• How to care for anthurium after purchase. Indoor anthurium flower, caring for the plant at home Causes of blackening of the plant


    In this article you can familiarize yourself with the catalog of the best indoor plants, their photographs and names. Here are accurate descriptions of many houseplants, as well as tips for caring for them. This catalog will allow you to choose a home plant that is suitable for you according to the criteria.

    Indoor plants are convenient because no matter where you live, in a private house, apartment or even a dorm, you can always grow a small flower in a pot.

    After reading this article you will become acquainted with the variety of indoor plants. You can also choose something that suits you and your home, thanks to a large list with photographs of indoor flowers.

    Classification of indoor plants

    All homemade plants can be divided into 4 groups, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Groups:


    Such plants are ready to forgive their owners for their busyness and constant lack of time, continuing to grow to their delight. The main thing is to initially create the required conditions for such flowers: if they are shade-tolerant, they can be placed in rooms with windows facing north, while light-loving flowers can be placed in sunny rooms, and provided with periodic watering.

    - a very interesting indoor flower-tree, growing up to 60 cm tall, belongs to the genus of succulents, has a fleshy trunk in which moisture accumulates in reserve, so frequent watering is not necessary.

    When adenium blooms, it is beautiful - the branches of the plant are covered with flowers that resemble something between lilies and roses of white, light pink or mixed colors. It is placed on bright windows, protecting it from direct exposure to the sun; it tolerates lack of watering indoors more easily than when outdoors.

    Blooming Kalanchoe

    - another one of the beautifully blooming succulents, ready to grow in “Spartan” conditions, without being left to the owners. They calmly tolerate low room humidity, are not demanding on the composition of the soil, and are easier to withstand short-term drying than heavy watering.

    It is, of course, advisable to adhere to the frequency of watering and feed the Kalanchoe with complex fertilizers 1 or 2 times a month to ensure it has the opportunity to bloom abundantly.

    It is important! Kalanchoe will suffer from an excess of fertilizer, especially in the cold months of the year; when fertilizing, it is worth following the principle: it is better to undersupply than to oversupply.


    - although the flower has the additional name “female happiness”, it courageously tolerates the lack of indoor humidity, is ready to put up with diffused lighting, and can go without watering for up to a week or more.

    When its leaves begin to dry out, the spathiphyllum is given a slightly cool douche in the shower room, it quickly moves away and continues to grow. Responsive to watering 2-3 times a week, actively bushes, blooms with beautiful white flowers, similar to calla lilies on tall thin legs.


    – a fast-growing flower, does not act capricious at slightly inappropriate temperatures. Flower growers love this unpretentious, beautifully flowering plant, and breeders actively work for them, annually breeding new hybrids of Decembrist, blooming in orange, coral, lilac shades, so that the plant blooms two or three times a year, it is enough to provide it with a room with diffused light and watering as the top layer of soil dries.

    – undemanding, easy to propagate, and also blooms all year round in a variety of shades – it is one of the most popular indoor flowers. For a plant to bloom for a long time, only a few hours of bright light per day is enough, I am ready to put up with it if it is placed in a far corner. If there is a lack of moisture in the flowerpot, it will not wither, it will only shed its lower leaves, reducing the area of ​​evaporation. With sufficient watering, the leaves regain their elasticity; it is desirable that the soil is constantly moist.


    With the help of climbing indoor plants used in vertical gardening, thanks to their flexible long stems, it is possible to create unique interior compositions and decorate your home with them. Lianas do not take up much space, since their densely leafy stems can be given any direction; they are tied to a support, then given the opportunity to fall, creating the atmosphere of a tropical forest.


    - a liana with interesting, inimitably beautiful complex flowers, a real exotic in indoor plant growing. It is impossible to describe it in words, the flowers of the plant are so unusual.

    Surprisingly, this multi-meter vine easily takes root, grows quickly, is relatively unpretentious, loves sunlight, and requires annual pruning. Blooming flowers last only one day, but new ones bloom to replace them. If the passionflower is given the right conditions, it will produce enough buds for you to admire its flowers.

    It is important! Passionflower stems definitely need supports; with their help, the stems are directed in the right direction: the stems quickly become woody, it is important not to miss this period.

    - also a very beautiful liana, blooms with lilac or white flowers resembling bells. The plant looks very decorative, quickly grows up to 5 meters, but in the first year it does not bloom intensively, gaining strength for the next season.


    - an overseas miracle, a climbing flower with dark glossy leaves and white, porcelain-like star-shaped flowers. If stephanotis is properly cared for, its vine grows up to 6 m, densely leafy vines can be placed vertically using a wall lattice, decorating windows, walls, and a kind of backdrop can be made from several flowers. In the heat it likes to be watered and irrigated; in the winter months it prefers to be kept cool.

    Clerodendrum Thomson

    - a powerful, fast-growing and original flowering vine; the flower also has beautiful large leaves of emerald color, so it is worthy of becoming a decoration for any, even the most sophisticated home interior.

    Clerodendrum vines grow constantly, they have to be pinched from time to time in order to somehow limit their growth (if the dimensions of the room require it). To make the flower even more decorative, you can build supports in the form of a pyramid or an arch, a ball, and direct the shoots along them, fixing them.

    Clerodendrum needs diffuse lighting, watering very often, up to several times a day, to compensate for the moisture that the foliage evaporates.


    The group of hanging ones is united by the presence of a flexible long stem that spreads along the surface or wraps around supports. There are three types of hanging:

    • succulents;
    • blooming;
    • decorative deciduous.

    Most of them were brought from hot countries with arid or humid climates; you need to choose the right place for their permanent location so that adaptation to local indoor conditions is less painful for them. By creating conditions close to natural, the gardener will have a chance to have a beautifully growing and developing plant in his home.

    It is important! From the moment the flowers begin to budding, other than watering, no further care procedures are carried out.

    For symmetrical development of the plant, it is advisable to periodically turn different sides towards the light; the more often this is done, the more harmonious the appearance of the plant will be.

    Hoya carnosa

    (wax ivy) is a model of consistency, does not disappear even in northern rooms, due to the ability of multiple leaves to accumulate a sufficient supply of moisture, it can easily do without watering for a couple of months. Transplanting into new flowerpots is only necessary when there is very little room for roots in the old pot.

    With normal care - light, regular watering and with the addition of nutrients - it is very beautiful, with thick flowing vines covered with umbrella inflorescences.


    - one of the simplest and most unpretentious to care for, it can survive on a cabinet in the far corner of the room, where there is almost no sunlight, going for a long time without watering. Can easily tolerate excess moisture, draft or stuffiness.

    But it’s hardly worth starting a flower in order to create extreme conditions for it, even minimal care would be better:

    • watering with room water once every 7-10 days;
    • feeding once every 2 weeks;
    • periodic replanting on time;
    • It is advisable to take rare baths in the shower.

    It is important! The fact is that chlorophytum (as is clear from the name) is an excellent absorber of all harmful substances in the air, so that the cleansing process is more intense, it is better to keep the surface of chlorophytum leaves clean.

    The flowers of the plant are formed on the edges of long shoots and are shaped like small white stars.

    Fuchsia ampelous

    - elegant, cheerful, as if illuminating the space around itself with stems descending in a cascade, on the edges of which there are bright flowers. Fuchsia has a long flowering period; for almost six months it is ready to give joy and mood.

    The plant can grow in partial shade; caring for many varieties is simple and does not require effort or time. It will look very elegant in hanging baskets and flowerpots; two-color fuchsias look especially charming.


    Catalog of indoor flowers

    Let's consider the names related to decorative deciduous, which are valued for their beautiful leaves, as well as decorative flowering, which can boast of beautiful flowering.

    This is a shrub that attracts with its exotic appearance. It has a rosette of leaves with straight stems that eventually develop into a trunk. Depending on the species and age, it can reach three meters. The leaves of this home plant are juicy green and elongated in shape. Dracaena, with proper care indoors, can last up to 15 years. Types of dracaena:


    Belongs to coniferous crops. It is not demanding in care, it will easily take root in a new place. He is very photophilous and is not afraid of sunlight. If there is insufficient light, the cypress may die. It does not tolerate drafts and strong winds, but the room where it grows must be ventilated regularly.

    The plant loves moisture, so it needs to be sprayed, and you can also place containers with water next to the pot. Cypress needs to be watered regularly, monitoring this every day to prevent the soil from drying out. In winter, you can water less often to prevent rotting of the roots.

    Cypress in May - September needs to be fertilized with fertilizers. It can be purchased in specialized stores.

    Decorative flowering indoor plants are loved because of their exquisite flowers. They are also among themselves vary in appearance, care requirements, and smell. Examples of decorative flowers: Saintpaulia, acacia, anthurium and others.

    Saintpaulias or Usambara violets

    These indoor flowers are almost ideal, because they bloom almost all year round, generally without taking up much space on the windowsill. Many colors of flowers, there are both delicate shades and bright flashy ones. In order for violets to bring joy with their flowering, the necessary conditions must be created for them. Rules for caring for Saintpaulias:

    • observe the temperature at which Saintpaulia grows is 21–22 0C.
    • Saintpaulias do not tolerate drafts.
    • They grow well on windowsills on the western and eastern sides.
    • Watering is done with settled water and in a tray or so that water does not fall on the leaves.
    • Watering should be carried out as the soil dries.

    The lower leaves and faded flowers are torn off. If in the spring Saintpaulia gave a second rosette, then it must be cut off and placed in water.


    It has a shortened stem that can be aboveground or underground. Its leaves are green in color, reaching a length of 15 cm, and 7 cm wide, the flowers come in a variety of colors. Anthurium care rules:


    This is a stemless houseplant with a short root. Kinds:

    • spathiphyllum cannofolia - differs from its other species in the wonderful aroma of the flower. Its leaves are lush green. Blooms in spring and winter.
    • spathiphyllum profusely blooming - can bloom throughout the year.
    • Spathiphyllum Willis - perfect for growing indoors.
    • Spathiphyllum heliconifolia is quite large, reaching a height of up to 1 m.

    Spathiphyllum care rules:

    • Diffused light is suitable for indoor culture, because direct rays of the sun cause burns on its leaves.
    • heat-loving plant. In summer, the temperature needed is from 18 to 25 0C. In winter - no less than 14 0C.
    • does not tolerate drafts and cold air.
    • Watering should be carried out as the top layer of soil dries; in spring and summer, water abundantly, and in autumn and winter, reduce it to only once a week.

    Indoor plants, the photos and names of which you see below, belong to the decorative flowering potted type. Difference from the previous type The fact is that such indoor flowers can only spend a short period of time in living quarters. If the plant begins to fade, then the days of this flower are already numbered.

    Only some of their species can be saved. Therefore it would Most plants are thrown away, some are saved., moving them to a cool place, while others can be stored in the form of bulbs until the next planting.

    The short lifespan of such crops is the main drawback. These include flowers such as azalea, chrysanthemum, poinsettia, gloxinia.


    It is considered an evergreen, branched, beautifully flowering dwarf plant. Types of indoor azaleas:

    • Indian azalea. The height of this evergreen shrub is up to 50 cm, its leaves are small, no more than 3.5 cm.
    • Japanese azalea reaches a height of 50 cm, it has white shiny leaves that are smaller than its previous species.

    Basic rules for caring for indoor azaleas:

    • A window sill on the east side suits her perfectly. The main thing to remember is that the light must be diffused.
    • is not heat-loving, so 15–18 degrees is enough, and during budding the temperature should be 5–6 0C lower.
    • it needs sufficient humidity; for this, the plant must be sprayed quite often with slightly cool water from a spray bottle. When the azalea blooms, you need to spray it carefully, since water can darken the delicate flowers; containers with water placed around will help to get out of the situation.
    • Watering should be regular and abundant during flowering.
    • Avoid overwatering to avoid rotting of the rhizome.

    Cacti are a separate type of indoor crops that delight the gardener with their unpretentiousness.


    A fairly large cactus with a dark green stem in the shape of a ball or cylinder. Main The difference from all other cacti is the presence of papillae from which needles appear. The roots are, as a rule, on the surface, only the root system in the center goes deep. Types of Mammillaria cactus:

    • Mamilaria shide is a miniature species, shaped like a ball with a diameter of 4 cm.
    • Mammillaria macrosapular - this species is distinguished by its large size, up to 30 cm in height.
    • Snow-white mammillaria is also a fairly large species.
    • Mammillaria Teresa - this type of cactus has very large flowers, reaching 3 cm in diameter and, as a rule, they are purple in color.
    • Mammillaria spinosa is a medium-sized cactus, often unbranched and cylindrical in shape.

    Basic rules of care:

    This is a classic cactus with a stem in the shape of a ball or cylinder. Its flowers are yellow, pink, white, and red. Types of lobivia:



    Now Coleus is at the peak of popularity as an ornamental indoor and annual garden plant. Coleus became in demand after many of its varieties appeared with various shapes and colors of leaves. Coleus in appearance resembles ordinary nettle, but only with beautiful velvety leaves, for which this plant is called “multi-colored nettle”.

    Coleus varieties

    New varieties of coleus may have split leaves with pronounced wavy or jagged edges. The color of coleus leaves is amazing; it is the most vibrant plant among variegated indoor plants. There are monochromatic yellow-lemon to burgundy and almost black varieties of coleus, or two or three-color leaves with contrasting veins, a bright border and various spots, stripes, and dots. Coleus will outshine any flower on the windowsill or in the garden with the beauty of its leaves.

    Many people love coleus for its ease of growing, unpretentiousness and rapid growth. Coleus blooms unremarkably; the spike-shaped inflorescences at the ends of the shoots with small blue flowers are usually removed so that they do not weaken the plant.


    dwarf tree kumquat or kinkan many grown at home as a fruit-bearing citrus houseplant. The kumquat looks very attractive, it looks like a bonsai or mini tree in a pot with an evergreen crown and small golden-orange fruits.

    The fruits of indoor kumquat can be eaten; unlike most citrus fruits, they are eaten with the peel; it is soft, sweetish, with a strong refreshing aroma. Some of us in winter, during the ripening period of kumquat, prefer to buy small fruits of this citrus instead of juicy sweet oranges and tangerines, which are not inferior in vitamins and nutrients to other citrus fruits. Kumquat fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, essential oils and pectin substances, thanks to which this fruit will protect you from colds, cure coughs, relieve tension, stress, increase tone and improve the digestion process.

    Growing kumquat at home will give you not only aesthetic pleasure, but also useful fruits. The kumquat is native to Southeast China. In Chinese, the name of this plant means “golden apple”.


    Alstroemeria flowers very similar to lilies, they are the same large, bright, with silky petals with a pattern of specks and long stamens protruding from the center. Many people call alstroemeria flowers “lilies of the Incas”, since this plant comes from South America, the mountainous regions of Peru and Chile. Flower shops sell cut alstroemeria flowers; they are often used to make wedding bouquets, but alstroemeria flowers are rarely grown in gardens or as indoor plants due to a lack of knowledge about caring for this plant.

    Total genus Alstroemeria (Alstroemeria) includes about 50 plant species. Alstroemeria has roots with thickenings in the form of tubers; erect flexible stems, covered with dark green lanceolate leaves, grow from the buds on them. A loose inflorescence is formed on the upper part of each shoot, which can bear from 4 to 15 flowers. Alstroemeria flowers, depending on the type and variety, can be white, yellow, orange, pink, or purple. Some flowers have 2-3 petals of a different shade and a pattern of spots or strokes.


    Zamioculcas zamifolia is a decorative deciduous indoor plant, which many call its “dollar tree” and is grown in the house as a symbol of well-being. Zamioculcas zamifolia belongs to the araceae family, but differs in many respects from its related indoor plants - monstera, dieffenbachia, alocasia.

    Long (up to 1 meter) curved feathery leaves of Zamioculcas grow from underground tubers. The leaves are thickened at the base, and on the upper part they have opposite shiny, regular leaflets with a pointed tip. As it grows, Zamioculcas forms a lush bush of unusual fan-shaped leaves. The original appearance and unpretentiousness of this plant have made it popular among indoor plants.


    Traditional indoor plants perfectly decorate the interior, but do not attract as much interest and attention as rare exotic flowers from the bromeliad family. Plants from this family are rarely grown at home; unpretentious species are more often used - guzmania, echmea, tillandsia, but there is another equally spectacular bromeliad plant with a decorative rosette of leaves and an original inflorescence -.

    Rod Bilbergia (Billbergia) includes about 60 plant species, all of which grow in South and Central America, as epiphytes on trees, driftwood, and on the ground or between rock crevices on rock slopes. This genus was studied by the Swedish botanist Wilberg in the 18th century. Many species of Billbergia are grown in botanical gardens and greenhouses, but there are hardy species adapted to ordinary apartment conditions.


    Unusual indoor plants of exotic beauty attract the attention of many gardeners and simply lovers of indoor plants.

    Precious orchids

    Precious orchids Not grown for their beautiful showy flowers, these plants are prized for their unique leaves. Precious orchids are exotic plants; they are not often found among gardeners; they are grown by collectors, providing them with special care and maintenance.

    Jewel orchid leaves have a velvety surface, they can be light green or almost black, and the veins of the leaves look like sparkling golden, silver or reddish lines, as if the pattern was cast from a precious metal - gold, silver or bronze.

    Most often grown at home precious orchids from the genus Ludisia (Ludisia) or Gemaria (Haemaria). These decorative foliage orchids have become popular because they are the most unpretentious, unlike orchids with velvety leaves from other genera. Even a novice gardener can grow Ludisia in normal home conditions next to other indoor plants, and all other types of precious orchids require high air humidity. The most common type is Ludisia versicolor (Ludisiadiscolor) has several varieties with different leaf colors from bright green to dark almost black.

    Tetrasigma Voignier

    Liana tetrastigma at home It is not grown as often as other climbing indoor plants - monstera, philodendron or syngonium. Perhaps tetrastigma did not become widespread as a houseplant due to its rapid and powerful growth. Under natural conditions, the stems of the vine can grow up to 50 meters in length; of course, indoors the plant will not reach such dimensions, but in a short period of time it grows a lot of lush greenery.

    Tetrastigma is more suitable for landscaping spacious halls, lobbies, and offices than small rooms in an apartment. The climbing plant tetrastigma is also recommended for landscaping public spaces because this vine is unpretentious, does not require special conditions and is easy to care for. The powerful, rapid growth of climbing shoots promotes vertical greening of walls and columns; you just need to guide them along stretched strings along the surface. Also, with the help of the tetrastigma plant, you can create green screens, which can serve as a division of the room into zones. Green corners in public spaces create a favorable climate and help improve the emotional and physical well-being of people.

    Rowley's ragwort "green beads"

    “Emerald beads” is the name given to decorative houseplant ragwort rowley. At first glance, the “green beads” hanging from the pot may seem artificial; in fact, this is a living succulent plant that grows well at home if the rules of care and maintenance are followed; they are almost the same for all succulent plants.

    • Rod Krestovnik (Senecio) includes more than 1,500 thousand plant species, all of which belong to the Asteraceae family.
    • Since ragworts grow in different climatic zones, these plants are varied in appearance, among them there are beautiful flowering plants, unusual succulents, shrubs and small trees.
    • About 30 species of plants from this genus are used in decorative floriculture and indoor culture.

    As an indoor potted plant, it is most widespread; it is grown in an ampel form in hanging baskets or on high stands and shelves so that the thread-like long stems strewn with green beads hang down freely.



    Among climbing indoor plants There are many beautifully flowering species; they can be used in vertical interior gardening; spectacular flowers adorn long stems directed along a support or freely falling down when grown in a hanging form.

    We call climbing indoor plants vines that form long flexible stems.

    1. Lianas in nature grow mainly in forests, due to their growth form, their long shoots climb up trees and branches, aiming for sunlight.
    2. Our homes often don’t have enough space for large indoor plants, but climbing flowers don’t take up much space, and thanks to their long, leafy stems, they add life and greenery to the interior.
    3. Climbing indoor flowers create the atmosphere of a tropical forest in the house, which we associate with dense greenery and hanging plant stems.
    4. When choosing a climbing indoor plant, first study the maintenance and care requirements of each species.

    Many vines come from tropical rainforests and require appropriate care, but there are unpretentious plants with long, spreading stems that even an inexperienced gardener can grow.


    Ginura - decorative indoor plant, which is sometimes called the "blue bird". The leaves of this flower are covered with purple-violet hairs, this pubescence gives the plant a velvety purple hue, like corduroy fabric.

    Decorative deciduous plants with beautiful pubescence always attract attention; they create a feeling of softness and comfort. Spectacular ginura with velvety pubescence of an original purple hue is a fashionable plant for decorating interiors; its velor leaves go well with rich fabrics and drapery of the room. The advantages of the indoor flower ginura are complemented by the simple care and unpretentiousness of this plant when grown at home.


    A cute mini flower garden forms on the windowsill Exakum potted plant. Exakum blooms profusely for three to four months all summer until autumn. Numerous small flowers with yellow anthers in the center are scattered like stars on the emerald greenery of the plant. The flowers do not last long, but due to the large number of new buds constantly being formed, flowering continues throughout the summer. To ensure that the beauty of the exacum does not weaken, constantly remove faded flowers and feed the plant with fertilizer for flowering plants. Exacum flowers come in white, blue and purple colors, and they also have a fragrant aroma.

    Rod Exakum (Exacum) has about 30 species of herbaceous plants, but only one species is grown indoors - exakum related (E.affine).

    This compact plant does not exceed a height of 20-30 cm, its stems are highly branched, and when pinched correctly, the plant forms a lush green cap. The stems are covered with shiny oval leaves 2.5 cm long. The flowers are small, about 1 cm in diameter, and are brightened by yellow stamens protruding in the center.


    Exotic connoisseurs often purchase amazing and original insectivorous indoor plants. Has unusual leaves Dionaea or Venus flytrap, they end in green traps that look like a gaping mouth with sharp teeth that literally catches insects.

    Each oblong leaf of Dionaea, growing from the root, ends in two semicircular plates, with long sharp teeth along the edge, and inside they are covered with bristly hairs and exude aromatic nectar that attracts insects.

    • The plates are connected by a movable vein; when an insect, such as a fly, sits inside the trap and touches the hairs, the plates close in a split second, locking their prey with the teeth.
    • After this, the glands inside the trap begin to produce a corrosive liquid and the plant absorbs the necessary substances from the decomposing insect.
    • After digesting the insect, after a while the plant's trap opens to catch new prey.


    Violet flowers have always been and will remain popular indoor plants. Indoor violets are small leafy rosettes of velvety leaves, above which delicate flowers bloom. Simple care for violets at home, easy propagation, as well as compact size and beautiful flowering are the main advantages of this indoor plant.

    Violet flowers description.

    Violets have been grown indoors for over 100 years. The first exhibition of violets took place in 1893, where this plant was demonstrated in all its glory.

    The homeland of indoor violets is East Africa, so the plant received the nickname “Uzambara violet”. The Latin name for this flower is Saintpaulia, given in honor of Saint Paul, who brought the pretty purple flowers to Europe from Africa.

    In their homeland, violets grow under the shade of trees along rivers on rocky banks. Since there is little fertile soil among the stones, these plants have acquired fleshy leaves, in which a supply of moisture accumulates, and the pubescence protects it from evaporation.


    Philodendron can be considered the king of indoor vines. This plant is often used for vertical gardening of interiors, directing a long vine along a support, trellis, wall, or, placing the pot high, the shoots hang down as an hanging plant

    Philodendrons have been grown as a houseplant since the Victorian era.

    All types of philodendrons have spectacular leathery leaves; according to their size, these plants can be divided into large and medium. A large philodendron with large leaves will look good as a single floor plant to decorate a spacious room, foyer, or winter garden. Philodendrons with medium and small leaves can be placed on shelves, stands or in a composition with other indoor flowers.


    Potted Kalanchoe flowers They are sold in flower shops all year round. Such a flower in a pot can be given as a gift instead of a bouquet and the plant will delight its owner with blooms for several months, and with proper care it will bloom a second and third time.

    1. The genus Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family and includes about 200 species of succulent plants. Kalanchoe is a relative of the classula or money tree, sedum, echeveria, and aeonium.
    2. Types of Kalanchoe are varied in appearance; there are plants that take on a woody form or grow as hanging plants with hanging shoots.
    3. Several types of Kalanchoe are grown at home; they can be divided according to purpose into medicinal and decorative types.
    4. Decorative species of Kalanchoe, in turn, are divided into decorative deciduous and flowering. Flowering species of Kalanchoe have become very popular, and they are the topic of our article.


    Mother-in-law's tongue flower", and scientifically, Sansevieria lives in almost every home or office. This indoor plant has gained such popularity due to its original beauty, and due to its incredible vitality, this flower will grow even with the most minimal care. Erect leathery leaves with a pattern of stripes make this plant special and unusual; according to associations, there are other names for this flower - “pike tail”, “snake skin”.

    Botanists back in the 17th century gave this plant the name Sansevieria, in honor of the Italian Count Sanseviero, who had a large collection of these plants.


    Indoor wallot flower looks like a beautiful lily, blooms in late summer - early autumn, which is why it is sometimes called “autumn lily”. The bright colors and beautiful goblet-shaped flowers are admirable. Many gardeners know wallot as a beautifully flowering perennial indoor plant, unpretentious at home and easy to care for.

    This bulbous plant is a relative of amaryllis and also has a seasonal development cycle associated with changing conditions in its natural habitat. The homeland of this plant is South Africa, where the dry and cool season gives way to a warm, rainy period, during which the bulb grows and blooms.

    The genus has only one species - Wallota is beautiful (Vallottaspeciosa) or purple walloth (V.Purpurea). This flower has been grown at home since the 17th century. The natural color of wallot flowers is bright red or purple; now you can buy varieties with white, pink and red flowers with a white center.



    Aichryson - an indoor flower, otherwise popularly called the “tree of love and happiness”, is a small shrub from the Crassula family, with a diameter of 20 - 30 cm, reaching a height of 30 cm.

    In nature, it grows in rock cracks, in most cases on the Canary and Azores islands, as well as the island of Madeira. One species is found in Portugal, and there is also one in Morocco. The total number of species is about fifteen.

    A distinctive feature of Aichrizon is the appearance and shape of its leaves - succulent, fleshy, dark green in color, covered with fluff, with short white hairs, they seem to be in a fur coat. Due to the unusual shape of the leaves, reminiscent of hearts, two beautiful popular names were attached to it - “Tree of Love” and “Tree of Happiness”.


    ABUTILONE(Abutilon) is an unpretentious evergreen shrub of South American origin, very popular as a potted or tub plant. Belongs to the Malvaceae family (Malvaceae). This indoor flower can be used as a miniature bonsai tree.

    1. Biological description of abutilone “Abutilon” in translation means “shade-giving”.
    2. The name “indoor maple” justifies its Russian name, as it has very similar leaves to maple leaves.
    3. There are variegated hybrids with the most unusual palmate leaves.
    4. As a rule, they are heavily rugged, green in color, most often rough, not smooth.
    5. Graceful stripes, yellow strokes, white spots cover the leaf blade so intricately that sometimes it is impossible to notice the background on which they are located.

    The flowers are more or less large, bell-shaped, very interesting, double or semi-double, can be simple, being of hybrid origin, already far from the natural orange color. They can be single or arranged in pairs, but they are always drooping flowers with long pedicels.

    Abutilone of wild species is a raw material for the production of ropes and hemp, burlap from fibrous mass, therefore another popular name for this plant is “rope plant”.

    And one more interesting property of the plant: large leaf blades evaporate a lot of moisture, which increases humidity and improves the microclimate in the room.


    AGLAONEMA(Aglaonema) is a bushy indoor plant belonging to the aroid family (Araceae). Origin from Southeast Asia (from Northeast India to New Guinea). This decorative aglaonema flower was first found in the forests of Malaysia at the end of the 19th century. Most species are distinguished by their vitality and ability to adapt to the most, at first glance, unsuitable conditions for growth and development.

    The genus name "Aglaonema" is translated from Greek as "aglaia" - "shine" and "nema" - "stamen" - due to the presence of shiny stamens in some species. About a century and a half ago, Aglaonema (Aglaonema Schott) was first described by the Austrian botanist and director of the famous Vienna Botanical Garden H. Schott.

    1. Aglaonema is valued because of its beautiful decorative variegated leaves with an intricate pattern (see photo). This plant is very similar to Dieffenbachia.
    2. When purchasing aglaonema for home gardening, you can be sure that it will always delight the eye with the freshness of its green leaves.
    3. Caring for the plant is very simple, it does not require lighting at all, so even a novice gardener can successfully grow it.
    4. More demanding of lighting are variegated forms with many light silver spots, for example A. ‘Silver Queen’, A. ‘Silver King’, A. ‘Maria Cristina’.


    • BEGONIA(Begonia L.)
    • Begoniaceae family.
    • Homeland: tropics and subtropics of Asia, Africa and America.

    There are many types of begonia and they are all beautiful in their own way. These are perennial, herbaceous plants or low shrubs with bright flowers, stems and leaves of various shapes and colors, having a somewhat oblique shape. Begonia produces irregular, unisexual, monoecious flowers. Tepals are unequal, brightly colored; fruit - capsule. Most of them bloom all summer, but if you provide them with good home conditions, begonias can bloom in autumn and even winter.

    The classification of begonias is very interesting, which can be conditionally divided into groups, each of which implies a certain method of reproduction, general characteristics that unite them into groups (albeit of different species), which means that you can easily determine what kind of care a particular domestic begonia needs ( see the example of domestic and foreign classification).

    Gardenia - jasmine beauty

    GARDENIA(Gardénia) is an amazingly beautiful tropical plant from the madder family (Rubiaceae). It received its name at the end of the eighteenth century in honor of the American botanist Alexander Garden and, thanks to its beauty, won the love and admiration of amateur flower growers of that time.

    It is not surprising that already in the nineteenth century gardenia could be found not only in its homeland in tropical forests but also in gardens and greenhouses in the USA, England, and Scotland. It even began to be called the “lapel flower” because beautiful white or cream gardenia flowers very often decorated the buttonholes of frock coats and tuxedos of English gentlemen. True, for some reason gardenia was not popular in the twentieth century. But now this beautiful flower has again gained the attention and recognition of indoor plant lovers. But in order for gardenia in our homes and gardens to remain as beautiful as in its homeland, we need to get to know it properly...


    HIBISCUS(Hibiscus) is a large genus of plants from the Malvaceae family. Includes from 150 to 200-220 species, growing mostly in Southeast Asia - Indonesia, Southern China, the islands of Haiti, Fiji, Sumatra, Java, Sri Lanka. The genus has an ancient Greek name stock roses Alcea rosea L.

    Typically, hibiscus are evergreen or deciduous shrubs and trees, but perennial and annual herbs are also found.

    1. Among them there are wild and cultivated plants. There are luxurious specimens of foreign hybrid hibiscus, well known in different countries of the world.
    2. Because of its great love for moisture, in America one of the species is called “swamp mallow.”
    3. There they form entire thickets, lushly covered with flowers, in wet floodplain meadows.
    4. Hibiscus has many names - hibiscus, red rose, red sorrel, okra, kenaf, rose of Sharon, Venice mallow, Chinese rose.
    5. The Chinese rose has become one of the spectacular indoor plants that can be grown in large pots or beautiful flowerpots.
    6. Charming single flowers - simple, semi-double or double - can reach a diameter of 16 cm. The color spectrum of flowers is very diverse: from bright red and crimson to orange and yellow.


    KISLITSA(genus Oxalis) is a plant of extraordinary simplicity that in nature forms the cover of a shady, humid forest, and indoors it is an indoor flower that resembles a flock of butterflies perched on a window. Because of the unique shape of the leaf, which personifies the Holy Trinity, the Irish chose the trefoil (Oxalis leaf) as a national symbol and placed it on their coat of arms.

    The plant is native to the tropics and subtropics of all continents. Today, dense thickets of wood sorrel can be found in the forests of South America, Africa, Southern Europe, as well as in the spruce forests of central Russia. Oxalis is a plant with sour-tasting leaves, which is also popularly called hare cabbage. And indeed, sorrel leaves contain oxalic acid salts, are rich in carotene, vitamin C and are edible... - “Hare cabbage”

    This herbaceous annual or perennial plant belongs to the oxalis family, which contains about 800 species of oxalis. Today, some types of wood sorrel are cultivated as indoor plants: K. Deppe, K. Martius, K. Ortgis.

    The leaves are heart-shaped, alternate, most often trifoliate on long stems. Their color varies from green to brownish-red, with unusual patterns, sometimes bicolor. Oxalis produces flowers from April to October with regular five-petal or star-shaped flowers of various colors.


    MONSTER(lat.Monstéra) - a hardy decorative-leaved vine, simply called weeping liana, a genus of the Araceae family, has long been decorating our interiors as a tapeworm. In favorable conditions, especially in winter gardens, a monstera plant can reach 3-5 m in height (see photo).

    Homeland - tropical forests of South and Central America. In the south, the range covers almost the entire territory of Brazil, and in the north it includes the Yucatan Peninsula and most of Mexico. In the 19th century, Monstera was brought to Southeast Asia and successfully introduced there.

    At the beginning of the 18th century, there were legends in Europe about giant killer plants that were found in the wilds of South America. Thanks to such legends, the monstera received its name, in Latin “monstrum” - “monster”. According to some other sources, the name “monstera” comes from the Latin “monstrosus”, i.e. “amazing”, “bizarre”.


    • Family: Fireweed (Onagraceae).
    • Homeland: tropics of the New World.

    The graceful plant is called the dancing flower or ballerina, “Japanese lantern”, and to some its flowers may resemble the fluttering of exotic butterflies. Numerous lush flowers with beautiful “skirts” delight us with bright colors throughout the summer - see photo of fuchsia...

    This incredibly popular and beautifully flowering crop was bred by the French botanist Charles Plumière back in 1695. But the fuchsia flower owes its name to the German scientist Dr. Leonart Fuchs. In fact, the fuchsia class comes from willow weeds.

    Having been brought from Chile to England at the end of the 18th century, this subspecies was domesticated and quickly spread throughout Europe. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, over a hundred varieties and hybrids of fuchsia have been bred to date, differing in flower size and color.


    HOYA(Hoya) is one of the most common and fastest-growing indoor flowering vines. It is often grown under the name “wax ivy”, often without any idea what kind of plant it is. “Hoya” received its name in honor of the English gardener Thomas Hoy (eng. Thomas Hoy, 1750-1822), who worked for a long time for the Duke of Northumberland, mostly in greenhouses with tropical plants.

    This is a large genus of evergreen tropical plants (vines or shrubs) with milky sap, the family Lastovnevye, whose origin is South and Southeast Asia, the west coast of Australia, Polynesia. Most types of hoya grow in open forests, using woody plants as support.

    This flowering hoya vine (wax ivy) has long been prized by gardeners, particularly in its homeland of Australia, where many of its varieties have been developed. Many are cultivated as ornamental plants, but some species are so spectacular, such as Hoya macgillivrayi. In its homeland, it is a powerful climbing plant with succulent, glossy evergreen leaves and clusters of large cup-shaped flowers that smell strongly at night. With proper care, home hoya blooms profusely and for a long time.



    • Aloe leaves: long, triangular, green, with a bluish tint. Aloe leaves striped marbled or with whitish pustules, on a vertical stem, which in some species forms a real trunk, or collected in a basal rosette. The edges of the leaves are smooth or serrated.
    • Aloe flowers: in summer, tubular, green, orange, yellow or red, collected in spikelet inflorescences.
    • Aloe location: in the bright, but not scorching sun.


    • Bifrenaria (lat. bifrenaria)- epiphytic orchids, close to lycastes. Bifrenaria (lat. bifrenaria)- epiphytic orchids, close to lycastes.
    • Biphrenaria leaves: 30 cm long, one on each pseudobulb. Pseudobulbs biphrenaria have longitudinal grooves and are pressed against each other.
    • Biphrenaria flowers: in spring, 1 or 2 fleshy, very fragrant flowers with a diameter of 7 - 8 cm.
    • Biphrenaria location: by the window, in the full sun.


    • Oriental hyacinths (lat. hyacinthus orientalis)- perennial unpretentious bloomingbulbous plants, grown at home for its flowers.
    • Leaves hyacinths: 15 – 35 cm long, straight, slightly concave, light green.
    • Flowers hyacinths: large, up to 20 cm inflorescences - clusters of fragrant bell flowers, of various colors, on a fleshy peduncle.
    • Location hyacinths: eastern or northern window. Do not place more than 1 m from the window.


    • Hippeastrum (lat. hippeastrum)- perennial flowering bulbous plants.
    • Leaves hippeastrum: 30 – 50 cm long, light green, long, fleshy, arched, develop in pairs after the flowers appear.
    • Hippeastrum flowers: a long full peduncle bears 2 – 4 funnel-shaped flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, consisting of 6 petals, pink, white, bright red, bicolor. Hippeastrum bloom for 2 - 3 weeks.
    • Location hippeastrum: near the window, with shading from direct sunlight.


    • Apical cordylines (lat. cordyline terminalis) - shrubs close to dracaenas. Cordyline apical form a crown on a short trunk. The lower leaves fall off with age.
    • Cordolina leaves apical: lanceolate, dense, 25-40 cm long, with green, red, cream and purple spots or stripes depending on the variety.
    • Cordolina flowers apical: in 10-year-old plants in summer you can see a long peduncle with white fragrant star-flowers.
    • Location of Cordolina apical: apical cordolines with green leaves can stand in poorly lit places; colored varieties require more lighting.


    • Crocuses (lat. crocus hybrides)- these are small perennial corms bloomingplants. Crocuses can be grown both indoors and outdoors.
    • Leaves crocuses: long, pointed, thin, striped with white and green, appear before the flowers.
    • Crocus flowers: wide cups of 5 petals, with orange pistil and stamens, purple, blue, blue with white veins, white, pinkish-lilac.
    • Location crocuses: near a bright window.


    • Daffodils (lat. narcissus) - early bulbous bloomingplants. Daffodils can be grown both at home and in the garden.
    • Daffodil leaves: from 15 to 60 cm long, narrow, erect, often slightly concave.
    • Daffodil flowers: on a long flexible peduncle one or several flowers, consisting of a tubular crown surrounded by 6 lobes near the flower bed, forming something like a corolla, white or yellow. Available with pink and orange flowers.
    • Location daffodils: direct sunlight.

    Indoor roses

    • Indoor roses (lat. rosa)- branched

    the name of the flower is bright red with a long yellow pistil and received the best answer

    Answer from Yovetlan Bendin[guru]
    Or maybe Anthurium

    Anthurium Andreanum Anthurium Andreanum is a large plant up to 70-90 cm, the stem is shortened, aboveground, the leaf petioles are long, sitting tightly to each other. The leaves are green, heart-shaped, about 35-40 cm long and 20 cm wide. The peduncles are long, rising above the bush of leaves. The inflorescence has a dense leathery cover, broadly heart-shaped, with a bumpy surface, almost round in outline, about 2 cm long and 15-20 wide. The color of the bedspread ranges from white, pink to dark red, often mixed colors (for example, white and pink). The ear is 10-15 cm long, slightly bent, white or yellow.

    Answer from 2 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: the name of the flower is bright red with a long yellow pistil

    Answer from Elena[guru]

    Answer from Alexey Kuznetsov[guru]
    I'm leaning towards anthurium.

    Answer from Alissa[expert]
    Possibly Chinese rose

    Answer from H[guru]
    Hibiscus, or Chinese rose.
    True, it comes not only in red.

    Answer from Alyonka[guru]
    Hibiscus or Anthurium

    Answer from Nadezhda ***[guru]
    Still, this is ANTHURIUM.
    It just symbolizes the masculine principle.
    With good care, anthuriums bloom from spring to autumn. Good care primarily means correct thermal conditions. The anthurium plant is thermophilic. In summer, moderately warm temperatures are best, but in winter the temperature should not fall below +18 degrees. The plant should also be protected from drafts, but ensure access to fresh air.
    Anthuriums love bright light, but not direct sunlight, from which they need to be shaded. In winter, you also need bright light. In rooms, east or west windows, or stands near them, are best suited for anthurium.
    For anthurium plants, care also means proper watering. The water should be soft and well-settled, preferably boiled, always warm. Water regularly, but little by little, avoiding stagnation of water in the pan. Anthurium leaves should be regularly washed to remove dust and it is advisable to spray them frequently.
    During the growth period, anthuriums are fed once every two weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers.
    Like most plants, the anthurium flower rests in winter. During this period, as the temperature drops, watering and fertilizing are significantly reduced, but the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out.
    Anthuriums are transplanted in the spring into wide and low pots with well-arranged drainage. The pot should be small, otherwise the anthurium will bloom poorly. Leaves and fragile roots, which break easily, should be handled with care. When replanting, anthuriums should be planted a little lower than they were before replanting, and as they grow, the roots that appear above the ground should be covered with moss, which should be moistened regularly, otherwise the anthurium will dry out.

    Anthurium is an unusual beautiful plant with bright red flowers. This exotic flower is particularly elegant and sophisticated. Many people fell in love with it precisely because of its color – red color easily brings bright colors into gray everyday life. In addition, throughout the flowering period it will delight with a pleasant aroma. In the middle of each flower there is a white or yellow spadix. In fact, the spadix is ​​the anthurium flower, and what is around the spadix is ​​called the spathe.

    There are a huge number of interesting, unusual varieties, of which there are more than 700. But the anthurium with a red blanket and a yellow cob is unofficially recognized as the most beautiful. This plant has an interesting feature - it turns its leaves to follow the sun. This fact is due to its origin in a humid tropical climate. The leaves can be of different shapes and also have a variety of shades, depending on the variety. Some are quite inconspicuous, but there are also soft, velvety ones with eye-catching veins.

    Anthurium belongs to the aroid family. All representatives of this family are very poisonous. Avoid getting red anthurium juice on your hands. This juice can cause severe irritation. It is best to use special gloves for protection. There is an opinion that anthurium is a symbol of courage and bravery. That's why it is sometimes given to men. Caring for him, despite the fact that he is capricious, is not difficult, you just need to create the right conditions and environment around him and periodically pay him attention. With proper care, you can observe beautiful flowering almost all year round.


    The most popular varieties are considered to be Anthurium Andre and Anthurium Scherzer. They are easiest to care for at home. The flowering period is almost year-round.

    Anthurium Andre is quite large, has dark green heart-shaped leaves and red flowers. It can reach thirty centimeters in height. Flowers of this species have straight inflorescences. The flowers are located on rather long peduncles. The bedspread has a bright red color and a heart-shaped shape. A vesicular blanket with clearly visible veins is often found.

    Anthurium Scherzer is the most unpretentious of its brothers, most adapted to life in an apartment. It has narrow, dark green leaves that become pointed towards the end, which is why they resemble an arrow in shape. In addition, they are matte, covered on both sides with small black dots. The inflorescences, unlike other varieties, are curved and slightly elevated. The blanket is usually dense and bright red.

    How to properly maintain an exotic houseplant?

    Off-topic question... Question about dachas

    We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


    Proper care: lighting, temperature, watering

    Due to the fact that anthurium is a tropical flower, it loves warmth and bright light. The ideal location for red anthurium is eastern and western windows, where there are no dangerous sunlight. The flower should be in a well-lit place or partial shade, without direct sunlight. If there is not enough lighting, it will not die, it will simply not bloom. And in direct sunlight on southern windows, the flower will begin to shed its leaves.

    The flower should not be in a cool room or exposed to low temperatures. The minimum possible temperature for red anthurium in winter is fifteen degrees. In summer, the optimal temperature is not lower than eighteen to twenty degrees. In addition, he does not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature, it is important to protect him from them. In addition, it requires high humidity. This can be ensured by frequent spraying, at least once a day in the summer. On especially hot days, you need to spray more often. Only the leaves need to be moistened; flowers do not like water.

    Watering is carried out as necessary; it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out, but at the same time is not overly wet. The soil should not be too moist, only drying out slightly between waterings. The soil must contain organic matter and be structural in order to retain moisture well. Peat can be used as the main element. For red anthurium, it is important to ensure high-quality drainage.


    Transplantation is necessary for the successful gradual growth and constant flowering of red anthurium. If young plants need replanting every year, older flowers can be replanted every two years when the roots have filled the old pot.

    When replanting, it is necessary to add fresh soil. This can be a special soil for aroids; soil for orchids is also suitable. Due to the fact that the roots of red anthurium are specific and superficial, shallow but wide pots can be used. But you need to take into account that a tight pot will stimulate flowering, and a wider pot will stimulate active growth. Care must be taken to create good drainage. It is important not to overcompact the soil; it must be loose so that the roots can breathe. Often, when transplanting, a reproduction procedure is carried out simultaneously.

    Basic rules for replanting a plant


    Propagation can be carried out in several ways: seeds, division, cuttings and shoots.

    Propagation by seeds is a rather complicated procedure. Anthurium seeds can be obtained through artificial pollination. About a year after pollination, fruits containing seeds are formed on the cob. They must be washed with water and soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the formation of mold. The seeds of the plant should be planted immediately, laying them on the surface of the ground and lightly pressing them. Cultivation must take place at high temperatures. In one to two weeks, shoots should appear. The first flowering of red anthurium when grown from seeds will occur no earlier than in 3-4 years.

    The easiest way to reproduce is division. The procedure is best carried out in the spring. To do this, you need to carefully separate several stems with roots with a sharp knife and transplant them into a new pot. Treat the cut area with crushed coal. A new flower needs to be watered very carefully; if there is too much moisture, it will die.

    To propagate by cuttings, you need to cut off the top of the stem. Then it needs to be rooted in water or immediately in a separate pot. The cuttings produce roots quite quickly.

    Possible problems and illnesses

    It is important to care for and closely monitor the anthurium in order to notice negative changes at an early stage, when the situation can still be easily corrected without taking drastic measures.

    The most common problem is yellowed leaves. Most often it is solved by moving to a warmer place. It helps to temporarily reduce air humidity.
    The second pressing problem is the lack of flowering in red anthurium. Perhaps there just aren't enough nutrients. The solution may be proper feeding. This is not the only reason; the problem may lie in the lack of light. In this case, the flower is moved to a more illuminated place.

    Various spots may indicate a fungal disease of red anthurium. Another possible cause of stains is excessive watering or an incorrectly selected substrate.

    The most dangerous pests for flowers are aphids, scale insects, thrips, and scale insects. If mites are present, poor growth and development is observed, young leaves will be pale, twisted, and have spots, and old leaves will begin to gradually dry out. Pest control is not easy; first, you can try thoroughly rinsing the leaves with water. If this does not produce results, you will have to use special chemicals.

    This flower does not require special attention. It is enough just to monitor its condition and care, as well as provide decent and comfortable conditions. In a favorable environment, it continuously blooms and grows actively, does not wither and does not suffer from disease. The main requirements are for watering red anthurium, lighting and humidity. But if you follow all the recommendations, beautiful bright flowers, painted in a red tint, can be seen almost all year round.

    And a little about the author’s secrets

    Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

    • inability to move easily and comfortably;
    • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
    • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
    • pain during or after exercise;
    • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
    • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

    Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Mother Nature has an amazingly rich imagination - just look at some representatives of the flora to be convinced of this. Today we will look at the most unusual, and even strange, flowers in the world.

    A flower with a long and intricate name has one of the largest inflorescences in the world of flora. It was discovered in Sumatra in 1878 by the Italian botanist and traveler Odoardo Beccari. Unfortunately, the plant has been exterminated in its homeland and can now only be seen in botanical gardens and large greenhouses.
    An unusual inflorescence rises on a short and thick peduncle: a yellow cone-shaped cob rises above the bowl in the form of an upside-down bell. In Amorphophallus titanica, the cob reaches a height of four meters. The bowl is formed by a leaf-shaped blanket, the structure of which resembles corrugated paper in appearance. The inner side of the bedspread has a burgundy-violet color, the outer side is light green, closer to the peduncle it is spotted.
    Despite its external beauty, it is impossible to stay near a flowering plant for a long time; it emits the smell of “well-seasoned” meat or fish. The flowering period lasts several days; in its entire life, which is about forty years, amorphophallus blooms only three or four times.

    Lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) has a large distribution area - all of Europe, including the British Peninsula, Russia, and Asian countries.
    A low-growing herbaceous perennial, the tallest species reaches 60 cm. Its stems are covered with soft, thin fibers. At the base, large, also fleecy on the underside, bright green leaves, up to 20 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, are collected in a rosette. The leaf plate is lined with longitudinal veins.
    The inflorescence is usually single-flowered, located on a curved short pedicel with a leaf-shaped bract pointed at the end.

    Did you know? A yellow image of a lady's slipper on a blue background - this is what the coat of arms of the Norwegian commune of Demolition looks like.

    The structure of the inflorescence looks unusual: the lip is in the shape of a rounded shoe toe, bright yellow (sometimes interspersed with a red tint), the shield above the lip (staminode) and the stamens hiding in the shoe are also yellow.
    The lip is surrounded by four petals of red-brown color, the upper one, called the sail, is the widest of them, the lower one is narrower, and the side ones are narrow and curled into a spiral. After flowering, the shoe forms a box with seeds.

    It is difficult to examine the detailed structure of this aquatic plant without a microscope. Wolfia, popularly known as duckweed, looks like yellow or green microscopic plates, its size is about 1 mm. This is a heat-loving plant and is distributed mostly in water bodies of the subtropics, extracting all the substances necessary for life from the water.
    In our area, one type of wolfia is known - rootless. It is often used to create natural shade in aquariums and as fish food.

    African Hydnora

    In Japan and China, camellia can be seen in every temple garden. It is an evergreen shrub with bright white or pink-red flowers. Strong shoots of gray-brown color are covered with bright dark green leaves, glossy, leathery.
    The inflorescence attracts attention, stuffed and lush, with clearly sculpted petals; it seems artificial: wax or paper, satin.
    In its natural environment, the shrub lives in East Asia, Korea, the Philippines and Java.

    Nepenthes Attenborough is named after BBC journalist David Attenborough and is the largest of its species. The species was recently found thanks to lost travelers on the Philippine island of Palawan.
    Nepenthes grows like a vine, can climb up tree trunks, and pitcher traps hang from tendrils located at the ends of the leaves all the way to the ground. The upper leaf of Nepenthes plays the role of a lid; on its inner side nectar is secreted from the glands, which attracts insects and small mammals.
    The jug into which the victims slide holds about two liters of liquid. At the bottom there is a layer of the plant's digestive juice, and at the top there is a layer of water. The edging of the jug is often ribbed with spines protruding inside. The color of Nepenthes is brown-red-orange.

    The orchid, which is also called the flying duck, grows in Australia, more precisely, on the coastal strip in the south of the country, and also on the island of Tasmania. An unusual specimen blooms in September and blooms, depending on the area, until January or February.
    The thin and flexible stem, colored red and green, grows no higher than half a meter; the stem has a single elongated leaf, less than a centimeter in width. The peduncle can bear up to four flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm.
    An upside-down flower with two stipules is dark burgundy or purple, the stipules are green. A curved petal extends from the bowl, on which there is a convex lip of a rich purple hue. A yellowish nose comes from the lip, and the resemblance to a flying duck is complemented by a pair of narrow petals twisted into a spiral, sticking up like wings.

    Did you know? In addition to its resemblance to a bird, this form of sea kalania flower is similar to a female pergida from the sawfly family. Male beetles, deceived by the similarity and landing on a flower, transfer pollen from orchid to orchid.

    Monkey Orchid

    The orchid's homeland is South America, where it grows at an altitude of up to two thousand meters above sea level. This plant is simply woven from the unusual - the second name of the flower is the Dracula orchid, apparently with a hint of the pointed ends of the petals, reminiscent of the fangs of a ghoul; the open flower looks like a monkey's face and smells like oranges.
    These are low plants, with straight stems and peduncles. Each peduncle bears one flower with three petals forming a cup. Sharp, upward-curved tails are formed at the ends of the petals. The foliage of the species is different: it can be elongated and flat or dense, spongy in structure. The color of the petals varies among species - it can be light yellow, brown, brown-violet, red-brown.

    The orchid got its name for several reasons. Its flowering occurs during the mating season of wasps, and the flower’s shape resembles a female insect. Moreover, it also releases substances similar to the pheromones of a female wasp. Deceived males, in vain attempts to mate with their girlfriend, smear themselves in the pollen of the plant, thus helping the pollination of the latter.
    This is an Australian plant, up to 35 centimeters high, with a thin stem and a single heart-shaped leaf. The base of the leaf tightly clasps the stem, the color of the plate is bluish-gray, with dark longitudinal veins.
    The flowering period occurs in August-September. The inflorescence on a thickened bright green peduncle has an elongated shape, the lip is dark purple in color, and a staminode (sterile stamen) is located on the upper sepal. The side and bottom petals are directed downward, imitating the legs of an insect.

    Ophrys bee-bearing

    Ophrys bee-bearing also takes advantage of its unusually realistic resemblance to the female insect. Its inflorescence shape follows the contours of the bee's body. The dark brown lip, covered with short velvety hair with a yellow border, imitates the abdomen of a female bee. The green sepal is shaped like an inverted bowl and looks like a bee's head. Below it is a bright yellow ovary, twisted at the base. The lilac-lilac outer petals (from three to five pieces) are bent back.
    The perennial grows up to half a meter, prefers a warmer climate: the Black Sea coast, Mediterranean countries, warm slopes of the Caucasus. Ofris blooms at the end of May, attracting male bees with its appearance, who spread its pollen.

    Important!Ophrys bee-bearing plant is on the verge of extinction and is listed among plants protected by the Red Book of Russia.

    In total, more than 500 species are known and described, most grow in the tropics of South America, Australia, Asia, also in Madagascar, the Mediterranean and the subtropics of Transcaucasia.
    Species may differ in the color of the petals, but the structure of the inflorescence is the same for all. On a long thin stalk, there is a flower with a diameter of about 10 cm. The sepals and outer petals are practically no different from each other, colored the same: red, white, blue, pink, they can be two-colored, spotted. Above them rises a crown formed by many thin coronal threads. The next circle consists of five stamens, in the center there are three stigmas of the pistil.
    The passionflower bush (some species) bears fruit. The edible fruit is known as passion fruit.

    Did you know? In Russian the name of the flower is passion flower. When in 1610 the historian and true Catholic Giacomo Bossio came across an image of a passion flower, he saw the embodiment of the Passion of Christ in the structure of the flower. The similarity also impressed the great Heinrich Heine, who described the passion flower in poetic form as the personification of the torment of Jesus.

    It lives in Central and South America, on the Pacific islands. It is on the verge of extinction due to intensive deforestation in these regions.
    Shrub with a spreading crown, flexible green shoots that become lignified as they age, leafy. The leaves are large, oval-shaped, pointed closer to the petiole, light green or dark green in color.
    The inflorescence, up to five centimeters in diameter, has modified perianths in the shape of very plump red lips. During the flowering period, small five-petalled white flowers bloom in the center of the slightly open perianths. Later they form ovaries and oval fruits of a bright blue hue.

    Takka Chantrier

    This exotic plant is naturally distributed in the tropical jungles of southern China, Burma, Myanmar, and Thailand. Outwardly, the blossoming inflorescence looks more like an elaborate brooch than a flower.
    A distinctive feature is the ability to bloom up to eight times per season. Large, up to 35 centimeters, flowers are painted in dark colors: purple, bronze-brown, ink-colored, dark burgundy. One pedicel can bear up to twelve flowers.

    Tricyrtis short-haired

    Belonging to the lily family, Tricyrtis is a resident of the Japanese subtropics. The subshrub grows in breadth, its stems are less than a meter in height. The thin light green stem is covered with short hair.
    The flowering period occurs at the end of summer and beginning of autumn. One to three flowers appear in the leaf axils. The inflorescence consists of three sharp, tongue-shaped petals and three round, white petals with colored spots about three centimeters long. The spots can be violet, dark lilac, purple. The center of the flower is white with yellow spots, above it are the stamen filaments and the pistil, colored in the same way as the petals. It is noteworthy that even the underside of the petals is pubescent.


    The herbaceous liana naturally lives in the tropics and subtropics. The plant bears fruit; long fruits, leaves and tendrils are eaten. It is cultivated in the countries of Southeast Asia, China, Australia, India, and is also cultivated in greenhouse conditions in our latitudes, in the southern regions.
    Trichosanthus blooms with bisexual flowers, females - one on a peduncle, males - with a brush. The inflorescences look like snowflakes cut out of paper. Five snow-white petals along the edge are edged with the finest curls.

    According to botanists, it grows into the roots of the host plant, clinging to them with its own root shoots with suckers. Then, with the help of organs resembling mushroom spores, it penetrates further throughout the body, consuming all the substances it needs.
    The plant has a very slow development cycle: from the penetration of spores and sowing of seeds to the formation of a bud, it takes up to three years. It may take 9 to 18 months for the bud to open. The flowering period is no more than four days. After it there is a long period of decomposition, formation of the ovary and approximately seven months for the formation of the fruit.
    Rafflesia flowers of some species can reach more than a meter in diameter and weigh about ten kilograms. To attract pollinators, it emits the smell of rotting meat, for this and for its unattractive appearance it was nicknamed the corpse lily.

    Sundew is a perennial herbaceous carnivorous plant. It has many species, distributed from Australia to the Far East. It can grow on any soil, replenishing their poor nutrition with substances obtained from catching and digesting insects.
    Flowering can be observed in early or late summer, depending on the species. The flowers are usually small and inconspicuous, five-petaled, usually cone-shaped. It is not the flowers that are of interest, but the leaves, round or elongated, covered with long hair. The villi secrete sticky droplets through glands that attract insects. When a fly or beetle lands on a leaf, its edges either slam shut or curl around the victim.

    Strongylodon macrocarpal

    A large liana with a woody stem up to twenty meters long or more belongs to the legume family. The liana is native to the Philippines.
    It blooms in huge clusters up to a meter long, consisting of inflorescences of a turquoise hue. The shape of the inflorescence is similar to the open beak of a bird: the upper petal is folded upward, it has a smoothly pointed tip and edges tucked inward. The lower petal is in the shape of a sharp claw, curved upward.
    The most remarkable thing is that Strongylodon is pollinated not by insects, but by bats.


    Growing on the mountain slopes of Mexico and Guatemala to an altitude of three thousand meters above sea level, hiratodendron is represented by one species called five-fingered. This fast-growing tree reaches thirty meters in height and two meters in trunk volume.
    During the flowering period, five-leaved leathery dense boxes of yellow-red color are formed, with an edge on the outside. In their center bloom flowers with five thin bright red petals, fused at the base and slightly bent above. For its resemblance to a human hand, the tree received the name “devil’s hand.”

    Belonging to the balsam family, it is such a rare plant that the authenticity of the photographs was doubted for a long time, but after its discovery and appearance in the Royal Botanical Garden of Thailand, doubts were dispelled.
    A semi-shrub plant with dense brown-green shoots and carved, triangular-shaped, light green foliage. The peduncle, formed in the axils of the leaves, is thin and long; the flower hanging on it seems to be floating in the air. The inflorescence is in the shape of an elongated bowl, narrowed at one end, resembling the head of a bird, and has a green beak tail at the end.
    The middle part conveys the shape of a bird's body with folded wings, and the elongated, dissected continuation of the lower petal looks like a tail. The bright color of several shades of pink and white enhances the resemblance to a parrot.

    Italian orchis

    This species of orchis lives in the countries of central and southern Europe, Africa, and southern Asia. This is a herbaceous plant with a thick light green stem, and a pair of long leaves gathered in a basal rosette, entwining the stem.
    Flowering period from June to August. At the end of the stem a pyramidal inflorescence is formed, consisting of many buds. When closed, the buds are teardrop-shaped, pointed at the end, light pink, and may have stripes or spots of a darker color. As the flower opens, it looks like a human figure hiding under a canopy.

    Orchis monkey

    It grows throughout the entire south and west of Europe, in Iran, Crimea, and the Caucasus. The herbaceous orchis has a strong, leafy stem at the base. The plant blooms in late April-early May.
    The inflorescences form a dense panicle consisting of a large number of light lilac buds. When blooming, the bud lowers its lower petal, which looks like a monkey figurine with a smiling face.

    10 once already

    The Anthurium flower is very often given to men, which is why it is called “male happiness.” This flower symbolizes courage, strength, love, life, passion, freedom - everything that men love so much.

    Oddly enough, it has several other names: “flamingo flower”, “pig tail”, “devil’s tongue”. But people most often call it “male happiness.” It is generally accepted that anthurium brings good luck and happiness to its owner.

    Anthurium is native to South and Central America. He loves warmth, because in nature the flower “male happiness” grows in tropical and subtropical climates. In total there are about 800 species of anthuriums.

    Anthurium, as you see in the photo, has dark green arrow-shaped or heart-shaped leaves. They can reach up to forty centimeters in length. The anthurium inflorescence is shaped like a spadix and can vary in color: white, pink and yellow. The cob is surrounded by a luxurious blanket of dark red, spotted or white heart-shaped color.

    Anthurium: care at home

    Male happiness is a very whimsical flower, therefore it requires a lot of attention and care. The first thing you need to choose for this flower is the place where it will be placed. It does not like direct sunlight, so in summer it should be placed in partial shade or so that the light is diffused. In winter, it needs a lot of sunlight, which will enable the plant to continue to develop properly and bloom next year.

    The temperature of the anthurium should not be lower than 18-20 degrees. This plant also loves high humidity. To do this, it is recommended to spray the anthurium twice a day: morning and evening. You can simply install a humidifier. If you nevertheless decide to spray it yourself, make sure that the water only gets on the leaves of the plant, otherwise the anthurium inflorescence may become stained and fall off.

    How to water and care for anthurium

    Try not to overdry or over-moisten the soil. "Male Happiness" requires moderate watering. Too much water can cause the roots to rot. Water your flower once every four days. Please note that the ambient temperature should not be below 20 degrees. In winter, you can reduce watering to once a week.

    The plant can be replanted once a year. This is done in the spring. Replanting is possible during flowering. But in this case, you will have to carefully transfer the plant along with a lump of earth to a new pot. Anthurium reproduces by division during transplantation.

    At home, anthurium lives up to three years. Subsequently, it may begin to drop its leaves, so make sure that during replanting you can divide the plant into two or more parts.

    Don't forget about feeding your flower. It can be done every three weeks throughout the year. But in winter the plant needs rest, so during this period it should be left alone.

    If the “male happiness” flower is properly cared for, its bushes can grow from forty to eighty centimeters in height, and reach fifty centimeters in diameter. But such large sizes are characteristic only of flowering plants. The inflorescences themselves can be up to fifty centimeters in diameter.

    There is no specific flowering time for anthurium, because it blooms almost all year round: from early spring to late autumn. The flowering period of one inflorescence is from one to one and a half months.

    It is worth remembering that, like any plant, the “male happiness” flower is also susceptible to diseases. Therefore, it is worth remembering certain rules for caring for the plant.

    After purchasing a plant from a flower shop, transplant it into a pot, completely freeing the root system from the previous substrate. The features of watering store-bought substrate are very difficult to recreate at home.

    Anthurium diseases

    The most dangerous diseases are stem and root rot. The cause of rot can be waterlogging of the soil and too low a temperature. It can also be caused by anthracnose. This is a very dangerous disease that can lead to the death of the plant, so at its first manifestations (drying of leaves from the edges), you should begin to fight this disease.

    You may also notice blackening of the leaves at the tips. Such signs indicate excess calcium in the soil. If the leaves begin to curl, the reason is external factors: too dry air, direct sunlight or lack of lighting, draft.

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