• Legumes. What products are legumes? Leguminous products

    “The peas spread their mustache, there was a commotion in the pod: a whole brood of peas, so similar to each other!” Since childhood, we have been told about the little jumping pea that tries to run away from our hands. But legumes aren't just good for nursery rhymes. Doctors and experts unanimously speak about the super benefits that beans bring to the human body.

    Peas, lentils, beans and more are legumes that are known for their high fiber content. It is the best source of lean vegetarian protein. The nutrients found in all legumes help lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, and therefore reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Soluble fiber will keep you full for a long time. And yes, this is a great option for those who want to lose weight.

    Let's look at the most popular legumes and their beneficial properties.


    This is perhaps the most popular member of the legume family. In peas you will find vitamins A, B1, B6, C. Green peas help blood clotting and strengthen bones, and do not contain cholesterol at all. It contains almost no fat, but the fiber content is very high. As a source of vegetable protein, peas are quite suitable for replacing meat, while they are much better digested, absorbed and do not cause the body the harm that we often receive from animal products.

    Peas are a natural product that contains many antioxidants, and this is important not only for internal health, but also for the health of the skin and hair, and therefore for beauty. Eating peas also contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system, helps get rid of heartburn and problems with intestinal function. Regular consumption of peas reduces the risk of developing cancer and stimulates regeneration processes in tissues and organs.

    How to cook. Before cooking, whole peas must be soaked in water for several hours. Before cooking, drain the water and add fresh water to the peas. Cook for 1-1.5 hours. You don’t need to soak the split peas, but cook them immediately - from 45 minutes to 1 hour.


    Beans, like most other legumes, are a good source of fiber, which helps lower cholesterol in the body as well as lower blood sugar levels. The second point makes beans an ideal product for people who suffer from diabetes. In combination, for example, with rice, beans provide the body with virtually fat-free protein of very high quality.

    Beans are an excellent source of various microelements, molybdenum, an integral component of the enzyme sulfite oxidase, which is responsible for the deoxidation of sulfites. Kidney beans, like other beans, are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber.Scientific research has shown that insoluble fiber helps prevent digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis, and reduces the risk of heart attack.

    White beans, also called white beans or navy beans, are rich in folic acid, manganese, dietary fiber, protein, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, iron and vitamin B1. White beans provide energy, stabilize blood sugar, provide the body with antioxidants and help improve memory.

    Black beans or black beans have a soft, crumbly texture. Rich in almost all the beneficial substances found in other types of beans.

    How to cook. Before cooking, beans should be soaked in cold water for 6-12 hours. Then you need to drain the water and cook the beans in fresh water for 40 to 60 minutes.


    The protein contained in lentils is perfectly absorbed by the human body. It leads among all legumes in iron content. Lentils are also rich in vitamin B1 and essential amino acids.

    Another plus in the health benefits column of lentils is its high magnesium content, with enough of which your veins and arteries can breathe a sigh of relief. Magnesium reduces resistance and improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

    Lentils are useful for digestive disorders and also normalize blood sugar levels. That is why it is recommended for diabetics.

    How to cook. Place in boiling water and cook for 10 to 40 minutes depending on the variety. Red lentils will be ready in 10 minutes, green ones in 30 minutes, and brown ones in 40 minutes. The latter variety of lentils requires pre-soaking.


    Chickpeas are also called chickpeas, chickpeas, blisters, shish and nahat. This is a very famous field crop in Russia. This may be due to the fact that the main chickpea cultivation areas are in dry, hot areas. This is a food product widely distributed in Western and Central Asia, North Africa, and North America.

    Chickpeas are a good source of lecithin, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinic and pantothenic acids, and choline. Chickpeas are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, like all legumes. It also contains potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial for the immune system and blood.

    Regular consumption of chickpeas reduces cholesterol levels in the human body. Calcium and phosphorus found in chickpeas will help strengthen bone tissue.

    Chickpeas contain manganese, which stimulates the body's energy production. Another plus is the low calorie content of chickpeas, as a result of which it is often used in various diets.

    How to cook. Chickpeas should be soaked in water for 4 hours, then boiled for 2 hours. Add salt 40 minutes before the end of cooking.

    Soya beans

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    Beneficial properties of beans

    Legumes are used for the prevention and dietary treatment of the following diseases:

    • some gastrointestinal disorders;
    • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • liver and kidney dysfunction;
    • emotional disturbances;
    • urinary disorders and swelling;
    • certain types of legumes are used in diabetic diets (beans and).

    Legumes are included in the mandatory diet during pregnancy. It is believed that regular consumption of them helps strengthen the immune system and increase brain functionality. Legumes have such a powerful healing effect due to their composition:

    • contain manganese, and;
    • high amino acid content;
    • a lot of useful plants;
    • a lot of ;
    • optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
    • low glycemic index.

    Danger and contraindications to the use of beans

    The protein contained in any legumes is sufficient difficult to digest. Therefore, instead of benefiting, legumes can also cause harm if:

    • you have chronic or acute inflammation of the stomach or intestines;
    • there was an exacerbation of diseases of the biliary tract;
    • you are prone to gas formation;
    • your body does not absorb calcium well;
    • allergies or individual intolerances available.

    Do not forget that excessive consumption of legumes can harm even a healthy person!

    Remember that improperly cooked beans can be dangerous!

    Legumes in a healthy diet and for weight loss

    In dietetics, it is believed that legumes should make up at least 7-9% from the total diet. Due to their high nutritional value and, at the same time, low calorie content, legumes perfectly fill you up and prevent the feeling of hunger from developing for a long time. To lose weight with their help, you can do the following:

    • use legumes as a replacement for side dishes made from grains and grains;
    • use bean-based substitutes for many products (for example, soybean oil);
    • in combination with legumes - an excellent basis for hearty dietary soups and salads;
    • There are nutritional supplements (for example, with alfalfa) that also help with weight loss.

    A huge number of legumes are used in cooking and medicine; their range of applications is wide. There are many healthy and delicious recipes that can be an excellent basis for a healthy diet.

    Legumes are an optimal product for dietary nutrition and the correct daily diet of a healthy person. Read about the health, weight loss and culinary benefits of beans.


    Legumes have always been fundamental food products since the times of Rus'. Along with cereals, lentils, beans, soybeans and peas were considered the foundation of all plant foods for humans. Legumes have been known to the human race since the Stone Age, but even today they are valued and eaten daily in all countries of the world. From the ancient Romans to modern Europeans, almost everyone knows about the benefits and positive effects of beans on the body. We recommend that you find out what beans are and what makes them famous worldwide.

    Properties of legumes

    Legume products are a deep storehouse of essential vitamins, minerals and other microelements that are important for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. Thanks to its beneficial properties and nutritional composition, such a crop has saved low-income peasants for many decades. Even the poorest village families could afford this affordable, nutritious product. Today, praise for legumes and their beneficial qualities has not subsided, on the contrary. Every civilized person who cares about their health is familiar with the effect of beans on the body and successfully uses them in their daily diet.

    Beneficial properties of legumes

    Beans, like numerous grain crops, have a lot of positive qualities and are highly valued all over the world.

    Among the useful properties are:

    • The presence of a large number of valuable amino acids and proteins of plant origin.
    • Significant concentration of vitamins C, B, PP.
    • Many microelements necessary for the body, including carotenoids, calcium salts, potassium, sulfur, iron, phosphorus.
    • A composition rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the body of toxins, waste, etc.
    Another undeniable property of legume products is considered to be quite high in nutritional value with a relatively low calorie content. That is, a diet that includes regular use of dishes with legumes is unlikely to cause excess body weight gain.

    Medicinal properties of legumes

    The length and quality of a person’s life largely depends on the way they eat. Foods rich in plant proteins, unlike fatty refined foods, do not ruin the body, but give it vigor, youth and good health.

    Today, many nutritionists have recognized beans as a therapeutic product. They are justifiably considered a plant that has the necessary properties for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

    Regular consumption of beans and peas strengthens the nervous system and stabilizes the emotional state. The reason for this is the amino acids in the product. Moreover, almost all legumes are allowed and even recommended for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

    When systematically eating natural soy, beans, peas and lentils, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood drops significantly. At the same time, the immune and nervous systems are gradually strengthened, and brain activity increases and accelerates. Pectin, which is present in legumes in large quantities, is able to quickly and completely remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, even before it is absorbed.

    Calorie content of beans

    The calorie content of legume products may vary depending on the specific type and variety. But in any case, it is quite low, given the high level of saturation and nutrition.

    The most popular members of the family have the following characteristics:

    1. Lentils - 300 kcal;
    2. Peas - 303 kcal;
    3. Soy - 395 kcal;
    4. Beans - 309.
    Beans are strikingly different from the rest - the head of an entire global culture. In terms of calorie content, they practically do not reach the 60 kcal mark. At the same time, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is considered almost optimal (per 100 g of product): carbohydrates - 8 g, proteins - 6 g, fats - 0.1 g, water - 82 g, the rest is starch, organic acids and fibers .

    Protein in legumes

    The main and most important advantage of legumes over other crops is their high content of healthy protein. That is, the legume family provides an excellent replacement for animal proteins, which have almost the same characteristics. Thus, soy protein contains twice as much tryptophan as egg protein, and pea flour contains 5 times more lysine than wheat flour.

    In addition to healthy proteins, which make up 40% of the total mass of the product, legumes are also rich in starch, vegetable fats and valuable fiber. Minerals and trace elements, including manganese, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, together with proteins, provide invaluable benefits to the human body.

    Benefits of legumes for the body

    Regular consumption of legumes will immediately lead to a series of positive changes in the body:
    • Fatigue will gradually recede, thought processes will become more active.
    • High blood pressure will begin to decrease, low blood pressure will return to normal.
    • The risk of diabetes and cancer will be significantly reduced.
    • Hair and nails will become stronger, skin will become fresh and elastic.
    • Cholesterol will begin to be eliminated from the body before the negative effects begin to activate.
    • The extra pounds will gradually be burned off.
    • All systems and organs will be saturated with healthy vitamins and minerals.

    Contraindications to eating legumes

    Plants of the legume family are certainly useful, but their consumption is accompanied by a minimal list of contraindications. It is not recommended for people suffering from diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Large quantities should not be consumed by older people. Prohibited for acute nephritis and gout due to the presence of a large amount of purine substances. Contraindicated for colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, constipation.

    Types of legumes

    The Legume family ranks honorably third in prevalence in countries around the world. With over 20,000 plants, there is a wide range of "beans". The most popular and widely known are soybeans, chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, lupine, etc. In most cases, their root system is small tubers formed from tissue, and the above-ground part is green shrubs. The fruits of legumes can reach from 0.5 cm to 1.5 meters in length, depending on the type. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular varieties of legumes in more detail in order to be able to fully use their beneficial properties in everyday life.


    The history of lentils dates back to the biblical stories of Esau. Since the 19th century, lentils have been available to everyone in Russia. The grains of such a plant are incredibly rich in healthy proteins (about 35% of the total mass) and are not overloaded with fats. Lentils have a high concentration of B vitamins, zinc, copper, and manganese. Moreover, this variety of legumes is completely incapable of accumulating nitrates and other harmful substances.

    Lentil grains cook quickly because they are covered with a very thin skin, unlike beans. Red varieties are optimal for making purees and soups, green ones - for side dishes and salads. Brown lentils are recognized as the most delicious and healthy.


    Peas are perhaps the most nutritious crop among all legumes. Preference is given to green peas, because the fresh product is more filled with vitamins. But even dried peas contain starch, protein, carotene, potassium salts, manganese phosphorus, etc.

    The use of peas is to eat them raw or canned, as well as to prepare all kinds of culinary delights. Soups and side dishes, stews and fish, pies and even desserts are often prepared with the addition of dried or raw product. This plant is often used in alternative medicine, as a diuretic or absorbent.


    Beans are “beans” native to South and Central America. In the 18th century, the culture was brought to Russia from Europe. Now it is very popular, thanks to which it is grown in almost every garden in all regions. Just like peas, beans are suitable for consumption at all stages of their ripening. It is useful in any condition, as it is rich in pectin, vitamins, and fiber.

    Among hundreds of varieties of beans, differing in taste, color and size, there are those more suitable for preparing first courses, side dishes, main courses and snacks. But almost each of them needs pre-soaking before heat treatment. Firstly, this time the cooking time is significantly reduced. Secondly, in this way oligosaccharides are released from the beans - substances that are indigestible by the human body.


    Peanuts, familiar to us as a nut, are actually one of the legumes. This plant is often used as a raw material for adhesives and synthetic fibers. This type of legume can also be called a valuable oilseed crop.

    Peanuts are tasty and nutritious. The high content of fats and carbohydrates allows you to saturate the body even with a small amount of nuts. The presence of many vitamins of groups B2, B1, D and PP automatically puts peanuts in the category of useful and even medicinal plants. The oil produced from such nuts is actively used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. And the beans themselves are an important component in the recipes of millions of world-famous dishes.


    Even 2000 years ago, soy milk and cheese were produced in the vast expanses of China. And only from the late 20s of the 20th century it began to gain popularity in Russia. In terms of protein mass, soybeans are the leaders among other types of legumes.

    Soybeans are often used to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Potassium salts, present in sufficient quantities, have a positive effect on the body of people with chronic diseases.

    Today, soybeans are used to make more than 50 different types of products. But, unfortunately, most of the raw materials supplied to production are genetically modified.

    Cocoa beans

    Cocoa beans are the fruits of an evergreen tree growing in Africa, Australia and America. Such beans are large in size, sometimes over 30-40 cm. Inside each of them there is white pulp with brown seeds. Depending on the variety, cocoa beans may differ in size, color and properties.

    As a rule, the aroma and taste properties of cocoa directly depend on growing conditions and climate. At the same time, most varieties suitable for human consumption are considered healthy and are actively used throughout the world. Among the medicinal properties of cocoa beans, one can highlight a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Also, the substances contained in this type of legume can improve the emotional state and accelerate the production of the happiness hormone.

    Application of legumes

    The healing properties of legumes have long been recognized by both alternative and official medicine. Doctors often prescribe the consumption of beans to patients with diabetes, vitamin deficiency, dystrophy and other common diseases. But legumes are no less often used in the cosmetology and culinary industries. The list of areas of their application is incredibly wide. The reason for this is the amazing composition and pleasant taste.

    Beans in cooking

    In order for the use of beans for culinary purposes to bring only positive results, you need to be able to choose them correctly. Only smooth, clean, brightly colored seeds are considered edible. Any damaged, dull or wrinkled specimens are best left for other uses.

    Regardless of processing method, beans must be soaked before cooking. Most often, they are simply filled with cool water for a couple of hours, periodically changing it to clean water. This principle should not be applied to young green fruits. They can be cooked without pre-processing.

    Young beans or peas are eaten raw or boiled for side dishes and first courses. Bean flour is often mixed with wheat flour to make bread products. Soybeans, lentils and dry peas are boiled and stewed as ingredients for more complex recipes. Legumes are often used to thicken liquid soups and sauces, thereby making them even more nutritious and healthy.

    Soy, which has long been loved by vegetarians, has now become an integral part of a healthy, nutritious diet. Soybeans are an excellent raw material for making milk, cheese, cutlets and sausages. The use of legumes in cooking can be limited only by a lack of imagination, desire or free time.

    Bean dishes

    There are thousands of dishes containing legumes that are popular all over the world. The cuisine of almost every nation can boast of an excellent dish with beans, peas, lentils or soybeans:
    • In the Caucasus they prepare delicious lobio.
    • In India - belyashi with mung beans and pea dal.
    • In Ukraine - pies with beans.
    • In the East - aromatic hummus.
    • In Uzbekistan - pea pilaf.
    • Middle Eastern countries have amazing chickpea desserts.
    Such a small list is only a grain among the abundance of world-famous dishes with legumes. It’s hard to resist them, so every housewife uses beans at least periodically in her family menu.

    Beans for health

    The benefits of legumes for humans are difficult to exaggerate. Lentils, beans, soybeans and other types are ideal sources of protein, contain many vitamins and minerals, and deliver high-quality carbohydrates to the body. Almost all legumes are high in folic acid, iron, potassium and magnesium. All these substances help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and the risk of coronary heart disease.

    Magnesium contained in legumes eliminates migraines and severe headaches. B vitamins and zinc promote tissue regeneration and growth, restore youth and strength to the skin and hair. Some varieties of beans are rich in vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the body's resistance to viral diseases, as well as many antioxidants. Eating legumes cannot go unnoticed. After 1-2 weeks of legume diet, the first positive changes in the body will already be visible.

    Legumes for weight loss

    Those with extra pounds who want to get slim can afford a bean diet without remorse. Such products create a kind of film in the stomach and intestines that prevents the absorption of carbohydrates. The result is a gradual reduction in body weight without painful starvation.

    Video about the benefits of legumes:

    Moreover, the chemical composition of legumes is considered completely suitable for dietary nutrition and the diet of allergy sufferers. Beans, lentils, beans and peas contain little vegetable fat and quite a lot of healthy fiber, which speeds up the digestion process.

    Types of legumes, their nutritional value, calorie content, protein content... These and many other questions are discussed in the article for those who, for some reason, have refused or have reduced meat products in their diet and are striving to build their diet correctly and in a balanced manner. Protein content in legumes - which ones have more? Contraindications and permissible amounts of consumption. As a bonus: a recipe for a simple and tasty bean dish.

    Current trends in healthy food consumption include a broad group of legumes and derived foods. They are varied and an important source of protein, inexpensive and form hundreds of delicious recipes.

    Legume products list:

    • adzuki beans;
    • black beans;
    • various varieties of peas;
    • cannellini;
    • lentils;
    • red and white beans;
    • peanuts and tamarind;
    • lupine;
    • soybeans and many other available crops.
    Some varieties of nuts are also considered legumes.

    Advantages and benefits of legumes

    Why and how are they so good? Beans and legumes are not only rich in protein, which a person needs every day (and can be obtained not only from meat), but also in plant fiber, B vitamins, iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc. Most legumes are also low in fat.

    Beans are nutritionally similar to meat, but with lower iron levels and no cholesterol. This makes them an excellent choice for vegans and vegetarians, as well as people who temporarily refuse animal foods - for example, during fasting, or to cleanse the body for the sake of health, according to medical prescriptions.

    Composition and scientific research

    As you know, fiber is excellent for digestion and normal intestinal function. Just 1 cup of high-protein black beans provides 15 grams of fiber, which is about half the recommended daily amount. This same amount contains more than 20% of the daily value of folic acid, molybdenum, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and potassium. The calorie content of a serving ranges from 200 to 230 kcal, but guarantees a feeling of fullness for a much longer period than other dishes.

    Due to the protein content in legumes, they are low in calories, but filled with nutrients, satisfy hunger well and bring satiety even while on a diet. They are ideal for people with diabetes as they do not increase blood sugar levels. The body uses complex carbohydrates from legumes slowly over time, providing sustained nutrition to the muscles and nervous system. Increasing the portion of legumes in the diet will help reduce sugar, blood pressure, eliminate tachycardia, and will serve as a prevention of other heart diseases and diabetes.

    According to various data from modern studies, legumes may be useful in preventing oxidative damage to cells and premature aging. Systematic consumption of fiber and nutrients of plant origin will benefit the digestive system and help prevent the development of various tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.

    How to cook and eat?

    Legumes can be added to any dish, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Once cooked, they are eaten hot or cold, and some types of legumes are easy to eat raw. To make your meals tasty and healthy, add boiled or canned beans to dressings and sauces, soups, salads, sandwiches, pasta and any other side dishes. Dried beans and lentils, which are so widely used in Asian countries, were specially studied by scientists from Japan and China. It turned out that the beneficial substances from these dry food products are not lost even after long-term storage.

    Some people are bothered by excessive gas formation when eating legumes. We were just writing an article about... And, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences caused specifically by this food, always soak dried beans for several hours, and also add them to your diet systematically, but little by little. This will give the body the opportunity to get used to specific food and digest it correctly. Chew any solid food well, until it turns into “mush.” By combining beans with spices like ginger and curry, you can completely avoid flatulence. If you don't know how to cook delicious beans or where to start, use our simple recipe.

    Bean dish recipe

    The following ingredients will be required:
    • 150 g red beans;
    • half an onion;
    • a pair of garlic cloves;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of natural, unrefined vegetable oil;
    • half a teaspoon of ground cumin and the same amount of salt;
    • a quarter teaspoon of dried oregano.
    It's simple:

    Soak the beans in water for at least 5 hours if they are dried. If the beans are fresh, mash them thoroughly with a fork or puree them in a blender. Chop the onion and garlic. Heat the oil in a suitable container over medium heat, add the onion and fry for 1 - 2 minutes. Next, mix the garlic and cumin, add to the onion and heat for 30 seconds. Add bean puree and a few tablespoons of water to the mixture (depending on how much juice was in them initially). When the beans boil, reduce the heat to low and add salt and oregano. Simmer for 10 minutes, uncovered.


    Everything that belongs to legumes is not only rich in vital substances, but also helps:
    1. Lower cholesterol;
    2. Regulate glucose levels for patients with diabetes;
    3. Prevent cancer;
    4. Reduce blood pressure;
    5. Improve colon function;
    6. Treat constipation and other digestive problems.
    Women who regularly consume beans are less likely to develop breast cancer compared to others. Some varieties, such as soybeans, are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds called saponins. However, it should be remembered that excessive heat treatment destroys some of the beneficial compounds. Certain people are allergic to various types of legumes. Therefore, before consuming prepared foods from supermarkets, you should carefully read all labels. In addition to legume products, we know drinks made from them, such as -

    Legumes are a huge family of dicotyledonous plants (trees, vines, shrubs, subshrubs and herbs), belonging to the order Leguminosae, class Dicotyledonous, division Flowering, kingdom Plants, domain Eukaryotes.

    Some plants from this family are used by humans as food, some as ornamental, and some for land restoration.

    What is a "bean"?

    First of all, it is a fruit that has an elongated shape and consists of two thin valves, between which the seeds are located. The size of the legume fruit can fit in the palm of your hand, or it can reach enormous sizes.


    Entada from the subfamily Mimosa

    The Legume family includes 24,505 plant species and is divided into three subfamilies: Caesalpiniaceae, Mothaceae and Mimosa.


    1 Caesalpinioideae, which are mainly trees growing in the tropics, with the exception of the genus Cassia, which includes shrubs and herbs, are very important for medicine. They are divided into four tribes: Caesalpineaceae, Cassiusaceae, Crimsonaceae, Detariaceae.

    a) Caesalpinieae

    Caesalpinia - named after the Italian physician Andrea Cesalpino in 1703. Grows only in warm regions. This is an ornamental plant up to 6 meters high.


    Caesalpinia pulcherrima

    Caesalpinia bonducella is most often a vine that reaches a height of up to 15 meters. Mainly grows in Asia, Africa, South America. It is used in folk medicine, as an anti-fever remedy is obtained from its seeds.




    Caesalpinia echinata grows only in eastern Brazil. Due to deforestation, this type of tree can be found very rarely in the wild. There are sharp growths on its trunk. That's why they called it hedgehog.

    It grows up to 30 meters in height. Previously, the trunk of this tree was used to obtain dyes. Belongs to valuable tree species.

    b) Cassieae - Cassieceae

    c) Cercideae

    The crimson plant grows in China.

    Bauhinia is distributed throughout the world.

    d) Detarieae


    Moths (Faboideae)

    2 Moths (Faboideae), which grow mainly in the temperate zone in the form of herbaceous plants, many of which we eat, such as peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts. In the tropics these are woody plants in the form of vines.

    Wisteria (Wistéria) is a climbing, tree-like subtropical plant – deciduous vine. They grow in Japan and China, and are also used as ornamental plants around the world.


    Mimosa (Mimosoideae)

    3 Mimosa (Mimosoideae), numbering up to 1,500 thousand species and growing in the subtropical and tropical zones. These are mainly trees and shrubs that have medicinal value, the wood of which is very valuable for humans.

    a) Acaciae - Acacia

    They mainly grow in Mexico, Africa, Asia, Australia.

    Acacia dealbata silver

    Acacia pycnantha golden wattle is the floral emblem of Australia

    Acacia linifolia


    Acacia drepanolobium grows in Africa. This is the only type of acacia that ants live on. They settle in the swollen cavities of the spines. Air entering them makes a whistle and thereby scares away animals.

    b) Ingeae





    c) Mimosa (Mimoseae)





    Mimosa pudica

    Plants of the legume family

    The Legume family plays an important role in people's lives. Some species serve as decorative decorations and provide us with a valuable type of wood, others are irreplaceable in medicine, and others are very tasty and nutritious food.

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