• Androgynous style: what happens if you mix feminine and masculine. Androgynous model Androgynous male models


    Either it almost disappears from the catwalk collections, or the original non-disappearing trend - androgynous style again intensely excites the imagination of fashionistas. Periodically, it is elevated to the rank of the brightest and most spectacular trends, and sometimes we do not hear about it for whole seasons. But at the same time, it still exists and is an advanced fashion trend. So this season pleased with the variety of non-banal solutions and a pronounced trend towards masculine cut in women's outfits. Tuxedos, coats, shirts, suits, shoes – designers missed nothing when shaping the androgynous fashion of 2015.

    What is androgynous style?

    If you go into the terminology and delve into the semantic content of the names, you can find out that the "androgyne" is neither a woman nor a man. And this is not at all about sexual characteristics, but about the psychological and fashionable component of the personality. The androgynous type is the tendency of women to a masculine lifestyle, brutal behavior, a gentleman's wardrobe, and, conversely, androgyny is a female preference for a strong half of humanity. Although no - just a weak one, because androgynous men have refined facial features, a fragile physique and the habits of real ladies.

    The androgynous image - a clear unisex and a complete mixing of roles - became a real sensation in fashion in 2011/12. Then the names of Andrey Pejic and Freya sounded all over the world - bright representatives of the fashion trend - and all Fashion Houses focused on the masculine principle in the women's wardrobe.

    Then the passions subsided a little: the androgynous appearance was no longer considered something enchanting, but the trend in fashion remained. Today it is still a fashion trend, which designers are guided by when planning collections and which business ladies willingly adopted.

    Androgynous style: basic looks

    Almost all style directions have a number of mandatory wardrobe recommendations. There are such "chips" for androgynous-style capsules. After all, it’s not enough just to choose trousers, suspenders and a coat of a male cut - you need to effectively beat it, bringing your own image as close as possible to androgynous.

    1. Classic. To implement a classic look, you need a strict three-piece suit - gray or pinstriped. Under it, a strict shirt is selected and accessories corresponding to the image - suspenders, a small brutal bag, strict shoes. Ideas can be gleaned from the looks, where androgynous models showcase classic men's wardrobe solutions in all their variety of variations.
    2. Kaleidoscope. No need to think that this is the obligatory gloom and severity of color schemes. You can approach the creation of the image creatively and collect several capsules rich in shades.

    Combinations of dark trousers - gray, dark blue, anthracite - with orange, yellow jumpers will look good; burgundy coat; green jackets. The courage of decisions will dilute the minimalism of the androgynous image and allow you to enjoy the fashion trend in full.

    1. Tuxedos. This element of men's wardrobe is so good that not only androgynous women love it, but the whole better half of humanity. Adore "tuxedo" experiments and designers. They willingly transform the classic model and offer vests, tunics, dresses, coats created on its basis. When it comes to color, moderation is a priority here, which, however, simply evaporates when it comes to finishes and decors.

    Trying the specifics of the androgynous style, you can try on other images:

    • printed variations of classic men's outfits;
    • mixing styles based on androgynous specificity;
    • "preppy" - vests, ties, suspenders in the most original versions.

    Important little things androgynous style

    It must be understood that androgyny is always complex. Therefore, the creation of the image should be carried out taking into account all the significant and insignificant details and understanding the intricacies of the formation of capsules.

    Real androgynous girls remember everything:

    • accessories;
    • makeup;
    • manicure;
    • hairstyle.

    Ladies who choose the image as a priority often look at piercings and tattoos, which are also considered desirable elements of the image.

    All androgynous can be conditionally divided into:

    • strictly masculine;
    • women's with elements of brutality.

    And if the former always promote a very short length, then the latter can be created on almost any hair. Their characteristic features will be:

    • severity - no curls, weak waves are rarely possible;
    • combed strands - bangs or just an artificially created parting;
    • minimalism in execution - the absence of bright coloring and decorative elements.

    Such hairstyles - in an androgynous style - can be seen in Mila Jovovich, Anne Hathaway, Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson.

    Androgynous fashion is impossible without appropriate makeup, and this is not at all the “nude” style, as many people think. An androgynous image is created by focusing on the eyes with other facelessness of the image. But there are three "whales" that must be remembered by all means:

    1. Mandatory tone - the face must be flawless
    2. Sculpture - it is worth highlighting the cheekbones, back of the nose and lips with a highlighter
    3. Eyebrows are wide and thick - close to the male prototype.

    The eyes themselves stand out with a pencil eyeliner and black mascara. Shadows are practically not used.

    As for the manicure, it is already clear that:

    • nails - short and neat;
    • varnish - neutral;
    • decor is missing.

    The androgynous image excludes extensions, rhinestones, drawings and other purely feminine "chips" in manicure.

    WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 20 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

    Are you intrigued by the Garbage song Androgynia? Do you like the look of Japanese youth, so you can't even tell a girl from a guy? Do you want to attract the attention of passers-by so that they turn around and think if you are a girl? Or maybe you're just not happy with the traditional views of your gender imposed by society?

    Androgyny can be interpreted as a combination of equally masculine and feminine qualities. If you are a girl and want to look androgynous, you must completely or partially negate some of the feminine traits of your character and appearance, and also try to develop your masculine traits as much as possible (for guys, everything is exactly the opposite). Androgyny is still different from transsexuality or bisexuality, and the two should not be confused (although if you are bisexual, androgyny will help you emphasize this).


      Start by shopping and choose clothes suitable for both sexes or the latest fashion trends; for example: buy straight trousers, a button-down shirt, a cardigan or something not too feminine and preferably in grey, blue, black and red colors.

      As for the hair, try to cut it short for a boy; slick your hair back or wear naturally. If the shape of your face does not allow you to cut your hair like a boy, you can always make a short round haircut and comb your hair in any way. Asymmetrical haircuts are just what you need. If you're a guy, grow your hair long or side-swept. Girls with long hair are much more difficult to look neutral, but if you love Rapunzel curls and can't stand your hair falling in your face, you can cut your hair traditionally, or just hide your hair under a hat.

      The size of the eyebrows and their shape is another feature of your gender. If you're a guy, try plucking or waxing your brows to make your brow line thinner and more feminine. If you are a girl, grow out your natural brow line without plucking it.

      If you really love makeup, then use gray or black eyeliner, but avoid being overly flashy. Forget red lipstick and blush. Use foundation, matte powder, and maybe a concealer lip liner to hide the pink tint of your lips (but try not to overdo it, you don't want to look dead).

      As for shoes, sneakers or high heels are just what you need. Anything will do, as long as the shoes are not too catchy or feminine. Sneakers are also a good option to pair with casual wear.

      Be independent. Develop the quality of self-sufficiency. You can start doing everything on your own, down to cleaning your room, doing your homework, or maybe cooking. This will be a sure sign of your responsibility and independence.

      Avoid soft feminine shades when choosing clothes, as if the light has converged on them. At the same time, you should not constantly walk in black clothes or choose clothes only in dark colors. Other colors may also look neutral. These are blue, khaki, brown and black. A camouflage option would also look good.

      Tighten your chest if you have one. The chest just betrays the girls. You must be completely flat. A sports bra may work if your breasts are very small, but for those with larger than AA breasts, it won't work. You will need something to stretch. If your chest size is A or closer to B, then you can use special jerseys for athletes. You can find a slimming tank top in sporting goods stores. Girls whose breasts are larger than size B will need a bandage. Brands such as Under-works, Mango and T-Kingdom make just such devices.

      Hide your legs unless you shave them. Girls' legs are very different from men's legs, and girls usually shave them. Try starting to wear very loose jeans to hide the curves of your legs, or wear trousers so that they hang off your hips. Use this method in combination with an oversized t-shirt and you will look like a real androgynous girl.

      Do not listen to the opinions of others; it doesn't really matter what people think of you.

    1. Get in shape. When it comes to the physical aspects, things get much more complicated. Build your muscles! But so that you do not look like a bodybuilder (all because some "muscles" are better left unnoticed).

      • Be careful with breast tightening. This may be hazardous to your health. If you find it difficult to breathe or feel pain in your chest, STOP tightening immediately! And never walk with your chest tight for too long.
      • NEVER forget who you are. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd.
      • Yves Saint Laurent founded a whole trend called "tuxedos for women". They looked androgynous, but did not go beyond the traditional fashion.
      • Go in for sports. This doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and lift weights every day, just watch your weight and don't forget to do push-ups!
      • Don't hide your essence. If you are a feminine girl and want to look androgynous, follow the latest trends right now; Often girls say this is what I found in my boyfriend's closet.
      • Wear shoes like high tops more often. Black is the best color for you, and besides, the sneakers are very comfortable!
      • Don't go overboard with makeup.
      • Looking androgynous doesn't mean you should just wear men's clothes. You can add some gender-specific traits and still look androgynous. For example, a girl who dresses like a guy but paints her nails may look more androgynous than a girl who just wears men's clothes. Your task is to challenge what is expected of you.

    Our society is endowed with many incomprehensible, and for some, frightening or embarrassing phenomena. One of them is androgyny. Who are these androgynes? Let's figure it out.

    The term itself can be translated as "man-woman." Androgyne - an individual who simultaneously demonstrates feminine and masculine traits or does not demonstrate gender at all. Some representatives themselves say so about themselves, but I'm not sure what this can be. Still, the human race knows two genders, and at least one of them or both will make themselves felt. There can be no void.

    Androgyny is a combination of feminine and masculine in one person. But not in the form that it is in every person, but the reduction of both of them to the average. This is a variant of a person's gender identity.

    Androgyny manifests itself:

    • in appearance: a short haircut for a girl or long hair for a boy;
    • clothes of one size and unisex style;
    • physique, for example, athletic physique in girls;
    • behavior, choice of social roles.

    Initially, androgynes were called young men who outwardly demonstrate their belonging to the female sex. In the modern sense, they can also say about girls who demonstrate masculinity, and a person of any gender who denies role-playing. For example, that boys should be strong and rude, and girls should be weak and obedient.

    So-called social androgyny is indeed more common. It is preceded by the struggle for gender equality, women's passion for careers. And it's not that bad. Men are gentle with their beloved woman and children, and women are resolute in work matters. This is necessary for full self-realization. But at the same time, other features characteristic of the sex outweigh.

    I am also against stereotypical education, every person should have psychological and gender flexibility. But sometimes sexual disorientation joins the psychological androgyny. The loss of sexual identity is a problem.


    The psychiatrist Carl Jung adhered to the theory that every person has a feminine and masculine beginning, but in the process of socialization a person becomes one and for harmony in the future he looks for a person of the opposite sex.

    If we consider the phenomenon of androgyny from this point of view, taking into account cases that are not related to bisexuality, transgender people or other features of sexual self-perception, then we can consider this as the norm.

    Androgynes themselves say that they perceive themselves as something between a man and a woman, while they choose people of the opposite sex as partners. Often with the same mental androgyny.

    There is a more original theory that says that there are neutral souls accidentally imprisoned in the human body. I do not believe in mystical ideas and prefer to look for a rational explanation. And it is by and large one: a person could not pass the stage of gender identification, the peak of which falls on adolescence.

    Causes of impaired self-identification:

    • physical or psychological absence of one of the parents;
    • self-acceptance;
    • parental overprotection of boys;
    • demanding upbringing of girls.

    Feminine men and masculine women are not uncommon in society. This is not reflected in everyone's appearance, but it is often found in behavior. And this is the manifestation of androgyny.

    Girls who did not have a father, a strong shoulder next to them, become like that themselves. Those who have been raped block out femininity and weakness in themselves. And the boys, whom their mother forbade to show independence, turn into gentle and timid "girls".


    The first major study of androgyny was by Sandra Behm. She identified three psychological genders: masculinity, femininity and androgyny. The author even developed a test to diagnose the condition.

    Try and you pass the diagnosis. Answer "yes" or "no" to the following statements (to what extent it is true for you):

    1. I'm confident.
    2. I can make concessions.
    3. I can help.
    4. I can defend my opinion.
    5. I am cheerful.
    6. I'm sullen.
    7. I am independent.
    8. I am shy.
    9. I am conscientious.
    10. I have an athletic build.
    11. I am gentle.
    12. I have good acting skills.
    13. I can be persistent.
    14. Sometimes I give in to flattery.
    15. Luck is with me.
    16. I can call myself a strong personality.
    17. If I'm passionate about something, I'm devoted to it.
    18. Unpredictability is my second "I".
    19. I am strong.
    20. I am feminine.
    21. You can rely on me.
    22. I can analyze.
    23. I know what empathy is, I can show it.
    24. Jealous.
    25. I am the leader.
    26. I can take care of someone.
    27. I am direct and truthful.
    28. I love taking risks.
    29. I understand others.
    30. I am secretive.
    31. I can make quick decisions.
    32. I know what compassion is, I can show it.
    33. I try to be sincere.
    34. I rely only on myself.
    35. I am able to console.
    36. I am vain.
    37. I love power.
    38. I have a quiet voice.
    39. I am attractive.
    40. I am courageous.
    41. I am cordial.
    42. I'm important.
    43. I always have my position.
    44. I am soft.
    45. I can make friends.
    46. I am often aggressive.
    47. Too trusting.
    48. I am ineffective.
    49. I can lead.
    50. prone to infantilism.
    51. I easily adapt to new conditions.
    52. I am an individualist.
    53. I don't like to swear.
    54. I am not systematic.
    55. I have a spirit of competition.
    56. I like kids.
    57. I am tactful.
    58. I am ambitious.
    59. I am calm.
    60. I tend to be formal, to maintain conventions.

    Now compare the answers with the key:

    • Masculinity ("Yes"): questions 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58.
    • Femininity ("Yes"): questions 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59.

    Calculate the score of matches on each scale and calculate the overall index (SI) using the formula: (feminine - masculine) : 2.322.

    Determine the result:

    • from -1 to +1 - androgyny;
    • less than -1 - masculinity;
    • more than +1 - femininity.


    Modern psychology believes that androgynes are universal soldiers. They achieve greater success in life, more active, stronger, more resilient than other people. They have more. However, they are not always able to control the poles of gender. Especially in moments of social pressure. This, in turn, results in anxiety.

    And let me remind you that we are talking only about psychological, social androgyny as psychological flexibility, and not about sexual disorientation. If duality does not prevent a person from working, building a family, living, then androgyny is not a problem.

    These amazing people conquered the world with their uniqueness.

    For those who are not yet aware, an androgyne is a person who does not fit into the definition of either a male or female gender role. Many androgynes identify as a cross between a man and a woman, or as asexual. Our today's heroes do not hide their true nature, do not be afraid that society may not accept them. They are what they are and it is impossible not to admire.

    1. Willy Cartier

    In 2010, the world learned about a talented androgynous model who advertised the autumn-winter collection of Givenchy brand clothes. Later, many world-famous brands began to invite Cartier to shows, to call in advertising campaigns. Soon there were rumors that the handsome Parisian was dating singer Frank Ocean.

    Now 26, he is still considered the sexiest male model on social media (he has 118,000 followers). To date, he receives many applications from agencies with a worldwide reputation. The young man gives preference not to quantity, but to quality. Among his latest works is a hot photo shoot for Out Magazine. Interestingly, such an extraordinary appearance of Willy Cartier is the result of a mixture of French, Senegalese and Vietnamese roots.

    2. Erika Linder

    Once in an interview, the Swedish model Erika Linder said: "I have too rich an imagination to be limited to one gender." Looking at the photographs of the girl, you understand that she knows what she is talking about. Thanks to its versatility, many designers adore it. Before even celebrating her 23rd birthday, Erica walked the runway for Rick Owens, Yohji Yamamoto and 3.1 Phillip Lim.

    By the way, at the age of 14 she was offered to sign a contract with a modeling agency, but Linder refused, explaining her act by saying that she wanted to remain a tomboy, and not turn into a "commercial princess". However, at the age of 18, the androgynous beauty became a model for the major Scandinavian agency MIKAs.

    3. Agyness Deyn

    Today, 34-year-old Agnes works not only as a model, she also sings and acts in films. Laura Michelle Hollins, that is the name of the girl, at the age of 18 signed a contract with the modeling agency Models 1. Soon she began to collaborate with such fashion houses as Anna Sui, Blugirl by Blumarine, Burberry, Cacharel, John Galliano, House of Holland, Gianfranco Ferrè , Giorgio Armani, Mulberry, Paul Smith and Vivienne Westwood. In 2008, the model was awarded the title of British Youth Culture Ambassador. As for her personal life, Dane was married to actor Giovanni Ribisi between 2012 and 2015.

    4. Andrea Pejic

    Look at these pictures. Before you is a charming blonde beauty Andrea, an Australian transgender fashion model who was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, the 25-year-old model took an active part in the shows of men's and women's collections. Her modeling arsenal includes collaborations with Jean-Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs and many other famous designers.

    In 2011, Andrea was ranked 18th in the list of "Top 50 Male Models", and in 2013 she starred in David Bowie's video for the song The Stars (Are Out Tonight). In 2014, Andrea Pejic came out as a transgender. To date, she has undergone many sex change operations, thanks to which, according to the model, she now really lives in harmony with her body.

    5. Harmony Boucher

    About the 30-year-old Harmony Bush, you could hear not only about the London model, but also the musician and singer of the rock band VuVuVultures. 4 years ago, she married her longtime friend Nicole. The girl loves street culture, and therefore she prefers street style. The peculiarity of the beauty-boy is androgynous sexuality, for which modeling agencies appreciate her.

    6. Kristina Salinovich

    Salinovic was born in Croatia. It was friends who persuaded Christina to become a model. In 2010 in London, she signed her first contract with Select Models and in the same year took an active part in fashion shows for Louis Vuitton, Ungaro, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Richard Nicoll. Many people adore the girl not only for her uniqueness, androgyny, but also for her high cheekbones. She has experience working with Anna Sui, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Emanuel Ungaro, Ermanno Scervino and many others.

    7. Yana Knauerova

    Today, Yana Knauerova works as a model, maintains her blog about polygamous life, and is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Her modeling career began in the Czech Republic. Today, Yana lives in New York with her colleague Julia Hamilton. Since 2011, she has been volunteering. Yana has worked with Gas Jeans, TopShop, Sportmax and Versace.

    8. David Chang

    28-year-old David has long gained fame as the second Andrea Pejic, which was discussed a little higher. The native Taiwanese now lives in Canada. Even as a 13-year-old boy, he heard only one thing addressed to him: “You need to be a model.” But Chang entered the world of fashion only when he was 21 years old. His debut was the fashion show of Alexander McQueen and Emporio Armani. It is worth noting that the model studied pedagogy at the institute and saw himself as a teacher of elementary grades. Now the guy is striving to take part in the Victoria's Secret show.

    9. Sarah Weil

    Sarah was born in Brussels. Has British and Belgian roots. The androgynous beauty has blond curls, brown eyes and a height of 180 cm. Her modeling arsenal includes collaborations with Maria Grachvogel, Julien MacDonald, Paul Smith, Houghton, Christian Siriano and many others.

    androgynous model (Androgynous model, androgyny) - a model that combines feminine and masculine features in appearance and figure. There are androgynous male and female models. Androgynous women most often have sharp features, small breasts, and a boyish physique, while men have soft features, narrow shoulders, and a fragile body structure. As a rule, androgynes participate in shows or along with other models, but they easily transform from a woman into a man and vice versa. At the same time, they look organic in both images. Androgynous appearance can be summed up under the concept of "".

    The term "androgyny" was first used in the dialogue "Feast" of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to the myth told in the work, androgynes are the ancestors of people who combined female and male qualities. Zeus divided them into men and women because they encroached on the power of the gods. In many religions, androgynes are considered likenesses of God, integral and pure beings.

    The reason for the popularity of androgynous appearance in the modern fashion industry can be considered the ideal parameters for shows: tall, narrow hips, lack of breasts. Androgyny is closely intertwined with shocking, which is popular in the art world.

    The most famous androgynous male models are Roger Garth, Christian Brill, Martin Cohn, Jamie Bushehr, transgender model Lea Tee.

    The most famous androgynous girls are Stella Tennant,.

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