• Intellectual entertainment for children of the preparatory school group “Time Travel. "Time Travel" project for children and parents of older preparatory group "We are back! Dinosaur Story "


    Scenario of holiday leisure "Time travel" for children of average preschool age together with parents

    Author: Alferova Raisa Alekseevna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 16 in honor of the icon of the Mother of God" Kazan ", the city of Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.

    The presented material is aimed at developing interest in entertainment in children of middle preschool age.
    The reader will learn how to organize and enjoy the joint leisure of children with their parents.
    The manual is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

    Goal: Summarize the results of the academic year, recall significant events during the reporting period; develop memory, speech, attention.
    Tasks: Develop an interest in entertainment; to form a desire to take an active part in holidays, in concerts, to do creative work; to involve parents in active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten.
    Venue: music hall of the preschool educational institution.
    Participants: pupils of the group, parents, educators.

    Preparation plan

    1. Make an entertainment script
    2. Prepare attributes for the holiday:
    - costumes of "Autumn", "Spring", "Winter" - to the host
    - costumes for parents for the play "How the Politeness Hare was Taught"
    - a set of fruits and vegetables
    - screen, doll - the fairy of Time.
    3. Prepare certificates, medals, sweet prizes for children.
    4. - certificates for parents
    5. - audio recordings for the holiday.
    6. Invite a photographer. Dressed children enter the music hall with cheerful music.
    Screen. A doll comes out - the fairy of Time.
    Fairy: Hello, dear guys, dear parents!
    I am the fairy of Time. I really love to travel. Running ahead, going back, but never stop. So today I invite you to look back and remember how we had fun and interesting life this academic year.
    The hour we have been waiting for has come
    To gather in our hall.
    Yellow chicks
    With mom you came to the group
    A year has passed, all of you have grown wiser,
    Have grown up well.
    On a good journey to the land of knowledge
    Step firmly!
    And what have you been taught
    Never forget!
    Everything in the world has its own order
    Day after day goes, goes.
    Time is moving forward
    Spring runs after winter
    And after her summer.
    Then autumn comes to us
    Wearing gold.
    Day after day, year after year
    Time is moving forward.
    A quiet melody sounds. Fairy - Autumn enters the hall.
    Fairy - Autumn.
    - Ah, really a whole year has passed. I don’t recognize you at all. Indeed, how big you have become. I hope that you have not forgotten how fun and interesting it was this past academic year. And today I again came to you to play, to listen to what poems, songs, riddles you know about me.
    - And with what did I come to you?
    Verse "Good Autumn Has Come"
    (Logorhythmics: children all together read the verse aloud and show its content in movements).
    Fairy - Autumn: And I brought not only apples and pears. See how many gifts are there. I invite 2 boys and 2 girls.

    Take a close look at what autumn has brought. But don't list
    names of objects, but call them one general word.
    Children's answers: These are vegetables and fruits.
    Fairy: That's right, these are vegetables and fruits.
    Where are the fruits grown? - in the garden.
    Where are the vegetables grown? - in the garden.
    And now the boys will pick vegetables and the girls will pick fruits. Who will complete the task faster ?!
    Harvesting game
    Fairy: Well done! Fine! Guys, the wind prompted me here that you have studied a lot of riddles about vegetables and fruits. It's true?
    Come on, ask us.
    1 child: As in our garden
    the riddles have grown.
    Juicy and round
    These are the big ones.
    In summer they turn green
    Blush in the fall. (A tomato)
    2 child: And in this garden
    Bitter riddles.
    33 clothes, all without a fastener,
    Who undresses them
    He sheds tears. (Onion)
    3.child: And in this garden
    Long riddles.
    Santa Claus in this garden
    Hides a red nose in summer. (Carrot)
    4 child: Self with a cam,
    Red barrel,
    You touch it - smoothly
    Take a bite - sweet. (Apple)
    5 child: all boxers know about her
    With her they develop their blow.
    Though she's awkward
    But it looks like a fruit…. (Pear)
    Fairy - Autumn. Wonderful riddles and you guessed everything perfectly. But I'm not always so cheerful, I often like to cry, to be sad. I have many gloomy and rainy days. I would like to ask you to sing me my favorite song.
    The song "Thorny Rain"
    Fairy: Thanks guys. I realized that you love autumn. You never get bored this time of year, you will always find something interesting to do. But we'll meet again soon. After all, on September 1, the main miracle awaits you - a journey to the fabulous Land of Knowledge. Therefore, over the summer you need to temper well, stock up on vitamins, so that in the new academic year you do not get sick and collect many "fruits of knowledge". Something has become cold, no way my girlfriend - Zimushka hurries to your holiday. And I tell you: “Goodbye! See you, my faithful friends! "
    Enters - whirling, under the blizzard music Fairy - Winter.
    Winter: Gone ?! (looks around).
    Just think, all of yourself is golden. Shows off the harvest, gifts. I have a thousand times cooler - both gifts and entertainment, and most importantly, I perform a miracle, fulfill the most cherished desires of children and adults too (winks mysteriously at adults).
    Guys, do you love me? Well, thank you! Remember how much fun you had with me. How much snow, I gave you joy!
    I suggest you return on New Year's holiday.
    Poem " New Year»
    The song "Fashionista - Christmas tree"
    The game "We will run away from the wind"
    Winter: Ay, well done! But it's time for me to leave. Spring is coming on my heels, I can't cope with it. But we'll see you again soon, right guys? See you!
    The spring melody sounds, the cry of the birds. Fairy enters - Spring.
    Fairy - Spring. I walked through the forest for a long time
    But I found the way.
    And I came to kindergarten,
    To please the guys.
    I heard, heard how you played merrily and sang with Zimushka. Do you want to have fun with me? I am young and perky. I have saved up a lot of strength to amuse and please you.
    Have you learned a verse about me too?
    The verse "Spring is marching towards us" (I. Tokmakova)
    Fairy: Great. I am truly a sorceress. I know how to revive nature, create good mood... Do you want to visit the theater, watch the performance? Sit back and watch the show "How Civility Hare Taught."
    The play "How they taught a courtesy hare"
    Fairy: Great! What wonderful artists we have - parents! Well done! But for some reason we stayed too long, we ought to warm up. I invite everyone to dance.
    Dance "Lavata"
    Fairy: Do you want me to show you how monkeys do exercises. Repeat all movements after me.
    Charging the monkey
    We are funny monkeys!
    We play too loud
    We clap our hands
    We stamp our feet
    We jump on tiptoes.
    And even to each other
    We will show the languages.
    Let's jump to the ceiling
    Let's stick out our ears
    Let's bring our feet to our mouths
    The tail is on top of the head.
    Open your mouth wider
    Let's make grimaces.
    As I say: "One, two, three!" -
    All with grimaces freeze!
    One two Three!
    Fairy: Well done! With my arrival, not only nature wakes up, but the school year ends. And I am very happy to inform you, dear guys, that you have completed it with excellent success. Have mastered the program middle group and all are worthy of awards and gifts.
    (The fairy rewards children with certificates, medals, sweet prizes for excellent studies, sporting achievements, participation in competitions).
    Feya: I would like to give the floor to Tatiana Kuzminichna, chairman of the parent committee.
    (The chairman presents certificates of honor to parents for active participation in the educational process, enrichment of the subject-developing environment, participation in exhibitions, competitions in a group, preschool educational institution)
    Fairy: Thank you, Tatyana Kuzminichna! Well, my basket with gifts is empty. It's time to come back again for new gifts.
    The melody "Little country" sounds
    Educator: Admire! Good
    Are preschoolers toddlers?
    Smart, beautiful
    And, as always, playful.
    Child: For a year we all matured,
    And we don't say goodbye to the group.
    We are not sad, we are not crying -
    We sing and smile.
    Educator: Our children are growing up. There is very little left and we
    let's go to school together. But we still have time to prepare well for it. And you, our dear parents, will help us in this.

    Educator: Well, our holiday is over. Bon voyage to the Land of Knowledge!

    Photo for memory

    To the music, children and parents, together with their teachers, go to the group for a tea party.

    Oksana Alferova
    Intellectual entertainment for children of the preparatory school group "Time Travel"

    Intelligent entertainment for children

    school preparatory group"Time travel"


    To consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation and discrimination of the sounds L, L "in words, phrases;

    development articulation apparatus;

    development fine motor skills ;

    development phonemic analysis;

    To consolidate the ability to correctly determine the functions of the subject, group items by their creation time(present - past).

    Broaden the horizons of the child, develop curiosity, creative thinking, memory and imagination children.

    To foster a good attitude towards each other, mutual assistance, culture of behavior.

    Development environment.

    "car time", black box, chest with pictures (icebreaker, dugout, hut, rocker, cart kerosene lamp, dress, plane, car, tent, black and white pictures (elephant, horse, apple, fox, seal, frog, lion, sealed vessel with scheme group, traces with tasks, message, tape recorder with selection musical accompaniment (bird voices, "Snowdrop" by PI Tchaikovsky, "mysterious" music, "space" music).


    computer disks, pictures.


    Guys you love travel? What can travel? / answers children /

    I want to offer you something unusual travel - time travel... But first, let's find out what is called the past, present and future. time? / answers children /

    Look at the pictures and determine to which time they belong... In our travel we will repeat the sounds of L, L ".

    What is the L sound? (consonant, hard) What color do we designate the sound L? What is the L "sound? (consonant, hard) What color do we designate the sound Л "

    So, we will travel in time, so I propose to remember the words that we use in our time:

    land, forest, fireworks, sun, lily of the valley, swallow.

    Let's encrypt words with pictures and put this information on computer disks.

    Now let's put the discs in a fireproof black box. Where can you find him? / on airplanes and helicopters. / What is it for? / answers children/ Perhaps the black box will help us return to the present time.

    Well, to we are ready to travel... Let's look back in time.

    (turn on the car time": turn on the lantern balls and lower them into the converter oven)

    Take each other's hands, close your eyes and say the magic the words:

    One two three four,

    Five, we can all dream.

    Do you want to find yourself in the past

    Become a musketeer, a queen,

    Just tell: "One two Three,

    Be in my opinion led! "

    ("mysterious" music sounds)

    So we found ourselves in the past. We need a spyglass. What can it be made of? Look! Something can be seen in the distance! (We look through the spyglass.)

    It's a cave! And here is the path. / go to the "cave")

    Pay attention to the pictures. Who could have drawn them? To get into the cave, the pictures on the cave need to be laid out. Pictures, in the name of which there is a sound Л - under a blue square, and with a sound Л "- under a green one.

    (We look into the cave and take out a sealed vase, there is a plan group).

    What do you think it might be? What is that red cross? Do you know what the cross on the cards was? Identify on the map where the treasure is? (on the carpet)

    How to get there? (Tracks lead to him.) Where can we get them? Let's look for a clue, is there something in the cave?

    (We find traces with tasks in the tent. We read the task, complete the task. Everyone is laying out a path from the cave to the carpet).

    What is the word in which the sound [Л] is at the beginning of the word (middle, end).

    What is the word in which the sound [L '] is at the beginning of the word (middle, end).

    Name the word with the sound [Л]; [L '].

    Game "Labyrinth" (there are 4 different objects and a chest on the carpet; paths are drawn to them from long ropes entangled among themselves)

    Determine the number of the track leading to the chest. To open the chest, you need practice: For this, we will train our fingers.

    Girls and boys!

    Spread your fingers!

    Fold in half

    Squeeze the cam!

    Open your palms

    Shake it a little!

    (We open the chest, there are pictures in it).

    Here are pictures depicting objects from the past and present. time... We will leave pictures depicting objects from the past here, and pictures depicting the present take time with us.

    Each takes a card with a picture of an object and determines time, (timer bell sounds).

    - Travel time is running out, we return to our time... Go to the "car time"and tell the words:

    Now I want to go home

    And I want to be myself

    Just tell: "One two Three,

    Be in my opinion led! "

    (space music sounds)

    Wow! We're out of our time! Some debris lying around? AND message:

    “We are residents from the future. We did not take care of our nature and destroyed everything! We have not had forests and animals for a long time, birds do not sing. Help us get everything back in place! " (cut pictures)

    There are bread and a roll on the table.

    Slava put a blot on a piece of paper.

    Grandmother pours onions from a watering can.

    The skier met a fox in the forest.

    Bees flock to the hives.

    Children add cut pictures.

    Name what is shown in your drawings.

    You also know a lot of good nature poems. Tell us. Just pronounce the sounds L, L clearly. "

    Children recite poetry.

    Guys, look, but this is our black box. Decipher the pictures, and then we will return to our time.

    Here we are in our time... Liked travel?

    Synopsis of the role-playing game "Time Travel"

    in the preparatory group.

    Objectives:Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the development of life on earth (from dinosaurs to modern humans) in games.

    Use play to develop children's diverse interests and abilities.



    Promote a conscious attitude to the observance of the rules of role interaction, directing attention to the quality of the roles performed, their social significance.

    Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe profession - architect, builder;

    To form the ability to distribute roles, perform duties as
    role played.

    Continue work on enriching the social science vocabulary of children.


    Develop initiative, organizational and creative skills children.

    Develop thinking;

    Spatial imagination underlying design

    - to develop dialogical speech.


    Continue to develop independence in creating a gaming environment, in observing the rules and norms of behavior in the game.

    Foster goodwill between children, the ability to take into account the desires of comrades.

    Preliminary work:

    acquaintance of children with architectural art: viewing illustrations, construction of voluminous buildings from building material according to samples. Design lessons: the basic principles of city greening.

    acquaintance with the professions: architect, chauffeur, builder, crane operator, tanker, dispatcher, foreman - through role-playing games.

    Excursions for the construction of a residential building.

    Equipment: city \u200b\u200bdrawing (plan), wooden constructor, gas stations, cars, truck crane, vouchers with numbers showing the amount of building materials, gas coupons.

    Creature problem situation:

    “Tay, tay, fly,

    Play an interesting game

    We accept everyone and do not offend

    And whoever is late - flies into the sky ”.

    - When did dinosaurs live? (In the distant past.)

    - And where are we? (Present.)

    - Where will we be tomorrow? (In future.)

    The past is all that was

    No power in the world

    Will not return everything back

    Time just goes ahead.

    What we see now is

    Real for us

    The future is what will be

    And people don't know him ”.


    Educator: On our planet, among modern cities, there are cities that are clean, there are cities that are handsome and there are cities where people live very uncomfortably, badly. These large cities, also called megacities, have many environmental problems. This is often the fault of the people themselves.

    Question: What problems do you think a person can face in a big city?

    Children: Noise, many cars - polluted air from exhaust gases.

    Monotonous buildings. No flowers, few trees.

    Rep. Guys, what city we live in.

    Children: We live in Elista

    Rep. Guys, let's see what Elista was in the past.

    How do we get into the past? (Build a time machine, flying saucer, spaceship, etc.)

    - Raise your hands, who wants to fly into the past? To travel, we need to choose a flight director. What should it be? Whom do you suggest? (Election of participants).

    Rep. Guys, open your eyes and see what our Elista was like in the past (slide), in the present (slide)

    Educator: Look at these illustrations: this is our city of Elista. Now modern buildings, beautiful and bright houses are being built in our city, the city is changing before our eyes.

    Question: How would you like to see the city in which you live?

    Children: I would like to see the city without any problems, with beautiful houses, streets, squares and many flowers.

    Question: What are the houses?

    Children: Big and small, low and tall, one-story and multi-story.

    Question: How are the houses similar to each other?

    Children: All houses have foundations, walls, roofs, windows and doors.

    Educator: People of different professions work on the plan and layout of the city: architects, designers, engineers, designers and even scientists.

    Question: Who are architects?

    Children: These are people who come up with plans for houses, make models, plan entire cities, amusement parks for children and adults. Only when the plan and layout are ready, they start building.

    The teacher shows the children a model of one of the streets of Elista.

    Children examine him.

    Educator: To build a city, builders are needed.

    Question: What construction specialties do you know?

    Children: Bricklayers, assemblers, carpenters, painters, parquet flooring, joiners.

    Question: What is the house built from? What building materials do you know?

    Children: cement, sand, brick, gravel, glass.

    Question: How to deliver construction material to the construction site?

    Children: On special cars. This is a dump truck, panel truck, concrete mixer, crane, bulldozer.

    Educator: Guys, you also need knowledge in order to build high-quality houses. Every architect studies a lot and knows the laws of architecture:

    1. law is good.

    2. law is strength.

    3. law is beauty.

    Let's be real architects and discuss these laws.

    The first law is benefit.

    Question: What is the use of a residential building?

    Children: People live in houses, raise children, hide from bad weather - wind, rain, snow.

    Question: What is the use of kindergarten?

    Children: In kindergarten we play, sing, read, eat, sleep, and our parents work quietly.

    Question: What is the use of the park and square?

    Children: Adults and children are resting, running, breathing fresh, healthy air.

    2 law - strength.

    Question: Why are durable buildings needed?

    Children: So that people are not afraid to be in them, so that they are strong and serve for a long time.

    3 law - beauty.

    Question: Why do we need beautiful houses?

    Children: Beautiful houses cheer up, people enjoy living and working in them.

    Educator: We will also build a city. We have a master plan for an environmentally friendly, beautiful city, and we will be guided by it. Let's read it, find it and show it on the plan of a residential area, a shopping center, a public garden, a fountain.

    Children find and show.

    Before starting construction, let's define who will be who. Distribution of roles: builders, drivers, refuellers, head of a warehouse of building materials, workers of Zelenstroy and their boss, designers, road builders.

    You can get to work.

    Music sounds, children begin to fulfill the role they have chosen.

    Independent work.

    Educator: What a beautiful city it turned out! But, something is missing ...

    Children: We need to decorate the city with flowers and trees.

    Educator: Our houses are useful, durable, beautiful. We have built the city of the future! Playing buildings.

    Project leader: educator N.V. Shirinkina

    Project type: cognitive, educational

    Duration of the project: from 27.10 to 31.10.14.

    Project participants: children of the older preparatory group, preschool educators, musical director, parents.

    Project relevance

    Clock! What a common and well-known thing. We cannot do without watches, they are with us everywhere. We have watches on our hands and in our pockets, at home and on the street, watches at school, kindergarten and at the cosmodrome, at the station, in the car, watches on the plane and on the submarine. Some watches are round, others are square, some are thick, others are thin. There is a watch the size of a pea, and there are watches so huge that you can't take it away by car.

    How much these little arrows mean in our life, which run in a circle as if to no avail! I invited the children to imagine that tomorrow, all over the world, all clocks would immediately deteriorate. How many suggestions have been made about what a terrible mess this will cause! At sea, ships will lose their way, because without a watch, no captain can determine where the ship is. Stores will work as they please. In factories, work will become impossible - after all, the machines in the factory work on a precise schedule. Children will be late for kindergarten, and parents for work. I told the children that now it is difficult to imagine, but once upon a time there really was no clock - none, neither with springs, nor with batteries, nor with weights. There weren't even grandma's walkers! And, of course, no one asked each other: "Could you tell me what time it is, please?" The time was determined approximately: by the singing of birds and flowers, by sunsets and dawns, or looking at the sunny sky. If the sun is just rising from behind the horizon, then it’s morning. Is the sun directly overhead? It was noon. My story aroused the interest of children, many of them wanted to know how people could do without watches many years ago, what clocks were before, how they appeared. During the conversations, it was also revealed that the children did not have enough knowledge about the varieties and modern watches. Therefore, I decided to include in the system of educational and educational activities with children a cycle of joint activities on the topic "Clock" .

    Hypothesis: What happens if all the clocks around us stop working?

    Project goal: Formation of children's ideas about time.


    1. Introduce children to the history of watches;
    2. Bring children to the understanding that a person creates a watch to make his life easier;
    3. Raise pride and respect for domestic inventors.

    Pedagogical tasks:

    • contribute to the expansion and clarification of children's ideas about a person in history and culture;
    • stimulate the curiosity of children;
    • contribute to the development of a positive, humane attitude towards objects of the man-made world;
    • to develop search activity, intellectual initiative;
    • develop the ability to predict future changes;
    • develop communication skills;
    • create conditions and opportunities for search activities.

    Tasks for children:

    • consolidate your knowledge of time;
    • learn about the origin of clocks on Earth;
    • to treat with pride and respect the inventions of mankind;
    • develop imaginative thinking, imagination, fantasy, active speech, creativity;

    Tasks for parents:

    • contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about clocks and time space;
    • assist in the implementation of the project in group DOW.

    Necessary equipment:

    Cognitive area: didactic and board games; collection of photographs depicting watches, literature on the topic; presentations on the topic.

    Methods and techniques during the project:

    • conversations with children about the history of clocks;
    • reading fiction;
    • viewing illustrations;
    • drawing, applique, modeling;
    • guessing riddles;
    • physical exercises, didactic, outdoor and finger games;
    • counseling for parents;
    • watching cartoons, presentations.


    1. Formed knowledge base for children about the history of clocks.
    2. Formed interest in the inventions of mankind and respect for them.
    3. They have the skills of reasoning, observation.
    4. Expanded vocabulary on the topic.
    5. A presentation of the project was prepared and presented at the teachers' council.

    Family cooperation:

    1. Consulting
    2. Exhibitions of drawings

    Design products:

    1. Didactic games: "Parts of the day" ,
    2. Photos of events.
    3. Project presentation.

    Work description: I bring to your attention a lesson on the development of perception and sensory experience in older preschool children. This development will be useful for educational psychologists working in kindergartens, orphanages, specialists working with preschool children.

    Time machine travel

    goal: Provide an opportunity to understand the significance and importance of your past, present and future. Show what you can buy by making this or that choice.

    Equipment: letters No. 1, 2, 3 in envelopes, tape recorder and notes for walking and for doing "drawing", A4 paper, pencils for each.

    1. Minute of the meeting.

    Greetings in a circle, come up with rhymes with children.

    2. Host: There are people who like to remember what happened, i.e. live in the past. There are people who dream all the time, live in the future. Today we will try to understand these issues, but first, we will introduce everyone to the letters that the postman delivered to our address.

    Letter 1:

    "Hello guys! We are your age and we go to preparatory group d / garden in Moscow. We are in an unpleasant situation and ask for help.

    Once we saw beautiful paint in a store and decided that we could paint our group's veranda with it. The manager praised us. She said: "Only paint the veranda" - this is our rule.

    We painted the veranda. It turned out very nice! But the paint still remained: green and red. And we painted the old man's garage with it, thinking we were helping him. But he saw and began to scold us. Everyone is unhappy that we did this. And we ourselves are now upset too.

    Strange ... Maybe you understand why? Answer us!

    Children will prepare. groups d / s. "The Sun" of Moscow ".

    Letter 2:

    “Hello, peers! We heard about you and decided to ask for help.

    The fact is that our whole group gathered to go to rest with our parents in Black-Luch. We all agreed to meet at the Bus Station at 11:00 am before the departure of the bus. But two guys didn't come on time. We waited for them until evening. The bus left without us, and we were left without rest.

    It's a shame! We got into an argument. Some said that we had waited in vain for them, we had to leave. Others - that it was impossible to leave without waiting - is not comradely. We understand that what happened cannot be corrected, but tell me, what decision would you make? Waiting for an answer".

    Letter 3:

    “The guys write to you - 7 kids. Hello. Earlier, when we were little, and our mother-goat did everything for us, everything was simple. And now we have to do a lot ourselves. We have established a watch. But on the first day it started, especially when they were discussing what to cook for lunch. Everyone shouted so much about the names of the dishes that the attendants did not understand anything, and we were left hungry. The attendants had a headache. Mom will soon return from a business trip, and there is nothing to feed her. Maybe you know what to do in such a situation? We are waiting for an answer, thanks in advance, seven kids. " So, in order to quickly answer letters, I propose to divide into 3 microgroups and come up with answers to all 3 addressees. Then we will discuss the answers and, if necessary, make changes.

    All children are active in microgroups, it is impossible to "sit out" during the discussion. Reflection on Teamwork: Who made the discussion interesting? Who was more talkative, but sometimes interfered with their conversations? Who created the friendly environment?

    3. The game "Far - close"... Leading


    a) First, you have to walk to the music without looking at each other and keeping a great distance. Look only under your feet. Be sure to follow the instructions.

    b) also move around the room, but with closed eyes and trying to be as close as possible to each other. Do it calmly and remember your condition.

    Explanation: Help to feel the complexity of the experience and track them as you follow the instruction (using music).

    It is necessary to monitor the condition of the participants. And, if necessary, give additional instructions.

    Discussion: It is necessary to help to conclude that sometimes it is very difficult to feel or worry about something if you follow the instructions.

    4. Exercise "Pass as ..." Host: I will give you different tasks:

    Pass relaxed

    Complete assembled;

    Walk as if on hot sand;

    Walk as if you are walking through tall grass;

    Walk as if on a prickly pebble;

    Now you will move as your body suggests.

    Explanation: Develop imagination, exclude the possibility of imitating others, give the opportunity to enjoy the exercise process (performed with closed eyes, to rhythmic music).

    Discussion: what are your feelings? What helped? What were the difficulties?

    5. Exercise "Painter" Host: (relaxation, calm music). Close your eyes and imagine a large piece of paper. Determine its dimensions yourself. Show them with your hands in the air. You also have a magic brush. Feel it. She's magical. Because it moves on its own. Imagine she has already started painting. Try to help her: Let your hands move with her…. How will they paint: sweeping, confident or small strokes? What will your brush paint? Something familiar or mysterious lines, spots? I wonder where your hand will lead? Try to relax and watch her.

    After the exercise, they sit in a circle and need to be silent for a little (1.5-2 minutes), remembering vivid sensations.

    6. "The Tale of the Time Machine".

    The host says: “In one country, each resident had his own time machine. But everyone used it differently. Some traveled only to the past, they only liked to remember and not think about what awaited them. Others only traveled to the future, they did not want to remember what happened, and they did not want to think about the present at all. But there were people in this country who lived only in the present, they did not understand those who remembered all the time; and those who dreamed and dreamed. They began to laugh at them. Their time machines were covered with cobwebs.

    There lived a boy in this country, his name was Tim - curious. His family only traveled to the past. He couldn't put up with it. Once Tim made his way into the garage, lubricated all the levers and flew into the future, a few days later he returned and his stories about a wonderful mysterious future had no end. His stories piqued the curiosity of other people, and they ventured to travel at another time. But the levers of the car only moved in one direction, as they used to. Everyone gave up. And only the persistence of some reached the goal. They themselves chose the time and place where they would like to visit ...

    7. The game "Carousel"... Facilitator: Manages transitions and helps children to tune in to each other every time they meet.

    2 circles - inner and outer. “The outer circle will work now. Tell your partner what you want to find for yourself in the future. Thank you! Say goodbye, and the outer circle steps to the right: new hands, new meeting.

    Now the inner circle is working - where would you go in a time machine and why? "

    Perhaps 6-7 transitions, where participants perform: some - the role of listeners, and the second - talk about the significance of the past, present and future.

    8. Drawing "Three mirrors"... Lead: try to draw yourself in the past, present, future, using the color of the mirrors. Look carefully, have you noted everything, do not rush. Notice yourself in these times. Discussion: How do you feel about drawing at different times? Which is easier to draw? Why?

    Used: A4 sheet of paper and pencils.

    In the blue mirror - what it is; in green - what he was; in red - what you want to become.

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