• How to learn to draw simple. How to learn to draw with a pencil: help for beginners. The figure of a man in different poses according to a progressive technique


    First, a little theory. It may seem that theory is not very important, but the study of theory is one of the main stages in the formation of artists. To learn how to draw realistic sketches, you need to know the nine basic laws of drawing:

    1. Perspective: those figures that are closer appear large, and those that are far away, they appear small.

    2. Position: those figures that are located lower on the sheet, they visually appear closer.

    3. Dimensions: the larger the figure is drawn, the closer it will appear.

    4. Overlap: an object that is drawn in front of another object visually appears closer

    5. Shadow: the plane on which the figure is located, on the opposite side, should be darker than the light source.

    6. Fill: the part of the figure that will be located on the other side of the source from which the light will come from, this part should be the darkest in order to produce the effect of depth.

    7. Contour lines: in order to draw round shapes, you need to draw contour lines.

    8. Horizon line: you need to draw a horizon line - to draw a three-dimensional image.

    9. Distance: to create an imitation of the distance between the figures, distant figures need to be depicted a little lighter and not drawn so clearly.

    Without the implementation of these laws, it will not be possible to draw a picture. Knowing the nine basic laws of drawing is the foundation of successful drawing training. The more often you draw and apply these laws, the sooner you will begin to memorize them, and it will become easier and easier to use them and apply them in practice.

    Important Principles

    The next step after learning the basic laws of drawing is knowing the three trailers to always keep in mind: attitude, details and practice.

    1. mood: in order to tune in to positive work, you need to convince yourself that you are ready and say that everything is in your power! Only with positive thoughts can one acquire and apply new artistic skills.

    2. Details: adding various details makes the drawing more alive, and if you try to add something new, perhaps the drawing will turn out to be much more unusual.

    3. Practice: in order to master perfectly the skills that you have learned, these skills must be used every day in work, to consolidate.

    Practicing these principles is very important for developing artistic skills.


    The next step is to select the necessary tools for drawing, they should be convenient and practical:

    1. You will need a notebook or album. Although any paper can be used to start drawing, it can be plain white, or it can be tinted, thin, or heavy. If you decide to take a special paper, you can certainly achieve much better results than with plain paper. It is important to know what raw material the drawing paper is made from. Paper tester, test grain has
    greater value.

    There are two types of paper, fine-grained and coarse-grained paper. If you take fine-grained paper, then this type of paper will be suitable for any type of drawing, but coarse-grained paper is suitable for writing on it with watercolors. The artist himself chooses to draw on coarse-grained or fine-grained paper. Premium paper is marked with a watermark in the corner.

    2. School pencils are great for sketching, which have four degrees of hardness: No. 1-2B, No. 2-B, No. 3-H, and No. 4-2H. In order to get good drawings, it is better to use pencils numbered 2 and 3. If you are serious about learning, it would be better to buy a complete set of top quality drawing pencils. There are 19 degrees of hardness: H - hard, HB and F - medium hardness, B - soft.

    3. Calendar and planning is one of the most important steps. In order to achieve good results in the future, you need to draw at least twenty minutes every day. So for this, you will need to create an action plan and monitor the implementation of the plan all the time.

    Stages of drawing

    First step

    To get started, you will need to take your pencil and calendar - now you will need to create a schedule for those lessons that you will complete throughout the week. Of course, you need to take into account that there are other activities besides drawing, so even these twenty minutes can be divided and made into two 10-minute classes.

    To achieve success, you need to work hard every day, acquire new skills, learn techniques, look at the work of famous artists for inspiration. After a month of hard work, the results will be visible.

    Second step

    The most important thing is that you just need to sit down at the table and start drawing! When seated at the table, you will need to take a deep breath, and then you need to smile. Then take a piece of paper and put it in front of you and now try to draw.

    Now you need to check yourself. First you will need to draw a few objects. You need to relax! Also, you must understand that you are doing this for yourself, and only you can draw this drawing. It is necessary that you draw just such a drawing now, which will later help you improve your skills in the future. But even if you feel lazy or just do not want to draw this part of the picture, you will definitely have to force yourself to draw this moment of the picture. Then, by the end of the month, you yourself will understand that it was not done in vain!

    Third step

    Remember to show your work to more experienced artists, ask them for advice and listen carefully to their criticisms, and then correct your mistakes. If you don't know any artists, there are many sites on the Internet where you can post your work and ask for advice.

    Fourth step

    Try different drawing techniques and choose the one that suits you best. If something does not work out for you, do not despair, and try again, because you are only learning and the skill will come with time.

    Video lesson

    Recently I found a post with sites for everyone who is interested in drawing.
    I share.

    Here are collected articles about painting, about perspective and composition, drawing lessons in acrylic, gouache, oil, watercolor.

    Video drawing lessons: romantic portraits, bouquets, rural landscapes, a pond with water lilies, hatching basics.

    A rich library of drawing lessons in almost all genres - from academic painting to comics.

    4. Drawing_lessons

    The VKontakte group, where video tutorials on drawing are posted, talk about useful books and where you can just chat and get advice.

    5. Workshop of artists

    The workshop explains how to choose the right brush for watercolor, gives the basics of composition and generally writes a lot about the technique of watercolor painting.

    A site for those who want to learn how to draw. It is based on translations of Mark Kistler's book Learn to Draw in 30 Days. If you study for 20 minutes a day, consistently completing all the lessons, then Michelangelo, maybe in a month, you won’t, but you will learn how to hold a pencil in your hands for sure.

    Tehnika-risunka tells how to compare tonalities, how to convey the atmosphere and depth of a painting, how to create form and light with color.

    Video tutorials on drawing in pencil and ink.

    Drawing lessons in Photoshop: people, animals, landscapes, flowers - whatever your heart desires.

    Milan-based artist, illustrator and designer Marcello Barenghi shows how he paints his hyperrealistic paintings.

    The site contains video tutorials on drawing with a pencil, watercolor, felt-tip pens. Everything that came to hand. The bulk of the lessons are cartoons, you can give them to children. There are also more serious lessons, where the artist explains for an hour and a half how to draw a cube.

    2D and 3D artists gather at Render, write articles, post video tutorials in which they tell how they overcame one or another artistic barrier in graphic editors.

    13. Quick drawing circle

    Interesting drawing community in LiveJournal. By the tag "video" you can find recordings of lectures and master classes held by the circle. There is a section where they analyze the drawings, point out the flaws and show how to fix them. Unfortunately, this section has not been updated for a long time, but the old database is not bad either.

    14. Master classes by Sergey Andriyaka

    Artist Sergey Andriyaka tells how to paint lobsters, violets, lilacs and other beautiful things with watercolors. The lessons were shown by the Kultura TV channel.

    Step by step drawing lessons of animals, cartoons, people. There is a section for children.

    Drawing and modeling lessons in 2D and 3D from concept artist Ivan Smirnov.

    Paintingart from the theoretical part offers information about materials and tools. Conducts a small educational program on the history of painting and poisons jokes about artists.

    The site is dedicated to graphics: history, articles about art, as well as some interesting lessons about perspective, painting with watercolor and plastic card, and even how to create paper at home.

    The YouTube channel hosts video tutorials on graphics and pencil drawing. Video in English.

    Risuem offers the most exotic set of drawing tutorials, from the basics of hatching to how to draw lingerie in manga.

    The resource is dedicated to the development and drawing of comics.

    An art forum for artists run by artist Maria Trepalina. Participants share interesting articles, communicate, evaluate each other's work.

    On the website of the artist Scott Eaton, a selection of high-resolution frames is laid out that allow you to capture human figures in different moments of movement. The photographs clearly show the work of the muscles, which should be taken into account by the artist while drawing figures in motion. Now the site has about 30 thousand images.

    Creepy, muscle-clad mannequins are designed to help the artist who wants to draw a person in motion. Modelki can be rotated, considering from different angles.

    26. Сg-warrior.com

    Forum of Digital Artists. In addition to the tutorials, there are many links to individual blogs and articles. Members share links to the works of other artists they like and generally communicate nicely.

    The site is dedicated to fine arts. Pictures and biographies of the classics of world painting, as well as articles from the history of fine arts are posted here. Learning from geniuses.

    28. Google Gallery

    In its gallery, Google has collected a huge number of works of art, both classics and graffiti artists, written almost yesterday. Everything is in high definition so you can see every detail.

    Dreaming of learning to draw? And look for detailed step by step drawing lessons for emerging artists? I will try to help you in this difficult task and tell you about the many nuances when writing beautiful drawings and portraits in pencil and watercolor! With the help of my step-by-step lessons, not only adults, but also children will be able to master the basics of fine art!
    In this section, I publish all my step-by-step drawing lessons, and separately, in the section Drawing lessons for children, I collect simple drawing lessons for beginners. Therefore, if you are just taking the first steps in drawing with a pencil and watercolor, I recommend starting with this section. Be sure to check out all the drawing lessons and tips for artists collected on my blog!

    The portrait of an elderly person has a number of its own characteristics. Let's start with the fact that the skin of a person in old age has a lot of wrinkles, which complicates the work on the drawing. But this is considered one of the characteristic features that can tell a lot about a person. For example, a vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows is inherent in people who often frown. In our case, there will be an opposite type of person. Most of the wrinkles of the old woman, which we will draw today, are located on the forehead, near the eyes and corners of the mouth. This arrangement of folds suggests that the old woman often laughs and has fun. Today we will find out how to draw an old lady with a pencil step by step.

    drawing a portrait For a novice artist, it seems an incredibly difficult undertaking. Often beginners rush to create a portrait without learning its basic principles and techniques. Each face drawing ends in disappointment, which can lead to an absolute loss of interest. Do not give up, because every portrait painter started by learning the basic rules, practiced them, made dozens of mistakes and eventually achieved positive results. Now we will analyze drawing a portrait with a pencil, its features and rules. They will help to achieve the correctness, and most importantly, the realism and high quality of the portrait.

    Almost every person wishes to have their own portrait at home, which is considered one of the most difficult drawings that an artist can draw. Not surprisingly, there is a great demand for this particular type of pattern. Therefore, the duty of a novice and experienced artist is to step by step improve their skills in drawing human facial features, because through the face you can convey not only gender and age, but also the character and temperament of a person. According to their characteristics, portraits are divided into three types: children's, women's and men's. Today we will learn how to draw the last view - male portrait in pencil. It has its own features and secrets, which we will discuss in this step-by-step lesson.

    Step by step lesson on how to draw a female portrait with a simple pencil. After going through just a few stages, you can understand the main features that are inherent in portrait of a woman and absent in the rest. The face will be located in full face, the hair is pulled back. This is important to know before starting work. Now you can get started.

    Hands are a personal and unique part of the body. Often they can tell about a person's life with their shape and size. For many years people have been studying their lines and structure, trying to read the future along the lines. Today we will learn draw hands with a simple pencil with a step by step tutorial. We will pay special attention to their construction and the imposition of shadows, so that the drawing comes out the most realistic.

    Before you start a full-fledged portrait writing, you need to learn how to draw the details of the face. In today's lesson, we will learn how to draw lips pencil, thanks to a step-by-step description. The lesson is not difficult and is designed for beginners, but do not rush. To achieve a result, namely beautiful draw human lips, you need to carefully follow the rules of construction and shadow.

    Since you got here, it means that you believe at least a little that you can learn to draw. And indeed it is! Even if you drew just a little, didn’t draw at all, or doubt your abilities, find a simple pencil and 20 minutes a day- and in a month you will learn how to create amazing images.

    The hardest part is getting started

    To learn how to draw, a person first needs to just start. You need to push him so that he picks up a pencil and begins to draw lines on a blank sheet of paper. Many people think that a blank sheet of paper is a problem that only a talented artist can handle. In fact, having mastered it, you will gain enough self-confidence to enjoy drawing.

    After completing this course, in thirty days you will achieve the first creative successes, get an incentive for constant practice, strengthen your self-confidence and keep your interest in drawing for life.


    Most likely, everyone periodically has a desire to draw something, and not just a scribble-doodle, but so that everyone likes it. In particular, often such a desire appears when looking at a beautiful and talented picture. It would seem that difficult? I want to learn how to draw cool with a pencil, I take paper and draw a masterpiece. But if it comes to implementation, then difficulties arise: either the center is shifted, then the scale and aspect ratio are wrong, then the details did not work out. How to quickly learn to draw with a simple pencil, if immediately, due to your own ineptitude, the desire to create masterpieces disappears?

    Remember that even the most talented masters did not learn right away: everyone went a long way in order to improve their skills and delight others with beauty. This is preceded by more than one year and more than one month of hard work - it will take quite a bit of time, and now we are already good at drawing simple pictures and people.

    The pencil is considered the simplest tool for drawing, so it’s worth starting training with it.

    You need to get used to carry a pencil and notepad to make sketches. Only hard work and perseverance will help achieve the goal. But what to do if, in addition to desire and some abilities, there is nothing?

    Drawing: how to draw something beautiful and easy for beginners

    So, to draw pictures, you need to know where to start. remember, that for beginners, a pencil is the most convenient tool. This is due to the fact that it is easy to erase, and if the line is wrong, it can be changed. Moreover, there are different types of pencils, with the help of which you can easily create a beautiful drawing.

    The main advice for future artists is never do not start drawing with complex and large paintings until you learn how to depict details. You are unlikely to succeed, and the desire to draw again will simply disappear.

    First, learn how to draw individual objects. To do this, highlight one element from the others with your eyes. Then visually evaluate the shape and size. Next, select where on paper it is best to place it, given the size and shape. Do not forget that tall elements are placed along the length of the paper, and wide elements are placed along the width.

    Also, keep in mind that the real object is usually larger than the leaf, so you need to draw it, given aspect ratio and scale. This is not an easy task for a beginner. Therefore, to develop skills, below there will be suggestions for simple exercises that will help make room for the drawing.

    Drawing exercises

    In these drawing exercises, we draw objects as diagrams, without creating small details - this is something that a beginner can draw simply and beautifully. Here it is important to see how objects are created using unpretentious figures, their dimensions are taken into account. By obtaining such skills, in the future you will be able to automatically find the location and size of the picture.

    Exercise #1: so the first task is that it is required to draw an object not from a natural size, but from a picture. This greatly simplifies the task, since it does not require the selection of an element and the search for a place to place it - everything is already done. You need to reproduce the same thing, but in a different size, so that it does not become a copy.

    Repeat these exercises with other images to develop an understanding of proportion and space.

    We draw a mountain. First, take a close look at the picture. Visualize it on your sheet. Now draw a straight line. This will be the foundation. Study the shape of the hill, its slopes. If the mountain has the same sides, then depict it as a regular cone, whose height is less than the width of the base. To understand how many times the parts differ in size, you can take a ruler, but the main thing is to be able to do it by eye. In this situation, the proportions of height and width are 1:3.

    To correctly determine the aspect ratio, create a vertex first. Find a place on the horizontal where you will position it. Create 3 equal segments on the line. Next, find the middle and draw a perpendicular. Then mark the top of the mountain at a distance of 1 division from the base. If the image matches, everything is done correctly. Now try to create the same mountain, but in a different size.

    Do not forget that in order to correctly determine the aspect ratio of an object, you need to start by dividing it into equal parts of the base, and then go further from this. This task will teach you to accurately identify the ratio of various elements of objects. And this is the basis of drawing.

    Exercise #2: another problem is that you want to depict a mountain with different proportions of width and height. Here they will be 1:4, and the top deviates to the right. The task is more difficult, but not impossible.

    First, repeat the steps of the first exercise: draw a straight line, dividing it into equal parts (here 4). Then there is a feature - the top will not be in the center of the segment. It is as if above the third segment, therefore we draw a perpendicular line from it. Then the top is laid off. Usually, when creating a drawing, the base is divided into 2 or 3, rarely into 5.

    Exercise #3: this exercise will require you to draw on one sheet profiles of different mountains, which have different vertices in location and height. Do not be afraid, the task is not too difficult. Imagine each hill separately, mentally draw a dotted line to the bases. And then you will understand that the first exercise is simply repeated several times.

    Another skill is skills to draw straight lines without tools. It's not easy, it takes practice. First draw a vertical line using a ruler. Now practice trying to create the maximum freehand parallel. A similar exercise is repeated with the horizon.

    Mastering Hatching

    When creating masterpieces with a pencil, mastering is required hatching skills for the volume of an object. It will show where the shadow falls and where the light falls. Start with simple shapes: a cube, a ball, a cone, etc. In addition, if you look closely, it is noticeable that these figures have penumbra.

    In order to get a smooth transition from light to dark, you will need pencils with different weights. After mastering this skill, you can easily learn how to draw three-dimensional details. For classes, you can choose interesting and stylish drawings for beginners - not very complicated, but beautiful, they will please you with the result and support your self-confidence.

    How to draw a person correctly

    If you have been successful in the previous tasks, then let's figure it out now, how to draw a person. This is not the easiest task. Consider a phased drawing. First try to create on paper people who are standing - this is important for distinguishing aspect ratios.

    Draw a vertical line, push off from it to create a grid, i.e. the main lines of the waist, shoulders, head, arms and legs. But how to understand the size of these lines? When drawing from nature it is important to use a pencil as a measuring tool. For example, you want to define the gap from the waist to the head. Take a pencil, visually align its tip with the level of the crown, then mark on it where the waist is located. Transfer the size to paper. So it will be possible to measure all objects.

    Drawing people is a difficult task. Start by creating the base, then paint the details.

    To check yourself, remember that the body is visually divided into 8 parts. One part equals the size of the head. For representatives of the stronger sex, the body length is 3 heads, and the border is located on the chest, chin, crotch and belt. Legs - 4 heads, and the center is near the knees. The width of the shoulders reaches 2 1/3 the size of the head. The arms are 3.5 times the size of the head in length. Female proportions are different - the body is more elongated, and the hips are considered the widest part.

    If you have determined the proportions of a person, drawn marks, then shape the body. To do this, all elements are drawn in the form of cylinders and ovals. If you like everything, then draw the outline. Now it remains only to create the details - fingers, hair, face, clothes.

    How to draw a portrait

    The greatest difficulty creates the creation of portraits. The difficulty is that in order to obtain a similarity, it will be necessary to correctly draw all the details and features. So, let's figure out how to draw a portrait for beginners.

    First advice: think about what you can easily draw or draw with a photo with a pencil? Separate areas of the face: nose, eyes, lips from different angles, even ears. Then move on to creating the full image. For beginners, it will be easier to work from a photo, you can gradually move on to personal observations, sketches and sketches from nature.

    Tip two: Start by creating an oval for the head. Then draw a vertical line through the center. She will divide her face into equal parts. Then divide it into 2 parts horizontally - this is the line of the eyes. Eyebrows are located on the line of the upper edges of the ears.

    Third tip: the length of the nose can be determined as follows: divide the gap between the eyes and the chin by 2 - this is the place of the tip. Its width corresponds to the gap between the edges of the eyes. These ratios are not an axiom, but most often faces are drawn in this way.

    There is a certain concept of facial proportions that can be taken as a basis.

    When you arrange the parts of the face, you need to create a contour of the lips, nose, ears, hair. If the details suit you, then start drawing. Now it remains only to add the final touches.

    graffiti style

    If you like lettering, then you should think about. There are different directions and stylistic exercises for drawing words, letters, phrases. And to understand in which specific direction you will create, you will need to study them all.

    Practice on paper first. Create a word. The letters need to be placed at a distance corresponding to ½ of the height of the letter, because they will need to be circled along the contour. Now give each letter volume and bulge with hatching.

    Tool selection

    A significant role in drawing is played by the choice of tools and sheets. So, which devices to choose:

    There are different types of pencils. A simple pencil is with different levels of softness. Often they are indicated in Latin letters: B is the softest, H is the hardest, and HB is hard-soft pencils. In addition, there are also numbers from 2 to 9. They show the tone;
    a beginner will need different pencils with different hardness. In addition, when drawing, you will need soft eraser;
    paper plays an important role. It is better to use white thick sheets - they are able to withstand corrections. A grainy sheet is suitable for a pencil, as the shades are noticeable on it.

    We have considered in detail how to learn how to work with a pencil and how to draw something beautiful at home, but now let's sum up a kind of result. Consider brief tips on how to fill your hand for drawing - the list, of course, is far from complete, but sums up the experience:

    Create sketches.

    This is the main point. A day is required to create at least 5 sketches. Here it is worth working to the maximum. Use every chance to create drawings: on the road, in the office, at home. This fills the hand, develops imagination, the ability to understand the ratio of sizes. Useful drawing of storyboards, comics.

    Copy the work of the masters.

    Imitate the masters, it develops the taste. Do 1 copy every 3 months. This should include the originals of good artists. Try to get as close as possible to the source, study not only the technique of the masters, but also the peculiarities of the culture of that era.

    Experiment, do not be afraid of mistakes and do not postpone creativity for later. So you will soon learn how to create masterpieces.

    Draw from memory.

    Even when drawing from life, you have to create an image from memory. Besides, it is important to draw small elements from memory- it will improve visual memory and fantasy.

    Repeat mistakes.

    Often people give up at the first problems: they are afraid of repeating the mistake. But you shouldn't do it. Doesn't work - start again. Do not avoid mistakes, you should look closely at them - perhaps this is where your personality lies.

    Don't draw from a photo.

    Yes, at first this is the only way to train, but then you should not do it. The lens is not able to convey the full depth of the forms.

    Take a break.

    Don't focus on one it is important to be able to switch. If something doesn't work, take breaks. Start other drawings, change points of view, technique.


    Even if for you drawing with a pencil or paints (pastel, watercolor, oil, etc.) is a completely new direction in life, don't be afraid to set goals both modest and global. It is important to remember why you decided to study drawing: will it become a future profession or hobby, do you want to please friends or relatives with a landscape or portrait presented as a gift, did you just decide to master a new creative niche?

    Fears of your own inability haunt you, constantly buzzing in your ear “Anyway, you won’t succeed”? Do not put off ideas and plans for later, gradually buying boxes of pencils and paints or spending weekends looking for that “best paper” in stores. Make your wishes come true today- just take a notebook and a pencil and start making, albeit not very skillful, but your own sketches.

    January 23, 2014, 15:22
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