• Abstract ood on the development of speech in the preparatory group for mother's day. Our favorite kindergarten Lexical topic mother's day in the middle group


    OOD abstract in preparatory group in the educational field " Speech development". Theme "The image of the mother in works of art"

    Material Description: I offer you a summary of the organized educational activities on the topic "The image of the mother in works of art." This material will be useful for educators of preparatory groups. The presented educational activity belongs to the educational field "Speech development", but integrates other educational areas.

    Software content:
    Educational tasks:

    - expand and enrich children's knowledge about the holiday Mother's Day, about the image of the mother through familiarization with works of art;
    - to teach children to tell connected, fully and expressively, clearly building the composition of the story;
    - to exercise in the ability to make sentences with given words, correctly combine them in meaning;
    - to consolidate the names of women's professions.
    Developmental tasks:
    - to form in children the ability to perceive correctly, feel the mood reflected by the artist in the picture, the poet in the poem, and convey it in word;
    - develop the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs;
    - exercise in regulating the tempo of speech and the strength of the voice.
    Educational tasks:
    - to bring up a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mom;
    - to educate moral and aesthetic feelings.
    Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.
    Vocabulary work:a disinterested heart, eyes overflowing with tenderness and spiritual purity, gentle and caring hands, a piece of the sun, a ray of hope, dear mother.
    Preliminary work:Making souvenirs, greeting card; reading and learning poems about mom and grandmother; singing songs; individual conversations about the family with children, give them the task of observing what their mother is doing at home, finding out where the mother works, what her profession is; viewing illustrations on the topic.
    Material: paintings - illustrations by artists Boris Kustodiev "Morning", Mary Cassatt "Mother and Sarah admiring the child", Adolphe William Bouguereau "Maternal happiness", Ivan Silych Goryushkin-Sorokopudov "Mother and child", Frederic Leighton "Mother and child", K.E ... Makovsky "Family portrait", O. G. Yablonskaya "Motherhood".

    Adolphe William Bouguereau "Maternal happiness".

    Ivan Silych Goryushkin-Sorokopudov "Mother and Child".

    Frederick Leighton "Mother and Child".

    K.E. Makovsky "Family portrait".

    O.G. Yablonskaya "Motherhood".

    - What are these pictures about?
    - What can you say about the mothers depicted in these paintings?
    - What kind of mothers did the artists portray?
    - What feelings do you have when looking at these pictures?
    Children compose stories from pictures (at the choice of children). The stories of 3-4 children deserve.
    The teacher summarizes the children's answers, drawing conclusions:

    - Great artists of all times and peoples strove to show the image of a woman - mother in their works. The image of a mother among all peoples living on earth is the same at all times - she is a woman with a kind, selfless heart, who knows how to love, understand and forgive, with eyes overflowing with tenderness and spiritual purity, with affectionate and caring hands.
    - The poet Konstantin Ibryayev also loved his mother very much and wrote a poem in honor of her, which is called “Mom”:
    White, black - different mothers,
    It is very difficult for them sometimes.
    Sometimes their lips are compressed stubbornly
    But there is always a smile in kind eyes.
    This is a piece of the sun for their children
    This is perhaps a ray of hope ...
    Mum! Mum! With this name
    I would like to go up in a rocket
    Above the tallest clouds.
    I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
    And scatter them over the planet,
    Moms will receive them, smile -
    And immediately summer will come everywhere.
    - What is this poem about?
    - What does the author say about mom's smile?
    - What would a son like to do for his mother?
    - Why will summer come from mom's smile? (Children's answers)
    - Guys, what do you need to do to make mothers and grandmothers happy? (Children's answers.) That's right, you don't need to wait for miracles. It is enough for you to take care of mothers and grandmothers yourself, to help them with household chores, to tell them affectionate, good words.
    Physical education "Amicably helping mom."
    We help mom -
    We wipe the dust everywhere.
    We are washing clothes now
    Caress, wring out.
    Sweeping everything around
    And running for milk.
    We meet mom in the evening
    We open the doors wide
    We hug Mom tightly.
    Children perform imitative movements in the text.
    The teacher offers
    the game "Make a proposal".
    - Now come up with sentences with the words mom, gift, love, holiday. For example, "Mom's holiday is coming soon."
    Children come up with sentences with given words.
    - Well done, how many good and beautiful proposals we have come up with.
    - Mom not only takes care of the family, but also works. I suggest you play. Now I will throw the ball into your hands, you catch it, whoever has the ball, he names his mother's profession and tells what she does at work.
    “You see how people need my mother’s work: she teaches children at school, heals people, sells things, food, etc.
    - There are many proverbs about mom. The people invented them. How do you understand them?
    "When the sun is warm, and when the mother is good."
    "A mother feeds her children like the land of people."
    "There is no better friend than dear mother."
    At least three children are called to answer.
    - What did we talk about today?
    - What pictures did you see?
    - Which game did you like the most?
    - What were you interested in? What new have you learned?
    - Guys, never forget that there is no one dearer and dearer on earth than your mothers. Appreciate, love and respect your mothers.

    Task 4. Exercise for coordination of speech with movements (The child performs the appropriate movements.

    Task 5. Draw a portrait of a grandmother or mother.

    « Mom's holiday... Women's professions "

    Tell your child about the 8th March holiday - who is congratulated on this day, why is it called "Mother's Day";

    To teach the child the words of congratulations so that he would say them on this day to his mother, sister, grandmother, kindergarten teacher;

    Talk with your child about the female professions of a cook, salesman, teacher, educator, doctor;

    Explain to the child who does what at work, what benefits it brings, who needs what for work.

    Task 2. Didactic game "Who's doing what?" (selection of actions for nouns): cook - cooks,

    teacher - _________________________________________

    doctor - ___________________________________________ ...,

    Seller -______________________________________ ...,

    educator -_____________________________________ ....

    Task 3. Didactic game "Name affectionately":

    mom - mommy, mommy, mother

    grandmother ________________________________________________, sister ___________________________________________________, aunt ______________________________________________________.

    We bring to your attention materials on the lexical topic "Mother's holiday". This topic is an integral part of joint educational activities thematic weekdedicated to international women's day.

    Preschool age is the age when children learn the world around them, make new discoveries for themselves every day. I noticed that the information that we give to children in the learning process is assimilated by children more successfully if it is given not only in verbal form, but also supported by the ability to practically act.

    A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." Therefore, in joint activities with children, I try to give the children the opportunity to act on their own.

    My task is to support the interest of children in close relatives - mother, grandmother, arouse the desire to please them, take care of them, be glad that you can make gifts for them yourself for the holiday.

    The purpose of the joint activity: to summarize the knowledge of children about mom, grandmother, their importance in the life of children.

    1. Educational: to form children's ideas about mother and grandmother as significant and beloved people in the environment of the child, about the holiday of March 8, enrich the vocabulary of children (dear, dear, loving, unique, caring).

    2. Developing: develop fine motor skills fingers, coordination of actions in the "eye-hand" system through the manufacture of handicrafts.

    3. Educational: foster a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers through the desire to thank them for their love, through the desire to make gifts with their own hands.

    Expected result: generalization of knowledge about loved ones that are significant in the child's life, about women's holiday, making gifts.



    On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Riddles, didactic and outdoor games on the lexical theme "Mom's holiday"

    I bring to your attention a selection of riddles, didactic and outdoor games that can be used in their work by both speech therapists and educators. Lexical topic "Mother's holiday" ....

    Report at the methodological association of speech therapists and defectologists. Topic: "Integration of educational areas" Socialization "and" Cognition "

    This work reveals the main directions of development of children and educational areas. The integration of educational areas "Socialization" and "Cognition" with other educational areas is widely represented ...

    Competition work (world-olympiad.rf) from 03/25/2015 Presentation "Play activities in the work of a speech therapist". She was awarded the 1st degree Winner diploma of the All-Russian competition of teachers with international participation.

    Topic of the lesson: differentiation of sounds rl ....


    Expanding the vocabulary of children:

    titles:family, parents, relatives, children, work, care, mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter, morning, day, evening, baby, niece, aunt, uncle, gift, surprise, holiday, spring, March, flowers, mimosa, tulip;

    signs:dear, beloved, caring, adults, small, big, older, younger, young, old, affectionate, slim, smart, beautiful, attentive, serious;

    actions:live, take care, grow, love, respect, try, help, cook, wash, clean, iron, read, relax, study, have breakfast, lunch, dine, regret, congratulate, give, tinker, sew, knit, embroider.


    Grammatical structure of speech

    Formation of possessive adjectives "Name, whose?"

    Mom - (so, whose? Whose?) Mom's (a),

    dad - dad (a),

    grandmother - grandmother (a),

    grandfather - grandfather (a),

    uncle - uncle (s),

    aunt - aunt (s).

    Formation of simple participles and adjectives "Tell me which one?"

    To live is living

    grow - growing,

    to love is beloved,

    respect - dear,

    ironed - ironed,

    try - diligent,

    take care - caring,

    to rest - a resting person.

    Formation of nouns with diminutive-affectionate suffixes "Name affectionately"

    Children - children - children;

    family is a family;

    mother - mother, mother, mother;

    dad - daddy, daddy, daddy;

    son - son, son, son;

    grandfather - grandpa;

    grandmother - grandmother;

    daughter - daughter - daughter, little daughter;

    grandson - granddaughter, granddaughter;

    granddaughter - granddaughter;

    sister - sister, little sister;

    brother - brother.

    Formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases "One - many"

    Family - families - many families

    child - children - children,

    work - work - a lot of work (work),

    mom - mom - mom,

    dad - dad - dad,

    grandfather - grandfather - grandfather,

    grandmother - grandmother - grandmother,

    son - sons (sons) - sons (sons),

    daughter - daughters - daughters,

    sister - sisters - sisters,

    brother - brothers - brothers,

    grandson - grandchildren - grandchildren,

    baby - babies - babies,

    flower - flowers - flowers,

    gift - gifts - gifts,

    holiday - holidays - holidays.

    Declension of the noun "Finish sentences"

    Every kid has ... (mum).Each person loves his ... (to mom).It is very difficult in the world to live without ... (mothers).For the holiday on March 8, we give gifts and flowers ... (to mom).I love to walk with my ... (mom).I am very proud of my ... (mom).

    Lexical structure of speech

    Search for relevant concepts "Describe which (which) does what?"

    Mom - cheerful, beloved, caring, affectionate, hardworking, strict, beautiful, slim, smart, works, cares, helps, reads, cooks, washes, cleans, iron, sews, washes;

    grandmother - ... ;

    granddad - ... ;

    dad - ...;

    brother - ...;

    sister - ....

    Construction of the monologue "Tell about the family according to plan" (children from 6 years old):

    how many people are in the family;

    with whom the child lives (if an incomplete family);

    what are the parents' names (name, patronymic);

    what parents do;

    how old is the brother (sister);

    what grade is the brother (sister) in;

    what is your family (friendly, kind, hardworking ..).

    Search for the corresponding concept "Talking about the family" (children from 6 years old)

    What is the name of your mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather? Who are you to mom? (Son daughter.)Who are you to your grandmother? (Grandson, granddaughter.)Who is older: mom or grandmother? Who is younger: dad or grandfather? What are the names of family members?

    In the first month of spring, March 8, the whole world celebrates a women's holiday (a holiday of mothers and grandmothers). The most beautiful word on earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and gentlest hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never extinguishes in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.


    "Who is who who?"

    Grandma, grandma, whose daughter am I?

    You are Fedina's daughter, my son.

    My dad is big, not my son at all.

    Sonny. Brother of my daughters.
    Do you remember we were with the eldest, Avdotya?

    Were we at my daughter's? My aunt has!

    I rocked your aunt in the cradle ...

    Grandma, wait, explain first
    Who is Natasha and her two brothers to me?

    Okay, let's try to figure it out:
    Their mother, the husband's nieces, sister,
    Oh, she was small and quick!

    And you bring it ... a tricky thing ...

    Grandma, we have something burnt!

    Ugh, while I was thinking
    All the milk has escaped from the pan.

    Ya. Akim

    For Mom

    Dad told me: - Mila,

    Have you forgotten?

    Mom has a holiday! -

    I know! I embroider a handkerchief

    With a border, with flowers,

    To my beloved mother.

    G. Boyko


    The third month at the gate -

    This is a turn to the sun.

    Winter Watchman Snowman

    Hesitates, darkens.

    Old, accustomed to the cold,

    He loses weight in the warmth.

    Willow outside my window

    Dissolved buds -

    Earlier than everyone in the native land

    I decided to blossom.

    I will bring a branch to the house

    And I'll put it on the table.

    Tomorrow morning with women's day

    I congratulate mom.

    Y. Korinets

    Mother's day

    I keep walking, thinking everything, looking:

    “What will I give my mom tomorrow?

    Maybe a doll? Maybe candy? "

    Not! Here's to you, dear, on your day

    Scarlet flower light!

    Olga Zolotykh
    Planning work on the topic "Mother's Day" in the senior group

    Topic: « Mothers Day» . Period: November 24 - 28. The final event: Photo exhibition "Our mothers".

    Content work: to summarize the knowledge of children about international holiday « Mothers Day» , consolidate the knowledge of children about their mothers, their profession, form a conscious understanding of the importance mothers in children's lives, family, society, educate respectful and respect to loved ones, desire to help and do nice mom, foster a feeling of love for mom through familiarizing with works of art (literature, music, painting, encourage children to express gratitude to their mothers for caring through productive activity (applique, drawing, modeling).

    Topic: "My mom is the most beautiful!".

    Day weeks Mode Joint activity of an adult and children

    taking into account the integration of educational areas


    subgroup Individual

    Educational activity in regime moments Organization of a developing environment Interaction with parents

    Speech Artistic-aesthetic Physical Reception and examination of children in group.

    Didactic game "Collect pairs" - develop logical thinking, classification skills.

    I. m. P. "Do like me" - to develop mimic expressiveness, imitation skills.

    Play with your favorite toys in activity zones. Organization of children's watch in a corner of nature, in the dining room.

    Individual job with Ilya and Nikita T. - to consolidate the skills of table setting for breakfast. Working with the weather calendar... Continue to teach children to notice changes in the weather and mark them with symbols.

    Conversation on the topic "How My Mom Loves Me" -Continue to develop connected monologue speech of children. Nature calendar with conventional signs, n / a games, d / i "Collect pairs"... Conversations with parents topic of the week.

    Consultation for parents « Mothers Day... History. Traditions".

    OOD Communication-personal Cognitive

    Speech Artistic-aesthetic Physical I. Productive activity. Painting "Portrait of my mother".

    Software content: to lead children to the creation of subject compositions on the themes of the surrounding life, to teach to arrange the image throughout the sheet, to improve the ability to convey images of objects in the drawing.

    OOD progress

    1. Examination of an illustration of a portrait from a collection "Great artists"... Discussion.

    2. Discussion of drawing methods, techniques, color solutions. Educator show.

    3. Execution work.

    4. Summing up. Organization of the exhibition.

    II. Physical Education.

    Software content: by manager's plan.

    III. Musical and artistic activity.

    Software content: by manager's plan.

    Paper, wax crayons, portrait illustration.

    Walk Communication-personal Cognitive

    Speech Artistic-aesthetic Physical Surveillance road traffic - to consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules, to develop safety skills.

    Research activities "Water in the cold" - find out what happens to the water at sub-zero temperatures.

    work with Vova Z... and Nadia - jumping on two legs with forward movement. Outdoor play "Sparrows and the car".

    Self physical activity children in the fresh air with portable game and sports equipment.

    Portable game and sports equipment.

    2nd half of the day Communication-personal Cognitive

    Speech Artistic-aesthetic Physical Gradual awakening and raising of children after a nap. Invigorating gymnastics "The sun woke up"... Breathing exercises "Kva-kva"... Hardening procedures: rinsing the mouth and throat, walking on massage paths, rubbing with a dry towel, air baths.

    Formation of CGN in children during dressing and eating. Consolidation of self-service skills. Fostering the desire to always have a neat appearance and a neat hairstyle.

    A moment of courtesy. Massage mats, hygiene supplies.

    Communicative-personal Cognitive

    Speech Artistic-aesthetic Physical Reading of fiction - the story of Emelyanov B. "Mom's hands"... Discussion.

    Di "Moms and Children" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about animals and their babies.

    Self play activity in activity zones in group.

    Individual work with Sasha F... and Artem F. - contour cutting. Role-playing game "Mom is at home"... Continue to teach children to distribute roles in the game, to independently select attributes, to enter into dialogues in accordance with the plot. Learn to play amicably, not to quarrel during the game. Attributes for c / r games "Mom is at home", D / and "Moms and Children", scissors, paper, story of Emelyanov B. "Mom's hands".


    Communicative-personal Cognitive

    Speech Artistic-aesthetic Physical Observation of the clouds. Develop observation, interest in natural manifestations.

    Work on the site. Individual work with Vladik M... and Egor S. - running with jumps. Outdoor play "Lovishki".

    Independent physical activity of children in the fresh air with a play material and sports equipment. Portable gaming material and sports equipment. Conversations with parents at the end of the day, highlighting the dynamics of the development of children.

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