• Pensions of working pensioners. Benefits for working pensioners Benefits for working pensioners in


    Every pensioner registered in Moscow and the Moscow region must clearly understand what benefits pensioners are entitled to. This is necessary in order to take full advantage of all social support measures from the state.

    An old-age pension is assigned to a citizen who has a work experience determined by law (25 years or more for men, 20 years for women) and has reached a certain age (men 60 years of age, women 55 years of age).

    The amount of social payments to old-age pensioners varies depending on the city and region in which the pensioner lives. This is due to different price levels and, accordingly, the cost of living differs in different cities.

    To take advantage of this or that benefit, a pensioner must submit an application for a deduction. That is, they are not assigned automatically. Before this, you need to find out what type of deduction (federal, regional, municipal, discount or something else) you are interested in.

    All benefits, depending on the department they are provided, can be divided into several groups:

    • Property tax benefits;
    • Benefits for tax payments on income;
    • Regional benefits;
    • Benefits for working pensioners.

    Tax benefits

    1. Old-age pensioners have the right not to pay property taxes. This applies to real estate owned by a pensioner. Items covered by the deduction include:
      • living space (house or part of a house, apartment, room);
      • dacha (also dacha or land plot);
      • garage or parking lot;
      • other buildings not used for profit (working studios, private museums).

    In order to take advantage of the social support measure, you need to write an application either in free form or in a specific form. All this must be explained to the tax office at your place of residence. The right not to pay tax is granted for one or more of each type of real estate.

    1. Old-age pensioners are exempt from paying income tax on funds received as:
      • old age pensions, social supplements to pensions;
      • payment of the cost of resort and sanatorium vouchers;
      • payment for medical care or treatment of a pensioner;
      • refunds for payment for medicines;
      • financial assistance paid by a former employer to a pensioner, not exceeding four thousand rubles.

    Regional benefits

    In addition to federal social support measures, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have the right to take advantage of an additional package of measures established by the government of the Moscow region. They concern both concessions in the form of exemption from various payments, and directly social payments of old-age pensions.

    1. Benefits for pensioners for payment of utility services are provided in the following amount:
      • exemption from paying fees for garbage removal;
      • compensation for part of the costs of paying for city telephone services (in the amount of 190 rubles per month).

    The right to apply for a subsidy is granted to those pensioners whose costs for paying for housing and communal services amount to 10 percent or more of their income. This type of measure can be obtained from the Moscow Housing Subsidy Center.

    1. The next measure is also variable and applies to those citizens whose pension payments do not reach the subsistence level established for residents. To apply for this benefit, you need to contact the regional social security department at your place of residence.
    2. Old age pensioners have access to a discount on the payment for medicines. The conditions under which a pensioner can take advantage of the benefit are as follows:
      • the citizen is assigned a minimum pension;
      • the citizen is undergoing outpatient treatment;
      • The medicine is purchased according to a doctor's prescription.

    If these conditions are met, a citizen has the opportunity to receive a fifty percent discount on medicines. For some diseases (diabetes, all types of cancer) the discount is 100%.

    Social card

    It is especially worth noting the social support measures for pensioners provided under the so-called social card. As the name suggests, only holders of these cards can use it.

    With the card you can get:

    • transport benefit. A pensioner card holder can use the services of the Moscow metro, city public transport, and suburban railway services free of charge;
    • discounts on payments for purchases and services in stores and institutions participating in the program;
    • a convenient opportunity to come to your clinic without having a health insurance policy with you.

    Benefits for working pensioners

    Working pensioners can count on additional benefits. In particular:

    • If he works under an officially concluded employment contract, the amount of his pension is recalculated annually;
    • If desired, they can take additional leave of up to two weeks. Salary for this time is paid;
    • They can ask to go on vacation at a time convenient to them at their own discretion. The employer has no right to prevent this.

    Old-age pensioners living in Moscow and the Moscow region should clearly understand what benefits they are entitled to. You need to be aware of federal and regional legislation, as well as know the rules for providing benefits.

    In this material:

    In the Russian Federation, people of retirement age are not prohibited from continuing to work. Does this category of people have any benefits from the state? Absolutely yes. However, not every person who has reached retirement age knows about their rights.

    Legislative norms

    Let's consider some legislative norms that indicate the possibility of receiving benefits:

    1. Federal Law No. 76, which is in the nature of regulation, continues to work after the date of registration of age payments.
    2. Law of the Russian Federation No. 173 in article number 18 explains the process of regulating full pension services, or rather the ability to recalculate accrued age payments from year to year.
    3. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifically refers to various pretexts for the dismissal of persons who have reached retirement years.
    4. Article 128 of the Labor Code in the Russian Federation provides workers with a chance to use additional vacations.
    5. The Tax Code, namely Article 217, along with the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, talks about a benefit that implies a discount on the purchase of medicines exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.
    6. Article 218 of the tax code in Russia addresses the issue of income tax.

    List of possible benefits

    In 2019, a working pensioner can count on the following types of benefits:

    1. Labor.
    2. Tax.
    3. Social.
    4. Pension.
    5. Medical services.

    Labor benefit

    The priority component of this benefit is the provision of additional leave. Its duration should not exceed two weeks. Temporary release from work is carried out without pay, that is, at your own expense. Many categories of able-bodied pensioners can increase the duration of the vacation provided to two months.

    There is another main benefit for people of retirement age. If a person is not officially employed and has plans to acquire another profession, he has the right to visit the Employment Center at his place of residence with a request to provide him with courses in mastering a third-party profession.

    Tax benefit

    In case of sale or purchase of residential property, a deduction is provided:

    1. When purchasing real estate or land, the tax deduction amount will be about two million rubles. This category includes major or finishing repairs of real estate.
    2. When overpaying interest paid when repaying a mortgage or consumer loan, a deduction in the amount of three million rubles is provided.
    3. In case of resale of property owned by a pensioner, the amount will be one million rubles.

    Working pensioners who are completely exempt from personal income tax are entitled to the following types of income:

    1. State pension provision.
    2. Reimbursement of the amount spent on the purchase of vouchers to medical institutions (sanatorium, dispensary).

    This list can be expanded due to funds allocated by the budgets of various regions.

    Social benefit

    This benefit is not extended by government agencies, but by regional authorities. What is included in this benefit? This:

    1. Free travel on city public transport and commuter trains.
    2. When paying for utilities and housing and communal services, you rely.

    It is important! But not all categories of working pensioners fall under the listed payments. First of all, it depends on the region of residence.

    Health benefits and services

    1. Free medical examination once a year.
    2. People who have retired are vaccinated against influenza and viral diseases free of charge.

    The list of benefits in this area is small, but some elderly citizens have a full right to the issuance of vital medications with a doctor’s prescription, paid for by the state.

    Pension benefit

    The main priority of this benefit is the opportunity to write an application once a year with a request to recalculate old-age pensions. The basis for this is the accrual of pension points for official employment.

    On behalf of the worker, the employer contributes certain funds to the social insurance department and tax authorities. These amounts play the role of accruing additional points, according to which the amount of pension benefits is calculated. One important point needs to be taken into account: you can apply for recalculation of pensions only until the month of August of the current year. Please note that depending on the region of residence, the terms of the benefit may vary.

    Other various benefits

    A pensioner who is officially employed has the right to a reduced working day or a part-time working week. Often this benefit comes from management. The legislation provides for this point for the following categories:

    1. In cases of caring for any family member who has lost his ability to work.
    2. An officially employed pensioner is a disabled person of the first or second group. In the first case, it is allowed to work only in specialized places provided for this.

    For reference! To receive this benefit, you need to negotiate with your superiors on this issue. In most cases, the employer himself offers pensioners such working conditions in order to reduce wages.

    What payments should employed pensioners not count on?

    The list of benefits that bypass working pensioners should include the absence of receiving social supplements. They are only available to those category of pensioners whose monthly income does not reach the subsistence level established by the state. An employed pensioner does not fall into this group. Restrictions may be imposed by local governments on various other benefits. They regulate the presence or absence of certain additional rights.

    Features of regional benefits

    These benefits vary in different regions. For example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, working pensioners have the following advantages:

    1. Free travel on buses, trams, trolleybuses and metro trains. To receive benefits on long-distance train tickets, you need to visit the social assistance office located in your area.
    2. Working pensioners with veteran of labor certificates are given the opportunity to reduce utility bills in the amount of 50% of the accrued cost. It is worth noting that the discount applies to the share of housing documented for the pensioner, as provided for in the Housing Code.

    There are also discounts of varying amounts on medications prescribed by the attending physician. This benefit works throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of your region of residence.. To apply for it, you need to contact the social security office at your place of registration.

    Military pensioners with the right to work

    1. Receive free medical care in clinics of the relevant department.
    2. Have priority when applying for a civilian position.
    3. Children and grandchildren are assigned to kindergartens and schools without a queue.
    4. Pension provision.
    5. Purchasing free housing for those especially in need.
    6. Once a year, you are required to pay for a round-trip ticket for treatment and prevention to any city in Russia.

    Veterans of Labor

    This category of pensioners has the opportunity to use gratuitous leave, in addition to that provided for by the labor code, for a period of one month. And:

    • free visits to clinics;
    • receiving medications prescribed by a doctor with a 50% discount;
    • travel on city public transport that does not require payment (except for taxis).

    Disabled people

    Working pensioners with different disability groups receive the following benefits according to labor legislation:

    1. The employer is obliged to provide a position that corresponds to the disability group.
    2. Use of annual leave for up to two months.
    3. Shortened working week for disabled people of the second group.
    4. Complete exemption from property tax.
    5. Receiving a one-time cash payment.
    6. If desired, a set of social services can be replaced with monetary compensation.

    You should know that when an individual entrepreneur reaches retirement age, age payments will be assigned by the state in accordance with the laws established by Russian legislation. Please note that the above benefits for working pensioners may vary depending on the region of residence.


    What benefits will be available to working pensioners in 2018 is a pressing question, because the situation concerns 10-15 million citizens of the country. Pensions for working citizens will not be increased; payments for other categories will be indexed. The revision of benefits for working pensioners in 2018 will concern the medical and social spheres. Legislation prescribes rules regarding the calculation of subsidies and other benefits. Find out about the specifics of paying pensions to working pensioners - the government does not plan to increase them.

    Rights of working pensioners

    This social category of citizens has the right to take out a mortgage loan or use other services of financial institutions at a general rate. There are no restrictions on the position held. A retired veteran has the right to paid leave with free travel and accommodation in a sanatorium area. According to the law, the following rights and privileges of pensioners are distinguished:

    1. The minimum pension for working pensioners is not set below the subsistence level in the region of residence.
    2. Every person with official employment upon reaching retirement age has the right to continue to work, without infringement or restriction of rights.
    3. Service for persons of retirement age can be carried out without a queue, if this is stipulated by law.
    4. There is no need to work two weeks upon dismissal.
    5. Registration for work is carried out according to general rules.

    Pension provision

    Recalculation of pension benefits for older people is a hot topic that is being discussed by the government. Since 2016, this category of citizens has received an insurance pension without indexation. Payment under this scheme will continue in the future. The federal budget does not include an indexation procedure until 2020. It is important to note that this rule is relevant only for recipients of insurance payments (savings from insurance).

    With general pension provision and social benefits, a person can count on indexation in 2018. An organization that hires an older person can offer him any salary. The size of the insurance pension remains at the same level and does not decrease, regardless of indexation or inflation. Citizens themselves should register their employment - this will help avoid dismissal without reason.


    The benefits described below are enshrined in national laws, and therefore are relevant for all regions of Russia. No changes are made to the pension certificate when applying for a job. Benefits for people of retirement age who have a job are divided into several categories:

    • social – this concerns the possibility of free travel on public transport, receiving a discount on utility bills;
    • medical - the possibility of a free medical examination, receiving services - treatment (additionally, some categories of medications are given free of charge);
    • tax – this category exempts you from paying personal income tax (from pension payments received or from other sources of income);
    • pension - determined by the ability to submit an official written or online application to the Pension Fund for a review of the amount of payments for length of service received after retirement;
    • labor - this is the right to receive additional leave, which is required by law.

    Legal regulation

    Studying the basic legislative norms will help you get acquainted with information on calculating pensions and available benefits for this category of citizens. The employment of people of retirement age is regulated by a number of acts. They prescribe the rights and responsibilities of persons of this category in the areas of health and economics:

    1. Law No. 76 (federal level) - describes the rate of payment of funds for military citizens who were officially formalized upon retirement.
    2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (including Article 80) - it spells out the rights of pensioners to work and the exclusion of their dismissal without reason.
    3. Articles 217, 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - the conditions for deducting tax payments from funds received from the state are specified here.

    Pension payments to working pensioners in 2018

    An individual pension score is the main indicator on the basis of which payments are calculated. Official employment allows you to get up to three points, which affects your pension. According to research, the pension in this case will not increase, but real wages show an increase of 5-10%. Given the low level of inflation, the real incomes of citizens of retirement age will increase. Disability, combat status, or the presence of a dependent affect the amount of payments, partially increasing them.

    Are there social benefits?

    Social supplements for this category of citizens are not provided. The law only indicates the need for additional payments to persons earning less than the subsistence level. If we take into account that an elderly person receives an official salary (minimum rate or higher), then with a pension his income will definitely be higher than the subsistence level in the country or region.

    Regardless of the level of income or the availability of property, an elderly person has the right to additional payments if the total income is below the subsistence level. For example, the cost of living in Moscow is 14.5 thousand rubles. If the pension is 8-10 thousand rubles, then with an official appointment the minimum salary amount is added. When added, this gives a figure of 15 thousand rubles, so workers are not entitled to social supplements.

    Indexation of pensions in 2018

    Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 remain at the same level. Previously, the government planned to carry out indexation at 3.2% according to the inflation rate. The release of part of the federal budget funds made it possible to partially change these plans. The lack of indexation and increases in pensions has already made it possible to leave benefits for pensioners in 2018 of the same size (except for social supplements). For example:

    • a former military man of retirement age has the right to additional benefits and bonuses;
    • a pensioner has the right to an additional two-week vacation, although not paid by the employer who pays the wages, without financial support.

    Tax benefits

    Tax benefits for working pensioners in 2018 are not much different from those established for non-working persons. For example, if a citizen sells real estate (be it a garage, land, apartment or house) or a vehicle, he can save on personal income tax. The benefit also applies to the purchase of property worth more than two million rubles (this applies not only to the purchase process, but also to repairs and insulation).

    The pension itself, the cost of outpatient treatment or vacation paid for by the state or the employer, are completely exempt from taxation. Financial legislation (Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 2, article 387) provides the opportunity to establish separate types of benefits from federal ones for elderly persons on taxes from local government.

    Exemption from income tax

    Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 do not provide for exemption from income tax. Cash receipts, income, non-state pensions from various funds, insurance companies, dividends and lottery winnings are subject to tax. The number of working people of retirement age exceeds 14-15 million, and with their help the state forms a positive (surplus) balance of the fund of funds. Amounts paid in taxes may be partially refunded. You can use your tax refund to buy vouchers and pay for sanatorium treatment.

    Personal income tax deduction when purchasing real estate

    Personal income tax is deducted when purchasing real estate at a cost of two million rubles or more. Financial expertise is not needed to determine the price of the property - everything is described in the documents. Rules:

    1. If the contribution and the total price of the asset are lower than the mentioned amount, then the possibility of deducting personal income tax when purchasing real estate is retained for the future.
    2. To resolve the issue, you must submit a 3-NDFL declaration in the year following the year in which you received such a right.
    3. Even with a significant duration from the moment of occurrence to receipt of the deduction, there is no early repayment - regardless of the social group.
    4. The deduction is also relevant if the purchase of the property was made on credit - according to reviews, this is very convenient.

    Property tax

    There is also no property tax for citizens of retirement age who work. In addition to general benefits for paying housing and communal services bills and other simplifications, they have the right to receive an official deduction for property if they officially own it. You need to take your passport and go to the tax office, where the individual is registered. The government institution is obliged to make a deduction on the current pension document. This is true even for credited property (when applying for a consumer loan or mortgage).

    Land tax

    Land tax for working senior citizens is paid in the same way as in the case of municipal taxes. According to the Tax Code (clause 2, article 387), the economic court of a particular region may issue a decision prohibiting the imposition of a tax on land plots of a certain area in the region. So, in Chelyabinsk an elderly person will pay for the land that belongs to him, but in Moscow or St. Petersburg he will not.

    Such tax revenues are classified as payments of local importance. Each administrative part sets its own limits on the area of ​​land plots. If they are exceeded, a person will have to pay land tax regardless of the situation. The deduction service is relevant for residents of the following regions:

    • Saint Petersburg;
    • Samara;
    • Saratov;
    • Permian;
    • Rostov-on-Don;
    • Volgograd.

    Discounts on transport tax

    Transport is the prerogative of the regions, so the level of discount and transport tax is determined by regional councils. An unemployed person, like a disabled elderly citizen, has the right not to pay transport tax in the Krasnodar Territory, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk regions, and St. Petersburg. The preference is partially available to the category of working persons in the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The last two areas allow you not to pay the transport tax in full.

    Social benefits for pensioners at the regional level in 2018

    The regional level establishes special benefits. They are similar in most regions of the country. For example, during the entire calendar year, a privileged category of citizens can travel by public transport without paying. This applies to the metro, buses, and minibuses. In the capital region, elderly people can have a prosthesis installed in their jaw free of charge - this helps maintain a stable standard of living for the elderly. Additionally, a list of medical services is determined in the regions. This is for example:

    • Doctor visit;
    • provision of drugs;
    • medical care;
    • providing diabetes medications.

    In the medical field

    An important section of benefits is preferences in the medical field. They help maintain a stable level of health for older people. For example, the law establishes the possibility of a free examination by a doctor at a state hospital in Moscow and in the regions. All elderly people receive prescribed medications at a discount or free of charge in municipal pharmacies. There is no reimbursement for medical services. Qualification does not affect the size of preferences.

    Labor legislation

    The employer is obliged to provide the elderly employee with proper working conditions, the opportunity to go on vacation or sick leave for treatment. An employee who receives social benefits from the state does not have the right to work a shortened working day or have an additional day off. According to the accepted social and labor norm, the period of work is not limited and is determined only by the conditions of the enterprise or organization.

    Such an employee can be dismissed only on the basis of Article 77 of the Labor Code. The salary supplement is based on general principles. The coefficient and pension points (their number) do not affect working conditions, dismissal or accrual of vacation days. Reduction is carried out only on an official basis if there are reasons for this, the same as for ordinary employees.

    Regional benefits in 2018

    Municipal authorities have the right to establish their own benefits for different social groups. Thanks to such a tool, it is possible to improve the living conditions of citizens in a particular region. Any elderly person spends a significant amount of money on trips to the city from the Moscow region, but after changes in legislation there will no longer be compensation for travel on public transport. In Moscow, the following benefits apply to working people of retirement age:

    • no payment for garbage removal;
    • an incomplete amount of utility bills is paid (the municipality compensates for part of the funds spent on city communications).

    Travel on public transport is regulated by local authorities. Everything depends on investments in infrastructure from the budget. Some cities offer free metro travel. Travel on public transport remains free for all categories of senior citizens who have the appropriate certificate. They do not need to purchase a travel ticket.

    Exceptions may be regional. For example, the Leningrad and Moscow municipalities made changes three years ago to the rules for travel on public transport. Since then, elderly residents of these cities have no right to free travel on certain types of transport. Check the specifics of access in interregional directions and for urban transport as of the current moment on the official websites of city and regional administrations.

    The actual conditions of the legislation allow older people to receive discounts on certain types of housing and communal services and pay a fixed amount for them. This applies only to non-working persons of retirement age who own one piece of real estate. All others can count on only partial exemption from payment for services for gasification of the house and heating of residential premises with gas.

    Some categories of beneficiaries have a 50% discount on electricity and water bills. These individuals include WWII veterans, Labor Veterans, some groups of disabled people, liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In Moscow, the Samara region, Krasnoyarsk and a number of other regions, discounts are provided on telephone bills.

    Not all categories of citizens are entitled to a sanatorium-resort holiday. A discount on the purchase of medical drugs is available to many. Regardless of what SNILS a person has and what level of insurance, the legislation provides for financial protection of vulnerable segments of the population. If you need to receive medications for oncology or diabetes, they will be issued by prescription completely free of charge.

    Unemployed people with a low level of pension can count on the procedure for compensation of half the cost of drugs of all categories prescribed by a doctor. Registration of low-income status is not necessary for the Pension Fund of Russia - regional funds in Russia independently determine such status. Check with your local fund to see if a specific person (you, your relative or loved one) can receive a discount on the purchase of medicines. Many of the benefits described above are not automatically provided upon reaching old age - you will have to submit a written application.

    To clarify the information, contact your regional pension fund or call the Russian Pension Fund state hotline. Dentures are not available to people who are working or retired. For elderly people living in the capital, in the absence of work, it is possible to install dentures at public expense. This provides an acceptable quality of life for people aged 55 and 60 years.

    Help for certain categories of citizens

    In 2018, the state offers different conditions for receiving assistance to certain categories of older working people. For example, pensioners with the open status of an individual entrepreneur have practically no benefits - all taxes on their part are paid in full. The “Heroine Mother” status allows you to enjoy similar benefits as labor veterans.


    Federal Law No. 76 defines a separate status for military retirees. The state provides a number of benefits to working pensioners in 2018:

    • receiving free medical care from government agencies;
    • the opportunity to obtain a work position out of turn (we are talking about a civilian position);
    • the opportunity to register your children and grandchildren in kindergarten or school without waiting in line;
    • receiving free housing if the commission determines such a need;
    • the opportunity to receive a free ticket to a sanatorium where a military pensioner spends his rest and treatment.

    For disabled people

    All categories of disabled people have the right to official employment. They are required by law to be hired for positions that are suitable for the requirements and working conditions (for example, sitting work). It is possible to provide additional leave to disabled people for a period of up to 60 calendar days/year. If you have a second or higher disability group, you can work up to 35 hours/week without losing your position. Disabled people do not pay transport and land taxes, and some medical services are provided to them free of charge.

    Labor veterans

    Assistance to certain categories of workers implies the right to receive up to 30 additional days of vacation, in addition to the 28 days due. This is relevant for labor veterans who continue to officially work. The status must be confirmed by the appropriate order or certificates. The percentage of such citizens from the total number of people of retirement age exceeds the number of participants in the Second World War.


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    Often people who have retired due to age are forced to continue working. And very often they wonder if they are entitled to any benefits due to the fact that they are working pensioners?

    What types of benefits exist for them?

    So, what types of benefits are provided for working pensioners:

    • Additional leave during work
    • Indexation of pension over time
    • social
    • tax

    Benefits for pensioners at work

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide additional benefits for workers; pensioner status only gives the opportunity to take leave at their own expense in the amount of fourteen days at any time convenient for themselves, and the employer does not have the right to refuse this if the employee has submitted an application.

    Additional leave during work

    Additional vacation periods apply to certain categories of citizens:

    • for working WWII participants, leave at their own expense can be granted for 35 days,
    • for disabled people, unpaid leave can be up to 60 days
    • The calendar days provided by law can be used either at a time or in parts, depending on needs, divided into 1 year.

    Amount of pension if a citizen is employed

    If a pensioner decides to go to work, the employer will accordingly pay insurance premiums for him, and therefore he will have advantages over non-working citizens of retirement age, since his social pension will be indexed as his length of service accumulates.

    Since 2015, due to employer contributions from the salary of a working pensioner, points are added to the pensioner’s account in an amount of no more than three in one year.

    However, not everything is so rosy. At the end of 2015, a law was passed to abolish the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. Thus, in 2016, working pensioners will continue to receive a pension, but it will not increase. After the pensioner is dismissed from work, the indexation of the pension will continue.

    Social benefits in old age

    Health care legislation provides many benefits for older people. Thus, those who have reached 60 years of age have the right to:

    • free annual flu shot;
    • medical examination once every 3 years.

    Working disabled people are subject to this procedure annually.

    The question that deserves special attention is what benefits of non-working pensioners are closed to working people? What does an active pensioner who continues to work lose?

    • The rules for financing social programs in the regions stipulate the possibility of providing one-time assistance for gasification of the private home of a non-working pensioner, if this housing is his only refuge.

    Assistance is provided based on the work completed as a percentage of the amount spent. The share taken by the authorities differs by region, but is usually 30-50%. The opportunity exists where rural gasification programs are being implemented.

    • Unlike workers, non-working pensioners, residents of the Far North and similar territories, are entitled to compensation for the cost of tickets to and from their vacation destination. You can receive it once every 2 years in the form of travel documents or cash assistance (Read also article ⇒).

    Benefits for paying personal income tax

    The attention of pensioners is focused on the federal personal income tax. Regarding its payment, benefits are provided for them. Exempt from personal income tax:

    • pensions established and paid by the state: to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, for disability, reaching a non-working age, length of service;
    • financial assistance provided by the employer to retired employees;
    • compensation payments to employees who have reached retirement age for the purchase of medications prescribed by a doctor
    • income from insurance payments under voluntary private pension insurance contracts in the event of reaching a disabled age, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has provided for a tax deduction in the interests of pensioners for:
    • compensation payments of full or partial cost of vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers for working pensioners and disabled people
    • amounts that are transferred to pay for technical devices and rehabilitation means for working disabled people by their employers;
    • cash transfers, assistance in kind and gifts received by WWII veterans and disabled people, minor prisoners of Nazi ghettos, worth up to 10,000 rubles. for the tax period (Article 218 of the Tax Code).

    Property tax deductions

    Working pensioners are entitled to a benefit in the form of an INV. When determining the base for personal income tax, the payer - a working pensioner has the right to claim an INV in the full amount spent by him on:

    • construction of residential real estate;
    • purchasing a house or apartment on the basis of shared ownership;
    • payment of interest to the financial institution that provided the purchase/construction loan.

    The tax benefit applies to all types of expenses incurred. If we are talking about the construction of housing, these may include costs for:

    • development of an architectural design and construction estimate;
    • purchase of building materials;
    • works and services of a construction company;
    • connection to gas, electricity and sewerage networks.

    The costs of purchasing housing include the amount of payment under the sales contract, as well as, in the case of purchasing living space in a new building, funds for the purchase of interior finishing materials and interior work.

    The following rules apply regarding the benefit:

    • A property deduction is provided at the request of a pensioner in an amount that he can confirm with relevant receipts, checks, acts
    • The maximum amount cannot exceed one million rubles, not including interest on loans.
    • If, as a result of a pensioner’s investments, a house or apartment is owned by him in shares, he receives the right to a tax deduction, the amount of which is calculated based on his share in the common property and the estimated value of the property.
    • INV is provided once in a lifetime.

    If the deduction cannot be fully used in one tax period, its balance is transferred to the next.

    A working pensioner can receive an INV through an employer. By calculating personal income tax from the salary of an employed pensioner and transferring it to treasury accounts, the employer acts as a tax agent. To temporarily stop collections, the pensioner must provide the accounting department with a certificate from the Federal Tax Service confirming his right to the benefit.

    Pros and cons of working after retirement

    People who have not accumulated work experience during their lives and cannot receive an insurance pension from the state can apply for old-age social benefits, namely:

    1. Women over 60 years old and men over 65 years old, if there is no required amount of experience.
    2. Citizens of small northern peoples aged 50 and 55 years (for women and men).

    In 2017 the amount of such pension was 4959.85 rubles.

    If the entire amount of pension provision is below the subsistence level in the region of residence of the pensioner, then in addition to the social pension, a social supplement to the pension is also made.

    • Social benefits cannot be assigned if the pensioner does not reside permanently in the territory of the Russian state or continues to work.

    Answers to common questions

    Which pension should I choose: insurance or funded?

    A funded pension will be good if you further accumulate it, and not only deductions will come from your salary, if it is small, then it makes no sense, since it is only 6%

    Please tell me where to invest my funded pension?

    Answer: The choice is yours, it is a matter of trust for everyone personally, whether you trust the state or banking organizations, in any case it is better to choose large, well-known organizations.

    My friend is disabled, what benefits can she get, she is 16 years old.

    Answer: After graduating from school, she will be able to enroll either in a higher educational institution or as a technician out of competition, subject to positive grades, then she can apply for benefits on utility bills, receive free treatment, and have the opportunity to go to a sanatorium at a reduced price. If she studies full-time, she can count on these subsidies until she is 18, as well as a pension from the state.

    Often people continue to work when they retire. Some people do this to survive, while others do not want to stop their active lifestyle. During work, someone needs a person, and he understands this. For them there are special benefits that can be obtained in accordance with the procedure established by law.

    The rights of working pensioners to receive benefits are enshrined in the following regulations:

    1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    There are the following benefits:

    1. Pension.
    2. Labor.
    3. Social.
    4. Medical.
    5. Tax.

    It is worth considering all this in more detail.

    On the rights of working pensioners

    According to current legislation, persons who have reached retirement age have the right to continue working in their own or another position. In this case, only those who are officially employed can be considered a working pensioner. Here are the basic rights reserved for citizens of retirement age:

    1. Receiving a pension not less than the subsistence level. The final size is set individually, depending on a number of nuances. A Pension Fund specialist is involved in the calculations.
    2. When deciding to continue working after retirement, no one can discriminate against a citizen and infringe on his labor rights.
    3. Service for pensioners can be provided out of turn if this is provided for by regional legislation.
    4. When dismissing, there is no need to notify the employer two weeks in advance. A pensioner can write a letter of resignation at any time and stop working the next day.
    5. Employment is carried out on a general basis.

    Because of the right to leave work at any time, many organizations prefer not to hire retirees, infringing on their rights. However, it is impossible to hold them accountable, since each company sets its own requirements for candidates for a specific position.

    Payments and other social benefits

    Today, the size of the pension is calculated by the number of accumulated pension points. However, there are various social allowances: for disability, combat veterans, labor veterans, and so on. Thus, the real income of pensioners is significantly higher than the basic pension.

    The law does not provide for additional social benefits for working pensioners. The exception is cases when the pension amount does not reach its minimum level. In this case, there is an addition from the Pension Fund budget.

    Important! Since the pensioner is officially employed, his total income will be above the subsistence level. Thus, no additional payments to the pension will be made. The right to them will appear only after dismissal. At the same time, if you are re-employed, you must go to the Pension Fund to write a corresponding application. Then the pension amount will be returned to the original one.

    There are two concepts: the minimum pension and the minimum wage. If the minimum pension is 14 thousand rubles, and a citizen was awarded 8 thousand rubles, and at work he receives another 9 thousand rubles, then the total income is 17 thousand rubles. this is above 14, so there is no right to additional payments.

    It is worth noting that today the government does not index pensions for working pensioners. To earn additional income, many work unofficially.

    Features of labor benefits

    Labor legislation has a number of features for people of retirement age. In particular, the law says the following:

    1. Part-time work is possible.
    2. It is possible to receive a two-week vacation at any time when an employee of retirement age needs it, but the employer does not need to pay for it.
    3. It is possible to resign without service if a specialist of retirement age does not deliberately ignore Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, dismissal occurs on a general basis with 2 weeks of work.
    4. During layoffs, retirees have priority. They can be reduced only in extreme cases, if there is a truly urgent need.
    5. There is a right to shortened working hours, but most employers ignore it.

    Important! It is not necessary to present a pension certificate during employment. The exception is in areas of economics where special requirements are imposed on the candidate’s age.

    In addition to two weeks of administrative leave, persons of retirement age who continue to work receive 28 days of leave on a general basis.

    Important! You can go on administrative leave at any time if the employee does not work as a teacher in educational institutions and is not employed part-time.

    Main tax benefits

    The Tax Code provides a number of benefits for persons who have reached retirement age. Here are the main ones:

    1. There is no need to pay personal income tax when selling property.
    2. The pension is tax exempt.
    3. No need to pay property tax.
    4. There are benefits when paying land tax.
    5. Reduced transport tax rate.

    Now it’s worth looking at all this in more detail.

    Income tax for pensioners

    Pensioners, like other citizens of the Russian Federation, are required to pay income tax. Income can include dividends, winnings and even pensions from non-state pension funds. Oddly enough, it is taxed. Since it is considered additional profit that a citizen receives from non-state entities.

    Important! It is possible to receive a tax deduction when filling out a tax return and providing a complete package of documents.

    When buying real estate you can get a tax deduction too. This is also true in cases where the transaction was carried out using credit funds.

    Property tax

    Pensioners are completely exempt from paying it, regardless of whether they work or not. If for some reason the Federal Tax Service employees accrued the amount due (and this happens in the first couple of years after retirement), then you will need to provide a pension certificate. According to this document and your application, corrective entries will be made and the amount due will be cancelled.

    Land tax

    This tax is paid by all citizens of the Russian Federation without exception. But pensioners have some preferences. Some regions independently pay this tax from the regional budget if the area of ​​the land plot does not exceed the maximum allowable size.

    Transport tax

    The size of the discount is determined by the heads of regions. In the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions, the authorities independently pay this tax for pensioners. There are also preferences in a number of other areas. However, most regions do not provide discounts for pensioners, forcing them to pay the entire transport tax themselves.

    Medical benefits

    All pensioners, including working people, have the right to free services in municipal hospitals and clinics. An exception is the list of services provided only on a commercial basis. Each organization establishes it independently, and the chief physician certifies it with his signature and seal.

    Here are the healthcare benefits available to working retirees:

    1. The right to free medical examination no more than once every 3 years.
    2. If you meet certain requirements, you may be able to receive certain medications free of charge.
    3. Discount or compensation for dental prosthetics and other dental operations.
    4. Preferential queue for receiving a certain type of medical care, including for surgical intervention.

    Important! It is not possible to receive free or reduced-price medications everywhere. They are issued in municipal pharmacies or in medical institutions themselves.

    Selected regional benefits

    Unlike federal ones, regional ones operate only on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation. Residents of another entity are not entitled to receive similar preferences. Here are the main benefits that regions provide to elderly citizens:

    1. The right to free travel on public transport.
    2. Discounts on utility bills or compensation.
    3. Free garbage removal.
    4. Providing compensation for paying contributions for capital repairs of apartment buildings.
    5. Additional allowances that are provided from the regional budget.

    It is worth understanding that this is all relevant for any working pensioners. But there is also a category of military pensioners and disabled people. Their list of preferences is a little higher.

    Video – Benefits for working pensioners latest news

    Benefits for military pensioners

    Career military personnel retire early, but this does not prevent them from continuing to serve. Thus, they receive a number of benefits different from those mentioned above. At the same time, those described above are also relevant for them. Here's what military personnel who become pensioners at 37 or a little later can count on:

    1. Preferential housing provision. For this purpose, there is a special NIS program, according to which a serviceman can obtain a mortgage. It will be paid for by the state from funds. Accumulated in a special account. Payment ends when there is no money left in the account. After this, the serviceman will have to make payments on his own. To avoid overpaying interest, many pay additionally for partial early repayment.
    2. Expanded free medical care, which includes consultation with specialists, visits to sanatoriums and dispensaries, and much more.
    3. 75% discount on sanatorium treatment, which includes travel costs.
    4. Preferential right to employment through the labor exchange.
    5. Maintaining the “northern” bonus, regardless of place of residence.
    6. Receiving a second (military) pension.
    7. Indexation of pensions 2 times a year.

    Employment does not cancel the above benefits and increases real income. After obtaining a certain length of service in certain regions, you can receive the title of labor veteran. There will be additional preferences. However, the provision of a certificate and award is not required everywhere.

    This category of citizens has additional preferences. At the same time, it is quite difficult for them to find work due to their limited abilities. The state is doing everything possible to reduce the level of discrimination, offering employers all kinds of benefits when employing people with disabilities.

    This is what pensioners who have received group III or II disability are entitled to:

    1. Admission to municipal educational institutions without competition.
    2. The maximum number of administrative days per year is 60.
    3. Maintaining the level of wages even with a reduction in working hours due to the characteristics of the development of diseases.
    4. 50% discount on spa treatment.
    5. Receiving medications according to the list is free.

    Important! Group I disabled people do not have the right to work. By engaging them to work on a paid basis, the employer risks receiving a large fine. This is due to the fact that people in this category are struggling to live and cannot spend time and energy on performing work duties.

    Other categories of working pensioners

    The law also provides additional benefits for labor veterans who continue economic activity and increase their work experience, namely:

    1. Vacation at any convenient time with full preservation of the salary portion of the salary.
    2. If necessary, you can receive administrative leave for up to 30 days.
    3. Seasonal discounts on travel on suburban transport.

    Teachers and lecturers who have retired can additionally receive compensation for the purchase of solid fuel. However, this is only relevant for those who live outside the city and where gasification has not yet occurred.

    Thus, people of retirement age can receive good benefits while continuing to work. However, in Russia, all rights to social benefits are indicative in nature, so you must come in person and write an application to receive them. This can be done, depending on the type of benefit, at the social benefits department, the Federal Tax Service or the Pension Fund.

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