• Energy of Stones (DeAgostini). Energy of Stones Magazine (DeAgostini) Issues 24 of Energy of Stones Magazine


    Energy of Stones 2014 is a reissue of the collection published from 2011 to 2013.

    A beautiful collection containing natural stones and crystals that have been selected for their beneficial properties and cut to enhance their energy. Particular attention in the collection is paid to the healing and energetic properties of stones. Publishing house DeAgostini.


    • Natural processed stones.
    • A cut that enhances the stone's emission of energy.
    • Collection of runes.

    This collection includes semi-precious stones and crystals in four shapes: pyramid, obelisk, sphere and rounded stone. It is this cut of the stone that allows it to accumulate, transmit and amplify energy.

    At one time, civilizations such as the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Aztecs knew the power of the pyramid to accumulate, store and radiate energy.

    Prehistoric man erected it in the form of a menhir, and in Ancient Egypt its form was brought to perfection. Nowadays, it rises in such iconic places as St. Peter's Square in the Vatican and the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

    A symbol of perfection and infinity for most civilizations and religions of our planet. In the sphere, energy is concentrated and radiated in all directions.

    Rounded stone
    Fractured and rounded crystals, also known as pebbles, emit a muted but constant energy.

    Also in the collection - Runic alphabet. Collect an exclusive collection of runes to read the future using this thousand-year-old divination technique. The legacy of the past, which exists today, helps us to know ourselves and improve our lives. Total 27 runes from the magical Futhark runic alphabet. Runes are included with issues with rounded stones.


    • Uncover all the secrets of the stones
    • Establish harmony between mind and body.
    • Cleanse and fill your home and workplace with positive energy.
    • Discover the crystals that best match your zodiac sign.
    • Stimulate the seven major chakras with the most beneficial crystals.

    Magazine sections:

    World of stones and crystals– Learn about the healing and energetic properties of stones and crystals used in lithotherapy.

    Path of the stone– Even the Egyptians and Celts highly valued stones for their healing properties. Learn the history of the stones, century by century.

    Crystals and health– This section of the Energy of Stones magazine is a practical course that will allow you to use the beneficial properties of crystals. Through simple exercises and techniques, you can generate positive energy to improve your body, mind and spirit.

    Amulets and talismans– Plunge into the world of amulets and talismans that have been created by various civilizations and cultures over the centuries.

    Secrets of the runes– Discover the secrets of the famous runic alphabet known as Futhark, which was used by the peoples of northern Europe in magical practices and predictions.

    Release schedule

    №1 – Blue agate Rounded stone – 08/26/2013
    №2 – Rose quartz Sphere + Case for stones + Rune – 16.09.2013
    №3 – Amethyst Rounded stone + Pouch for runes – 09.23.2013
    №4 – Eye of the Tiger Obelisk + Folder for magazines – 09.30.2013
    №5 – Yellow calcite Sphere + Separators for folder
    №6 – Jade Pyramid
    №7 – Red Jasper Rounded stone
    №8 – Red aventurine Obelisk
    №9 – Zebra stone (argillite) Rounded stone
    №10 – Aragonite Sphere
    №11 – Dalmatian (Diorite) Rounded stone
    №12 – Prehnite Rounded stone
    №13 – Marble Onyx (Aragonite) Pyramid
    №14 – Milky Opal (Chalcedony) Rounded stone
    №15 – Agate (Chalcedony) Rounded stone

    DeAgostini Publishing House offers its readers a new magazine series, “The Energy of Stones.” Each issue is dedicated to one of the natural stones. The weekly publication provides an opportunity to collect a collection of crystals and stones, selected and processed taking into account their beneficial properties and energetic power. In the issue you can find not only another copy of the collection, but also a lot of educational information.

    Release schedule

    No. 1 – Blue agate (rounded stone) 2011 – 08/26/2014
    No. 2 – Rose quartz (ball) 2011 – 09.16.2014 + case for storing stones
    No. 3 – Amethyst (rounded stone) 2011 – 09.23.2014 + bag for runes
    No. 4 – Tiger's Eye (obelisk) 2011 – 09/30/2014 + folder for magazines
    No. 5 – Yellow calcite (sphere) + Folder dividers
    No. 6 – Jade (pyramid)
    No. 7 – Red jasper (rounded stone)
    No. 8 – Red aventurine (obelisk)
    No. 9 – Zebra stone (Argillite) (rounded stone)
    No. 10 – Aragonite (sphere)
    No. 11 – Dalmatian (Diorite) (rounded stone)
    No. 12 – Prehnite (rounded stone)
    No. 13 – Marble onyx (Aragonite) (pyramid)
    No. 14 – Milky opal (Chalcedony) (rounded stone)
    No. 15 – Agate (Chalcedony) (rounded stone)
    No. 16 – Green quartzite (pyramid)
    No. 17 – Unakite (rounded stone)
    No. 18 – Obsidian (rounded stone)
    No. 19 – Red-brown obsidian (sphere)
    No. 20 – Jadeite (rounded stone)
    No. 21 – Chrysotile (rounded stone)
    No. 22 – Obsidian (pyramid)
    No. 23 – Epidote (rounded stone)
    No. 24 – Jasper (rounded stone)
    No. 25 – Blue quartzite (pyramid)
    No. 26 – Ferruginous tiger eye (rounded stone)
    No. 27 – Quartz (rounded stone)
    No. 28 – Landscape jasper (sphere)
    No. 29 – Chiastolite (rounded stone)
    No. 30 – Black tourmaline (Sherl) (rounded stone)

    How many issues are there in the “Energy of Stones” collection?
    Planned: 115 episodes

    Collection “Energy of Stones”

    As soon as the announcement of the series appeared, I made the decision to collect it. I have long been fascinated by the healing and magical properties of stones. Therefore, the Energy of Stones magazine will come in handy for me. First of all, thanks to the publication, my still small collection will be replenished with new copies, and I hope to glean additional information from the magazine.

    With the first issue, which I managed to buy on the very first day after it went on sale, I got an agate of a unique color. The kiosk seller gave the opportunity to choose from several options at his discretion. As a result, the choice fell on this one.

    Most likely, I'll pick up a couple more copies of the first issue. Each of the stones is beautiful in its own way. I admit, the choice turned out to be very difficult. If this continues, I’m afraid that one case, which is promised in the next issue, will not be enough for me even for the best stones from my collection. To have somewhere to put all this beauty, I plan to buy 3-4 second issues at once. In the future I want to buy issues selectively, because I already have some of the stones announced by the publisher. Although if I come across very beautiful ones, I’ll hardly be able to resist buying them.

    Energy of stones - partwork, collectible magazine series from DeAgostini.

    This series was already published several years ago, in 2014 (August) - a restart, the series will be released for the second time.

    You can buy issues online here.

    PYRAMID, OBELISK, SPHERE AND ROUNDED STONE are the chosen forms due to their ability to accumulate, amplify and transmit energy.

    The Egyptians, Mayans and Aztecs knew the power of the pyramid - the ability to accumulate, store and radiate energy.

    Prehistoric man erected it in the form of a menhir, and in Ancient Egypt its form was brought to perfection.

    A symbol of perfection and infinity for most civilizations and religions of our planet. The sphere concentrates energy and radiates it in all directions.

    Fractured and rounded crystals, also known as pebbles, emit a muted but constant energy.

    Release schedule

    Energy of stones No. 1. Blue agate (rounded stone). 08/26/2014.

    Energy of stones No. 2. 09/16/2014. Rose quartz (ball), rune, storage case as a gift.

    Energy of stones No. 3. 09/23/2014. Amethyst (rounded stone), as well as a pouch for storing runes.

    Energy of stones No. 4. 09/30/2014. Tiger's eye (obelisk), plus a gift folder for storing magazines.

    Energy of stones No. 5. 10/07/2014. Yellow calcite (sphere). Application - folder separators.

    Energy of stones No. Jade (pyramid).

    Energy of stones No. 7 – Red jasper (rounded stone).

    Energy of stones No. 8 – Red aventurine (obelisk)

    Stone Energy #9 – Zebra Stone (or Mudstone) (Rounded Stone)

    Energy stones No. 10 – Aragonite (sphere)

    Energy of stones No. 11 – Dalmatian (diorite) (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 12 – Prehnite (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 13 – Marble onyx (Aragonite) (pyramid)

    Energy of stones No. 14 – Milky opal (Chalcedony) (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 15 – Agate (Chalcedony) (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 16 – Green quartzite (pyramid)

    Energy of stones No. 17 – Unakite (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 18 – Obsidian (rounded stone)

    Energy stones #19 – Red-brown obsidian (sphere)

    Energy of stones No. 20 – Jadeite (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 21 – Chrysotile (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 22 – Obsidian (pyramid)

    Energy of stones No. 23 – Epidote (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 24 – Jasper (rounded stone)

    Energy stones No. 25 – Blue quartzite (pyramid)

    Energy of stones No. 26 – Iron tiger eye (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 27 – Quartz (rounded stone)

    Energy of stones No. 28 – Landscape jasper (sphere)

    Energy of stones No. 29 – Chiastolite (rounded stone)

    Energy stones No. 30 – Black tourmaline (sherl) (rounded stone)

    Energy of Stones No. 30 - Obsidian (pyramid) - 03/31/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 31 - Sodalite (rounded stone) - 04/07/2015 + rune
    Energy of Stones No. 32 - Wood opal (rounded stone) - 04/14/2015 + folder for magazines
    Energy of Stones No. 33 - Landscape jasper (ball) - 04/21/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 34 - Rock crystal (Quartz) (rounded stone) - 04/28/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 35 - Citrine (rounded stone) - 05/05/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 36 - Red jasper (pyramid) - 05/12/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 37 - Moonstone (rounded stone) - 05/19/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 38 - Ametrine (rounded stone) - 05.26.2015
    Energy of Stones No. 39 - Labrador (obelisk) - 06/02/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 40 - Hawkeye (rounded stone) - 06/09/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 41 - Garnet - 06/16/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 42 - Red-brown obsidian - 06/23/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 43 - Heliotrope - 06/30/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 44 - Amazonite - 06/07/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 45 - Fluorite - 06/14/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 46 - Howlite - 06/21/2015
    Energy of Stones No. 47 - Topaz - 28.06.2015
    Energy Stones No. 48 - White Quartz - 04.07.2015

    First day of sales

    Number of issues

    115 rooms are expected.


    25 runes of the stone alphabet, folders and cases as issues are released - as a gift for releases.

    1st number 69 rubles, 2nd number - 149 rubles, 3rd and further - 239 rubles.


    Weekly publication. On Tuesdays.


    De Agostini LLC.

    Shapes of stone cuts in the series

    Obelisk, pyramid, rounded stone, sphere.


    A4 format, 16 pages, stapled.

    The collection's semi-precious stones and crystals have been hand-cut to enhance their beneficial properties. The stones in the series are real gems, very different, with 115 issues of the magazine we are collecting a large collection. 115 different samples - that's a lot!

    Release schedule for Energy Stones: No. 1 August 26, 2014, No. 2 September 16, 2014, No. 3 September 23, 2014, and then weekly.

    The series is designed for more than 2 years.

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