• Eyelash extensions at home for yourself step by step. How to add eyelash extensions to yourself? How to prepare eyelashes for extensions


    Expressive eyes and a mysterious look from under long fluffy eyelashes - isn’t this what girls and women of all ages dream of? Fortunately, modern beauty technology allows you to achieve this impressive effect in a variety of ways, and one of the most effective and expensive of them is eyelash extensions. How to save on going to the salon and still get long eyelashes? The task, of course, is not easy, but it is quite possible to cope with it.

    Thanks to extensions, you can forget about mascara for a long time (your eyelashes will be black anyway), as well as about curling irons - they are already curled. The effect will last about three weeks; if you properly care for your eyelashes, you can increase this time to a month. And it’s best to go for correction in a week and a half - it’s much easier to put in order what has already been done than to build it up again.
    The disadvantages of extensions include the fact that now you will not be able to go to the bathhouse or sauna. Rubbing your eyes with your hands and using oil-based makeup removers will also be prohibited. Among the forbidden pleasures we also include swimming in the sea or in a pool - salty or chlorinated water can dissolve the glue. And if you like to sleep with your face (and therefore your eyelashes) buried in your pillow, you risk waking up in the morning without them. You should think twice about whether you need eyelash extensions if you wear contact lenses.

    If you decide, this procedure will take about an hour, and you will have to spend this time with your eyes closed: unfortunately, it is impossible to attach new eyelashes yourself. Even professional eyelash technicians do not extend their own eyelashes: firstly, this makes the eyes tired, and secondly, there is a high risk of glue getting on the mucous membrane. So the only way to save on going to the salon and perform the procedure at home is to persuade a friend or mother to act as a master and “do it beautifully.” Another question is: is it worth it? The work is painstaking and a lot depends on the skill of the specialist - whether the eyelash extensions will look natural and natural, how long they will last, whether they will give unwanted side effects, such as allergies, redness or inflammation of the eyelids.

    According to mature reasoning, it is better to go to a salon to get new eyelashes, moreover, to the salon in whose experience and professionalism you are confident. It’s not bad if a couple of your friends have already been there on reconnaissance, and you can verify in practice that the quality of the service provided is, as they say, at the level.

    If you nevertheless decide to entrust the beauty of your eyelashes to the inexperienced hands of your best friend, well, the extension technology will be the same as in the salon, the difference can only be in the quality of the final result.

    For extensions, eyelashes made of natural (silk or mink) or artificial material are used. And although natural ones are much more expensive, preference should still be given to them. Artificial ones often cause allergies. Eyelashes are extended by gluing them with special glue to the base of your own - in bunches or one at a time. Better, of course, is the second option, as they will look much more natural.

    Special rubber adhesive can be transparent or black. If it is black, you need to apply eyeliner with it at the edge of the eyelid - this will make your look even more expressive.

    It is best to purchase tools and materials for extensions in one set, which will include the eyelashes themselves, glue and detailed instructions for use; there are also sets with convenient tweezers.

    The extension technology itself is quite simple, the only difficulty here is that the work is meticulous and requires a certain dexterity from the master.

    First, you need to remove the remnants of cosmetics from your eyelashes and eyelids and degrease the “front of work” with a special composition. All that is required of you further is to sit quietly with your eyes closed and not interfere with the master (home-grown or real) to perform the necessary manipulations. At this time, he will glue the eyelashes to the upper eyelid with all possible care and accuracy. This should be done starting from the outer corner of the eye - to the inner. If this is your first time getting eyelash extensions, you don’t need to make them too long – eight millimeters is enough. Twelve-millimeter eyelashes may be too heavy for the eyes and cause redness and swelling.

    If you wish, you can also master this procedure and lengthen the eyelashes of your friends in your home “beauty salon,” but it is better to go to a real salon. But in order to remove eyelashes, the help of specialists is absolutely useless. This can easily be done at home by applying ordinary vegetable oil to the gluing line. You need to do this in the evening, and in the morning carefully remove the eyelashes - the oil will dissolve the rubber glue overnight.

    Every woman dreams of long, lush eyelashes, and today this dream can be realized not in beauty salons, but even in simple home conditions. All you need is patience and the necessary materials. A good result of your work will delight you with its quality and will attract the admiring glances of others.

    Long, curved upward and lush eyelashes are the pride of every woman and the envy of her rivals. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Artificial eyelash extensions made with your own hands at home can add beauty and mystery to your “mirrors”.

    Eyelash extensions: where to start?

    To learn how to professionally extend eyelashes, you must have a specialized education or, at a minimum, completed courses. But, this all applies to those masters who provide their services in beauty salons and beauty-rooms in every city.

    At home, it is absolutely possible to master the technology of eyelash extensions and carry out the procedure for yourself or your loved ones. After reading all the recommendations and going through a lot of practice, you will be able to notice that you are building better than a professional.

    First of all, you need to start by reading specialized literature and watching video master classes on the Internet. After which, you will draw up a preliminary work plan and go to the store to purchase the necessary materials.

    Benefits of eyelash extensions

    Long beautiful eyelashes are every woman's dream. Modern masters of beauty salons are able to make the dream of each of them come true. Eyelash extensions are an incredibly popular procedure these days because they have many benefits:

    1. Long thick eyelashes can attract the attention of men and make the look more expressive
    2. Eyelash extensions save you the use of cosmetics, in particular mascara
    3. Thanks to extensions, you get the lush eyelashes you've always dreamed of.
    4. Artificial eyelashes can serve you for a long time, more than a month, and you don’t need to worry about your appearance
    5. Materials for extensions are not expensive and are available to everyone
    6. Eyelash extensions will transform your image
    7. Properly extended eyelashes are not afraid of water
    8. They do not harm natural eyelashes
    9. The eyelashes are not noticeable on the eyes and all you need to do is comb them periodically

    How to prepare eyelashes for extensions?

    Preparing for extensions consists of three simple stages:

    1. Thoroughly rinsing off eye makeup
    2. Preparing eyelash bundles and tools
    3. Choosing a comfortable position for long-term immobility with eyes closed

    If you do not remove your makeup properly, the artificial eyelashes may not stick securely and will soon fall off completely. You should also avoid eyelash dyeing procedures. Place all the tools in front of you in a convenient place. Be prepared to sit still for some time while the glue dries.

    What is needed for eyelash extensions at home? The set for growing the eyelashes

    An inexperienced person may be confused for the first time in front of the abundance of various tools and materials for eyelash extensions. But in fact, everything is not so complicated and for a full build-up you need:

    • set of eyelashes of different lengths
    • glue solvent
    • special degreaser
    • patch
    • tweezers
    • cotton swabs and toothpicks
    • magnifying mirror

    In a well-lit room, or preferably sitting in front of a window, lay out all the tools on a clean surface. Have a separate plastic cap for glue, which dries quickly and should be used sparingly.

    Technologies for eyelash extensions at home

    You can extend eyelashes in bunches of 5-6 pieces, or you can do each one separately. Naturally, the procedure for extensions one eyelash at a time will take longer, but it will look more natural.

    Step-by-step extension process:

    1. Close your eye, stick a patch under your lower eyelid that will contrast with the fullness and length of your eyelashes.
    2. Place a drop of glue on the plastic surface
    3. Take an eyelash with tweezers and dip its thick end into the glue.
    4. Glue the eyelash into the gap between yours or on the upper eyelid in the lash line, attaching the artificial one to the natural one.
    5. Hold it for 1.5 minutes and do not open your eyes, as glue vapors can cause tears
    6. Apply eyelash extensions from the temple to the bridge of the nose, maintaining the length of the eyelashes
    7. If you glued the eyelash incorrectly, do not rush to tear it off. This may cause eye injury. Treat the glue with vegetable oil and it will come off easily.

    How to strengthen eyelashes after extensions?

    Many women are worried about the question: “How do eyelashes grow after extensions?” The answer is simple - the same as before the extension. If you notice that your natural eyelashes have thinned due to the severity of the extensions, then try a series of procedures aimed at restoring and strengthening them. Such an impact can accelerate their growth and return them to a healthy state.

    First of all, you need to reconsider your diet. With insufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins in food, not only hair, nails, but also eyelashes can suffer. Add foods containing vitamins A, B and E to your diet.

    Rubbing your eyelashes with castor oil, as well as a mixture of linseed oil, almond oil and castor oil, is useful. Give up cosmetics for a while: mascara, eyeliner and pencil. Give your eyelashes time to “rest.” Wipe them every day or every other day with oil, and in the evening leave cotton swabs soaked in chamomile decoction on your eyes for 30 minutes.

    Failed eyelash extensions

    Anyone can make a mistake when doing eyelash extensions and then your whole business is doomed to failure. You should be very careful about this procedure, as it requires attention, concentration and extreme care and patience.

    Sometimes, we want to be irresistible so much that we forget about everything and rush in pursuit of beauty. Illiterate extensions create a lot of trouble and harm your eyes, causing discomfort, itching and pain.

    The following problems can be encountered with unsuccessful eyelash extensions:

    • Excessive application of glue to eyelashes

    Excessive amount of glue sticks all eyelashes together and causes discomfort with a feeling of tension. It would be correct to apply a minimal amount of glue - exactly as much as the eyelash needs to fix itself.

    • Failure to maintain the distance between eyelashes

    Eyelashes that are extended too rarely or too often look unnatural and cause discomfort to the owner.

    • Not maintaining eyelash length

    Each eyelash should grow from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

    • Quality of eyelashes

    You shouldn't save money when purchasing eyelashes. The higher their quality, the easier the extension procedure will be for you and the better your appearance will be.

    • Additional items

    Do not aggravate the situation with additional decorative elements in the form of rhinestones, beads and stones. It looks tacky and cheap.

    • Location of cilia

    The distance at which the eyelash should be placed is from 0.5 mm to 1 mm from the eyelid. Positioning it too close to the eyelid can injure the eye and lead to inflammation, and placing it too far away will cause the eyelashes to look unnatural and weigh down the eye.

    The choice of materials for extensions and the procedure itself must be treated very carefully and with the utmost care. A good result of your work will please you for many days. Be beautiful and confident!

    Video " Eyelash extensions at home"

    Not every woman has naturally luxurious eyelashes. To make eyelashes thick and beautiful, extensions come to the rescue.

    Eyelash extensions allow a woman to save time on daily application of decorative cosmetics to her eyes.

    Despite the comparative safety of the procedure, unlike permanent makeup, There are myths about the dangers of eyelash extensions and about the procedure itself:

    • fracture and loss of natural eyelashes;
    • negative effect of glue on the skin of the eyelids;
    • short duration of the effect.

    Fracture of natural eyelashes is possible in case of incorrect choice of thin eyelash substrates for hair extensions. Loss can be caused by unprofessional removal of artificial eyelashes. Resinous adhesives can harm the skin of the eyelids and cause burns to the eye mucosa if low-quality glue is used.

    The short duration of the effect is due to the lack of professionalism of the specialist, the low quality of the material used, improper care of the eyelashes after the procedure and untimely correction, which should be carried out once every 3-4 weeks.

    Who is contraindicated for the extension procedure?

    Eyelash extensions are strictly contraindicated if a woman has a number of diseases and other indicators:

    • chronic conjunctivitis, the exacerbation of which can be provoked by the use of even high-quality glue;
    • allergies to cosmetics, which can be excluded by a preliminary detailed ophthalmological examination;
    • wearing contact lenses, which increase the risk of developing an allergy to extension materials;
    • thinness and fragility of natural eyelashes, which can completely fall out after extensions;
    • Unhealthy skin, including increased oiliness and dryness: oiliness will lead to a short-lasting build-up effect. Dry skin requires the use of special oily cosmetics, which will also lead to a short period of wearing artificial eyelashes.

    Choosing eyelashes for extensions: shape, length, thickness, manufacturer

    Before you apply eyelash extensions at home, you should decide on the desired look - the choice of extension technique and materials used depends on this. For eyelash extensions use:

    Unlike the eyelash technique, the beam technique is much simpler. The artificial eyelashes used are collected in a bun. This extension technique does not require additional professional skills and takes no more than 15–20 minutes. However, the final result is inferior in appearance to eyelash extensions.

    The main parameters when choosing eyelashes are length, thickness and curl. The length of eyelash extensions should suit the shape of the face: on a small, thin face, long eyelashes look unnatural and vulgar. Thick, long eyelashes look harmonious on a large, wide face.

    The golden rule of lash makers says: “The ideal length of artificial fibers exceeds their own by no more than 2–4 mm.

    Depending on the area of ​​the eyelid, the range of hair lengths is 4–18 mm.” Professional lash makers consider hairs No. 8, 10 and 12 to be the best option.

    Before you apply eyelash extensions yourself at home, it is necessary to select the optimal thickness of the hairs, the range of which lies from 0.1 to 0.25 mm with an interval of 0.05 mm:

    • 0.1 mm– an option for a natural soft look;
    • 0.15 mm– a more formal version, creating the effect of mascara-painted eyelashes;
    • 0.20 mm– a bright image, however, heavy hair extensions of such thickness are not recommended for women with weakened natural eyelashes;
    • 0.25 mm– an extravagant look is guaranteed, but the effect is extremely short-lived.

    According to the shape of the bend they are distinguished:

    • eyelashes J and I with minimal bending;
    • categories B, C and their combinations allow you to achieve the perfect look with smooth curves. Most popular among leshmakers;
    • L and L++ eyelashes used to correct the shape of the eye. Visually create greater openness of view;
    • U and CC bends give the popular youth effect of doll eyes.

    Eyelashes also differ in color. However, the most popular are the classics - black and dark brown shades.

    Currently, proven manufacturers in the lash industry include Titania, Dolce Vita, Ag Beauty, City Lashes, and Macy. Professional lash makers also recommend the companies “Andrea”, “Glams”, “Novel”, etc.

    Required tools and materials

    Before you can apply eyelash extensions yourself at home, you need to purchase the required tools and materials:

    • hand sanitizer with antibacterial effect;
    • eye makeup remover tailored to your skin type;
    • spray degreaser or tonic to remove fatty film from eyelids and eyelashes;
    • hypoallergenic glue;
    • a set of eyelashes;
    • 2 tweezers: one with straight ends for extensions, the second with curved edges for correction;
    • gel pads, regular paper tape or cotton pads;
    • glue container;
    • toothpicks and cotton swabs;
    • magnifying mirror;
    • lamp;
    • a tray for laying out all tools and materials.

    Today there are 2 main methods of extension:

    • beam extension– gluing a bunch of artificial hairs at once;
    • eyelash extension– gluing each hair separately.

    Step-by-step instructions for bun extensions

    Bundle extensions are carried out very quickly. The look becomes expressive and deep. However, the effect of such a procedure is less natural compared to eyelash extensions and the wearing period of bundled eyelashes is also significantly shorter.

    Bundles differ in the method of attachment:

    Before extensions, hands are treated with an antibacterial agent.

    The existing makeup is removed from the eyes, the lower natural eyelashes are fixed to the skin of the face using gel pads or paper tape to facilitate the extension procedure.

    Fixation is carried out from the inner corner of the eye. Natural eyelashes, the base for artificial hairs, are treated with a degreaser using a cotton swab. After completing the preliminary procedures, you should begin building up.

    With beam extensions, an average of 15–20 beams are glued to each eye.

    The technique is as follows:

    • drop glue onto glass or into a special container;
    • Dip the ends of the tweezers in the adhesive and grab a bunch of eyelashes;
    • Using the second tweezers, the natural eyelashes are pulled apart at the site where the artificial lash is supposed to be attached, and this lash is glued to the resulting area;
    • the bundle is fixed with tweezers at the base of the natural eyelashes or glued to the skin of the eyelids;
    • The gluing process is carried out from the outer to the inner corners of the eye. The tufts must be secured evenly, otherwise holes will form in the eyelashes, which will negatively affect the final result.

    Step-by-step instructions for individual eyelash extensions

    Professional lash makers prefer eyelash extensions due to their greater naturalness and effectiveness. The most popular and accessible is the Japanese technique, which includes the following steps carried out after preliminary procedures:

    • sorting eyelashes by length, thickness and curl;
    • degreasing tweezers, your own eyelashes and their growth line;
    • attaching a gel pad or wet pad under the lower eyelid that will protect the skin of the eyes;
    • thorough combing and separation of natural eyelashes;
    • picking up a separate artificial hair by the tip with tweezers, dipping it in glue and gluing it onto your own base eyelash, retreating 0.5–1 mm from the eyelash growth line. The remaining natural eyelashes are pushed back with a toothpick to simplify the work;
    • fixing the hair extensions by lightly pressing at the place of gluing.

    Eyelash extensions are carried out in a direction similar to beam attachment. More reliable fixation of the extended fibers is achieved by lying for 5–10 minutes with your eyes closed at the end of the procedure.

    Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions at home

    Leshmakers also distinguish American and Indonesian techniques, which differ from Japanese only in the material used: the first involves building up silicone or rubber fibers. The second uses a special adhesive composition enriched with nutritional vitamin complexes.

    Experts, advising on how to extend eyelashes individually at home, offer the creation of various images using appropriate extension effects, performed by gluing artificial fibers of different lengths depending on the desired result. There are:

    • natural effect- is more popular. It represents a gradual increase in the length of the growing fiber to the outside of the eye. The effect gives expressiveness to the look and eliminates the additional use of mascara;
    • discharged effect performed by alternating the length of artificial hairs;
    • fox(“cat’s eye”) effect is achieved by a sharp transition from eyelashes of shorter length to longer ones;
    • squirrel effect– similar to fox eyelashes, the difference is in increasing the length of the section of short eyelashes: only a few long artificial hairs are fixed on the outside of the eye;
    • puppet effect is achieved by choosing eyelashes of categories C++ and U of the same length. Length of eyelashes – 12–15 mm. The look becomes flirtatious. This technique is most popular among young people.

    Today, eyelash extension techniques that create the effect of 2, 3, 4, 5D volumes have become especially popular. The procedure consists of gluing several artificial fibers (2, 3, 4 or 5) onto one eyelash, depending on the selected effect. The working materials are most often core hairs.

    Professional eyelash makers advise performing extensions in stages, alternating by gluing 25-30 eyelashes on each eye. The final stage involves visual control of the number of eyelash extensions and replenishment of sparse gaps, if any.

    Correction of individual eyelash extensions

    Correction of artificial eyelashes should be carried out monthly. Oily skin requires more frequent correction. The use of mascara for 3-5D volumetric extensions is not recommended to avoid lumps of mascara clogging the hair roots. Otherwise, the correction will be powerless, and it will be necessary to carry out the extension again

    Pros and cons of different techniques

    Eyelash and beam extension techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. Lack of skill and ignorance of how to properly extend eyelashes individually at home leads to a negative result:

    • inappropriate doll-like appearance;
    • damage to the eye mucosa from adhesive fumes;
    • loss of time (5-6 independent work) without achieving the desired image;
    • the ability to adjust the extension only after a month.

    The positive aspects of eyelash extensions are the long period of wearing artificial eyelashes, the naturalness of the image and the ability to choose the desired look effect.

    The disadvantages of beam extensions include the short-term effect of the procedure and a less natural appearance compared to eyelash extensions. The advantages are the simplicity of the procedure, saving time during extensions and the cost of the service in the salon.

    Safety and Precautions

    Safety precautions and precautions are required at every stage of the procedure. The sterility of reusable instruments, the use of disposable consumables and the cleanliness of the workplace are extremely important.

    A professional lash maker uses only high-quality materials. In order to identify a possible allergic reaction, a woman initially has a pair of hairs grown in the corner of her eye. After 20 minutes, in the absence of allergic manifestations, the procedure is carried out in full.

    Before extensions, it is necessary to undergo a complete ophthalmological examination in order to exclude various eye diseases. Extensions for asthma, psoriasis, ARVI and a number of other diseases are strictly prohibited.

    The safety rules for the extension technique used are determined by the qualifications and experience of the technician: the ability to separate weakened and healthy eyelashes will help avoid their fragility and loss after removing the artificial ones.

    Sterilization of reusable instruments is carried out in two stages:

    The couch and desk should be treated. It is mandatory to use a disposable sheet and a cap on a woman’s head.

    By following safety rules when applying extensions, you can avoid serious ophthalmological diseases.

    Care for eyelash extensions

    Using this opportunity to grow eyelashes yourself at home, with proper care, you can maintain the results for several weeks. Absolutely forbidden:

    • rub your eyes;
    • sleep on your stomach with your face buried in the pillow;
    • use of oily cosmetics;
    • long visit to the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool.

    After extensions, it is advisable to cleanse the skin with an antibacterial tonic.

    Oily skin requires additional degreasing with tonic. It is recommended to remove eyelash extensions in a salon, which will avoid their fragility in the future.

    How to extend eyelashes at home: video

    Tips on how to grow eyelashes at home:

    Useful information on how to grow eyelashes at home:

    Eyelash extensions are the standard of a well-groomed woman with an attractive, luxurious, expressive look. Beauty is at the tip of the eyelashes!

    An expressive look is the secret of any beauty that can charm anyone, and in order to make it so, many women resort to eyelash extensions. Bundle extensions today are the most effective and popular method; it allows you to create a spectacular look that will be very natural. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly extend eyelashes using this method and what is its peculiarity.


    Types of bundle eyelash extensions can be divided depending on the shape of each bundle. Hairs come in minimum length, short, medium or long. Moreover, this is a standard size indicator that is usually the same for all manufacturers. Also, the bundles can vary in the thickness of the hairs, in the density of the bundles themselves, in their shape and bend, as well as in shade.

    Each time, the masters clarify which option will be most preferable for you, because some people want to achieve the effect of a doll’s look, while others will want the effect of natural makeup.

    There are also two types of beam extensions: nodular And knotless. These two types differ depending on how the beams are secured to the eyelids.


    This extension option assumes that the beam is attached to a flat base. Such eyelashes are quite difficult to do yourself at home, since they are difficult to attach, but this is a more reliable type of extension in bundles, which gives a very luxurious effect. Typically, experienced eyelash technicians do eyelash extensions this way. With the help of knotless extensions you can achieve the effect of a natural and at the same time bright and expressive look.


    This type of bundle extension involves artificial eyelashes coming out of a small knot-shaped ball. This base is quite easily glued to the eyelid along the hair growth line, but in this case the tufts may be visible, that is, the effect will not be as natural as when extensions were made using the previous method. This makes it very easy to do eyelash extensions at home, but the tufts may be noticeable at the base of the hair growth.

    When choosing a method, the choice is between ease of extension and the effect you need.

    If you plan to wear eyelash extensions for quite a long time, then it is better for you to give preference to knotless extensions, but for a one-time or short-term effect, knotted bundle eyelash extensions are better suited.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    The big advantage of bundle extensions is that this way you can very easily add eyelash extensions to yourself. Using this method yourself is much easier than practicing eyelash extensions, which involves more painstaking work. Also, eyelash extensions in bunches look much more natural than eyelashes in the form of a whole strip, since they create a doll-like effect that would not be appropriate on ordinary workdays. The bundle method also has the advantage that you can adjust the length of the eyelashes and their thickness by inserting bundles along the growth line as often or rarely as you need.

    If you are afraid that you will quickly get tired of eyelash extensions, you can give preference to this method, since it is relatively short in terms of wearing time, because, as a rule, this method is used to increase eyelashes for a couple of weeks, but if desired, they can be wear longer.

    Extending eyelashes in bunches is quite quick and easy, so you can do it both at home and in a beauty salon. This procedure is quite inexpensive, it will be affordable for many, so they can be built up without any problems, while getting the effect of a chic look. Another big advantage is that you can get rid of eyelash extensions at any time, because it’s quite easy to do at home; you don’t have to go to a beauty salon to do this.

    Bundle extensions are completely harmless if you use high-quality materials for this. The disadvantages of bundle extensions include the short period of wearing them, because there are other types that allow you to wear artificial hairs longer. They are quite difficult to care for; you need to scrupulously follow all the rules and treat your eyelashes very carefully.

    It is also believed that extended bunches do not look as natural and impressive as eyelashes extended one at a time. In addition, if you suddenly lose such a bunch, it will be very noticeable, you will need to urgently restore them or make a correction, which is a definite disadvantage compared to eyelash extensions.

    Therefore, before choosing which method is best for eyelash extensions, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a choice in favor of a specific method.

    Possible effects

    With the help of bundle eyelash extensions you can create a wide variety of effects. This is a classic option that is suitable for any everyday look, it helps save time on daily makeup. You can also create eyelash extensions more vividly, using longer and thicker tufts, but it will be noticeable that the eyelashes are artificial. But in this way you can make your look very expressive and effective.

    With the help of beam extensions you can achieve the effect of a doll's look. Usually, eyelash extensions are done this way if you are going to a special event.

    Also, by increasing the eyelashes in bunches, you can create the effect of a squirrel or fox look, because they can only be glued to the outer part of the eye.

    With the help of bundle eyelash extensions, you can model the shape of your eyes in a very interesting way, since you can insert a bundle of the required length and thickness in the most suitable place for this. You can also achieve a theatrical look, usually using very thick, long and brightly colored buns. This way you can stand out very boldly and attract attention.


    In order to make eyelash extensions as safe as possible, you need to use only high-quality and proven materials. Before extensions, it is better to purchase professional products, since this way you can ensure a completely safe eyelash extension procedure.

    You will need bundles of eyelashes of varying lengths and thicknesses, and you will also need to purchase glue, which can be transparent or black. You will also need a thin wooden stick, which you can use to precisely apply the bunches on your eyelids. Also, for the extension procedure, it is better to purchase a special degreaser that will ensure adhesion of the skin to the tufts and a product for removing eyelash extensions. It will allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of them if desired. You can use products from the Ardell cosmetic brand or other proven professional products.

    You also need to get tweezers and spare tufts, which, along with the glue, are best carried with you in your purse. This is necessary in case one of the bundles suddenly falls off. It is also better to purchase a dark eyeliner or shadow that can be used to hide the line separating artificial and natural hairs. By purchasing all these cosmetics, you will be able to achieve the best effect and perfectly extend your eyelashes in bunches.

    Execution technology

    The essence of the process of eyelash extension using the bundle method is that each bundle is carefully glued with a special means to the outer side of a row of eyelashes. But this is a more complex process than it seems at first glance. It is necessary to glue false eyelashes very correctly in order to achieve a voluminous result. This is a process that includes several steps during which you will shape the eyelashes, creating the desired effect:

    • First you need prepare your eyes, while removing cosmetics, and this must be done, otherwise the glue may react with any cosmetic product.
    • After this it is necessary carry out degreasing both the hairs themselves and the skin around them. This way you can achieve a longer lasting effect.

    If you don't have a special degreaser, you can use ethyl alcohol for this, but this option is much worse because it can dry out the skin and cause irritation.

    • It is imperative to protect the skin of the eyelids, because this area of ​​the skin is the most sensitive to the effects of chemicals. To do this, you need to lay napkins made of paper or silicone, which will prevent glue from getting in forever.
    • After this you can move on to gluing. The glue itself is applied to each base of the beam. After this, you need to place each bunch on the outer side along the eyelash growth line, and you need to move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, selecting the desired length and bend of the bunch. Of course, towards the outer edge the length of the hairs should increase, as well as the density.

    • After you apply the glue-coated bundle to your eyelid, you need to hold it for a few seconds using a special stick. Try to stick the eyelashes as close to the lash line as possible so that it looks most natural. If this is not the first time you are extending eyelashes this way, then you can use black glue rather than transparent, which will help create an interesting effect. This way the look becomes brighter, because the tufts evenly glued with black adhesive will create the effect of a black arrow that will beautifully frame your eyes.


    Eyelash extensions must be cared for at home. This is very important, because this way you can prolong the effect of this procedure. You need to sleep only on your side or back, and in no case should you lie with your face on the pillow, since this way your eyelashes will remain on it in the morning. You need to take very careful care of your eyes; you cannot scratch, rub or stretch them. Also, to ensure proper care, you should avoid all oily products, be it two-phase makeup remover milk or oil-based creams. It is better to stop using eye creams for a while.

    Also, do not curl your eyelash extensions. Using tweezers can easily damage or break them; their service life will be noticeably reduced. If you wear lenses, try to put them on as carefully as possible so as not to disturb your eyelids and eyelashes, since accidentally touching your eyelid can cause you to lose several tufts. Bundle eyelash extensions are not suitable for bad weather; strong winds can ruin them, and wet snow and rain will cause them to fall off. In this way, you can delay the correction, but in no case should you forget about it, since the effect of eyelash extensions cannot last for a very long time.

    If you are tired of having eyelash extensions or corrections done, you can easily remove your lashes in bundles at home without damaging them as there are also reusable bundles available. It is very important to remove eyelash extensions correctly; in some cases, makeup remover will be sufficient.

    In order to get rid of artificial hairs in this way, you need to wet a cotton pad with makeup remover, and then carefully remove the tufts using gentle massage movements without rubbing your eyelids. This procedure will resemble the usual process of removing makeup, but it takes a little longer, because all the tufts are not removed at the same time, so in no case should you pull them out.

    Previously, if nature did not reward you with long fluffy eyelashes, eyelash extensions could only be done by visiting a beauty salon. Now the kits necessary for this can be purchased in a specialized store, and lessons on how to do eyelash extensions at home can be found by attending master classes on eyelash correction and learning the basic rules for obtaining the ideal result.

    Necessary tool

    Beginning craftswomen, before starting eyelash extensions at home, need to prepare everything necessary for this. Some things can be found in a cosmetic bag, but you will have to spend money on cosmetic liquids. To carry out home eyelash extensions you need to have the following tools and materials:

    • tweezers (you can purchase a special one, but most novice craftswomen successfully use eyebrow tweezers);
    • toothpicks;
    • cotton pads;
    • glue (it is better to choose hypoallergenic, containing medicinal and vitamin supplements);
    • a flat cup where you can pour glue;
    • degreaser for eyelashes (it is recommended to choose a degreaser from the same manufacturer as the purchased glue);
    • cosmetic patch (silicone pads) to cover the lower eyelashes;
    • glue remover, in case you need to remove some unsuccessfully glued hair (you can use olive oil).

    All instruments must be disinfected before performing extensions at home to prevent infection from getting into the eyes. You can see how to use the tool while doing eyelash extensions at home in the video.

    Purchasing eyelashes

    Before purchasing a set of eyelashes to do home eyelash extensions, beginners should decide on the technique in which they plan to carry out eyelash correction. There are many of them, but the two most popular are:

    • Beam. Faster and more convenient, since not individual hairs are glued, but ready-made bundles of eyelashes. But, if the bunch suddenly comes off, it will be difficult to restore the beauty; everything will have to be removed, and then new bunches should be glued on.
    • Ciliary, when a separate hair is glued to each eyelash. Lash extensions take longer, but the results last longer.

    Looking at the photo, you can see the difference in how eyelashes look after beam and eyelash correction at home.

    You can purchase artificial hairs for the first time, from mink or silk - it will be difficult for beginning craftswomen to work with other materials. Before you start hair extensions at home, you need to carefully study the lessons on each technique.

    What if, despite watching the lessons, you couldn’t decide how to do eyelash extensions at home? Then it’s worth purchasing a universal set.

    It’s worth immediately advising: do not skimp on materials, otherwise it will be very difficult to restore eyelashes damaged by such extensions after removing the decorative hairs, and the eyelashes themselves will look sloppy. In the proposed photo you can see what eyelashes look like after home extensions using low-quality materials.

    How to use the tool correctly

    When everything you need has been purchased, you can begin to perfect your eyelashes. The proposed lessons for eyelash extensions at home recommend following the following sequence of actions:

    • Clean your face of makeup with water, or with foam cleanser. Makeup removers should not be used.

    • Apply degreaser to eyelashes and the lower part of the upper eyelid.
    • Glue silicone pads to the lower eyelashes. If this is not done, then droplets of glue may fall on the lower eyelashes, stick them together, or even cause the hair extensions to stick to the lower eyelashes. It will be impossible to restore the beauty created and damaged due to inexperience; you can only remove everything using an adhesive remover and then repeat the extension from the beginning.
    • Shake the false eyelashes out of the bag onto a flat, smooth surface for easy use at home. The photo shows what the home extension material included in the universal kit looks like.
    • Regardless of the chosen method (beam or eyelash), lessons on eyelash extensions recommend the following: take a hair or a bunch with tweezers, dip it in glue poured into a flat container and glue it to the eyelash, being careful that the extension material does not touch the tip of the eyelid. The entire procedure is carried out with a drooping eyelid, so before doing eyelash correction on yourself, the artist is recommended to practice on one of your friends or relatives. After all, in order to make beautiful extensions for yourself at home, you only need to control the process with one eye, and without experience, this is very difficult to do.
    • Hairs or tufts are glued in 3 approaches: in the first - rarely, in the second, the space between the eyelash extensions is carefully filled, and in the third, adjustments are made, and hairs are added where necessary. If the hair is unsuccessfully glued, it can be removed using an adhesive remover, and then the degreasing of the eyelashes can be restored and work can continue. This video will help you better understand how to do eyelash extensions for beginners at home.

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