 - 34 rows. 36 sc. Let's start with the vest. One row is blue, one is white. (photo 19)

    Row 35. 36 + 6 = 42 sc. Increases in every sixth.
    36 - 38 rows. 42 sc.
    Row 39. 42 rows. Here we will take gray yarn and continue knitting, but we will not hook the entire column, but only its inner half. (photo 20)

    40 - 41 rows. 42 sc.
    43 row. 42 + 2 = 44 sc. Let's add on the chest side.
    44 row. 44 sc.
    45 row. 44 - 2 = 42 sc. Let's reduce it at chest level where we added it.
    46 row. 42 - 6 = 36 sc.
    47 row. 36 sc. (photo 21)

    48 row. 36 - 4 = 32 sc. We make decreases strictly on the shoulders: 2 on the left, 2 on the right.
    49 row. 32 - 4 = 28 sc. Decrease in the same way as row 48.
    50 row. 28 - 4 = 24 sc. We also place reductions. You can fill the shoulders and chest with sitepon. (photo 22)

    51 row. 24 - 2 = 22 sc. Let’s also decrease left and right, this is where the neck begins.
    52 - 53 rows. 22 sc.
    54 row. 22 - 2 = 20 sc. (photo 23)


    Row 55. 20 + 4 = 24 sc. Let's start with the head.
    56 row. 24 + 6 = 30 sc. Two in every fourth column.
    57 row. 30 + 6 = 36 sc. Two in every fifth.
    58 row. 36 + 6 = 42 sc. Two in every sixth.
    59 - 62 row. 42 sc. (photo 24)

    63 row. 42 - 6 = 36 sc.
    64 row. 36 - 6 = 30 sc.
    Row 65 30 - 6 = 24 sc.
    Row 66 24 - 6 = 18 sc.
    67 row. 18 - 6 = 12 sc.
    68 row. 12 - 6 = 6 sc. Let’s close the knitting using the “through the column” method, i.e. we knit through the post until the hole closes, cut off the thread and hide it inside. (photo 25)


    We still have an unfinished vest. When on the 39th row we switched to a gray thread, we left the outer side of the column free. Let's continue knitting 42 sc on the outer thread in white. (photo 26)

    1 row. 42 sc. White all round.
    2nd row. We knit in blue until the middle of 16 sc, tying a white thread inside the row. (photo 27)

    3rd row. 15 sc. Turn and change the thread to white, knit the blue one inside the row.
    4 row. 15 sc. Blue row, white is tied in.
    5 row. 15 sc. White row, hide the blue one inside.
    6th row. 15 sc. Blue row, white - inside.
    7th row. 15 sc. White row, blue - inside.
    8 row. 7 sc. Blue row, white - inside.
    9 row. 6 sc. White.
    10 row.4 sc. Blue.
    11 row. 3 sc. White.
    12 row. 2 sc. Blue, cut both threads and repeat the same operation with the second front strap.
    Now let's do the same from the back.
    1 row. It was all-round white.
    2nd row. 14 sc We knit with a blue thread, departing from the front blue row of 5 columns. (photo 28)

    3 - 7 row. 14 sbn. We alternate white and blue rows.
    8 row. 4 sc. Blue.
    9 row. 3 sc. White.
    10 row. 2 sc. Blue. It is necessary to repeat the second shoulder part of the backrest. (photo 29)


    For the hands, take a gray thread. Let's make an amicable ring again.
    1 row. 6 sc. (photo 30)

    2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc.
    3rd row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc.
    4 row. 18 + 6 = 24 sc.
    5 - 8 row. 24 sc. (photo 31)

    9 row. 24 - 6 = 18 sc.
    10 row. 18 - 6 = 12 sc. (photo 32)

    11 - 16 row. 12 sc.
    17th row. 12 + 4 = 16 sc.
    18 - 19 rows. 16 sc.
    20 row. 16 + 2 = 18 sc.
    21 row. 18 sc. (photo 33)

    22 row. 18 - 6 = 12 sc.
    23 row. 12 sc. Let's make an elbow: turn, 3 sc, (photo 34) turn, 2 sc,
    24 row. 12 sc.
    25 row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc.
    26 - 28 rows. 18 sc. (photo 35)

    29 row. 18 + 2 = 20 sc.
    30 - 32 rows. 20 sc.
    33 row. 20 - 4 = 16 sc.
    34 row. 16 - 4 = 12 sc.
    Row 35 12 - 6 = 6 sc. And then we’ll close our knitting. Let's sew the arms to the body, sew the shoulder seams of the vest, embroider a buckle on the strap with orange thread, and make “fingers” on the paw. (photo 36)


    For the ears we take the same thread that was used for the arms and head.
    1 row. 6 sc.
    2nd row. 6 + 3 = 9 sc.
    3rd row. 9 + 3 = 12 sc.
    4 row. 12 + 3 = 15 sc.
    5 row. 15 sc. Cut the thread and make a second ear. (photo 37) Sew it on.

    A set for a boy (T-shirt, vest, jacket and cap) is knitted and crocheted.

    Age: For 4-5 years.

    You will need:“Jeans” yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic, 160 m/50 g) - 350 g white, 150 g blue, remnants of red and golden yarn, knitting needles No. 2.5, circular knitting needles No. 2.5, hook No. 3, 5 buttons.

    Facial surface: persons rows - persons. loops, purl rows - purl. loops.

    Elastic band 2x2: knit 2 knits alternately. p. and 2 p. P.

    Knitting density: 25 sts x 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


    Back: cast on 60 stitches on needles No. 2.5 with blue thread, knit. satin stitch 10 rows for hems. Then continue knitting faces. satin stitch, alternating 2 rows with white and blue thread. At a height of 23 cm for the armholes, decrease on both sides in every second row 1 time x 4 sts, 1 time x 3 sts, 1 time x 2 sts and 1 time x 1 st. Continue knitting straight. At a height of 33 cm, close off the middle 20 stitches for the neckline and then knit each side separately. To round the neckline, cast off from the inside in every 2nd row 2 times x 2 stitches. At a height of 35 cm, bind off the remaining shoulder loops. Tie the other side of the neckline symmetrically.

    Before: knit similarly to the back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, at a height of 25 cm, close the middle 16 stitches for the neckline and then knit each side separately. To round the neckline, cast off from the inside in every 2nd row 2 times x 3 stitches and 2 times x 1 stitch. At a height of 35 cm, bind off the remaining shoulder loops. Tie the other side of the neckline symmetrically.

    Assembly: sew side and shoulder seams. Fold the bottom edge of the shirt to the wrong side. side, sew. Crochet the neckline and armhole with one row of single crochets.


    Back: cast on 70 stitches on needles No. 2.5 with blue thread, knit 10 rows with a 2x2 elastic band. Next, knit faces. satin stitch with white thread. At a height of 24 cm for the armholes, close on both sides in every second row 1 time x 3 sts, 1 time x 2 sts and 1 time x 1 st. Continue knitting straight. At a height of 37 cm, close off the middle 20 stitches for the neckline and then knit each side separately. To round the neckline, cast off from the inside in every 2nd row 2 times x 2 sts. At a height of 39 cm, bind off the remaining shoulder loops. Tie the other side of the neckline symmetrically.

    Right shelf: cast on 35 stitches on needles No. 2.5 using blue thread. Next, knit faces. satin stitch with white thread. At a height of 24 cm for the armhole, close on the left side in every second row 1 time x 3 p., 1 time x 2 p. and 1 time x 1 p. At a height of 26 cm on the right side for a bevel of the neck, close in every 4th row 12 times x 1 p. At a height of 39 cm, bind off the remaining shoulder loops.

    Left shelf: knit symmetrically.

    Sleeves: cast on 50 stitches on needles No. 2.5 with blue thread, knit 10 rows with a 2x2 elastic band. Then continue knitting faces. satin stitch with white thread, adding sleeves on both sides for bevels in every 8th row 10 times x 1 p. At a height of 38 cm for piping, close the sleeves on both sides in every 2nd row 1 time x 4 p., 1 time x 3 p., 1 time x 2 p., 10 times x 1 p., 1 time x 2 p., 1 time x 3 p. and 1 time x 4 p. Then bind off all remaining loops.

    Assembly: sew side and shoulder seams, sleeve seams, sew in sleeves. Along the neckline and the edges of the shelves, evenly cast on loops using blue thread on circular knitting needles and knit 8 rows with a 2x2 elastic band. At the same time, in the 5th row on the right shelf, evenly knit 5 buttonholes (2 stitches together, yarn over). Then close the loops on the shelves and continue knitting the collar along the neckline for another 12 cm. Close all the loops.

    Tie the steering wheel with a red thread according to pattern 1, and the anchor with a blue thread according to pattern 2. Using a golden thread, crochet a chain of air. p. desired length. Sew all the applique elements onto the left shelf, as shown in the photo.


    Size: 56 cm.

    Attention! Knit with thread in 2 folds.

    Using a white thread, crochet a chain of 6 chains. p., close it in a ring.

    1st row - knit 12 tbsp in the center of the ring. s/n.

    2nd row - knit 2 tbsp. s/n in each st. s/n = 24 tbsp.

    3rd row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 2nd st. s/n = 36 tbsp.

    4th row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 3rd st. s/n = 48 tbsp.

    5th row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 4th st. s/n = 60 tbsp.

    6th row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 5th st. s/n = 72 tbsp.

    7th row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 6th st. s/n = 84 tbsp.

    8th row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 7th st. s/n = 96 tbsp.

    9th row - 2 tbsp. s/n in every 8th st. = 108 st.

    Turn the work around. Next, knit 3 rows, evenly decreasing 12 sts. s/n in each row (knit 2 unfinished sts. s/n) = 72 sts. 13th - 15th rows - knit with blue thread, unfold the knitting and knit st. s/n 3 rows without increases or decreases = 72 sts. Next, knit the visor according to pattern 3. Perform the applique, similar to the jacket.

    Knitting pattern, pattern and symbols:

    Size: 134.

    You will need:

    • 200 g each of white and blue yarn (thin p/wool in 6 folds), some multi-colored yarn;
    • knitting needles No. 2 and 2.5;
    • circular knitting needles No. 2.

    Basic pattern: stockinette stitch, alternate 4 rows with white and blue thread.

    Knitting density: 24 p. x 32 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

    Model pattern:

    Back: cast on 115 stitches with blue thread and knit garter stitch 4 rows with blue thread and 6 rows with white thread. Continue knitting in stockinette stitch with the main pattern. At a height of 48 cm from the beginning of knitting, close off the middle 19 sts for the neckline and then finish both sides separately; for rounding, close in every 2nd row 1 time 5 sts, 1 time 3 sts and 1 time 2 sts. At the height 51 cm bind off the remaining 38 shoulder loops.

    Before: similar to the back, but for the neckline at a height of 45 cm from the beginning, close the middle 19 stitches and then, for rounding, close on both sides in each 2nd row 1 time 3 stitches, 2 times 2 stitches and 3 times 1 each n. At a height of 51 cm from the beginning, close off the remaining shoulder loops.


    Color designations on diagrams 27.1 - 27.6

    Sleeve: cast on 46 sts with blue thread and knit 10 rows according to the description of the back, while in the last purl row evenly add 16 sts (=62 sts). For bevels, add 1 p. on both sides in every 6th row 18 times. At a height of 39 cm, close the loops (= 98 p.).

    Assembly: sew shoulder seams. Cast on 100 stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit 5 rows in garter stitch with white thread, 6 rows with blue thread. Close the loops. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

    Hi all! :) I'm in a hurry to show you my new cotton vest. I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, just to have time to tie up and take a photo at the port.

    Here one could flaunt the now fashionable phrase “related to Barbara Walker.” But let's keep it simple - this is raglan from top to bottom.

    The neckline is finished with a false collar, the sleeves and hem are finished with icord. The sleeves are ok, they don’t roll up. Not everything is so happy with the bottom, I’ll probably change it into a hollow elastic band or hem, there is a tendency to curl a little. Although the people who saw it say that they wouldn’t have paid attention, as if that’s how it should be. But we know how annoying any little thing on the path to perfection can be, right? :)

    I love 3/4 sleeves, nothing can be done about it :)

    Yarn is generally a comedy. I began to sort through my supplies and it turned out that there were 5 skeins of turquoise eco-cotton Schachenmayer Cotton Eco (130 m x 50 g), purchased already in 2012. Well, why did you buy 5 skeins of thick cotton, what to make from them?! The yarn is too thick for the top. I decided to buy more and knit a pullover. But the yarn was discontinued, ahtung! I had to buy hitherto unknown Bulgarian Performance cotton - Cotton Queen (125 m x 50 g). It took 4 turquoise skeins and 3.5 white skeins.

    My favorite book, as long as I can remember:) Mom’s, “Pharmacognosy”, about medicinal plants and with pictures. Benzene rings can be ignored :) About cotton...

    The thing, of course, is simple to make and unpretentious, but somehow I noticed that such things go into circulation better than fancy knitting delights. I don’t wear knitted ones to work - it’s forbidden, but for casual occasions such sweaters are just right.

    Stylish women's vest knitted with step-by-step free knitting description.

    Vest sizes: 34 (36-38, 40-42, 44-46).

    You will need: 250 (300, 350, 400) grams of natural white and 100 (150, 200, 250) grams of sky blue yarn, consisting of 100% cotton; thread length 125 meters in 50 grams; knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5; circular knitting needles No. 3, 60 cm long; stocking needles No. 3.

    Rib: knit alternately 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch.

    Sequence of stripes: * 4 rows of natural white, 2 rows of sky blue, from * repeat.

    Double loop: at the beginning of the row (after turning), lay the thread before work, insert the knitting needle on the right into the 1st loop and remove the loop along with the thread. Then pull the thread back strongly, as a result the loop will be put on the knitting needle and you will get a double loop. On the next row, knit both stitches of the double stitch together according to the knit or purl pattern.

    Decorative decreases

    From the right edge: edge, 1 knit, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= slip 1 loop, as in knitting, knit the next loop, then pull the removed loop through the knitted one).

    From the left edge: knit 2 stitches together, knit 1, edge stitch.

    Vest knitting density: knitting needles No. 3.5, 27.5 loops for 38 rows corresponds to 10 by 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch.

    Description of knitting a vest


    After 32.5 cm = 124 rows from the cast-on row, decoratively decrease on both sides for raglan bevels 1 time, 1 loop, then in every 6th row 2 times and in every 4th row 16 times (in every 4th row 19 times and in every 2nd row 5 times; in every 4th row 18 times and in every 2nd row 11 times; in every 4th row 15 times and in every 2nd row 20 times) 1 loop = 82 loops.

    After 21 (23, 25, 27) cm = 80 (88, 96, 102) rows from the beginning of the raglan bevels, set aside the remaining 82 loops.

    Front end

    Using natural white thread on needles No. 3, cast on temporarily 120 (132, 142, 154) stitches using a crochet hook, then knit on needles No. 3.5 with stockinette stitch in stripes in the indicated sequence.

    After 32.5 cm = 124 rows from the cast-on row, decoratively decrease on both sides for raglan bevels 1 time, 1 loop, then in every 6th row 2 times and in every 4th row 14 times (in every 4th row 17 times and in every 2nd row 5 times; in every 4th row 16 times and in every 2nd row 11 times; in every 4th row 14 times and in every 2nd row 19 times) 1 loop.

    After 19 (21, 23, 25) cm = 72 (80, 88, 96) rows from the beginning of the raglan bevels, set aside the remaining 86 stitches for the neckline.

    Left sleeve

    Using needles No. 3, temporarily cast on 58 (62, 68, 74) stitches using a crochet hook, then knit on needles No. 3.5 with stockinette stitch in stripes in the indicated sequence.

    For bevels, add on both sides in every 18th row 5 times (in every 12th row 3 times and in every 10th row 6 times; in every 10th row 5 times and in every 8th row 6 times ; in every 8th row 8 times and in every 6th row 6 times) 1 loop = 68 (80, 90, 102) loops.

    After 28 cm = 106 rows from the cast-on row, decoratively decrease 1 loop on both sides 1 time, then from the right edge in every 6th row 2 times and in every 4th row 16 times (in every 4th row 19 times and in every 5th row 1 time; in every 4th row 18 times and in every 2nd row 11 times; in every 4th row 15 times and in every 2nd row 20 times) 1 loop.

    And from the left edge, decrease in every 6th row 2 times and in every 4th row 14 times (in every 4th row 17 times and in every 2nd row 5 times; in every 4th row 16 times and in every 2nd row 11 times; in every 4th row 14 times and in every 2nd row 19 times) 1 loop.

    After 19 (21, 23, 25) cm = 72 (80, 88, 96) rows from the beginning of the raglan bevels, set aside for cutting the neckline from the left edge 1 time 12 loops and in each 2nd row 2 times 10 loops, while When turning from row to row, perform 1 double loop.

    Right sleeve

    Knit symmetrically to the left.


    Sew raglan seams.

    Re-slip the deferred stitches of all parts onto circular knitting needles: 32 stitches for the left sleeve, 86 stitches for the front part, 32 stitches for the right sleeve, 82 stitches for the back = 232 stitches.

    Knit 14 circular rows with an elastic band, while continuing to perform stripes in the indicated sequence and in the 1st circular row knit the edge stitches lying next to each other = 228 loops.

    Mark these 4 loops as raglan. In each 2nd circular row, knit 2 loops together on both sides of the raglan loops and in the middle of the sleeve 6 times according to the fabric pattern = 168 loops. Close the loops.

    Unravel the temporary set of loops and re-cast the loops on stocking needles.

    For an elastic, secured edge in the form of a cord, on stocking needles, cast on 2 loops with sky blue thread and * knit 1, then knit the next loop with the set aside loop together with a knit stitch tilted to the left.

    Do not turn the work, but move the loops again to the left end of the knitting needle. From * repeat. Cast off the remaining 2 stitches. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.

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