• Nika Belotserkovsky with her husband and children. Husband of Nika Belotserkovsky. Do you need to share? With whom? And the truth - with the whole world


    Nile crocodile liver pate. we all remember from childhood that crocodiles taste like chicken meat. no fresh crocodile? which is strange, of course, I, for example, breed them in the pool - the guests are delighted. but okay, no, no - we vulgarly use ordinary chicken liver. you need: - chicken liver 500 g - butter 150 g - large sweet onion (or 2 medium ones) - 3-4 cloves of garlic - dry white wine 150 ml - the fattest cream 100 ml - olive oil - salt and pepper - a little bit nutmeg in olive oil, fry the chopped onion and garlic (onion until transparent) - do not make it brown. add coarsely chopped chicken liver. fry quickly, it should remain red inside. throw in the butter, pour in the wine and let it boil, stirring well to let the strong smell of alcohol evaporate. it's about 8 minutes. let it cool a bit and put it in a blender, rub it well. return to the pan, add the cream and stir well (otherwise it will spit insidiously) heat together with the cream and simmer for three minutes. salt, pepper, grate nutmeg. All! send in a mold in the refrigerator - let it harden. Italians mercilessly pour Vin Santo into pates - a sweet dessert wine, suddenly, you have an Italian. likewise, all pates are wonderful with nutmeg or fragrant sherry. want to store for a long time? into a jar and pour melted butter on top to completely cover the liver. so that the air does not come into contact with the pate, it will be reliably protected from bacteria. hot toast, pate, onion jam (there are a couple of wonderful recipes on belonika.ru). and clinging to the chest of Ovid's Metamorphoses (Volume 9), we proclaim ourselves a goddess. no fresh crocodile or chicken liver? take the veal, no one will notice. I will cover you.

    in London 39'. baked pigeons fly low in the sky. in the shop opposite, all the refrigerators are fucked up, the guests will do without chickens and so everything is fried. GERANI died on the terrace - this is a sign, so you need to run. and you promised (three years, term on time) a new playlist "hayloft" (4.5 hours). a little sweaty erotica - sorry, it's impossible to breathe. I will not share in Apple Music, then he forbids me to use honestly bought in social networks. therefore music lovers with indefatigable hands will survive. Oh, it's already 41 on the thermometer! God save the queen! 'Hung up the playlist in Actual

    Ginger quails with honey according to Joan's recipe (English rose). Fragrant, tender and innocent. Coquetry. Temptation. Temptation. Ruddy cheeks. Man, I'm already drunk as you need! Marinade for 10-15 plump quails: - 100 ml of soy salty sauce - 100 g of liquid honey - 3 cm of fresh ginger root - 5-8 cloves of garlic Grate ginger, crush garlic and mix well with soy sauce and honey. Quails, if they are very tiny, cut in half, if well-fed - into four parts. Marinate and leave overnight in the refrigerator. Remove the birds from the marinade, wipe lightly with paper towels and fry on both sides until golden brown in a pan. Put on a baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 200 'for 7-10 minutes, until cooked. At this time, pour the remaining marinade into the pan where you fried the quail and boil it by a third, until thick. Want to make hot sauce? Add some chile. Take out the birds and pour over this "sauce" before serving. Count on three quails for a decent guest. On indecent - twice as much. But I wouldn't spoil it. If only for profit. And it is obvious that very young chickens can also be cooked, affectionately calling them “my quails”. ABOUT! There will also be a tender chicken pate on a crispy baguette for terraces and a cool pink when it’s too lazy to cook. Yes, this also happens in August. Often.

    and let's all remind Elena Alexandrovna @elenakrygina about the promised magic curls. Elena Alexandrovna, for example, I am very tired in the city of paying regularly 100 pounds for a “hair wash”, which for some reason they call styling here. and you, Elena Alexandrovna, promised us. be kind - give back! and about the promised - in the evening I will write a recipe for quails (ginger). I remember! Unlike! @elenakrygina, come on curls!

    and how do you do it all? - one of the most popular questions in my stories. a conversation with a wonderful St. Petersburg friend, part-time chief expert in women's time management Anya Vsekhsvyatskaya @anna_timeorder. 15 minutes from which you will learn: how I feel about other people's opinions, about bad habits, how to write a book in one week and a lot about personal things. Anya has the full version in her account @anna_timeorder

    there was a vision. Let's talk about Salmon. Salmon is an honest fish, if you spoil it, blame only yourself. honest Salmon tired in the fridge. there was still a lazy boiled potato, winking hopefully from a saucepan. appreciated. then there will be a pie (quiche) from both. we need: ready-made puff pastry - 200 g of smoked or salted salmon - 4-5 medium potatoes - 2 eggs - 300 ml of cream fresh (thick sour cream) - a teaspoon of mustard - dill or parsley - salt-pepper-olive oil cut the potatoes thin plates, and salmon in medium pieces (cubes or strips). finely chop the greens. decently, three tablespoons. beat in a mixer: eggs, fresh cream (sour cream), mustard, herbs, pepper. salt if the salmon is smoked and more careful if it is salty. We put the oven on 200 '. grease the form with olive oil and sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs or semolina. or put baking paper. into a dough shape. put half of the potatoes and salmon, pour half of the downed mixture. Spread the remaining salmon and potatoes and fill with the leftovers. in the oven for 35 minutes. look! All ovens are bad in different ways. take it out and let it cool down a bit. is it clear that instead of salmon there may be smoked ham or chicken? and instead of potatoes - quickly stewed in olive oil, cut into small cubes, zucchini. for ham it’s great to rub parmesan into sour cream or whatever you have. and so on. in short, the principle is clear? then come up with the filling yourself, from "looking with hope." Do you need ginger quails?

    Well, what for, I downloaded this blasphemous aging application for myself, having seen enough of you ?! found a filter - "bangs". the crossing was abandoned, things were not unpacked, it helped, but zayo .... finally with my squeals of “it’s necessary - it’s not necessary ?!?!” friend gloomily left for food, and I have been looking for scissors for an hour. and I understand that the secret is that they pulled the muzzle over the ears, but SUDDENLY.

    One of the most popular Russian bloggers of recent years, of course, has become a LiveJournal user with a belonika account. Under this name, culinary publications are made by lady Veronika Belotserkovskaya, well-known in business circles.

    Today, Nika is a major player in the publishing business. She owns the Internet resources eva.ru and woman.ru, and also publishes the Sobaka.ru magazine. However, her passion is cooking. The woman devoted several of her author's books to this topic, which are bought up by housewives, novice cooks and just people who closely follow trends. Belotserkovskaya herself lives either in Russia or in France, successfully combining her hobby and work and sharing her impressions with her fans. Naturally, her “appetizing” and inspiring Belonika Instagram account was accepted with open arms.

    Belonika on Instagram: gallery under the tag "foodporn"

    And immediately an official statement: Belotserkovsky's Instagram page (@belonika) is a full-fledged art photo gallery. Unlike 97% of Russian celebrities, Veronica doesn't post raw shots of everything just for show. Each new publication is a beautiful photograph with a well-thought-out composition and a meaningful caption. Despite the numerous doubts of the Internet community about the methods of achieving Nika her current position, it is worth recognizing that a woman knows how to work both with a word and with a camera. Even the tags used in the descriptions are original.

    As for the content of the gallery, guests should be prepared for active salivation, because. half of the published photos are 100% consistent with the common foodporn tag. Fresh homemade pies, grilled vegetables, juicy meat steaks - all this makes you want to put your phone away and start cooking something delicious. Nika Belotserkovskaya turned Instagram into a full-fledged motivator for culinary specialists who will receive inspiration when scrolling through her page.

    By the way, inspiration comes not only from culinary delights, but also from the atmosphere that surrounds Belonika. Delightful landscapes of the French provinces, which Anna Sedakova loved so much, excite the "appetite" of travel lovers, and photographic portraits of Belotserkovskaya and her friends in stylish outfits will haunt fashion fans. And, of course, the cute faces of "fluffy" and "furry" cats, dogs and horses will not leave anyone indifferent. But a special place in life and Instagram - the Belotserkovsky gallery is occupied by Jeanne B. - an orange rag toad that accompanies her even when traveling. Surely, every subscriber of Veronica would like to be in her place in order to see with their own eyes everything that is so beautifully depicted in photographs and videos.


    The life of Veronika Belotserkovsky is interesting and eventful. She is purposeful, objective to herself and demanding of others. Cannot stand evil, callous and stupid people. He does not understand how you can be friends with a person if there is nothing to talk about with him, and he also believes that a talented person does not need someone to help him develop his abilities and become successful.

    Family and childhood

    Veronica's parents lived modestly. She was born into a simple family. He celebrates his birthday on June 25th. Mom is from Odessa, she worked at school as a teacher of Russian literature and language. My father was born in St. Petersburg and devoted his whole life to engineering. Little Nika lived and studied in St. Petersburg, and for the summer she was sent to her grandmother, who was an influential and fairly well-known person in Odessa, to improve her health by the sea. Grandmother worked at a meat processing plant as a chief veterinarian.

    Nika, walking along the Odessa beaches, dreamed about how her life would turn out, what she would become in the future.

    Study and first love

    Veronika Belotserkovsky attended a school with in-depth study of physics and mathematics. After graduating from it and receiving a certificate, she entered the Leningrad Technological Institute. she was fully involved in her cycle. The girl, being a freshman, fell in love with the artist and soon married him. By the way, before her oligarch husband, she had four official marriages and one civil marriage. Here is such an amorous Veronika Belotserkovskaya. Her biography is very interesting and full of juicy details.

    Having married, the girl found herself surrounded by creative people, full of artistry and ideas. In general, she slowly forgot about physics and studying at the institute. She was drawn to art. And Nika enters the Higher Directing Courses. By the way, relatives, recalling interesting facts from the life of Veronika Belotserkovskaya, say that she was the only one then enrolled for study, despite the fact that the girl did not have a higher education, and this was one of the prerequisites for everyone who wanted to study on the course. Nika, having passed the exams and her drawings, scored 19 out of 20 possible points. All the teachers unanimously said that she had a special talent, and they couldn’t help but take Nika.

    Veronika Belotserkovskaya studied here for three years. However, she did not go to receive her diploma. The trip to Moscow was canceled due to Nika's second (but not the last) wedding.

    Acquaintance with the banker Boris and the wedding

    Belotserkovskaya Veronika Borisovna, before meeting her future oligarch husband, was already a successful and wealthy 28-year-old woman. She owned an advertising agency and worked with the Channel One office in St. Petersburg. At the same time, she led a project on the network - the magazine "Dog Ru". Nika was free and happy. She enjoyed life, had fun and rested. Somehow she happened to drive a tram, secretly work on an excavator, even shoot from a real Kalashnikov. True, after the shooting, she experienced pain in her shoulder for a long time due to the huge bruise that the butt of the machine gun had put on her. Of course it was all fun. These are not all interesting facts from the life of Veronika Belotserkovskaya. Before meeting with the next chosen one, the woman was very fond of extreme sports.

    Unexpectedly, she met a wealthy Russian banker, Boris Belotserkovsky, who was 16 years older than her. They started dating, and a year later he offered to live together. Nika found excuses for a long time to leave everything as it is. But Boris, offended, said that it was time to live together. Nika gave up and moved. They soon got married.

    Life after marriage with an oligarch

    Nicky has changed dramatically. The newlyweds rubbed each other for a long time. He is calm and balanced, she is eccentric and energetic. At first, Nika Belotserkovskaya tried to change her husband's character, but over time she realized that he, being an excellent psychologist, had changed her. The woman became calmer and more balanced, smarter and more restrained. The word of her husband is authoritative for her. Once, Nika admitted in an interview that she understands her husband just by one look.

    After the wedding, she decided to leave the advertising agency. She and her husband moved to France. Here they settled in a cozy house on the seashore with a beautiful open veranda. Veronica has always dreamed of such a nest for her family. She also loves dacha in Russia. Only he does not want to part with France for a long time.

    The first time after moving abroad, the woman was homesick and bored. She was not used to sitting still. Once, having prepared delicious caviar from zucchini, she took up canning, and in her thoughts she caught herself becoming an ordinary housewife. An inner voice firmly said that it was time to change something. But what if you really like to stand at the stove for hours and cook something simple and tasty? Nika found a way out by combining her favorite pastime with a useful pastime.

    culinary idea

    The idea to become a blogger and write cookbooks came up spontaneously. Previously, Nika imagined spending time on the Internet as a boring, stupid activity. As it turned out, everything is much more interesting and more fun. In general, the woman decided to become a blogger and start working on her own projects on the network. She especially wanted to create her own culinary blog. The recipes of Veronika Belotserkovsky became more and more popular. Netizens liked not only the dishes, but also the interesting manner in which she described the cooking process. Nika's vocabulary is non-standard and somewhat familiar, easy and understandable for everyone who is just starting to learn the basics of cooking.

    Cookbooks by Nika Belotserkovskaya

    The first book she wrote and published was called Recipes. The woman did all the photos and detailed recipes on her own. And the quality of the pictures was at a high level. All dishes looked appetizing and elegant, tasteful. The evaluation of critics and early readers after the release of the book was mixed. Someone expressed an unpleasant opinion, but most of the reviews were still positive.

    So everyone learned that Veronika Belotserkovsky is not only the wife of one of the richest Russian oligarchs, but also a very talented person. Soon she will also publish a book under the equally striking title "Diets". As soon as it was put on store shelves, the entire circulation was immediately sold out. The following cookbooks that Nika worked on are dedicated to Italian and Provence dishes, meat, and wine. Another book has been released, like a continuation of the first one, called "Gastronomic Recipes". By the way, readers of Belotserkovsky's books are about to be able to hold in their hands a fresh edition called "Pastapasta".

    mother of many children

    A very successful mother of many children Veronika Belotserkovsky. Children (and there are five of them) simply adore her.

    The eldest son is already an adult and lives an independent life, a family man. The two middle ones are the same age. Studying in England. They constantly compete with each other in achievements and require increased attention. Small, as Nika herself calls her son, a very talented bright red-haired boy. He is a student of a prestigious school, where he was enrolled after successfully passing the entrance exams. The smallest one has not yet distinguished himself in talents, but he still has everything ahead of him.

    In matters of education, a woman is not strict. She is democratic and fair, tries not to infringe on children and listens to their opinion, does not particularly interfere with her advice. Nika believes that for the normal development of the child, you need to give him more freedom.

    Dreams and reality

    In her dreams, Veronika Belotserkovskaya wanted to have a house by the sea with an open area and a large round table. She imagined how her large family lives in this cozy nest. Kids run around and frolic...

    After many years, her dreams came true. A house appeared on the seashore with a veranda in which children's laughter does not stop, and a loving husband is nearby. She is an amazing woman, and it all started simply and usually. Nika did not even suspect that she would become not only a happy wife and mother, but also a very famous person.

    For those who are not familiar with the heroine, this is Veronika Borisovna Belotserkovskaya (nee Antonysheva) - author of cookbooks, president of the Sobaka publishing house, owner of a culinary school in the south of France and a very popular blogger belonika. "Recipes", "Diets" and other culinary bestsellers - her pen work,

    if I'm not mistaken, she also owns the Time Out magazine, the in-flight magazine of the Aeroflot airline, and the popular website woman.ru.

    Here is such a successful, hardworking and lucky "St. Petersburg swindler", as Veronika likes to call herself.

    By the way, until 2003, Belotserkovskaya was mainly engaged in the television advertising market, was a co-owner and general director of the Trend St. Petersburg agency, and became the winner of the 2004 Media Manager of Russia award in the Magazines nomination. Then she married millionaire Boris Belotserkovsky, co-owner of the Ritzio Entertainment group of companies.

    Belotserkovsky owns the gambling networks Vulkan, Million, X-Time in Russia and Kazakhstan, King and Metro-Jackpot in Ukraine, Labirints and City Casino in the Baltic countries.

    Active Internet life (and its attendant popularity) overtook Belonika during the decree in a beautiful, but too quiet place for a "St. Monaco, where the "prosperous wife" went to "cook".

    However, she couldn’t sit idle, she started a blog in LiveJournal under the nickname belonika, where pictures of stunningly beautiful food and the step-by-step process of its preparation were interspersed with heartbreakingly beautiful photographs and terribly interesting stories. In general, it turned out that Belonika has something to show, and the audience really wants to see it.

    The life of the oligarch's wife turned out to be such an exciting series that it grew into an independent business project "Belonika" with a culinary school, cookbooks, an oil, seasonings and sauces store, the production of cases for smartphones and even television films.

    Now the main platform of Belonika is the Instagram network, which allows you to do everything quickly, concisely, capaciously, brightly.

    Everything she likes.

    It seems to me that it was Belotserkovskaya who set this fashion for "original-long-tags", which the people quickly picked up.

    But the people sculpt them wherever they go, but for Belonika these are headings. And one of my favorites is #aumeneladder. It was born as a response to the "lift bows".

    Quick background. Our heroine lost weight

    became # like a girl, and suffered-oh-axis

    Now you can wear everything! And since the taste is excellent, the husband is prosperous (and she didn’t let us down!), And the scenery is like a selection, the images are luxurious.

    Expand to full screen Back 1 / 28 Forward

    I was ready to post all the images of Belonika for the last year, but I'm afraid it will take me a week. Beautiful details, of course, a billion. One of them, pimply, looks out of the bag. This is Jeanne B, alter - ego,

    which in life, of course, very lucky. The day starts with flowers from a wealthy fan, coffee or even a bottle of prosecco,

    But Belonika, in addition to Zhanna, has five boys (for two with her husband) and a huge proud Maine Coon cat Borisych,

    so, as Belonika says, #sorry.

    • belonika.livejournal.com - Belonika on LiveJournal
    • belonika.ru - site of Veronika Belotserkovskaya
    • instagram.com/belonika - Instagram page

    Veronika Belotserkovsky is a contemporary Russian author of best-selling cookbooks, a popular blogger, entrepreneur, wife of oligarch Boris Belotserkovsky, and mother of three children.

    Childhood and youth of Nika Belotserkovskaya

    Veronika was born into the family of a Russian language teacher and an engineer. Veronica's grandmother was the head physician of the Odessa meat processing plant. Apparently, the culinary talent was transferred from her granddaughter. Belotserkovsky recalls moments with her grandmother as "well-fed happiness."

    Nika spent her childhood in Leningrad and studied at a physics and mathematics school. After graduation, she entered the faculty of "Technologies of rare and trace elements" of the Leningrad Technological Institute. As a freshman, but having already lost interest in the exact sciences, Veronica got married.

    At the same time, she became interested in animation and entered an experimental course in the specialty of a production designer and director-animator, which took place as part of the Higher Directing Courses. There she studied with the Soviet production designer Yuri Norshtein.

    For three years, Veronika studied the specialty and established herself as one of the most talented students. However, it was not possible to obtain a diploma, since, having parted with her first husband, she married a second time.

    The beginning of the career of Nika Belotserkovskaya

    Veronica has been working since 1993. She became the marketing director of an influential securities company that owned 11 large stores. She opened her first agency, Trend St. Petersburg, which specialized in outdoor advertising, in 1995. In 1997, it was sold, and Veronika went to work in a large production center created on regional television. After in 1998, ORT began to implement a regional television broadcasting project in St. Petersburg, Nika was asked to build this business, to which she agreed.

    Nika Belotserkovskaya and Sobaka.ru: TOP 50 award recipe

    In 2003, Nika began working on the Sobaka.ru magazine. After that, she bought Aeroflot, Time out, as well as the woman.ru website and, having given birth to her third son, transferred control to a top manager.

    Veronika Belotserkovskaya started her own blog in Livejournal in 2009. He began to enter the top 10 best domestic culinary blogs. The success of the blog, she says, is simple: there is no frills. Wants to write - writes, does not want - does not write.

    Nika Belotserkovskaya and her books

    In 2010, Nika presented her first book, Recipes, which was sold in huge numbers throughout the country. After her came the book "Diets". Belotserkovskaya publishes most of her recipes on her blog and accompanies them with photographs that she always takes herself.

    The next book devoted to Italian cuisine was called Taste of Tuscany. Authorship rights were given to companion, translator and culinary specialist Ella Martino. Nika says that Ella has become a very close person to her, often comes to visit and "just loves to build all the staff."

    Presentation of the third book “About food. About wine. Provence” was held in 2011 in Moscow.

    Veronika Belotserkovskaya at present

    Today, Veronica lives for six months in the south of France, in a villa once owned by the French billionaire Marcel Boussac, and the remaining six months in Russia. She continues to share recipes and delight readers with colorful photographs.

    Nika Belotserkovskaya - an interview with Glamor magazine

    In February 2014, the four-episode film Proprovence: Dramatic Stories was released, written by Belotserkovskaya.

    Personal life of Nika Belotserkovskaya

    Nika was married to Russian graphic artist Yan Antonyshev (Old City group), the star has a son from this marriage. Boris Belotserkovsky became the fifth spouse. He is included in the list of the richest people according to Forbes and owns a gambling business. The couple has five sons for two: Nika's child, Boris's two sons from a previous marriage, and two common sons.

    Nika admits that Boris has been seeking formalization of relations for a long time. However, she did not need a stamp in her passport. A year after they met, he became offended and said that "decent girls don't behave like that." And the pregnancy and the "wild" stubbornness of Belotserkovsky were the decisive factors.

    The marriage of the spouses is happy. Nika admits that she is very dependent on her husband, however, Boris is not authoritarian and everyone has their own "outlined territory."

    Interesting facts from the life of Veronika Belotserkovsky

    In the living room of her French villa, Nika upholstered furniture with her own hands.

    Her hobbies are good, fast and, always with good musical equipment, cars. All the cars that she has are bought with her own funds. She buys a new car every year. Lately he has been driving a Gelenvagen Mercedes. Moreover, for each of her cars there is a name.

    Another hobby is cooking. Nika loves to cook for her friends and loved ones and treat them with her delicacies.

    In the “what to talk about” column, Nika writes: “About the prospects for the publishing business in Russia, as well as about what amazing magazines Time-Out and Sobaka.ru are.

    More than anything, she loves to take pictures, travel and share experiences.

    He calls the plane his most ridiculous purchase, as he is terribly afraid of flying.

    ELLE Exclusive Interview: Nika Belotserkovskaya

    Publisher, blogger, writer celebrates her birthday today. We recall an interview in which a few years ago Nika told us why she swears, never posts photos of children and what she compares her friends to

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    ELLE You wrote that you feel panic before meeting with readers, where you have to sign books...

    Nika Belotserkovskaya Well, I'm not so scared anymore. I can say that my social phobia has gone. Let's just say I learned to enjoy it. In the beginning, it really was horror, fear, panic; It seemed to me that everyone was mocking me, that no one would come ...

    Not so long ago...

    Well, relatively... About five years ago.

    Is it really possible to get rid of this for good in such a period?

    In fact, the scariest thing for me is being in front of a camera. But I still climb there with my perseverance of an athlete - give me a medal! - despite the fact that I have a terrible diction, I am very unphotogenic ...

    In fact, there is no barrier, it exists only inside me, because I like to make myself suffer.

    Looking at your photos taken for this interview, you can't tell.

    It's a coincidence (laughs). Despite all this, I rush there like a rhinoceros, not understanding anything, even though it is hell and overcoming for me every time. Once, when we were filming something, I went to the toilet, washed my face and realized to myself that this should be treated like a simple x * - not. Why do I, as a traveling pony, come up with all sorts of obstacles for myself, as for a big horse? Indeed, in reality there is no barrier, it exists only inside me, because I like to make myself suffer. I felt it so well that from the first take, in 15 minutes, we shot what we planned to shoot for three hours. One must be able to press on one hemisphere, like on a sponge, so that everything unnecessary flows from there ...

    In your interview with Ksenia Sobchak, you talk about your difficult relationship and your breakup with your mother...

    By the way, I was amazed that this moment caused such an incredible response. Then they wrote me very strange things: “I sobbed all night”, “Nika, thank you!” and so on. This once again shows that we are not unique in our suffering. And it's very sobering.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    Super-successful women almost always have a difficult relationship with their mother. What did your relationship with her give you? Do you think that the internal split that occurs as a result of a conflict with the mother, the complexes set by the parents, are a kind of progress engine for a person?

    This is such a slippery topic... It's like going to the skating rink in ballet slippers... I would not want to specifically discuss my situation, because I am convinced that some things should be discussed only with the closest people. Speaking more broadly, the Russian soul is generally inherent in reflecting. At one time I was struck when I first came to Oxford, where I studied English (I had German at school), the behavior of my classmates. I had a Japanese, a Spanish and an Italian in the group, and they all kept diaries, entries in which began something like this: “This morning is beautiful, I feel amazing, this world loves me” ...

    How old were you?

    27-28 probably. This absolutely shocked me, and I even fell into a state of some kind of irritation: how can you treat yourself as the central diamond of the Universe, where all the elements of the universe are created solely to serve you - for example, with good weather? For me it was a unique experience. I don't remember a single girl in my class doing something like that. And they are taught this. They develop a bright individuality, independence, self-love ...

    But such a “bright personality” does not kill creativity?

    If a rational person is faced with a choice, he will probably make it in favor of self-love. But, of course, its basic absence is a very powerful source for, in pathetic words, creativity, self-realization, the need for a continuous search for oneself, so unloved, lost ...

    So you admit that you have it?

    Undoubtedly. By the way, it becomes easier when you are able to diagnose such things in yourself. For example, there are people with diabetes...

    They inject themselves with insulin daily.

    I have my own insulin. I picked up a camera at the age of 40, started writing books... From a sociophobic creature, I turned into an Internet star, which is absolutely unusual for me. I did not count on it at all, but, probably, this is a story that my work resonates. People understand what I do. Because I do it honestly. If it is possible to deceive one person and fool even the closest people by the nose for a long time, it is impossible to deceive the collective consciousness. The Internet is a very sensitive, intuitive field where those tools that can be used in everyday life do not work.

    At the same time, the Internet is a space where there is a huge amount of negativity...

    Naturally. And the first question that arises in your mind is why?

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    How do you deal with it? Are you a person who clearly needs support and praise?

    At first, of course, I reacted to this, because I did not learn to separate. At some point, I realized that I was talking to my own demons, because you can’t talk with gray spots; You can't have a dialogue with a person if you can't see his eyes, his face. You start asking yourself questions - why? Why do they hate me? Why do they write me these hellish things? About me, about my husband, about my children? Then you start parrying...

    Do you respond to comments?

    Depends on whether I want to talk to the demons at the moment or not (laughs). There, the basic law is that people do not write to me, people write about themselves. At a certain moment it dawned on me that this is an absolutely reflex thing. It is clear that we all create our own worlds. It is convenient for them that I live exactly the way they need inside this world. A woman writes: “Nika, how cool you are! You will never stop being interesting to your husband!” And I immediately understand that this is the main nightmare of her life. It never even occurred to me that I could stop being interesting to someone, because I don’t have this option as a basic one. And I understand what kind of hell she lives in. Or they write some nasty things about my children. But now I understand that this supposed hatred of me is actually hatred of myself.

    Are you a good psychologist?

    Yes, I probably became a good psychologist, because I immediately understand the motives of human behavior.

    I have several personal madness on the Web, which I have known for many years, I know personally and study specially, because for me this is also a phenomenon - how people become addicted to another person. There is a kind of kinship and even some kind of tenderness on my part towards these people. They follow me, they collect my photos, they count the number of my pimples, wrinkles...

    The basic law of comments on the Internet is that people write about themselves. It's absolutely a reflex thing."

    Well fans. Like any star.

    But there are also anti-fans. Thank God I've never been a professional beauty. I have never had such attitudes, and I do not exist in this plane at all. I am very objective about my shell, which, by and large, does not matter to me.

    Directly none?

    Well, no, of course, I like it when I look wonderful. But I start to look good when I need to look good and I turn on the "I'm beautiful" mode. This mode is labor-intensive, so when I don’t need it, I turn it off.

    In short, you will not walk at home in heels in front of your husband.

    Rather, someone else will walk in heels (laughs).

    You are almost non-existent on your Instagram.

    Well, there are all sorts of autograph sessions, for example. After my public appearances, the feast begins.

    So you don't work as a face on Instagram?

    It must be understood that belonika and Nika Belotserkovskaya are, of course, close relatives, but not so much. I have a lot of taboo things - I never show my family, I never post photos of children.

    You said in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak: “When I see a photo of a baby in a feed, it’s a real hell for me. It's like pushing your baby in a stroller to a subway station at rush hour and leaving it there."

    The Internet is the absolute absence of a comfort zone. Especially now, when hellish aggression is splashing out there. I don't need it, because I don't want to breed these devils. Let's just say - things that are really dear to me never appear on Instagram. These are just beautiful photos, I am an absolute visual. This program, by the way, completely killed my blog, because I like communicating with the world of pictures. Sometimes there is a strong visual impact, and I take the camera to share my emotions with the world.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    Do you need to share? With whom? And really - with the whole world?

    Well, again - with their own demons. They can also be good. I don't know how to describe it... You know, when a person comes home and turns on the TV just to have sound. You don't identify this babbling, but it absorbs your muffled steps and creates an element of presence. At the same time, you do not look, you do not get involved, this is a separate background that creates the illusion of your not being alone. For me it's about the same.

    The fact that you do not show the children causes many to have a strong opinion that "Nika does not like children."

    Well what can I say? It's natural, it's logical (laughs). Of course, I adore my children (Nika has three sons - the eldest from her first marriage, two others from her marriage to businessman Boris Belotserkovsky. - Approx. ELLE). They are 18, 12 and six; this is the most precious thing I have, and I will never use them to prove something to anyone. You know, there are photos on Instagram that scream: “I'm fine! I am a happy mother, a happy wife!” I don't need it at all, because I know everything about myself. There are absolutely disgusting comments in my feed: “I hid my face in complexes, my husband doesn’t f * -t” and so on. I go to the commentator's profile, and it says: "Happy mom of identical twins." This is also a diagnosis. This can be written in one word with a hashtag. This is aggressive shit...

    You see, you still have a reaction ...

    It's more of a curiosity. I'm wildly curious. I read all the comments - maybe I would not want to do this, but this is a huge field for me to explore. I can say for sure: I now know people better than before coming to the Internet. There were cases in LiveJournal when I caught someone's diary and could read it avidly until the morning, marveling at how beautiful, deep, subtle people can be ... Now I understand what an aggressive reaction to me is, what these distraught women for whom I serve as a source of inspiration, only from the other side. They settled me in their crystal hell, which they create for themselves, and made me some kind of dragon, which has nothing to do with me. It's interesting to watch. I have several letters in the mail that I treasure very much, and when I have some general claims to the universe, I re-read them, because for the sake of each of them, it was probably worth starting all this.

    What kind of letters are these?

    One letter from an anorexic girl, one letter from a girl who wanted to kill herself, and one letter from an adult woman who has experienced an incredible tragedy in her life. I won't be able to say anything more.

    Are these letters about how you changed the fate of their authors?

    I understand that it was not me who changed their fate - they just had to cling to something. I got in their way and became a unique tool that saved their lives. I remember crying over all three... It's very cool. This feeling of its absolute use. This is a powerful emotional experience - like love, like the first sex...

    “My Instagram never shows things that I really care about. These are just beautiful pictures.”

    In many of your innovative word formations, there is a negative connotation - take at least "recipes" or "diet"...

    Yes, "recipes" is a blasphemous word, but I couldn't resist. Don't forget that I'm still a marketer.

    Why do you think people eat it so readily?

    There is no negative connotation in this. For me, "recipes" might just as well be associated with lilies of the valley and cubs. And maggots, miscarriages ... Everyone chooses the door that is closer to him (laughs). This word is slightly above itself. Of course, I did it deliberately. Of course, I phonetically feel that it is absolutely disgusting (because of it, in particular, Tatyana Tolstaya could not stand me, who believed that I was distorting the Russian language). But there is irony in this word. Not even irony - this is a word over a word. When a person realizes that a word is disgusting, it immediately changes its meaning. And it was not an irony over the forums with "sweets", it's just an ironic attitude to what I'm doing. This instantly removes the blocker from people who feel it. Recipes, by the way, is still my most popular book. She has some kind of insane circulation, because for six years she has been sitting in the top five bestsellers.

    Probably, such a verbal form removes unnecessary pathos, removes the barrier between the author and the reader.

    There are magic words that settle in you like larvae, and they can no longer be driven out or picked out by anything. It's good and doesn't bother me at all. I am ironic about this, and when some philologists in amber beads and long skirts from art shops come out with a pitchfork to destroy me for this, it makes me even more delighted.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    At a time when no one else had a clue what Instagram was, you already had your #ladders, doubling words in hashtags, and more. Your opinion about those who go and still will not come to replace us is interesting.

    Of course, we are in a unique time. We differ from the young simply because, like the Strugatskys, we found ourselves at the epicenter of something that changes you forever. If I were now 20 years younger, it is unlikely that my career and personal things would have happened in a similar scenario. You used to go into any public restroom, and all the toilet paper there was lottery tickets - tear it off and choose whatever you want. Opportunities lay right on the road, it was only necessary to raise them. Society has changed, the system of coordinates has shifted. This infantilism, which is present in the current generation, is from satiety. We were hungry. It was as if we were released from prison, and we realized that now we can fuck right and left. I remember very well when I divorced my third husband (I was continuously married for 17 years), I found myself a free woman for the first time. It was a feeling of some kind of physiological happiness - here it is in front of me, the steppe, and I'm standing on a hill, and it's all mine, and I can use it all. About the same thing our generation experienced, breaking out of the cage. This uplift, inspiration, feeling of freedom... I can't explain it to children.

    These mad women settled me in their crystal hell and made me some kind of dragon, which has nothing to do with the real me.

    But not everyone made the breakthrough...

    But everyone had the same opportunity. When they call me "thug chick"...

    I will also ask about the bandits ...

    Of course, it was a period of my active youth, happiness, becoming... We all idealize such periods.

    So what happened to the bandits?

    Listen, I worked in the city of St. Petersburg ...

    ...with bandits!

    In the city of St. Petersburg at that time it could not be otherwise! For me, this is exactly the same as now you have to pay taxes and give bribes to the sanitary and epidemiological station. These are some basic things that were not perceived as something out of the ordinary. We just didn't know what could be different.

    What gave you communication with such people?

    What gave? When they threaten me now, I remember some stories and think: “Purely children.” Of course, this gave me a sense of the absence of fear and an understanding of what it means to live “in an adult way”. You know it's scarier when you're not threatened, and you realize that when you're threatened, it doesn't mean anything at all. I remember very well, when I was just starting to work with ORT, the cops and Tambov people ran into me very hard. I had to choose. I did not sleep all night and the next day I went and surrendered to a man named Kostya Mogila. There was some romance in it. And it was perceived as absolutely normal - just like today you choose a bank. And today, when they tell me something about the courage to threaten, I have a lot of powerful images that instantly put everything in its place. In this sense, I know a lot about people.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    Surely you should still have some images in your hands ...

    I draw well. My first husband was an artist, and I drew better than him, and everyone objectively understood this.

    Did you study?

    Yes, I studied in a private workshop with the wonderful sculptor Nodar from Mukhinsky. He loved me very much, because I had such a tough male drawing, rather rough. But... I wasn't an artist. My husband drew worse, but he was an artist; I drew better, but I was not an artist.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    Let's get back to the language. What role does the mat play in your life? This is also a very lively topic when it comes to your personality. It is believed that you only talk like that. At least there is an opinion.

    Well, opinion. There is also an opinion that Ulyana Zeitlina is the mother of my husband's child, Boris Belotserkovsky.

    Maybe she is the mother of Boris Belotserkovsky himself? Joke. This is wrong?

    No, it's not. It's just that some happy women want me to be an unhappy woman. Isn't that normal for happy women? Let's go back to mom. If I'm talking to my child's math teacher, whom I don't want to impress, of course, I'll talk to him like a normal mom. I'll tell a story. A few years ago, an animal, a friend of some friends, brought me here to visit. It really was a fantastic story, because it was an absolute animal with a cross; I knew that he lived nearby in Monte Carlo and that he had a wife and children on one floor, a mistress on the second, and in general he was such a rare bastard. Sleek, vile, rich, licentious, vile creature. Then there was a fast, and he positioned himself as a believer, ate three bottles of my wine and terribly ran into me that I was fucking cursing. I said everything I thought about him and people like him, and he was taken straight out of my house. Mat I can sometimes use on purpose. For example, I can't tell some woman sitting across from me that she's a smug, pompous creature for no reason. And that it makes me extremely perplexed. I'll just sit with that special face and talk the way I can. This is not even a story about outrageous. I'm mocking at this moment. Listen, I love my native language very much, I read a lot. Denying swear words is a form of hypocrisy for me. But if I respect a person and understand that swearing is unacceptable for him - just like someone, for example, does not eat sweets - for the sake of this person I will exclude such words from my language. The perception of speech is like an ear for music. Someone likes classical music, someone else. Basically, what concerns the mat is a fictional story: "I'm not like that, it's alien to me." I don't see it as looseness.

    Infantilism of the current generation - from satiety. We were hungry, it was as if we had been released from prison.”

    Let's get back to food. In your LiveJournal, you always give different answers to the question why you started cooking.

    All my mother's family was from Odessa. Odessans are such Russian Italians. They are the same gossips, everything revolves around food for them, and, like all sunny marine inhabitants, food for them is more than food, it is a way of life. A table every weekend, triple coating, little blue ones, tyulechka, abercos ... I always helped my grandmother, and I still keep hatred for the bones in cherries, because dumplings with cherries were not given so easily. Black fingers, sour cherries... Of course, it's from there. Of course it's love. For me, Odessa after the cold depressive St. Petersburg was happiness and gave serious internal allusions.

    And then what? Marketing thinking turned on e?

    You know, girls often come and say: “That's it, the world has turned upside down, I started cooking, and life has become so amazing.” And they began to praise her elementarily. Cooking is the easiest way to get recognition, a compliment, a loving look... Food is also a very sensual story. It causes us sometimes more euphoria than sex. You have the most powerful means of manipulation...

    Nika, but you don't look like a cook at all! You are so fragile, thin! As soon as you slip into that gap between the doors to go out for a smoke...

    It's just that during pregnancy I gain about 25 kilograms, and I have to work on it. I don't eat much - I eat everything. I don't get much. Now, for example, I brought an extra two and a half kilograms from Sicily, but five days after six is ​​enough for me not to eat to remove it.

    Do they bother you, these two and a half kilograms?

    Well, I don't like the way my favorite pants fit. But... I really don't care. In this sense, I just got used to the discipline - I just understand that I am afraid of some new mark. I know that the ideal weight for me is 52-53 kilograms, although now, with age, this becomes bad for the face.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    "Girl in good shape" recently starred in Cord's video "Patriot". What is Russia for you? Is she far from you? And tell me when, in your opinion, it is worth leaving here, if so.

    Of course, I care about this story. And, probably, hysterical patriotism is less disgusting to me than the position “I am ashamed that I am Russian.” For this, I just want to hit. First of all, there is disrespect for yourself. Why should I be ashamed of this? I didn't do it! I should not be ashamed of my country, of my culture, of myself. When everyone learns to be responsible for himself and stops speaking in general terms, something will probably change. Of course, I want the children to feel Russian, so that they have a serious self-identification, because I understand how important this is.

    Is your youngest son bilingual?

    He is trilingual: Russian, English, French. I panic when children lose their Russian; I make them talk because it's important to me.

    Where are they now?

    The average one studies in London (yes, by the way, a nice topic for idiots: “She scattered the children around the boarding schools”). In fact, every parent has a choice. It's nice, of course, to constantly squeeze the baby, but when it comes to a brilliant education, you face a serious choice. When we sent our middle son to study (he was accidentally taken to one of the best schools in England, because their committee liked him wildly, although we did not plan to send him anywhere at the age of eight), we sat down with Borey, put all the pros and cons and understood This is their future, this is their life. And I will prove to them in such a way that I love them endlessly, without pies in bed with warm milk.

    And the elder?

    Studying in New York, at a military school. It was his conscious choice. In our family, the most sacred thing is the opportunity to get together. Then there are no friends, only we are alone. We are sailing away somewhere, we are going somewhere... And when they accuse me of throwing the children around the boarding schools...

    Cooking is the easiest way to get a loving look. Food is sometimes more euphoric than sex."

    And don't love them...

    Of course, I must be a monstrous mother and an unhappy wife, dependent on my own husband's money ... Then, probably, it's easier to breathe. It becomes easier, and the world is generally brighter (laughs). For some, I am a source of inspiration to take a camera, travel, start cooking. And someone settles me in his personal hell, endows me with demonic qualities ... Yesterday Uliana (Tseitlina) was my guest, and we laughed at all these fabrications. They laughed that the pubic bone of Ulyana Zeitlina would be nailed to the grave of Boris Belotserkovsky in the Jewish cemetery. Then they will say that no one has seen the genetic test... You see, they (some followers. - Approx. ELLE) have built this basic structure for themselves and cannot refuse it. They chose me as a powerful irritant to drive into some kind of framework. It is very convenient for them. They use me as a band-aid for their own wounds. And I use them to understand why they do it. And for God's sake, let them glue. Interchange.

    We talked about Russia. You said that between ultrapatriotism and "I'm embarrassed that I'm Russian" you would choose the first one.

    N.B. Both cause me a monstrous rejection. Both positions are extremely destructive and will not lead to anything good in our country - in fact, we are seeing this. It's scary, it's disgusting, everyone's crazy, and when you understand why it's happening...


    Double standards everywhere. My Vanechka goes to kindergarten with two children of the author of "Dima Yakovlev's law" Astakhov. And it's in everything. This is total hypocrisy...

    Don't you think that it has always been in Russia?

    Well... You can, of course, talk about the uniqueness of our long-suffering... But we don't differ from anyone. And it's very bad. When I have a choice where my children will study, of course, it will be abroad, because they should not be in such an aggressive environment.

    OK, you have options for this. You have never denied that you have money. And what about the rest?

    Listen, nobody needs us here and nobody needs us there. Maybe anything. Have you ever imagined that Russians would kill Ukrainians and vice versa? There is a moment in Doctor Zhivago when inspired schoolgirls who went to Maeterlinck's plays, who jumped from the Trinity Bridge because their hearts were breaking, in just three months fall into a new reality: bloated corpses of babies, horsemeat, sailors, f*cking them from morning to night ... And everything is fine! This transition is minimal. It seems to us that there is a huge brick wall between these realities, but in fact it is a film separating heaven and hell.

    PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

    Do you rarely visit Moscow?

    I'm just physically sick. Especially now - something disgusting hangs in the air, and I fall into a state of depression. I am a photographer and I miss the sun. I start to shudder, I see all sorts of x * -nya and so on.

    But there are friends. By the way, how do you feel about them? Do you need them?

    I don't know how to make friends in that conventional sense. I hate talking on the phone. I never discuss my men. In this sense, I'm not a girl at all - I have rigid attitudes. Maybe I'll say some pathetic thing now, but I really appreciate the precious exchange, inspiration, new emotions, impressions ... When I have problems, I, on the contrary, close up - I don't need outside help.

    Well, is someone helping you?

    There are people whom I respect immensely. Of the men, this is Seryozha Adoniev (a well-known businessman. - Approx. ELLE), of the women - Polina Kitsenko, her head is very well arranged. I have, if you like, an internal library of people, where they are distributed according to the volumes and qualities that they carry in themselves. These volumes do not cause me any questions and are associated with basic values. Ksenia (Sobchak) is on my separate shelf.

    There is also a beauty blogger Krygina, with whom you are especially close...

    As for the story about the young: for me, Lena Krygina is a reconciling link with this generation. It is very funny when they write about her that she is “my project” or my “illegitimate daughter”. Complete nonsense. She is an absolutely fantastic girl. Infinitely gifted and monstrously hardworking.

    How much do you know?

    Year two. But it's already a thick volume in my internal library...

    But what about going to restaurants with friends?

    This is not my story at all. I'm bored... It's like with TV shows - I physically can't watch them, because I feel guilty about wasted time. There are only two shows for me, Jeeves and Wooster and Poirot, which I only use when I'm sick. Like medicine.

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    Tuscany, Sicily, food, wine... Are you out of it anyway?

    For me, it has ceased to be a topic. Let's just say I don't like associations. And in general, we all need to hang medals on our chests. Let's do some x * -nu, then get rid of it and be wildly proud of ourselves. Quitting alcohol has also been associated with weight loss. It was very difficult for me to lose weight after the third child, and at some point I began to limit myself very severely. On the third or fourth try, I can actually become a real samurai. I removed alcohol, sweets, and everything related to unhealthy flour from my diet. I really liked the result - miracles began to happen before my eyes. In a puffy, middle-aged, extinct woman, things began to appear that I ... learn to love in myself. It was so great, and I decided that some things will leave my life forever. But I love alcoholics. They cannot be bastards, and they drink because they are ashamed of themselves, of the whole world around them. As a rule, they are very good people. I instantly spot them - those with different dependencies and an internal break - and I love them very much. In this regard, I am such a typical wife of a tractor driver. I'm generally interested in broken people. And it doesn't have to be alcohol related. In short, alcoholics and Jews are my specialty (laughs).

    They say you are a joyfully restrained person, is that so?

    Yes, with age you begin to save precious things. If earlier I could charm anyone (I have such an option - to envelop, bewitch, fall in love with myself), now I have stopped using this powerful weapon. Rather, I use it for a completely different purpose.

    By what?

    I use it for myself, inside. It's very cool to realize that you have learned to manipulate not only others, but also yourself. I have a friend who is a psychologist who works with people who have been sentenced to death or who have been diagnosed with a death sentence as part of an American government program. And here's what's interesting: regardless of age and social status, none of these people ever talk about missed career opportunities, about money - everyone talks only about themselves and their unspent love. I have no fear of age, but I'm just beginning to understand that this corridor is not so long anymore. It's great to observe new ergonomics in yourself, a new attitude to the colors of life. After all, they were given the same to everyone, but they all spend it differently.

    In my opinion, these words come into severe conflict with your popularity on the Internet.

    Why not? As I said, belonika, like Jeanne B., have little to do with me. For me, the high artistry of any, even the most vulgar picture, is valuable. And it always surprises me when political debates begin under my posts. It's like going to the circus and demanding a tough citizenship from a clown. Complete surrealism.

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