• Pigeon nasal aspirator. "Pidgeon", nasal aspirator: description, instructions for use and reviews. Care of the aspirator


    Children from birth

    Pigeon nasal aspirator with outlet tube.

    The Pigeon children's aspirator with a drainage tube is designed to remove mucus from the baby's nose. E This is an easy, safe and gentle cleansing of the nasal mucosa of children from birth. Comes with a case for hygienic storage.

    The ability to regulate the intensity of exposure using the mouth.
    . The round tip presses tightly against the nostril without damaging the nasal mucosa.
    . U-shaped tips, developed jointly with otolaryngologists, allow you to completely clear the deep sinuses of the nose from mucus.
    . Thanks to the preventer part, the baby's nasal discharge does not enter the mother's mouth.
    . Different channels for air and mucus.

    Method of use:

    Pinch the tube nozzle with your lips, gently press the soft tip to the child's nostril, gently suck air from the tube, the mucus will fall into the plastic container. After cleansing on one side, repeat on the other side of the nose.

    Preparation for use:

    1. Connect the tip to the body.

    2. Attach the housing with the protective system to the bottom.

    3. Connect the finished upper part of the aspirator to the plastic body

    by twisting.

    4. Attach the tip to the silicone tube and put the tube on

    on the aspirator body.

    Precautionary measures:

    Use as directed. Not recommended for use in case of wounds on the nasal mucosa. Do not suck air from the tube suddenly. Do not use unless necessary. Do not use if you have a nosebleed. Do not invert the aspirator during use. Keep out of the reach of children and away from heating appliances.

    Easy, safe and gentle cleansing of the nasal mucosa of children from birth. The aspirator was developed jointly with leading otolaryngologists in Japan. The mucus that is pumped out enters and accumulates in the bottle and does not fall back into the tube. The soft U-shaped tip does not come into contact with the nasal mucosa. Allows you to easily clean the contents of your baby's nose with the help of an adult. Thanks to the soft silicone tube, it can be used at any angle. Convenience and safety to use. The intensity of cleansing is adjusted using suction through a silicone tube. There is no need to use additional filters. Material: polypropylene, does not contain BPA. Complete with a case for hygienic storage.

    To avoid mucus getting through the tube, it is necessary that the aspirator body is positioned vertically, below the baby’s nose.


    Nasal aspirator. Case.


    Silicone. Polypropylene.

    Sterilization method:

    Can be sterilized by boiling (3-5 minutes), in a steam sterilizer (follow the sterilizer instructions), in a microwave oven (using special devices for sterilization), and also using special chemicals.

    Easy, safe and gentle cleansing of the nasal mucosa of children from birth. The aspirator was developed jointly with leading otolaryngologists in Japan. The mucus that is pumped out enters and accumulates in the bottle and does not fall back into the tube. The soft U-shaped tip does not come into contact with the nasal mucosa. Allows you to easily clean the contents of your baby's nose with the help of an adult. Thanks to the soft silicone tube, it can be used at any angle. Convenience and safety to use. The intensity of cleansing is adjusted using suction through a silicone tube. There is no need to use additional filters. Material: polypropylene, does not contain BPA. Complete with a case for hygienic storage.

    To avoid mucus getting through the tube, it is necessary that the aspirator body is positioned vertically, below the baby’s nose.


    Nasal aspirator. Case.


    Silicone. Polypropylene.

    Sterilization method:

    Can be sterilized by boiling (3-5 minutes), in a steam sterilizer (follow the sterilizer instructions), in a microwave oven (using special devices for sterilization), and also using special chemicals.

    The main concern of a loving mother is the health of her baby. How many sleepless nights do you have to spend until the child grows up a little? Later, this will definitely be remembered with a smile, but in the present, any anxiety of the baby takes the mother out of balance. And very often the cause of a sleepless night is a runny nose in a child.

    How to clean your baby's nose

    What to do if the baby still does not know how to blow his nose on his own, and it is vital to remove mucus from the nasal passages? Moms are ready for anything. There are cases where parents simply sucked snot out of their baby's nose with their mouth. Doctors do not recommend doing this. Pathogenic microflora found on the mucous membranes of the mouth of anyone, even a healthy person, can become an additional infection for a child weakened by rhinitis. Some parents try to remove mucus using a pharmaceutical syringe. But its tip, even if it is the right size, can damage the nasal mucosa. The most optimal means can be an aspirator. With its help, you can clean your baby’s nose without difficulty or worry. The Pigeon aspirator has gained wide popularity among parents.

    Rhinitis in babies

    A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, often of an infectious nature. It begins due to exposure to bacteria or viruses. Less common are allergic and vasomotor (as a consequence of acute respiratory infections) rhinitis. In any case, a runny nose is characterized by the presence of discharge from the child’s nose. They can be watery, mucous, purulent and even streaked with blood. The baby's nose is stuffy and breathing is difficult. This interferes with normal sleep, causing anxiety. And no wonder, difficulty breathing is the main cause of oxygen starvation of the brain.

    In infants, rhinitis is often equated to a life-threatening condition. Newborns practically cannot breathe through their mouths. What can we say about feeding when the child has to eat and breathe at the same time?! Excessive regurgitation and even pneumonia can be the consequences of feeding a baby with a stuffy nose. "Pidgeon" - a nasal aspirator - will help solve the problem of a stuffy nose.

    Features of the device

    "Pidgeon" is completely safe for children and can be used from the moment the baby is born. The kit includes the device itself, a case for storing the device, and a container for sinus discharge. "Pidgeon" is an aspirator made of silicone and polypropylene - hypoallergenic materials that are guaranteed not to harm the baby's health. Using this device has a number of advantages. When using the Pigeon aspirator, you independently regulate the suction force. Its nozzle is very elastic, which is ideal for a baby's nose. "Pidgeon" is an aspirator designed in such a way that the reverse flow of discharge from the child's nose is excluded. The design is completely disassembled, all parts can be easily washed, which is very hygienic. There is a storage case.

    Instructions for use

    You have purchased a Pigeon aspirator. How to use the device to effectively clean your baby's nose? Place the mouthpiece in the mouth, insert the special nozzle at the end of the silicone tube into the child's nasal passage. Suck, adjusting your own efforts. If the discharge from the nostril is too watery, you can insert the nozzle a little deeper. This will prevent snot from pouring out of the nose or being sucked in along with the air. The silicone nozzle will not scratch the baby's mucous membranes. Sometimes, before using the Pigeon (aspirator), it is necessary to first remove dried nasal discharge. This will help clean your baby's nostrils more effectively. You can remove crusts using a cotton swab moistened with baby cream or oil.

    In addition to manipulations to cleanse the baby’s nasal passages, some activities carried out during treatment will also contribute to a faster recovery. Ventilate the children's room regularly. Use a humidifier. Dry nasal mucosa is the most common symptom of rhinitis. Therefore, air with low humidity can further aggravate the situation, especially in the winter when heating devices are operating. If you don’t have a special device, you can use small containers of water or a damp cloth. Do daily wet cleaning in the nursery. Dry air and dust increase the baby’s recovery time.

    Available contraindications

    Despite the complete safety and hygiene of the aspirator, it is not recommended to use it in cases where there are wounds or suppuration in the child’s nose, because increased air suction from the mouthpiece can damage the mucous membrane and sometimes lead to bleeding. If your child's nose often bleeds, consult an otolaryngologist or rhinologist.

    Care of the aspirator

    After use, the device must be washed in warm running water. If the baby's nasal discharge is infectious in nature, you can treat the aspirator or hydrogen peroxide. Caring for the device does not present any difficulties - the entire structure is completely disassembled. After washing, the aspirator must be dried. Store in the case included in the kit, out of reach of children at room temperature.

    Aspirator "Pidgeon": reviews from parents

    Despite the fact that this device, made in Japan, has not been on the children's goods market for very long, it has already earned a lot of positive feedback. Users note the affordable price of the aspirator and its safety for the baby. The soft tip on the tube, which is inserted into the child’s nose, received special words of gratitude. It is very soft, which completely eliminates trauma to the nasal mucosa. In addition, the soft nozzle has a cone shape, which prevents it from entering deeply into the baby’s nose during careless movements. Many modern aspirators are equipped with removable nozzles. Their stocks must be replenished frequently by purchasing them at pharmacies or online stores. When using the Pigeon aspirator, there is no need to purchase removable nozzles. The silicone tip lasts throughout the entire life of the device.

    The disadvantages of the aspirator are often its high price. But during use, many users note that the savings that result from the fact that there is no need to purchase removable nozzles for the aspirator more than make up for the purchase costs.

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