• Different options for egg diets with detailed menus and recipes: losing weight with the help of proteins. Egg diet for a week - detailed menu. Boiled egg diet options for weight loss and results in a week Results and reviews of egg diets


    Olya Likhacheva

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


    For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but do not have the patience to experience a constant feeling of hunger, there is an excellent remedy - the egg diet for a week. This technique helps you fight for your slimness, achieve excellent results without discomfort and side effects, which can arise due to the low nutritional value of some techniques.

    Is it possible to lose weight on eggs?

    The egg diet is a specially designed nutrition system where the main product is the egg. It helps you quickly lose excess weight. At the same time, there is a constant feeling of satiety, because the main food product has a negative calorie content - it takes a long time to digest (3-4 hours) and the body spends much more calories on assimilation than it receives in return. The nutritional value of this product is due to its excellent mineral composition (iron, calcium, cobalt, iodine, phosphorus), vitamin complex (B1, B12, B6, B2, D, A, E, K).

    The speed of action of the egg diet is explained by the biotin (vitamin H) contained in this product. It is a kind of accelerator of the process of burning fat deposits by the body, regulates metabolic processes. At the same time, biotin accelerates the processing of carbohydrates, they do not have time to be converted into fats. Protein (plant or animal origin), under its influence, is completely absorbed, so a feeling of satiety occurs. Losing weight on eggs is an effective, effective low-carb nutrition system.

    Egg-orange diet for 7 days

    This technique is also called European. It is based on two components: oranges and chicken eggs. The combination of low-calorie, complete protein and citrus allows you to effectively lose excess weight (up to 9 kg) using an egg-orange diet for 7 days. One of the advantages is that you don’t have to cook at all! If you follow it, you should adhere to some rules:

    • drink a lot of liquid (volume - 1.5 liters per day minimum), it is advisable to drink clean water without gas, unsweetened green tea;
    • limit coffee consumption, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke;
    • You can replace the orange with grapefruit;
    • Reduce physical activity this week.

    Food can consist of only six eggs and six oranges a day, but maintaining such a diet is not easy; here is a more gentle option (its effectiveness is also high). Egg-orange diet for 7 days:

    Day of the week


    orange, 2 eggs

    Boiled chicken (150 g), egg, orange

    200 g chicken, a glass of kefir 1%

    2 eggs, a glass of juice (not store bought)

    150 g chicken, two oranges

    2 eggs, orange, glass of skim milk

    green tea and one egg

    200 g boiled meat and grapefruit

    you can cook an omelette

    vegetable salad + chicken 200 g

    one egg + two oranges

    salad: boiled carrots, greens, sour cream

    a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice and two fresh carrots

    one egg, boiled (stewed) fish – 200g

    cottage cheese (150 g), orange

    Two oranges and two eggs

    mineral water


    2 eggs and orange

    meat (200), half a grapefruit

    mineral water

    Boiled egg diet

    An egg diet for 1 week, which is based on boiled eggs, is low-carbohydrate. It is worth considering that the boiled egg diet is only suitable for healthy people. Strict meal regimen - three meals a day, snacks are not allowed, drink plenty of fluids. Lunch must be no later than 18.00. Chicken eggs for weight loss can be alternated with quail eggs - 2 quail eggs replace 1 chicken egg.

    Egg diet for 7 days, menu:

    • Monday and Tuesday the menu is the same - three meals, one egg and an apple, tea without sugar, coffee.
    • Wednesday. Breakfast – tea or coffee, 2 eggs. Lunch – spinach, boiled veal 100 g. Dinner – water.
    • Thursday. Breakfast – one egg, unsweetened coffee. Lunch – steamed or boiled fish 200 g. Dinner – 2 eggs.
    • Friday. Breakfast – tea (coffee), 2 eggs. Lunch – one tomato and 200 g of steamed fish.
    • Saturday. Breakfast is the same as on Friday. Lunch – boiled beef 100 g. Dinner – boiled rabbit meat 100 g (can be replaced with veal).
    • Sunday. Breakfast is the same. Lunch – any boiled vegetable 100 g, chicken meat 200 g. Evening – 100 g chicken fillet.

    Yolk diet for weight loss

    Egg yolks for weight loss are consumed in the morning, no more than 2 pieces, the eggs are hard boiled (cook for 7 minutes). During this diet, a healthy and active lifestyle, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking vitamins are recommended. The yolk diet for weight loss should last no more than 21 days. The egg diet for weight loss comes in different variations. Here is one of them:

    • Monday. Breakfast is the same all week - 2 yolks, an orange or half a grapefruit, unsweetened tea. Lunch: chicken fillet 200 g, green apple. Dinner: salad (orange, apple, kiwi) and low-fat yogurt.
    • Tuesday. Lunch: cucumber and boiled meat 200 g. Dinner: salad (cucumber, raw carrots, pepper).
    • Wednesday. 250 g of cottage cheese (low-fat), vegetable salad, a small piece of black bread. Dinner: chicken breast baked with various vegetables (total serving weight 200 grams).
    • Thursday. Lunch: pear or apple (fruit - any quantity). Dinner: chicken, vegetable salad with a spoonful of yogurt or low-fat sour cream.
    • Friday. Lunch: stewed vegetables (stew) 200 g, a couple of pieces of hard cheese. Dinner: fish (sea) 200 g, fresh or stewed vegetables.
    • Saturday. Lunch: apples and kefir (glass). Dinner: lean meat, salad (fruit, spoon of yogurt).
    • Sunday. Lunch: low-fat soup, tomato, cucumber. Dinner: baked, steamed vegetables.

    Egg diet Osama Hamdiy

    If you follow Osama Hamdia's egg diet, it is possible to lose 28 kg of excess weight in 28 days. According to the rules of the method, meals do not change places, dishes are prepared without fat, the product can be consumed unlimitedly if its quantity is not indicated on the menu. Every morning the diet (all week) is the same - two eggs (soft-boiled, or hard-boiled) and an orange or half a grapefruit. Sample diet for a week:


    seasonal fruits

    chicken or beef (grilled)

    chicken breast, orange, tomato

    orange, lettuce, greens

    tomato, piece of hard cheese, toast

    same diet as on the first day

    seasonal fruits

    salad (cabbage, greens, carrots), lean meat

    2 eggs, zucchini, peas and boiled carrots

    boiled seafood or sea fish, orange (grapefruit)

    repeat the menu for the first day

    vegetable salad, lean meat


    chicken fillet, vegetables, orange

    boiled vegetables

    Egg-kefir diet

    Another effective way to lose weight without problems is the egg-kefir diet. This egg diet for a week is simple, easy to tolerate, the first results of weight correction are visible after 3 days of the diet. You need to drink kefir (a total amount of one and a half liters) throughout the day. Eat two eggs in the morning. Add the following foods to each day of the week.

    Choosing a suitable diet among various methods is a complex and time-consuming process. Some involve fasting and giving up usual food, while others, on the contrary, consist of expensive and exotic ingredients. The 7-day egg diet is a real find for those who want to lose excess weight. The menu includes affordable and beloved products that, when properly prepared, improve metabolism and promote weight loss.

    The essence of the egg diet for 7 days: from A to Z

    The egg diet is a complete nutrition program aimed at weight loss. The diet consists of simple foods: eggs, vegetables, fruits, herbs and lean meat. In the process of digesting protein, the body will expend a large amount of energy. The natural “fuel” will be the fats accumulated by the body in combination with the carbohydrates obtained.

    In the daily diet, eggs are a natural source of vitamins A, B, D, E, K, valuable mineral compounds, biotin, choline, lecithin and phospholipids. Following a dietary diet will help not only reduce body weight, but also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, remove toxins, and normalize metabolic processes.

    How much weight can you lose?

    It is impossible to completely change your figure in 7 days of the egg diet. However, it is quite possible to become significantly lighter if you adhere to all the principles of the diet and follow the recommendations of specialists. It is very important to immediately develop healthy eating habits for yourself that will prevent weight gain in the future. Basic rules for everyone:

  • small portion sizes;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • refusal of harmful and high-calorie foods;
  • regular physical activity.
  • Only with this approach will a week on an egg diet be as effective as possible. On average, the result is from 5 to 10 kg. Those who were especially diligent managed to lose 12–16 kg. The decisive factor is the initial weight: the higher it is, the better the first result.

    Opinion of doctors and nutritionists

    The number of positive and negative reviews from doctors about the egg diet is approximately the same. It all depends on the chosen diet and the health status of the person losing weight. If you eat exclusively egg dishes for a week, you will achieve the exact opposite result. In addition to excess weight, kidney or liver diseases may worsen.

    The key to a successful egg diet is a full menu rich in proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. It is also worth reconsidering the quality of consumed products in favor of natural and rustic ones. To make food easier to digest, it is better to choose the simplest among cooking methods (boiling, baking, stewing). Any nutritionist will support this method of losing weight!


    Low-carbohydrate nutrition, which includes the 7-day egg diet, is suitable only for completely healthy people. The stress that the body experiences during weight loss can negatively affect overall well-being and cause inflammation of chronic ailments. The egg diet is contraindicated for:

  • renal dysfunction;
  • hypersensitivity to egg products;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy and during lactation.
  • Principles of the 7-Day Egg Diet

    The egg diet is not the strictest of all. The list of permitted foods includes eggs, lean poultry, lean beef, white fish, as well as low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, citrus fruits and low-calorie fruits. Among vegetables, it is recommended to eat carrots, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, beets, cucumbers, celery, spinach and lettuce.

    Until 18:00 you can treat yourself to freshly brewed coffee without milk or sugar. In the evening, it is advisable to finish your meal with green or herbal tea. Sweets and baked goods should be completely excluded from the menu during the diet. There are also a number of rules that will help you get a guaranteed result in 7 days.

    Diet rules

  • Meals consist of three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Snacks during the diet are prohibited. To avoid feeling hungry, it is better to increase the amount of fiber during your main meal.
  • Dishes should be consumed only in the specified sequence. You cannot serve breakfast leftovers for dinner and vice versa.
  • Hard-boiled eggs are the best option for consumption during a diet. Sometimes you can diversify your diet by choosing a different method of preparing the product.
  • Sugar and salt are taboo.
  • All types of fats are prohibited: animal, vegetable. All salads and fresh vegetables and fruits are served without oil or creamy dressings.
  • The serving size should correspond to the usual amount of food. The main part of the dish always consists of vegetables and herbs.
  • Vegetables can be eaten not only raw, but also stewed and boiled.
  • An alternative to egg whites is chicken, beef or lean sea fish in amounts up to 250 g per day. Be sure to cook without salt and oil.
  • The daily water intake on a diet is at least 2 liters.
  • In addition to water, other drinks should be present in the diet: tea, coffee, compotes, herbal decoctions.
  • At the beginning of each meal you need to eat some citrus. The acids in the fruit help reduce the volume of the stomach and speed up the work of the gastrointestinal tract muscles.
  • During the course of the diet, long walks in the fresh air and active training are indicated.
  • Table: classic menu for the week

    Diet recipes

    The main advantage of the egg diet is the versatility of the main ingredient. When you get tired of boiled eggs, you can always replace them with another protein dish. Depending on the cooking method, you can delight yourself with new dietary delights every time.

    Omelette in the oven


  • 9 eggs;
  • 3.5 tbsp. milk.
  • Preparation:

  • Beat eggs with milk until smooth.
  • Pour the omelette into a round non-stick baking dish and place in the oven.
  • Bake at 180 degrees until done for 10-15 minutes.
  • Serve for breakfast, garnished with fresh herbs.
  • Fried egg in pepper


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • greenery.
  • Preparation:

  • Wash the bell peppers and cut them into 1.5 cm thick rings, having previously cleared the vegetables of seeds and membranes.
  • Heat a non-stick frying pan.
  • Place 3 pepper rings in the pan.
  • Beat 1 egg into each ring.
  • Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes.
  • Garnish with herbs and serve.
  • Baked chicken breast with vegetables


  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 400 g broccoli;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs.
  • Preparation:

  • Wash the vegetables and cut them in any convenient way. For example, zucchini - in rings, peppers - in strips, and broccoli can be divided into inflorescences.
  • Cabbage should be scalded with boiling water so that it is soft and retains its color.
  • Drain the broccoli in a colander until excess water drains.
  • Wash the chicken breasts under running water.
  • Take a ceramic or cast iron baking dish and place all the ingredients.
  • The meat is laid out last so that it completely covers the vegetables. Chicken takes longer to cook than vegetables.
  • If the breasts do not completely cover the vegetables, they can be slightly beaten.
  • Cover the top of the pan with foil. This will keep the meat juicy and prevent a dry crust from forming.
  • Bake vegetables for about half an hour at 180 degrees. If the oven is equipped with additional functions, you can set the grill or top heating mode.
  • The finished fillet should be soft.
  • When serving, garnish the dish with fresh chopped herbs.
  • Egg-citrus diet for 7 days

    From the name of the diet we can conclude about its main components. When losing weight using this method, the body receives several times fewer calories than with a normal diet. However, the egg-citrus diet cannot be called hungry. The diet is rich in proteins, vegetables and fruits. The only exceptions are unhealthy foods: sweets, baked goods, salt and fats. In 7 days of the diet menu you can lose about 10 kg.

    Diet rules

  • You cannot change food places or increase the volume of protein dishes.
  • Egg products can sometimes be replaced with analogues: chicken fillet, lean beef.
  • You should drink at least 2 liters of water. The diet should also include herbal and green tea, natural black coffee.
  • You are allowed to drink diet drinks and citrus juices.
  • If there is a high probability of diet failure, you can indulge in tea or coffee with a sweetener.
  • All dishes are prepared without salt, sugar and oil.
  • The feeling of hunger between main meals can be satisfied with fresh cucumber, carrots or lettuce.
  • During the diet, sports activities must be present. Fitness, Pilates, and running are best suited.
  • Table: menu for 7 days

    Side effects

    Before you go on an egg diet, get advice from a specialist. Lack of carbohydrates in the diet and excessive protein intake can cause a number of side effects:

  • allergies;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • exacerbation of kidney and liver diseases;
  • malfunction of the cardiovascular system.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids will help smooth out the negative consequences. Alkaline mineral water is considered the most beneficial on a diet, as it neutralizes the effects of fruit acids and improves intestinal function. You can also partially replace chicken eggs with quail eggs and introduce vitamins and dietary supplements into the menu.

    Quitting the diet

    Exiting the weekly egg diet should occur gradually. In the first few days, it is recommended to use dietary products: eggs, citruses, cottage cheese, vegetables with herbs, etc. Then familiar dishes are gradually introduced into the diet: cereals, animal and vegetable fats, high-calorie fruits, various types of meat.


    So that no one says that you need to lose weight slowly, no stress on the body - I decided to lose weight dramatically, with the help of the Egg Diet. I need to see results so that I have something to strive for. I went on a diet just in the middle of summer, when my vegetables were growing in the garden, and fruits could be bought cheaply. You can even eat meat, which I was very happy about. And, lo and behold! I fit into the jeans I wore about 3 years ago! During hard training and following a diet, I lost 10 kg!!!


    The diet is wonderful)))) is planned every day - you don’t have to think about what to cook, I lost 10 kg in a month, and even then, I broke it several times - well, instead of boiled meat I could eat a piece of sausage)) or eat a piece bread on a day when you can’t. but the results are amazing, and the weight doesn’t come back)))))) the diet is not hungry, and in general it’s delicious))) I liked it)


    Losing weight on an egg diet allows you to achieve significant results in a short time. The program is designed so that the feeling of hunger does not arise between main meals. All foods in the diet contain valuable vitamins and minerals that normalize impaired metabolism. There is virtually no risk of excess weight returning if you continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

    Egg diet for 4 weeks: losing weight easily and profitably Very light fruit pie
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    Japanese diet: losing weight with health benefits

    The 4-week egg diet is ideal for those who believe in the effectiveness of low-carb diets. The monthly diet developed by American nutritionists actually prescribes eating eggs every day for only half of the period: the rest of the time is spent on consolidating the weight loss result and checking the habit of being content with little.

    The Four Week Egg Diet is a serious test of patience and intention! During this month, the metabolism of the person losing weight will undergo serious changes: due to the abundant intake of protein, the body will have to waste its fat energy reserves and make efforts to process and absorb high doses of protein.

    Thus, the main weight loss will occur in the first two weeks of the diet. However, it is important not to skip the second phase of the monthly nutrition plan, which may not seem very important when good results have already been achieved. If you leave the egg diet incorrectly for 4 weeks, a quick return of excess weight is almost guaranteed.

    Egg diet for 4 weeks: in a nutshell

    Duration: 4 weeks;

    Peculiarities: strict, you must strictly follow the prescribed menu. Chicken eggs are the main product in the first two weeks of the diet, the next two weeks are aimed at consolidating the result (the menu is predominantly low-carbohydrate, plant-based with small portions of protein);

    Price: medium (up to 5 thousand rubles for the entire period);

    Result: up to minus 25 kg (depending on initial weight);

    Additional effect: long-term preservation of the results of the diet due to the consumption of fat reserves;

    The egg diet is not suitable for 4 weeks: strict vegetarians suffering from kidney and liver diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with allergies to eggs and/or citrus fruits. Before starting an egg diet for a month, you should consult your doctor!

    Useful information for those who are attracted to the egg diet for 4 weeks: a chicken egg consists of 85% water, 12% proteins (ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme, ovomucoid,
    ovomucin). It contains only 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates, as well as a little glucose and a lot of vitamins and microelements, including B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium. That is, to put it in “fairy-tale” language, truly a testicle is not simple, but

    Egg diet for 4 weeks: myths and concerns

    Many of you have probably heard at one time the warnings of various therapists and nutritionists that excessive consumption of chicken eggs is fraught with the development of serious diseases - they say, they contain more than enough bad cholesterol, and protein takes too long to digest... What then, you ask, maybe we are even talking about an egg diet for as much as a month?

    And indeed, a similar panic took place about 20 years ago. Namely: scientists sounded the alarm by adding chicken eggs to the “harmful list” - it was reported that their constant consumption causes an increase in cholesterol in the blood and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the arteries.

    However, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (apparently very fond of eggs and worried about their undeservedly damaged reputation) conducted a large-scale study. During its course, it turned out that regular consumption of eggs does not affect “bad cholesterol” in any way - its occurrence is regulated by other factors.

    Their colleagues from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that eggs are one of the healthiest breakfast options. For the same amount of calories consumed, sandwich eaters are at greater risk of becoming obese than egg eaters.

    However, when dealing with eggs, you should not relax: one of the approximately 20 thousand eggs that go on sale may be contaminated with active salmonella, a bacterium that causes an acute intestinal infection, especially dangerous for children.

    Therefore, when choosing eggs for the egg diet for the full 4 weeks, avoid those whose shells are damaged, streaked, or “decorated” with particles of droppings or blood. Experts advise washing even the cleanest eggs after purchasing and boiling so that both the yolk and white are completely curdled (about 5 minutes). It is also important to monitor the expiration date of purchased eggs and, having purchased them, store them in the refrigerator on a separate shelf, away from meat and milk. Eggs should be cut on a separate board, which is recommended to be rinsed with boiling water after each use, just like the knife used to cut the eggs.

    How to “sit on eggs” correctly?

    The 4-week egg diet does not mean eating only chicken eggs. And their number on the menu is also quite moderate...

    “If there is a honeymoon, why shouldn’t we have an egg month?” thought American nutritionists, and based on their success, they invented an egg week for 4 weeks. Longer duration means better effect. Cases have been recorded where, within a month of “sitting on eggs,” those losing weight lost up to 25 kg (with an initial weight of about 100 kg).

    What is good about the egg diet and why for 4 weeks? With chicken eggs, you get pure protein without excess fat and fewer extra calories (including due to the fact that, in principle, you eat less - after all, eggs are very satiating).

    In addition, food costs on a diet become transparent and predictable. And one more interesting point: overseas researchers have found that regularly eating the same food really helps you lose weight. This is a rather psychological moment: for example, a nutritionist may recommend eating eggs for dinner every Wednesday and Saturday. Of course, this in itself will not help you lose tens of kilograms, but it will create a certain discipline to which the body will definitely respond positively. And knowledge of such a mechanism obviously will not harm those who watch their figure and strive to control their weight.

    Do you like chicken eggs? An egg diet for 4 weeks is a good way to test how strong this gastronomic addiction is.

    However, not everything is so simple with an egg diet for a month. The main surprise is that it... is not eggy all the time. The main focus is the first two weeks, during which you must eat eggs for breakfast and at least one more time a day.

    From the third week, the protein component is replaced by other protein-rich foods (fish and beef or poultry), and the menu becomes especially rich in fruits and vegetables. The abundance of fiber helps intestinal motility, which is very useful especially if chicken eggs have a strengthening effect on your stool.

    During the 4-week egg diet, it is important to get enough liquid (at least 1.5 liters of plain still water per day). As you already know, protein is a complex substance. During its processing, indigestible residues are formed, which are very important to remove from the intestines. Therefore, fiber and liquid remain indispensable allies for fans of a protein diet.

    Drinking juice and soda on the egg diet is strictly prohibited. You can allow yourself a morning cup of coffee without milk or sugar and herbal tea (unsweetened).

    Monotony is the bane of any strict nutrition plan. The 4-week egg diet prohibits additional consumption of fats (although it cannot be called fat-free - eggs themselves, fish, and meat contain irremovable fats, both saturated and unsaturated), but you can experiment with the form of serving foods with a clear conscience. Vegetables and fruits (as well as meat) can be baked without oil, steamed, or stewed. You can also replace boiling eggs with baking, make scrambled eggs without fat, or poach eggs. The main thing is to ensure that the egg is evenly cooked.

    You cannot eat raw eggs during the 4-week egg diet.

    Pros of the egg diet

    At least in the morning, you will have a hard time believing that you are “on” some kind of weight loss system - breakfasts on an egg diet for 4 weeks are not much different from ordinary healthy protein breakfasts.

    • eggs are delicious food. Even taking into account the restrictions on the use of fat in their preparation, there is room for culinary imagination in the egg diet;
    • eggs cook quickly, which means the diet will not require separate time resources. In the second part of the egg diet for 4 weeks, when eggs cease to be the main dish, easy-to-cook foods are also included;
    • the egg diet, like any other protein diet, is well suited for those involved in fitness;
    • egg protein and trace elements contained in eggs have a positive effect on skin, hair and nails;
    • eggs satiate for a long time - even with a small amount of servings on an egg diet for 4 weeks it is possible to keep hunger in check.

    Cons and risks of the egg diet for 4 weeks

    • Despite its relative diversity, the egg diet remains a fad diet, which involves an almost complete rejection of a certain type of macronutrients (in the four-week egg diet, fat and fast carbohydrates become such “default figures”) - that is, it is healthy and balanced to call such a nutrition plan in its original form it is impossible;
    • Excess protein and lack of carbohydrates can cause various problems and ailments, from migraines to bad breath. If you notice undesirable changes in your condition, stop the diet and consult a doctor.

    For your diet, choose only the freshest, selected chicken eggs...

    Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu for the first week and reviews

    • Breakfast every day this week is the same - 2 hard-boiled eggs + ½ orange or 2 eggs + ½ grapefruit (Please also note the separate so-called grapefruit and egg diet.


    • Dinner: lean meat (boiled or grilled)


    • Lunch: Boiled or grilled skinless chicken
    • Dinner: salad of cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper and carrots, 2 eggs, + 1 toast + 1 grapefruit or orange


    • Lunch: any amount of low-fat, lightly salted cheese + 1 piece of toast + tomato
    • Dinner: lean meat, boiled or grilled


    • Lunch: one any fruit in any quantity
    • Dinner: lean grilled or boiled meat + lettuce


    • Lunch: one any boiled vegetable in any quantity (beans, green peas, carrots or zucchini) + 2 boiled eggs
    • Dinner: boiled or grilled fish + a portion of lettuce + 1 orange or grapefruit


    • Lunch: one fruit in unlimited quantity
    • Dinner: boiled or grilled meat without fat + lettuce


    • Lunch: boiled or grilled skinless chicken + any steamed vegetables + tomato + 1 grapefruit or orange

    Egg diet: full menu for the second week

    • Breakfast is the same as breakfast in the first week.


    • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + lettuce
    • Dinner: 2 eggs + lettuce + grapefruit


    • Identical to Monday's menu


    • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + cucumber salad without dressing and salt
    • Dinner: 2 eggs + grapefruit


    • Lunch: 2 eggs + boiled vegetables + cottage cheese
    • Dinner: 2 eggs


    • Lunch: grilled or boiled meat + 2-3 tomatoes
    • Dinner: 2 eggs


    • Lunch: Friday lunch menu + grapefruit
    • Dinner: fruit salad (e.g. apple, pear, tangerine) without dressing


    • Lunch: boiled chicken without skin + boiled vegetables + 1 grapefruit
    • Dinner: the same as lunch

    Egg diet: full menu for the third week

    • In the third week, all foods allowed on a certain day can be eaten at any time without restrictions on volume and quantity.
    • Monday: fruits (except banana, grapes, mango, fig)
    • Tuesday: any boiled or steamed vegetables and fresh vegetables in the form of salads (exclude potatoes)
    • Wednesday: combination of foods allowed on Monday and Tuesday
    • Thursday: fish, boiled or grilled + cabbage
    • Friday: boiled or grilled lean meat or chicken + boiled or steamed vegetables
    • Saturday and Sunday: one type of fruit on each weekend (for example, only apples on Saturday and only pears on Sunday)

    Last week's menu - way out of the egg diet

    • Products allowed on a certain day must be distributed throughout the day at your own discretion and consumed without reference to a specific time, but strictly adhering to the prescribed quantity.
    • Monday: 4 small grilled steaks (75 g each) of beef or ¼ boiled chicken without skin, a can of canned tuna in its own juice, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
    • Tuesday: 200 grams of boiled meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple or pear
    • Wednesday: 300 grams of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
    • Thursday:½ boiled chicken without skin, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
    • Friday: 3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit
    • Saturday: 2 boiled chicken breasts, 1 toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, grapefruit, 1 glass of kefir
    • Sunday: 1 can of tuna in its own juice, 200 grams of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit

    The 4-week egg diet (which, in combination with grapefruits, is very similar) requires strict adherence to the recommendations and does not tolerate violations of the regime. The result of following this rather long and complex diet will be numbers on the scale that are pleasing to the eye. An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to achieve your “dream weight” and only you can keep it at the desired level by monitoring your diet and physical activity.

    Weight loss products that act quickly are always popular. Despite warnings from doctors and nutritionists about the dangers of such methods, those who want to quickly gain a slim figure continue to experiment. The egg diet for a week is considered one of the healthiest and least stressful among all express diets. Its main advantage is that it does not involve fasting. If you follow it correctly, you can achieve real results without any pain.

    How does a low carb diet with eggs work?

    The 7-day egg diet is based on chemical processes in the body. It limits the intake of quickly digestible carbohydrates. At the same time, eggs contain a lot of protein, the processing of which requires more energy than the absorption of carbohydrates. The yolks contain large quantities of vitamin H or biotin. It speeds up metabolism and promotes the burning of fat deposits to obtain glucose, which is not supplied to the body during a diet. Chicken eggs are rich in lutein, which is a strong antioxidant and helps make your diet easier.

    The benefits of eggs for weight loss

    Eggs are a unique product, the composition of which is rich in vitamins, beneficial minerals and microelements. A diet based on them will not only not harm your health, but will also bring tangible benefits due to the following properties:

    • They are rich in vitamins A, E, D, group B and K, amino acids and microelements (calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus).
    • Their regular use helps improve the water-lipid balance, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and smooth.
    • When consuming them, practically no toxins are formed, since the body absorbs the product completely.
    • They contain a large amount of protein - natural protein. This diet promotes not only weight loss, but also good physical fitness.
    • The calorie content of one egg is only 90-110 kcal, but thanks to the nutritional value of the product, you will not have to endure the feeling of hunger.

    Rules of the egg diet for 7 days

    This weight loss method has its own clear rules that must be strictly followed in order to achieve the desired result and not harm your health.

    1. Throughout the week you need to drink plenty of fluids - 2-2.5 liters of water (required). It is also useful to drink green or herbal tea without sugar.
    2. It is important to follow a diet: eat at the same time, do not skip any meals, do not change breakfast, lunch or dinner.
    3. It is better to avoid snacking, but if you are very hungry, you can eat a cucumber, carrot or apple.
    4. Eliminate sugar from your diet and limit your salt intake.
    5. You should absolutely not drink alcohol throughout the week.
    6. Avoid seasonings containing flavor enhancers (glutamate, guanylate, sodium inosinate). Such additives neutralize the effect of the hormone that signals satiety; the more such additives in food, the higher the risk of breakdown.
    7. Physical activity will help you achieve better results.
    8. It is necessary to exclude everything fried, fatty and floury. And also potatoes, figs, grapes, dates.
    9. Salads can be dressed with unrefined olive oil, lemon juice or low-fat sour cream, but not with mayonnaise.
    10. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
    11. If you really want to eat something sweet, then in order not to break down, you can prepare a light fruit salad (200 g) from allowed products, season it with low-fat yogurt, or eat a slice of dark chocolate.
    12. If a breakdown does occur, then you need to start the diet from the very beginning.

    List of permitted products

    The egg diet for weight loss does not mean that you have to eat only eggs all week. There is a wide selection of products that enhance the weight loss effect. For example, citrus fruits are used in large quantities. They contain a lot of citric acid, which accelerates and improves energy metabolism in the body. Allowed foods during the diet:

    • Chicken egg (soft-boiled or omelet);
    • Any citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon);
    • Lean boiled or stewed meat (chicken, turkey, beef);
    • Low-fat fish (hake, cod, pike perch);
    • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumber, bell pepper, beets);
    • Fruits and berries (apple, kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, banana);
    • Low-fat or low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese);
    • Greens (lettuce, celery, spinach).

    How much weight can you lose in a week?

    Losing weight is an individual process. It goes differently for everyone. In a week on this diet you can get rid of 3 to 6 kg. These are great numbers for such a short period of time. Much depends on the lifestyle of the person losing weight, the amount of physical activity and the speed of metabolic processes in the body. The more energy you expend while dieting, the more pounds you can lose in a week.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like any diet, the egg diet has both its advantages and disadvantages. Before switching to such a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons in order to realistically assess the result that can be obtained, and most importantly, not to harm your health.


    • This diet is affordable, it does not include expensive exotic products and everyone can afford it.
    • It doesn't take much time or effort to prepare the dishes.
    • During this diet you will not have to starve. Eggs are high in protein and very filling. And fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which also gives you a feeling of fullness.
    • Thanks to the variety of healthy foods on the menu, this diet will not harm your health.
    • Eggs contain a lot of vitamins and beneficial microelements that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.


    • Eggs and citrus fruits are allergenic foods. Because of this, this diet is not suitable for everyone.
    • During the diet, weakness, drowsiness, and fatigue are possible. Any diet is a kind of stress for the body.
    • Often diets, including egg diets, cause constipation.
    • If you stick to this diet for a long time (more than a week), it can harm your kidneys.

    The opinion of doctors and nutritionists about the effectiveness of the diet

    Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend sticking to this diet for a long time. The maximum period for proper healthy weight loss is seven days, but no more. Experts argue that this diet is unbalanced due to the presence of a large amount of protein and virtually no carbohydrates and fats in it. An unbalanced diet can cause a lack of vital vitamins and microelements, which will then lead to health problems.

    Egg diet menu for a week

    First day

    Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 citrus (orange or grapefruit), tea or coffee without sugar.

    Lunch: 1 soft-boiled egg, boiled chicken breast (200 g), 1 citrus.

    Dinner: boiled chicken breast (250 g), low-fat kefir (200 ml).

    Second day

    Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, fresh citrus juice (250 ml).

    Lunch: boiled chicken breast (200 g), 2 citrus fruits, alkaline mineral water (250 ml).

    Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 citrus, low-fat milk (250 ml).

    The third day

    Breakfast: warm water (250 ml) with lemon juice (1 tbsp), 1 soft-boiled egg, tea or coffee without sugar.

    Lunch: lean boiled meat (250 g), 1 citrus.

    Dinner: mineral water (250 ml), 2 soft-boiled eggs.

    Fourth day

    Breakfast: 2 egg omelet (you can add a little milk and herbs to your taste), 1 citrus fruit, tea or coffee without sugar.

    Lunch: lettuce leaves (unlimited quantities), boiled chicken fillet (300 g).

    Dinner: 1 soft-boiled egg, 2 citrus fruits, alkaline mineral water (250 ml).

    Fifth day

    Breakfast: salad (2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 raw carrot, some greens, 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream), 1 citrus fruit, tea or coffee without sugar.

    Lunch: 2 carrots (raw), fresh orange juice (300 ml).

    Dinner: alkaline mineral water (250 ml), 1 soft-boiled egg, baked lean fish fillet (400 g).

    Sixth day

    Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (250 g), citrus juice (300 ml).

    Lunch: 2 soft-boiled eggs, 2 citrus fruits.

    Seventh day

    Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 citrus.

    Lunch: lean boiled or stewed meat (350 g), 1 citrus.

    Dinner: still mineral water (in unlimited quantities), if you feel very hungry - carrots (1 pc.) or cucumber (1 pc.).

    Dish recipes

    For many, the word “diet” is associated with starvation and tasteless, bland food. In fact, there are a lot of different recipes for wonderful diet dishes. Eating deliciously and losing weight is real. You just need to spend a little more time preparing “healthy” dishes. It is important to replace habitual unhealthy foods with those that will make your body healthier and slimmer. For example, dress salads not with mayonnaise, but with low-fat sour cream, cook more in a double boiler, and if you boil the meat with the addition of various spices, it will be dietary, but not bland.

    Steamed egg omelet with herbs

    • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 1 person.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 110 kcal per 100 g.
    • Purpose: breakfast.

    A steamed diet omelette is easy and quick to prepare. The main feature of this dish is that it is prepared without yolks or butter. Protein foods are extremely useful for those who want to create a beautiful body contour. This dish is steamed. Due to the fact that it is not exposed to very high temperatures during cooking, the products retain their vitamins and beneficial microelements.


    • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
    • milk – 100 grams;
    • salt, pepper - to taste;
    • greens - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. First, separate the whites from the yolks, then salt and pepper the protein mass.
    2. Add milk to it, beat well until thick foam forms.
    3. Pour the resulting mixture into a container, then place in a double boiler for 10 minutes.
    4. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

    • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 3 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 148 kcal (per 1 breast).
    • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Chicken breast is a unique product for losing weight. It contains a large amount of protein, very little fat. Chicken fillet is filling, but low in calories. Boiled or baked meat contains a small amount of cholesterol. And in order for the breast not to be dry and tough, it must be cooked correctly. In this recipe, the fillet is baked in a marinade of broth, citrus and seasonings. This meat will be tender, juicy, aromatic and will not harm your figure.


    • chicken breast – 3 pieces;
    • lemon – 1 piece;
    • chicken broth (can be replaced with orange juice or water) – 450 ml;
    • salt, pepper, thyme (any seasonings) - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the chicken breasts, salt and pepper, coat with spices on all sides.
    2. Pour chicken broth/juice/water into the pan in which the fillet will be baked, then add the juice of 1 lemon, its zest, thyme and any other seasonings you like.
    3. Mix the mixture well.
    4. Place chicken breasts in a baking dish.
    5. If desired, you can place lemon slices and a few sprigs of thyme around the meat.
    6. Place the pan in the oven, bake for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

    Vegetable salad with eggs and cream cheese

    • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 2 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 180 kcal per 100 g.
    • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    A salad with vegetables, shrimp, dressed with curd cheese is a delicious dish that will certainly please those on a diet. Vegetables and herbs help bring out the flavor of shrimp. Shrimp are easily digestible in the body and contain almost no fat. But these seafood products contain a huge amount of useful microelements and contribute to the balanced functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


    • shrimp (large) – 200 g;
    • cucumber – 2 pieces;
    • bell pepper – 1 piece;
    • egg - 2 pieces;
    • low-fat curd cheese – 150 g;
    • lemon – 1 piece;
    • garlic – 1 clove;
    • fresh herbs – 40 g;
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil raw shrimp in salted water (you can add bay leaves and allspice) and peel them from the shell and intestines.
    2. Cut the shrimp into small pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice.
    3. Cut the hard-boiled eggs into small cubes.
    4. Peel the cucumbers and cut into small pieces.
    5. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes or slices.
    6. Chop the greens.
    7. Mix all chopped ingredients.
    8. Add chopped herbs and garlic squeezed in a garlic pot.
    9. Add cream cheese.
    10. Season with salt and pepper.
    11. The finished salad can be placed on lettuce leaves.

    How to get out of a diet correctly

    The end of the diet does not at all imply the onset of a “belly festival”. You need to exit the diet wisely. Within a week, the body has become accustomed to monotonous food, so you need to return to a balanced, varied diet gradually. For several weeks, you should continue to regularly consume eggs, citrus fruits, lean meats, and dairy products. It is advisable not to increase the portions or, at least, do it gradually. The period after leaving the diet is important, because if you do not follow the regime, you risk not only regaining the lost kilograms, but also gaining new ones.

    Side effects and contraindications

    The egg diet for a week is not suitable for everyone, because it is fast, unbalanced and requires special endurance. If there are any restrictions, it is necessary to interrupt the diet or not start it at all, otherwise it can cause serious complications or side effects.

    Side effects:

    • Constipation;
    • Irritability;
    • Fatigue;
    • Weakness;


    • The weekly egg diet is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
    • People who are allergic to eggs and citrus fruits should not choose this diet.
    • In case of chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, or gastrointestinal tract, before any diet, be sure to consult with your doctor.
    • If you have high cholesterol levels, you need to be careful, because egg yolks contain cholesterol and consuming them in large quantities can be harmful to health.


    An egg diet for 1 week can easily transform your figure for the better, and if followed for 4 weeks, make almost any woman slim, without noticeable fat deposits. You can find many reviews from women who, after a month of a fairly strict diet, were able to wear clothes several sizes smaller. What is the secret of the one-week egg diet and the four-week one?

    First, about the benefits of eggs. Proteins are necessary for our body at any age, but especially when we are young. Doctors recommend that all healthy people without exception with normal blood cholesterol levels eat 1-2 eggs a day. First, this food is very nutritious and relatively low in calories. And secondly, it contains a number of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

    How to prepare this product so that it brings maximum benefits? Of course, you shouldn’t eat eggs raw to avoid dangerous infections like salmonellosis. To avoid it, it is recommended to cook the eggs longer, hard-boiled. However, more nutrients will be retained in eggs if you cook them for a short time, that is, cook them soft-boiled. Actually, it is this method of preparation that the egg diet for 4 weeks recommends. Such a long-term diet will allow you to lose up to 10 kg (the figure depends on the initial data). During this period, the body adopts a new diet, this allows you to maintain the results for a long time. During this diet, it is important not to deviate from your diet. An egg diet for 7 days will also bear fruit, albeit more modestly - due to the loss of 1-3 kilograms of weight.

    Let's move on to the menu.

    We will not describe breakfast for each of the 28 days, since it is approximately the same. Every morning it is recommended to eat half of any citrus fruit available in the house (be it orange, lemon, grapefruit or tangerine - it is advisable to change the fruit for breakfast every day), and a couple of soft-boiled eggs.

    Week 1


    For lunch. One type of fruit, you can eat fruit in almost any quantity. During the day, carbohydrates obtained from fruits will not lead to obesity in the future.

    For dinner. Meat cooked in any way you know. What kind of meat? Any, with the exception of fatty varieties.


    For lunch. Chicken or turkey in any preparation. Remove the skin from the carcass first.

    For dinner. Vegetable salad, one loaf of bread, citrus, 2 boiled eggs, preferably soft-boiled.


    For lunch. Low fat cheese and not salty. For example, feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. Bread or toast.

    For dinner. Any meat except, perhaps, fatty lamb.


    For lunch. As many fruits as you want, but only 1 type. It is better not to eat grapes and bananas due to their high sugar content.

    Dinner: vegetable salad, lean meat - any, but not lamb: boiled, fried, minced meat.


    For lunch. Vegetables - boiled (it is advisable to avoid legumes), boiled (preferably soft-boiled) 2 eggs.

    For dinner. Fish - lean (fried, boiled - optional), 1 citrus, vegetable salad without dressing.


    For lunch. Fruits of 1 type (except bananas) - as much as you want.

    For dinner. Salad (vegetable), seasoned with vegetable or olive oil, lean meat - any, but not lamb.


    For lunch. Turkey or chicken baked in the oven. Remove the skin first. Boiled vegetables, tomatoes - quantity at the discretion of the person losing weight; 1 citrus.

    Dinner: boiled vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, celery, etc.).

    Week 2


    For lunch. From carbohydrates - vegetables in the form of stew or raw (salad) + proteins (lean meat).

    For dinner. 2 boiled (preferably soft-boiled) eggs, 1 citrus, vegetable salad.


    For lunch. We repeat Monday’s diet, only the type of meat and vegetables can, and should, be different so that the diet remains more or less balanced.

    For dinner. 1 citrus, 2 eggs (soft-boiled).


    For lunch. Rabbit or turkey meat, garnish with a light vegetable salad.

    For dinner. Grapefruit and eggs.


    For lunch. As much low-fat cheese as you want, 2 eggs, vegetables (preferably in the form of a stew, it is advisable to avoid peas, beans and other legumes).

    For dinner. 2 eggs.


    For lunch. Boiled or oven-cooked low-fat fish.

    For dinner: 2 eggs.


    For lunch. Low fat meat, 1 orange, steamed vegetables.

    For dinner. Chicken in any preparation. The benefits for the body will be maximum if you take fresh chicken or buy chilled breast or fillet in the store. The main thing is to cook without skin. Stewed vegetables, tomatoes - any quantity, 1 citrus.

    Week 3


    Fruit day. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to eat only 1 fruit. Fruits can be eaten in any combination and quantity. Only people prone to allergies need to be careful with the quantity. It is not recommended to consume dried fruits, bananas and apples as high-calorie foods.


    On this day you can eat vegetables, vegetable salads; exclude the combination of high-starch vegetables with cereals.


    Boiled fish, garnish with fresh white cabbage and cucumber salad. These products should be evenly distributed over 4-5 meals.


    Rabbit meat and vegetable stew, cooked in water without adding vegetable or animal fats.

    Saturday Sunday.

    Fruit days (see Monday).

    Week 4


    A quarter of a chicken carcass (it is advisable to eat the breast); 4 small cucumbers and tomatoes, canned fish (without oil), 1-2 bread, fruit - 1 citrus.


    Cucumbers - four pieces, tomatoes - 3; 2 pieces of meat (200 g); 1 toast


    Cottage cheese: a small package of low-fat cottage cheese (you can prepare it yourself from skim milk and kefir, or sourdough), stewed and fresh vegetables, 1 citrus, 1 loaf of bread.


    1/2 chicken carcass, 1 cucumber and 3 tomatoes (you can make a salad out of them by adding a drop of olive oil and onions). It is permissible to eat fruits, except those that are very sweet.


    More greens, two eggs, 3 tomatoes, citrus.


    120-130 grams of feta cheese or Adyghe cheese, bread, yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese (to replenish calcium), grapefruit, a small amount of vegetables.


    Canned fish (without oil), low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables in any form, 1 piece of toast, citrus.

    This diet is not suitable for people with egg allergies or people with cardiovascular problems. Before trying this weight loss method, it is better to find out your doctor’s opinion about possible contraindications for you, since even an egg diet for a week can be potentially dangerous. Lose weight, but be sure to be healthy!

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