• Congratulations on the wedding of a brother from his sister. Congratulations to your brother on his wedding in prose - wishes in your own words. Congratulations to brother on his wedding in prose


    Dear and beloved brother! Today is the most long-awaited day, which will forever go down in the history of our friendly and large family! Today, you took as your wife your magnificent and dearest (name of the bride), whom we have come to love no less than you and whom our parents treat as their own daughter. I would like to wish your beautiful family love, prosperity, warmth and harmony. We wish you to soon give birth to small, beautiful and healthy children who will fill your life with meaning and make your family the happiest and most united in this world. I wish you to remember this magical day and not to regret the fact that you tied the knot, no matter the quarrels.

    I am incredibly happy for my beloved brother, who today tied the knot and joined the ranks of happy family men who rush home from work to spend time with their beloved wife and children. I want to wish you great happiness, love and beautiful children who will be like you. Always be a worthy family that we all want to take an example from and that we want to be equal to. Live happily and may no difficulties that always come your way ever separate you. Love your wife and never think that there is someone better than her, because you took her as your wife, which means you must always love her. Advice to you and love, my dear newlyweds! Bitterly!

    Today is the most magnificent day that our beautiful couple will remember for the rest of their lives, because on this day they tied the knot and became a family that has the most important thing that can be in a couple’s life - love! My dear brother, look at your beloved wife, she looks luxurious today, and all because she is incredibly happy that today she married the most magnificent man whom she loves with all her heart. I want to wish your family, which was born before our eyes, love, patience, understanding, prosperity and fidelity! Love each other and even in the biggest quarrels, don’t think of regretting that you once said to each other the long-awaited and most solemn “Yes!”

    Love is the most beautiful thing that connects two people. Today is the great day when you became husband and wife. Beloved brother! I want to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. I want to say that you are a great fellow, because you found your beloved woman and took her as your wife! Dear (name of the bride), I want to sincerely congratulate you on marrying your loved one and becoming a member of our big family! Dear newlyweds, on this bright day, I want to wish your newly-made family great happiness, joy and harmony! Always make concessions to each other and get angry even in the biggest quarrels, but don’t stop loving each other, because finding your love is very difficult, but losing it is so easy! Bitter, my dears!

    Every couple in love dreams of linking their destiny with each other forever, and today this magnificent day has come for you! My dear brother! I am incredibly happy for you, because you found your beloved girl, who today became your wife and entered our family with a smile on her face and happiness in her eyes! I want to wish you to always love and honor your wife, try to make concessions to her and protect her under any circumstances, to be her beloved husband and faithful friend who can support her in difficult times! I wish you to remember this day forever! I am looking forward to the birth of my little blood, my dear nephew, whom I will love just like you! Once again I congratulate you on this bright event! Bitterly!

    My brother is incredible! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, because on this amazing day you married a very beautiful and incredible girl who loves you with all her heart, and for whom you are the meaning of this life! I want to wish your family that was born today prosperity, harmony and strong love, which will become stronger and stronger every day! Respect each other and, even in the most negative circumstances, do not let your pride ruin your family happiness! My dear, precious and dear brother, I wish you to finally hear in the nursery the joyful laughter of your dear children who are so similar to you, which will fill your life with meaning!

    My beloved older brother! Today, you took a responsible and masculine step - you married your dear girl, whom you must now make every day the happiest in the world! If you have chosen this beautiful girl as your wife, then never stop loving her under any circumstances! Respect and appreciate her, protect her from all troubles and bad weather! I wish you to live to see your golden wedding and not lose your love and respect for each other. I wish your family happiness, health, prosperity and success in all your endeavors! I wish you to quickly have children whom I will love, just like you, my brother! Advice to you, and love, my beloved! Bitterly!

    My beloved brother! You are the most precious person in my life! I cannot imagine my life without you, without your presence, sympathy and support! On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage, because you have taken as your wife a magnificent girl whom you love and appreciate so much and know that it is mutual! You married a real beauty who sincerely loves you and will always come to your aid and support you. I want to wish your family mutual understanding and respect for each other, always be happy and do not pay attention to other people who may attract you, because you have what connects you and makes you happy - love. I want to raise a glass to you, to your newly-made family, always be happy!

    My wonderful brother! I am incredibly happy for you, because today you have acquired your little happiness, which every person dreams of and which not everyone is destined to get. You made a wonderful choice, because your bride is good and beautiful. I wish you all the most beautiful things in this world. May all the plans that you have made come true and may your life be joyful and happy, and may your relationships only improve every day. May love, joy, prosperity and good luck never leave your newly-made family. May your home always be full of children's happiness and joy. Let your love only become stronger every day! Let the atmosphere in your home always be favorable and warm! Bitterly!

    My dear, incredible and dearest brother! As a child, everything happened to us, but even in the biggest quarrels, I always understood only one thing - you are my closest, incredible and beloved person who means so much to me! Today, you have become a husband, and this is a very big responsibility, but I know for sure that you can handle it! I congratulate you on finding a worthy life partner who is so beautiful and gentle. The fact that you love each other is visible to the naked eye, so try to keep this love forever! I wish your family happiness, harmony and tenderness! Spend your free moments with each other and don’t procrastinate with your offspring, because we are all waiting for the birth of cute, strong and beautiful children.

    Not every person can boast that he has a brother! I was lucky, because my childhood passed under the warm wing of not only my parents, but also you, my most beloved person. As children, we dreamed of creating families that would be friends. I haven’t started my own family yet, but I want to congratulate you on the fact that today you got married to your most beloved girl, who loves you no less. I wish your family love, kindness and warmth. Love, do crazy things and don’t deceive yourself or each other! Appreciate every magnificent moment lived together and never pay attention to the opposite sex, because cheating on your loved ones is stupid and unworthy! Once again I want to congratulate you on your wedding, be happy! Advice to you, yes love!

    If you have a brother or sister, you are a doubly happy person. And, of course, congratulations on the wedding from a loved one is one of the most reverent and exciting moments at the celebration. For a loved one whom you have known since childhood, you need to choose special words.

    How to congratulate your brother at a wedding?

    • Traditional speech at a banquet. The main thing is that the words be sincere, avoid ambiguous and offensive phrases. Most often, a gift is given after the speech. By the way, if you tried and chose a creative present, give reasons for it.
    • Humorous congratulations. There is a place for pranks and funny jokes. You can tell an interesting story from your life, the main thing is that the groom does not feel uncomfortable.
    • Hello, we are looking for talents. If you want to show off your talents, you can write a poem or perform a song for your brother. You can prepare interesting slides and arrange a demonstration. The main thing is not to drag out the presentation for more than 5-7 minutes.
    • Congratulations-practical jokes. Give a cake and accidentally fail to convey it to the newlyweds, steal the bride, hire professional actors for a scene - there are a lot of options. You can do this together with your brother’s friends, the main thing is to choose people who know how to keep secrets and control their facial expressions.

    Idea for video congratulations

    You can choose funny photos for each stage of the groom’s life:

    • Newborn. In order not to offend your brother, you can simply choose a photo from the Internet with a funny baby. You can accompany this with funny comments: “As soon as I saw him, I realized that my parents had gotten into a huge problem somewhere.” Or “the first thing the baby did when I picked him up was take away my candy. I realized that we would become friends.”
    • Preschooler. Photo from kindergarten. You can tell about your favorite toy or a funny story from childhood. For example, how your brother protected you from a dog, and in the end you both sat on a tree for 2 hours, afraid to get down.
    • Teenager. Of course, this is a difficult period in the life of every person, but the main thing is that your brother found his way and became the person he appeared at the holiday (it is appropriate to note his good human qualities).
    • young man. Another interesting story or short story about how yesterday’s boy is already becoming a man or how you had to fight off your sister from numerous admirers would be appropriate.
    • Groom. Congratulate the newlyweds on this wonderful day, find warm and sincere words for your wishes. At the final stage, contact the bride and groom, because from now on they are a couple.

    Try to avoid poetry - most often they seem to be written as a carbon copy, and not everyone has oratory abilities. A beautiful congratulation in prose is more appropriate.

    If you have creative friends, write a short play about the bride and groom. Assign roles, and when one of you is given the floor, go on stage. Congratulations after the performance can also be done collectively, having distributed the speeches in advance.

    Wedding congratulations from brother

    Example 1. Brother, so you left the ranks of bachelors. And looking at the bride, I understand you perfectly! You have everything a newlywed could wish for - love, mutual understanding, youth, beauty! And the rest will follow! I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday, and I want to say to the bride: “Welcome to the family.” Be happy, love and appreciate each other, do not be offended over trifles. Smile at each other, support and inspire. May there be peace, prosperity and prosperity in your home. Good luck! Bitterly!

    Example 2. Brother, today you are getting married, and it is hard to believe. Now you will go your own way, but I still hope that your beautiful wife will sometimes let you go fishing with me. Otherwise, we'll have to arrange your escape. But seriously, be happy guys. Build your future, don’t pay attention to envious people! Appreciate and take care of your feelings, I want to take a walk at your golden wedding and babysit my nephews! May your union become stronger over the years, and may the fire in your hearts never cool down! Happy holiday, newlyweds! Bitterly!

    Example 3. Now there are no bachelors left in our family - my brother is getting married today. I once knew everything about his life, and suddenly strange things began to happen. He began to go to football less often and gave up his favorite fishing. And I realized: my brother fell in love. Today I am incredibly pleased and happy to see how happy you are. I want to say thank you to the bride: you gave my brother wings. My dears, may your flight be long and happy. Take care of your feelings, may peace, harmony and comfort always reign in your home! Children's voices are ringing and the laughter of people you will be glad to see does not subside! From now on, you are one whole, so live in harmony and love! Bitterly!

    Congratulations on the wedding of brother from sister

    Example 1. My dear brother! Since childhood, you have been not only my brother, but also a friend, a protector, and a vest - and I had enough reasons for frustration. I didn’t think that you would get married so soon, because, like any sister, I want to keep such a treasure for myself. But I’m not greedy, and seeing how happy you are with (name of the bride), I’m sincerely happy for you. Be not just a husband in the family, but a beloved spouse and a reliable support. Let there be no one more important in your life together than the person to whom you said “yes” today! and put the ring on your finger. I believe that you will overcome all adversity together and find your long-awaited happiness! Take care of your love, don’t break your hug and always hold the hand of your loved one, because with it you hold his heart! I wish you happiness, goodness and prosperity! Bitter for the young!

    Example 2. My beloved brother! I was once told a legend that when people were created, each of them was given only half a soul. And since then, their lives have been spent in search of a soul mate with whom they would become one. I see that you have found your soul mate! Hold her tight and don't let go! Walk hand in hand for decades, keep the fire of love and tenderness in your hearts! Let there be peace and harmony in your family, don’t quarrel over trifles, cherish your relationships! I really want us to meet at the silver and then at the golden wedding, and your couple radiates the same light and happiness as today! May your dreams come true and may good luck accompany you in all your endeavors! May your life be long and sweet! That's why it's bitter!

    Example 3. Brother, you have always been first in everything, and in matters of creating a family, you have surpassed me! And I am sincerely happy for you, because I see how your eyes glow with happiness and how tightly you hold your hands! I wish that your family is friendly and strong, that all issues are resolved easily and amicably! Many people consider marriage a quiet haven, but I wish you that your haven will also be cheerful, filled with the sound of children's voices and the laughter of welcome guests! May your union last for many years, and may your feelings only multiply! And finally, a little trick for my brother: remember that a kiss is the best way to temporarily shut up the woman you love and occupy her thoughts. I love you, my dears! Advice and love to you!

    As you can see, nothing supernatural is required from you, just express your feelings and bring sincere congratulations!

    Congratulations on a wedding to a brother from a sister are second only to the blessing of parents in terms of importance. The fact is that these people are connected by blood ties and some special, thin threads of love, characterized by strength and reliability. Marriage is a transition to a new stage of life, and you should definitely congratulate your brother.

    What's nice to say and how to do it?

    Congratulations to your brother on his wedding from his beloved sister is one of the most exciting and trembling moments of the holiday. And it doesn’t matter whether the wedding is of an older or younger brother, because in any case, the groom is a near and dear person who has known you since childhood. On such a significant day, he clearly deserved touching words and wishes of all the best.

    Congratulations on your brother’s wedding day should begin to be prepared long before the special date in order to carefully think through the details. It is permissible to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding anniversary as standard, but it is better to shower the newlyweds with beautiful and pleasant words as much as possible, trying to present them in an original and creative way, because one of the couple is your beloved brother.

    How to congratulate your brother on his wedding? Sincere, exciting, touching, unusual - there are enough suitable definitions, but first decide on the form of congratulations on your wedding day to your brother or cousin. Prose and poetry are at your service.

    Congratulating your brother on his wedding in prose is a pretty winning option for a number of reasons. Firstly, close kinship obliges you to write an original congratulatory speech, where the feelings and wishes from your sister to your brother are expressed in your own words. Prose is best suited to solve this problem.

    Secondly, it is ideal for coming up with a beautiful congratulatory toast for your brother’s wedding, which everyone present will definitely want to hear. And finally, if you decide to abandon the idea of ​​congratulating your older brother or younger brother with your own authorship, then it is not so difficult to choose a beautiful ready-made version that you can only read with feeling.

    Wedding congratulations to a brother from a sister in poetic form can turn into the main “highlight” of the holiday. The bride and groom will be delighted with the bright and unusual congratulatory lines, read emotionally and with soul. Perhaps they will like the poems they hear so much that they will have to repeat them more than once, congratulating them on their wedding anniversary.

    Meanwhile, a poem as a congratulation to a brother on his wedding from a brother or sister should be chosen very carefully. The final version should not have the smallest volume, should be easy to rhyme and correspond to the ongoing celebration. If you want to amuse the bride and groom and guests, then you can choose cool wedding congratulations in verse or funny short quatrains.

    More originality and imagination

    On the wedding day, the newlyweds begin a new, already family life, and all those invited to the banquet will come not only to congratulate the newlyweds, but also to have a lot of fun. It is important that among the many spoken phrases and recited poems, the wedding congratulations to your brother from your sister or brother do not get lost, but, on the contrary, attract attention and are remembered by everyone.

    Of course, the easiest way is to present a wedding gift, say a couple of touching phrases and hug the groom, or you can show your imagination and act outside the box, congratulating him on your wedding day. The ideas are as follows:

    • If you have prepared cool congratulations for your older or younger brother’s wedding, then be sure to think about how best to pronounce them. Let’s say you can look very serious or stand on a table while speaking.
    • When coming up with your own version of congratulations on your wedding anniversary, remember what talents you have. Perhaps you sing well, which will allow you to please your beloved brother and his wife with a song, or you know how to perform magic tricks, which will surprise most guests.
    • If there were several children in the family, then it will not be difficult to congratulate the groom collectively.
    • You can make a short film and show it right at the wedding, after giving the newlyweds the original.
    • It is not that difficult to prepare a congratulatory prank based, for example, on the kidnapping of a bride or the early termination of a banquet due to the appearance of the police.

    Thus, a wedding congratulations to a brother from a brother or sister is an amazing opportunity to say a lot of kind and pleasant words to a loved one, be it a beautiful poem or a sincere toast. The groom will listen to them with joy and pride, remembering them for the rest of his life, because they were said by his beloved sister or brother, who are always ready to help out in difficult times. Author: Ekaterina Voskareva,

    Writing a congratulatory speech for your brother on his wedding requires special responsibility. Everyone has long heard the classic phrases that guests use to surprise newlyweds. Yes, and long speeches are quite annoying and make you bored. On such an important day, you cannot spoil the overall atmosphere of the holiday. That is why a wedding greeting to a brother should be interesting, original and fun. It should lift the spirits of every person who is present at the holiday. Perhaps your words will become the highlight of the evening and emphasize your love for your brother.

    Finding the right words for congratulations is not so easy. This is why you must pay attention to important details.
    Make sure your speech is not pompous. Your task is to show maximum sincerity and remember the most interesting moments from childhood. The brother must feel that these are not just banal phrases, but a congratulation written from the bottom of his heart.

    There is no need to write a speech on several sheets. You should also avoid words that may offend your loved one.
    Words of congratulations are said only while standing. The best option is to deliver a speech from the stage into a microphone. A wedding is a hectic day, so guests will be constantly distracted. There is a risk that no one will hear you. This is why every wedding should have a microphone.

    Pay attention to how you look. Before going on stage, be sure to get yourself in order. If you have lettuce on your cheeks and a wine stain on your shirt, your guests won't listen to you carefully. As a result, the hero of the occasion, to whom the congratulations are addressed, will not be able to appreciate your efforts.

    Usually a solemn speech is complemented by the presentation of a gift. Be sure to say a few words about your gift when you finish the main part of your congratulations. Explain why you decided to purchase this item.

    When preparing congratulations for a loved one, you need to take into account many nuances. When choosing the right words, take into account your brother's interests. The same rule applies to choosing a gift. The most important thing is to put your soul into everything.

    Ways to congratulate your own brother

    You can congratulate your brother on his most important day in an original way using the following options.
    Present the gift with a traditional speech. You can choose any words, but the rule for presenting them is the same. Stand up, give your speech, present your gift and hug your brother.

    A humorous greeting should be presented differently from a traditional one. Joking words should be pronounced seriously, but you can also come up with something original (for example, climb on a table).

    There are a lot of options for congratulations and practical jokes. For example, you can act out a scene of a bride being kidnapped by police officers. Or invite the groom to perform the actions that are in the text of the congratulations. Guests should behave naturally so that the heroes of the occasion do not guess what is planned.
    You can show the newlyweds a film that you have prepared in advance. They will be very surprised and delighted at this surprise.

    Be creative with your congratulations. For example, sing a song of your own composition with a guitar. The main thing in this matter is the presence of imagination. You can find many options that your brother will definitely love.

    Original and interesting wedding greetings

    You can congratulate your brother in such a way that all the guests will be surprised. For example, consider an option called “staircase”. This is a symbol of the stages of growing up. The first stage is called “Childhood”. There you will place a photo of the groom in deep childhood. Then other stages will follow. Come up with an action that will accompany your progress to the top. For example, dress the hero of the occasion in different hats. When you reach the peak called "Groom", read the congratulations and give a gift. Wish your brother to quickly reach the “Father” level.

    How to congratulate the groom as he moves through the stages of growing up

    "Newborn". When you were born, we immediately realized that you would grow up very beautiful and happy. You liked me so much that you immediately described me. When... (Tell the story that you remember most).

    "Teenager". You knew what justice was. That is why he often fought, defending the interests of other people. When... (Exciting story).
    "Young man." Do you remember how you were a student and... (The funniest memories are associated with your student days).
    "Man". You and I grew up together and tried to share toys. We grew up, but became even closer to each other.

    "Groom". And now, finally, we are celebrating your wedding. This day is important both for you and for me. Of course, I am happy for you, but I am also sad at the same time. I remember all the moments we experienced together. Of course, now you are responsible for your family. We won't be as close as before. However, I am very glad that you love and are loved. My beloved brother, live happily. Love each other!

    Humor in wedding congratulations

    You can congratulate your brother using original and fun options. For example, read a humorous verse or pathetically say words of congratulations. Dress up as a clown, a small child, or a bully. Your image will affect the style of speech pronunciation.

    For example, when playing a hooligan, take a slingshot and shoot at the balls: “They are sitting here, filling their bellies. And everything hangs so crookedly. Hello, brother! Well, don’t be sour, let’s drive along... Oh, what is this, your favorite? Here's the bride... Brother, you've found the princess! What do they want here? Well, you will earn a lot of money anyway. Wait for the stork, understand each other, don’t get sick. Don't forget about us either. Here’s a bundle of money for you, let everything be in bundles for you...”

    Popular gifts from relatives

    Relatives know the tastes and preferences of the hero of the occasion better than anyone. We will consider the most common gift options now.
    Originally presented money. Take a large box and put 4 small boxes in it. The last box contains an envelope with a wish. Invite the newlyweds to fill the empty boxes with whatever they want.

    Very often, relatives give a trip to exotic countries where the newly-made family can spend their honeymoon. You can also surprise the newlyweds with a boat trip.

    The heroes of the occasion will remember this day for a long time if you give them exquisite dishes or an elegant service.
    The category of luxury gifts includes cars, apartments and dachas. In order to give such a gift, you need to chip in with your mother, father and other relatives.

    The newlyweds will also be pleased with household appliances. They will need a brand new computer, laptop or plasma TV.
    Gifts are complemented by words of congratulations in which you present your gift.

    You must write a congratulation that your loved one will remember for a lifetime. Speak your words sincerely, and put your soul into writing your speech. You should not use classic phrases. It’s better to spend a little more time and write a greeting that no one has heard before.

    Congratulations to your brother on his wedding in verse

      In a tie and jacket,
      Strict but beautiful
      Today my brother is a groom,
      He is very happy
      And the bride is beautiful
      Just a treat.
      New young family
      Let's celebrate the birth!
      I wish you warmth
      And goodness and happiness,
      Keep the light burning
      You are the passion of love.

      Our beloved brother,
      Our dearest!
      Well, how beautiful you are
      With a young bride!

      Like a couple to each other,
      There is no other way to say it.
      And on a wonderful wedding day
      We can't hold back our tears.

      These tears are from happiness,
      From a sincere heart.
      Live in a good world
      Where the light of love rules!

      My beloved brother, dear,
      On such a significant day
      I want to wish you
      Create a happy family!

      Let the glasses ring,
      Hearts will beat in unison,
      Love was only sweet -
      Let’s shout “Bitter!” to the newlyweds.

      Happy wedding day brother, just be happy
      May the family be strong
      Let there be a place for all feelings,
      Let the boat of fate sail calmly!

      Everyone knows that there are difficulties,
      But we also know that this is not a problem.
      I wish you to overcome them together
      Always love each other faithfully!

      You are no longer a boy, not a guy,
      No longer an eligible groom,
      You fixed your single life
      For family happiness in an instant.

      I hope it lasts
      Not a year or two - many years.
      Get ready to meet, brother,
      Your first married dawn!

      Brother, today you became a husband,
      You and your wife have created a union of love!
      May everything work out great for you
      In business, in career, in personal life!

      Make each other happy, inspire,
      Appreciate, give in if necessary,
      Be kind and strive for your dreams,
      Let the star of Happiness illuminate your path!

      My brother is getting married today
      And his life will change.
      You will become a family man,
      Now you have to be straightforward.

      I wish you a lot of happiness,
      And may you live with your wife for a very long time.
      Look, there's an angel in the sky,
      He hurries to give my congratulations!

      I wish you happiness and success,
      Discoveries and accomplishments again and again.
      Let the house be filled with children's laughter,
      Let prosperity and love live in him!

      Your wonderful holiday has arrived, and not for nothing
      The ocean sounds like congratulations to you.
      Now you are a strong married couple,
      I admire you, (Name of the groom) and (Name of the bride).

    There are quite a lot of festive events in the life of every person, but there are only a few truly memorable and solemn ones: the birth of a child, christening and, of course, a wedding. The wedding of a beloved brother is an extraordinary, emotional and responsible event. On this day, a special gift is accompanied by a special congratulation - touching and sincere. Good wishes in beautiful poetry or sincere prose will give the hero of the occasion pleasant emotions and inspire him to a happy family life. Be sure to congratulate your beloved brother on such a significant day for him. And the original, beautiful and heartfelt congratulations prepared by us will help you with this.

    Beautiful congratulations to your brother on his wedding in verse

    My beloved older brother,

    You are happy and very glad

    Conquering anxiety, fear,

    Got married today!

    I congratulate you on this,

    I wish you love and luck,

    May you be golden before the wedding

    Lived a bright life with a young man!

    My dear little brother

    I was single and became married.

    I'm very glad, congratulations!

    I wish you happiness in life.

    May prosperity and love

    They will firmly enter your life,

    Let passion excite the blood,

    And let your income grow!

    Original wedding congratulations to brother from sister

    Was once single

    My younger and dear brother,

    And now you got married,

    Accept flowers quickly

    And gifts, congratulations.

    Lots of happiness and luck

    I wish you from the bottom of my heart

    And congratulations on your wedding day!

    My beloved and dear brother,

    Now you're happy and married

    I'm very happy for you,

    I wish you to live your life lovingly!

    May every day be as bright as the sun,

    Love brings you a gift!

    Wishes warmth and goodness

    Your beloved sister!

    Short congratulations on your wedding day to your brother

    On this beautiful summer day

    You are the happiest in the world!

    Overcoming problems, fear

    Light a beacon for your family!

    I wish you to live in love,

    Take care of each other, cherish each other,

    Keep your family hearth,

    May your marriage be as strong as granite!

    My dear brother,

    Your wedding day is beautiful

    I wish you happiness and love!

    And quickly catch my poem!

    Every word and line in it

    With you and heart and soul

    Your beloved sister,

    I wish you happiness and goodness!

    In such a happy good moment

    One road for two

    I wish you to always go

    Be around for many years

    To give birth and raise children,

    Unique author's congratulations to brother on his wedding

    Wisdom, loyalty,

    Trembling, tenderness

    I wish you!

    With a legal marriage

    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

    Let in life together

    There will be a lot of warmth, affection

    Love and happiness

    Let your eyes shine!

    Be happy, protected by love!

    My dear brother, beloved brother,

    I congratulate you on a magical day,

    I wish you two to go through life together!

    May neither troubles nor years separate you,

    I wish you good weather at home!

    May you live a happy family life,

    Love each other deeply until old age!

    Cool congratulations on your wedding day to your brother from your sister and brother

    Beloved brother, today you

    Made my dreams come true

    He became the legal husband of the bride,

    And now you are together forever!

    It's completely legal to kiss

    You can hug her

    And don’t let me see my friends anymore,

    Now she is at your service!

    How faithful your wife is

    She must be obedient.

    But don't be too strict with your wife,

    You can only do it a little, a little at a time,

    So that the bride does not run away,

    And she gave birth to wonderful children!

    To confess my love again,

    Advice to you, brother, and love!

    The wedding ring united you,

    You are hopelessly married, my little brother, dear!

    Now forget about parties and friends,

    After all, their family life is not the meaning and essence!

    Better think about diapers and strollers,

    Stock up on nipples and fairy tales,

    To avoid getting into trouble with the kids,

    And without them in family life, well, nothing!

    Always count on me -

    My dear brother will never let you down!

    There was a bride and groom

    We became a family today.

    From the same test!

    Strongly bound by fate.

    The rings are securely fastened

    The feelings that were in my soul

    And the heavens were sanctified.

    Build your own paradise in a hut!

    However, it doesn’t matter where it will be

    Your home, and shelter, and hearth,

    Let your heart always love

    And your beacon of love shines!

    Beautiful wedding congratulations to brother in prose

    Dear newlyweds, my beloved elder brother! I want to congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you a happy family life, without worries and doubts, without resentment and jealousy, without problems and unnecessary troubles. Let all life's surprises be pleasant, and family life bring only positive emotions. I wish you to live one life for two and appreciate every moment lived together!

    My dear bride and groom, my beloved little brother! I remember you as very small and foolish, but now you are an adult and responsible man. You took a sweet and pleasant girl as your wife, so make her a happy woman. I wish you understanding, trust, wisdom and patience in resolving all family disputes. Be happy every day of your life together.

    Dear young people, my beloved brother! I want to congratulate you on this wonderful day - your wedding day! I wish you all human blessings, the fulfillment of all your desires, reaching the highest peaks, and that you have a wise and faithful wife by your side both in sorrow and in joy. Overcome difficulties shoulder to shoulder and enjoy successes and victories together. Prosperity, happiness, love and warmth!

    Funny wedding congratulations to brother from sister

    There is so much to wish for

    Dear little brother to you.

    To live peacefully and amicably

    In a new created family.

    And so that they walk the same road,

    Everything was divided in half

    Fate was not so strict

    I gave you gifts!

    Brother, my dear man,

    You are now married forever,

    Be faithful to your wife

    Be an exemplary husband to her,

    To make me proud of you

    I didn't run around with a broom!

    Solemn congratulations to your brother on his wedding in your own words

    Dear and beloved brother! I sincerely congratulate you on your marriage and wish you a long and happy family life! Let your home be a full cup, and let the flame of your love shine brightly. I wish that you always find support, support, and hope in each other! Endless love to you, dear lovers!

    Dear brother! Today you have become the head of a new family. I want you to always be happy in this role. I wish you wisdom and patience, because a happy marriage is hard work. But I am sure that your love will help you overcome any difficulties and problems. Take care of each other and always strive for compromise. Bitterly!

    Dear newlyweds! Beloved brother! Today you took a very important step in your life and found true happiness next to this wonderful girl. I want to wish you to carry your strong and sincere feelings through many years. Let no problems or difficulties destroy your strong family union. Love each other all your life, stay true to your ideals and find true happiness! It's bitter, young people!

    The wedding of a beloved brother cannot be called an ordinary event. After all, a wedding is not just a solemn event, it is the birth of a new family, the beginning of a life together for two loving people. If your brother is a person with a sense of humor, he will be happy to listen to a funny congratulation in verse. But even a simple congratulations to your brother on his wedding day in your own words can touch him to the depths of his soul, because it will be from the bottom of his heart. Always congratulate your loved ones on such a solemn day with all your heart and they will definitely appreciate it!

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