• Azerbaijani wedding: traditions and customs. Azerbaijani wedding. Traditions and customs How to give money at an Azerbaijani wedding


    For any nation, a wedding is a holiday that is always associated with fun. The customs of different peoples involve many rituals and ceremonies that are associated with the process of marriage of newlyweds. An Azerbaijani wedding is one of the clearest examples of how important the role of family is for this country.

    In terms of scale, the celebration of the bride and groom has a grandiose level of celebration. The wedding ceremony itself is an ancient process that requires large expenses, both financial and time. In Azerbaijan, a wedding consists of three stages: the period before marriage, the marriage process and the post-wedding period. With all this, the holiday very clearly reflects folk art at the highest level. Dancing, songs, games and other entertainment are always present.

    It is worth noting that the behavior of the Azerbaijani bride is quite modest; girls try to avoid male companies if possible.

    If a guy took a closer look at one of the fair sex, he immediately asked his parents for permission to marry; if they gave their consent, the collection of information about the girl began.

    In addition to the external characteristics of the chosen one, relatives and the guy himself are interested in the education of the prospective bride, the position of her family in society, thriftiness and other characteristics. The only thing that is not paid much attention to is the girl’s age. Early marriages in this country are welcomed and considered normal. Parents can marry off their daughter even at 14 years old, and this is quite natural.

    According to ancient Azerbaijani customs, matchmaking takes place in two stages.

    Three women go to the bride's house for the first time. They tell the girl's parents in detail about the groom's family.

    If anything said seemed doubtful, the matchmakers are immediately refused. In another case, the parents promise to think carefully about the proposal, and the second meeting already takes place with the presence of the father and other close male relatives of the groom. The first visit has a name - small matchmaking.

    With a positive attitude, the bride's parents prepare for the arrival of the matchmakers, set the table, and serve a symbolic aromatic drink. There is an active discussion about the date of the celebration and other issues that are directly related to the wedding. The mother is silent at this time; all important issues are decided by the head of the family.

    The girl is staying with her friend all this time; she returns only after the guests leave the house.

    It is believed that on this day the future bride should cry - this will bring her happiness in her family life. This is where the big matchmaking ends.

    The next stage is engagement or betrothal. Like matchmaking, it has two actions, which are called small and large betrothal. The small engagement lasts for a month, after the bride’s parents agree to the wedding.

    The young man’s relatives gather for this in the house of the chosen one. The young bride sits on a chair, surrounded by 30 bridesmaids. One of the groom's relatives must put a ring on the young woman's finger and cover her head with a scarf. Then this person must try at least a small piece of the sweet treat. The rest of the delicacy was to be eaten by the future spouse.

    After all the guests have left the house, the traditional “sweet” table for the bachelorette party is set.

    Sweets play an important role for the Azerbaijani people, as they symbolize a happy family life and childbirth.

    The bachelorette party according to Azerbaijani customs is quite interesting and funny. The bride places her hand one by one on the heads of all the unmarried girls, who, in turn, try on her ring. The one who was lucky enough to be the first to put jewelry on her finger, according to legend, was supposed to be the next to get married.

    After a couple of months after the small engagement, the time comes for the big engagement. This process is significantly different from the first because it is larger in scale. A large number of guests are present at the holiday; the girl’s family sets a rich festive table. Products, as a rule, are transferred by relatives of the future spouse.

    During the celebration, the groom's relatives received many gifts that were supposed to be useful to the young girl in her family life. Cloth, jewelry and sweets were also given as gifts.

    After all the gifts have been received, a wedding ring is put on the girl’s finger.

    During the feast, the amount of the bride price is agreed upon. As a rule, it was calculated in such a way that it could completely cover all wedding expenses.

    Another interesting feature of Azerbaijanis is the conclusion of a wedding contract, which provided for the receipt of monetary profit for the bride in the event that the betrothed wants to divorce her. The period between the engagement and the wedding itself lasted from 3–4 months to several years. During this wait, the groom's family sent gifts for the future relative. When the betrothal period came to an end, relatives gathered around the bride and congratulated her on her upcoming wedding.

    Immediately before the celebration, or rather a few days before it, the bride’s family begins to send gifts to the groom and his close relatives.

    Wedding preparations

    The preparatory process for a wedding requires significant effort from both parties. On the eve of the holiday, relatives meet to discuss all the nuances of the celebration, from the number of guests to the musical accompaniment.

    Most often, financial expenses are borne by the groom and his relatives, but it also happens the other way around. Before the official wedding day, personal belongings of his future wife and dowry are brought to the groom's house. This is done by the men on the bride’s side, and they are given gifts for this.

    Next, the bridesmaids come to the groom’s house, arrange and put the dowry in its place, clean the room and decorate it. For this, the future mother-in-law gives the girls gifts. A few days before the wedding, women from both sides hold festivities, which are accompanied by songs and dances.

    On this day, a so-called mentor for the bride is chosen. As a rule, this role goes to a middle-aged woman who already has good experience in family life. The mentor will help the girl get dressed, decorate her hands with henna designs and lead the newlywed to the groom's house.

    Azerbaijanis do not forget about the main symbol of prosperity and longevity - bread. It was prepared several days before the wedding.

    Bread can be baked both in the bride's and groom's houses. After this, the dough is prepared, the pita bread is rolled out and baked. As noted earlier, Azerbaijanis have a tradition of concluding a wedding contract, called mahr.

    The amount is agreed upon before the wedding and recorded in the official prenuptial agreement. In the event of a divorce initiated by the husband, the wife receives financial compensation from him. If the spouse herself wants to start divorce proceedings, then in the end she will not get anything, even what she acquired together. A special decoration called “shah” is very important for the bride. This is a wooden element that includes a mirror, fabrics, candles, sweets and fruits.

    The bride's best friend made this decoration with her own hands. Celebrations were held at the house of the friend who made the check. In the evening, the groom and his friends come and take the “shah”.


    Engagement is a guarantee that the girl and the guy will no longer consider anyone else to play the role of their soulmate, the couple will remain faithful to each other.

    Seeing off the bride is considered an obligatory ancient tradition; it is symbolic in nature. The groom's relatives come to pick up the bride, while singing and dancing. While the fun is going on, the bride sits in a room whose door is locked.

    Guests will be able to receive the desired key only after presenting a gift. Only after this, the parents take their daughter out into the yard, tie a red ribbon around her waist, and throw a veil over her head.

    At this time, a fire is lit in the yard.

    What follows is a series of traditional actions:

    • the girl is led around the fire three times, thus bringing warmth into the family hearth;
    • You must throw a small pebble in the bride’s wake so that the house will be a reliable fortress;
    • a few drops of clean water are dripped under your feet, this action drives away tears and troubles from the family;
    • a new plate is placed at the threshold of the groom’s house, which the young wife must break with her heel for good luck;
    • In order for the first boy to be born in the family, the girl is given a strong baby from the groom’s relatives;
    • then a ram is slaughtered in front of the bride, and its blood is smeared on the girl’s forehead and the hem of her dress;
    • the mother-in-law should pat her daughter-in-law on the head as a sign of peace and harmony between them;
    • For a rich life, the bride is sprinkled with rice and sweets.

    The girl leaves her house accompanied by women who represent the groom's side.

    One of the women always holds a mirror in her hands, which, according to ancient beliefs, protects against evil spirits. Another woman is holding a lit candle or lamp. The role of the light also symbolizes protection from evil spirits and the evil eye.

    The bride's entire journey to the groom's house is accompanied by various obstacles from her girlfriends and neighbors. To “clear” the road, the groom’s relatives pay a ransom. Also, anyone who wishes can block the path. Most often, it is the youth who demand the bride price. As a rule, the father of the newly-made spouse pays off.

    During the ceremonial part, national music is played, which continues to play until the morning.

    As a rule, Azerbaijanis know all the traditional folk dance movements from childhood, which they happily demonstrate during fun.

    In the room where the girl will live in the future, a nail is driven into the threshold. This is done so that the bride will remain in this house forever and become the mistress.

    The congratulatory program has a special flavor. Toasts are always pronounced in a beautiful form and with deep meaning. More relaxed guests prefer to congratulate the newlyweds with a song or dance. It is important that after the girl’s foot crosses the threshold of the groom’s house, she is generously sprinkled with sweets.

    This is a kind of instruction that a wife should always be sweet and affectionate to her husband. The groom's parents also place a piece of bread on the daughter-in-law's head.

    After the wedding

    After the wedding day, it is customary to cook sweet porridge with butter in the morning. Guests come again, they are traditionally treated to pilaf. There is a tradition in Azerbaijan that stipulates that the bride should not appear in public for three days after the wedding.

    After this period, close relatives, with the exception of the mother, come to the girl. They bring with them various sweets and fruits. Thus, the so-called “three-day period” ends.

    The parents of the young wife are allowed to visit the house no earlier than every other week. The newlyweds' visit is accompanied by a festive feast. Women sit separately from men. The guests take turns congratulating the young woman and communicating with her. After 40 days have passed after the wedding, the newlyweds visit the bride’s parental home. The groom's relatives also come to visit. A father gives his daughter a valuable gift.

    It is worth noting another important feature of Azerbaijani customs. Before marriage, a girl had to preserve herself for her future husband.

    Here you will see a fragment of a luxurious Azerbaijani wedding:

    After the first wedding night, relatives from the groom’s side, and the rest of the guests, wanted to be sure of the girl’s purity. To prove her innocence, the young bride hung a sheet with a bloody stain in the yard. This event was also celebrated.

    The Azerbaijani people were lucky in that they managed to carry their traditions and rituals through the centuries, without losing them in the bustle of modernity. Of course, a lot has already changed and even lost its significance, but still the main traditional moments always accompany a wedding celebration. A luxurious feast, magnificent outfits, a large-scale festive program - all this gives the wedding ceremony special significance. According to the peoples of eastern countries, customs and traditions are the key to great love and a strong family. Looking at how Azerbaijanis treat marriage and how they prepare for it, many should take an example from them. After all, starting a family is really important. Is not it?

    All countries sacredly honor the traditions and customs of their ancestors in many areas of life. Of particular interest in this regard is the wedding ceremony, which in each country has its own characteristic features. Azerbaijan, where they approach family creation extremely responsibly, is no exception. An Azerbaijani wedding is preceded by a lot of preparation, including many ritual actions.


    Features of choosing a bride

    A wedding ceremony in Azerbaijan consists of many solemn rituals and ancient ceremonies that are carried out both before and after the wedding. In terms of scope, a wedding in this country is characterized by breadth and splendor. As elsewhere, in Azerbaijan modernity imposes peculiarities on morals, which have acquired a freer character.

    But traditions require that a young Azerbaijani woman exhibit modest behavior. Girls most often communicate only with their friends, avoiding the company of young people.

    The priority in choosing a future bride belongs to the man. But the opinion of the parents is strictly taken into account; the future groom must obtain their consent to the union with the girl of his choice. Young people follow the opinions of their parents and never contradict them. Parental disapproval often changes a guy's plans.

    The appearance and attractiveness of a girl always plays a big role. The young man shows the girl to his parents, after which his family asks about the girl and her family. If a guy’s parents find something that doesn’t suit them, they immediately tell him about it. If the girl is satisfied with her parents in everything, then one of the relatives is tasked with collecting more detailed information. The groom's older sister, his aunt, or grandmother can act as a matchmaker.

    When collecting information, the matchmaker pays great attention to the financial condition of the girl’s family, finding out whether the future husband will be able to provide his wife with appropriate conditions for family life. The social position in the society of her family is also important, whether she enjoys respect and authority. The personal qualities of the bride are also taken into account. Traditional Azerbaijani upbringing requires a girl to respect her parents and all relatives, and to have a caring attitude towards younger family members.

    The following qualities of the future bride are revealed:

    • modesty and behavior in society;
    • economic skills;
    • culinary skills;
    • her state of health;
    • educational level.

    The girl's age is not particularly important. Traditions in Azerbaijan allow a girl to be married off after reaching the age of 14.

    There are some limitations:

    • a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Christian, while a Muslim man can marry both a Christian and a Jewish woman;
    • Marriages with direct blood relatives are strictly unacceptable.

    After all the points are observed and the parents approve of the family, the girls send one relative to find out the opinion of her parents. It is her father who must approve this union. After receiving the father's approval, the matchmaking ceremony begins.

    How does matchmaking work?

    In Azerbaijan, matchmaking also has its own specifics: it consists of two stages - small and large matchmaking. Small matchmaking begins with a conversation between the young man’s father and his entire family. Everyone expresses their opinion, which is listened to. And only after that matchmakers are sent to the bride’s family.

    As a rule, small matchmaking involves the mother and three relatives of the groom (adult sisters, aunts, grandmother). After a joint decision is made by the women of both families, the fathers of the families meet to continue matchmaking. The father of the young man must be accompanied by three men: either relatives or people respected by everyone. A father expresses to the father of a young girl his son's desire to marry her.

    Following tradition, the bride's father first refuses, citing the fact that it is important to know the opinion of the daughter herself. The girl remains silent as a sign of agreement. This is where the small matchmaking ends, and the matchmakers say goodbye.

    The second stage - big matchmaking - begins with a discussion of the Azerbaijani wedding by the groom's family. Women from the groom's family visit the girl to find out her wishes regarding the future wedding. After this, a date is set for the matchmakers' visit.

    Repeated matchmaking takes place solemnly and festively in the presence of guests. The matchmakers are seated in the place of honor and generously treated to a variety of dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine.

    The bride is not allowed to attend the big matchmaking ceremony; at this time she is with her mother, who takes her to her friends. The girl’s returning mother remains silent during the matchmaking, thus expressing her concern for her daughter’s future.

    The girl's relatives are having leisurely conversations with the matchmakers. The ceremony takes place in a warm atmosphere and first, extraneous topics are discussed: urban or rural events, news, weather. And only after this the main question about consent to the wedding is asked. The Azerbaijani woman's father blesses the newlyweds, and one of the sisters is in a hurry to tell the good news to the bride, who can return home only after the matchmakers leave.

    Parents congratulate their daughter, who, according to custom, should cry - this portends a happy family life.

    Then the betrothal ceremony is performed, also twice. The small engagement ceremony takes place in the bride's home. The groom's trusted person puts the ring on the bride's finger and a scarf on her head. Afterwards, he eats half of the sweet treat presented to him, and takes the rest to the groom.

    After the groom's envoys leave, the bride has a bachelorette party: the table is set with all kinds of sweet dishes that symbolize a happy life and prosperity in the family.

    Some time later, a second engagement takes place. It is celebrated widely with the invitation of not only relatives, but also friends and neighbors. The groom's relatives present gifts to the bride. Then both families discuss the amount of the ransom and the terms of the agreement, which stipulates the amount of monetary compensation in the event of a possible divorce.

    Modern life has somewhat changed the requirements for the rules for creating a family. In Russia, international marriage unions, including Azerbaijani and Russian, have now become a common reality. Such a marriage is possible if the groom’s relatives do not object to a Russian-Azerbaijani wedding.

    If after the wedding such a family moves to the husband’s homeland, then the Russian wife will have to get used to it and accept all the traditions of Azerbaijan.

    Wedding Ceremony Traditions

    From the engagement to the wedding, several months usually pass, which are necessary to prepare for it. There are customs to carry out other equally interesting rituals at this time. Long before the wedding, men of two families set the date for the wedding celebration and determine such important points as the menu, musical accompaniment, and the number of guests.

    During preparations for the wedding, the groom's family gives the bride various gifts: beautiful fabric, decoratively designed dresses, scarves of various colors, jewelry.

    On the eve of the celebration, the dowry is transported to the groom's house. This is done by one of her male relatives (brother, uncle), whom the groom’s mother always presents with a gift.

    The beginning of an Azerbaijani wedding takes place in the bride’s home. Loud music announces the beginning of the holiday. Gradually, the house is filled with guests who give gifts, and before sitting down to the table to treat themselves, each of the guests must pay by putting money in a cauldron.

    National wedding songs and music are played throughout the day. Only the groom's relatives dance with the bride. The holiday lasts a long time, and in the evening the groom's family goes home to prepare the celebration in their own home.

    The groom goes to pick up the bride. Upon arrival of the groom, the ceremony of seeing off the bride is carried out. In exchange for a gift, the parents give the groom's representatives the key to the room where the bride is staying. Having blessed their daughter, the parents cover her head with a veil, tie a red ribbon around her waist and take her out of the house.

    A fire has already been lit near the house, around which the bride is circled 3 times so that light and warmth always accompany her in her husband’s house. Other ritual actions are also carried out:

    • so that her house has reliable walls, pebbles are thrown after her;
    • so that the young woman is not overcome by sadness and melancholy, water is poured under her feet;
    • so that the first-born son in the family is given, the girl is allowed to hold the boy in her arms;

      the blood of a slaughtered lamb is applied to the dress and smeared on the bride’s forehead to make it easier for her to enter a new family and establish good relationships;

      To make life rich, rice, sweets, and small sweets are poured on the bride’s head.

    After these rituals, the bride is led to the groom to go to his house, and girlfriends and guests interfere, demanding a ransom.

    As the wedding procession approaches the groom's house, the bride takes off her shoe. This is how she warns of her arrival. On the threshold of the groom's house, she breaks a plate lying there with her foot.

    The mother-in-law should pat her daughter-in-law on the head so that they agree. The celebration continues at the groom's house.


    Every young couple wants to look the most beautiful on their wedding day. Therefore, they pay great attention to their outfits, which they choose for a long time and carefully.


    In the old days, the groom did not face the problem of choosing what to wear for a wedding. This has always been a national wedding dress. Nowadays, young people choose European-style clothing - usually a three-piece suit.

    The suit can be either traditionally black or light colors.

    A more solemn look is given by a “butterfly” instead of a tie and a boutonniere in the buttonhole. Sometimes the groom wears a skullcap.


    Azerbaijani brides can still dress in a national bright red outfit or choose a dress of some other color. The dress should look modest, but beautiful and luxurious. It is sewn from expensive and exquisite fabrics, decorated with embroidery, lace and other decorative elements.

    There are a number of features that are followed when choosing a dress:

      it should be modestly cut, have long sleeves and a covered chest;

      The bride's outfit must have something red in it.

    The bride's wedding attire is characterized by the brightness of her outfit and makeup, and the pomp of her hair. A lace veil is a mandatory element; brides often wear a crown, earrings, necklaces, and pendants as decoration.

    Currently, Azerbaijani women increasingly prefer modern white wedding dresses. It is decorated with stones and golden threads. Paying tribute to tradition, a white dress must be belted with a red belt or ribbon.

    Before the wedding, the bride's hands are decorated with intricate henna designs.


    Since close and distant relatives of two families meet at the wedding, everyone tries to look as good and elegant as possible. Older men most often stick to formal suits. Young people can afford a more democratic and free style.

    Women try to dress elegantly and festively, and girls prefer bright outfits. But everyone must follow the main rule: you cannot surpass the bride’s wedding dress with your outfit.

    What is served on the holiday table?

    An Azerbaijani wedding is celebrated on a grand scale, and festive tables are bursting with treats that are not only tasty, but also aesthetically decorated.

    The menu is distinguished by a variety of meat dishes from beef, various poultry, but preference is given to lamb: kufta-bozbash, dolma, lula-kebab, shawarma and, of course, shish kebab.

    A very colorful celebration, full of Islamic customs. And even though today newlyweds do not follow all the traditions, some of them are still strictly observed. This applies, first of all, to first marital intimacy.

    First wedding night in Islam: customs

    The wedding night takes place according to the rules of Sharia (norms for Muslims, enshrined in the Koran). Fortunately, the demonstration of a sheet after the intimacy of the newlyweds, to reveal the virginity of the bride, is nothing more than remnants of long-standing Islamic traditions and practically does not occur in our time. However, a number of customs before the first wedding night of newlyweds are mandatory.

    Muslims' first wedding night: interesting facts

    In addition to Islamic customs, the celebration of the first wedding night among Muslims has a number of additions that make the responsibilities of the spouses more flexible. This makes life easier for spouses in some current situations, namely:

    The first wedding night is the sacrament of two hearts. Despite some strict and unusual Muslim wedding traditions, Sharia maintains trusting and tender relationships between spouses. What interesting traditions do other nations support? You can get acquainted with Indian wedding traditions on our website www.site.

    A wedding in any country and among all peoples of the world is considered one of the most significant events in people's lives. This is an event indicating the beginning of a new stage of life, the creation of a new family - the highest value in the relationship between a man and a woman. Azerbaijan has sacredly honored the traditions and rituals of its people for thousands of years. An Azerbaijani wedding is a real feast for the whole world, an enchanting celebration with the participation of a large number of numerous guests and relatives.

    Azerbaijani wedding traditions differ from Russian wedding traditions.

    The traditions of raising Azerbaijani girls include modesty, respect for parents and older relatives, and care for the younger and weaker. And, of course, when choosing a bride, the groom and his family will choose a girl raised in the spirit of the customs of their nationality.

    This must be done before the matchmaking so that the groom can assess whether he can make a worthy match for her and maintain her usual standard of living after the wedding.

    If the bride's parents consider the groom not suitable enough for their daughter, then he risks being rejected even at the stage of small matchmaking.

    Also, the groom’s relative should find out about the bride’s health, her education and readiness and ability to run a household. After all, the groom doesn’t care who he marries.

    If both the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride agree to the marriage of their children, then a date is set.

    Since Azerbaijan is a Muslim country, age for marriage is not so important. Girls begin to be matched at the age of 14-15.


    According to Azerbaijani customs, matchmaking takes place in two stages. This is the so-called small and large matchmaking.

    • Small matchmaking

    First, the senior women of the groom's family go to the bride's house. The mother, her sister, the groom's older sister and other authoritative women of the family can go.

    As in the previous time, first there is communication on general topics, and then one of the matchmakers must ask a question in order to find out the final decision of the bride’s family about the marriage of their daughter.

    If agreed, the father of the bride should simply express his blessing to the young couple. Afterwards, it is customary to serve sweet tea. And according to custom, the result of the matchmaking must be reported to the bride by the elder sister, who follows the bride to her friend’s house.

    After the matchmaking is completed, when the guests have already left, the girl returns home, where her close relatives congratulate her on her upcoming wedding. The bride, according to tradition, is supposed to cry at this moment.


    By analogy with matchmaking, betrothal in the Azerbaijani tradition occurs in two stages.

    • Small engagement

    After receiving consent from the bride's parents, the small betrothal ceremony is supposed to take place within a month. This happens as follows: close relatives of the groom come to the bride’s house, where the bride is waiting for them.

    The bride on this day is surrounded by many of her friends. According to tradition, one of the matchmakers must put a ring on the bride’s finger and a scarf on her head.

    After this, he should try a piece of the sweet treat, but not eat it completely, and leave the other half for the groom. After the groom's relatives leave, it is customary to set the table with all kinds of sweets.

    It is believed that sweets, present in abundance at all stages of an Azerbaijani wedding, will bring prosperity and fertility to a young family. The bachelorette party is starting.


    There is a belief that the first friend to try on the future bride's ring will soon become a bride herself.

    Another ritual adopted according to Azerbaijani traditions among unmarried bridesmaids: you need to take two identical sweets and put them under the pillow; it is believed that on this night the girl should dream of her future husband.

    • Big engagement

    This stage takes place several months after the small engagement. The family of the future wife organizes a big holiday, but the groom's family traditionally sends many different products for this holiday.

    It is not customary to send only onions, as they are a harbinger of bitterness and sorrow in a future young family.

    Many guests are invited, from the closest and most distant relatives, to neighbors and just acquaintances.

    The money received as a ransom, according to tradition, was spent on the wedding and the purchase of a dowry. In addition, during the ransom, a contract was concluded, according to which the bride was entitled to a monetary reward in the event that the groom decided to dissolve the marriage.

    From the moment of engagement to the wedding itself, it could take from several months to several years. All this time, the groom's family sent gifts to the bride, and the bride herself continued to live in her parents' house.

    Some time after the big betrothal, the bride's family would step in and send gifts to the groom's family. It was customary to present these gifts on the same copper trays - khonchas.

    The first of the trays was for the groom, the second for the men of the family, and the third for the women. The remaining trays were filled with various goodies and fruits.

    The groom's side received gifts from the bride's family with a set table, but this time so many guests were not invited.

    Preparation for the wedding celebration

    The date of the wedding celebration is set by the father of the groom. To do this, the heads of the two families meet and choose a date in accordance with legends. In addition, all the details of the upcoming event are discussed.

    According to tradition, all expenses are borne by the groom's family, although it happens the other way around. The bride's family may wish to bear the costs themselves.

    Before the wedding day, a male relative from the bride’s family brings a dowry, personal belongings, household and household items to the future husband’s house.

    And custom obliges the mother-in-law to give a gift to this man who brought the bride’s dowry to the house.

    After this man leaves, girls—friends of the bride—come to the house. They put all the brought things in their places, tidy up and decorate the house. The hostess-mother-in-law should also give the girls gifts.

    Brocade bichini

    The name of this ceremony is translated into Russian as “cutting clothes.” It is held a few days before the wedding.

    Women from both sides participate in this ceremony. The custom takes place with Azerbaijani songs, dances and festivities.

    During these festivities, a female mentor for the bride is chosen (almost like). As a rule, this must be an older woman, married, with children and in good standing in the community.

    According to tradition, she will have to paint the bride's hands and feet with henna on the wedding day, dress her, and bring the young wife to her husband's house.

    Bread traditions

    For many peoples of the world, “bread is the head of everything” and many customs are associated with it, as a symbol of prosperity and fertility.

    In the Azerbaijani wedding tradition, there is a custom when the bride walks around the baked bread three times as a sign that her parents’ family will always have prosperity and abundance even without her.

    And so that there would also be abundance in the new family, she took with her a piece of bread from her parents’ house. The custom with bread is carried out 2-3 days before the wedding.

    Seeing off the bride to get married

    This is a very beautiful and symbolic Azerbaijani rite. The groom's relatives come to pick up the bride, present a gift to the bride's parents with dancing and singing, and after that they receive the key to the room in which the bride is located.

    The parents bless their daughter, throw a veil over her head and tie a red ribbon around her waist, then take her out into the yard.

    In the courtyard, according to tradition, a large fire is lit and a number of symbolic rituals are performed:

    After which the bride was taken from her parents' house to the groom's house, and guests from the bride's side, friends, and neighbors blocked the way, asking for a symbolic ransom for the pass.

    After the wedding

    The Azerbaijani wedding tradition also includes quite a few post-wedding traditions:

    The many rituals and traditions of an Azerbaijani wedding make it a truly large-scale and beautiful event, memorable for a lifetime not only for the newlyweds themselves, but also for all the numerous witnesses.

    Modern wedding traditions and rituals in Azerbaijan have deep and ancient roots. They inextricably intertwine the past and present of the people, for whom family is one of the main values ​​to this day.

    For centuries, these traditions have been carefully preserved and developed, passed on from generation to generation. Some traditions died, others were revived and enriched, filled with new content and meaning. They are very popular among young people. The older generation strictly monitors the implementation of some basic rituals and is lenient towards the rationalization of many traditions. It is difficult to talk about all the traditions in a narrow format, so I will only touch on a few.

    If the young people decide to be together, then it’s time to send elchi - matchmakers - to the girl’s house. According to tradition, it all starts with women's diplomacy. First, the guy’s mother “accidentally” meets the girl, then goes to visit her at her house, gets to know her, and assures her of the seriousness of her intentions. This will be the start for collecting information about the groom. If the choice of the young couple is approved, men will meet - the fathers of the guy and the girl or their representatives who enjoy their trust. When a girl is being wooed and her parents agree, the elder on the girl’s side asks for sweet tea or himself demonstratively puts sugar in a glass of tea. In response, the groom's representative puts a ring on the table, which one of the relatives, with a successful destiny, will put on the bride's finger, then throw an elegant silk scarf or headscarf over her shoulders. This is how it was in the old days, and this is how it happens now. And I think that this custom will be held in high esteem in the future, because it contains harmony, mutual respect, care and respect for each other, regardless of age.

    The bride and groom exchange wedding rings at nishana - engagement. On this day, the bride is given gifts, candies, sweets, fruits, packaged in the form of khoncha - baskets or trays, beautifully decorated with ribbons, flowers, and beads. As in the old days, there should be a loaf of sugar, which will be stored after the wedding, and it will be broken when the first-born appears in the family. A large cake with the names of the bride and groom is traditionally divided in half. Part of the cake, with the girl’s name, is taken by the groom’s side to treat their loved ones. The second part remains for those present and the bride’s relatives. Candy is usually handed out.

    The time between Nishan and the wedding is necessary for the newlyweds to make sure of their feelings. During this period, a dowry is prepared for the bride, and the groom collects bazarlyg for the bride - expensive jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, and tidies up the apartment or a separate room if they live with their parents. Before the wedding, the dowry will be brought to the groom's house and the young girls on their maiden side will decorate the newlyweds' room, for which they will receive gifts and refreshments from their future mother-in-law.

    On holidays, the groom's side traditionally congratulates the new relatives by bringing bayramlyg (bayram - holiday). There is especially a lot of hassle on Novruz, when the bride is given a dish with sprouted wheat decorated with a red ribbon - the “seed” from which halva has long been made. They also send trays of freshly baked baklava, shekerbura and gogals - the ritual cookies of Novruz. The trays are returned along with gifts for all members of the groom's family. On Gurbanlyg, the meat of a freshly slaughtered ram or a live lamb is sent to the bride’s house, the head of which is painted with henna, and there is a red ribbon on the neck or leg.

    If a guy and a girl don’t get along in character, then Nishan is returned. It is customary to return everything - the ring and all gifts. But they can also do harm, for example, by scratching something with a needle on an unopened box of perfume so that it cannot be given to someone else.

    Wedding ceremonies cannot be performed during Meheremlik, the month of mourning in Islam, as this is a very bad omen, and during Orujlug, the period of Lent. When choosing a restaurant or celebration house for a wedding, they take into account the quality of the dishes on the menu, prices, availability of photo and video services, musicians, singers, and dance groups. You can additionally order the decoration of the hall with balloons, fireworks, salutes, angels welcoming the newlyweds, doves, which they will release into the sky before the wedding, but this is not necessary. Personalized, beautifully decorated invitations – devetnamya – are sent to all invitees in advance.

    For the wedding, many couples prepare their own wedding dance - modern or folk - of their choice, and now also a photo session in historical places of the city, on the embankment, as well as a pre-wedding boat trip.

    The modern bride, like in the old days, before the wedding gathers her friends and young girls on both sides for henna-yachts (henna is vegetable dye, yachts are smearing). The girl is brought a khoncha, which contains traditional sweets and everything for personal care. But the most important thing is Iranian henna, for coloring hair and applying designs to the skin of the hands and feet, something like a tattoo. Previously, girls dyed their hair with henna, now they do it symbolically, preference is given to patterns on their hands. All guests are given a decorative bag with henna, candies, and sweets. There is a sign that a girl, having eaten such sweetness, will not stay too long in girls, and henna is a symbol of joy. On henna-yachts it has become fashionable to wear national clothes and tie a kelagai - a thin scarf made of natural silk - on your head.

    For henna-yachts, they learn instructive and funny quatrains about the relationship of the bride with her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law, with her husband, which are called akyshta, or more precisely, hahıshta. The girls take turns reciting these poems, looking at those they concern. The most lively ones do not remain in debt; in response they can give out such quatrains that it will not seem enough. This cheerful ancient ritual is very popular.

    Previously, before the wedding, women gathered for “paltar bichti” - cutting and sewing of clothes, but now clothes are bought or sewn to order, and the ritual is quietly becoming a thing of the past.

    The day before the wedding, the groom and his friends will have a wedding bath ritual - that of the hamam. On the same day, a kebin is concluded in the mosque - a marriage contract before God. Registration of marriage at the registry office is mandatory. A marriage can be registered before or during the wedding, but after the wedding this is the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, young people submit an application to the registry office in advance, so that there are no problems later.

    If you have noticed, I am not talking about the number of guests, the professionalism and number of musicians, singers and dancers, or what location will be chosen for the wedding celebration. Because these wedding characteristics depend on the financial situation of the wedding organizers. In all other respects, observing traditions at an ordinary average wedding is not something imposed or unusual - everything is exactly how it happens. Although it is clear that each wedding is individual and depends not only on material capabilities, but also on the taste, preferences of the bride, groom, their loved ones and also, strange as it may seem from the outside, on what part of Azerbaijan their roots are from. Different parts of the country have their own nuances in observing wedding traditions and rituals. And if outside the capital wedding ceremonies are more original and close to the origins, then in Baku they mixed with European canons, creating a unique flavor, about which they usually say: “The East is a delicate matter.”

    On the wedding day, the groom and his relatives follow the bride with flowers and musicians. The bride is decorated with jewelry. The newlyweds are blessed and led around a lit kerosene lamp - a symbol of the hearth. The groom's brother, with the ritual wish to have 7 sons and 1 daughter, ties the bride's waist with a red ribbon, and they leave the house to the accompaniment of "Vagzaly" - music for seeing off brides from their father's house. In front they carry a mirror - a symbol of purity, and on the sides 2 girls, relatives of the bride and groom, carry lighted wedding candles: in ancient Azerbaijan they worshiped fire. The bride and groom arrive at the wedding in a beautifully decorated car. This, of course, is not a phaeton, but it is also beautiful: the wedding procession is decorated with red ribbons and flowers.

    A wedding is full of traditions and rituals. There are so many of them that it’s not possible to even briefly discuss them all, so I’ll tell you a little about it.

    Children are a joy in the family, and in order to see her grandchildren, the groom’s mother will definitely place the baby on the bride’s lap.

    According to the custom of “bein ohurlanmasy” - stealing the groom - young guys can easily steal the groom from the wedding, but then return him for a ransom or for the fulfillment of a wish.

    The yalla dance is very beautiful, when guests, mostly young people, holding each other’s hands, rising and falling rhythmically and synchronously, walk around the entire hall in a chain, picking up new participants in this chain along the way. The leader and the one who closes this chain waves a handkerchief or napkin. Then the circle closes, and rhythmic pair dances begin in the middle of the circle.

    To ensure that the bride and groom, and at the same time the guests present, are not touched by the evil eye, at the end of the celebration, someone will definitely carry between the tables a plate of smoking grass - uzerlik, the smoke of which is traditionally considered a talisman among Azerbaijanis.

    To talk about a wedding feast means to say nothing: you have to see it and... try it. Traditionally, pilaf is the final dish of a wedding, and it is brought to the table of the bride and groom in a slow dance by a dancer dressed in national clothes.

    Yes, it should also be noted that wedding gifts are given in monetary terms. Usually, guests put the labeled envelope with money into a specially designed box with a slot.

    The bride and groom leave the wedding to the sounds of “Vagzala”. The bride, without looking, throws her bouquet to her friends, but most often the guys catch it and give it to some girl.

    The bride is accompanied to the groom's house by yenge - an experienced mature woman who is responsible for the young people to their parents that night. She accompanies the newlyweds to the door of the house, and in the morning she brings guymag for breakfast - the first food given to newlyweds.

    The wedding is over... But there are still many traditional rituals ahead that protect the newlyweds in the first forty days of their life together. They help young people create a strong, healthy family, and in the future, become a support for their children and grandchildren.

    This is a loaf of sugar - kelle gend

    These are baskets with sweets, clothes and khoncha cookies - gifts for the bride for Nishan

    And this is a cake with the names of the bride and groom and a basket of sweets prepared for distribution to friends, relatives, and neighbors.

    Khoncha with shekerbura are butter pies with a sweet nut filling, the edge of which is wrapped in a special screw way, and the surface is decorated with a special pattern.

    Khoncha for the bride, where there is a “seed”, and oriental sweets

    A beautifully decorated car in which the bride and groom are traveling to the wedding

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