• Pregnant Sobchak completely naked for the cover of the magazine. Pregnant Ksenia Sobchak posed naked for a magazine Pregnant Sobchak posed for a magazine


    No one expected such frankness from the secretive Xenia. Having filmed what her mother gave birth to, Sobchak answered everyone who claimed that she had a false belly. Now there is no doubt left: a surrogate mother is just speculation of spiteful critics.


    The journalist really wanted to leave the most pleasant memories of her interesting position, so she boldly got naked for the December cover of Tatler. The picture was taken like the famous photo shoot of a deeply pregnant Demi Moore for Vanity Fair. Ksenia not only, but also put a ring on her middle finger, as a Hollywood star did. Only the piece of jewelry looks more like the wedding ring of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton.

    In an interview with the magazine, Sobchak spoke about what she always preferred to remain silent about. She wants to please her husband. "To be beautiful, not sleazy in a tracksuit at home, when Maxim says:" Ha ha ha! What penguin are you? Let me take a picture of you!" - the naked star laughs.

    However, probably, the headline "Loves and waits" does not refer to Xenia's husband, but to her unborn baby. It is the first-born that the secular lioness loves and looks forward to, some years ago she called the children "little bastards." Apparently, marriage to Vitorgan changed her attitude to this important component of family life.

    They say the baby will appear any day. There were rumors that the baby was due on either November 5 or November 9. For this reason, Sobchak is already on the Web about the birth of Sobchak, which does not begin in any way. However, some domestic publications claim that the socialite has already given birth.

    Based on rumors and referring to mysterious friends who wished to remain anonymous, reporters reported that Ksenia gave Maxim a girl. Moreover, network know-it-alls claim that the baby was named Anna. They also write that many friends and colleagues have already congratulated the newly-made parents on the birth of a child, but not openly, but through private messages.

    Vitorgan from such slander. He published his ironic and very detailed story about the replenishment in the family in the microblog. “She gave birth secretly, named Anna in honor of Oleg,” Maxim said about the newborn. “She grew up in half an hour and sucked her mother through her chest inside out entirely. already, but I'm afraid to stay at home alone! Push, daughter, push!"

    35-year-old TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak is now in her last month of pregnancy. The star will soon become a mother. On the eve of this joyful event, Ksenia decided to take a picture for a famous glossy magazine. However, Sobchak made an act unexpected for many of her fans - the celebrity completely undressed. In the picture that appeared today on Instagram, naked Ksenia is standing, covering her chest and supporting her stomach with her hands. No one has ever seen such a Sobchak. The author of the photo shoot of a pregnant woman was Danil Golovkin, who previously worked with Renata Litvinova, Vera Brezhneva, Ravshana Kurkova, Konstantin Khabensky and many others.

    Photo Sobchak caused heated discussions among users of social networks. Most of them agreed that Sobchak looks amazing. “Shock”, “Brave Ksenia”, “I like her so feminine the most”, “Beautiful”, “Fabulous”, “As always stunning”, “Stunned, excellent”, “I really like it. She has such an unusually gentle expression on her face”, “Charming and smart”, “Wow, this cover will be remembered for another 50 years”, “Gorgeous”, “Well done, I immediately wiped my nose to my comrades who were discussing her alleged false belly”, - fans of the TV presenter and journalist expressed their opinion.

    A little later, Ksenia joked about her new cover, which caused a huge resonance on the Internet. The star published a picture of a full man, copying the pose of a pregnant Demi Moore. "My inspiration! Thanks to the magazine for the absence of corporate prejudices! I struggle with them in my own edition and I am glad that I found like-minded people, ”Sobchak shared.

    Recall that recently the replenishment in the Sobchak family was discussed on the Web, which allegedly happened just the other day. Then information appeared on the Internet that Ksenia gave birth to a girl, who was named Anna. Celebrity followers began to congratulate her on her first child. After some time, the star denied these data by posting a video from the pool. On it, a pregnant Ksenia is engaged in water aerobics.

    Earlier on the covers of magazines appeared such stars in the last months of pregnancy as Cindy Crawford, Miranda Kerr, Milla Jovovich, Claudia Schiffer, Monica Bellucci, Jessica Simpson, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears. And one of the first for the glossy edition was a pregnant Demi Moore, whose candid photo session caused heated discussions. The actress was photographed for Vanity Fair by Annie Leibovitz in 1991. Moore's act made a real revolution, because before her, women did not flaunt their interesting position.

    “Since there is such an information leak here, here you go. Our December cover. You have never seen such @xenia_sobchak. And only this could be the anniversary, hundredth issue of the Russian Tatler. The issue will be released on November 17, ”- the message says magazine on instagram.

    "The photo references Demi Moore's famous deeply pregnant photoshoot for Vanity Fair," the magazine said.

    In an interview, Sobchak spoke about "what she always preferred to keep silent about."

    The pictures were published on her instagram page.

    “Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory. Just an hour and a half every day - and your life changes qualitatively, and, I hope, quantitatively. Now it’s harder to work out than usual, but I remember the main slogan – #don’t deflate!!!,” the TV presenter signed the photo.

    Sobchak publicly announced her pregnancy in early September in Sochi at the opening of the New Wave 2016.

    Up to this point, she had preferred to hide her position.

    In June, the star posted a candid photo on social networks, allegedly refuting pregnancy rumors.

    On it, Sobchak was filmed in a translucent swimsuit.

    Photo: instagram.com/xenia_sobchak/

    But are you aware that from this year (without an announcement to the general public), an installation is being introduced - secondary schools are not required to admit to the tenth grade those who have triples in their certificates and who have passed the OGE unimportantly. That is, by autumn, students who have not entered other educational institutions can go ... through the forest ... into the field ... into the meadow ... Look for work. The prospect of a job, of course, is the most rosy...
    So what happens is we secretly move from a required average to an incomplete average? Of course, I will try to find documentary and legal evidence for this trend. But maybe some of you already know them?



    Forgive me for the heavy topic. I can’t watch the video about the baby myself: I immediately roar. Poor kitty, how she tries to hug all the doctors in a row simply because they praise her and smile at her. As a whisper asks for a chocolate bar. How obediently he turns, raises the handle, how he endures all manipulations. As she asks the Ingush ombudswoman to become her mother (here I sobbed right out of my voice). The videos are all on the Internet if anything, those who wish will find it. Although on TV this has already been shown a hundred times.
    And now everyone yells in unison about the girl's aunt and her mother - shoot the creatures, tear them to pieces, amputate all the arms and legs without anesthesia, and so on. And I ask everyone to stop and THINK!!

    Now it is very convenient to pin everything on the aunt, especially since she has already been convicted of child abuse. But why is the barbaric custom left out of the equation, when, after a divorce, children are taken away from their mother and transferred to the upbringing of their father's relatives? Where the hell is the father? Oh yes, he works in Chechnya at a construction site, while his daughter is beaten, bitten, her ribs are broken, she is put in boiling water, and so on. He knew that his sister was on trial! How could he entrust a girl taken from his ex-wife to such an inadequate woman?!

    Why did the uncle of the girl, a policeman, remain in the shadow of the accusers? Did he not see what they were doing to the child under his nose? Didn't see injuries, burns, fractures and bites?! The cop didn't notice it all, huh? Will it not turn out that now they will blame the inadequate aunt for everything (why, by the way, is she not in a hospital? Why wasn’t she imprisoned in the previous episode? Why weren’t they deprived of parental rights to her own children and didn’t find out what the hell a girl lives with her without documents? ) Ahhh, who will find out, the husband is a policeman there, right?

    And one more thing: where did the neighbors look?! After all, in Ingushetia everything is in plain sight, everyone knows EVERYTHING about their neighbor? Did everyone care that the baby walked in this form ?? All cuts, bruises and bites?

    If a woman, this aunt, is inadequate, she must be isolated and treated. And then to deprive of parental rights and to ban a cannon shot from approaching children. But it would also be nice to find out whether it was her aunt who caused all the injuries to the girl, and whether there was any complicity of her uncle, a policeman.

    And before you blame the girl's mother, think: HOW could she resist her ex-husband's relatives, when women after divorces in this republic are completely powerless, and the police are practically gods?

    P.S. I just read in the news that the right hand of the baby most likely will not be saved. That for too long she had been tied up with some kind of tourniquet, and the blood flow was irreversibly disrupted.

    And that there is already a whole Republic of Ingushetia who wants to adopt her.
    If only the girl could now find a good family, she is not at all afraid of people and hugs everyone, despite everything she has experienced.



    I've been thinking here. Previously, everyone carried pictures of children / husbands / loved ones in their wallets.
    Now often these pictures and pictures of their animals are put on screens. I never understood why. Well, okay, if you live far away, but when do you see each other every day?
    How are you?)



    Good day to all!

    Popular wisdom says: "Make a fool pray to God - he will hurt his forehead." So did I))) I decided to take a break, announced "Out-of-competition revelry", removed the topic and task, ordered the authors to rummage through the bins and choose previously published poems, from the generosity of the soul, the maximum number of poems from one author is already 5 pcs. installed and prepared to enjoy peace and quiet. Yeah ... I ran away ... 47 poems !!!
    Where to rest here? I had to make the most difficult decisions: to shove everything into one competition or to split it into 2 competitions, how many poems to accept from one author, how many days to give for voting, and then also to strain the authors with a new choice))).
    I racked my brains for a long time, got my little green friend with questions and doubts (thank you, dear, for your help !!!), finally decided and today I am happy to announce the voting is open !!!

    I bring to your attention 26 poems. Please read and rate each. If you can’t read all the works at once, then be sure to return to this topic later to finish reading and vote.

    Let me remind you: there is no specific theme and complicating elements. "Out-of-competition" poems take part in the competition, i.e. those who for some reason cannot enter the main competition.

    Let me remind you of the rules.
    1. Do not comment until I post all the works.
    2. Authors of works cannot disclose their anonymity until the end of the voting.
    3. Only users with a personal page on the forum can vote.
    4. Only a comment in the form of +1 directly below the verse. If you do not have a plus on your keyboard, then put *1, but beacon about it to me. Words plus one do not write!
    Huge request!!! If you write a comment, then do something like this:
    Text (Like/dislike something and for something...).
    5. The authors ask for constructive criticism, so please feel free to express your opinion. Just do it politely, pointing out specific flaws.
    6. You can vote for any number of works, but only once.
    7. The votes of users who are seen in obvious trolling or insults will not be taken into account.

    Happy reading everyone!!!


    Zhenya Matrosova

    A lot of text, but in short I don’t know, maybe it will help someone in the future or someone will tell you how to stop the arbitrariness that happened to me.
    There was a loss in my family, my father died. I think this will either happen or has already happened to everyone who came here. Let's face the truth! We will also leave this world someday. I think everyone wants to have the opportunity to spend a loved one with dignity, while maintaining in their souls understanding and agreement with themselves that you did everything right and did not desecrate the memory of your loved one. Also, I think every person, and if not everyone, then many would like to maintain a normal human appearance after their death at the moment of farewell being in a coffin, when relatives and friends say goodbye to you. Of course, this is sometimes impossible, and then the dead are in closed coffins.
    My dad passed out on the street, he was without documents, taken by ambulance to the hospital, where he died. Therefore, I had to go through the identification procedure in the morgue, and of all the relatives, only I could do this, apparently my nerves in my large family are considered the strongest. I think it’s clear that this is not easy, but (I write and cry) I went there and saw my dad. He looked exactly the same as in life, he did not look dead at all. Apparently this is our feature with him, we are swarthy, and he returned from the south, so tanned, fresh. There were no bruises or injuries on him. I could not even believe that he was dead and that the morgue, the policeman and the morgue staff were around us. He was a little disheveled, apparently from the sheets, but his hair could be smoothed a little and he would have become what he was in life. I so wanted to be with him a little, even for a couple of minutes, but in the conditions of the morgue, when everyone is in a hurry, everyone has work, when there are a lot of people and a conveyor belt of the dead and their relatives, this is certainly not possible. I thought I could say goodbye to him on the day of the funeral.
    In the morgue, they very kindly gave advice on what and how will happen next. Everything went well, a little in a hurry, but in general without problems.
    In the window where they register for the issuance of the body and farewell, the consultant girl said that it would be necessary to do embalming and conservation of the body, and in order for the deceased to look normal in the coffin (do not scare the rest of his relatives), he needs to be combed (washing and styling), apply makeup, etc. .To. after opening, there may be terrible damage and other horrors. I said that my father looks good and I would like to see him exactly the same, only dressed and combed. She ran to find out if there was an autopsy, because. It can't be that he looked normal after that. It seemed that it turned out that it was, but she continued to insist that before the day of the funeral, everything could go badly. And she even drew my attention to the camera where both the sound and the image are written, saying that I officially warn you that if your relatives are frightened by the sight of the deceased and someone will have a shock, then she is not to blame.
    Of course, I don’t understand anything at all in this topic, I don’t know how much the view of the deceased in the mortuary refrigerator can deteriorate in four days. And in the end, I didn’t want to scare anyone, neither my mother, nor other people who would come to say goodbye, because they would see him for the last time, and then they would remember him, including that moment of farewell. We gave up, ordered and paid for a full package of body preparation for parting.
    All other standard ritual attributes were also ordered and paid for.
    By the day of the funeral, it turned out that relatives living in other cities would be able to come, that his colleagues would come, and so on. We were very surprised (pleasantly) that so many people cared about him. Everything went well and worthy.
    On the day of the funeral, everyone came to say goodbye and see off dad on his last journey, we were invited to go to the funeral hall. There, in the middle of the hall, someone was lying in a coffin and they said that it was my dad.
    His body was so "prepared and made up" that it can only be called mutilated and abused.
    A huge pouty face generously covered in beige paint. To say that I was shocked by what I saw is an understatement. It would be better to do nothing at all. There was no talk of any make-up there, just everything was thickly smeared with an even thick layer and lips and eyes and eyebrows. Nothing was visible. Just a ball of the same color in place of the face, I began to ask the workers what was the matter, and people were already standing around, they offered to call the orderlies, they say, ask them, my mother was already sobbing out loud, everyone pulled me up, they say there is no need for a showdown, now what you can't fix.
    I did not begin to understand right away, maybe in vain.
    Good people, those who at least understand something, tell me is this normal at all?
    Does everyone disfigure the faces of deceased relatives like that, or are we so lucky?
    Is there any norm or quality standard that regulates this so-called make-up or make-up service for the dead?
    I just don’t want someone else to be disfigured and I can’t do anything?
    I will definitely complain, only until I understand where and to whom.
    If someone knows how to correctly identify and punish the perpetrators, please write an approximate algorithm of actions.
    Those who work in morgues, please write the people of what profession / position prepare the bodies of the deceased.
    And lastly, think a hundred times before doing / ordering such a "service" to your deceased loved ones.

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