• Rules for playing the fool together last cards. The rules of the game are a fool toss. Than walk and beat the cards


    The rules of the game are quite simple:


    The game uses a deck of 36 cards. The lowest card is a six, the highest card is an ace. An invariable condition of the game is the choice of a trump, which can beat any non-trump card, but in its suit is valid only in ascending order;

    The game can be played by two to six people. Each is dealt 6 cards face down, the next card is opened and placed on the table, its suit determines the trump card of the current game, the rest of the deck is placed on the trump card without closing it from the participants in the game.

    The right of the first move in the first game belongs to the player who has a trump card of the lowest value. In subsequent games of the same game, the turn belongs to the player who won the previous game. The move is always to the left. You can either walk with one cards of any value, or from several cards of the same value. Player, sitting to the left of the incoming one, must beat (overlap with the highest card in suit or trump card) all cards, which made the move. The number of cards that a move was made with should not be more than the number of cards in the player's hand, for which this move was made. If he cannot cover at least one cards, he is obliged to take (accept) everything cards, which made the move. The right to move passes to the next player in a clockwise direction. If player covered everything cards, then you can’t throw new cards and that’s all cards from the table are sent to the end. You can’t look into the end of the game until the end of the game. stray player gets the right to move. After each turn, the players get cards from the deck, missing up to six. Takes first cards walking player, the defender takes the last. During the game, the entire deck is disassembled, including the open trump card.

    The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Last player, not getting rid of the cards, is considered the loser, provided that cards the deck is over.

    A draw (draw) is also possible in the game - when player, who makes a move, walks with the last cards, and the one who fights with the last cards fights off, while there are no more cards in the deck or other players, that is, as a result, no one has any cards left at the end of the game.


    The difference from a simple fool is that:

    walking player has the right to throw cards, matching in value with any card on the table, including those that were played and those that were winged. If there are more than two players in the game, then player, who walked, has the right of the first action, but when he finished walking, the other players have the right to throw their cards by the same rules. You can also toss cards, When player decided to accept cards and don't keep fighting back. However, you cannot throw more cards than the battling player has left - that is, if the player has three cards, they put one to him, and he decided to accept it, then he can only add two. throws up cards walking player. If he has nothing to throw, then the players start throwing in a clockwise direction.

    walking player can throw it up again when the turn in a circle reaches him again. Also, you cannot throw more than five cards, even if the player has more cards in his hand, that is, the total number of cards to discard is six. But this rule is valid while the deck has cards, when all cards in the end and on the hands, you can throw up as many cards as the defender has cards in his hands. At the first rebound, you cannot throw more than four cards to the battering player (the total number of cards is five), but if player does not fight back, then you can throw the 6th card.


    The rules are the same as in the throw-in, but with one complication: if player, under which they go, has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to the already lying card and pass both cards the next player to hit - "transfer". The first round cannot be transferred if the participants are playing the first game. Next player can transfer again if he has a card of the same rank. You cannot transfer more cards than the next player has in his hands, and also if there is a card of a trump suit on the table. When cards transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the batting player, and is obliged to cover all or accept. Further, the game completely coincides with the throw-in fool.


    This is a competition of a large number of players for elimination for the total prize pool formed by all those participating in the games. That is, at the end of the entire set of games that make up the tournament, a single player, which, according to the conditions of the game, will become the winner of the tournament. This competition is multi-stage.


    The game "fool" is one of the few card games in which it is possible to develop a clear plan of action. In terms of the richness of various combinations, the "fool" leaves checkers far behind, and is partly comparable to chess. The strategy of the game is based on memorization of cards, the theory of probability and the psychology of the game. The more player can remember cards, the more advantage he has over his opponent. You also need to use the advantage of paired cards. From the beginning of the game, it is desirable to get rid of cards of the lowest suit.

    There are many card games, new ones appear periodically, but the classic one, in the Fool, is still popular. Not everyone knows the rules in the game "Fool", as there are other subtleties and nuances here. In addition, there are several options for tabletop battles. "Fool" can be a toss-up, simple, Japanese translation.

    General rules for the game "Fool" in cards - the beginning of the game

    A simple, transferable, throw-away "Fool" begins with the preparation of the deck. Usually they use the one in which 36 cards, in rare cases they play 52-piece.

    The cards need to be well shuffled. Usually the dealer, holding a deck in his hand, hands it to the player sitting to his left with the words: "Take off your hat from the fool." This must be done, since the dealer can “swindle” and peep the last card or give himself a trump card.

    These are the rules in the game "Fool". The loser is designated as the dealer in the next hand. From 2 to 6 people can participate in a table battle.

    Distribution and moves

    After the deck is shuffled, everyone is dealt 6 cards. The first manager of the deck puts the participant sitting on his left hand from himself. When one card is dealt, also in a circle, clockwise, it is dealt on the second. And so on until everyone has 6 cards.

    The next card from the deck is turned face up and placed on the table. This is a trump card, the remaining stack is placed perpendicularly on it.

    The one with the lowest trump card starts walking. The goal of the game is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. Whoever does it first is declared the winner. The latter remains in the "fools", loses and deals cards for the next round.

    Throw option

    These are the general rules in the game "Fool". It is interesting to learn about certain nuances that correspond to different variations of the table game. Just like in a simple, transferable, throw-away version, you can walk with 1-4 cards of the same value. For example, from sixes or tens.

    The one to whom they are intended must beat them. You can put the same suit of the highest value or a trump card. When they are all beaten off, the one who walked has the right to give a similar one. That is, if there is a six on the table, he will throw 6 of the other suit.

    When the walker has nothing to throw, this is done by the next player sitting on his left hand. That is, the one who is behind the battling. He has the right to give so far only 1 card. After she is beaten, the right to throw a card passes again to the one who walked. It is very important to know the rules of the game in the "Fool" throw-in in order to follow the detailed sequence. After all, players often try to quickly throw off the cards they have, which leads to hustle and bustle. There are more than 6 of them on the table. But in one move, you can only throw this number of cards. But in this case, the defender can choose which card to cover for him.

    If the players have nothing to throw, they say that they are beaten, and the move goes to the person who just fought off. If he could not fight back, he must take all the cards of the turn and thrown.

    The rules of the game "Fool" state that the first turn should consist of no more than five tossed cards. Cards from the deck are also taken in turn - first this right is granted to the walker, then to those sitting to his left, clockwise.

    This is what the rules in the game "Fool" say. The loser is announced when no one has any cards left, but he has them.

    Translation "Fool"

    A very interesting kind of game. First, in the same way as in the first case, cards are dealt. The first move is carried out according to the same canons. Starting from the second, one or more cards of the same denomination can be transferred. So, if they went under you from the six, you can put one or two sixes of a different suit and transfer them under the one who sits on the left hand.

    If he also has a six, he can transfer it and those that are on the table to the player sitting next in a clockwise direction. These and some other rules of the Fool game remain unchanged. But there are others that should be agreed upon before the start of the intellectual battle in order to come to a common opinion.

    So, some offer to exchange a trump ace, lying open under the deck, for a trump six. You can come up with such additions to the rules, from which the game turns out to be even more exciting and interesting.

    Playing the Fool has always been one of the most popular card games. Almost everyone plays it, regardless of gender, social status and even age. This is a good way to pass the time and spend an interesting evening with friends. Learning to play the fool is not difficult. The general rules are quite easy to understand, but you can try to learn not only to make the main moves, but also to develop your own strategy. Thanks to this, you can always win at cards. In any case, start learning the game with the general rules.

    General rules

    Durak can be played by 2 to 6 players. Typically, the game uses a deck consisting of 36 cards. One person must deal six cards to each player. The next card is dealt open and placed under the deck. This will be the trump card in this game. The main deck must be face down. As needed, players will draw cards from it. The object of the game is to get rid of the cards before the others do. The loser is the player who is the last one left with cards in their hands.

    The one who has the lowest trump card starts the game and goes first. The second and subsequent parties begin to walk "out of a fool", i.e. the person who is after the one who lost in the previous game goes. Moves are made clockwise. You can move with one or several cards of the same value, regardless of their suit. The attacked player must beat them by covering them with the highest card of the same suit. If there is no suitable suit, then you can beat the cards with a trump card.

    The player who walked can additionally throw up cards with the value that are already there. If the defender does not have any trump cards, then the player takes the cards that resembled him. When the player fights back, the turn passes to him. If he takes the cards, he skips the turn and the next player enters the game. Everyone who has less than six cards left must draw them from the deck. In this case, the first one always takes the one who walked, and the last one who fought back.

    Types of playing the fool

    The fool game has different types and variants. You can play a simple, throw-in or transfer fool. The rules in this case will be slightly different. So when playing a throw-in fool, not only the one who walked, but also the rest of the players, can throw cards. If there are a lot of players, then at the beginning of the game it is possible to agree whether all the players will throw up or only the extreme ones, sitting on both sides of the one on whom the move was made.

    If you play a transfer fool, then here the person who will be walked on can redirect his move to another player by putting a card with the same value. Otherwise, the rules remain unchanged. Any of these kinds of fool games are easy to play. In addition to the basic rules, it is worth considering the strategy of the game. If you compose it correctly, then the outcome of the game will always be positive for you.

    Strategy and tactics of the game

    The strategy of the game is always based on memorizing cards, as well as maintaining game statistics. Of course, we should not exclude the theory of probability, as well as the psychology of the game. If we consider the game for two, then we can calculate that out of the total number of cards in the deck there will be 9 trump cards. The players have one and a half trump cards on average in their hands. Another one is open in the deck. Throughout the game, you need to try to count how many trump cards are leaving and which cards have already been played. Thanks to this, you can plan winning moves.

    During the game, it is important not only to memorize the cards, but also to determine the tactics of the opponent in order to work out your opposite tactics in time. For example, it will be correct to fight back with paired cards so that other players do not have the opportunity to throw up. Also, do not scatter trump cards at the beginning of the game. It is better to save them for the final stage.

    game ending

    The ending of the game may be different. Everything will depend on you and your tactics. Use some recommendations so that the ending of the game is beneficial for you.
    1. Paired cards can help win. If you have a pair of high value cards at the end of the game, then you are in luck. They help a lot when attacking, because it is more difficult to beat off high cards, and when defending. They need to be released on time;
    2. Try to knock out the opponent's trump cards. If you do not have large trump cards, then do not hold on to small ones either. If you have enough of them, you can throw them on the attack. The enemy will have to fight back with larger trump cards, which will be to your advantage. At the end of the game, the opponent may be without trump cards, and you win;
    3. If in the game you know the opponent's cards, and you are sure that they are not paired, you can play calmly. To do this, you need to remember which of them have already come out. At the end of the game, you will be able to confidently occupy a dominant position.

    Actually, it's not hard to play dumb. After a few games, you will be able to figure it out and play quite well. If you play with friends, they will be able to more clearly show you how to act. In practice, it is mastered faster.

    Number of players 2 to 8

    Party time From 10 minutes

    Game difficulty Light

    A card game called "fool" - what are the instillations and what is the point?

    What is the essence of the game?

    Up to six players take part in the game, and a deck consisting of 36 cards is used for the game. It is permissible to increase the number of party participants up to 8 people, but subject to the use of a deck of 54 cards.

    At the start of the game, 6 cards are distributed to each participant. From the deck remaining after the distribution, an arbitrary card is selected (from above or from a pile), which lies in the middle of the table under the remaining deck in such a way that everyone can see it. The suit of the chosen card is the trump card for this game, and the highest card is the Trump Joker (if it is not a trump card, then red beats red cards, black beats black).

    The seniority of the cards is determined from the smallest card to the largest. In a deck of 36 cards, it looks like this: the smallest card is 6; further on the rise 7-10, Jack, Queen, King; the eldest is Ace. In a deck of 54 cards, the countdown also goes up in the same way, but it starts with a deuce, and the Joker is considered the oldest, not the Ace.

    The goal of the game is to get rid (discard) of your own cards before other participants. That player, the only one who has them left, is recognized as a "fool". Batted cards are redirected to the discard (bat) and no longer take part in the game until the delivery of a new batch. One game in the game "Fool" is called "kon".


    If there are two players left in the game, each of which has the same number of cards, and they all hide, a “tie” is recognized.

    Card game Fool: game rules

    • The game "Fool" has several variations, and therefore, before starting the game, participants must decide on its type. So, the most common varieties are considered to be a transfer or throw-in fool, but there are also less common types.
    • As we noted earlier, the number of participants in this game can be from 2 to 8 and it depends on the number of cards in the deck (6 players - 36 cards, maximum 8 - 54 cards). At the same time, the most common option is to use a deck of exactly 36 cards, with up to six players.
    • The goal of any type of fool game is to get rid of your personal cards as soon as possible. The one who still has them is recognized as a fool.
    • Before the start of the game (game), the cards are shuffled and dealt in a circle, in a clockwise direction, one card (sometimes two) to each of the players. The distribution starts from the player who took the place to the left of the one who deals. Thus, 6 cards are dealt. From the deck of the remaining cards, one is selected (as a rule, it is removed from above) and placed under the deck of the remaining cards with face value up. The entire deck is placed face down in the middle of the playing table.
    • The suit of the selected card is trump in this game, in other words, it beats all other cards, except for cards of the same suit that are higher than its face value. At the same time, she also takes part in the game as the last deck.
    • After the re-deal of the card, it is permissible to repeat the trump card and it can be repeated many times during the re-deal.
    • If the number of players corresponds to the number of cards, that is, after the surrender there are none left, then the last card of the deck is also considered a trump card. When replacing players, increasing or decreasing their number, the game necessarily starts anew. After the participant releases the card, his action is recognized as a move made. Note that each of the players has the right to demand a complete re-dealing of cards if, after the distribution, he has 5 or more cards in his hands that belong to the same suit.
    • The first to make a move is the one who has the card of the lowest value when the card is at stake more than ten, if the card is less than ten, then the card of the highest value. Players play clockwise anyway, and on each subsequent hand, they start by playing under the person who became a fool in the last game. Thus, "they teach the fool" and such moves are called "under the fool" or "for the fool." But, with the consent of all, it is possible to make moves “from under the fool”, that is, from the one sitting on the left.
    • During the game, the participant puts any card at his discretion, and the next participant in a circle must beat it off, or take it into his deck. You can beat the opponent's card by putting on it the highest card of exactly the same suit, or any other trump card. Note that a card of a trump suit can only be beaten with a trump card of a higher denomination. After the card is beaten, any of the participants can add a card of any suit, coinciding with the value of the cards lying on the line. However, some variations of this game can limit the circle of card tossers, for example, to those who sit next to the rebounding players.
    • The tossing of cards, as a rule, takes place under one, and the first one is given such a right to the one who enters and only after the word “Bito!” it is passed to other players in a circle. You can only throw up a number of cards that do not exceed six (but if the one who fought back has more of them, then it is allowed to throw one less than the number that he currently has in his hands). If the one who fights back, for certain reasons (does not want or cannot) does not hide at least one card, he takes them all and continues the game with a large number of cards.
    • After all the cards are already beaten, they are sent to a separate pile, called the "hang up" and are no longer involved in the game until the next round. At the same time, they must be turned upside down so that their face value is not visible to the players, and it is forbidden to peek into them until the end of the game. It is also impossible to take cards from the remaining deck until all the cards are beaten or taken by the defender. After such an entry, the players, starting with the entering player, draw cards from the main deck to their initial number, namely up to six. The last card is taken by the one who fought back.
    • After the end of the cards in the deck, the game is carried out according to the same rules, with the only exception being that the cards do not get any more. The game ends only when the cards of all players are discarded, and the one who has them left is recognized as the loser, or, as they say, "fool". Sometimes players agree among themselves to identify the winners, according to the sequence of discarding cards. For example, the first one to discard all cards is the winner, the subsequent ones take the corresponding places (second place, third place and in that order).

    site - a portal of board games, in which they tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Fool Card Game page provides an overview of the game, photos, and rules. If you are interested in "Fool Card Game", then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

    Playing the fool is the simplest entertainment among card games. Most people know how to play it, but there are people who do not know the actual rules. We offer you to learn how to play the fool, following the basic simple tips.

    Consider the main rules of the fool game, suitable for learning regardless of the number of participants:

    • The game uses a single deck, with either 36 or 52 elements.
    • The number of participants is from 2 to 6 people.
    • The lowest denomination with a value of 2, then the cards go in ascending order, then the jack, queen, king and ace go in seniority.
    • Getting rid of all the cards in hand is considered a victory.
    • The participant who has not played all the elements from his hand loses.
    • After choosing the first dealer, the deck is shuffled and each participant is dealt 6 cards.
    • The subsequent dealer is determined according to the drawing of the game, he will be the losing person.
    • The trump card is determined by removing the top element from the deck - it is located under the stack face down.
    • The player with the lowest trump card goes first. He takes one of the cards from his hand and places it on the table in front of the participant on the left.

      The opponent must beat it off: if it is not a trump card, the opponent has the right to win it back with a card of the same suit, but higher in a row. If a participant has a trump card, it can only be beaten off with the highest trump card.

    This happens throughout the entire game. Participants beat off a certain number of elements per turn, if they are all won back, they go to the discard pile. If the player could not beat off all the cards, he takes them into his hand.

    Important! According to how many elements are left in the player’s and opponent’s hand after playing the move, they must draw them from the deck until they get 6 pieces.

    In this way, the classic fool is played. It is worth considering an important point: after the end of the game, the next game begins with the move of the person sitting to the left or right of the losing participant. The problem is solved immediately before the start of the game.

    Variants of the game of throw-in and transfer fool

    Playing the fool on the cards has several options. In addition, depending on the number of participants, the time of the party changes and the possibility of adding elements up to 6 pieces.

    When the maximum possible number of participants is playing - 6 people, the cards leave quickly and it is not always realistic to make an addition.

    Note! In one move, you can use several cards by placing 2 elements in front of your opponent at once. They should have the same value, but different suits - this will complicate the task.

    In addition to the classic version, there is a game of transfer and throw-in fool.

    Consider the basic rules of these two types:

    Transferable Podkidnoy
    Maximum number of players 6 people 6 people
    Purpose of the game Get rid of the cards Get rid of the cards
    Possibility of pair play Yes Yes
    Peculiarity During the move, the player who must fight back has the right to transfer the move to the opponent. This can be done by putting an element of the specified denomination to the card to be recaptured.

    So the participant transfers the move to the player sitting clockwise. That participant can do the same.

    As a result, the latter should already beat off not one, but several elements.

    During the turn, when a card is placed for an opponent, other players can toss additional elements from their hand.

    These can be those cards that have the same denomination as the previously laid card. It is allowed to put cards with the same value as those used by the opponent.

    Trump It is permissible to transfer the move to another participant simply by showing a trump card of the same value as the card on the table. Has the same function as in the classic fool.

    When playing in team mode 2v2 or 3v3, the rules remain the same. In a transfer fool, the move is transferred to a member of the opposite team.

    In the toss-up variant, there is a rule not to toss elements to the players of your team. A draw implies a preliminary agreement on subsequent actions.

    If there were no discussions, the loser is the one who fought back the last move, even if he covered all the cards.

    How to build a strategy?

    In order not to lose in the easiest card game, you need to learn how to correctly build a strategy.

    Beginners are advised to try the game together, then it is easier and easier to remember the opponent's cards, as well as those in the deck. Keeping track of all the elements with the participation of 6 people is difficult.

    This entertainment is rightfully considered the most strategically planned and makes you deeply analyze the situation.

    At first glance, it seems that the classic, transferable or throw-in fool is a simple game to pass the time.

    Winning is easy, you need to build tactics well:

    1. Learn to memorize all the cards that came out of the game. There are a small number of them - only 36 pieces, so memorization is not difficult.

      This method is one of the main options for conducting a strategy in order to win.

    2. Strive to pick up big trump cards. Well, if the distribution has done its job and all the big denominations are on hand.

      If luck does not happen, fight back as much as possible with junior trump cards to take more cards from the pile.

    3. Calculate the situation in the presence of a small number of elements in the deck. An effective method gives a guarantee of winning or making an error of the opponent.
    4. Don't waste large denominations. At the decisive moment on the last move, they will help to beautifully leave the opponent in the cold.
    5. Learn the style of your opponents. Over the years of participation, many have developed their own method: some participants never waste their trump cards, while others, on the contrary, risk the most. By understanding the opponent's strategy, the chances of winning will increase.

    The best tactic in a card game is to constantly compete with strong players. This is how you reach the top.

    The classic fool and his species are not just entertainment for friends in the kitchen, but a serious type of card game that requires a lot of thinking.

    Today, major competitions are held, where a large number of people participate who claim to be the best strategist.

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