• At what temperature will jeans shrink? Jeans: washing secrets for shrinking them to size. How to make jeans smaller


    Over time, any clothing stretches, this is especially noticeable on trousers or jeans made from natural fabrics, which can stretch one or two sizes. Everyone has at least once encountered the problem of their jeans stretching out. Experience-proven advice will tell you what to do. Sellers advise immediately choosing a model one size smaller when purchasing, but this is inconvenient and scary - what if this particular thing does not stretch. Moreover, there are always several options on how to return clothes to their original size or how to reduce jeans by size at home. Is it that simple? Let's find out from our article.

    Reasons for stretching jeans

    Different types of fabric behave differently when worn and washed. Cotton tends to stretch. Carry out an experiment with cotton thread: just tear the thread off the spool with your hands, and you will understand that first it stretches, and then it breaks.

    Important! High-quality jeans consist of thick cotton or cotton with a small admixture of synthetics. This is why jeans rarely tear, but tend to stretch.

    If the item is completely natural, then it will not be able to return to its previous state on its own after stretching. If it contains an admixture of synthetics, it will be less practical, but it will take longer to return to its original form.

    Before choosing a method to reduce jeans size at home, you should pay attention to their composition.

    Important! We have already prepared a lot of useful information for you. The site has already prepared an article with all the rules, so that it retains its shade for a long time.

    Types of denim

    There is a huge variety of types of jeans today, as well as their compositions. It is important to remember that heat treatment is not suitable for synthetic denim materials, since they can behave completely unpredictably with this type of treatment, and not only shrink, but also lose their shape and appearance.

    Shrink to fit

    This fabric can shrink only when it is washed for the first time; after that, neither hot washing, nor drying, nor ironing will have any effect on jeans made of this material. But don’t despair, because there is always the option of sewing up your trousers or gaining weight a little.


    Clothes made from this fabric should fit perfectly. And if your jeans suddenly become larger, it could mean that the fabric has worn out, its fibers have broken, or you've lost weight. In any case, heat treatment will not save the item; it can no longer be planted, and it must either be sutured or purchased a new one.

    Natural denim

    Clothes made of cotton or with a high predominance of it, from 70% in composition, can be reduced by temperature methods. At the same time, do not forget to act carefully when working with the item, turn it inside out.

    If the type of fabric is suitable for thermal methods, you can safely proceed to size reduction methods.

    Important! after prolonged wear - we will also tell you on the pages of our website.

    We erase

    The very first thing that comes to mind when you need to make clothes smaller (shrink them) is to wash them. Remember how difficult it is to put on jeans after the first wash. This is because they shrink. True, sometimes the effect is very short-lived. Read on to find out how to shrink jeans so that they last longer in the right size.

    1. It is more convenient to wash jeans in a washing machine, since manually it will not be possible to create the optimal mode and wring out the clothes as quickly as a machine.
    2. After washing, you can consolidate the effect a little by rinsing the trousers by hand in hot water. This will compress the fibers of the fabric.
    3. In the washing machine, to shrink jeans, it is better to select a mode with hot water (about 90 degrees) and a strong spin.

    Important! Unfortunately, the effect of this method is a little longer than washing as usual - but not by much. Proper drying will help to extend the wear of the item a little more without stretching.


    To reduce jeans size at home, you should dry them as quickly as possible. There are several options for suitable drying:

    1. Hang clothes on a drying rack or line, and place a warm wind blower or other heat source nearby. Under the influence of heating devices, jeans will dry faster and shrink a little.
    2. Lay a well-absorbent material on top and bottom, and change it as it gets wet. This will speed up drying and help reduce your pant size.
    3. If you own an automatic dryer, then use it - drying in the device will make clothes made from natural fabrics smaller, while their shape will remain unchanged. If you don't have a dryer, you can always look into the laundry room.

    There is another method that was very popular 30 years ago, and it was used not only to reduce jeans size, but also to give denim a fashionable look.

    Important! If the thing is unexpectedly very strong — you will learn from our sections with useful tips.


    This method came to us from the 80s, when bootcut jeans were at the peak of popularity. To weld jeans you will need:

    • large saucepan or metal basin;
    • water;
    • plate;
    • washing powder;
    • jeans that need to be shrunk.

    It's simple:

    1. Pour water into the container.
    2. Make a concentrated solution of washing powder.
    3. Turn on medium heat and lower the clothes.
    4. Then cook for about half an hour.
    5. Next, we take out the item with tongs so as not to get burned, and rinse it with clean water.

    Important! This method will allow you to make your pants one or even two sizes smaller. But at the same time, their color changes to the once popular faded jeans. If you do not want the color of the fabric to change, it is better to choose another method.

    Reducing a specific area

    If only one part of the trousers is stretched, for example, jeans or shorts are too big at the waist, there is an option to narrow only that part. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Fill a spray bottle with warm water.
    2. Add fabric softener.
    3. Shake until the solution is mixed.
    4. Spray the solution on the jeans so that only those places that need to shrink become wet.
    5. We dry jeans in an automatic dryer. Those places that were wet will shrink, those that are dry will remain the same size.

    If the result does not satisfy you the first time, you can repeat all the steps again.

    We bathe

    There is another unusual method of how to reduce jeans size at home right on your figure.


    1. We put on jeans and fasten all the zippers on them.
    2. We fill the bath with hot water; the temperature should be as high as possible in order to tolerate it.
    3. Climb into the water while wearing jeans and sit there for about 15 minutes until the water begins to cool.
    4. Next, you need to get out of the bathroom and dry the jeans on yourself without taking them off, preferably under hot air (for example, from a heater) or in direct sunlight.

    Important! When drying in this way, please note that you should not sit or lie on absorbent surfaces. Don't forget that you will have to turn around so that the clothes dry evenly. This method will take a lot of time, but the jeans will fit exactly to your figure.


    If you iron your clothes properly, you can also slightly compress the fibers of the fabric. This option is rather auxiliary, since a strong compression effect cannot be achieved when ironing.

    1. After washing the jeans, you can put them in the dryer, but make sure to take care of the cycle so that you take them out at the moment when they are almost dry, but still a little damp.
    2. If you have dried your jeans completely, lightly moisten them with water from a spray bottle, otherwise ironing may have the opposite effect and the clothes will stretch.
    3. Place the garment on the ironing board and iron it through cheesecloth until it is completely dry.

    Don't forget that if the previous methods cannot be used, there is always the opportunity to alter your favorite jeans.

    We alter it

    If the effect of the previous methods does not last long, there is always the option of having the trousers sewn to size or having them recut. If you are afraid that you won’t be able to do it yourself, take the item to a tailor, and experienced tailors will definitely help you. But if you have at least basic sewing skills, then you can easily do it yourself. Of course, the complexity is determined by the specific style and scope of work. Sometimes you can simply sew in a belt, and your favorite clothes will fit your figure again, and sometimes you have to completely alter your pants.

    The procedure is simple:

    1. Carefully undo all necessary seams.
    2. Remove protruding threads.
    3. Iron the cut parts.
    4. Take the necessary measurements and mark the parts with a piece of soap or chalk.
    5. Fasten the pieces and baste the jeans according to the new measurements.
    6. Try on the workpiece.
    7. If all is well, you can sew the material tightly.
    8. If the size is not what you would like, spread out the sour cream parts and repeat everything again before trying on.

    This method also has its disadvantages. Often, home sewing machines do not make seams “like jeans,” so the item may not only change in size, but also in style. At the same time, this is also a plus, since you can easily make a new model, for example, tapered at the bottom or a shorter version. You can also reduce the size in this way only if the jeans are made of thin material.

    Are your jeans bought online a little too big? Or have you just lost weight and your pants have become big? Or maybe the jeans are just worn out and look puffy? How to solve this problem? Will you really have to sew in your favorite pants? Don't rush to take your jeans to the tailor. Some washing rules will help you significantly reduce the size of your denim pants.

    Many people have probably noticed that after washing, denim items “shrink,” that is, they decrease in size. And not just one size, but at least a couple. It is often quite difficult to fit into skinny jeans after washing. We will use this trick to reduce the size of our large denim pants.

    How to machine wash jeans to make them shrink

    Before washing, check your pants pockets to make sure there are no money, documents or important notes in them. It is not recommended to wash jeans with rhinestones, sequins and embroidery in a washing machine. High temperatures may cause the glue on decorative elements to melt. In addition to the fact that jeans can be irreparably damaged, such “beauty” can get into the filters and clog the washing machine. You will have to clean and even repair household appliances.

    Also, jeans with synthetic fibers should not be machine washed. After all, machine washing is quite aggressive. The denim fabric itself is very durable and strong - nothing will happen to it. But synthetics can suffer and behave unpredictably - stretch or burst. If you have fashionable jeans with ripped edges or stylish holes, you can't just machine wash them. In this case, after washing you will only get tattered rags instead of pants. These jeans need to be washed in a special way. Just fold them so that there is a strong fabric on the outside and all the “fibers” remain on the inside. Place the jeans in a cloth bag and tie the neck tightly with string. You can wash fashionable ripped jeans only in this form, even if you are going to reduce them in size.

    Place your clothes in the wash and set the water temperature to maximum. Typically this is 90 degrees. If there is an intensive wash mode, set it to that. This will help reduce the size of your denim pants as much as possible. Do not use powders with aggressive components or bleaches - the quality of denim may noticeably deteriorate.

    Hand washing jeans to reduce sizes

    You can wash your jeans until they shrink by hand. To do this you will need laundry soap and a couple of basins. First you need to prepare a concentrated soap solution. A piece of soap will take a very long time to dissolve, so it is better to grate it and pour it into a bowl of boiling water. Put your jeans in there too. Be careful - you can get burned even with household gloves. It is better to use a kitchen wooden spatula or rolling pin for this washing. Soak your jeans in boiling water for half an hour and then rinse them.

    You can increase the likelihood that your jeans will change in size by using a contrast wash. To do this, place two basins in the bathroom - one with boiling water, the other with ice water. Alternately lower the denim pants into one container or another. After half an hour of such manipulations, leave the jeans over the bathtub so that the water drains from them. And then send your pants to dry.

    Drying denim is just as important as washing it. Proper drying can reduce pants by another size. But for this, the jeans must dry quickly - this is the main condition. You can dry your jeans directly in the washing machine, in an electric dryer, on a hot radiator, or under the hot sun. Be careful not to leave your pants near an open fire or near a gas stove. Before drying, you should not straighten or stretch the jeans - all your efforts may be in vain, and they will return to their previous size. Under no circumstances should you iron your jeans while they are wet - they will stretch and most likely stay that way.


    The latest, last resort and emergency way to reduce the size of denim pants is to boil them. Jeans after such cooking may change slightly in color - if this does not scare you, let's get started.

    To begin, prepare a metal basin, boiling pot, or large pan that fits your pants. Pour water into the selected container and place it on the stove. When the water boils, dip your jeans, first turned inside out, into it. You need to keep the pants in boiling water for about half an hour, stirring and turning the fabric regularly. Use wooden tongs for boiling laundry for this. In the nineties, boiling jeans was very fashionable; you probably have similar tongs lying around your house that no one has used for a long time.

    After this, you need to remove the boiled pants into a basin and put them in the washing machine. Place the machine on dryer, selecting the highest number of revolutions per minute. Boiling itself is an aggressive procedure that allows you to reduce the size of your jeans by several centimeters. And intensive drying will add to the result and shrink the pants a little more.

    How to make pants smaller in certain areas

    It happens that jeans need to be reduced only in some places. For example, pants fit snugly, hugging your legs and calves. But the jeans are wide in the waistband and this needs to be corrected. This method will also help get rid of stretched knees on your pants, as well as stretched sides. To correct denim we will need a spray bottle and fabric softener. Mix it with water in a ratio of one to three and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the prepared composition on the areas that need to be reduced. After this, hang the pants to dry in the dryer or on the radiator. Under the influence of moisture and a certain soap composition, fabric fibers will shrink only in those places that are beneficial to us. If after such manipulations the jeans shrink, but not as much as you would like, repeat the procedure, increasing the concentration of fabric conditioner.
    1. You need to understand that jeans fit not only in width, but also in length. And if cropped straight pants look stylish, then shot flared jeans will look at least funny.
    2. Often, after the first wear, pants come to their senses and stretch again. If you are ready to wash them every day or before each wear, remember that frequent washing deteriorates the fabric and may tear. Isn't it better to fix your jeans once in a studio? Moreover, reducing pants is not particularly difficult and it will not cost much.
    3. Remember that stretch jeans cannot be made smaller. They should initially fit tightly to the figure, and if they stretch, it means that the smallest rubber fibers have simply torn or burst. It is impossible to return such jeans to their previous condition.

    With these simple tips, you can know exactly what to expect when you size down your denim pants.

    As often happens, after long-awaited weight loss, many new problems arise. In addition to the joy of acquiring a new body, there is bewilderment - what to wear now? How to put on your favorite jeans again that fit so well? There is no need to give up your favorite clothes, you can just reduce them a little. Our tips will help you do this quickly, safely and effectively.

    Video: how to reduce the waist of jeans

    Greetings, dear blog readers! I think you will agree with me that jeans are comfortable clothes that are appropriate for many occasions. Well, if they fit correctly to the figure, then they can not only emphasize the advantages, but also hide the shortcomings. That’s why it’s so disappointing when, after wearing it for a short time, a popular wardrobe item suddenly stretches.

    Are you familiar with this situation? If yes, then I suggest we talk today about what to do to make your jeans fit! I'll tell you all the secrets that I know myself.

    In general, a good seller should warn in advance that jeans stretch and can noticeably wear out. Therefore, it is recommended to buy trousers made from this fabric one size smaller. another. Why does this happen? The fact is that the cotton threads that make up this fabric are very durable. They are difficult to tear, but stretch well.

    This is why the finished product can increase in size. This is especially true for products made from natural fabric.

    Synthetic jeans use rubberized threads that help maintain their original shape.

    But don’t despair, because it’s not at all difficult to return your trousers to their original appearance. Here are some tips on how to get your jeans to fit again!

    Returning the form

    So, if you want your pants to shrink, there are a few easy ways to get them back in shape.


    You remember what it’s like to put on jeans immediately after washing! You barely pull them on, literally stuffing yourself into your pants. And after 10 minutes everything fits on the body and the trousers look great. This is how you can plant the fabric.

    1. When washing pants, use the highest temperature possible.
    2. Choose the “intensive” or “for wrinkle-resistant items” mode.
    3. For spinning, also choose the highest number of revolutions of the machine.

    Important! Do not use detergents containing bleaching components to avoid damaging the paint!

    Hot bath

    This method, although not standard, and in my opinion extreme, will allow you to fit your trousers exactly to your figure!

    1. Put on your jeans and fasten all the buttons and zippers.
    2. Fill your bath with water as hot as you can stand.
    3. Sit in the bath. Make sure that the water completely covers the pants.
    4. Sit like this until the water cools down.
    5. Dry your pants directly on your body. It is advisable to go out into the sun.

    When choosing this method you should be very careful. Be careful with the temperature, don't get burned! This method is not suitable for everyone, if you cannot take hot baths, do not risk it.

    No jeans are worth your health! It’s important that you don’t sit down while you’re drying your pants, so as not to ruin your uniform. And don't forget that you need to completely dry your trousers, both front and back, so you'll have to twist around.


    This method is not suitable for dark jeans lovers. But if you like the “varenka” effect, then you can try it!

    1. Boil water in a large saucepan. There should be enough liquid so that the entire trousers fit inside.
    2. Turn your pants inside out. This way the color will be lost less. But if you want a strong “cooked” effect, then neglect this advice.
    3. Place the jeans in boiling water and cook them for half an hour.
    4. Remove the trousers with tongs and place them in the dryer.

    Attention! This option is absolutely not suitable for synthetic fabric!

    Partial shrinkage

    It happens that it is not the entire product that needs to be “adjusted”, but only certain areas - the knees or the belt. To do this you need:

    1. Mix fabric softener with hot water.
    2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
    3. Spray on the areas that need to shrink. But the fabric should be damp, not wet.
    4. Place in the dryer on the highest setting.

    But! There will be no effect when drying in the open air!

    Until we meet again,

    Anastasia Smolinets

    Denim is stretchy in most cases. Over time, it stretches several sizes. This is possible due to improper washing or due to poor quality of the material.

    If your jeans have stretched and remain stretched even after washing, don’t be upset. There are several ways to reduce trousers.

    Hot bath

    In order not to agonize over the question of how to wash jeans so that they shrink, experienced fashionistas advise buying jeans a size smaller. Over time, the fabric will stretch and the item will fit according to your figure and will not hang like a bag.

    The most common method to shrink jeans is to use hot water.

    Thanks to this method, the fabric shrinks several sizes.

    How to wash jeans to make them smaller:

    1. Pour hot water into the basin. Temperature 90 degrees.
    2. First, wash your pants and remove any detergent.
    3. Then pour the hot liquid again and leave the pants in it for several hours.

    Hot water promotes shrinkage. The pants will become small in a very short time.

    However, this method is not very effective. The results obtained do not last long.

    After one day, maybe two days later, stretch jeans again stretch in the most inappropriate places and become unattractive.

    This method is only good for those who often wash their pants, which is also not very good for the fabric.


    You can reduce the size of jeans by boiling. This method is guaranteed to make the item a size smaller.

    What you need to do to fit your pants:

    1. Turn the product inside out. This will help maintain the color of the pants and also make them shrink a little.
    2. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil.
    3. Take a pair of tongs to avoid getting burned and place the large jeans that need to be tapered into the liquid.
    4. Boil the clothes for half an hour.
    5. Then take tongs and remove the jeans from the pan into the basin. Bring the bowl to the washing machine and place it in the tumble dryer.
    6. Turn on the highest drying temperature and spin speed. Dry your pants until the fabric is completely dry.

    The jeans will shrink immediately. They become narrow at the waist, hips and bottom.

    This method can lead to length shrinkage. Be prepared for this result if you use boiling.

    Will the pants stretch after boiling?

    They will. After 2-3 days, the material will stretch again and the procedure will have to be repeated.

    To make the trousers shrink and become fashionable, you can add white while boiling and get dumplings.

    Jeans are boiled white at home. For a bucket of water (7 liters) you will need 250 ml (1 glass) of product.

    To obtain vertical stripes, you need to twist them, as if squeezing, and secure them at the bottom and in the middle with rubber bands. To obtain stars, you need to take the desired area (for example, the knee area), twist it and secure it with an elastic band.

    Machine washable

    You can narrow your jeans quickly and without problems, and at the same time wash them, in an automatic washing machine.

    If you don’t know what to do with stretched out pants and other methods have proven useless, use this method.

    The following actions will help to significantly reduce the volume:

    1. Place the item in the drum. Pour liquid detergent into the powder compartment. If your pants are shedding, you cannot add powder during this procedure. The pants will lose color.
    2. Turn on the device, setting the temperature to 90 degrees, washing to intensive, spin to maximum speed.
    3. The effect is secured with a contrast rinse.

    This method of making jeans narrower is suitable for trousers made from natural denim or high-density cotton fabric.

    After such a procedure, the material should shrink to the desired size, perfectly fitting the figure and emphasizing its advantages.

    Specific zone

    Initially, jeans have good stretch, but we stretch them every time we wear them. Over time, the material becomes less elastic and begins to sag in some places, and the pants begin to fall off the waist.

    Washed jeans are much more pleasant to wear. After all, after this they shrink a little, but stretching still occurs over time.

    Since not everyone has the opportunity to wash every day, experienced housewives have come up with another option on how to make jeans shrink.

    This method is suitable if you need to reduce a certain area. For example, the area of ​​the buttocks, knees, bottom or waist.

    What to do if your jeans are stretched:

    1. Take an empty spray bottle. Pour warm water into it.
    2. Lay the pants out on a flat surface and treat those areas that have become stretched during the day.
    3. Wet the cloth well so that the water begins to drain from this area. Otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved.
    4. Place the item in the dryer and turn on the most powerful drying and spin setting.

    This method is suitable for daily use. You can repeat the procedure several times to reduce your jeans size.


    Some housewives advise moistening the desired area and putting the item on yourself. Try this method and sit on a chair, what will happen?

    What will happen is that the material will stretch even worse. This method is not suitable if you are looking for a way to reduce jeans size.


    To avoid frequently having to resort to washing at high temperatures or boiling, you can use an iron.The technique allows you to make jeans narrower at the waist or other place, but there is a high probability that they will quickly stretch.

    If the pants have been washed, this method can be used. When you use an iron on dirty jeans, a shine will appear, “screaming” that the owner of the item is a slob.

    Reduce using an iron as follows:

    1. First, carefully study the label of your pants. It indicates the maximum temperature at which it is allowed.
    2. Moisten the area requiring shrinkage well with hot water.
    3. Then squeeze out excess moisture. Do this carefully. Try not to twist your pants to avoid stretching them further.
    4. Set the temperature 10 degrees higher than what is indicated on the label.
    5. Cover the pants with gauze and quickly dry the wet area. To prevent jeans from stretching, do not move the iron in different directions. Perform movements from the seam inward.

    In this case, heat treatment of the fabric is carried out. This is practically the same thing that happens to the material when boiling, but this method is more gentle and does not need to process the pants completely.

    It is enough to treat only those places on the jeans that require reduction.

    Having altered

    What to do to?A good way is to stitch it in. To do this you will need chalk or soap, scissors, a blade, thread of a suitable color and a needle, or you can use a sewing machine.

    How to fit jeans into a waistband?The procedure is simple, but it will require a little personal time.

    What do we have to do:

    1. Take a blade and open the seams on both sides of the pockets.
    2. Use scissors to remove any loose threads out of the way.
    3. Take the iron and iron all the parts, do not forget to set the correct temperature, it is indicated on the label.
    4. Take a centimeter and measure the circumference of the belt, transfer the resulting measurements to the fabric using soap.
    5. Using a brightly colored thread, baste the fabric to the new measurements. Then try on your pants. If the trousers fit well and the measurements are taken correctly, you can start sewing.
    6. Using a needle and thread or a sewing machine, sew the parts.

    This method can be used if the jeans are very stretched at the waist, hips, bottom or knees.

    Don't forget to take your measurements and place them correctly so that your pants don't end up too small.

    You can’t do that “I’ll reduce it by eye, there’s only a couple of centimeters that need to be removed.” If you are an experienced seamstress and have picked up a sewing machine more than once, perhaps everything will work out. However, this method is not suitable for a beginner.

    It is necessary to measure everything correctly and even double-check it more than once, try it on and walk around in your pants to make sure that the alteration of the clothes is done correctly.

    Dry cleaning and atelier

    If you are afraid to alter your pants yourself, and the risk of ruining the item is high, it is better not to try to alter them.

    Contact a good studio. Experienced craftswomen will measure your volume and sew your pants to the required size.

    The second option is to take them to the dry cleaner, indicating that they need to be made smaller in size. Perhaps such a service will cost a little more, but it is better if you doubt your abilities.

    Proper drying

    In order to avoid the problem of how to wash jeans in the future so that they shrink, you must initially dry them correctly. If you do this in accordance with all the rules, such a problem will not arise.

    There are three drying methods, by resorting to which the jeans will not stretch, but on the contrary, they will perfectly fit the buttocks, hips and waist.

    The first method is not to turn it inside out. When drying vertically or horizontally, never turn denim clothing inside out. This will prevent shrinkage.

    But there is also a minus here. If you hang things outside in the sun, be prepared for the fact that over time. Therefore, when using this drying method, hang your laundry in the shade.

    Method two - use an extra towel. Do not twist the jeans with your hands, lightly squeeze out excess moisture and lay them on a dry towel. Give them the desired shape; they should not lie in a stretched state.

    Method three - use hot drying in a washing machine. This method will dry clothes without damage, but it is not recommended to use it often.

    There are many ways you can reduce jeans by one size. Try to use them, and thus you will choose the most suitable one.

    Jeans are a versatile wardrobe item. But what if they are too big for you? Don't be upset, they can be sewn in or reduced in size by washing. You've probably noticed that freshly washed items become a little smaller in size. This is especially true for jeans. This effect is most noticeable on them.

    Method 1: in the washing machine

    The item must be washed in hot water, the temperature of which should be 90 degrees. Of course, it's easier to do this using a washing machine. After all, it is rare whose hands can withstand such high water temperatures.

    You need:

    • Place jeans in the washing machine.
    • Select a washing mode so that the water temperature is 90 degrees or more.
    • Set the washing mode to intensive.

    If you follow all these steps, you can be sure that your jeans will shrink by one or even two sizes.

    If you wash them by hand, without using a washing machine, you can also achieve a good result. Of course, the effect of such washing will most likely be worse. But if you don’t have a washing machine, then this method will help you out.

    Method 2: How to wash jeans to make them shrink by hand?

    When washing by hand, you are unlikely to withstand such high water temperatures. Therefore, it is better to use a contrast shower here. First, rinse the jeans in very cold water and then transfer them to hot water. If time permits, you can leave the jeans for two to three hours, or better yet overnight, in cold water. After a while or in the morning you will need to wash your jeans in hot water.

    Tip: to prevent the quality of your jeans from deteriorating, do not use bleach to wash them.

    Method 3: How should you dry your jeans to reduce their size?

    • First, when drying, you want them to dry quickly. Therefore, they need to be hung to dry so that the light source is directed at them.
    • Secondly, in order for jeans to dry quickly, they need to be placed on a fabric that quickly absorbs moisture. After all, it is due to this that denim shrinks.
    • Thirdly, if you have an automatic clothes dryer in your home, this will make your task easier. It will help make your jeans a size smaller without losing their shape. If you do not have a dryer in your home, you can contact the laundry for this purpose.

    Method 4: Boiling Jeans

    For this procedure you will need a large metal container with a lid. You should put your jeans in it and fill them with water. Next, you should fill the jeans with washing powder. Jeans must be boiled for 30 minutes. They will shrink by one or even two sizes, but their color may also fade. Your jeans may become much paler. This method is suitable for those who, in addition to shrinkage, are also interested in whitening jeans.

    Method 5: Shrinking Jeans in a Hot Water Bath

    First of all, put on the jeans that need to be reduced in size and fasten all the fasteners. Fill the bath with enough water to completely cover your legs in a sitting position. The water should be as hot as you can tolerate. Warm water will not help in this matter. You need to sit in such a bath for 20 minutes.

    How to reduce a certain area of ​​jeans?

    To make jeans shrink in size only in a certain area, you need to mix water with fabric softener in a ratio of 1:3. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and stir well to obtain a uniform consistency. Do not add washing powder to the solution. In this case, you will have to completely wash your jeans later. Spray the solution on the areas you want to reduce. Throw your jeans into the dryer on the highest setting. If you dry things in the open air, nothing will happen.

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