• Ring spell: attracting money and good luck. Spell on a ring - attracting money and good luck How to spell a ring for any desire


    The ring is one of the most sought after magical attributes. This accessory is used when reading conspiracies of various types. With their help, you can attract true love and luck into your life, improve your well-being and restore family relationships.

    The magic of the ring goes back to ancient times. It was believed that any knot has protective powers and is able to protect from all sorts of troubles. A little later, rings began to be used in the form of amulets and amulets.

    Any ring spell is very effective if carried out in accordance with the recommendations and rules. It is very important to choose the right ritual, but this is not even easy to do due to the wide variety of influences of different directions.


    To strengthen the feelings of spouses

    There is a very strong conspiracy for the wedding rings of spouses. This ritual allows you to strengthen feelings and build a strong family that will not be afraid of any external influences. The ritual provides for complete privacy in a separate room. In it, you first need to cover the table with a new tablecloth and sit down at it. Place a wide container filled with holy water in front of you, place a little salt on a white saucer, and next to it, right on the tablecloth, a handful of earth, a knife and a pair of wedding rings.

    After this, the incense is lit, and the words of such a magical spell are spoken:

    “I, the Servant of God (my own name), do not pronounce magic words, but with the strength of my heart and, in the name of God Vizardas, I spell our wedding rings with my beloved for mutual long-term love, tenderness and respect. We will live together all our lives, and we will never tire of being kind to and admiring each other, we will never be fed up with life together, we will experience happy moments, and in sorrows we will support each other until death do us part.

    May all failures and troubles pass us by in our lives, and may joys come next to us. May we have healthy children who will grow strong and not get sick. Let our family be strong and friendly, at all times we will support one another. Let us have no secrets from each other, and let us not be afraid to entrust our most secret things. Let us have one household for both of us, and let none of us think of separating from each other and dividing our property.

    We will wear our wedding rings not as a mark of unfreedom, but as a symbol of eternal and strong love. They will become our talisman and bring us happiness, prosperity and joy.

    Fire, water, air and earth are witnesses of my action. With them my words are forever sealed and sanctified. May you live happily ever after. Amen".

    Ritual to return husband

    With the help of a ceremony with your own wedding ring, you can return your husband to the family. But before doing so, it is important to consider the need for this. After all, magic helps only when the performer performs the ritual with pure thoughts. You cannot bring back a departed person out of a sense of revenge or simple whim.

    For such an influence to be successful, you need to be sure that the spouse who left you continues to wear the wedding ring.

    Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to listen to the silence for a while and focus on the desire to return your spouse. You should remember the most pleasant moments of your life together and discard all the negative emotions associated with your loved one leaving you. Then you should place in front of you a glass glass with holy water poured into it, brought in advance from the temple. You need to put your own wedding ring in the glass.

    “I, the Servant of God (my own name), lower my wedding ring into heaven-sanctified water, and attract the love of my husband to myself. Just as blessed water washes my ring from top to bottom, so may my husband, the Servant of God (name of spouse), leave the homewrecker and return to his home forever. Amen".

    After pronouncing such a conspiracy, you need to put the ring back on your finger and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, which will enhance the magical effect. The holy water used in the ritual should then be drunk. This ritual is recommended to be carried out during the waxing of the moon, at night. Immediately after the ceremony you must go to bed and not talk to anyone.

    In order to make your cherished wish come true, you can also perform a ritual with a ring. In such a ritual, it is important to use a donated ring and or jewelry that you inherited. What metal it is made of and what stones are used to create it does not matter.

    The ring should be placed on the palm of your hand and the following magic phrases should be spoken:

    “A blue tit bird lived across the distant sea, a blue tit bird made a nest on an island, and then found a magic ring in it. And the blue tit decided to bring me that ring to me, the Servant of God, (proper name). I am good and handsome, I will wear it and the kind people around me will like me, all the doors to the houses will be open for me, all the secrets will be known to me, everything will happen as I wish. Amen".

    After the magic words, you should put the enchanted ring on your finger and go to bed. After such a ritual, the enchanted ring turns into a strong amulet and removes any obstacles to achieving your life goals.

    Even the most ordinary ring can be made into a powerful talisman to attract wealth and success. Learn how to speak and wear a ring so that success awaits you in all life endeavors.

    Money plot

    Absolutely any piece of jewelry is suitable for a conspiracy: it is not necessary that the ring be made of precious metal or be a family heirloom. The main thing is that you really like it and that it is pleasant to wear on your hand. By choosing such jewelry, you can make it a strong money talisman. The funds will flow into your hands, and any financial difficulties will bypass you.

    They spell the ring like this. At midnight, place it on a red cloth: red color is a symbol of wealth and helps to enhance the magical ritual. Then say the text of the conspiracy:

    “Our luck is in our hand, and we put our wealth in our pocket.
    Success is with me, prosperity is with me.
    Money flows like a fast river.
    Only to me, only with me.
    Key, lock, it’s said - it will come true.”

    Leave the charmed decoration to lie on the fabric throughout the night, and in the morning you can put a strong talisman on your hand. The ring should be worn on the index finger: it is under the auspices of Jupiter, a symbol of victory and leadership. You can also cast a ring for a man, but then it must be put on the thumb: it contains the powerful energy of Mars, which promotes success in life and helps in achieving goals. The conspiracy does not have to be carried out specifically by the future bearer of the money ring, so you can give a useful gift to your chosen one.

    Ring for good luck

    As in the first case, the main condition when choosing a ring is the fact that the jewelry should be pleasant to feel on your hand every day.

    At the beginning of the ritual, the ring must be hung on a red thread to form a pendulum. Holding it in your right hand, read the words for good luck. This is done in the dark, but provided that the weather is clear outside.

    “Be happy and successful, little ring.
    I will enclose fortune in a circle, it will never turn away from me, never leave me.
    Luck is always with me, forever and hand in hand.”

    A magical talisman will bring success in every area of ​​life, no matter what it concerns - work or personal life. Wear jewelry on your middle finger: thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence. Its ruling planet, Saturn, contributes to this.

    Any ring has special energy and is a potentially powerful amulet. Use effective spells, and even ordinary jewelry will bring you good luck and money. Follow all instructions and recommendations and you will achieve your final goal. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    08.09.2015 00:50

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    Even the most ordinary ring can be made into a powerful talisman to attract wealth and success. Learn how to speak and wear a ring so that success awaits you in all life endeavors.


    Absolutely any piece of jewelry is suitable for a conspiracy: it is not necessary that the ring be made of precious metal or be a family heirloom. The main thing is that you really like it and that it is pleasant to wear on your hand. By choosing such jewelry, you can make it a strong money talisman. The funds will flow into your hands, and any financial difficulties will bypass you.

    They spell the ring like this. At midnight, place it on a red cloth: red color is a symbol of wealth and helps to enhance the magical ritual. Then say the text of the conspiracy:

    “Our luck is in our hand, and we put our wealth in our pocket.
    Success is with me, prosperity is with me.
    flow like a fast river.
    Only to me, only with me.
    Key, lock, it’s said - it will come true.”

    Leave the enchanted decoration to lie on the fabric throughout the night, and in the morning you can put a strong talisman on your hand. The ring should be worn on the index finger: it is under the auspices of Jupiter, a symbol of victory and leadership. You can also cast a ring for a man, but then it must be put on the thumb: it contains the powerful energy of Mars, which promotes success in life and helps in achieving goals. It is not necessary to conduct it specifically for the future bearer of the money ring, so you can give a useful gift to your chosen one.

    Ring for good luck

    As in the first case, the main condition when choosing a ring is the fact that the jewelry should be pleasant to feel on your hand every day.

    At the beginning of the ritual, the ring must be hung on a red thread to form a pendulum. Holding it in your right hand, read the words for good luck. This is done in the dark, but provided that the weather is clear outside.

    “Be happy and successful, little ring.
    I will enclose fortune in a circle, it will never turn away from me, never leave me.
    Luck is always with me, forever and hand in hand.”

    A magical talisman will bring success in every area of ​​life, no matter what it concerns - work or personal life. Wear jewelry on your middle finger: thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence. Its ruling planet, Saturn, contributes to this.

    Any ring has special energy and is a potentially powerful amulet. Use effective spells, and even ordinary jewelry will bring you good luck and money. Follow all instructions and recommendations and you will achieve your final goal.

    Our ancestors believed that a knot tied on clothes, hair or on the wrist had protective powers. And to protect yourself from all kinds of evil spirits, it is enough to draw a circle around yourself (for example, from salt) and stand in its center. The familiar word ring comes from the Old Slavonic word “kolo”, which means wheel or circle.

    In this topic:

    In other words, in the old days, the ring was used as an amulet or amulet, but in our time, it is used, for the most part, as a sign of fidelity and love. There is definitely magic in his sound. And the ancient people did not miss the possibilities of its use, as a result of which many rituals and ceremonies appeared in which the main character was the ring.

    Simple rituals with a ring

    For example, there is a simple ritual in which a baby is bathed by first placing a silver ring in the water, and after bathing, the same ring is placed under his pillow: thus, the baby’s sleep is strengthened and illnesses go away. To facilitate childbirth, a woman in labor must wear a wedding ring throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

    It is also believed that any woman is able to return her husband to the family just by looking at him through her wedding ring. When telling fortunes about their betrothed, girls put a ring under the pillow and in a dream he will definitely appear as one.

    Magic attribute

    To this day, there are various magical, monastic and even secret political communities in which the ring has a pass, that is, by presenting it at the entrance, a member of this community certifies his identity and belonging to this community.

    The custom of exchanging rings during a wedding ceremony originates in Ancient Egypt. The ring is a symbol of eternity, fidelity and strong feelings, of future spouses. The meanings of engagement and wedding rings are, in fact, completely different. Thus, the wedding ring was put on the bride’s finger by the groom as a sign of engagement and was a sign of recognition of their union by future relatives. Such rings, somewhat thinner than wedding rings, can be inlaid with all kinds of stones and have a variety of shapes or engravings. A gift from the groom to the bride of an engagement ring with a diamond, which is a symbol of purity and strength of feelings, is considered good form.

    A wedding ring must have a smooth surface without roughness or stones. It is believed that such a ring brings peace and equality in the relationship between spouses.

    Ritual for the eternity of marriage

    Magic and the wedding ring

    To fulfill this spell, you will need: two wedding rings, a bowl filled with water, a pinch of salt and a small handful of earth, a knife, incense, a church candle. So, light a candle, incense, place the bowl in front of you, arrange all of the above items in any order and say:

    “I conjure with my heart, in the name of God Vizardas, the wedding rings (name) and (name) for love, tenderness and mutual respect. May they be sweet to each other all their lives and may they live happily until death separates them. May failures pass them by, and may happiness always be with them. May their children be born healthy and beautiful, and may the family be strong. Let (name) and (name) see each other as support, and trust even the most secret things. Let them have a common household, and none of them will feel any loss in love and property. Let them wear their rings as a symbol of eternal love, so that they bring (name) and (name) prosperity and joint happiness! The witnesses to my conspiracy were: fire, water, air and earth. They sealed my words, put them into action, multiplied and sanctified. Advice and love to you, loving hearts. Khantaa ular."

    A ritual to return a husband to the family

    Before you begin the preparations and the conspiracy process itself, you should take seriously the importance of what is happening. In addition, you need to think about everything again, because magic really only helps those who have pure thoughts. It should not be used out of revenge or whim. The consequences can be very negative, in fact, just the opposite.

    If you are absolutely sure of the necessity of your actions, then you can proceed to the direct execution of this conspiracy. Remember, as long as your husband wears the symbol of your love on his finger, you have every chance of returning him to the bosom of the family, since family ties are much stronger than his relationship with his rival. Unlike her, the universe itself helps you. And its help should not be neglected; you can only help a little with the help of conspiracies and rituals, such as this one.

    You should put your ring in a glass filled with holy water and say:

    “Just as you, holy water came through my wedding ring from above and went from below into the distance, so let my husband (name) leave his slave (name) and find his way back to his home.”

    After reading the plot, say “Our Father” three times, drink water from a glass and put the ring back on your finger.

    Love spell

    If you need to return or strengthen your feelings with your husband, then this effective plot will do. However, it should only be done by a legal wife of her husband. For the ritual itself, you need to buy a handkerchief, with which you should go to the church temple and sprinkle it with holy water. In the church shop you need to purchase seven thick red candles and a ring with the inscription “Save and Preserve.” At midnight, light all the purchased candles and repeat the following spell seven times, threading a scarf through the ring:

    “I, servant of God (name), will go out through the doors, through the gates, into an open field, to seek my happiness and destiny. A scarf on the ring, a ring on the scarf, help the ring, make the servant of God (husband’s name) calm down, make him fall in love with me again. The word is a lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    At the end of this ritual, go to bed. When you fall asleep, read “Our Father” seven times.

    In the morning, wake up early and get up, of course, on your right foot. Give the scarf to your spouse so that he can carry it with him for a while (or place it discreetly). Place the ring on your ring finger and wear it without removing it for seven weeks.

    Ritual for gaining strength

    A yellow, simple and smooth ring, without inscriptions or stones, should be placed on the stomach and the following spell should be pronounced seven times:

    “Belly, give me treatment for the head, and the ring, give my stomach the strength for this. I release the life force of the ring and ask the Lord to put it on a pure heart, to take the pain from my head into the ring, and to transfer its power to my soul for deliverance from torment and earthly influence. Let the river mud take my pain, and I will gain strength forever. Amen".

    After the ceremony, the ring should be thrown into a river or lake.

    In everyday life we ​​are often faced with dangers. To protect themselves, many people use amulets. A charmed ring will give you excellent protection from poverty, bad luck, envious people and failures.

    This is probably not the first time you have heard about amulets, amulets and talismans that can get rid of troubles once and for all. Hearing about the power of such objects is one thing, but experiencing their power for yourself is completely different. The laws of bioenergy really work, but people are not used to it. Many people believe that in order to become happy, you need to make titanic efforts. In fact, we are just used to complicating everything.

    Life seems complicated, but it's just a trick of the eye. Our whole world is energy, and by learning to manage it, you will achieve everything you want. In order not to spend several years on training, we offer you the path of least resistance - create your own personal amulet that will work for your happiness, suppressing the negative energy around you. You can make a good amulet yourself. Absolutely any thing is suitable for this, but rings act as the most powerful amulet, capable of influencing a person’s energy on a subtle level.


    A talisman is something that protects and protects a person’s biofield or a certain place from negative influence from the outside. Energy attacks usually come from other people who want to do harm. It is absolutely not necessary to be a sorcerer to send damage. The catalyst for negativity is banal human emotions: envy, anger, irritation. It follows from this that you can become infected with negativity even just by walking in the park or discussing your work with a stranger.

    Unfortunately, energy is hidden from our eyes. We do not see it, and that is why we need enhanced protection from anything that can pierce a black hole in our aura. Protective amulets help prevent energy problems from occurring. The problem is that not all objects around us interact positively with us. Yes, negative things come from things too. By choosing the wrong item for yourself as a talisman, you will not only be completely defenseless, but also become a real magnet for trouble. It will allow everyone around you to feed on your energy.

    Weakened energy is the cause of illnesses and problems. That is why you must always take care of maintaining your energy level at a high level. A ring amulet will help you with this. The main thing is to know how to make such a talisman and how to use it correctly.


    You can cast a spell on the ring for good luck. In this case, capricious fortune will not take a single step away from you. This kind of conspiracy is considered the most powerful, since it can not only protect you from unforeseen difficulties, but also tie good luck to you, which can be called upon at any time in the future. For the transformation to be successful, it is important to adhere to a certain procedure.

    Your favorite ring, maybe a wedding ring, should be washed under warm running water. This is done in order to wash away all the negative energy that may have accumulated over time. Take a red wool thread and thread it through the ring. Then, swinging the ring from side to side, you need to say the words of the conspiracy:

    “Ring-ring, I’m conjuring you for luck, I’m luring good luck to you. Just as the sun does not rise at night, so nothing I do goes without luck. Now I’ll put the ring on my finger, so I’ll immediately ensure a good outcome for any business. No sooner said than done".

    Your amulet is ready. Put the ring on any finger of your left hand and do not take it off for six months. Any talisman should be changed from time to time, since the positive energy is locked in it, and its excess is already transformed into negative. In the case of a ring, this will not happen, but in any case, after six months, the ritual actions should be repeated in order to save yourself from unwanted consequences.


    In some situations we need immediate help, and in this case, whispers will help you. By using them to enchant the ring, you can make it your amulet, as well as achieve happiness and improve your financial situation.

    Even among our ancestors, whispers were popular. They were recited during important moments and dangerous situations, and also to attract wealth, luck and love into life. In the modern world, these short conspiracies have not lost their power. To this day, people say them when they need quick help.

    For many years now, rings have been the most important accessory. They are constantly worn by both men and women, because they do not create unnecessary discomfort during movement. We have prepared for you several effective whispers with which you can attract luck and money or turn your ring into a talisman.


    When you wake up in the morning, touch your ring and say: “May my day be successful. I can achieve anything." Thanks to this whisper, your day will be productive, and you may even be able to realize all your plans.

    When leaving for work, take off your ring, squeeze it tightly in your hands and say: “I leave the house with luck, it will be next to me all day.” After the spoken words, put the ring on your finger and do not take it off during the day. In this way, you will be able to achieve success, since any actions you take will benefit you.

    For business negotiations to go well, before conducting them, remove the ring and put it in your pocket, but before that say: “My luck, don’t leave me for a second.” Thanks to this whisper, you can find the answer to any question, and then you will definitely win the respect of your colleagues and superiors.

    Catching luck by the tail is not so easy. However, you can simplify your task if every night before going to bed, looking at the ring, you say: “May tomorrow be even more successful than today.” Thanks to this short phrase, not a single day will be useless for you.


    Danger can lie in wait for us in the most unexpected places. To avoid trouble, every day before going out, take off your ring and, holding it tightly in your hands, say: “My ring, become my amulet.” With this short phrase you will be protected throughout the day.

    If you feel you are in danger, rub your ring and say, “No one and nothing will harm me. I am under your protection." You can repeat this whisper as much as necessary.

    If you purchased a new ring, then before putting it on, say: “Ring, be my protection in any situation.” From now on, it will become your amulet, so always carry it with you.

    If you are around someone who does not inspire your trust, discreetly rub the ring and then say, “I am protected. You can't hurt me. You will not use your power against me." After this, drive away fear from yourself: your enemy will not harm you.


    On payday, squeeze the ring in your hands and say: “Increase my income, and the money will be in my hands.” Don't forget to repeat these words every time, and soon you will notice that your financial situation is improving.

    Buy a new ring and put it in your wallet, but before that say: “Attract money into my wallet, attract wealth into my life.” The ring must be gold or silver: jewelry made from other metals or materials will not bring results.

    Surely there is a secret place in your house where you keep your money. To increase your income, put the ring there and say: “There will be more money, the wallet will become thicker.” If you leave your jewelry among your money, you will be able to achieve financial well-being in the near future.

    Before you pay for any purchase, look at your ring and say: “Waste is growing quickly, but wealth will grow even faster.” With the help of this short whisper, purchases will bring you pleasure, and the money spent will soon return to you, maybe even double the amount.


    Since ancient times, jewelry has served as personal talismans and obregs. Our ancestors used spells to turn rings, bracelets and other jewelry into excellent protection against poverty, bad luck, enemies and failures.

    You can speak to almost any thing, but rings are the most powerful talismans that can interact with human energy. Experts have collected for you several effective conspiracies that will help you in life.


    Take both rings, place them in a glass of holy water and place them in front of your home iconostasis. The next day, carefully take out the rings, blot them with a towel, pick them up and say:

    “The higher powers protect the ring and preserve our marriage. There is no place in it for quarrels and scandals, discord and squabbles. We’ll put rings on our hands and share strong love between two.”

    After this, exchange rings with your partner and confess your love to each other in front of the icons. This will help you save your marriage for many years.


    Rinse your favorite ring under cold water to wash away negative energy. Thread a red woolen thread into it and, shaking the decoration, say the words of the spell:

    “I speak a ring for good luck, I lure capricious Fortune. Just as a needle cannot sew without thread, so nothing I do goes without luck. Just as I put a ring on my finger, there will be a good outcome to any matter.”

    Wear the ring without removing it for six months, then the ritual can be repeated again.


    For this plot, you need to take a ring made of a precious metal or an alloy of several metals. Pour spring water from a natural source into a glass and place your ring in it. After a few minutes, throw coins of different denominations into the glass one by one. Take a silver spoon, stir your riches in a glass and say:

    “The spring water came from the depths of the earth and saw all the riches. I’ll remind her about the energy of money and put it in her ring. Just as waters endlessly make their way underground, so wealth will come to me, knowing no barriers.”

    Place the ring on your finger, and return one of the coins to the natural source from which the water was taken to perform the ritual.


    If you want to attract love into your life, you can speak the ring in such a way that it awakens your feminine energy. To do this, experts recommend using the simplest and most unpretentious decoration without stones or other foreign inclusions or inserts. Take the ring in your left hand, clench your fist, bring it to your heart and say:

    “I’m looking for love, I’m looking for it, I’m attracting my happiness. I am looking for my betrothed, destined for me by fate. Not drinking and not partying, loving and hard-working. I’m looking for a real husband.”

    If you are not in the mood for a serious relationship, then simply put the ring under your pillow and say:

    “Betrothed, come in a dream, show yourself. Look at me, come for me.”

    Place the ring on your finger and do not remove it. It will help you quickly attract real feelings into your life.


    To protect yourself from the negative energy of possible ill-wishers, the evil eye or damage, use a spell on a simple ring. Light a candle and hold your decoration over the flame. Then squeeze the ring in your right hand and say:

    “I create all-round protection for myself, I burn out troubles with fire. I put on the ring, I gain an invisible shield. From thieves and the evil eye, envious people and offenders.”

    Pay close attention to your decoration. If it starts to change color, it means you have been negatively affected. Experts advise in such cases to carry out a ritual that will rid you of unwanted influence.


    You will need a new ring, preferably a gift from close relatives. However, you can purchase jewelry. Choose it carefully. “Your” ring will definitely resonate, and you will want to buy it. At home, place the decoration on your finger with the words:

    “From distant countries, from beyond the mountains and seas, a ring came to me. I conjure him, I urge him to serve faithfully. The ring will fulfill a cherished desire, living in the soul, asking outward.”

    After a day, whisper your deepest wish to the ring and wear it until your dream comes true.

    Any of these conspiracies will only work if your thoughts are sincere. Do not wish harm to anyone, so that favorable Fortune does not turn on you.

    Any amulet can be used independently of another magical item. Many experts in the field of esotericism advise wearing several protective amulets, talismans or amulets at once, since together they will help build effective protection against negative energy, and also bring happiness, luck and love into your life.

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