• Yulia Mikhalkova: Shoes with vodka are money down the drain! Who is your lover, why are you hiding him?


    Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina– actress, TV presenter, KVN player, member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”. Born on July 12, 1983 in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region.

    During her student years, Yulia became interested in KVN and played for the Ural Dumplings team. At the same time, she worked on Yekaterinburg television, hosting a music show and then a weather forecast. After graduating from university, Yulia began acting in films, she can be seen in the comedy “Unreal Story”, the series “Real Boys”, etc. She also became a participant in the new TV show “Ural Dumplings”, which was organized by her friends KVN people.

    Yulia Mikhalkova is a real “star” of Ural Dumplings!

    In parallel with her television career, Matyukhina is trying herself in other directions, for example, in the modeling business. In 2013, she starred in a candid photo shoot for the popular men's magazine Maxim. She also has her own business center for oratory and stage speech, “Rechevik”.

    Julia tries not to advertise her personal life, but due to her popularity, she succeeds with difficulty. For several years she dated deputy Igor Danilov, but then broke up. Now, she has another man, whom she met at her concert, but who this mysterious young man is, Matyukhina is keeping a secret for now.

    The star of “Ural Dumplings” Yulia Mikhalkova in life, as on stage, always tries to be in trend. And has a fashionable influence on his teammates. “Thanks to me, now the guys understand brands!” - Julia laughs.

    “I’ve always liked expensive things,” Yulia smiles. - Although there was no time for luxury in childhood. The only breadwinner in the family was my mother, an honored trade worker. The large stores where she worked were located in Yekaterinburg, and we lived in the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, so I rarely saw my mother. Mostly my grandparents were involved in my upbringing. They spoiled me. Words " No"did not exist for me. In the tenth grade, I secretly put on my mother’s gold bracelet to school... and lost it there. I searched the whole school, but never found it. She didn't say anything at home. But in the summer I got a job as a camp counselor. I earned some money and bought my mother exactly the same one. I don't think she even noticed anything.

    Grandma never refused me anything. If I wanted something, I definitely got it. Once I really liked shoes that cost as much as my grandmother’s pension. I don’t remember what I told her, but she gave me money for it! The shoes, however, turned out to be a good investment - they wore well. And a year later, when they became small, I sold them to my girlfriend. Of course, today I, an adult, am ashamed of my behavior. I’m trying to at least somehow make amends: pay off my debts, help them, look after my grandmother’s health. I recently bought a car for my mother. But I still love branded items!

    She is incredibly reckless when it comes to shopping. If you like something, good for you: you lose peace and sleep until you buy it.

    It happens that I’m going somewhere on business and suddenly I see the dress of my dreams in the window, but I don’t have time to go. Then I call the store and ask them to postpone it for me. And then I find out that we are going on tour. I’m calling back again: hold on for a couple more days! In Yekaterinburg, the sellers of my favorite boutiques are used to this and always meet halfway. Moreover, I am a very profitable buyer: I will come in for one thing, and at the same time I will buy a few more things in addition. Then at home I look at this mountain of new clothes and think: well, why do you need all this?!

    One day, before a concert in Moscow, Yulia came across the legendary pumps with red soles from Christian Louboutin. They were beautiful, although they stung a little. To get advice, she photographed the divine couple on her phone and sent the pictures to several friends. They were unanimous: we must take it!

    I bought them. I took it to a concert rehearsal, but I don’t dare put it on - I’m afraid my feet will chafe. And then someone tells me: “There is a way. Pour a little vodka into your shoes and walk around - they will stretch out.” I was happy. I made everything according to the recipe.

    I wore them for about two hours, and when I took them off, I had to be soldered off with vodka myself: my brand new shoes were unstuck, and the lining had faded from the alcohol. I was ready to burst into tears out of resentment. But I still decided to take them to a shoe repair shop near my house. The masters there are golden hands. They saved me so many things. And these were glued together too. True, they became too small for me again! Now the houses stand like a museum exhibit,” Mikhalkova sighs.

    If you ask Yulia where the shopping paradise is, she will answer: in the United Arab Emirates. There, in malls - giant shopping centers - there is absolutely everything and even more, the artist is convinced. Recently, the “dumplings” were invited to Dubai to hold a corporate party. Mikhalkova was already rubbing her hands, but after studying her schedule, she became depressed: there was no time for shopping. They arrive in the morning, rehearsal for half a day, then perform and depart on an overnight flight.

    They sent a driver to pick me up at the hotel. I get into the car and think: I won’t be me if I don’t look at The Dubai Mall for at least a minute. And as luck would have it, the driver doesn’t understand Russian at all and barely understands English. I explain to him on my fingers that I desperately need to go to The Dubai Mall. And he told me: “No! No!" Like a regular, he repeats the address of the concert hall where we have a rehearsal and points at the clock. They argued like this for about five minutes. Finally I found the magic words. “Ixchange money,” I say. Like, I need to change the money. He immediately realized about “mani”, and we went. And for good reason! “I bought amazing lilac shoes with bows there,” Yulia shows her trophy and adds: “It’s good that they didn’t give me an advance beforehand.” Otherwise I would have lost everything.

    Her courageous colleagues are already accustomed to the fact that the only representative of the fair sex among the “dumplings” loves fashion new things. And at first they snorted disapprovingly: “You bought yourself a bag, and for this money I made a roof for the house...” “Well, I’m a girl,” she justified herself. And she quietly conducted a fashion educational program with the guys. He will load photos of the latest collections into his phone and show them to them on the plane during the flight. Look what they're wearing now!

    - “You are artists! You have to look decent." She brainwashed them all. And the result is obvious. Many people have become interested and are buying designer items for themselves. But there are also stubborn ones, like Dima Brekotkin, for example. I’ve been trying to persuade him to buy Louis Vuitton moccasins for a long time. I can just see him in them! And he just shrugs it off... - the fashionista grumbles.

    As a child, looking at photographs of actresses in spectacular dresses, Yulia was sure that all the outfits were given to them by fans. Then she wished that she would definitely become famous and would also receive such beauty as a gift. Indeed, Mikhalkova rarely buys anything for herself. What for? If there is a loved one who is ready to pamper her.

    “I believe that if a man loves, he should invest in his woman,” says Yulia. - This relationship only gets stronger. Igor and I have an unspoken agreement: I earn only pocket money, and everything else comes from him. He is our breadwinner.

    Igor is involved in politics and understands issues of fashion and style no worse than Yulia. He is always dressed to the nines. But what is especially valuable is that he does not impose his tastes on his girlfriend.

    I know that many people don’t have the courage to wear things with rhinestones or sparkles, super short minis or high heels. And I feel at ease in all this. It is mine! - the artist opens up.

    However, she sometimes gets punctures too. Like last winter, for example. After filming a new show for STS, the “dumplings” decided to take a vacation - take their other half and go skiing in Austria. Before the trip, Julia spent a long time choosing her first ski suit. I searched all the sites and finally found a fashionable outfit - a snow-white suit with lace trim. This is what Victoria Beckham wears to conquer the slopes, the advertisement on the website assured. And judging by the price, it was true.

    “He sat like a glove,” Yulia recalls. - But when the instructor and I climbed the mountain, it turned out that it was blowing me to the bone. Apparently, Victoria only drank mulled wine there, and didn’t ski. I was terribly upset. It’s good that after Austria we stopped in Prague. And there, in one of the boutiques, I found my “cure” for the blues: chic Versace sandals with gold heels. At the airport, however, I had to pay for the excess weight: the heels turned out to be heavy. But these are now one of my favorite concert shoes. Having taken possession of them, I no longer remembered the ill-fated suit. It’s not for nothing that they say: they knock out a wedge with a wedge!

    And, of course, I love Yulia Mikhalkova very much!

    The decoration of the “Ural Dumplings Show” on STS, the only girl in this male team, is not eager to move to Moscow.
    Yulia Mikhalkova talked about how she learned to get ready in just ten minutes, about her attitude towards diamonds and other feminine joys.

    - You live in Yekaterinburg, and come to Moscow for work. Have you thought about moving to the capital for good?- No. I love Yekaterinburg. This is a wonderful, very advanced city in which I feel like a queen (smiles).

    - You tour a lot. Which cities do you particularly remember?- Most often, we don’t have time to really see anything - we arrive early in the morning, and at night, after the concert, we leave. So cities are usually remembered for how the organizers received us. There was a very warm welcome in Rostov-on-Don - there we were treated to crayfish. I still remember their wonderful taste. Cities are also remembered by the audience’s reaction. I assure you, it is different everywhere! Today the audience laughs at the performance to tears, but tomorrow the same jokes don’t make it at all.

    Previously, you played for the women's KVN team "NeParni", now you work in the men's team. Where do you feel more comfortable? - It’s always comfortable in the company of like-minded people. When I played in KVN, we had a common goal. And it brought us very close! There was competition between us girls, but not rivalry. And with the guys from Ural Dumplings, we are, as they say, cut from the same cloth. But they don’t give me any discounts for the fact that I’m a girl! For example, we have a system of fines for being late to rehearsals. And I am a real record holder here! I don’t earn as much as I have to pay - for each delay I contribute 1000 rubles to the general fund. This money goes to charity. I'm struggling with myself, but so far without much success. In addition, our team has penalties for swearing. Used foul language - please pay! But the guys are, of course, ahead of me in this (smiles).

    - Do they recognize you on the street?- Constantly! It’s true that I hardly walk the streets in Moscow. When we arrive, we stay at the Cosmos Hotel. Rehearsals and filming of the program take place there, in the concert hall. But fans still find me (smiles). There was such a case recently. I went to my room, and in the lobby there were schoolchildren who had come to Moscow for the holidays. Suddenly one of the guys shouted: “This is Yulia from Ural Dumplings!” As a result, I spent an hour taking pictures and signing autographs, first to schoolchildren, and then to their teachers.

    - What do you never leave home without - makeup, hair styling or manicure?- When I was still a student, I only went out in full dress - with makeup, hair, and high-heeled shoes. True, I had to get up at five in the morning to catch the bus at six. Now I think about it easier. I feel comfortable without makeup. And before a performance I can put on makeup in just ten minutes. The guys from Ural Dumplings sometimes spend much more time in front of the mirror than I do. But the love for stilettos remained. People often ask me: “Yulia, you wear heels all the time! How are you not tired? And I'm comfortable.

    - Where do you usually go shopping - in Russia or abroad?- More often abroad. From experience I can say that the best shopping is in Dubai. In this shopaholic's paradise you can buy whatever your heart desires! Sometimes I update my wardrobe in Yekaterinburg. Sellers of local boutiques already know my preferences, and when new collections are brought to them, they call: “Yulia, there is a luxurious dress for you!” But with my busy schedule, it’s difficult to find time to go to the store, so sometimes they bring clothes to my home or even to the airport. - Are you a thrifty shopper? - There is a saying: “We are not rich enough to buy cheap things.” I agree with him one hundred percent! It is better to buy one good branded item than ten cheap ones. For example, I have a favorite Dolce&Gabbana jumpsuit. It has withstood many washes, but has not lost its shape, nor has the color faded.

    - Do you have feminine weaknesses?- Certainly. I am partial to jewelry with precious stones. When my collection is replenished with a new ring, I immediately run to show off to the guys from Pelmeni. And they, having found out the price, say that with this money they can reroof the house or make repairs in the apartment. But I'm a girl, I shouldn't worry about repairs! I love fur coats, I have several of them. But this is not a whim, but a necessity in the harsh Ural winter. I also love perfumes, I have an incredible amount of them. It happens that I buy another eau de toilette only because of the beautiful bottle, and not because I liked the smell.

    - Do you take a large suitcase with you on tour?- No, I learned how to properly organize my wardrobe for trips so as not to carry too much. It happens that I arrive in Moscow with only one handbag. After all, it often turns out that I come to the capital for just a day. For example, I recently starred in the series “Construction”. The entire film crew was surprised that I arrived without my things. Why do they, if I arrived in the morning, immediately went to the set, there they did my makeup, combed my hair, I filmed several episodes and flew back to Yekaterinburg.

    - Please tell us about your gastronomic preferences. - I love simple cuisine - borscht, soup, meat, potato casserole. True, sometimes, of course, you want to eat something unusual, for example, cod liver salad with prunes and pineapple. To prepare it you will need a jar of liver - 200 g, two medium potatoes, one carrot, prunes - 10 pieces, mayonnaise - 200 g and three to four eggs. Boil the potatoes and carrots, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Then boil the eggs, cool and peel. Separate the white from the yolk and grate the first on a coarse grater, and crumble the yolk with a fork. Now lay out the salad in layers. We coat each layer with mayonnaise - potatoes, cod liver, which we mash with a fork, finely chopped onion, carrots, prunes cut into strips, white and yolk. Don't forget to garnish the salad with herbs and fresh sliced ​​cucumber.

    - Do you have a recipe for when you need to lose a couple of extra pounds in a short time?- Massage helps me - manual, not hardware. After a course of such a massage, extra pounds disappear, and the skin becomes more elastic and toned.

    - You once starred in a candid photo shoot for a men's magazine. How did your loved ones react?- Fine. Everything was decent there. Mom, seeing the photos, said: “Daughter, you are so beautiful!”

    - Try to describe your ideal day off.- Sofa and TV! My friend’s husband is a businessman and works a lot. He wants to spend his day off at home, in peace. And the wife needs “movement”: to go to a restaurant, to a club, to visit friends. And she complains that her husband pays little attention to her. And I understand him very well!

    — What could you wish to our readers?- Treat any situation with humor. And also - believe in miracles! They happen, I know that for sure!

    The first bride and the first candidate for parliament in the Urals. “Beautiful Julia” leaves her husband for politics.

    Yulia Mikhalkova is taking a serious turn in her life. Exclusive: the only actress in the show “Ural Dumplings” broke up with Legislative Assembly deputy Igor Danilov. The most spectacular beauty of the Urals changes the stakes and starts a new life - with a crusade in politics. “Beautiful Julia” no longer dreams of becoming the Minister of Culture. She is the first candidate to enter the new parliamentary elections. What it’s like to perform in front of Medvedev and Shuvalov and why beauties go to EP - in an interview with URA.Ru.

    You are a girl one step away from politics: you dreamed of becoming the Minister of Culture, now, according to rumors, a deputy. And before my eyes there is your butt from the photo shoot from Maxim...

    Why not? Strong politicians are not only smart, but also good. And I'm good. And smart - that doesn't happen often. The photo shoot is not at all depraved - you can barely see it - just a hint.

    A beautiful girl deputy is initially a man’s fantasy. Just imagine, she’s standing behind the podium: “Let’s pass this law.” And all the men: “Yes, yes, yes!” Rare girls go into politics. At the theater they told us this: 90% are mediocrity.

    Are there many such people in the Legislative Assembly, where you are going now?

    I would clean some of them. But I like the current trend: the right people come to power. I don’t know much about show business, but I follow the political scene. It’s been like this since childhood: I knew all the ministers, I watched “Parliamentary Hour”. I like our power: executive - Kuyvashev, Orlov, legislative - Sheptiy, Korobeinikov, Chechunova.

    And Igor Danilov [Spravoross deputy, Mikhalkova’s common-law husband]?

    I cannot talk about him as a deputy. We discussed with him not politics, but what cutlets to cook. It was taboo. He didn't like it when I talked to him about politics. If it weren’t for Igor, I would have gathered in the Legislative Assembly long ago.

    Why about Igor Danilov in the past tense?

    Igor is a good man: he loves me, he fulfilled all my wishes, he was always there. Naturally, me too. But we have different rhythms of life. If you compare it with cars (I love them very much), then I am a red Ferrari that rushes through life at breakneck speed. And Igor is also a good car, for example, a BMW X6. But she can't keep up with the Ferrari. It's no one's fault, it's the manufacturers' fault.

    Have you realized that you need a Bugatti man?

    Yes, because Bugatti is faster than Ferrari. And I need a person who would live with me in the same rhythm. So that he can generate ideas faster than me. I need someone like Putin, as the song says.

    How is Putin? What if, for example, he offered you to work in the State Duma and meet periodically?

    - “Occasionally” suits me. I am for periodicity. It's not far from stability there. But, seriously, I don’t want to move to Moscow. Everything is different there.

    It’s clear why you were going to join the Sverdlovsk authorities. A year ago, the whole party was discussing that you wanted to become a regional minister of culture.

    And now we have a worthy minister. Therefore, 2016 is my year [of elections to the Legislative Assembly]. I am also one of the people. I know what he needs.

    And I thought you understood what a routine it is to work as a minister. Imagine, you spent a year renovating Kolyada’s new playground. A month later he calls you: “I’m moving back, the mayor’s office is asking me for half a million for rent.”

    This is fine. There are difficulties everywhere. You can delve into any business. The other day I was flying on a plane, a guy came up to me: “How do you do this? Are you joking with a serious face? How do you change voices in parodies?” It turned out that the surgeon was asking. But it’s not clear to me how to carry out the operation. I would give gold medals to all competent doctors.

    Have you chosen the district in which you will run?

    Having moved away from Igor, I am looking for an apartment. I will buy in the constituency from which I will run for deputy.

    Many parliamentarians should be afraid. I know that a survey of schoolchildren was recently held in Moscow: who they want to be like. Most of the girls said your name.

    Right. I don't know many examples for a little girl. I'm a good example. I am ordinary, but purposeful, but I clearly know what I want. I have dreams, like most people, I achieved everything myself...

    Is there anything left to do to get married?

    Catherine the Second was asked: what is your mission? She answered: “I was born to marry Peter the Second. Everything else happened naturally.” For any woman, family is more important than any great reforms.

    Ksenia Sobchak's magazine, SNC, released an interesting material in the summer: how to get a man at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum...

    So how is it?

    You should be different from the office mice: wear heels, be well-groomed, wear clothes with large prints, but discreet. You need to be able to give a tour of St. Petersburg and generally be erudite. It is argued that men are looking for a wife who will become an intellectual guide in the family, not just beautiful or successful.

    Yes it's me! I agree with this. For me, finding a man is not an end in itself. I will not purposefully look for someone, I will mind my own business, live creatively.

    In general, at first glance, it’s easy to guess what a man needs. In fact, it's difficult. A woman should inspire, motivate to do something. I fed Igor before - things were going well for him. And when the connection between us was broken, it was as if I took everything with me.

    It’s exactly the same with you with “Ural Dumplings”: after you joined the team, the guys ended up at STS. You seem to bring men luck.

    I know how to create an atmosphere and direct it in the right direction. Although frying potatoes is also delicious. And cutlets.

    So, how to find a husband in the Sverdlovsk authorities? The only bachelor in the Legislative Assembly is Igor Danilov. How to become his girlfriend or another politician?

    Everything requires effort. This is also work: searching, reading archives about someone who is interesting. Kidding. No, you don’t need to read anything - you just have to grab it right away. I'm kidding again. As you noticed, most politicians are married and have happy families. It is important to remember this, otherwise you can get it. If someone encroached on my man, I would definitely give in.

    They say power is the strongest aphrodisiac. Does power excite you?

    Well, yes, I am attracted to this. I myself am strong and I need a man stronger than me, a politician. Another thing is the special mindset of politicians.

    Roizman - macho?

    What kind of macho guy is he with such things?

    And on stage, it seems to me that “Ural Dumplings” do not joke about politics at all.

    In fact, the guys are apolitical. And I’m offended that because of the few, the bribe-takers, a stigma is attached to everyone. And you can't convince people. This is the same as girls saying: “all men are assholes.” But I didn’t come across a single goat. It seems to me that these are the best people in the world - men.

    In general, the show “Ural Dumplings” is a rarity: both adults and children can watch us. It is amazing. We are a promoter of good. So politicians come to us, we spoke to Dmitry Medvedev, Igor Shuvalov, Sergei Shoigu. The governor [Evgeny Kuyvashev] comes to our concerts.

    Yul, why are you in United Russia?

    I like teamwork, the ability of the team to influence public opinion. Some people say bad things about my party. But even the Bible says that you need to fight for power... oh, pray. The more you pray, the better everything is for the authorities, and, therefore, for the people.

    It happens that we fight in the team [Ural Dumplings] because of our sympathy for politicians. If I like one of the politicians, I am ready to rush into a fight for him. Why do they call someone thieves? Where do they get this from?

    You also need to be able to make money. I can. If they run out, I can come up with a project out of the blue and accumulate them. This is how my speech studio and a new idea appeared - Yulia Mikhalkova chocolates. The Ural dumpling will soon become sweet: I can be licked, bitten or eaten. Many will switch from chocolate Santa Clauses to me. I am generally a generator of everything. Ask Igor.


    - [laughs] No, Danilova.

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