• National holiday - Maslenitsa. presentation for a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic. Presentation "Broad Maslenitsa. Customs and rituals" Laughter does not stop



    Russian folk holiday

    What holiday is it?

    When will we celebrate Maslenitsa this year?

    Monday is the “meeting” of the holiday. On this day, ice slides were set up and rolled out. In the morning, the children made a straw effigy of Maslenitsa, dressed it up and carried it through the streets together. There were swings and tables with sweets.

    Wednesday is a “gourmet”. In first place among the treats, of course, are pancakes - made from different flours and with different fillings.

    Thursday - "go wild". On this day, to help the sun drive away winter, people traditionally organize horse riding, storm a snow fortress, and have fun at fairs.

    Saturday - "sister-in-law's get-togethers." On this day they go to visit all their relatives and treat themselves to pancakes.

    Sunday is the final “forgiveness day,” when they ask forgiveness from relatives and friends for offenses and after that, as a rule, they sing and dance merrily, thereby seeing off the great Maslenitsa. On this day, Maslenitsa is burned on a huge bonfire - an effigy personifying the passing winter.

    What does the celebration of Maslenitsa symbolize?

    • Maslenitsa week is called carnival. Each day of Maslenitsa week has its own name: Monday – meeting; Tuesday - flirting; Wednesday is a gourmet; Thursday - revelry, turning point, wide Thursday; Friday - mother-in-law evenings; Saturday – sister-in-law’s gatherings; Sunday is a day of forgiveness, farewell, farewell, kissing.

    Valentina Filippova
    Presentation “Maslenitsa - a national holiday”

    Presentation intended for children of senior preschool age.

    Relevance. Our country is very rich in its customs, traditions, folk holidays. One of these holidays are considered a great national party at the end of winter « Maslenitsa» , a long-awaited farewell to winter and a welcome to the beautiful spring. Maslenitsa- this is one of the most fun and favorite holidays for the Russian people. On this holiday people having fun, go to visit, have parties and horseback riding, eat pancakes.

    Target. Increase interest in Russian traditions people; cultivate love for your homeland. Expand children's knowledge and develop an interest in Russians national holidays, traditions associated with the arrival of spring, the awakening of nature through acquaintance with ritual holiday« Maslenitsa» . Develop children's creativity through their own artistic activities in various fields folklore.

    Tasks. Introduce children to folk traditions of celebration« Maslenitsa» .

    Generalize and deepen students’ knowledge of Russian national holiday« Maslenitsa» .

    Develop feelings of respect and love for family to the people through familiarization with the origins of Russian culture, its spiritual and moral values; enrich the emotional and aesthetic perception of preschoolers through the poetic word, music, and painting.

    Develop a sense of hospitality and a desire to play folk games.

    Expand children's understanding of the history of Russian traditions people.

    Foster feelings of belonging and love for one’s to the people, its traditions, customs and spiritual values. Foster a sense of patriotism based on Russian traditions

    Improve artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems: emotionality of performance, ability to convey one’s attitude to the content of a literary phrase through intonation and facial expressions.

    Vocabulary work. Showcase, fun, buffoon, scarecrow, plank house, nickname.

    Publications on the topic:

    Have fun, people: Masdilka comes to visit with pies and pancakes, - Leading Spring on hand! We will sing, walk, and welcome Mother Spring! On a sleigh.

    The national holiday of David Strawberry, which is celebrated on July 9. Believers of the Orthodox Church on this date remember Saint David of Thessalonica.

    Calendar folk holiday "Broad Maslenitsa" Purpose: 1. To introduce the holiday “Broad Maslenitsa”, to give children an idea of ​​folk traditions and rituals. 2. Develop emotionally.

    THE MOST FAVORITE NATIONAL HOLIDAY IN RUSSIA! Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved and nourishing folk holidays. It is associated with the beginning of spring.

    Perhaps the most joyful folk holiday is Maslenitsa. Both small children and adults are waiting for her, because during the week they are walking.

    The Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated twice a year: in the summer on July 21 - in memory of the appearance of the icon in Kazan, and on November 4 - in gratitude.

    Presentation “Winter folk calendar. Christmas time. Carols. Dressing up" Hello. I bring to your attention an open lesson on the topic “Winter folk calendar. Christmas time. Carols. Mummers." The purpose of this lesson.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Municipal budgetary institution of additional education, house of children's creativity in the village of Grivenskoy, additional education teacher Natalya Grigorievna Panasenko

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    Maslenitsa is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a welcome to spring, bringing revival in nature and the warmth of the sun. From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things.

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    Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday associated with the spring solstice. With the adoption of Christianity, it began to precede Lent. For the Slavs, for a long time it was also a New Year's Eve! After all, until the 14th century, the year in Rus' began in March. And according to ancient beliefs, it was believed that as a person greets the year, that’s how he will be. Hence the expression: “At least pawn everything from yourself, but celebrate Maslenitsa.”

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    The indispensable attributes of the fun associated with the end of the cold season were ruddy and round-faced pancakes, symbolizing the sun, which was supposed to enter its domain in time.

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    Funeral rites Preparation of other funeral food. Such, for example, as a fish. Pancakes are part of the funeral ritual, since on the eve of Maslenitsa the Slavs remembered their deceased relatives and worshiped the souls of their ancestors. The first baked pancake was given to the poor or placed on the “spirit window” to appease the spirits. Prohibitions on performing certain types of household work during this period, especially women’s work, such as spinning, sewing and weaving, especially in the evening. Maslenitsa bonfires served as an invitation to deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner on the eve of Lent.

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    Maslenitsa is the time of weddings. Those who did not marry were punished: a log was hung around the neck of a single guy or an unmarried girl, which symbolized the missing “half.” Those punished had to walk with this “couple” all day until the evening and endure endless ridicule. Women who had been married for the first year were harnessed to sleighs instead of horses and forced to ride their friends around the village with songs and jokes. The newlyweds were given “watching parties”, for example, they were forced to kiss in front of everyone.

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    Skiing from the mountains: it was believed that whoever rolled down the mountain more times or whoever rode further would have more flax, so people said that they were going skiing “for a long flax”. Horseback riding: the sound of hooves “awakens” the earth. The better the soil is “awakened”, the richer the harvest. A symbolic farewell to winter, the burning of an effigy.

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    Maslenitsa week Monday - Meeting Tuesday - Flirting Wednesday - Gourmet Thursday - Revelry, Turning Point, Wide Thursday Friday - Mother-in-law's evening Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings Sunday - Forgiveness Day, Forgiveness Sunday

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    In the old days, taking a bunch of broken scraps from their yard, the villagers put them in one pile, from which they then all made a doll together, dressed it up “like a woman” and carried it in a sleigh through the streets, greeting and honoring the Maslenitsa Madame, and then they put him in the highest place. Sometimes, instead of a scarecrow of Maslenitsa, they carried an elegant girl or a brightly painted old woman in a sleigh, and at the end of the holiday, they took the sleigh out of town and dumped the “passenger” into a snowdrift to everyone’s laughter, thereby, as it were, “burying Maslenitsa.”

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    During the Maslenitsa meeting, they always sang songs: Oh yes, Maslenitsa is moving into the yard, Wide is moving into the yard! Oh yes, Maslenitsa, stay for a week, Broad, stay for another! And with caviar, and with sour cream - they are all delicious! Nostrils and blush - Our pancake suns! They started baking pancakes.

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    In the morning, young people were invited to ride from the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends: “We have mountains ready and pancakes baked - please be kind.” Near the icy mountains there was a brisk trade in hot sbiten, tea from smoking samovars, sweets, nuts, pies and pancakes. I. Shurikhina "Maslenitsa"

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    Oh, you Gourmet Wednesday! Oil pan! As has been the custom since ancient times - Let's go The mother-in-law anointed her son-in-law's head with oil so that he would be affectionate and “stick to his wife.” to my mother-in-law for pancakes!

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    THURSDAY – REUNE, FRACTURE, WIDE THURSDAY The “narrow” Maslenitsa ended and the “wide” one began. It was from this day that the general celebration of Maslenitsa began. All residents of villages and hamlets organized round dances, booths, fist fights, fun games and feasts. On the same day, fist fights were held. Kustodiev B.M. "Maslenitsa"

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    For combat, special fur mittens and thick hats were required. According to the old saying, whose village wins, the harvest will be greater. One of these battles is described in “The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov” by M.Yu. Lermontov. In the old days there were three types of fist fights: one-on-one combat; “wall to wall”; "coupler - landfill."

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    THURSDAY - RAGENESS, FRACTURE, WIDE THURSDAY An important event of this day was the capture of the snowy town - a symbolic battle of spring and winter. V. Surikov “The Capture of the Snowy Town” The players are divided into “foot” and “horse”. "On foot" occupy the city, "on horse" are preparing for an attack. The besieged defend the city against the "cavalry", preventing it from breaking into the fortress gates, beating them off with brooms.

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    Not a single Maslenitsa week was complete without booths, where all honest people could watch the performance, and mummers, most often these were buffoons and various animals.

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    Friday gave mothers-in-law a chance to take a break from cooking and go on a return visit to their sons-in-law, who were obliged to show them respect and, of course, treat them to pancakes. The son-in-law had to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and in the morning he also had to send special messengers - “invitees” - for her.

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    Young women invited their sisters-in-law (sister-in-law is her husband's sister). Guests had to not only be fed from the heart, but also given gifts.

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    On Maslenitsa Sunday, old Titus tried everything to ask everyone for forgiveness and answer: Our ancestors asked each other for forgiveness and heard in response: “God will forgive.” This tradition has survived to this day. "God will forgive!"

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    Maslenitsa week ended with the burning of an effigy. This action drove away darkness, winter, and death. The fire symbolized the sun. The ashes were scattered across the field to ensure a good harvest. Sometimes the remains of pancakes and butter were burned in the fires, milk was poured into them, and the children were told that all the hearty dishes were burned in the fire.

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    Hello, Maslenitsa! Zamaenko Elena Vasilyevna, teacher-methodologist of Educational Institution No. 110, Zaporozhye Higher category

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    This holiday comes to us in early spring, How many joys it always carries with it! The icy mountains are waiting, And the snow is sparkling, The sleds are running down the hills, The laughter does not stop. At home, the aroma of pancakes is wonderful, festive, we invite our friends for pancakes, we will eat them together. Maslenitsa is a farewell to winter and a welcome to spring.

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    The history of the Maslenitsa holiday is a long-awaited farewell to winter (WINTER SEEING AWAY) and a cheerful welcome to spring, the warmth of the sun and the beginning of the awakening of nature and field work. From time immemorial, people considered spring to be the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. In honor of the Sun, pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa.

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    By the first day of Maslenitsa, public slides, swings, and tables with sweet dishes were built. Pancakes began to be baked in houses. The first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate the dead. Monday MEETING OF MASLENITSA Morning... MONDAY... The "MEETING" is coming. Bright sleds slide down the hills. All day fun. Evening comes... Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

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    Tuesday PLAY On the second day of Maslenitsa, various games were organized. People went sledding, skating, and ice-skating. They covered their faces with funny masks and believed that in a different guise a different life would begin - joyful and prosperous.

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    On this day, people enjoyed pancakes. Pancakes were baked from different flours and with different fillings: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, unleavened and sour dough. Wednesday Gourmand Here WEDNESDAY fits - it's called "Gourmand". Every housewife casts a spell at the stove. Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything. Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table! People joked and told various tales.

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    Thursday “WALK THURSDAY” On this day they carried a stuffed animal of winter and held competitions in strength and dexterity. And on THURSDAY - the free “RAZGULAY” comes. Ice fortresses, snow fights... Troikas with bells enter the fields. Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

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    Maslenitsa is also a family holiday. Spring has always been associated with the beginning of a new life, with procreation. Friday MOTHER-IN-LAW'S PARTY At mother-in-law's parties, sons-in-law treat their mothers-in-law to pancakes. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and then in the morning he sent elegant invitees. The more people were invited, the more honors the mother-in-law received.

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    Saturday SISTER-IN-LAW'S Gatherings The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law's gatherings. Relatives gathered for tea with pancakes, sang songs, mischievous ditties, and danced.

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    Sunday FORGIVEN SUNDAY The last day of Maslenitsa is the last and most important day of the entire Maslenitsa week. Everyone, young and old, asks each other for forgiveness in order to meet spring with a clear conscience. They gave martenichki, boy and girl dolls made from white and red threads, a symbol of friendship. They waved them and said: Forgive me, forgive me. Let go of all grudges. Resources used: http://www.078.com.ua/blogs/afisha/maslenica-na-ploshadi-svobody.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslenitsa http://pustunchik.ua/interesting /festival/Gulyannya-na-Maslyanu/ http://brusselki.ucoz.net/news/maslenica/2011-01-18-74 http://izmchldbibl.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-post_20.html http ://koshkindom.com.ua/html/produkt/maslenisa.html http://www.gazeta.lv/story/17440.html
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