• How to start developing psychic abilities. How to develop psychic abilities? What psychic abilities can give you


    Everyone has the beginnings of psychic abilities. The suggested exercises will help develop them.

    90% of the inhabitants of our planet mistakenly believe that psychic abilities are a gift that only a select few receive. The remaining 10%, those who practice working with subtle energies, are sure of the opposite. Every person has the beginnings of special abilities. You just need to learn how to use them.

    How to develop psychic abilities

    Each person has a unique set of “tools” for communicating with the universe. Our task is to identify our strengths and learn to manage them. You can start with simple exercises.

    1) Meditation. It all starts with the ability to concentrate on a problem. The more focused you are, the more likely it is that your subconscious mind will tell you the correct answer.

    2) Prediction. The level of psychic abilities is increased by such simple exercises as trying to guess the time, the number of the next bus, the name of the caller, and so on.

    3) Visualization. Visualization exercises help you capture and correctly interpret received signals. Drawing, sculpting, and designing teach one to put incoming images into a specific form.

    4) Look and see. Every person and any inanimate object has a special biofield that can be seen with internal vision. A simple exercise will help with this. Place any object on a plain background and look at it without fixing your gaze on it. With proper training, you will see a subtle outline of energy framing the object of observation.

    5) Stimulation of prophetic dreams. Before you go to bed, ask yourself what will happen tomorrow. The answers will come in a dream.

    6) Body practices– the ability to work with your hands, feel the aura – they help well in healing and working with psychological problems. You can start by trying to feel your own aura. We bring our palms together and slowly spread them apart. Then we return to the starting position. Gradually, you will learn to determine the boundaries of your aura “by touch” by tingling, warmth, and pressure in your palms.

    The result of such exercises is skills that will allow you to improve your life and tune in “on the same wavelength” with the Universe. However, in order to reach the next level, to help not only yourself, but also those around you, it is worth practicing under the guidance of experienced masters. After all, psychic abilities are not only a special power, but also a special responsibility with which you need to learn to live.

    Psychics are people who have superpowers and can perceive the supernatural. The word “psychic” is translated from Latin as “supersensitive.” It is believed that extrasensory perception is a gift that a person is endowed with from birth. But in fact, every person has similar abilities, but they are at different levels of development. This is the so-called “sixth sense”, intuition, which in many cases our mind suppresses. People have different attitudes towards extrasensory perception: from God’s blessing to the machinations of dark forces. But this is just the ability to capture vibrations of the bioenergy field in a range inaccessible to most people.

    This gift often manifests itself in childhood, when children begin to tell their parents things that they cannot know about. Any person who wants to discover psychic abilities can try to do this with the help of special training and exercises.

    Perception of aura using hands.

    You need to sit on a chair, your back remains straight. Completely relax and remove all thoughts. After a few minutes, spread your palms to the sides at a distance of 30 cm and begin to slowly bring them closer together until they touch. Then return to the starting position. After a certain amount of training, you may experience a feeling of warmth or firmness between your palms. This is how the boundaries of the biofield are captured.

    Developing the power of gaze.

    The task is to learn to concentrate your gaze. A black circle with a diameter of 3 cm is drawn on a sheet of paper. It is fixed on the wall 90 cm from the eyes. First, we look at the circle without looking away for a minute, then we move it 90 cm to the left and right and repeat the procedure. With daily training we increase the fixation time to 5 minutes. Having achieved this result, you can influence others with your gaze. In order to completely subjugate a person’s will, you will need the ability to fix your gaze for 15 minutes.

    3. See the future in a dream.

    The essence of this method is to go to bed and set yourself to see tomorrow. This means trying to fall asleep with one thought - about what you want to know. In order for this to happen, it must take quite a long time - 1-2 months. Seeing the future is the most incredible thing!

    4. Development of intuition.

    The exercise will teach you to recognize the emotions of other people. To do this, you need to kind of reincarnate into him, become imbued with the consciousness that you are this person, turning off all your internal judgments. So over time it will be possible to look at the world through his eyes.

    5. See the aura.

    To do this you need to go through two stages. The first is to lie with your eyes closed before going to bed and look at the small lines inside your eyelids. The second is to put some object in the twilight on a neutral background that does not distract attention, and look at it as if casually. After some time, you can see a whitish haze along the contour of the object. Over time, it will acquire a color that depends on the color of the object itself. This is the aura.

    In conclusion, I can give one more piece of advice. People who want to discover their psychic abilities should spend more time in nature - walking, meditating, looking inside themselves.

    All people on Earth are endowed with special gift of extrasensory perception, it’s just that not every person wants and can develop supernatural abilities. Someone consciously does not want to get involved with extrasensory perception, since learning to predict the future is not easy, and besides, it is too much responsibility. Many people are mistakenly convinced that extrasensory abilities Only a select few have it. In our article we will dispel all the myths regarding this topic and tell you in detail, how to develop extrasensory perception to any person.

    Extrasensory perception is the ability of a person to feel and see what others do not feel or see. People who have developed psychic abilities can predict the future, tell the past, heal, warn, and investigate. In their reasoning, they are guided by their senses and their own logic.

    Under no circumstances should concepts such as:

    1. Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance. A psychic is a person who can sense what has happened or will happen. He has a vague idea of ​​some event, but he cannot accurately describe it, because he is overcome only by general sensations. But a clairvoyant clearly imagines the picture; he can tell, down to the details, everything that he sees in his head.
    2. Magic and extrasensory perception. A psychic cannot change fate or influence the course of events occurring in a person’s life. He can only talk about the past or describe the future in general terms. But the magician is not able to feel and see clearly, but he has the power to influence the course of events, change human destiny through various magical rituals and spells.

    The task of any person who dreams of becoming a psychic is to make every effort to develop their senses. Today this is not a problem, since many books and textbooks on this topic have already been published. Experienced psychics regularly conduct master classes and educational courses on extrasensory perception.

    How to develop extrasensory perception on your own?

    At home, every person can develop their supernatural abilities. We will present you some useful exercises on extrasensory perception for beginners, which will help you first discover your potential and then develop it:

    1. Swipe first extrasensory perception test to determine which sense organ is best for you to develop. What is the essence of the test:
    • Please read the text below first:

    • then close your eyes - you need to completely relax in order to imagine in your head everything you just read;
    • Having imagined, analyze whether you saw everything you should have, heard everything, were able to smell the aromas and experience all the sensations.

    If you managed to see everything clearly, then you need to work on developing your visual perception of the world; if you heard everything you read about, then study practical extrasensory perception on the development of auditory perception, and so on.

    1. Work on developing your third eye. Wake up in the morning, sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to focus on a point located in the middle of your forehead. It is in this place that each of us has a “third eye”. In this state, do the following:
    • think about what events might await you today (this should include both positive and negative news)
    • If during the exercise your mobile phone rings, try to guess who wants to talk to you
    • try to guess what song will play on the radio if you turn it on
    • guess what time it is when you do the exercise, and then check whether the data matches or not

    1. Try to answer your own questions after waking up. For example, when you wake up, ask yourself: “Will I see such and such a person today?” Immediately after asking yourself the question, take a meditative position and try to answer it yourself. During the day, see whether your answer matches reality or not. Experienced psychics are convinced that this exercise contributes to the development of visual perception of the world.
    2. Practice meditation. There is one effective exercise that professionals in the field recommend doing. parapsychology and extrasensory perception:
    • sit comfortably, take a deep breath (you need to inhale slowly), try to relax as much as possible;
    • imagine that you are warmed by the warm sun, as if you are bathing in its rays - you really need to feel the sun’s warmth from head to toe, while imagine that you are looking at the center of the sun’s disk, where the number “3” is depicted;
    • repeat the previous exercise, but imagine that there is a number “2” in the center of the solar disk;
    • at the third stage of this exercise, you need to imagine that in the center of the solar disk there is the number “1” - psychics say that it is at this moment that a feeling of complete relaxation is achieved.
    1. Before you go to sleep, imagine your future day down to the details. At the same time, remember that nothing and no one can distract you. You must be as focused as possible on having a prophetic dream.
    2. Develop your intuition, try to sense the aura of a stranger. But for this you need to learn to distinguish the boundaries of your own biofield:
    • sit on a chair, keep your posture straight, sit in this state for several minutes, and then relax as much as possible;
    • Stretch your arms forward, with your palms down, spread them apart so that there is a distance of 30 cm between them, and then begin to close your palms to each other with your eyes closed (you need to ensure that they touch each other friend).

    1. Develop the power of your gaze. To do this you need to do the following:
    • draw a small circle on a sheet of white paper (its diameter should not exceed 3 cm), sketch it in black;
    • hang this drawing on the wall so that it is 90 cm away from you;
    • try to look closely at the dark circle for one minute without blinking;
    • then attach the drawing not directly in front of you, but a little to the left, and repeat the exercise, then do the same, moving the image a little to the right.
    1. Read books on extrasensory perception. Psychics recommend reading the following works:
    • “Extrasensory perception” by Nonna Khidiryan
    • Energy Anatomy by Mark Rich
    • "Developing Superpowers" by Christopher Penzak
    • "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek
    • "Psychic Sensitivity: A Path to Healing Others" by Richard Powrens

    Extrasensory perception: training in professional circles

    If independent attempts to learn supernatural abilities do not give any results, then you need to take extrasensory perception lessons from professionals in this field.

    There are several ways to better organize this:

    Remember, if you decide to develop supernatural abilities, you will have very painstaking work ahead of you. You won’t be able to achieve results quickly; you will have to learn and develop a lot. But don’t let these obstacles stop you, because there is nothing incomprehensible to humans in the world. Work on yourself! Who knows, maybe your destiny is to be a psychic and help people!

    Video: “Extrasensory perception: how to develop intuition and extrasensory abilities?”

    A true psychic is a bright and strong person, but not externally, but internally. A magician of incredible beauty, sitting in a dark room and casting a spell over a ball, is just a romantic stereotype. In fact, psychics are no different in appearance from ordinary people, but their internal qualities and abilities are disproportionately higher and more diverse than those of an ordinary person. Nevertheless, each of us has extrasensory perception, only for some it sleeps in deep sleep, for others it is poorly developed, and for those who have it strongly, people call sorcerers, magicians and psychics. Try to remember at least one episode from your life when you guessed, say, the next melody that will sound on the radio, when the right bus arrives at the stop, where to go in an unfamiliar area to find what you need... Surely, such an episode happened, and not alone. Such cases are examples of the manifestation of your personal extrasensory abilities, which can be developed. This will require time, patience, a desire to learn and continuous practice.

    How to develop psychic abilities? First, identify your strengths.

    Determining your own capabilities

    There is one popular exercise on the Internet. Surely it will help you too. For everything to go smoothly and properly, try to relax, disconnect from real life, stay at home or in a separate room alone with yourself. Nothing should distract you. Sit down, close your eyes and imagine the following picture as clearly and vividly as you can:

    Summer sunny day. You are alone on a sandy river beach. The seagulls are screaming. You feel how the rays warm your body. You are calm. Then you take off your shoes and feel the soft river sand with your feet. A child is bathing in the river, he calls his sister to him. You hear it. You were exhausted by the heat and you were thirsty. You get up and go to the kiosk located nearby, buy popsicles there, which make you feel cool. You start eating the treat and feel the taste and smell of strawberries. The ice begins to melt, and sticky streams flow down your fingers.

    After you have presented everything, analyze your feelings and ideas. This must be done honestly, so you can determine the strongest of your feelings. Answer yourself these questions:

    1. How much and how clearly were you able to see the objects around you? Have you seen the river, the ice cream kiosk?
    2. How clearly did you hear the sounds? Were you able to hear a child's voice and the cries of seagulls?
    3. How strong were the tactile sensations? How good did you feel the softness of the river sand, the coolness from the kiosk and the stream of ice flowing down your skin?
    4. Olfactory sensations – could you smell the strawberries?
    5. Taste sensations – how strongly could you taste the ice?
    6. Feelings and emotions – what and with what intensity did you feel during the presentation of this picture?

    By carefully analyzing your feelings, you can understand what is most developed in you. In the future, try to develop the strength and sharpness of your leading feelings. They will also help you recognize extrasensory information.

    What to learn

    One article is extremely insufficient to tell you how to develop psychic abilities. In this paragraph we will list what you need to learn. Special literature, training and constant practice will definitely help you with this.

    • Mastering auto-training and meditation.
    • Development of imagination, ability to think figuratively.
    • Self-hypnosis and hypnosis.
    • The ability to accumulate biological energy, it can be drawn from the natural elements and the Cosmos.
    • Managing energy in various ways.
    • Ability for extreme concentration.
    • Developing calmness and a friendly attitude towards the world; the ability to clear yourself of negative feelings and emotions.

    Exercises to develop intuition

    How to develop psychic abilities? You won’t be able to start with something complicated right away – you don’t have enough strength and experience for that. Intuition can also be trained, but you can figure out how to do it yourself. Everything is very simple - you try to look into your future, imagine different situations, referring not to logic, but to your inner voice. Next, check how right you were. The more often and more you train in this way, the stronger your intuition will be. For example, you don’t know what time it is, but first you try to guess the time and then check your watch. Or you have lost an item, but are trying to guess where it is without using logic.

    Exercises for developing extrasensory perception

    Now let's look at a few exercises that will help you understand how to develop psychic abilities.

    Perception of the human aura

    Sit on a chair so that your back is straight. Relax and don't think about anything in particular for a few minutes. Then spread your palms about 30 cm apart. Slowly bring them together and apart. The task is to learn to feel the boundaries of your biofield. These sensations can be in the form of heat or energy. When you learn to clearly sense your aura, you can learn to recognize the aura of other people.

    Vision of the future through a dream

    Before going to bed, try to set yourself up to see tomorrow. To do this, you need to try to fall asleep with only one single thought that you should dream about tomorrow. This is difficult to learn. Many people need weeks and months, moreover, to see their day not completely, but in fragments.

    Developing the Power of Gaze

    Willpower and perseverance are qualities without which nothing will work. Take a piece of paper, draw a circle in the middle, paint it black and hang it on the wall at a distance of 90 cm from your eyes. Look at the circle for a minute without looking up, then move the sheet to the left 90 cm from the starting position and repeat the exercise. Next, move the sheet to the right of the starting position, also 90 cm, and repeat the exercise again. You need to train daily, gradually increasing the time to 5 minutes for each position. Once you achieve this result, you will begin to observe that your gaze begins to influence people.

    Development of intuition at a high level

    The task is to learn to recognize the emotions and feelings of another person. To do this, you need to learn to penetrate inside a certain person, to present yourself to them completely and completely. Try to look at the world through the eyes of this person, without mixing in your own thoughts, assessments and judgments.

    Seeing someone else's aura

    The exercise is done in 2 stages. First, before going to bed, learn to look at the small lines and details on your closed eyelids. The exercise is done for 2-3 days, one procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

    In the second stage, it is better to perform the exercise at dusk. Place any solid-colored object on the table. It is better if it is located opposite a white background. Look at the object not directly, but as if from the side, casually. After some time, you will be able to see a small haze running along the contour of the object. Soon it will become brighter and acquire a characteristic shade. The aura of the item will depend on its color. A yellow object will emit a blue aura, a green object will emit a red aura, etc.

    We told you a little about how to develop psychic abilities. I would like to say that this is only a small part of what you can master. Don't be afraid to improve, look for new exercises and opportunities. Spend more time alone and in nature, grow spiritually and look for new ways to develop psychic abilities.

    Extrasensory perception. Exercises to develop psychic abilities

    One of the blog readers asked me to write an article about what extrasensory perception is and give several exercises to develop sensitivity to energies.

    First, let's give a definition, extrasensory perception- this is the ability to feel different energies, come into contact with them and receive the necessary information without using the usual senses - hearing, vision, touch, smell, vestibular apparatus.

    Extrasensory perception, a special type of magic- it has its own laws and in most cases is capable of breaking the laws of ordinary magic.

    Extrasensory perception includes telepathy, telekinesis, dowsing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psionics, empathy, the creation of illusions, various energy practices and some other systems. I call these systems, since these are subtypes of extrasensory perception and are implemented using special systematic approaches.

    There are three ways to become psychics.

    These are the methods:

    Independent development of extrasensory abilities through training;

    Development of abilities due to injury or stressful situations;

    Innate skills.

    I don’t think there’s any need to explain the first two points, but I’ll say the third one. Every person has extrasensory abilities from birth, this is inherent in us from our birth, from the creation of the world.

    In Orthodoxy, it is believed that man was endowed with many abilities when he was in Eden, but as a result of the Fall, man became very distant from God and because of this, over time he lost many of his spiritual abilities. And magic is just a way to regain these abilities using a harsh method.

    This is the difference between extrasensory perception and magic, the first is natural to us, and magic is a science with the help of which it influences the world.

    Another thing is that some people from birth have clearly expressed abilities, the reasons for this are not known to us, but such people play a special role in the world. They have a great responsibility, because having such power you can do a lot of bad things all over the world.

    In fact, extrasensory perception has not been properly studied, although many scientists have worked on it - there are no clear explanations. Now there are many movements that aim to develop these abilities and many people are interested in them.

    But you should know that this is a dangerous activity. Without proper guidance, you can do a lot of harm to yourself. I had to communicate with people who went crazy from such activities.

    How to develop these abilities in yourself.

    Extrasensory abilities are activated by the slightest effort, if it is directed in the right direction. And you yourself, probably, have more than once noticed glimpses of intuition, premonitions of some events - and noticed that when you begin to listen to your intuition, it works even better. This happens all the time, but not everyone notices it or doesn’t want to notice it, and as a result, the abilities will remain hidden.

    Huge strengths and possibilities are hidden in man. Man is a powerful being, in whom the forces of the spiritual and energetic side of the universe are embedded; he is capable of not only penetrating these spheres - but also managing them.

    The special thing about extrasensory perception is that you can do everything with your thoughts. The main thing is to believe and obtain the necessary knowledge, since faith must be reasonable. There is a lot of literature now, but I advise you to read literature written from the 90s to 2005; many good books with real knowledge were published during this period.

    There are many techniques that allow you to develop psychic abilities in a person, almost regardless of his initial level.

    Learning extrasensory perception is about learning to perceive the energy plane more subtly and correctly interpret your feelings. As a rule, such signals are clogged with logic, which most modern people are accustomed to relying on entirely - and even stereotypes get in the way, we are stuck in them up to our ears.

    I won’t give a lot of exercises; I’d rather write articles on the topic of extrasensory perception later.

    Psychic hand training opens the outputs of the energy system in the fingers, as well as palms, creates a steady flow between them, the sensitivity of the psychic’s skin to the effects of energy fields increases.

    When performing psychic exercises, the ability to sense energy fields appears, and it becomes easier to control the flow of energy. In this case, the psychic’s hands work in the mode of transmitting and receiving energy.

    The hands of a psychic work as a receiving and transmitting device. The right hand of a right-handed person is positive (+), active, left (-), receiving. For a left-handed person, the opposite is true. The psychic should pay the greatest attention to psychic exercises for his active hand.

    Pay special attention to extrasensory training of the very tips of the nail phalanges of the index finger, ring and middle fingers of both hands. Basically, all diagnostics are carried out with these three fingers.

    At the beginning of training, when performing extrasensory exercises, try to catch the subtlest changes in the sensations of your fingertips, remember them and improve tactile sensitivity.

    Extrasensory sensitivity of the palms below, and they train to sense two signals: determining the field and hypertonic or hypotonic pressure.

    Basically, psychic exercises are based on the fact that the palms of the hands move in a circle one above the other.

    - One hand is motionless, the other hand makes circular movements relative to the other stationary hand clockwise, after the sensitivity improves, the distance between the fingers (palms) should gradually be increased to such a distance at which the sensitivity of the skin is noticeable, then brought together. The connection between hands cannot be lost.

    Psychic exercises are done for the left and right hands alternately. The workers are the very tips of the fingers, and pay the most attention to psychic exercises.

    When performing psychic exercises, visualize the movement of energy, concentrate special attention on the sensations that arise in your fingertips and palms (warmth, tingling, cold, itching, dips, etc.).

    - Keep your palms parallel to each other, make oscillatory movements forward, backward, to the sides, moving them away and bringing them closer to each other. This exercise produces a feeling of tingling, burning, etc., which indicates the restoration or cleansing of energy channels.

    - Imagine holding an orange or blue energy ball between your palms. You increase and decrease this ball by moving and spreading your palms, increasing the speed of hand movement. Then imagine how the ball on one of your palms becomes heavier, feel its heaviness. Switch hands. Do this exercise for 15 minutes, you will feel a magnetic vibration between your palms. Fix this sensation in your body's memory.

    In extrasensory perception, to get the best results you need to enter a state of altered consciousness.

    It is advisable to do this exercise every day; it is simple, but it will help you quickly develop intuition.

    Without exaggeration, we can say that at any time, in any environment, we can arrange testing the power of your intuition.

    Before leaving home, ask yourself a question: who will meet first - a man or a woman? Give the answer without hesitation and go outside. When asking a question, listen to your feelings and remember them. Having seen your “answer”, remember what your feelings were and what (who) they signaled.

    At the bus stop: which bus (trolleybus, minibus) is suitable next. Give yourself the flight number and wait.

    In transport: what color car will overtake you.

    At work: if you are involved in negotiations at work, if you have a conversation with your boss, the tax office, etc., ask yourself the question: how will the meeting go, what will the emotional situation be, what will the results be?

    Write down your expectations from the negotiations in a notebook in advance. Try to intuitively write down everything in more detail.

    When the phone rings, try to quickly answer the questions: is it a man or a woman calling, is it a regular call or a call from someone you haven’t talked to for a long time, or maybe it’s a call from someone you don’t know?

    Write down your intuitive expectations about the weather for several days in advance. Write down all the nuances of your expectations. Check the consistency of your predictions with real events.

    You can receive answers in the form of visual images, you can hear them, or you can “just know.”

    Here are 7 extrasensory perception exercises, I am not their author, but I have used them myself and recommend them to you.

    First exercise. Select an object at eye level at a distance of 1 - 3 meters. The item to start with should be very simple: a book, a pen, a matchbox. Close your eyes and imagine a white, empty, glowing space. Keep a clear image of it in your mind’s eye for 3 to 5 minutes. Then open your eyes and contemplate the object for 3 - 5 minutes. At the same time, do not think about it, but simply look through it, as if you were looking into the distance, trying to take in the subject as a whole. Close your eyes and imagine this object in your mind, placing it in a white luminous space for 3 to 5 minutes. The exercise needs to be done 5 - 8 times, trying to do it calmly, without straining, without any effort of will.

    Second exercise. While lying in bed, before going to sleep, close your eyes and imagine a black letter “A” on a white background. Hold the image of the letter in your mind for several minutes. The letter can change in shape, float away, shrink - calmly return it to its original place in its original form. The next day, imagine the letter “B” in the same way. Hold the letter in your imagination until the image is clearly captured. At the next stage of this exercise, hold the combinations of the letters “AB”, then “VG” and so on. Then hold three letters in your imagination. Some people immediately manage to keep 5 or more letters on their mental screen. Work further, bring the number of letters held in your imagination to ten. Exercise helps develop concentration, expand the scope of perception, and improve memory.

    Third exercise. Imagine a small red square, fix it in your imagination. Now imagine that the square increases in size, diverging its edges to infinity. Now there is a red space in front of you, contemplate it. The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Once you have mastered this, move on to more complex things. Imagine first the color red, smoothly turning into orange, orange turning into yellow and so on until purple. Then you need to go back from purple. Then imagine red-skinned people walking through a green forest. People's skin gradually becomes orange, yellow - and so on until purple. Then it gradually turns red again.

    Fourth exercise. Imagine an apple. Start rotating it clockwise in space. Imagine how it flies out of your head and flies around the room. Place the apple opposite the bridge of your nose and look at it. Carefully try to mentally enter into it, feel yourself in its size and shape. Then fly one meter up from your body in an apple and look at the world from this point. You should see your body below, the walls of the room, the furniture, the close ceiling. This exercise should be done while sitting in a chair or lying on a bed, as involuntary access to the astral world is possible. It is extremely important not to lose control of yourself during the exercise. If you sense something is wrong, open your eyes immediately.

    Fifth exercise. Look carefully at any object. Close your eyes, try to see the same object in the same place. Open your eyes, compare the imaginary object with the real one. Close your eyes again. Open. Achieve maximum identity between the physical and the imaginary. As you progress in your studies, the subjects covered should become increasingly difficult. Then start looking at animals and people this way. After fully mastering this exercise, you will be able to look at a person with your eyes closed and see the aura and internal organs of his body.

    Sixth exercise. Learn to create some mental image in space with your eyes open. For example, imagine that you have a vase with different flowers on your table. Try to see her there.

    Seventh exercise. Take mental trips. Imagine how you walked around the room, hall, kitchen, went out into the corridor, and returned. Imagine how you leave your house, walk down the street, get on a bus, go to the forest, to the river, swim, and so on.

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