• Piercing: what types of nose earrings are there? How to insert an earring with a hook into your nose? Nose wing piercing How to insert a round earring into the nose



    Prepare all the necessary materials for nose piercing and disinfectants for its treatment. So for a simple nose, you should take a piercing needle, alcohol, cotton wool, gloves and the earring itself (pierce), which will be inserted into the nose. In this case, it is best to take a needle of the same diameter as your prepared earring.

    Wear gloves. Disinfect them on the earring and needle with alcohol or other prepared antiseptic, pouring it onto cotton wool and wiping the necessary items.

    Lubricate the puncture site with alcohol. Fold the nostril as much as possible so that the earring clasp subsequently it was inside, away from the edge and along the wall of the nose.

    Bring the prepared needle to the inside of your nostril. Get your piercing done quickly. It is on the speed that further pain will depend. The faster this procedure takes place, the less pain you will have to endure.

    Insert the jewelry into the catheter. Insert everything into the hole made, then carefully remove the catheter.

    After inserting the piercing into your nose, do not forget to wipe the area with an antiseptic every day until the puncture site heals.

    There are also non-traditional types of piercings, such as bridge (piercing of the nose in the bridge of the nose), Austin Bar (piercing of the very tip of the nose in a horizontal position) and others. It is recommended to do this only in a cosmetology salon.


    • how to insert a nose piercing

    Nose piercing is the most common type of piercing. Its popularity is growing every day, both among girls and boys. In addition to young people who dare to get a nose piercing, mature women with a nose ring are increasingly seen, which gives them a certain charm.

    You will need

    • - earring made of medical steel
    • - antiseptic



    Never pierce your nose at home. This may lead to undesirable consequences.

    Helpful advice

    Remember that your piercing must be carefully cared for to prevent the risk of infection and reduce inflammation.


    • how to put a crochet earring on your nose

    Piercing- This is not only a decoration and a sign of belonging to any subculture. This is also an active intervention in the human body. Therefore, it is not enough to simply pierce a hole and wear jewelry; you need to follow the recommendations, thanks to which the piercing will be safe for your health.


    Before you dare to make a new hole in your body, make sure that you are completely healthy. If you cough a little or have a fever, wait until you feel normal and only then go to the piercing salon.

    Be careful when choosing the salon itself, ask in advance what its reputation is, whether your predecessors had any complaints - this information can be obtained on the Internet and from friends.

    After a week, the puncture will take on a fixed shape, and changing jewelry will be simple and painless. You need to insert earrings into a healed hole in the nose in the same way, but without a needle.


    The ideal time for facial piercing is mid-autumn or spring. The air temperature at this time is as comfortable as possible for healing: frost does not complicate wound healing, and the absence of heat has a beneficial effect on the cleanliness of the wound.


    • how to put on a piercing

    Piercing is one of the most popular ways to decorate the body among young people. Regular ear piercings are not enough - almost all areas of the body are pierced. One of the girls' favorites is nose piercing.

    You will need

    • - surgical gloves;
    • - cotton wool;
    • - needle for dropper;
    • - 100 ml of alcohol;
    • - antiseptic.


    There are several different options for the nose. One of the most popular is the puncture of the septum separating one from the other. The second most popular is piercing the right or left nostril. Such piercing, firstly, is more aesthetic, and secondly, it is easier to care for. And finally, the last option is a piercing of the bridge of the nose. It is worth noting that this is a rather dangerous and painful procedure, so it is less common. Choose your preferred nose piercing option.

    Prepare the decoration you will use. For the septum, a variety of rings are selected; when piercing the nostril, they use barbells, at one end of which there is a prominent accessory, or ordinary nails.

    Prepare the materials you will need to perform the puncture. Buy surgical gloves, cotton wool, alcohol and an IV needle. Choose its diameter based on the size of the decoration you have chosen. The most important thing is that all tools and materials used must be disinfected! The conditions in which the puncture will be carried out must also be sterile. It is better not to use anesthetic agents, as this is unsafe. It's easier to be patient.

    Place the decoration in a container with alcohol. Disinfect the needle. Wear gloves and insert a swab moistened with alcohol into the nostril and clean it thoroughly. After this, turn the nostril out and puncture with a strong, sharp movement. Pull out the needle itself and leave the tube. After this, insert the decoration into the tube and remove it. Then thoroughly clean the pierced area with alcohol again.

    After the piercing, you cannot move the piercing or replace the jewelry for some time. You must wait until the wound heals. For care, you will need an antiseptic, for example, a chlorhexidine solution or a miramistin solution. Treat your piercing twice daily. Within one month, the wound will heal and form.

    Video on the topic

    Pierced called the art of decorating one's own body. It was widespread in the territories of ancient Egypt, Rome, India, North America, etc. In those ancient times, piercing testified to belonging to a certain tribe, rank, and also the status of the owner. Today, piercing has ceased to carry one or another connotation, turning into only a stylish accessory.


    Earlobe piercing is the most common type of piercing. There are variable punctures of the cartilage and auricle. Final healing occurs 4-6 months after the procedure.

    The second most popular type of piercing is a navel piercing. There are vertical and horizontal. There are also more complicated piercing options, such as double horizontal, navel piercing, in which four earrings are placed symmetrically vertically and horizontally (in a cross). The healing process of the wound lasts on average 6 months, depending on the frequency of treatment and the quality of the decoration.

    Tongue piercing compares favorably with others in the speed of healing (from a week to 2 months). However, with such a puncture it is important to follow several rules. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking for 4 hours. It is recommended to follow a diet (porridge, yogurt, baby food) for some time. At first, to avoid infections, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions after each meal.

    Lip piercing is usually done on the side or in the center, but it is possible along the entire perimeter of the lips. The earring should be inserted so that it is at the junction of the teeth, otherwise the pierce will cause damage to the enamel. Healing takes 4 to 8 weeks. There may be a temporary slight disturbance in diction. Until the puncture is completely healed, you should give up alcohol and smoking, as well as spicy, sour, cold and too hot foods. To avoid inflammatory processes in the mouth, rinse it with an antiseptic solution after each meal.

    For the most eccentric natures, nipple piercing and intimate piercing (piercing of the clitoris, lips, glans, frenulum, etc.) are suitable. This is done to satisfy not so much aesthetic as sexual needs, or rather, to give them sharpness and originality. The healing process (and therefore abstinence) lasts on average a month.


    Piercing is a procedure similar to surgery. Therefore, when you decide to get a piercing, do not rely on your own strength, but go to a specialized salon.

    Helpful advice

    For about two weeks after the piercing procedure, the wound will exude lymph (a substance similar to purulent discharge). Treat the puncture with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.


    • Piercing

    People who follow fashion, in some cases, do not limit themselves to ear piercings. If you wish you can do piercing eyebrows, navel and even... This form of body decoration can help you showcase your originality and inner world.


    Determine the place where you want to do piercing. Can be pierced nose at different heights or the nasal septum. A specialist from the salon can help you choose. It will give you the option to choose the type of jewelry you are going to wear. It could be a ring, or even a horseshoe-shaped earring. You will only be limited in the choice of material - during the wound healing stage, you can only wear items made of medical steel or gold, since they are the most neutral to the external environment and oxidize little.

    Make an appointment and do piercing in the cabin. At this moment you should be completely healthy, you should not even have a cold. Otherwise, the healing period may be delayed.

    Take proper care of your nose after a piercing. The wound will heal from two weeks to two months, depending on the individual characteristics of your body and the puncture site. Do not touch your nose or jewelry with dirty hands. Wipe the area daily piercing and saline solution or hydrogen peroxide. Do this carefully, removing traces of blood, but do not remove the jewelry. After treatment, blot your nose with a clean napkin to keep it dry. After consultation with a specialist, you can use various wound-healing oils, for example, sea buckthorn. You can change the jewelry only after the hole has completely healed.

    For the first six months to a year, try to wear a ring or stud in your nose constantly. Otherwise, the puncture may heal and will have to be done again.

    Video on the topic

    Piercing is a phenomenon of timeless fashion, the origins of which are impossible to research. It is known that men and women engaged in piercing various parts of the body to put on jewelry at least 7 thousand years ago. And today, fashionistas of all ages still dream of putting on a new earring. We must not forget that piercing is an unsafe procedure, so it must be carried out under the supervision of an experienced master.

    You will need

    • - a gun or needle for piercing;
    • - earrings;
    • - antiseptic;
    • - cotton buds;
    • - salt and warm water.


    Choose a professional, reputable salon before getting a piercing. A puncture in the body is a small operation, but still an operation. Like any other surgical intervention, it can have complications - from an ugly scar to a serious inflammatory process and even disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs. Tell the specialist about your health status. A reputable salon will not give you complex piercings if you have skin diseases, a weakened immune system, or other contraindications.

    Choose the best way to insert. Gun piercing devices are usually only recommended for earlobe piercings. The instrument automatically inserts a special sterile clasp into the through hole. To decorate more vulnerable parts of the body (navel, tongue, eyebrows, etc.), it is necessary to use disposable laser-sharpened needles. The “guns” are not as sterile, which increases the likelihood of infection. Professional piercing kits include needles of the required diameter, and a specialist will select the desired option.

    Before putting earrings into fresh piercings, prepare suitable quality jewelry. It is forbidden to insert items made of cobalt and silver into unhealed wounds - these metals are oxidized by the blood and can cause inflammation. The best solution is high-grade gold, medical grade, platinum or special plastic. If you don't make the purchase yourself, most piercing shops will offer their own jewelry sets.

    Choose the shape of the earrings depending on the different piercing locations. Thus, small rings or “studs” are usually put into the earlobes. When piercing eyebrows, special microbars with dimensions of 1x10mm/12mm are used - this shape contributes to the correct formation of the channel in the skin and the rapid healing of the puncture. In a fresh wound on the navel, simple barbells or rings are worn; on – special products made of titanium.

    A huge number of women are ready to do a lot just to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their beauty. For several years in a row, nose earrings have remained at the peak of popularity, adding some piquancy to one’s appearance. According to statistics, men consider this decoration very sexy and attractive. Due to the wide range of earrings, you can continuously select jewelry to suit your look.

    In general, the history of piercing began several dozen centuries ago. There is even mention of such decoration in the Bible. For many tribes, nose piercing is an indispensable ritual. Some people use bones, feathers, teeth, etc. instead of earrings.

    What are nose earrings called?

    The anatomical structure of the nose makes it possible to use several types of piercings, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for yourself. It is worth considering that making holes in this part of the face is painful and they take a long time to heal, so you should think carefully before deciding to get a puncture.

    The most famous is the piercing of the wing of the nose. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the pain in this place is not too noticeable. Secondly, the selection of jewelry is the largest. In the salon, traditionally, after a puncture, a screw with a ball is immediately inserted, the one that is fastened inside with a special hook.

    They can also use a decoration called a barbel. From the outside it looks like a horseshoe. There is a circular version with small balls at the ends. When the puncture heals and there is no pain, replace the earring with any of the existing options: straight or curved fang, ring, lance, labret, stud or nostrilla.

    When a puncture occurs in the nasal septum, it is recommended to use the following earrings: barbell, keeper, horseshoe or ring. The last two options can be purchased in both gold and silver. For the manufacture of other products, titanium, surgical iron or silicone are mainly used.

    If you decide to make a puncture in this particular place, then you should contact a professional craftsman, because if the hole is made abnormally, the jewelry will look crooked as a result.

    Some people decide to pierce the tip of the nose and bridge of the nose. In the first case, the hole can be made not only horizontally, but also vertically. To do this, it is recommended to use a barbell. In the second case, you need to give preference to rings or barbela.

    Oriental jewelry is worth discussing separately. The peoples of the East never do piercing in a primitive way; it invariably has a special meaning and carries a certain meaning. Many cultures associate the nose with a person's ability to procreate.

    Men showed their fearlessness and preparedness to start a family by wearing huge jewelry. In India, a girl's left nostril was pierced the night before marriage.

    What is the best earring for nose piercing?

    Experts recommend choosing jewelry in advance and only then going to the salon. Initially, it is worth saying that silver products should not be taken, because... When it gets punctured, the metal begins to fade. In addition, silver particles get into the hole and lead to an unaesthetic appearance.

    It is worthwhile to approach the choice of gold products with special observation. Be sure to check the earring so that there is no sample on the part that will be punctured, since this will irritate the wound and it will take a long time to heal.

    Also keep in mind that the head of the upper part above the puncture should not be large, because air must flow to the hole. In addition, this will prevent the growth of scar tissue along the edge of the wound.

    When choosing a gold nose earring, pay attention to the curve of the hook. It should be as large as possible to make putting it on easier.

    A gold earring is a particularly common piece of jewelry. In fact, in all jewelry stores you can find several different options. Instead of an ordinary ball, products can have the shape of a butterfly, flower, triangle, etc. In summary, the choice is quite wide. The advantage of such jewelry is that they do not cause allergies and do not lose their attractiveness.

    Nose earrings with diamonds are no less popular. As usual, similar products are a manifestation of financial viability. There are more primitive options with semi-precious stones or with Swarovski crystals.

    Products can be with one diamond or another stone, or they will have a certain shape with several stones. There are also earrings made from special medical alloys.

    There are many exotic piercing jewelry, but the most famous option is the Indian nat. When such a decoration appeared on a girl, everyone knew that she had lost her virginity. Modern Indian women use nat not only following traditions, but also as a fashion accessory.

    An interesting fact is that in different parts of India, nose decoration is viewed differently. For example, in the north and east of the mainland, women wear earrings in both nostrils, or they pierce the septum and insert a ring. It can be of various sizes, starting with small specimens and ending with a huge hoop covering the entire cheek.

    In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, women can get their nose pierced at any time, without waiting for their wedding. Hoop earrings inserted into the nose are called mukkuthi. In India, they wear not only nose rings, but also carnations, and items in the shape of birds and fish.

    How to insert an earring into your nose?

    In this process, accuracy and sterility are important. In order to prevent the occurrence of serious problems, it is necessary to use peroxide, gloves, cotton pads, and the earring itself. The tools you will need are a special needle and forceps.

    If there is no hole, you can insert an earring in several stages:

    • Since the skin in a new puncture is mobile, it is better to use a special needle;
    • Place the earring for 10 minutes. into peroxide, which will thoroughly disinfect it. Wear gloves;
    • Inhale strongly through your nose, which will allow you to see two indentations on your nostrils. Their center is the best place for a puncture. Illuminate the nose to determine the place where there are no capillaries. Using a marker, make a dot;
    • Moisten a cotton pad and disinfect the site of the future puncture. Take the needle and check that the selected decoration fits easily into it;
    • Using forceps, fix the nostril so that the hole in it coincides with the previously placed point;
    • Using a needle, make a hole. Remove the forceps and leave the needle alone. You need to insert the selected decoration into it. Remove the needle and the earring will remain in the nose;
    • Now fix the product. If you prefer a spiral or a ring with a ball, then be sure to fix them all the way. When choosing a nail, you will have to fasten a ball on the inside, one that will hold it tightly. If it is a ring, then insert the thin end into the hollow part and press until it clicks. The result should be a perfect circle shape;
    • Do not pull out the earring until the piercing is completely healed. On average, this takes a week.

    Changing decorations depends on a variety of options. If you want to thread a loop, then you need to do it from the outside in. First, insert the tip of the loop and carefully twist it clockwise.

    Typically, such products have an end made in the form of a spiral or loop, which allows them to stick. You should insert the barbell from the inside with your huge finger, and then twist the ball. Make sure everything is done correctly and it will not fall out.

    How to pull an earring out of your nose?

    To remove the product, you need to have a special piercing care lotion; if you don’t have it, then use warm boiled water. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the selected liquid. Insert one finger into the nose, or rather, into the nostril where there is an earring.

    Lift it up and treat the puncture. If you are inserting another product, use the other end of the cotton swab to treat it. It's time to pull out the earring and insert a new one. Finally, treat the hole with the product again.

    The popularity of piercing is absolutely justified, but before you decide on such jewelry, think carefully about the fact that the jewelry will be on your face. Contact only highly professional salons, as there is a risk of infection.

    Piercing is one of the most favorite pastimes of modern youth, who love to pierce most protruding (and not so protruding) parts of their own body. To make a new hole in your ear yourself, you will need an earring with a hook.

    DIY piercing: video on how to insert an earring with a hook

    The most popular places for piercing are ears, lips, eyebrows and nostrils, and piercing is often done at home, without first familiarizing yourself with the hardware. Therefore, sometimes teenagers have difficulty placing a hook earring in their nose - this article was written for them.

    Piercing a hole for the earring

    So, to pierce a hole for future piercing, you will need an earring with a hook, alcohol, a cotton swab, disposable medical gloves, a needle, antiseptic and Levomekol ointment.

    Put gloves on your hands and disinfect the needle and puncture site with alcohol. After these manipulations, wrap the nostril in such a way that the clasp of the earring is located as far as possible from the edge of the nose and does not cause you discomfort in the future. Bring a clean needle to the inside of your nostril and pierce in one quick, strong motion. It is advisable that your hands do not shake. But taking it on your chest “for courage” is also undesirable - your eye should be clear, like a surgeon’s.

    Remember one important thing: the diameter of your “operating” needle must match the diameter of the earring hook

    How to insert a hook earring into your nose

    Disinfect the pierced area and earring (especially the hook) with alcohol. Carefully insert the jewelry into the pierced nostril, bring it into the desired position and once again thoroughly disinfect the freshly made piercing with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. In no case neglect the thorough treatment of the punctured area, otherwise you risk getting suppuration, which will deprive you of the desired

    One of the great things about nose piercings is that you can change the jewelry at any time to whatever suits your mood or look at that particular moment! However, due to the high susceptibility of nasal piercings to infections, which can take months or even years to heal, it is very important to know how to change the earring correctly and safely. Fortunately, it's mostly just a matter of common sense and good personal hygiene.


    Part 1

    How to remove an earring

      Wait until the piercing is completely healed before changing your jewelry. For most new piercings, you will need to wait enough time for the wound to heal completely before changing the jewelry. The process of changing jewelry can be painful if the required amount of time has not passed. Also, early change of jewelry can lead to serious consequences in the form of infection. And, worst of all, the healing process can take an even longer time because of this.

      Wash your hands before the procedure. Carry out the procedure only with gloves. Clean hands are important when removing an earring from a piercing. Human hands carry millions of bacteria, especially after touching areas that harbor bacteria, such as door handles or raw foods. To prevent infection in your piercing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or sanitizer and water.

      • Another good option is to wear a pair of sterile latex gloves (unless you have a latex allergy, in which case you'll need to stop at hand washing). Wearing gloves will make it easier to grip the slippery end of the earring inside your nose.
    1. Remove the clasp. Now you're ready to start! First you will need to remove the clasp. The clasp mechanism may vary depending on the earring. Some fasteners speak for themselves. Still, here are some simple instructions for some common types of earrings:

      • Ring without clasp: It is a metal ring with a gap in the middle. To open the earring, simply pull both edges of the ring in different directions.
      • : Looks like a ring without a clasp, but with a ball in the middle that acts as a clasp. To open the earring, you will also need to pull both ends of the ring in different directions; eventually the ball will fall out of it. The process may seem daunting at first, and if you feel like you're struggling, seek professional help.
      • L-shaped studs: Regular nails, bent at a right angle of 90 degrees, shaped like the letter “G”. To remove the earring, you will need to carefully grab the decorative part of the earring on the outside of your nose and slowly pull it until the entire earring is in your hand. Please note that during the process of removing the earring you you can feel a slight tingling sensation in the piercing area.
      • Nostrils: Similar to regular carnations, but with a corkscrew-like base. They require a little twisting when inserting and removing. To remove this type of earring from your nose, gently press on the inside of the earring in your nose, pushing it out. The earring will begin to slip out. Twist it gently as you remove it. Depending on your jewelry, you may need to make two or three full turns to completely remove the earring. Use any lubricant to prevent the earring from getting stuck in your nose while removing it.
      • Straight studs: short or long nails with a ball or other stopper at the end. The base can be either straight or twisted. On short nails, the stoppers are usually removable, which is not the case with long nails. Due to the solid base and stopper, these earrings are perhaps the most difficult to insert and remove. To remove, press lightly on the inside of the earring until the earring slowly begins to slide out.
    2. Carefully remove the earring. Once you've prepared your piercer to remove the earring, the removal itself will seem like a piece of cake. Using a slow, smooth movement of your hands, carefully press the earring out of your nose. If the base of your earring is curved, go slowly and be prepared to change the angle of pressure as the shape of the curve requires.

      • Some types of earrings will be easier to remove if one finger is inside the nose to remove the inside of the jewelry. Don't be shy about it; From the outside it may seem like you are picking your nose, but if you do it in private, you will save yourself from unnecessary discomfort.
      • Studs with permanent stoppers will require you to apply more pressure when removing them compared to other types of earrings. Try to remove such an earring with one decisive but careful movement. Be prepared for an unpleasant tingling sensation as the head of the stopper passes through the piercing. Don't worry if there is some blood on the earring, this is especially common when the earring is removed for the first time after the piercing. If this happens, be sure to thoroughly clean the puncture site (see below for details).
    3. Treat your nose with an antibacterial solution. After removing the earring, put it in a safe place so as not to lose it. Then, carefully treat the puncture site on both sides with an antibacterial solution using a swab or cotton swab. This will help kill bacteria around the piercing and reduce the risk of infection. When it comes to the antibacterial solution you will need to use, you have several options. Below you will find some of them; for more detailed information see the next section.

      • Saline solution (salt and water)
      • Medical alcohol
      • Antiseptic
      • Antibacterial ointment (eg, Neosporin, etc.)

      Part 2

      Piercing treatment
      1. Use a saline solution to treat the earring. After removing the earring, you will have two tasks: processing the newly removed earring and the earring with which you are going to replace the previous one. For convenience, you can apply the same processing method to both earrings! For these purposes, it is best to use a simple saline solution. The advantages of this option are its low cost and ease of preparation at home; but it will take some time to prepare.

        Wipe the earrings with alcohol. Another good tool for treating jewelry is rubbing alcohol. The product is cheap and available at any pharmacy. To treat your jewelry, you will need to pour some alcohol into a small container and use a swab or cotton swab to treat the old and new earrings one by one.

        • Then let the new earring dry on a paper towel before putting it on. Rubbing alcohol may sting if applied directly to the puncture site (but it will not cause much harm).
      2. Use any liquid antiseptic. Liquid antiseptic solutions (such as Bactrin and other brands whose active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride) are excellent for decontaminating piercing jewelry. Not only do they kill bacteria, but they are also easy to use; just dip a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the earring. Let it dry before putting it back on.

        Consider using an antibacterial ointment. If you have antibacterial ointment in your first aid kit, you can use it in addition to the cleaning solutions above. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment directly to the earring, paying special attention to the part that will be located inside the nose. The most suitable ointments are those containing polymyxin B sulfate or bacitracin as the active ingredient.

      Part 3

      How to put on an earring

        Carefully slide the edge of the earring into the piercing. Once your new earring has been decontaminated, inserting it is usually quite simple. Remove any clasps or stoppers and carefully slide the base of the earring through the piercing.

        • If your piercing is located in the middle part of the nose, then the earring should be inserted through the nostril. However, if the piercing is located on the side of the nostril, then this will need to be done from the outside.
        • Just remember to wash your hands before touching a disinfected earring or piercing.
      1. Feel the metal on the other side of the piercing. To help guide the earring through the piercing, try to insert one finger into your nostril as you insert the earring. This will help you maintain the correct direction of insertion of the earring; When you feel the end of the earring on your finger, you will know that the earring came out where it should.

        Consider the direction of the earring's bend when threading the jewelry into the piercing. Continue pushing the earring into the piercing using both hands to guide the earring where you want it to go. If your earring has curves, simply twist or turn the earring as required by the direction of the curve to avoid unnecessary pain.

        Fasten the earring. Once your earring has been successfully inserted, the only thing left to do is fasten the clasp on the earring or install stoppers to prevent the earring from falling out. The methods for doing this vary and, as with extraction, depend on the type of earring. Here are some rough instructions for some common types of nose piercing jewelry:

        • Ring without clasp: Simply press the two ends of the ring so that they fit inside your nose and the ring fits securely.
        • Ring with ball clasp: Bend both ends so they meet inside the clasp ball. As mentioned above, you may feel some difficulties the first time, so seek help from a professional if you can't handle it yourself.
        • L-shaped studs: Insert the base of the earring into the puncture site. The decorative part should be higher than the piercing site if you want the end of the earring base to rest on your nostril, and vice versa if you want the end to hang down. Push it in until you reach the fold, then gently push the corner of the earring into the hole (stick your fingers into the nostril and pull the base down if you started above the nostril, and vice versa).
        • Nostrils: Insert the tip of the earring base into the hole. Place your finger on the other side of the hole to guide. Gently push the base inward, turning the earring clockwise until you feel the tip of the earring with your finger on the other side. If necessary, continue to twist the earring until it fits correctly.
        • Straight studs: As noted above, while these types of earrings are the most comfortable for long-term wear, they can be quite a hassle when it comes time to change them. To insert a regular stud, first place the tip of the earring into the hole from the outside. Insert a finger into the nostril for support. Firmly push the base into the hole. Keep pressing until you feel the end of the earring come out where it should. Don't worry if you feel an unpleasant tingling sensation during this process.
      2. Treat your nose again. Once the earring fits comfortably, you're done! Our congratulations. You have just successfully completed the earring replacement process! At this stage, we suggest that you complete the procedure by re-treating the puncture site with a disinfectant solution to avoid infection. Apply a solution of warm water and soap, antibacterial agent, or the disinfectant solutions described above to the area around the hole on both sides.

        Seek professional help if you experience severe pain or if the hole is bleeding. Changing jewelry may not be a pleasant process, but the process itself should not cause significant pain or cause serious bleeding. If you experience any of these symptoms or the piercing site becomes red, inflamed and/or irritated, it may be a sign that not enough time has passed for the wound to heal properly or that the wound has become infected. In any case, visit a reputable piercer to determine the type of problem. Contact your doctor if symptoms persist over time.

      • Don't buy earrings made of cheap metals; they can cause serious allergic reactions.
      • Most piercers sell lotions to care for your piercing. While they're not a necessity, these products can be a great addition to your routine.
      • Benzalkonium chloride is another excellent antiseptic (available freely in most pharmacies).

    Nowadays, nose piercing is fashionable and common, and almost anyone can wear it if there are no contraindications. Therefore, an interesting question arises about how to insert a hook earring into the nose. And is it possible to do this quickly and safely at home?

    Benefits of piercing

    There are certain advantages and disadvantages of piercings. Knowing them, you can decide for yourself whether this procedure is necessary at all. As you know, piercing has the following main advantages:

    1. It is fashionable and beautiful, thanks to which you can complement your appearance in an original way, making it special and unique, because you can choose a piercing of any shape and design.
    2. Almost anyone can wear nose rings. After all, it is fashionable and stylish for both men and women at any age (you can choose any earrings according to their shape and design). For example, a hoop earring on the nose looks quite interesting.
    3. The procedure can be performed at home or in a beauty salon, and the cost will be low, so almost anyone can insert earrings into their nose.
    4. Caring for the earring will be easy, thanks to which you can maintain the beauty and elegance of the piercing for a long period of time (if the installation process was successful).


    Despite such a number of advantages, nose earrings have the following disadvantages:

    1. The procedure of piercing and inserting jewelry is long and painful, so a man or woman should prepare for the fact that it is painful and beauty requires sacrifice, as they say.
    2. If the procedure is carried out in unsterile conditions and carelessly, the risk of infection increases and can cause a serious illness that can impair overall health.
    3. If the piercing is inserted incorrectly and does not follow the rules of sterility at first, then there is a possibility of deforming the nose, ruining its beauty and general health.

    Please note that nose wing piercing is done safely and practically painlessly, and it looks beautiful. However, it all depends on how you install it. After all, if you insert a nose ring incorrectly and damage the integrity of the nose, then the beauty and attractiveness of your appearance will disappear.

    Modern designers offer a large selection of earrings and nose piercings, which will help make the image of women and men much more attractive. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to insert an earring with a hook into the nose and what is needed first. There are different types of earrings. Let's look at them.

    Medical What is it?

    This type of piercing is considered safe and sterile, since it consists of steel and titanium, which do not corrode and do not cause unpleasant pain when worn. It can be inserted into the nose, ears and eyebrows, as it is considered safe and beautiful if the procedure is carried out correctly and if there are no allergic reactions (as a rule, the body does not react to medical steel).

    Gold earring. Description

    Products made from gold are considered beautiful, they can be worn for a long time, because the body most often accepts this metal. Such earrings are expensive compared to other materials, but despite this, gold piercings will look bright and attractive.

    Silver piercing. What is this earring?

    This material will be safe and beautiful if it is inserted correctly into the nose. It is a little cheaper than gold, but despite this, you can choose any shape of earring from this material. It is safe and practically does not cause allergic reactions unless there are certain contraindications.

    Plastic. Description of this type

    Plastic piercing is considered a cheaper and more accessible option, so almost anyone can afford it. It looks quite attractive, and also does not cause inconvenience or discomfort, because the material is light and suitable for almost everyone. It is most often used by young girls with an informal appearance who want to make their image bright and more rich.

    It is also recommended to visit a dermatologist, who will examine your skin and determine if you are allergic to the piercing material, and tell you how to wear a hook earring on your nose. After all, if you insert the piercing incorrectly, you can damage the skin and mucous membrane of the nose, which will worsen your overall health and attractive appearance.

    How is a piercing installed in a beauty salon? Step-by-step actions of the wizard

    Are you interested in the question of how to properly insert an earring into your nose and what is needed for this? Typically the procedure is carried out in this order:

    1. The master conducts an examination and determines whether there are any diseases of the skin and nose that can progress after installation of the piercing or disrupt the overall beauty and attractiveness of appearance.
    2. After this, the master provides a choice of earrings of different materials and designs, which can decorate a woman’s (or man’s) nose in their own way. Make the image bright and attractive.
    3. Once everything is ready, the master disinfects the earring and then inserts it into the nose, and this is done carefully and with the help of a special anesthetic.
    4. After a successful procedure, the specialist will treat the pierced area and ensure that there are no side effects or serious swelling.
    5. Upon completion of the earring piercing, the master should conduct a detailed consultation on how to care for the jewelry and how to preserve the nose wing piercing for a long time.

    It is worth considering that the procedure is quick and safe if carried out carefully and sterilely. In the beauty salon, the master also conducts additional disinfection and consultation. It will help preserve the piercing for a long time and get rid of pain. You also need to decide on the type of earring material and design that will decorate the image in its own way, making it attractive and original.

    How to insert an earring with a hook into your nose? Step-by-step instruction

    Make sure that there are no nasal diseases or inflammatory processes that can progress and disrupt the beauty of the installed piercing (runny nose, sinusitis, and so on).

    Interested in the question of how to insert a snail earring into the nose and can this be done at home quickly and accurately? It is generally recommended to insert the piercings in this order:

    1. If everything is fine, then you should prepare the necessary tools that will be needed to pierce the nose and install the earring (special needle, antibacterial agent, cotton swab and earring).
    2. As soon as everything is ready, you need to carefully pierce the wing of the nose and insert the earring, then push it further and carefully fasten it (before this, administer an anesthetic if possible).
    3. After the earring has been installed properly, it is necessary to disinfect the wound. Afterwards, you need to make sure that you do not experience pain and that the wound does not open. Here's how to insert a hook earring into your nose. As you can see, everything is quite simple. But in this matter you need to be extremely careful.
    4. At the end of the procedure, you need to treat the wound and then familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the piercing.

    In order for the piercing to last for a long time, you need to know exactly how to insert an earring with a hook into your nose and how to properly care for it. For care you need to do the following:

    1. Avoid going to the beach and pool, which can cause an infection of the nose and pain in the piercing area. This is due to the fact that the wound has not completely healed.
    2. Avoid using cosmetics, ointments and creams that can irritate the skin and cause pain and an allergic reaction.
    3. Visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and determine whether there are any diseases of the nose, whether the piercing is safe and whether the general health of the nasal mucosa will be affected.
    4. Avoid using antibiotics and medications to which you have an allergic reaction, as a result of which side effects may occur and the piercing will be rejected.
    5. Do not touch the wound with your hands after you have just completed the procedure for installing a nose piercing (you can get an infection and cause pain).

    What are the contraindications to the procedure?

    We figured out how to properly insert an earring into your nose. But there are cases when piercing cannot be done. The procedure is not performed if there are a number of contraindications:

    • If you have infectious diseases of the sinuses and throat (sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.). First you need to undergo a course of treatment and only then think about piercing your nose.
    • If you have an allergic reaction to the piercing material and sensitive skin, which may become covered with red spots and other unpleasant symptoms will bother you.
    • If you have cancer, infectious diseases and a number of other ailments (leukemia, diabetes, AIDS, and so on).

    A little conclusion

    Please note that nose piercing looks beautiful and attractive. But only if everything was done correctly and without complications. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a dermatologist, who will determine whether there are any contraindications or serious diseases.

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