• Poster practical material of a recommendatory and advisory nature for parents. Folder moving “We are going to school soon. "Health Folder" educational and methodological manual (senior group) on the topic of Moving Folders for parents in the preparatory class


    Deepen and systematize children’s understanding of the factors influencing the health of themselves and those around them, develop interest in physical education and sports, and intensify work with families on the problem of developing healthy lifestyle habits




    Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises

    Hardening is one of the most effective methods of increasing the resistance of a child’s body to sudden fluctuations in air temperature and, most importantly, so-called colds. For hardening, environmental factors are used - air, water, sun. The basic principle of hardening is the gradual impact of training factors on the body, developing endurance to impacts that increase in strength and duration.

    There are several mandatory rules:

    Firstly, any hardening procedures must be carried out systematically. If they are not carried out regularly, the body cannot develop the necessary reactions. If the hardening procedures are stopped (usually during the cold season), then the conditions formed in the body to respond to cold irritations quickly fade away and resistance decreases. Therefore, if the conditions associated with the season of the year change, you should not cancel the hardening procedures, but simply change them slightly.

    Secondly, the principle of gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect should be observed. This is necessary for the body to successfully adapt to changing conditions. Graduality is especially important when hardening young children, whose bodies are not able to quickly respond to cold factors.

    Thirdly, it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his reaction to the stimuli used. Hardening can be carried out only if the child has a positive attitude towards the procedure.

    It is necessary to take into account the child’s health status and the characteristics of his higher nervous activity. Hardening of weakened and frequently ill children should be carried out more carefully.

    General requirements:

    1. Creation of environmentally friendly conditions in premises for children’s games and activities:

    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;

    Through ventilation (3-5 times a day in the absence of children);

    Special selection of indoor plants that absorb harmful chemicals, release phytoncides and moisturize the air;

    Maintaining air temperature within 20-22 0C.

    2. High culture of hygienic care for children (toilet, feeding, sleeping, dressing for a walk).

    3. Ensuring psychological comfort throughout the entire stay in kindergarten.

    4. Individualization and differentiation of regime processes and their educational orientation, taking into account the health and development of children.

    5. Optimal motor mode.

    Organized motor activity

    1. Morning exercises (daily)

    2. Physical education classes (2 times a week)

    Outdoor games on the first and second walks (daily)

    Independent motor activity with various physical education aids:

    In the morning

    After breakfast

    On a walk

    After sleep

    On the second walk

    Basic and play activities


    Healthy walks, daily;

    Washing with cool water before eating, after each time you get your hands dirty;

    Rinse your mouth after every meal and after sleep with room temperature (cool) water.

    Air baths after sleep, during physical education class

    Walking barefoot under normal conditions and on ribbed paths after sleep, during physical education classes (time increases gradually)

    The system of measures in the older group will differ from the one given in the motor mode and stronger doses of hardening (for example, washing, gargling can be done with cool, cold and even ice water, the duration of air baths and barefoot walking increases, etc.).

    Health work

    1. Through ventilation

    2. Sanitary regime

    3. t0 = 20-22С

    4. Individualization of regime processes taking into account the health and development of children

    5. Optimal motor volume (4 hours per day)

    6. Morning exercises

    7. Physical education classes

    8. Outdoor games

    9. Hardening:

    Health walks;

    Washing with cool water;

    Air baths:

    A) gymnastics after sleep (with elements of breathing exercises);

    B) health track;

    B) lightweight clothing;

    D) sleeping with an open transom.

    10. Consumption of onions and garlic in the autumn-winter period

    11. Taking vitamins during a disease outbreak

    12. Fortification of the third dish.


    There are several separate methods of water hardening:

    1. Rubbing is the most gentle of all water procedures. It can be used at all ages, starting from infancy. Wiping is carried out with a cloth soaked in water, the fabric of which must satisfy the following conditions: absorb water well, not be too soft.

    After drying, the body is rubbed with a dry towel. Rubbing is accompanied by a light massaging action, and the massage is always done from the periphery to the center, so the limbs must be wiped from the bottom up (arms from the hand, legs from the foot). Temperature drops by one degree after 2-3 days.

    2. Dousing - can be local or general. Local dousing: dousing the feet, most often used in nurseries and junior groups. The initial water temperature is +30, then brought to +18, and in older groups to +16. The time of pouring the legs is 20-30 seconds.

    General dousing should begin at a higher temperature, mainly in the summer, and in the autumn-winter period it should be organized so that the water covers the largest possible surface of the body, the back, then the chest and stomach, then the right and left sides. After finishing, rub with a towel. Time under the stream is 20-40 seconds. A shower is more powerful than a simple douche. The water from the shower has a massaging effect and feels warmer than even pouring water.


    Air is the environment that constantly surrounds a person. It comes into contact with the skin - directly or through the fabric of clothing and with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

    Air hardening begins with ventilation of the room, as a result of which the air temperature in the room should decrease by more than 1°C. The room is ventilated several times a day in the cold season and constantly in the warm season.

    The mildest hardening procedure is air baths. First, local air baths are performed when the child has only his arms and legs exposed (for example, during morning exercises). Later, general air baths are used to expose the child’s entire body. The duration of the air bath increases gradually, reaching 5-8 minutes.

    The air temperature in the room should be gradually reduced by 1-2°C after 2-3 days. Hardening procedures begin at normal air temperature of 21-22°C. The final air temperature is 16-18°C. In this case, it is necessary to monitor for signs of hypothermia (the appearance of “goose bumps”). In children with allergic reactions, the body cools down faster.


    The hardening effect of the sun is unique. The sun is a powerful hardening agent. The sun's rays have a general strengthening effect on the body, increase metabolism in the body, health and sleep become better, and the skin better regulates heat exchange. But the sun can also have a negative effect. Therefore, this procedure must be approached very carefully. Sunbathing is especially beneficial for younger children, but an individual approach is important. Sunbathing should be done while moving, but games should be of a calm nature. Sunbathing increases gradually:

    In younger groups up to 20-25 minutes.

    In older groups up to 30-40 minutes.

    It is better to take sunbathing from 8 to 9 o'clock and from 15 to 16 o'clock. You should start after eating, so that at least an hour and a half passes, and half an hour before the start of the meal. We must be wary of overheating. We need light-colored Panama hats. If the child is overheated, cover his face with a towel, take him to the shade, wash him, and give him water.

    In kindergarten, hardening is carried out by including elements of hardening in the daily life of children and carrying out special hardening measures. Hardening into the daily routine of everyday life comes down to the following:

    A) creating the habit of extensive use of fresh outdoor air indoors;

    b) rational clothing;

    c) prolonged exposure to air, regardless of the weather;

    d) developing the habit of cold water.

    The use of hardening varies somewhat depending on the time of year and the age of the children.

    All hardening procedures must be carried out daily. Rubbing and dousing are carried out after sleep, strictly under the supervision of medical workers.

    Traditional types of hardening of children.

    morning reception in the fresh air, gymnastics

    health walk

    air baths

    air baths with exercises

    sleep with fresh air

    washing your face with cool water throughout the day

    rinsing your mouth with cool water

    walking barefoot before and after naps

    walking barefoot along the “health path”


    Approximate scheme for hardening children from two to seven years old

    The air temperature in the room where the child is is + 18, + 20 degrees.

    Air bath -10 -15 minutes. The child moves, runs; dressed in panties, a T-shirt with short sleeves, slippers on bare feet or short socks. Part of the time (6 - 7 minutes) is allocated for gymnastic exercises from the given complex.

    Washing with water, the temperature of which decreases from +28 degrees by the end of the hardening year to +18 in the summer, and to +20 in the winter. Children over two years old wash their face, neck, arms up to the elbow, and over three years old wash their upper chest and arms above the elbow. The initial water temperature for children over three years old is also +28, and the minimum in summer is +16, in winter + 18 degrees.

    Daytime sleep in summer with access to fresh air, in winter - in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of + 15 +16 degrees.

    Sleep without T-shirts. Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be lower than +14 degrees Celsius.

    Walk twice a day at temperatures up to -15 degrees, duration from 1 - 1.5 hours to 2 - 3 hours.

    In summer, sunbathing from 5 - 6 to 8 - 10 minutes two to three times a day; stay in the fresh air and shade is unlimited.

    Rinse the mouth (children two to four years old), throat (children over four years old) with boiled water at room temperature with the addition of chamomile or sage infusion twice a day - morning and evening. Use about 1/3 cup of water for each rinse.

    Some methods of hardening preschool children in preschool and family settings

    1. Extensive washing

    The child must:

    Open the water tap, wet your right palm and run it from your fingertips to the elbow of your left hand, say “one”; do the same with your left hand.

    Wet both palms, place them on the back of the neck and move them simultaneously to the chin, say “one.”

    Wet your right palm and make a circular motion along the upper chest, say “one.”

    Wet both palms and wash your face.

    Rinse, wring out both hands, and wipe dry.


    After some time, the duration of the procedure increases, namely: children wash each hand, as well as the neck and chest twice, saying “one, two,” etc.

    2. Sleep without T-shirts.

    Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be lower than +14 degrees Celsius.

    Preventive exercises for the upper respiratory tract.

    Target: Teach children to breathe through their nose, prepare them to perform more complex breathing exercises.


    1. Increase vitality and resistance, hardening, resistance of the body to diseases of the respiratory system.
    2. Develop respiratory muscles, increase chest mobility, improve lymph and blood circulation in the lungs.

    Basic Rules.

    1. Breathe with pleasure: positive emotions in themselves have a significant healing effect.
    2. Concentrating on the breathing exercise increases its positive effect.
    3. Breathe slowly to saturate the body with oxygen.
    4. Breathe through your nose.

    One of the common ways to increase the body's resistance in kindergartens is the use of acupressure.

    Hand massage

    Target: influence internal organs through the bioactive points of the fingers, causing feelings of lightness and joy.

    1. “Wash” your hands, actively rub your palms until you feel intense warmth.
    2. Extend each finger and press on it.
    3. Rub the phalanges of the fingers of one hand over the nails of the other, as if on a washboard.
    4. Rub the “washcloth” all over your arm up to the shoulder, pressing firmly on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “Wash off the soap with water”: move one hand up, then with your palm down and “shake off the water.”

    Ear massage

    Target: evoke the image of your favorite toy and, during the game, influence the hearing aid and active points of the intestine, which are located on the ears.

    A child, sitting cross-legged, “sculpts” ears for Cheburashka or for a kind, sweet elephant:

    1. strokes the ears along the edges, then along the grooves inside, behind the ears;
    2. gently pulls the ears up, down, to the sides (5-6 times);
    3. presses on the earlobes (“hangs beautiful earrings on them”);
    4. sculpts the ears from the inside (with your fingers inside the shell, makes 7-8 rotational movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise - the ears will be clean and all-hearing);
    5. with force “smears clay” around the ears - checks the strength, smoothes the surface around the ears at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

    Head massage

    Target: Influence active points on the head that improve blood flow.

    1. Using strong finger pressure, the child imitates washing his hair.
    2. With his fingers, like a rake, he leads from the back of the head, temples, forehead to the middle of the head, as if raking hay into a haystack.
    3. Makes spiral movements with his fingers from the temples to the back of the head.
    4. “Catch-up.” Hitting hard with the pads of the fingers, as if on a keyboard, it “runs” across the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands either run together, then run away, then run away from each other, then catch up.
    5. With love and affection, he runs his fingers through his hair, like a comb, imagining that his “hairstyle is the most beautiful in the hairstyle competition.”

    Face massage

    Target: prevent colds by influencing the active points of the face, develop the ability to control facial expressions, and “sculpt” a beautiful face.

    1. The child strokes the forehead, cheeks, wings of the nose from the center to the temples, gently taps the skin, as if compacting it so that it becomes elastic.
    2. Presses his fingers on the bridge of the nose, on the middle of each eyebrow, making rotational movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise (5-6 times).
    3. With force, pressing on the skin, he draws a beautiful curve of the eyebrows, then with plucks he sculpts thick eyebrows (from the bridge of the nose to the temples).
    4. Softly and gently sculpts the eyes, pressing on their corners and combing long fluffy eyelashes.
    5. Pressing on the wings of the nose, he moves his fingers from the bridge of the nose to the nasal sinuses, tugging at his nose: imagining what a beautiful Pinocchio nose he will get.

    Complexes of playful health-improving gymnastics after naps for children of senior preschool age


    Complex No. 1

    Sipping. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hands up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine. (3-4 times)

    Game "Winter and Summer"(muscle tension and relaxation). I.p. - lying on your back, to the signal “ Winter “Children should curl up into a ball, pretending to be cold. On the signal " Summer "! children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm. (3-4 times)

    Self-massage of palms ("It's very cold in winter, so we'll getfire to keep warm"") I.p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. Quickly rub your palms until warmth appears, then “wash” your face with warm palms. (3-4 times)

    Walking barefoot along corrective paths. Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

    IP - sitting on chairs."Let's warm our feet" Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes. (6-8 times)

    I. p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs first with your toes, then with your heels. (6-8 times)

    I.p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward and connect, draw various geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) with your legs in the air. (6-8 times) - I.p. - the same, legs - feet on the floor. Raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor (6-8 times).

    “My back is straight” I.p. - narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.

    • “My back is straight, I’m not afraid of bending” (bending forward)
    • “I straighten, bend, turn” (actions in accordance with the text)
    • “One, two. three, four, three, four, one, two!” (turns of the torso-arms on the belt).
    • “I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight” (walking in place)
    • “One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two” (torso turns)
    • “I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again” (actions in accordance with the text)
    • “I’ll bend over here and there!” Oh, my back is straight!” (torso bends, hands slide over hips).

    Complex No. 2

    IP: - lying on your back, arms along your body. 1- Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you; 2-i.p. (3-4 times)

    IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out. 1- stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction; 2- I.p. (3-4 times)

    Game “Winter and Summer” IP: lying on your back. On the signal " Winter "- children should curl up into a ball, pretending that they are cold. On the signal " Summer ! - open up and relax.

    2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

    Walking one after another (barefoot)

    “We’ll go to our garden.

    We’ll pick up vegetables there.”

    - (Walking on toes)

    “The road is short and narrow.

    Let's go, we step on our toes!

    - (Additional step sideways with a “spring”)

    "We're walking along the curb

    We squat on it"

    - (Walking with a heel-to-toe roll, keeping your torso straight and looking forward)

    "Tired legs

    We walked along the path."

    - (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels from the floor. (6-8 times)

    “We sat down on a pebble,

    Sit down and sit."

    (Stroke the muscles of the legs and feet)

    "Legs are resting,

    Muscles relax"

    3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    “Sunflower” - There is a golden head in the middle of the courtyard.

    I.p. - o.s.1 - raise your arms up through your sides, stand on your toes; 2- return to the starting position.

    "Carrot" - For a curly braid

    I drag her out of the hole. I.p. - kneeling. 1- bend forward, arms forward-down; 2- return to IP.

    “Turnip” - “Round side, yellow side,

    The bun is sitting in the garden bed.”

    IP - with straight legs, arms in front, below, 1 - raise your arms up through the sides, 2 - return to IP.

    "Potato" -

    The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.

    Dig a little - there are potatoes under the bush.

    I.p. - lying on your back. I - raise your arms and legs at an angle of 45° upward; 2- return to IP.

    "Cabbage" -

    Shred upon shred - green patch,

    1- bend your knees upward, place your hands on your back; 2- return to IP.


    "Who stands on a stick

    With a beard made from a washcloth

    The wind blows - it makes noise,

    He twitches his legs and creaks."

    Jumping on two legs, arms to the sides, down, alternating with walking.

    5. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water).

    Complex No. 3

    1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

    - (Children lie down on the bed, “curled up”)

    And our kittens are sleeping. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

    They don't want to wake up. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

    They sleep quietly back to back and purr in their sleep:

    - (Turn on your back and do rotational exercises with your arms and legs)

    Everyone lay down on their backs. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

    They all got crazy. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

    Paws up, and everything in a row, everyone purrs and plays pranks.

    Mur-mur, pur-pur! .pur-pur-pur!

    2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

    - (Silent tiptoeing)

    “We’ll show you a little,

    How a cat walks softly

    Barely audible - thump, thump, thump,

    Ponytail from below: op-op-op"

    – (High, easy jumps from foot to foot in a circle)

    “But, raising your fluffy tail,

    A cat can be fast"

    - (Jumping on two legs in place, as high as possible).

    “He rushes upward bravely.

    Jump and jump, jump again."

    - (Meow loudly and run away to the chairs)

    “And then “Meow” meows!

    I’m running away to my house!”

    Self-massage of feet

    IP - sitting on chairs, cross your legs. On the right hand, bend the fingers, making a “pinch”, and move them vigorously along the foot of the left foot; repeat everything on the right leg.

    3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    • “Angry cat pose” I.p. - kneel down, then place your arms and hips perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. Lower your head and gently arch your back upward. Focus on the spine. (10-15 seconds)
    • “Good cat pose” I.p. - Same. Raise your head, smoothly bend at the waist as much as possible (10-15 seconds)
    • "Tail" I.p. - Same. Move your hips left and right, like a “cat” twirling its tail,” first at a slow pace, then gradually accelerating.
    • "Cat is a scratcher." I. p. - standing, arms extended forward. Inhale through the nose - hands to the shoulders, moving the elbows back and clenching the fingers into fists; The shoulder blades should come together. Exhale sharply through the mouth (f-f-f-..). - Throw your arms forward with your fingers widely spaced, making energetic movements, as if scratching the space in front of you.
    • Back massage “Rain”

    The rain runs on the roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

    On the cheerful ringing roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!(stand behind each other like a train and pat each other on the back)

    At home, sit at home - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

    Don’t go out anywhere - Bom-bom, bom-bom! (tapping with fingers)

    Read, play - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

    If I leave, then go for a walk... Bom-bom, bom-bom! (pumping with fists)

    Repeat 1st verse (stroking with palms)

    4. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water)

    Complex No. 4

    1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

    Sipping (“The Snow Queen uttered magic words, and the childrenbegan to grow in my sleep")

    IP - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time.

    Game "Winter and Summer".(muscle tension and relaxation")

    IP - lying on your back. On signal" Winter!" children should curl up into a ball and shake all over, pretending to be cold. On signal" Summer!" children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm.

    2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

    Attention game "Pathway". At the teacher's command"path" , the children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, squat, lowering their heads slightly down. At the command “Hump”, children go to the center of the circle, raising their joined hands up. On the word “Humps”, children squat with their hands on their heads.

    • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

    3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    Jumping in place on two legs, arms slightly bent (“paws”). “Grey balls of hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.” – Jumping back and forth “Jump-jump, jump-jump- - Stand up straight, lower your arms. “The little bunny stood on the stump. He lined everyone up in order. He began to show exercises - Step on the spot,” once, everyone walks on the spot. - With your hands in front of you, perform the “scissors” movement “Two!” They wave their hands together. Sit down. Stand up. "Three!" We sat down and stood up together! - Scratch behind the ear. “Everyone scratched behind the ear” - Straighten up. “Stretched for four” - Bend over, lean forward “Five!” Bend over and bend over” “Six! Everyone stood in a row again” - Marching in a circle. “We walked like a squad”

    4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

    Complex No. 5

    1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

    Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right and left hand up, stretch, and release. (the same thing alternately with the left hand, right and left foot)

    - “We’re resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

    2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

    Exercise with hoops.

    Children stand in a circle. Everyone holds onto their own hoop and the other child’s hoop. It turns out to be a vicious circle - a “carousel”. To the words “Barely

    The carousel was barely spinning” - everyone begins to move at a slow pace. Then, to the words “And then, then, then, everyone run, run, run!” - everyone runs, to the words “Hush!, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel!” - the children start walking. The teacher suggests disassembling the carousel and doing exercises with the hoop.

    3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    The children are walking happily, they are carrying hoops.

    (walk one after another, holding a hoop on your shoulder)

    They began to raise the hoop, they began to lower the hoop(lift the hoop up and lower down)

    We looked out the window,

    And everyone sat down friendly (sit down, stretching your arms with the hoop forward)

    Let's tilt together,

    And we’ll all bend our backs (bend forward, stretching your arms with the hoop in front of you)

    Turn the hoop to the right, turn the hoop to the left (turn to the right, turn the hoop to the left)

    We don’t let go of the hoop, we crawl through the hoop(thread the hoop from top to bottom)

    Let's take it with our hands and step over it with our feet.(keep your hands close and take the hoopwith both hands and step over it forward and backward, raising your legs high)

    We lower the hoop to the floor and we begin jumping (jumping on two legs in a hoop and stepping over it)

    4. Back massage

    The rain runs on the roof -Stand behind each other like a train,

    Bom! Bom! Bom! and pat each other on the backcheerful ringing roof

    Bom! Bom! Bromine!

    At home, at home, sit-Finger tapping

    Bom! Bom! Bom! Don't go out anywhere - Bom! Bom! Bom!

    Read, play -Fist pounding

    Bom! Bom! Bom! And if I leave - then go for a walk - Bom! Bom! Bom!

    Rain running on the roof - Stroking palms Bom! Bom! Bom! On the cheerful ringing roof Bom! Bom! Bom!

    Complex No. 6

    1. Gymnastics in bed.

    I.p. - the child lies on his back, arms along the body: press his chin to his chest (without raising his head), pull his socks towards himself; stretch, aiming the top of your head in one direction, heels in the opposite direction, return to the starting position.

    IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out: stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction, relax.

    2. Self-massage to prevent colds (2-3 min.)

    Educator: It snowed, but it’s a shame - We’re not ready for winter. We don’t need to catch a cold. Let’s give ourselves a massage!

    (Children give themselves acupressure massage of biologically active zones to prevent colds):

    The duck quacks, calling all the ducklings with him,

    (Stroke your neck with your palms from top to bottom)

    And the cat follows them, as if to a watering hole.

    (Rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers)

    The cat looks cunning and dreams of catching them!

    (He strokes his forehead from the middle to his temples with his fingers)

    Don't look at the ducklings -

    You can't swim!

    (Spread your index and middle fingers, make a “fork” and massage the points near the ear)

    3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    • “Skier”: simulation of skiing for 1.5 minutes
    • “Tree”: the legs and torso stand motionless, and the hands and fingers imitate the swaying of branches in the wind. The trees stand in the frost

    Either white or blue.

    • “Bird”: the arm is brought forward 45 degrees from the body, thumb down. Then it is pulled up and to the side.

    Look at the trees

    The bullfinches have arrived.

    • “There will be firewood for the winter”: stand in pairs, holding your right hands, hide your left hand behind your back and imitate the movements of your fingers.


    We are now sawing the log, sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing

    One-two, One-two!

    There will be firewood for the winter"

    4. Finger game “Snowman”

    Come on my friend, be brave my friend,

    Roll your snowball in the snow

    (Show snowballs flying)

    It will turn into a thick lump.

    (Show your hands in front of you with a large lump of)

    And the lump will become a Snowman.

    (Put your hands on your belt, shake your head and smile)

    His smile is so bright (smile)

    Two eyes, a hat, a nose... a broom...

    (Use your hands to point to your eyes, head, nose, raise one hand up, spreading your fingers (“broom”)

    But the sun will be a little hot -

    Alas, there is no Snowman.

    (Spread your arms to the sides)

    5. Water procedures. (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

    Complex No. 7

    1. Gymnastics in bed (2-Zmin.)

    I. p. - lying on your back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms along the body, press your chin to your chest. Socks for yourself; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; the crown of the head should tend in the opposite direction; return to the starting position.

    IP - lying on your stomach, arms up. The head rests on the forehead: stretch, with the top of the head aiming in one direction, and with your hands press the pelvis, pulling it in the opposite direction, return to the position.

    2. Corrective physical exercise. “Walk in the winter forest” to improve vision (2-3 min.)

    We came to the winter forest. (Walking in circles)

    There are so many miracles around here! (Spread your arms to the sides)

    On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat (Move your arms to the right and look at her).- On the left the tree is looking at us (Take awayhand to the left and follow it with your gaze)- Snowflakes are spinning in the sky, ("Flashlights" twice and look up)- They lie beautifully on the ground. (Sit down while spinning). - So the bunny galloped, he ran away from the fox (Jumping on 2 legs in place). -This is a gray wolf prowling, he is looking for prey! (Hands on his belt, bending to the sides) - We will all hide now, then he won’t find us! (Slowly sit down, hiding) - Only a bear sleeps in a den, so he will sleep all winter(Imitate a dream) - Bullfinches arrive, wow, they are beautiful! (Imitate the flight of birds) - There is beauty and peace in the forest (Spread your arms to the sides)- It’s just cold in winter(Wrap your arms around your shoulders)

    3. Wellness massage of the whole body (2-3 min.)(make quick, frequent claps on the corresponding words):- To avoid yawning from boredom,

    They stood up and rubbed their hands,

    And then with a palm to the forehead -


    Are your cheeks bored too?

    We can clap them too.

    Come on, come on together, don’t yawn:

    One two three four five.

    Here's the neck. Come on, lively

    Let's move on to the scruff.

    And now, look,

    We got to the chest.

    Let's knock on it for glory:

    Top, bottom, left, right.

    Let's knock here and there,

    And a little on the sides.

    Don't get bored and don't be lazy!

    We moved to the lower back.

    We bend down a little and breathe evenly.

    Clap as high as possible.

    • Perform circular movements in one direction and the other with your big toes.
    • Children must take the handkerchief from the teacher with their toes and hold it in weight.
    • Children spread a handkerchief on the floor and first collect it with the fingers of their right foot and lift it, holding it with their toes; then do the same with the toes of the left foot.

    5. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

    Complex No. 8

    1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

    Stretching. - I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, release (the same alternately with your left hand, right and left leg).

    Let's relax! - I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

    The children are given a riddle: He is grazing in the meadow,

    Eats green grass.

    Just tell him: “But!”

    He will carry on easily. (Horse)

    2. Physical exercise “Tsok-tsok-tsok” (2-3min)

    Hooves clatter loudly(Walking in place)

    A horse races across the bridge(Straight canter)

    Clack-clack-clack! Jumping after her

    Foal and boy (Jumping one after another)

    Clack - the colt's hooves (Stamp with the right foot) Clack - the heel on the boards loudly (Stamp with the left foot) They rushed, only the floor swirled ("Windling" with their hands) Everyone had to step aside (Step back on their heels)

    3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    • “Buddles-leaves” I.p. - raise your arms forward. Clench your fingers into a fist - unclench the “buds” with your fists - “leaves bloom.” Raise your hands up and repeat the same thing;
    • Tilts to the sides;
    • “Bush tree” I.p. - standing, arms to the sides; on 1 - sit down, arms forward; 2- return to IP; 3- stand on your toes, arms up; 4- return to i. P;
    • “Where is the birch, where is the rowan?” I.p. - legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, arms below are turned to the sides, arms are moved in the same direction;
    • “Get a twig”: high jumps with clapping overhead, alternating with walking.

    4. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

    • Walk on your toes, maintaining good posture.
    • Walking with different positions of the feet - on the outside of the foot, with the toes together, the heels apart, with the toes widely spread.
    • Walking sideways on a thick cord.
    • Walk in place without lifting your toes off the floor.

    5. Water procedures (washing, dousing hands with cool water)

    Complex No. 9

    1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

    Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower (the same thing - alternately with your left hand, right and left leg).

    - “Resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

    2. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

    • Let's go on a hike

    How many discoveries await us! (Walking in circles)

    • We follow each other, Summer and spring meadow.

    We walk on our toes. (Walking on your toes with your arms up)

    • We walk on our heels, so we checked our posture and brought our shoulder blades together. (Walking on your heels with your hands behind your back)
    • Motley wings flicker, butterflies fly in the field. (Easy running on your toes, making smooth swings of your arms)
    • One, two, three, four, they flew and spun. (Spin on your toes in place).
    • There is silence all around

    We are now out in the meadow. (walking with high knees)

    • We grow, we grow, we bloom, we bloom. (Take a flower in each hand, lift them up and lower them to chest level)
    • Swish the flower back and forth, do it once and do it twice. (Turns left and right with the flower moving to the side)
    • You need to sit down carefully so as not to touch the flowers. (Deep squat, stretching your arms with flowers forward, put flowers in a vase)
    • We quickly went down to the river, bent down and washed ourselves. (Tilts down)
    • And now everyone lies down together, you need to do this with your hands. (Lying on your stomach, raise your upper body and make circular movements with your arms, as when swimming)
    • We see two funny frogs jumping at the edge of the forest. Jump-jump, jump-jump,

    You need to jump on your toes. (Jumping on toes)

    • Like soldiers on parade

    We walk row by row.

    Left - once, left - once,

    Look at us all. (March step)

    3. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

    • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)
    • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

    4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)


    1. Kartushina M.Yu. Green light of health. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2005.

    2. Kozyreva O.A. Therapeutic physical education for preschool children. - Moscow: Education, 2006.

    3. Tulchinskaya V.D. Healthy child. - Moscow: ANMI, 1998.

    4. Playful recreational gymnastics after a nap. – Preschool education. 2007.


    It is carried out twice a day to improve brain function.

    Place your palms on your closed eyes without touching them. Warm your eyes with the center of your palm for 30 seconds.

    Under closed eyelids, draw circles with your eyes - left, up, right, down; then circle in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times.

    Stroke your eyelids with your fingers, open your eyes and blink quickly.

    I. p. - extend your right arm straight in front of you, with your hand facing you. Look at the nail of the middle finger. Without turning your head, follow this nail - the hand moves to the right to the side, then to the left. Change hands, repeat everything 5 times with each hand slowly.

    I. p. see exercise 4. Slowly bring your right hand closer to your nose, then remove it. Repeat 10 times.

    "Bee - Wasp"

    The teacher and music director stand at different ends of the hall. The teacher has a picture of a bee on a stick in his hands, and the second teacher has a picture of a wasp. At the sound signal “Bee!” The teacher raises the bee, the children turn their gaze to it. At the signal “Wasp!” Children look at the wasp; the head should be in a fixed position, only the eyes move.

    "Sun and Clouds"

    The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.

    Look left and right, up and down.

    The sun of the flying cloud counted:

    Gray clouds, black clouds.

    Lungs - two things,

    Three heavy ones.

    Cover your eyes with your palms.

    The sun was shining in full force in the sky.



    Children take a small Christmas tree in their hands

    on a stick, clearly pronouncing the phrase.

    When performing gymnastics, the head is always in one position, only the eyes move. In chorus.

    Ashu-ashu-ashu - Let's decorate our Christmas tree.

    Move the Christmas tree left and right, tracing

    Movement of the gaze.

    Ishki-ishki-ishki - Here are the golden cones.

    They raise the Christmas tree up and lower it down, following it with their eyes.

    Osh-osh-osh - The big ball is good.

    Draw a circle in the air with their eyes.

    Sha-sha-sha - The Christmas tree is also good.

    They draw a Christmas tree in the air with their eyes.


    The squirrel was waiting for the woodpecker

    Children sharply move their gaze left and right.

    She treated the guest deliciously:

    Come on, woodpecker, look -

    Move their gaze up and down.

    Here are the nuts: one, two, three!

    A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel

    They blink.

    And he went to play burners.

    Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your index fingers.

    Exercise to relieve eye fatigue

    Straighten the thumb of your right hand up, extend your hand forward at eye level and look closely at it for 10 seconds. Then, leaving the thumb in the same position, move the right hand to the right, following the tip of the thumb, without turning the head, until it disappears from sight. Each hand 2 times.

    A set of exercises to prevent visual fatigue

    This complex is based on many years of research and experience of implementation in schools in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Canada, and Finland. The author of the methods is Doctor of Medical Sciences V.P. Bazarny.

    1. Development of extraocular muscles

    To carry out you need a drawing measuring 50x60 cm, which can be made on the wall above the board,

    on any other wall, on the ceiling. The diagram for performing the exercises is visible in the pictures (see right). Each exercise is performed 10-15 times.

    2. Signal marks

    In various areas of the group room, attention-grabbing signal marks are fixed (hung) on ​​the shelves. These could be toys or colorful pictures.

    The exercise should only be performed in a standing position. The teacher periodically gives the appropriate commands and, counting “one, two, three, four,” the children quickly alternately fix their gaze on the indicated visual points, while combining movements of the head, eyes, and body. Duration of execution is 1-2 minutes.

    Paper ophthalmic simulators

    Pyramids Task: find two identical pyramids with your eyes; count how many red, green, etc. rings are in all the pyramids; how many rings are there?

    Plates Task: find two identical plates; find a plate that has a color that is not repeated in others, etc.

    Physical education lessons for preschoolers

    Physical education minute. Stork
    (Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise either their right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch their back.)
    - Stork, long-legged stork,
    Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)
    - Stomp your right foot,
    Stomp your left foot
    Again - with the right foot,
    Again - with the left foot.
    After - with the right foot,
    Then - with the left foot.
    And then you will come home.

    And above the sea - you and I!
    Seagulls circle above the waves,
    Let's fly after them together.
    Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,
    And above the sea - you and I! (Children wave their arms like wings.)
    We are now sailing on the sea
    And we frolic in the open space.
    Have fun raking
    And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

    And now we are with you, children
    And now we are with you, children,
    We're flying away on a rocket.
    Get up on your toes,
    And then hands down.
    One two three four -
    Here's a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, palms forming a “rocket dome”; 3-4 - main stand.)

    They are running, running from the yard
    They are running, running from the yard (We walk in place.)
    Walk, walk in the meadows: (Jumping in place.)
    Kurka-garaburka-kaki-ka-ka-ka, (We clap our hands.)
    Duck-floater-quack-quack, (We stomp our feet.)
    Goose-water-gagi-wagi, (We squat.)
    Turkey-khripindyuk-shulty-buldy, (We clap our hands.)
    Piggy-top hundred-backed-chakhi-ryakhi, (We stomp our feet.)
    Goat-deribose-mehe-beke, (We squat.)
    Ram-krutorog-chick-kick, (Clap our hands.)
    Cow-komol a-tpruki-torment, (We stomp our feet.)
    Horse-kick-igi-vigi. (We walk in place.)

    Physical education minute. Squirrels
    Squirrels jump on branches.
    Jump and jump, jump and jump!
    They are often taken
    High, high! (Jumping in place.)

    Physical education minute. Let's jump and gallop!
    One two three four five!
    Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.)
    Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)
    One two Three.
    Left side bent.
    One two Three.
    Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.)
    And we will reach the cloud.
    Let's sit on the path, (Sit down on the floor.)
    Let's stretch our legs.
    Bend your right leg (Bend your legs at the knee.)
    One two Three!
    Let's bend the left leg,
    One two Three.
    Legs raised high (Legs raised up.)
    And they held it for a while.
    They shook their heads (Head movements.)
    And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.)

    Let's jump like a frog
    We'll jump like a frog
    Champion jumper.
    After a jump - another jump,
    Let's jump higher, my friend! (Jumping.)

    Vanka-stanka, (Jumping in place)
    Sit down. (Squats.)
    How naughty you are!
    We can't handle you! (Clap your hands.)

    Up hand and down hand
    Up hand and down hand.
    They pulled them lightly.
    We quickly changed hands!
    We're not bored today. (One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)
    Squat with clapping:
    Down - clap and up - clap.
    We stretch our legs and arms,
    We know for sure that it will be good. (Squats, clapping hands above your head.)
    We twist and turn our heads,
    We stretch our neck. Stop! (Rotate your head right and left.)

    Physical education minute. Funny geese
    (Musical physical education minute)

    Lived with grandma
    Two cheerful geese:
    One gray
    Another white one
    Two cheerful geese.
    Stretched their necks -
    Who has it longer?
    One is gray, the other is white,
    Who has it longer?
    Washing the geese's feet
    In a puddle near a ditch.
    One is gray, the other is white,
    They hid in a ditch.
    Here's grandma screaming:
    Oh, the geese are gone!
    One gray
    Another white one -
    My geese, my geese!
    The geese came out
    They bowed to grandma -
    One is gray, the other is white,
    They bowed to grandma.

    Fun jumping
    One, two - there is a rocket.
    Three, four - an airplane.
    One, two - clap your hands, (Jumping on one and two legs.)
    And then on every count.
    One two three four -
    Arms higher, shoulders wider.
    One two three four -
    And they walked around on the spot. (Walk in place.)

    The wind blows in our faces
    The tree swayed.
    The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
    The tree is getting higher and higher. (Children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso in one direction or the other. When they hear the words “quieter, quieter,” the children squat, and when they say “higher, higher,” they straighten up.)

    The wind blows over the fields
    The wind blows over the fields,
    And the grass sways. (Children smoothly swing their arms above their heads.)
    A cloud floats above us
    Like a white mountain. (Stretching - arms up.)
    The wind carries dust over the field.
    The ears are leaning -
    Right, left, back and forth,
    And then vice versa. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)
    We climb the hill, (Walking in place.)
    We'll rest there for a while. (Children sit down.)

    The wind quietly shakes the maple tree
    The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,
    Tilts right, left:
    One - tilt and two - tilt,
    The maple leaves rustled. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Torso tilts to the right and left.)

    In the evening
    In the evening, girl Mila (We walk in place.)
    I planted a flowerbed in the garden (Jumping on the spot.)
    Her brother is a boy Ivan (Squats.)
    He also broke... a glass! (Clap our hands.)

    See, the butterfly is flying
    You see, the butterfly is flying, (We wave our winged hands.)
    Counting flowers in the meadow. (Count with your finger.)
    - One two three four five. (Clap your hands.)
    Oh, I can’t count! (Jumping in place.)
    In a day, in two and in a month... (We walk in place.)
    Six seven eight nine ten. (Clap your hands.)
    Even the wise bee (We wave our winged hands.)
    I couldn't count! (Count with your finger.)

    Let's walk through the forest together
    Let's walk through the forest together,
    We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.
    Here we go out into the meadow. (Walk in place.)
    A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
    Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,
    Lungwort, porridge, clover.
    The carpet is being laid out
    Both right and left. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - touch your right foot with your left hand.)
    Hands stretched to the sky,
    The spine was stretched. (Stretching - arms up.)
    We all had time to rest

    A sunflower grows in the yard
    There is a sunflower growing in the yard,
    In the morning he reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)
    Next to him is a second one, similar,
    He is also drawn to the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and raise their arms up again.)
    We turn the handles in a circle.
    Don't accidentally hit your friend!
    A few laps forward
    And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)
    We had a wonderful rest
    And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)

    There is a pine tree in the yard
    There is a pine tree in the yard,
    She reaches for the sky.
    Poplar grew up next to her,
    He wants to be more authentic. (Standing on one leg, stretch - arms up, then do the same while standing on the other leg.)
    The wind was blowing strong,
    All the trees shook. (Body tilts forward and backward.)
    The branches bend back and forth,
    The wind shakes them, bends them. (Jerks with arms in front of chest.)
    Let's squat together -
    One two three four five. (Squats.)
    We warmed up from the heart
    And we rush to the place again. (Children go to their seats.)

    Here comes a big bird
    Here's a big bird flying
    Smoothly circles over the river. (Movements with hands imitating flapping of wings.)
    Finally she sits down
    On a snag above the water. (Children sit in a deep squat for a few seconds.)

    Here under the Christmas tree
    Here under the green Christmas tree (Stand up.)
    The crows are jumping merrily: (We jump.)

    They screamed all day long, (Turning the body left and right.)
    The boys were not allowed to sleep: (Tilting the torso left and right.)
    Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Clap your hands above your head.)
    Only towards night they fall silent (Flapping their arms like wings.)
    And everyone falls asleep together: (They squat down, hands under their cheeks - fall asleep.)
    Kar-kar-kar! (Quiet.) (Clap your hands above your head.)

    On Monday
    On Monday I swam (pretend swimming.)
    And on Tuesday I painted. (Pretend to draw.)
    On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (We wash ourselves.)
    And on Thursday I played football. (Running in place.)
    On Friday I jumped, ran, (We jump.)
    I danced for a very long time. (We spin around in place.)
    And on Saturday, Sunday (Clap your hands.)
    I rested the whole day. (Children squat down with their hands under their cheeks and fall asleep.)

    Do you want to get the roof?
    Stretch yourself higher -
    You want to get the roof. (Stretching - arms up.)
    One two Three,
    Turn the body to the left.
    And help with your hands,
    Stretch your lower back. (Turns the torso to the sides.)
    Let's stretch our arms to the sides (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
    And we will sit down again. (Children sit down.)

    Let's do the exercise
    Let's do the exercise
    We make movements quickly.
    We need to stretch our shoulders,
    One two three four five. (One hand up, the other down, hands change with jerks.)

    Trees have grown in the field
    Trees have grown in the field.
    It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
    Everyone is trying
    Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)
    A cheerful wind blew
    The branches immediately swayed, (Children wave their hands.)
    Even thick trunks
    They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward.)
    Right, left, back and forth -
    This is how the wind bends the trees. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)
    He turns them, he turns them.
    When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body.)

    The clown came out
    The clown entered the arena, Bowed to everyone from the stage, Right, left and forward... Bowed to everyone as best he could. (Bows.)

    Physical education minute. The mice came out
    The mice came out one day (Walking in place or moving forward in a column.)
    See what time it is. (Turns left, right, fingers “tube” in front of the eyes.)
    One, two, three, four (Clap your hands above your head.)
    The mice pulled the weights. (Hands up and squat with hands down, “pulled the weights.”)
    Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound, (Clapping in front of you.)
    The mice ran away. (Running in place or to your place.)

    The ducks came out into the meadow
    The ducks came out into the meadow,
    Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)
    A cheerful beetle flew by
    Wow! (We wave our arms like wings.)
    Geese arch their necks,
    Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotations of the neck.)
    The beak straightens the feathers. (Turns the body left and right.)
    Did the wind sway the branches? (We swing our arms up.)
    The ball also growled,
    Rrrr! (Hands on the belt, leaned forward, looking ahead.)
    The reeds whispered in the water,
    Shhh! (They raised their hands and stretched.)
    And again there was silence,
    Shhhh. (Sit down.)

    Physical education minute. The elephant shakes its head
    One, two, three - forward tilt,
    One, two, three - now back. (Bends forward, backward.)
    The elephant shakes its head -
    He is happy to do exercises. (Chin to chest, then tilt head back.)
    Even though the charge is short,
    We rested a little. (Children sit down.)

    Three nods of the head
    One - get up, stretch, (Stretch.)
    Two - bend over, straighten up, (Bent your backs, hands on your belt.)
    Three - three claps, (Clap your hands.)
    Three nods of the head. (Head movements.)
    Four - arms wider, (Arms to the sides.)
    Five - wave your arms, (Wave your arms.)
    Six - sit down again. (Sit down.)

    Physical education minute. Grisha was walking
    Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.)
    I found a white mushroom. (Clap your hands.)
    One-shroom, (Bends forward.)
    Two - fungus, (Bends forward.)
    Three - mushroom, (Bends forward.)
    I put them in the box. (We walk in place. When reciting a poem, children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend over and put mushrooms in the box. Movements should be leisurely and rhythmic.)

    funny frogs
    We see them jumping along the edge of the forest
    Two funny frogs
    Jump-jump, jump-jump,
    Jump from heel to toe. (Children depict frogs in motion.)

    Two birds
    Two birds flew
    They're not big.
    How they flew
    All the people were watching.
    How they sat down
    All the people were amazed. (The teacher invites the children to depict these birds, how they flew, landed, and flew again. The children repeat the words together after the teacher.)

    Physical education minute. Children traveling by car
    Children are driving a car (Walking in pairs, holding onto the shoulders of the person in front.)
    They look at the road -
    On the left - the guard is standing, (Turns the body left and right.)
    On the right - the traffic light is on.

    Physical education minute. The children got up early this morning
    The children got up early in the morning,
    We went into the forest to pick mushrooms. (Walk in place.)
    Squatted, squatted,
    A white mushroom was found in the grass. (Squats.)
    Honey mushrooms grow on the stump,
    Lean towards them guys
    Bend over, one-two-three
    And put it in a basket! (Tilts.)
    There's a nut on the tree.
    Who will jump the highest? (Jumping.)
    If you want to reach out
    You have to stretch really hard. (Stretching - arms up.)
    We wandered in the forest for three hours,
    All the paths started. (Walk in place.)
    Everyone was tired of the long journey. The children sat down to rest. (Children sit down.)

    To begin with, you and I
    To begin with, you and I
    We turn our heads. (Rotate your head to the sides.)
    We raise our hands up
    Smoothly lower down.
    We pull them up again.
    Well, my friend, don't be lazy! (Children raise their straight arms above their heads, then lower them down and move them back, then up again, then down again, etc.)

    To begin with, you and I
    To begin with, you and I
    We only turn our heads. (Rotate your head.)
    We also rotate the body.
    Of course we can do this. (Turns right and left.)
    And now we squat.
    We understand perfectly well -
    We need to strengthen our legs
    One two three four five. (Squats.)
    Finally we reached out
    Up and to the sides. We caved in. (Stretching up and to the sides.)
    Flushed from warming up
    And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

    Rain! Rain! We need
    Go home! (We walk in place.)
    Thunder! Thunder like cannons.
    Today is a holiday for frogs. (Jumping in place.)
    Hail! Hail! The hail is pouring down,
    Everyone is sitting under roofs. (Sit down, clap your hands.)
    Only my brother is in a puddle
    He catches fish for our dinner. (We walk in place.)

    Long long time
    For a long, long time we sculpted, (Hands clasped; circular rotations with arms.)
    Our fingers are tired. (Shaking hands.)
    Let them rest a little (Stroking each finger in turn.)
    And they will start sculpting again.
    Let's spread our arms together (Spread our arms to the sides.)
    And let's start sculpting again. (Clap our hands.)

    The wind blows from above
    The wind is blowing from above.
    Herbs and flowers bend.
    Right-left, left-right
    Flowers and grass are bowing. (Tilts to the sides.)
    Now let's get together
    Let's all jump on the spot. (Jumping.)
    Higher! Have fun! Like this.
    Let's move on one step at a time. (Walk in place.)
    So the game is over.
    It's time for us to get busy. (Children sit down.)

    Let's go, let's go
    We're going, we're going, we're going for a long time,
    This path is very long.
    We'll get to Moscow soon,
    There we can rest.
    Here is our train coming,
    The wheels are knocking
    And on our train
    The guys are sitting.
    The locomotive is running.
    He took the boys far, far away. (Walking on bent legs.)

    Physical education minute. Barely, barely
    Barely, barely, barely, barely
    The carousel started spinning (Hands on the belt, body tilted left and right.)
    And then around, around,
    Everybody run, run, run, (Running in place.)
    Hush, hush, don't rush! (Jumping in place.)
    Stop the carousel, (We walk in place.)
    One, two, one, two! (Clap our hands.)
    The game is over!

    If you like
    (The teacher sings a song and shows the movements. The children sing along and make movements after the teacher.)
    If you like it, then do it. (2 snaps of fingers above your head.)
    If you like it, then do it. (2 claps.)
    If you like it, then do it. (2 claps behind the knees.)
    If you like it, then do it. (2 foot stamps.)
    If you like it, then say: “Okay.”
    If you like it
    Show that to others.
    If you like it
    Then do everything!

    Physical education minute. Is in the forest
    Physical education minute. Hedgehog
    The hedgehog stomped along the path
    And he carried a mushroom on his back.
    The hedgehog stomped slowly,
    Quiet leaves rustling. (Walk in place.)
    And a bunny gallops towards me,
    Long-eared jumper.
    In someone's garden cleverly
    I got hold of a slanted carrot. (Jumping in place.)

    Christmas tree
    Little children have a big Christmas tree.
    The Christmas tree sparkles with lights and balls.

    Children, Christmas tree, light it up, light it up. (Children raise their arms above their heads and turn their palms to the right and left, then read poetry.)
    Don't prick us, Christmas tree,
    With a shaggy twig, (They threaten with a finger.)
    Remove the needles
    More from the guys.
    Oh yes, Christmas tree, look, look, (Children clap their hands.)
    Children, Christmas tree, light it up, light it up. (Children raise their arms above their heads and turn their palms to the right and left, then read poetry.)

    The locomotive whistled
    The locomotive whistled
    And he brought the trailers.
    Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
    I'll rock them far. (Children get up and read the first line. After the words “The locomotive hummed,” they say: “Tut-tu,” and put their hands on the shoulders of the student in front. This is how locomotives were formed that can “ride” around the hall and return to their seats. The teacher shows the trains , brought by children from home.)

    We're going for firewood
    We're going for firewood
    And we carry a saw with us. (Walking.)
    Together we saw a log,
    It's very thick.
    To light the stove,
    There's a lot to cut. (Children make movements that repeat the movements of sawyers.)
    So that the firewood gets into the stove,
    We will cut them into planks. (Children make movements as if chopping wood.)
    Now let's collect them
    And we’ll take it to the barn. (Tilts.)
    After hard work
    You always have to sit. (Children sit down.)

    (Musical physical education session) (This physical education session can be conducted to music arranged by N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Zainka.”)
    (Children sing and perform various movements following the teacher.)
    Bunny, turn around
    Gray, turn around
    Turn around like this.
    Bunny, stamp your foot,
    Gray, stamp your foot,
    Like this, stomp your foot.
    Bunny, dance,
    Gray, dance,
    Just like that, dance like that.

    One two three four five,
    The little bunny began to jump.
    The bunny is good at jumping,
    He jumped ten times. (Jumping.)

    Skok-skok, skok-skok, (Jumping.)
    The bunny jumped onto a tree stump.
    He beats the drum loudly,
    Calls me to play leapfrog.
    It’s cold for the hare to sit, (Sit down.)
    Need to warm up my paws.
    Paws up, paws down,
    Pull yourself up onto your toes.
    We put our paws on the side,
    On your toes, hop-hop-hop. (Jumping.)
    And then squat down, so that your paws don’t freeze.

    The gray bunny washes himself,
    Apparently he's going to visit.
    I washed my tail, washed my ear,
    wiped it dry. (Children imitate washing movements)

    (The “little bunnies” jumped out. They tucked their paws to their chests. They were having fun, they were jumping.)
    Gray bunny sitting
    And he wiggles his ears. (Children show.)
    It's cold for the bunny to sit
    We need to warm our paws, (Children show.)
    One or two, we need to warm up our little paws.
    It's cold for the bunny to stand
    The bunny needs to jump. (Children are jumping.)
    Someone scared the bunny - Bunny - jumped - and ran away. (Children sit down.)

    Grab the hare's sides,
    They danced the hopaka.
    The ducks have arrived
    They played the pipes.
    Oh, what a beauty
    They played the pipes. (Children dance with their hands on their belts, imitating playing the pipe.)

    Children are divided into groups in rows. Each group imitates the sounds of familiar birds or animals. For example:
    1 - geese (Ga-ga-ga.)
    2 - pigeons (Gulya-gulya-gulya.)
    3 - donkeys (Igo-go.)
    4 - dogs (Woof-woof)
    The teacher, passing by a child, knocks on the back of the chair and asks: “Who lives in this house?” (Children answer.) Then he says: “Geese, get up! Stretch out the necks and twist them three times.” (Geese stand up.)

    How nice it is to swim in the river!
    How nice it is to swim in the river! (Swimming movements.)
    Shore on the left, shore on the right. (Turns left and right.)
    The river is a ribbon ahead. (Stretching - arms forward.)
    There's a bridge at the top - look. (Stretching - arms up.)
    To swim even faster,
    We need to row faster.
    We work with our hands.
    Who will keep up with us? (Swimming movements.)
    And now it's time for us, brothers,
    Lie on the sand.
    We are crawling out of the river (Walking in place.)
    And we relax on the grass.

    Drip-drip, I am drops, (Clap our hands.)
    I'm in April
    In the spring warmth
    The droplets have ripened.
    Drop-drip onto the bench, (Jumping in place.)
    Toys for children.
    Drip-drip sparrow
    Right on top of my head.
    (M. Borisova)

    Throw, throw, throw
    Throw, throw, throw
    Let's run together
    Through water and fire -
    Even the horse won't catch us.
    One, two - catch up,
    Well, try to catch it!
    Three, two, one and four -
    We studied all five.
    Now we'll rest
    And let's start counting again. (Hands forward, up, 5 clapping hands, 5 circular movements with your hands, clench and unclench your fingers 5 times.)

    The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,
    Tilts right, left:
    One - tilt and two - tilt,
    The maple leaves rustled. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, body tilted left and right.)

    Physical education minute. Mowers
    There is silence all around
    The mowers went out into the meadow.
    Swinging the scythe back and forth,
    Do it once and do it twice. (Children make movements with straight arms to the left and right with a rotation of the torso of the leg in front.)

    The sun is shining in the clear sky,
    An astronaut flies in a rocket. (Stretching - arms up.)
    And below are forests and fields -
    The ground is spreading. (Low bend forward, arms spread to the sides.)

    Cat Antipka
    The cat Antipka lived with us. (Stand up, hands on waist.)
    He got up from his bed at one o'clock. (Stretched, arms up - inhale.)
    At two in the kitchen he was stealing sausages (Tilts left and right.)
    At three I ate sour cream from a bowl. (Bend forward, hands on waist.)
    He washed his face at four. (Tilt the head to the shoulders left and right.)
    At five I was rolling on the mat. (Turns left and right.)
    At six he was dragging herring from a tub. (Jerks with arms in front of chest.)
    At seven I was playing hide and seek with the mice. (Clapping from front to back.)
    At eight he cunningly narrowed his eyes. (Squats.)
    At nine he ate and listened to fairy tales. (Clap your hands.)
    At ten I went to the bed to sleep, (Jumping in place.)
    Because I have to get up at one o'clock. (We walk in place.)

    To the fast river
    We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place.)
    They bent down and washed. (Bend forward, hands on waist.)

    That's how nicely refreshed we were. (Shake our hands.)
    You need to do this manually:
    Together - once, this is breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward.)
    One, the other is a rabbit. (Circles with arms forward alternately.)
    All of us, as one, swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place.)
    We went ashore on a steep bank (We walk in place.)
    But we won't go home.

    Wheels spin forward
    This is a motocross track.
    The wheels spin forward.
    If you rotate them back,
    The motorcycle will go backwards. (Rotate with straight arms forward and backward.)

    Who among the swamp waters
    Standing on one leg?
    The heron will not fall into the mud,
    Even if he sleeps standing up.
    Well, try it too.
    Can you stand like a heron? (Stand on one leg at a time, maintaining your balance.)
    We will walk through the swamp (Walking in place.)
    And we will return to the place again. (Children sit down.)

    Who lives in our apartment?
    One, two, three, four, (Clap your hands.)
    Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)
    One, two, three, four, five (Jumping in place.)
    I can count everyone: (We walk in place.)
    Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)
    Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilts the body left and right.)
    My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns the body left and right.)
    Here is my whole family, (Clap our hands.)

    Who lives during the month?
    A month floats across the sky.
    Who lives during the month? (Walking.)
    There's a sly fox walking there,
    He looks down at the ground. (Children lean forward for a few seconds.)
    The fox waves his tail
    The fur is thick and silvery. (Children wave their hands behind their backs.)
    And the stars fly around,
    They fly to visit the fox. (Children wave their hands in front of them.)

    Poster practical material of a recommendatory and advisory nature for parents.

    Folder moving “We are going to school soon”

    “...School learning never begins from scratch, but is always based on a certain stage of development completed by the child.”

    L. S. Vygotsky

    Soon your child will cross the threshold of school, which will significantly change his entire normal life. The transition from kindergarten to school is an important stage in the life of every child. When children find themselves in new social conditions, they are often unprepared for them, which affects their emotional sphere. Therefore, it is important to prepare your child for school, because everything you teach him now will help him be successful in school.

    What is important to do before school?

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Generate interest in the book.

    Learn to follow a daily routine.

    Develop self-service and independence skills.

    Teach your child to communicate with peers




    Teach your child to manage his desires, emotions and actions. He must be able to obey the rules of behavior and perform tasks according to the model.



    While walking, pay attention to various natural phenomena (rain, snow, fog, rainbows). Learn the names of the seasons.

    Learn with your child the names of animals, plants, household items and school supplies, determine their characteristics and purpose.

    develop coherent speech. Teach your child to retell fairy tales and compose stories based on pictures. Make sure you have correct pronunciation and correct speech.

    Teach your child to count to 100 and compare the number of objects. Introduce the picture of numbers.

    develop fine motor skills of your child’s hands through drawing, shading, coloring, mosaics, modeling, stringing beads, and buttons.

    teach your child to distinguish and correctly name basic geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval), compare and distinguish objects by size (larger, smaller) and color.




    Tip 1. Get to know the school, the learning environment and the teacher in advance.

    Tip 2. Discuss with your child the rules and regulations he will encounter at school. Explain their necessity and feasibility.

    Tip 3. Provide a place for your child to study at home.

    Tip 4. Support your child's desire to become a school student.

    Tip 5. Avoid making excessive demands on your child.

    Tip 6. Together with your future first-grader, create a daily routine and monitor its observance.

    Tip 7. Teach your child to keep his things and school supplies in order.

    Tip 8. The child has the right to make mistakes. Therefore, do not treat his first failures as the collapse of all your hopes. Remember: he really needs your help and support.

    Tip 9. Don't miss the first learning difficulties. Pay attention to any difficulties, especially if they become frequent.

    Tip 10.

    Don't overload your child with studying. A first grader should have enough time for games.

    Questionnaire for parents: “Is your child ready for school?”

    Answer options: “yes” or “no”

      Can your child do something independently for 30 minutes?

      Can he write stories from pictures (more than 5 sentences), using adverbs, adjectives and complex sentences?

      Does your child quickly remember poems and know several poems by heart?

      Can he solve simple addition and subtraction problems?

      Does he have good coordination?

      Can he draw and paint?

      Does your child know how to generalize - name a group of objects in one word? (dishes, cities, furniture, transport, clothing, insects)?

      Does he want to go to school?

    Interpretation of results: For each positive answer, award yourself 1 point. Calculate your points.

    1 – 3 points – Your child is not ready for school yet.

    4 – 6 points – the child is conditionally ready for school, but this is not enough to successfully master the school curriculum. Do more work with him, developing all cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech, imagination), as well as fine motor skills and perseverance.

    7 – 10 points – Your child is completely ready to start regular schooling.


      Alyabyeva E. A. Correctional and developmental classes for childrenRof preschool age. - M; 2002

      Martsinkovskaya T.D. History of psychology: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001

      Publisher: , 2005. Preschool education and development.

      Nemov, R.S. Psychological counseling Moscow., 1999.- 338 p.

      Petrukhina S.R. Emotional development of a preschooler. Volzhsk, RME

      “Educational games for preschoolers (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate)” Pecheroga A.V. – M.: VAKO, 2008.-192 p.

      .“100 educational games for children” M..: LLC TD “Publishing House World of Books”, 2008.- 176 p. Prokofieva A.G.

    Ekaterina Lam

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is based on one of the basic principles of preschool education: “Implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of a given age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that provides artistic and aesthetic child development».

    Any preschool education program has a goal: child's personality development. And as you know, it is Wednesday is one of the main means of developing a child's personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience.

    One of the principles of construction development environment in preschool educational institutions, V. A. Petrovsky, L. M. Klarina, L. A. Smyvina – the principle of flexible zoning: “The space in a kindergarten should be such that it allows children, without disturbing each other, to freely engage in different types of activities in accordance with their interests and desires.” (motor, musical, cognitive, gaming, experimental).

    In the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool education should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy. And developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

    To the subject-spatial development environment acted as a developmental, flexible and easy to change, I came to the decision to develop and create a universal multifunctional screen for use in gaming, theatrical and cognitive-educational activities of children.

    Multifunctional screen helps solve the following tasks:

    Provide children the opportunity to independently change the play area Wednesday to enrich the gaming experience;

    Develop all components of the nursery games: enrichment of game actions, themes and plots of games, the ability to establish role-playing relationships, conduct role-playing dialogue, create a role-playing environment, act in a real and imaginary game situation;

    Promote the development of a child's thinking, stimulate mental processes and develop creative activity, create conditions for further development independent theatrical and role-playing games, role-playing behavior and interaction with children;

    Foster friendly relationships between children in play;

    Form a holistic picture of the world, broaden your horizons;

    Shape ;

    Work on sound pronunciation and coherent speech.


    The basis screens made of polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 2.5 cm. Consists of three parts: central (65 cm 135 cm, from bottom to middle pipe – 87 cm) and side parts (55 cm 135 cm).

    Fabric panels and curtains are attached to the frames; they are double-sided and removable, as they are secured with Velcro, which allows you to quickly and easily remove or secure the panels.

    There are additional elements for role-playing games or decorations, which are also attached to the canvases with Velcro tape screens.

    Let's look at all the parts screens on the other side.

    First section screens:

    Has transparent pockets: A3 formats – 1 pc., A4 – 2 pcs. and 2 wide but not deep pockets.

    This section can be used as a stand in all educational areas, during organized educational activities (OOD, in organized joint activities (SJD, for demonstration) didactic paintings, visual benefits, various schemes, etc. in order to broaden the horizons of children and form a holistic picture of the world.

    In addition, this section can be used to design role-playing games using illustrations on various topics.

    Second section screens:

    This part has curtains and fabric pockets that can be expanded if necessary. You can put attributes for games or performances in them.

    This section can be used in joint organized activities (SOD) and in the independent activities of children (SD, intended for showing theatrical performances with different types of puppets, as well as for role-playing games, for example, "Shop" etc. In these types of activities one can see the integration of all educational regions: social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic, speech, cognitive development, as well as physical development(for example, finger theater).

    As you know, play is the leading activity of a preschooler. The game is that means, with the help of which children demonstrate their independence during distribution roles and actions during the game.

    Play is not only a beneficial condition for children’s speech manifestations, but also effective means impact on the quality of children's speech.

    Role-playing games contribute children’s independent statements, activate a specific group of vocabulary: "professional" the language of a teacher, doctor, seller, housewife, etc.

    Another important means Dramatic activities help improve children's speech levels. It is through theatricalization that children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds. Theatrical games are the most important factor stimulating development children have coherent speech. In a theatrical game, each child could show his emotions and feelings, not only in private, but also in public, without being embarrassed by the presence of listeners, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

    Third section screens:

    This part has a canvas with strips of Velcro tape attached to it (12 strips, intended for attaching didactic pictures, counting material, as well as for displaying theater on flannelgraph.

    The section can be used during organized educational activities (OOD, joint organized activities (JOD), as well as in children’s independent activities (SD).

    Through the organization directly educational activities, we will be able to teach children literacy, form elementary mathematical representations, a holistic picture of the world, broaden your horizons, and promote the development of a child's thinking, develop creative activity.

    Working on this part screens, it is also possible to trace the integration of all educational areas.


    According to the Federal State Educational Standard, developing subject-spatial environment should provide children with privacy.

    Inside screens You can create a corner of privacy where children can relax, look at books, chat, and play.

    Let's consider the options privacy:

    The child was partially secluded.

    The child was completely alone.

    TO screen An additional sheet is included - a roof with curtains, with the help of which children can play in privacy inside. The curtains are made of mesh, so you can clearly see what's going on inside. screens.

    Sidewalls screens can be placed at different angles, used to divide space, for games based on interests.

    Multifunctional screen can be used for role-playing games. Let's look at some of them.

    Role-playing game "Shop".

    Role-playing game "Salon".

    Role-playing game "Family".

    With additional elements, screen turns into a medical office.

    Role-playing game "Hospital".

    Screen can be used in directly educational activities, in joint organized activities.

    For example, to form a holistic picture of the world or elementary mathematical representations.

    And of course, one of the main forms of application multifunctional screen, this is a theatrical activity.

    I hope that screen will become really multifunctional will help create favorable conditions for development cognitive processes, intellectual development children as well as creative activity in various activities, as required by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

    Also, I expect that this the manual will become a teaching aid with interesting elements, allowing to solve educational, developing and learning goals and objectives.

    Besides, The screen will help develop fine motor skills, mathematical capabilities, navigate in space.

    I also think it is important that the presence screens will help implement a gender approach in the upbringing of preschool children. The formation of gender identity for boys and girls is possible only in joint environment, where boys and girls have the opportunity to communicate, play, and work together. The most important condition for the formation of gender identity is the creation of a multifunctional subject-development environment surrounding boys and girls.

    It is in role-playing games that children learn gender behavior. Children's play reflects the traditional view of the roles of men and women in society. The game also lays the foundations morality: generosity, reliability, respect for each other, kindness, patience.

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