• Decoupage of champagne bottles for the New Year. Decoupage of champagne bottles: getting ready for the New Year! Ideas for decoupage bottles for the New Year

    When preparing gifts or decor for the New Year, it will be very important to make New Year's decoupage of champagne or any other bottle.

    The article presents several different ideas on how to unusually perform and decorate bottle decoupage on the “New Year” theme.
    Master class 1: New Year's decoupage bottles
    You will need:
    a rectangular bottle with flat sides without a pattern on the glass;
    white and blue acrylic paints;
    brush, foam rubber;
    glitter nail polish;
    small sparkles;
    acrylic lacquer;
    crystal paste;
    Polish for hair;
    PVA glue;
    New Year's picture and napkin.

    1. Before starting work, degrease the entire surface of the bottle by wiping it with alcohol.
    2. Cut out the selected picture and spray it with hairspray. After drying, glue the picture inside the bottle with PVA glue. After this, paint this side of the bottle with white paint.

    3. Using foam rubber, paint the entire bottle with blue paint, leaving only a window opposite the already glued picture. For the best effect, several layers of paint should be applied.

    4. Paint along the edge of the left window with almost dry foam rubber to create a snow effect.

    5. Take pictures prepared to the size of the sides of the bottle, cut them out and cover them with hairspray.

    6. Glue each picture with glue onto its side of the bottle, with the picture facing out.

    7. Apply blue paint to the edges of the bottle to hide the joints of the pictures.

    8. To create the effect of sparkling snow, apply crystal paste, and to light up the lights in the windows, apply nail polish with gold glitter.

    9. Cover the bottle on all sides with clear acrylic varnish and let it dry well.

    10. Apply glue along the edges of the pictures and dust them with dry glitter, and after drying, coat them with varnish again. Our New Year's bottle is ready!

    You will need:
    a bottle of champagne;
    primer, PVA glue;
    brushes, black outline and acrylic paints;
    acrylic lacquer;
    sponge, scissors, fine sandpaper, tape;
    New Year's napkin;
    decorations: glitters, sparkles, crystal paste, confetti, rain.

    1. Take a bottle of champagne and prepare it for work: wash it off the existing stickers and apply a layer of primer.

    2. Using a sponge, apply several layers of white acrylic paint (the number of layers depends on the thickness of the paint).

    3. If there are uneven surfaces on the bottle, sand them down.

    4. Take New Year's napkins and cut out the elements we need from them.

    5. Glue them onto the bottle with glue: the Christmas tree in front, and the clock in the back.

    6. We thin the paper with printed congratulations using adhesive tape: gluing it and tearing it off from the back side.

    7. We tear out the congratulations from white paper and glue them onto the bottle.

    8. We outline them with a black acrylic outline.

    9. Using a sponge, apply the main background (gold paint) to the entire surface, except for the main pictures (Christmas tree and clock).

    10. We begin to draw the inscriptions, as a result they should become well convex, and the clock dial.

    11. To hide the borders of the paper, place dots with shiny glitter around the inscriptions.

    12. Apply crystal paste to the branches of the tree and along the bottom edge of the foil, and glue confetti onto the tree instead of toys and around the clock using acrylic varnish.

    13. Cover the entire bottle with glossy acrylic varnish in several layers, allowing each of them to dry well. And a bottle of New Year's champagne is ready!

    You can make the decoupage of the bottle voluminous using white construction putty, applying it with a brush, creating the effect of snowdrifts.

    And with the help of hot silicone glue and white paint - frozen droplets of water.

    Such a New Year's bottle, decorated using the decoupage technique, will create a good mood already in the process of its production.

    And you can complement the fabulous atmosphere of the holiday

    Not a single New Year is complete without champagne - this sparkling drink has become a kind of attribute of New Year's Eve. This is probably why needlewomen began to think about why not make a unique bottle of champagne out of an ordinary bottle, not like the others? There are at least 2 options for transforming a bottle: you can sew clothes for a bottle of champagne, or you can decorate it. We will talk about the second method of decoration.

    There is already an article on Krestik dedicated to decoupage of bottles. It tells in detail about what decoupage is, what materials are needed for decoration, and also provides 2 master classes on decoupage bottles. If you are not yet familiar with this needlework technique, but would like to learn, please read the article “Decoupage of bottles or a master class on turning an ordinary bottle into an original vase”, it will be extremely useful to you.

    In this master class, we will not go into detail about the intricacies of decoupage in general; we will move directly to the process of decoupage of champagne bottles.

    Traditional decoupage

    To decorate a bottle of champagne in the traditional way, prepare all the necessary materials:

    • the bottle itself (you must first soak it in water and remove all labels)
    • brush (ideally a fan brush for decoupage)
    • napkins with a New Year's theme
    • scissors
    • paints and contours (preferably acrylic)
    • masking tape

    If you do not plan to decorate the entire bottle, but want to leave a beautiful golden label on top, then seal it with masking tape at the beginning of the work.

    Then, using a regular dishwashing sponge, cover the surface of the bottle with white acrylic paint. To ensure that the surface is evenly colored, cover it with 2-3 layers of paint, allowing it to dry before applying the next layer.

    Acrylic paint is ideal for use at home: it dries quickly enough, is odorless and is easily washed off with water.

    After the paint has dried, coat the surface of the bottle with varnish. Acrylic varnish has the same properties as acrylic paint, so it is 100% suitable for decoupage.

    The next step is to take three-layer napkins for decoupage and separate the top layer from them, which is what we will work with. Then, with our hands, we carefully tear off from the napkin those parts of the image that we want to glue to the bottle. If you cut out fragments with scissors, it will be more difficult to hide the transition lines.

    Now you can start gluing the napkin fragments. This must be done very carefully: do not wet the napkin too much with water, otherwise it will quickly tear. It is better to lightly brush the napkin with a damp brush, starting from the central part and moving towards the edges, gradually smoothing out all the wrinkles. After the napkin “lay” on the surface of the bottle, be sure to thoroughly cover it with PVA glue!

    You can immediately glue the napkin with acrylic varnish, but for beginning needlewomen, the option with water and PVA glue is more suitable.

    After the napkin has dried thoroughly, we begin tinting the top of the bottle. To do this, take acrylic paint of a suitable shade and apply it to the surface of the bottle using a sponge, including the napkin itself (this way we will hide the transition point).

    If you don't want to buy a set of acrylic paints, buy regular colors that can be added to white acrylic paint. Then you can get several shades of the same color, depending on the amount of color added (the more color, the more intense the color and vice versa). By covering the surface of the bottle with several shades of the same color, you can achieve very interesting transitions.

    When the paint has dried, we again coat the entire surface of the bottle with varnish. Typically, decoupage artists apply 3-5 layers.

    You can decorate a bottle of champagne with a decorative bow and place it on the festive table!

    The highlight of this bottle is the window through which a cute New Year's picture is shown. At first glance, it seems as if there isn’t even a bottle inside this New Year’s preparation)

    We will need the following materials:

    • bottle of champagne
    • napkins or decoupage cards
    • primer or acrylic paint
    • some self-adhesive paper
    • paste imitating snow
    • decoupage varnish

    After peeling off all the labels from the champagne bottle, degrease its surface with alcohol. Then you need to glue the selected napkin with the plot INSIDE. This image will then be shown in the window.

    Now you need to cut out the window itself from self-adhesive paper and glue it to the bottle.

    Then you should cover the entire surface of the bottle with primer or acrylic paint.

    If, as planned, the bottle should not remain white, then at this stage paint it in the color you need.

    Well, now give free rein to your imagination! Decorate the bottle the way you want. The principle of gluing napkins is fully described in the previous master class. Don't forget to varnish the entire surface at the end!

    After the varnish has dried, carefully go along the contour of the window with a stationery knife and remove the self-adhesive - the bottle with the window is ready! You can tint the window frame with paint and cover it with artificial snow.

    Decoupage bottles with fabric

    Another interesting option is decoupage of bottles with fabric.

    Materials we will need:

    • again a bottle of champagne
    • cotton fabric
    • napkins with New Year's scenes
    • acrylic paints (or white paint and colors)
    • contours
    • glue (hot gun or Moment Gel)
    • PVA glue
    • ribbons or braid
    • decoupage varnish (you can use spray varnish)

    Traditionally, we remove the labels from a bottle of champagne, leaving only the top part covered with foil. Degrease the surface of the bottle with alcohol or acetone.

    Then pour PVA glue into a container with water (in a 1:1 ratio) and put a piece of fabric the size of a handkerchief in it. Let the fabric soak thoroughly and wring it out, but not too much.

    We place the fabric on the bottle, completely randomly forming tubercles and folds. If during the process you feel that there is too much fabric somewhere, just cut off the excess and that’s it.

    Then we leave the bottle to dry (you can use a hairdryer to make it faster).

    After the fabric has dried, apply several layers of acrylic paint on top with a sponge and leave to dry again.

    Now let's prepare the napkins for decoupage. We tear out the scenes we like with our hands, separate the 2 lower layers and leave the layer with the painting itself. If the picture has clear edges, then you can cut it out with scissors (like the bullfinch on the left). Glue the napkins onto the surface of the bottle.

    And then you can dream up again! You can cover the surface of the bottle with colored acrylic paint that matches the chosen subject. Carefully paint over all the folds of the fabric so that the white paint does not show through (unless your idea requires it, of course))

    To make all the folds of the fabric look voluminous and beautiful, paint the recesses with dark shades of paint, and the bulges with light shades. To hide sharp transitions from dark to light, squeeze a little silver or golden outline onto a sponge and use light strokes to cover the entire surface of the bottle.

    There are two ways to decorate bottle necks. You can use a glue gun to make droplets flowing from the neck (like a melted candle), or you can tighten the neck with decorative ribbon or braid and tie a beautiful bow.

    Finally, we draw decorative lines, snowflakes, and inscriptions with an outline and leave to dry.

    After the paint and outline have completely dried, be sure to cover the entire surface of the bottle with varnish (2-3 layers are enough). Elegant bottles of champagne are ready!

    We hope you will master bottle decoupage with these detailed tutorials.


    In the pre-holiday hassle, there is not always enough time to look for gifts for family and friends, and decoupage of bottles for the New Year can help you out.

    Without leaving home, without spending effort or extra money, you can make an unusual gift with your own hands that will surprise and delight absolutely everyone with its originality.

    What is decoupage

    The decoupage technique is an appliqué made from various materials that are easy to shape. Various pictures are cut out, attached or glued to the surface to be decorated, followed by processing. For beginners, the process will seem impracticable, but this is only at first glance. The main condition is patience and a little imagination. The result will be a masterpiece that is in no way inferior to antiques. This idea gave home craftswomen the idea of ​​making New Year gifts from bottles with their own hands.

    New Year bottle design options

    Since preparations are underway for the New Year, Christmas motifs should be present in the equipment. The most popular material for work is three-layer paper napkins, with New Year's drawings or photos. In addition to these you will also need:

    • PVA glue, if there is no special one for decoupage;
    • acrylic paint (in this case white);
    • acrylic varnish, preferably transparent;
    • nail polish remover (always on hand);
    • cotton pads;
    • red and green ribbons, each 1 m long and 0.5 m wide;
    • dry sea salt (the grind should be fine);
    • brush for varnish and glue;
    • sponge or paint brush;
    • paper and scissors;
    • rubber spatula;
    • container with water.

    When all the auxiliary materials and tools are prepared, you should pick up a wine bottle, and it will be even more interesting if it comes with contents. An alternative would be to decoupage a bottle of vodka for the New Year.

    DIY bottle decoupage master class

    First of all, prepare a bottle of wine by placing it in a container with warm water so that the labels are wet. Wait until they move away. Then, using a cotton pad, apply nail polish remover to the bottle and degrease the surface. Then paint it white. The number of layers depends on the covering power of the paint, through which the glass should not be visible.

    The next stage is working with napkins. They need to be divided into layers; only the upper part, which has a pattern, is suitable for decoupage. We cut out those motifs that we like best or that are suitable, and first think through their location. There are two gluing options to choose from: stick the design on the base on top of the glue, or first apply a napkin and apply a layer of glue on top. The result is the same, the choice is up to the craftswoman.

    Attention must be paid to this point: when gluing the napkin, it must be ironed with a spatula so that air bubbles do not collect. In this way, the entire bottle of wine is gradually coated with glue and each of the napkin elements is glued step by step. The resulting decoupage should dry well, then use a brush with acrylic paint to walk along the edges of the design to smooth out the outlines. Now coat the entire surface with varnish in several layers, allowing each of them to dry.

    The final stage. Depending on the design decision, coat individual areas with glue and roll these areas on a sheet of paper with salt sprinkled on it. The result will be a snow effect. And tie the neck of the bottle with ribbons, tying a bow. The end result is a bottle of wine in a gift box.

    This was bottle decoupage for the New Year for beginners. A photo or video master class will serve as a visual example. For those who are not new to this technique, we can offer a more complicated option.

    Decoupage champagne

    The main attribute of the New Year's table are bottles of champagne. So why not add a pop of color to your holiday table setting? An interesting and unusual way to decorate bottles with your own hands - with fabric. Basic materials as in the previous version, only minor changes:

    • instead of wine, let's take a bottle of champagne;
    • a piece of fabric, preferably cotton;

    Master class with fabric

    Do-it-yourself step-by-step decoupage of a bottle of champagne for the New Year is done as follows. The bottle is cleared of labels, leaving the foil intact. The glass is degreased.

    Then dilute PVA glue with water in equal proportions and soak a piece of fabric in the solution to soak it. After squeezing lightly, apply it to the bottle, leaving the folds in any form until completely dry.

    As for the champagne neck, you can turn it into a melted candle by making drops with a glue gun, or you can simply decorate it with ribbon. The final touch is a varnish coating in several stages. Decoupage with fabric is considered the most effective. The master class serves as the basis, so all the bottles can be decorated for the New Year using the decoupage technique.

    Advice! When working with napkins, it is recommended to tear out the designs; if you cut them out, the contours will be noticeable.

    In addition to the examples above, there are many other types of decoupage. For the New Year, you can prepare a set of bottles with different options and styles of decoration. For example, it is not necessary to apply a specific design; it is enough to randomly cover the entire surface with pieces of colored drawings or photos, and then follow the usual decoupage technique.

    Another type, the so-called reverse. The New Year's motif is attached to the opposite side of the bottle and the process is performed in reverse order, that is, the surface is processed from the front side of the design.

    The combination of pasted New Year's pictures with the use of other various techniques that conceal transitions looks fabulous. For example, elements of painting. This creates a painting effect.

    Shells, salt, eggshells, cereals and even putty are used as materials for decoupage.

    Whatever technique you choose to decoupage bottles for the New Year, the proposed master class with photos will certainly help, and for detailed information you can watch the video.

    Bottle decoupage is an original decoration technique that will decorate your table and become a memorable holiday attribute. You can easily decorate a bottle of champagne with napkins in a stylish and bright way with your own hands - decoupage does not require any special skills or special tools.

    The bottle decoupage technology is also simple and accessible even to novice experimenters. Thanks to a bottle decorated with decoupage, your table will acquire special sophistication and a touch of festive luxury.

    The art of decoupage is based on transferring ready-made drawings onto various objects and additionally covering the resulting base. The decoupage technique was first used during the Middle Ages, when various applications were applied to pieces of furniture. Venetian masters achieved particular success in this regard, creating unique works of art using drawings in the then fashionable Japanese and Chinese style. Decoupage later became a popular hobby in France, where objects decorated in this way were actively used at the royal court. In Russia, interest in decoupage began to appear only a few years ago, however, the technology has spread very quickly throughout the country.

    Today, decoupage is certainly different from medieval times due to the development of the technical process. Particularly popular is decoupage of bottles with napkins, which allows you to carefully apply images to any objects. However, decoupage on and from fabric using computer technology is also actively practiced in needlework. Products with three-dimensional designs and individual patterns created in graphic programs are incredibly impressive.

    Do-it-yourself bottle decoupage: workplace, materials, tools

    In order to create bottle decoupage at home, you need to take care in advance of a properly organized space and available tools. In general, it should be noted that the decoupage technique requires a separately designed corner where decoration can be carried out without fear of damage to the surface. In addition, novice decorators will need a fairly extensive set of varnishes, brushes and palettes.

    The main tool for decoupaging a glass bottle will be scissors of various sizes. In order to carefully cut out even small appliqués, you should stock up on sharp nail scissors, and for large designs you will need large cutting scissors. You should also have medium sized scissors to cut out standard size designs.

    A set of brushes will also be of no small importance for successful bottle decoupage. Typically, during such decoration, brushes are needed for glue, blotting, paint, varnish and applying finishing materials. Each of these brushes should be made of natural fibers that are not subject to rapid wear and have a different shape and thickness. For example, to apply glue and varnish, you need to use flat brushes with thin bristles, and brushes with different sizes are suitable for paint. Special attention should be paid to the choice of brushes for decoration - they should have curly and beveled cuts, with which you can perform even the most delicate work.

    In addition, the necessary tools may include sandpaper, tape, various containers and palettes for mixing paints and other substances. Sandpaper is ideal for cleaning the treated surface of a bottle, and it is recommended to choose paper of different calibers. Only on a perfectly flat surface can you apply the design as accurately as possible. Indispensable tools will also be a ruler, disappearing markers and pencils, toothpicks, an awl, cotton swabs, and blotting sponges. An excellent option for beginners would be to purchase a ready-made decoupage kit, which will allow you to carry out basic decorating techniques with a bottle.

    Popular decoupage styles

    Before decorating a bottle for the New Year, you should think about how it will fit into the surrounding interior and highlight the beauty of your table. Today, there are several styles of decoupage that are most popular among modern decorators. By choosing one of these styles, you can create a fashion accessory that is sure to brighten up your holiday celebration.

    1. Shabby chic– these are vintage scuffs and skillfully applied aging techniques. Jewelry in the shabby chic style first gained popularity at the end of the last century, and today it has again reached the top of the fashion charts. If you are planning a New Year's party in a retro style, then a bottle of champagne, decorated in a shabby chic style, will be an excellent accessory that will create the mood of the evening.
    2. Provence- the embodiment of French grace, reflected in pastel colors, faded patterns and cozy shapes. The main theme of the images is countryside landscapes, which will fit perfectly into a festive celebration, in keeping with the best traditions of French cuisine.
    3. Victorian style– an exquisite combination of classics and luxury that will highlight your taste and create an elegant decor for your banquet. The color scheme for a bottle of champagne or wine in this style includes dark burgundy, cream and green shades with a gilded finish. Such rich decor will be incredibly appropriate at a New Year's party.
    4. Simplicity– this is a solution for those who make a choice in favor of a democratic and simple design. Decoupage in this style can be made using newspaper clippings, glossy magazine pages and colored paper. A glass or plastic bottle decorated in this way is suitable for youth companies that value art house and momentary solutions.

    However, the listed decoupage styles are not the only possible alternatives. So, for example, if you are planning a New Year's party based on a certain theme, then you can think about the corresponding decor: ethnic, military, Disney cartoons. When it comes to choosing patterns, colors and finishes, you don’t have to limit yourself in any way - in this case, you can create truly original and bright jewelry.

    Decoupage provides an almost unlimited choice of tools and technologies for creating unusual decor for your New Year's table. In addition to the above methods and styles, you can realize your wildest fantasies using voluminous or smoky decoupage. An excellent addition to the transferred design on the bottle will also be bright silk or velvet ribbons, beads, beads, and sparkles.

    Master class No. 1

    Master class No. 2

    Master Class №3

    Master Class №4

    Master class No. 7

    Design ideas for decoupage bottles for New Year's table or Christmas photo

    It’s hard to imagine the New Year without champagne during the chiming clock. Therefore, it is not surprising that, recently, along with decorating an apartment and a Christmas tree, decoupage of bottles is gaining more and more popularity. Today, there are many ways to decorate champagne using the decoupage technique, each of which will allow you to create an amazing craft with your own hands that you can proudly put on the festive table. All you have to do is choose a design option!

    If you have a bottle of champagne with a neck framed in gold foil, you shouldn’t get rid of such a spectacular and elegant element: you can skillfully use it in your design and make it part of the bottle’s festive decor. To do this, we will need gold paint, decorative primer or acrylic, brushes, New Year's napkins or pictures for applique, a foam sponge, and a fixative varnish for decoupage.

    Before you begin, the label with the name of the champagne should be removed, and the surface of the bottle should be washed, dried and degreased. Then, apply primer or acrylic in several layers. If there are any rough spots left on the surface, they must be sanded: the coating must be perfectly smooth. You can decorate the bottle using New Year's napkins or New Year's themed pictures printed on a color printer and cut out. You can glue the elements using decoupage glue or PVA diluted one to one with water.

    Dry elements should be glued onto a completely dry surface, applying strokes from the center to the periphery, carefully ensuring that no air remains under the applications.

    After the applications have dried, the surface of the bottle should be painted with gold paint using a dry foam sponge in several layers. You can go to the borders of the pictures. After the surface has dried, the bottle should be varnished. This way we will preserve the coating for a long time and achieve an elegant shine of the golden surface.

    Decoupage of a champagne bottle for the New Year with a window

    A bottle with a window is an original craft that imitates a window cut into the surface of the bottle, through which you can see the inside of the container with a pattern. It’s very easy to decorate a bottle of champagne this way with your own hands. To do this you will need: a bottle (preferably with the lightest possible glass), a napkin with a New Year's motif, decorative primer or acrylic, adhesive paper or tape, decorative elements, fixative varnish.

    To perform decoupage you need:

    1. Prepare the bottle for decoration. To do this, you need to remove the label, thoroughly wash and degrease the surface.
    2. Glue the napkin with the image inside (this image will be viewed through the “window”).
    3. Cover the area opposite the image with adhesive paper or tape. It is not necessary that the “window” be round: you can seal the area in a square, make the window oval or in the form of a semicircle.
    4. Cover the bottle with primer or paint (do not completely cover the area with self-adhesive). You can use a regular household sponge, a decoupage fan brush, or a special palette knife for this. It all depends on the surface you want to get.
    5. If you want to make the bottle bright, you can paint it any color over the primer.
    6. After the bottle has dried, you need to remove the adhesive paper using a stationery knife - the window is ready!

    How to make New Year's decoupage of a bottle of champagne with sea salt

    It’s hard to imagine decorating a bottle for the New Year without simulating snow and ice. The easiest way to do this is with a special decorative paste, but if you couldn’t find one, improvised means are also suitable for volumetric imitation. An excellent option would be to decorate with sea salt. In addition, we will need a primer or white acrylic, PVA glue, brushes, a sponge, a napkin with winter motifs (one large, clear image is perfect, for example, an elegant Christmas tree, a bullfinch on a branch, etc.).

    In order to make decoupage, we need:

    1. Prepare the surface of the bottle and cover it tightly with primer or white acrylic, wait until completely dry.
    2. Cut out the image from the napkin and glue it to the surface of the bottle in the center of the widest part.
    3. Place sea salt on a sheet of clean paper.
    4. When the napkin has dried and adhered well to the primer or acrylic, coat the entire surface of the container with glue, slightly extending to the borders of the image.
    5. Take the bottle and roll it over a sheet of sea salt.

    Thus, we will get a three-dimensional imitation of a bottle in ice with a central image. To secure the result, you can coat the bottle with a fixative spray.

    New Year's decoupage of champagne: master class

    You can also get a three-dimensional imitation of snow using semolina. For decoupage we will need: in fact, a bottle of champagne itself, a napkin with a New Year's image, white decorative primer and acrylic paint, brushes, a foam sponge, silver glitter, decoupage glue or PVA, fixative varnish.

    To design a bottle you need:

    1. Prepare the surface of the bottle. Remove all labels, degrease the surface and cover it tightly with a white primer using a foam sponge.
    2. Cut out the image from the napkin. There is no need to work strictly along the contour: you just need to cut the napkin a little at the top or bottom so that you can conveniently place it in the widest part of the bottle.
    3. Attach the image to the bottle using the decoupage technique (the first master class tells you more about appliqué).
    4. If there are color transitions (for example, the sky on a napkin is made in purple tones), then it is worth hiding them by applying acrylic paint with a sponge to match the napkin over the entire surface of the bottle.
    5. Coat “snowy” areas (roofs of houses, tops of trees, etc.) and the bottom of the bottle with glue, place semolina on it.
    6. Next, you should paint the “snow” with white acrylic and, after drying, add silver glitter, lightly touching the snow with a sponge.
    7. We design the bottle and image according to our own wishes (you can add sequins, sparkles, etc.).
    8. We cover the bottle with a fixative after the decor has completely dried.

    Decoupage of a New Year's champagne bottle: master class (video)

    Decorating New Year's champagne bottles using the decoupage technique can become an excellent New Year's tradition for which all family members will gather. The resulting crafts can be collected into a collection, reviewing which you will be pleased to plunge into the holiday atmosphere. And the main thing is that all the bottles will be unique and creative, because decoupage opens up so many opportunities for the implementation of ideas. The main thing here is to show your imagination and not be afraid to experiment!

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