• Consultation for preschool teachers "formation of the foundations of safe life for preschoolers." Consultation for educators "organization of work with children in support" Consultations for kindergarten teachers


    A real shock for any parent is the need to send their beloved child to kindergarten. And this is understandable, because for a long time the mother was inseparably close to her precious baby, and now he needs to be given to the care of “unknown aunts”.

    The main issue that worries all parents who send a baby to a preschool educational institution is ensuring the safety of their crumbs in kindergarten. This is a legitimate concern. After all, going to kindergarten, the child finds himself in an unfamiliar, yet unknown world for himself, full of not only new joyful discoveries and achievements, but also dangers.

    What dangers await the baby

    Babies can face a variety of dangers on the territory of the kindergarten. Several categories can be distinguished:

    • increased incidence.This is probably the most common hazard factor encountered in preschool institutions. It's no secret that kindergarten is a place of large gatherings of children different ages... And it is quite natural that the immunity and susceptibility to diseases in babies is different. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that in kindergarten a child often "clings" to various infections and diseases. This is especially worrisome for parents whose children have weakened immunity;
    • injuries, accidents... The causes of injuries can be very different: often children can injure each other in the struggle for toys, push friends, hurrying from a walk to lunch, fall from a crib during an afternoon nap or carelessly ride down a slide - there can be a great many sources of injury;
    • emergencies.Although such phenomena as fire and earthquakes are rare events, and we live in peacetime, one should not forget about the necessary measures to prevent such situations and the principles of ensuring safety during an emergency.
    • a threat to the psychological health of a child... Not all parents think about the fact that the child in the kindergarten can harm not only physical, but also psychological. And this is due to several factors: the personal characteristics of the staff, the manipulation of children, the relationship between children, the stress of parting with the mother. Parents need to monitor the psychological state of the baby, and when the child categorically refuses to go to kindergarten, you should carefully understand the reasons.

    Safety factors in kindergarten

    To protect children from various dangers, thus keeping babies healthy and parents happy, a preschool must ensure that many safety factors are observed.

    Children's health safety is one of the most important factors.... In order to prevent various colds and infectious diseases, an appropriate temperature regime, as well as the level of illumination and ventilation, must be maintained in the garden. Also, in the places where children are located, there must be no drafts.

    Regular medical examination of the staff of the institution is mandatory in order to exclude infectious diseases. In state educational institution by all means there must be a nurse who constantly monitors the health and condition of the babies, who is responsible for calling an ambulance, if necessary. Also, periodic examinations of young pupils in professional medical institutions are mandatory.

    It is important to monitor the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution, and, most importantly, the kitchen and children's products. For children with a tendency to allergic reactions to certain foods, it is necessary to develop an individual menu. In this case, a great responsibility falls on the parents. You cannot be silent about allergenic products, as information about them may not be included in the child's medical record.

    In the premises of the kindergarten, it is imperative to carry out daily cleaning and periodic disinfection, and all participants in the educational and educational process must sacredly respect the rules of personal hygiene.

    Among the key safety factors, the physical safety of children is also distinguished. To ensure it, a set of conditions must be created in kindergarten to protect the life and health of children. The threat can be entailed not only by external (criminal, terrorist acts, insane acts of adults), but also internal (inadequate technical condition of the building and structures on its territory) factors.

    To avoid accidents, the technical condition of the premises and the buildings adjacent to the garden must be subject to mandatory regular monitoring. In addition, each employee of the kindergarten must possess instructions for interacting with the main security services. At the same time, the mechanism of interaction with such organizations should not only be developed, but also tested in practice in a learning environment. In the best way training of behavior skills in emergency situations is the periodic (at least twice a year) training evacuations from the premises and from the territory of the preschool educational institution.

    To avoid the kidnapping of children from kindergarten, babies can only be given to their mothers and fathers, and when other persons appear in kindergarten, the written permission of the parents is required.

    Fire safety at the preschool educational institution

    Compliance with fire safety is one of the key points in the system of ensuring the safety conditions of a preschool institution.

    First, it is worth paying close attention to the fire safety of the building: to periodically inspect gas stoves in the kitchen, electrical wiring throughout the building. The premises of the preschool educational institution must be equipped with elementary fire protection equipment: fire extinguishers, shovels and sand. It is necessary to have an “alarm button” in the building, with which you can quickly call firefighters or the Ministry of Emergencies.

    Secondly, you should pay close attention to the objects with which the child plays. After all, the presence of matches or a lighter in the hands of a baby is not necessarily caused by the negligence of the parents - it may be an accidental find of a young researcher who will probably want to figure out “how it works”.

    Those responsible for the safety of children

    Almost every parent asks who is responsible for the safety of their precious child in preschool? From the point of view of the structure of the educational institution, the number one person in charge and the one who ensures the safety check on the territory of the preschool educational institution is the director or head of the kindergarten. As the main document of any educational institution (the law "On Education") says, the head is personally responsible for the safety of each of his pupils.

    Of course, it is unrealistic for the head of the preschool educational institution to keep track of several dozen children at once, so the teacher of the group becomes responsible for ensuring the safety of the child in the kindergarten.

    Parents of a child can also be invaluable in keeping your child safe. As a rule, this is voluntary financial and material assistance to the kindergarten aimed at updating outdated elements of playgrounds, desks, cots and other structures. Also, the task of parents is to monitor compliance with safety standards in the garden. All these are important steps to ensure the safety of the children of the preschool institution and, first of all, their beloved baby.

    1.5. The teacher of the preschool educational institution is at the workplace in sanitary clothes, which are provided by the preschool educational institution and in personal changeable comfortable shoes.

    1.6. The teacher of the preschool educational institution observes the approved regime of work and rest in the child care institution. Changes to the work and rest regime are allowed only in case of extreme situations.

    1.7. Systematically monitors:

    - the presence in the first-aid kit of a group of a set of necessary medicines and dressings for the provision of first aid in case of injuries;

    - the location of the first aid kit in places inaccessible to children;

    - the presence, on the walls, of room thermometers to control the temperature regime in the rooms of group and sleeping rooms kindergarten.

    1.8. The teacher of the kindergarten group must possess the techniques and methods of providing first aid in the amount of instructions for providing first aid to the victim, acting in a preschool educational institution.

    1.9. The teacher must immediately inform the head of the preschool educational institution about each accident that occurs in a preschool educational institution immediately after providing first aid to the victim (preschool employee, child, child's parents).

    1.10. The teacher of the preschool educational institution is obliged to observe the rules of the fire regime, instructions on fire safety measures, to know the location of the primary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, fire hydrants). Must know the procedure for turning on the warning system and managing the evacuation of people in case of fire, an action plan for the evacuation of children and people in case of fire.

    1.11. The preschool teacher must know:

    - instruction on labor protection for a kindergarten teacher;

    - hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the work performed;

    - rules of industrial sanitation;

    - rules for the use of personal and collective protective equipment.

    1.12. The teacher is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene during work, to keep his workplace clean and tidy.

    1.13. The educator is personally responsible for the health and safety of children during their entire stay in a children's educational institution.

    1.14. Failure to comply with this instruction on labor protection of the educator is a violation of labor discipline and entails disciplinary, material and criminal liability, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.15. Persons who have committed non-compliance or violation of the requirements of the instructions on labor protection for the teacher of a children's educational institution are subjected to an extraordinary test of knowledge of the rules and regulations on labor protection.

    2. Labor protection requirements before starting the work of a kindergarten teacher

    Before starting work, the educator of a children's educational institution must:

    2.1. Check the condition of the group room, children's undressing room, toilet.

    2.2. Switch on the lighting completely and make sure it works properly. The smallest allowable illumination in the premises should be as follows:

    - in a group room - at least 20 W / m2 with fluorescent lamps and at least 48 W / m2 with incandescent lamps;

    - in the bedroom - at least 5 W / sq. m with fluorescent lamps and at least 9.6 W / sq. m with incandescent lamps.

    2.3. Make sure of the correct arrangement of children's furniture in accordance with the norms in the group room: 4-seater tables should be installed in no more than two rows, 2-seater tables - in no more than three rows; the distance between the rows of tables is not less than 0.5 m; the distance of the first row of tables from the outer wall is at least 1.0 m.

    2.4. Make sure that electrical equipment is in good working order in all rooms where children will be. In the process of visual inspection, the luminaires must be reliably suspended from the ceiling, the switching (junction) boxes must be covered with covers, the electrical outlets must be closed with false plugs, the cases and covers of switches and sockets must be free of cracks and chips. Do not use fused outlets and switches, or plugs or extension cords with exposed or damaged wires.

    2.5. The kindergarten teacher is forbidden to independently eliminate the identified electrical safety violations. The elimination of these violations in electrical installations should be dealt with by electrical personnel.

    2.6. Check the sanitary condition of the premises, properly ventilate children's rooms by opening windows or transoms and doors. The windows in the open position must be fixed with hooks, and for transoms, use stops. It is necessary to finish airing the premises 30 minutes before the arrival of the children. Glasses and windows for ventilation of premises must be opened and closed carefully so as not to break the glass.

    2.7. Check and make sure that all stationary baby equipment is well secured to prevent children from falling or injuring themselves. Pay attention to the condition of internal doors, staircase railings, floors, thresholds.

    2.8. Measure the air temperature in the room and make sure that this temperature meets the established sanitary standards for rooms with children preschool age.

    2.9. If deficiencies are found in fastenings, breakdowns of children's equipment and furniture, washbasins, electrical equipment that can negatively affect the health of the teacher and the children of the group, immediately inform the deputy head of the administrative department or the head of the kindergarten directly to take measures to eliminate the deficiencies found.

    3. Labor protection requirements during the work of a preschool teacher

    3.1. During work, the teacher of a preschool educational institution is obliged:

    3.1.1. Ensure the safe conduct of the educational and educational process.

    3.1.2. Be extremely attentive to the behavior of children, in order to timely prevent and prevent events that can lead to accidents, emergencies, conflict relations with parents and kindergarten staff.

    3.1.3. If you detect signs of malaise, lethargy or illness in a child:

    - to isolate a sick child to exclude infection of other children;

    - call a nurse to provide the child with the necessary qualified medical care;

    - inform the parents (guardian) of the sick child about the incident.

    - in the absence of a nurse, in agreement with the parents, provide first aid;

    - in urgent cases, call an ambulance.

    3.1.4. Immediately notify the management of the children's educational institution about every accident with the pupil, takes measures to provide first aid.

    3.1.5. Monitor the fasteners of furniture and flower stands, monitor the serviceability of equipment.

    3.1.6. Monitor the state of the dishes (tea and dining room). Cups, saucers, plates with cracks and chips are immediately seized and handed over to the caretaker.

    3.1.7. Make sure that children have individual combs and towels, in case of absence, notify parents.

    3.1.8. Make proposals to improve the conditions for the educational process, educational activities and health improvement of children, inform the management of the children's educational institution about all the shortcomings in the provision of the educational and educational process that reduce the vital activity and performance of children.

    3.1.9. Organize the study by kindergarten children of occupational health and safety rules, traffic rules, household behavior, fire safety rules, etc.

    3.1.10. Keep the workplace clean and tidy, observe hygiene. Ensure safe storage and maintenance of cutting, stabbing and other dangerous items (scissors, needles, pins, buttons, paper clips, etc.). Scissors in the classroom should be with blunt ends, needles are used exclusively on individual lessons under the supervision of a teacher.

    3.1.11. During a walk, constantly keep all the children in sight, know the number of children taken for a walk. If, for any reason, some children remain in the group, the preschool teacher is obliged to transfer such pupils under the supervision of an assistant educator (junior educator).

    3.1.12. Carry out a long walk or excursion only with a second employee (one in front, the other behind), strictly following the rules of street and road traffic.

    3.1.13. Monitor the implementation of the temperature and drinking regime in the preschool educational institution group.

    3.1.14. Carry out outdoor walks for children at least twice a day for a total duration of at least 4-4.5 hours.

    3.1.15. In the process of dressing children for a walk, avoid sudden, fussy and careless movements that can lead to injury to the teacher and children.

    3.1.16. In hot weather, take the kindergarten children for a walk in light hats.

    3.1.17. To avoid colds, when going for a walk with children, dress and dress children according to the weather (waterproof shoes, warm outerwear, hats, scarves, mittens, etc.).

    3.1.18. When working with children at the green space care site, check and, in the process, monitor the health of household equipment: shovels, rakes, stretchers, etc.

    3.1.19. Make sure that children do not eat berries, mushrooms, plants while walking, and do not pick anything outside from the floor.

    3.1.20. When moving in the group room, other rooms of the kindergarten, as well as when walking with pupils on the street, be careful and watch out for slippery places and irregularities.

    3.1.21. To carry out the decoration of the group room, assembly hall only on stable, specially designed step-ladders.

    3.2. During work, the kindergarten teacher is prohibited from:

    3.2.1. Distraction while working with children and distracting others preschool educators extraneous conversations.

    3.2.2. To admit to their workplace persons who are not related to the work of the preschool educational institution.

    3.2.3. Pin your clothing with needles or pins, keep breakable and sharp objects in your pockets, and wear high-heeled shoes indoors.

    3.2.4. Store drugs and medicines in a group, except for diamond greens, hydrogen peroxide and iodine, which should be kept in a first-aid kit, fixed at a height inaccessible to children.

    3.2.5. Use electric heating devices in the room of the group: boilers, fireplaces, electric kettles, curling irons, etc.

    3.2.6. Take walks with children along streets with a lot of traffic.

    3.2.7. Let the children go alone to the kindergarten, leave them alone on the playground or in the group premises.

    3.2.8. Give children to strangers, as well as to relatives under 16 years old.

    3.2.9. Give children to parents who are intoxicated.

    3.3. Requirements for the number of classes and their duration in a preschool educational institution:

    3.3.1. Number of training sessions per week:

    - in junior and middle groups - 11-12,

    - at senior group — 15,

    - in the preparatory group - 17.

    3.3.2. The maximum allowable number of training sessions in the morning in the younger and middle groups The preschool educational institution should not exceed two classes, and in the senior and preparatory groups - three.

    3.3.3. Duration of training sessions:

    - for children 4 years of age - no more than 15 minutes;

    - for children 5 years of age - no more than 20 minutes;

    - for children 6 years of age - no more than 25 minutes;

    - for children of 7 years of age - no more than 30 minutes.

    In the middle of classes, a physical education minute is held with a duration of 1.5-2.0 minutes.

    Breaks between classes - at least 10 minutes.

    3.4. Requirements for catering at a preschool educational institution:

    3.4.1. Dispensing ready-made food to children is allowed only after taking a sample and recording by a health worker in the marriage log of the assessment of ready-made meals and allowing them to be dispensed.

    3.4.2. The temperature of hot food when served to children should not exceed 70 ° C.

    3.4.3. During a meal, the preschool teacher is obliged to monitor the correct use of cutlery by children. When serving food to children, tableware should not have cracks or chips in order to avoid injury to children.

    3.4.4. Food from the kindergarten kitchen is served when there are no children in the corridors and stairs.

    3.4.5. During the distribution of food, do not allow games, children's pranks around the dining tables.

    3.4.6. It is strictly forbidden to bring boiling water to group rooms, as well as any food from home for treating children in kindergarten.

    3.5. Requirements for watching TV

    3.5.1. The duration of being behind a TV or monitor screen should be no more than 20 minutes in the junior and middle groups, and no more than 30 minutes in the senior and preparatory groups. Watching TV shows, educational programs and films, videos by children of preschool age is allowed no more than 2 times a day (in the first and second half of the day).

    3.5.2. To watch TV programs, educational films, programs, videos, use a TV, monitor with a screen size of 59-69 cm. The screen should be installed at a height of 1.0-1.3 m from the floor of the group room.

    3.5.3. Children should be seated at a distance of 2.0-5.5 m from the screen.

    4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of the work of a kindergarten teacher

    4.1. Carefully inspect all the premises of the group, pay attention to the presence of dangerous and harmful factors and inform the administration of the kindergarten (Kindergarten) about this.

    4.2. Ventilate the premises for at least 20-30 minutes, then close all windows and transoms.

    4.3. Tidy up the room of the group (remove all toys, manuals, notebooks, books, accessories for drawing, modeling, etc., check the arrangement of furniture and arrange it, arrange the placement of children's things).

    4.4. Turn off all used tools, equipment (demonstration, educational, audio and video equipment) powered from the electrical network.

    4.5. If any comments are found, notify the head of the preschool educational institution (DOU).

    4.6. Think, plan and prepare for the next day's work.

    4.7. Take off work clothes, change shoes and place them in the prescribed place.

    4.8. Wash hands cleanly with soap.

    4.9. When leaving, close windows and transoms, turn off the electric lighting, close the front door or hand over your shift to the next shift teacher.

    5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations in a preschool educational institution

    5.1. In the event of a fire, accident and other natural disasters, the kindergarten teacher first of all takes measures to save the children of the group.

    5.2. In the event of a fire, you must:

    5.2.1. immediately evacuate children from the premises (according to the evacuation plan);

    5.2.2. if possible, close all vents and windows in order to quickly prevent the spread of fire;

    5.2.3. report the fire to the head of the preschool educational institution;

    5.2.4. call the fire department by phone 101;

    5.2.5. if possible and if necessary, turn off the electricity;

    5.2.6. start extinguishing the source of fire using primary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguisher, sand, water, thick blanket).

    5.3. When a child receives an injury, it is necessary:

    5.3.1. immediately provide first aid to the injured child, eliminate the impact on him of damaging factors that threaten life and health (free from the action of electric current, extinguish burning clothes, remove a traumatic object, substitute under a cold stream of water in case of a burn, etc.);

    5.3.2. take the necessary measures and actions to rescue the victim in order of urgency (restore the patency of the airways, administer artificial respiration and external heart massage, stop bleeding);

    5.3.3. support the basic life functions of the affected child until the arrival of the health care worker;

    5.3.4. inform the administration of the preschool educational institution, the nurse, the parents about the incident, and, if necessary, send the child to the nearest medical institution.

    5.4. If unforeseen situations arise in a preschool educational institution, the teacher should:

    5.4.1. Ensure the safety of all children in the group;

    5.4.2. Inform the kindergarten administration about the incident, if necessary, have time to provide first aid in case of an accident;

    5.4.3. If necessary, inform the rescue service by phone 101.

    5.5. In the event of an accident (breakthrough) in the heating system of the institution, it is necessary to urgently remove the pupils from the group premises, inform the administration of the children's educational institution about the incident.

    6. Responsibility of the kindergarten teacher

    6.1. The preschool teacher is personally responsible for the life and health of the children of the group, for the implementation of this labor protection instruction for the kindergarten teacher in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    6.2. A kindergarten teacher for violation of the rules of labor protection and industrial sanitation is subject to disciplinary punishments provided for by the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution.

    6.3. The teacher can be prosecuted for untimely reporting of an accident with a kindergarten pupil or for delay in providing first aid, evacuating children, calling an ambulance, as well as other situations provided for by the job description and other local acts of the preschool educational institution.

    Senior educator: Reshetnikova A.O.

    The beginning of the 21st century, unfortunately, for us, adults, for parents, for our children, is a time of anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Terrorist attacks with numerous victims of children and the elderly, contract killings, rampant banditry, kidnapping, an increase in the frequency of manifestations of the destructive forces of nature, the number of industrial accidents and disasters, the lack of skills for correct behavior in various threatening and emergency situations - all or almost all of the above have devalued the most expensive for a person - life. As noted by AI Muravykh, "ensuring the safety of life is, in essence, the creation of such conditions in the system, under which the action of deterministic or random factors causing the appearance of danger is limited and ultimately leads to a decrease in danger to an acceptable level."

    Therefore, it became necessary to search for a mechanism for the formation of a conscious and responsible attitude in the younger generation to the preservation of life and health, to the issues of personal safety and the safety of others. Experts from different scientific fields note that education should be such a mechanism. This training should take place at all stages of a person's life, and it is necessary to start from preschool age.

    Preschool age is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the physical capabilities of the child, which, combined with increased curiosity, the desire for independence, often lead to trauma-dangerous situations. A huge work on the education of safe behavior is carried out in preschool institutions using various techniques and methods, which contributes to a gradual increase in the level of formation of elementary rules for safe behavior by children and the implementation of correct actions in the event of dangerous situations. Also significant is the problem of creating conditions in the family that allow the child to systematically accumulate experience of safe behavior.

    How to ensure safety and healthy image life for our children? The child finds himself in various life situations, the way out of which requires knowledge and skills from him.

    In order for the child not to get confused and to make the right decision, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bfirst, to give a certain amount of knowledge about the generally accepted human norms of behavior; secondly, to teach adequately, consciously to act in a particular situation, situation, to help preschoolers master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport; thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

    It is important to teach the child to explain their own behavior. If he can explain how he behaved, good or bad, why it happened to him, and how he feels, then he can better understand what he is doing wrong. A child who can explain what is happening to him helps us, adults, to better understand him, which means that he removes many problems and troubles.

    While children are in the caring hands of their parents, adults, and even more so children, do not seriously think about safety issues. It is possible to completely protect the child from any accidents, provided that the adults are with him all day long, do not step away, and even begin to hold his hand. But soon there will come a moment in the life of the family when the child will have to be released from himself. Is the child ready for independent steps? Will she be able to defend herself, avoid dangers? We must think about this and take care of it now, while he is with us.

    Time must not be wasted! It will be very difficult to make up for it. Each of our shortcomings regarding personal safety issues can subsequently turn into disaster. Given this fact, we will try to give you some tips and tricks.

    To introduce a child to safe behavior, certain principles must be observed:

    1. Sequences: In order to avoid situations that are dangerous to one's own life and the lives of others, it is necessary to form a certain culture of thinking and behavior. This process should take place systematically and sequentially - from familiar to unfamiliar; any stage of training is based on what has already been mastered in previous experience. This work should be done from an early age.
    2. Parenting by example: Children prefer their observations of the real behavior of adults to boring moralizing. And if one is at odds with the other, then it is difficult to require a child to follow the rules. An example of elders in developing a stable habit in a child of how to behave in a particular problem situation in accordance with the norms and rules of behavior is the main factor in upbringing and disciplined behavior. (For example, collisions of vehicles occur at the moment a child crosses the carriageway with the parents. It is the parents who violate the rules of the crossing (go in an unknown place, at a prohibited traffic light sign, in front of a nearby vehicle, etc.) Therefore, here an important educational function has its own example of parents.
    3. Correspondence of the form of education to the child's age: The appropriateness of this or that behavior should act in the context of the child's needs, as well as his age-related capabilities. The learning process of your children should correspond to their age capabilities, bordering on the ways of delivering this or that information in its various forms.
    4. Inclusion of learning in the context of everyday life: Knowledge should become the basis for the child's life. An essential aspect of training is the practical consolidation of knowledge. Due to the concreteness and imagery of children's thinking, learning should be visual and take place in natural conditions. Adults are obliged to consolidate this knowledge in practice, expanding the possibilities of their practical application. You can include them in developing mobile, plot-role and didactic games, problematic game situations etc.
    5. Encouraging the child to take responsibility for his own safety and the safety of those around him: It is necessary to teach the child to self-assess the situation, since an adult cannot always be near the child. A duty to be responsible for another living being may contribute to this skill. Naturally, it is impossible without dry rules. But we must remember that the child remembers well only what is emotionally colored for him and can be applied in practice.

    Based on the peculiarities of perception and understanding of information by children, the following types of work in the family can be distinguished to form the personal safety of children's behavior:

    Acquaintance through works of fiction: riddles, fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak's "Cat's House", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", etc .; poems by E. Khorinskaya "Small match", S. Ya, Marshak "Fire" and others; stories by V. Galchenko "The Adventures of a Firefighter", B. Zhitkov "The First Alarm", M. Postupalskoy "Eternally Alive", "Stories about Fire" by E. Vasiliev "To avoid trouble - do it right", S. Oboeva "ABC of Security" ; examining illustrations "Children by the fire", "On the hunt", etc .; examining posters, sets of postcards, etc. It is very important for parents to talk with the child about the work they have read, to clarify the child's opinion about the actions of the heroes.

    Game activity: didactic games: "Mess", "ABC of safety", "Rules of etiquette or how to behave in society", "I am a rescuer", "ABC of health", "Guess the object", "Draw a clue", "Connect point by point "," So and not so. "

    Outdoor games: "Red, yellow, green", "Thieves and resourceful guys", "Fire", "One, two, three, what can be dangerous - find."

    Observations and excursions: during these, discuss the situations with the child, finding the right way out with the child.

    Of particular importance for the child's mastery of the alphabet of the road is acquiring walks of adults with children, during which one can teach the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, understand and comply with safety requirements. To this end, it is useful to comment on the path from the kindergarten, indicating where and how to cross the street, which side to bypass a standing tram, draw the child's attention to areas with heavy traffic, as well as places where public transport stops. Preschool children should develop the habit of staying away from any object that interferes with viewing both sides of the road without making sure the crossing is safe.

    Joint creative activity of children and parents. It is advisable to reflect the knowledge acquired by the child in drawings, crafts, to consolidate in dramatization games, playing problem situations... For example, parents, together with their child, draw a plan-diagram of their apartment, find and outline in red pencil dangerous, in their opinion, places, justifying their answers. Consolidation of knowledge of traffic rules is possible by taking on the role of a police traffic controller, vehicle driver, pedestrian. Raising children in the mainstream of responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, the formation of a perception of the reality of the problem and the need to comply with the norms and rules of behavior is an ongoing process in which everyone should participate: both teachers and parents. Then the lives of the children will be safe.

    Consultation for educators "Formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children"

    Formation of the basics of safety and life in preschool children.

    "The most precious thing for a person is life"

    N. A. Ostrovsky.

    The formation of the foundations of the safety and life of children in a preschool educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, and their acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life. Together with our parents, we are carrying out purposeful work in this area.

    It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for a meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most dangerous situations, on the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example for the child to follow. The concept of safety in parole previously included only the protection of the life and health of children. But the modern world has changed the approach to the problem of security, it also includes such concepts as ecological disaster and terrorism.

    When educating children about initial safety fundamentals, the following goals should be identified:

    Formation of the foundations for maintaining and promoting health;

    Fostering safe behavior, the ability to anticipate dangerous situations, avoid them if possible, and act if necessary.

    Working with children on life safety includes a whole range of tasks:

    Acquaintance with household sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of ideas about the ways of safe behavior in everyday life;

    Development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and respectful attitude to native nature;

    Education of a competent road user;

    Fostering a sense of mutual help and camaraderie.

    The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial safety foundations is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

    Consistency and consistency (any new step in teaching children is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

    Accessibility (the complication of the material occurs taking into account age characteristics children);

    Involvement in activities (play, cognitive, search and other types);

    Visibility (safety is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

    Dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities);

    Psychological comfort (relieving stress factors).

    Stages of implementation of these tasks:

    Stage 1 - the interest of children, to update, clarify and systematize their knowledge of safety rules;

    Stage 2 - introduce the rules into the life of children, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, train in the ability to apply these rules;

    Stage 3 - on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills, help to consciously master real practical actions.

    Forms of organization of the educational process:


    Memorizing poems;

    Collection of photographic materials;

    Games - activities;

    Learning the rules of safe behavior;

    Didactic games;

    Outdoor games;

    Reading fiction;

    Examination of illustrations on the topic;



    Theatrical performances;

    Subject - role-playing games;

    Games - trainings;

    Watching cartoons;

    Labor activity;

    Productive activity;

    Guessing riddles;


    Playing around situations of right and wrong behavior;

    Meeting interesting people;

    Participation in various competitions;

    Personal example of adults.

    Along with the traditional forms of education in UDL, great attention is paid to the organization of various types of activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything that we teach children, they must be able to apply in real life, in practice.

    The child finds himself in various life situations in which he can simply get confused. First, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of generally accepted human norms of behavior. Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously to act in a particular environment, to help preschoolers master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, and thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

    The solution of problems, ensuring a safe, healthy lifestyle is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on an equal footing: together we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, together we discuss a problem, we conduct a dialogue, we learn together, we make discoveries, we are surprised.

    For the formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-developmental environment in the group. It includes:

    1. A safety corner that contains materials:

    Security board with various types of sockets, switches, locks; street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians", "Regulator", "Rescuers", "Ambulance", etc. Plan-diagram of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with marking of dangerous areas, places favorable for games ; OBZH posters on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! "," Fire safety for preschoolers "and others; albums "Medicinal Plants", "Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms", "Professions", "Valeology, or Healthy Baby", "If the Baby is Wounded", etc.

    Creation of a traffic rules site at the site for using the acquired knowledge in play activities.

    2. The game library, which contains:

    Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Continue the row", "Name in one word", "Fourth - superfluous", "So - not so", etc.;

    Desktop - printed games "Fundamentals of Security", "Big Walk around the City", "Good - Bad", "Valeology", "Road Signs", "Emergencies at Home", etc.

    3. Library, which contains cognitive and fictional literature, photo albums, illustrations for viewing and discussing various situations.

    L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire Dogs";

    V. Zhitkov "Fire", "In the Smoke";

    S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse";

    T. Shorygina "Green fairy tales", "Cautious fairy tales";

    K. Zaitsev "Lessons of Aibolit";

    Fairy tales "The Wolf and the Little Goats", "Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkin's Hut", "Gingerbread Man", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", etc.

    Yu. Sokolov "Safety Rules";

    I. Seryakov "Street, where everyone is in a hurry", "Scientist friend";

    E. Permyakov "Hasty Knife";

    Nursery "Tili-tili-tili-bom! Cat's house is on fire! "," Gherkin ";

    A. Ivanov “ABC of Security. How inseparable friends did not burn in the fire "," how inseparable friends did not drown in water "," How inseparable friends guarded the house ";

    I. A. Yavorskaya "Children and the Road";

    I. Leshkevich "Traffic Light";

    N. Nosov "Car";

    G. Yurmin "Curious Mouse";

    A. Dorokhov " Underground crossing"," Fence along the sidewalk "," Shlagbaum ";

    L. Halperstein "Tram and His Family";

    A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island";

    V. Semernin "Forbidden - Permitted";

    A. Severny "Three wonderful colors".

    Working with parents is one of the most important areas of upbringing and educational work in parole. After all, the range of problems associated with the safety of a child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten, therefore, close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing brings up as convincingly as a good example of adults.

    The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance and importance of the problem of child safety, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to outline the range of rules that must be introduced first of all in the family.

    In work with parents, the information and analytical direction is used: conducting surveys. questionnaire of parents; cognitive direction: parenting meetings, visual and informational direction: organization of open days, open viewing of classes and other activities, information on the stand, moving folders, development of memos; leisure direction: joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, excursions; exhibitions of family creative works, products from waste and natural materials.

    Thanks to the work done, results are expected:

    1. The knowledge and knowledge acquired by the child about himself and his health will allow finding ways to strengthen and maintain health.

    2. The acquired skills will help you consciously choose a healthy lifestyle.

    3. The experience gained will help to avoid accidents.

    Olga Malgina
    Consultation for educators "Formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children"

    Formation of the basics of safety and life in preschool children.

    “The most precious thing a person has is a life»

    N. A. Ostrovsky.

    Formation of the foundations of the safety and life of children in preschool conditions educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need informing children about the rules of safe behaviorgaining experience safe behavior at home... Together with our parents, we are carrying out purposeful work in this area.

    shape safe security life and health of children security

    It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for a meeting with possible difficulties, shape understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to comply with safety precautions, instill in him skills safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as a role model for the child. Concept security in the preschool educational institution previously included only security life and health of children... But the modern world has changed the approach to the problem security, it also includes such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

    When reviewing children with initial safety fundamentals the following goals:

    - forming the foundations to preserve and promote health;

    - fostering safe behavior, the ability to foresee dangerous situations, if possible to avoid them, if necessary - to act.

    Working with children on life safety includes a whole complex tasks:

    Familiarity with domestic sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, formation ideas about ways safe behavior at home;

    Development fundamentals ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude to the native nature;

    - education a competent road user;

    - education feelings of mutual help and camaraderie.

    Implementation of these tasks and formation of initial safety foundations carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

    Consistency and consistency (any new step in training children relies on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

    Accessibility (the complication of the material occurs taking into account age characteristics of children);

    Engaging in activities (game, cognitive, search and other types);

    Visibility (technique security is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

    Dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities);

    Psychological comfort (relieving stress factors).

    Stages of data implementation tasks:

    Stage 1 - interest children, update, clarify and systematize their knowledge of the rules security;

    Stage 2 - introduce the rules into children's life, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, train in the ability to apply these rules;

    Stage 3 - on basis assimilated knowledge and skills to help consciously master real practical actions.

    Forms organization of educational educational process:


    Memorizing poems;

    Collection of photographic materials;

    Games - activities;

    Learning the rules safe behavior;

    Didactic games;

    Outdoor games;

    Reading fiction;

    Examination of illustrations on the topic;



    Theatrical performances;

    Subject - role-playing games;

    Games - trainings;

    Watching cartoons;

    Labor activity;

    Productive activity;

    Guessing riddles;


    Playing around situations of right and wrong behavior;

    Meeting interesting people;

    Participation in various competitions;

    Personal example of adults.

    Along with traditional forms of study at preschool educational institutions, great attention is paid to the organization of various types of activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, on practice.

    The child falls into various life situationsin which he can simply get confused. First, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of generally accepted human norms of behavior. Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously to act in a particular situation, to help preschoolers master the basic skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport and, thirdly, develop preschoolers independence and responsibility.

    Problem solving providing safe, healthy lifestyle life possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on equal: together we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, together we discuss the problem, we conduct a dialogue, together we learn, we make discoveries, we are surprised.

    For formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment in the group. Into it are included:

    1. Corner security, which contains materials:

    Shield security with various types of sockets, switches, locks; street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians", "Adjuster", "Rescuers", "Ambulance" and so on. Plan-diagram of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with marking of dangerous areas, places favorable for games; OBZH posters by topic "If you are lost on the street", "Attention! Terrorism!", "Fire department safety for preschoolers» and etc; albums "Medicinal plants", "Poisonous plants and mushrooms", "Professions", "Valeology, or Healthy baby", "If the baby is hurt" and etc.

    Creation of a car city on the site to use the knowledge gained in game activities.

    2. The game library, which contains:

    Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Continue the row", "Name it in one word", "The fourth is extra", "So - not so" and etc. ;

    Board - printed games « Security basics» , "Great City Walk", "Good bad", "Valeology", "Road signs", "Emergencies at home" and etc.

    3. Library, which contains cognitive and fictional literature, photo albums, illustrations for viewing and discussing various situations.

    L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire dogs";

    V. Zhitkov "Fire", "In the smoke";

    S. Marshak "Fire", "The Tale of an Unknown Hero", "The Tale of the Silly Mouse";

    T. Shorygina "Green Tales", "Cautious Tales";

    K. Zaitseva "Lessons of Aibolit";

    Fairy tales "The wolf and the kids", "Three pigs", "Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkina hut", "Kolobok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox" and etc.

    Yu Sokolova "Rules security» ;

    I. Seryakov "The street where everyone is in a hurry", "The learned friend";

    E. Permyakov "Hasty Knife";

    Nursery rhymes "Tili-tili-tili-bom! Cat's house is on fire! ", "Gherkin";

    A. Ivanov "ABC security... As inseparable friends did not burn in the fire ", "Like inseparable friends did not drown in water", "How inseparable friends guarded the house";

    I. A. Yavorskaya "Children and the Road";

    I. Leshkevich "Traffic lights";

    N. Nosov "Car";

    G. Yurmin "Curious Mouse";

    A. Dorokhov "Underground crossing", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier";

    L. Halperstein "Tram and his family";

    A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island";

    V. Semernin "Forbidden - Allowed";

    A. Severny "Three wonderful colors".

    Working with parents is one of the most important areas educationally-educational work in a preschool educational institution. After all, the range of problems associated with child safety, it is impossible to solve only within the framework of kindergarten, therefore close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing is not educates as convincingly as an adult example.

    The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance, importance of the problem child safety, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to outline the range of rules that must be introduced first of all in the family.

    When working with parents, it is used informational-analytical direction: conducting surveys. questionnaire of parents; cognitive direction: parent-teacher meetings, workshops; visual- information direction: organizing open days, open viewing of classes and other activities, information at the stand, moving folders, development of memos; leisure direction: joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, excursions; exhibitions of family creative works, products from waste and natural materials.

    Thanks to the work done, results:

    1. The knowledge and knowledge acquired by the child about himself and his health will allow finding ways to strengthen and maintain health.

    2. The acquired skills will help to consciously choose a healthy lifestyle life.

    3. The experience gained will help to avoid accidents.

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