• Jeet Kune Technique. The Way of the Preemptive Fist by Bruce Lee. "You will only really begin to understand yourself when you try to go your own way!"


    Introducing a translation from Paul Bowman's book, Behind Bruce Lee: Chasing the Dragon in Film, Philosophy, and Popular Culture (2013).

    Jeet Kune Do is both a martial art and a set of principles developed by Bruce Lee. This is the result of his appreciation of the different styles of martial arts (which he met in the US), his own research, experimentation and innovation.

    Jeet Kune Do is considered to be the main forerunner of such styles as "American freestyle karate", "Ultimate Fighting Championship" (UFC) and "Mixed Martial Arts" (MMA).

    There are a huge number of texts written about Jeet Kune Do with different (really, very different) degrees of reliability and accuracy. Relatively reliable sources include texts on the history, development of the style, its philosophy and concepts, written by the first generation of students of Bruce Lee, Dan Inosanto (Dan Inosanto) and Taku Kimura (Taku Kimura). Unfortunately, other substantive works, such as John Litte's reprinted books, tend to hagiographize or glorify Bruce Lee.

    We, however, should be interested, first of all, in the Jeet Kune Do technique, since Bruce Lee himself considered it his main task to develop practically useful and effective combat and training techniques. According to Lee, the forms and implementation of Jeet Kune Do will be different for each person, but the theoretical principles on which training and fighting techniques are based will remain unchanged.

    The term "Jet Kune Do" first appears in Bruce Lee's notes in 1967, but Inosanto, a friend and student of Bruce Lee, claims that Bruce decided to use this term for the style of martial arts they practiced only in 1968. According to Inosanto, Bruce was inspired by the "stop hit" technique of European swordsmanship, which he considered "the highest and most economical intercepting movement." Bruce appreciated this technique so highly because it combines a block/neutralization (jeet) and an attack (kune) in one economical move. Inosanto explains that "counterattack to close with the enemy" is a movement that does not "split" into a block and a strike, but both actions are performed in one movement. That is, the attack is stopped not with a block, but with a block that is also a strike, a move "designed to strike in the middle of an opponent's attack." According to Inosanto, Li translated this technique into the Chinese terms "jit" and "kun", adding the suffix "do" to them to define the martial art or the way of the martial art. Thus, the literal meaning of "Jeet Kune Do" is "way of counterattack" or "intercept-hit-way" [in Russian translations it is customary to speak of the "Way of the preemptive fist"].

    Prior to this "baptism" (that is, before he started using the name "Jet Kune Do" to refer to the technique and his martial art), Lee practiced a mixture of various techniques, which he called Jun Fan Kung Fu (Jun Fan Gung Fu). This style was not based on one particular style or combat system, but included techniques borrowed from different styles. Among them, Inosanto names Tanglangquan (Praying Mantis Style) of the North and South of China, Cailifo, Eagle Claw, Hungar, Thai boxing, classical Western boxing, duzdo, jiu-jitsu, as well as "several styles of northern Chinese kung fu." However, Inosanto admits that "obviously" Wing Chun was the basis of the style, all other techniques were added to this "core".

    Jun Fan and then Jeet Kune Do borrowed directly from Wing Chun the "principle of the center line", giving advantage to the attacker on the center line, the principle of simultaneous attack and attack, direct strikes, overwhelming movement on the opponent, as well as the technique of "sticky hands" (Chinese chi sau) for the development of the senses. However, Lee modified the stances and movements of Wing Chun (they are mostly more compact and designed for close range) in order to add complete "fluidity" in combat and at the same time the economy of movement in combat at any distance. To do this, Lee experimented with techniques, stances and foot positions from European fencing, in which the fighter literally “puts forward” his strongest arm and leg. Lee suggested that for a right-handed person, the main stance should be right-handed, and not left-handed (as in traditional boxing), the most powerful weapon (right hand) should be in front, not just to throw a jab, but to knock out the opponent.

    Monument to Bruce Lee in Hong Kong

    Bruce was also unhappy with the fact that in most martial arts any sequence of actions requires more than one movement, so he developed a stance from which he could deliver any blow with his front foot without any additional training. This is how Bruce Lee's famous stance appeared, depicted on numerous posters, as well as in a statue in the Star Gallery in Hong Kong: most of the weight of the body is on the back leg, the front leg is slightly raised and ready to strike; the back hand is predominantly in a defensive position (high and close enough to the face and head), while the lead hand is relaxed and lowered to deliver one of the many possible lightning strikes - a typical Bruce finger punch to the eyes.

    If, developing Jeet Kune Do, "style without style" Lee came to this well-defined stance, but there is a paradox. After all, Lee himself constantly talked about going beyond a single style and its limitations. He said that he did not invent a “new style” that combines the features of other styles or modify them, but developed a “method” or “concept”. "I want to free my followers from attachment to styles, techniques and forms," ​​he wrote.

    Inosanto notes that Lee later “began to regret ever coining the term Jeet Kune Do, as he felt that this was also a limitation. Indeed, in accordance with his concept, “if you understand the basics of fighting, for you there is no such thing as a style ".

    Inosanto, who had been given the right to teach the style by Lee himself, further complicated the paradox by adding the word "concept" to the style. Inosanto always speaks and writes only about the "concept of Jeet Kune Do". He points out that unlike the names of other styles - with their traditional forms, training principles, techniques, kata, and so on - Jeet Kune Do was designed as a guiding principle, not a fixed form. Taking a position that implies the possibility of style development, Inosanto, along with Richard Bustillo (Richard Bustillo) and Larry Hartsell (Larry Hartsell), contrasts himself with other students of Bruce Lee, such as Taku Kimura (Taku Kimura), James Lee (James Lee), Jerry Poteet and Ted Wong, who are trying to keep the "original form" of Jeet Kune Do. It can be said that the followers of the "concept of Jeet Kune Do" follow the spirit of innovation, while the followers of the "original form" try to keep the style as Bruce Lee created it.

    Bruce himself did not refer to Jeet Kune Do as a "style" of martial arts, preferring to call it a "method" since, according to his philosophy, the Jeet Kune Do method can be used in any martial art.

    According to Bruce's wife, Linda Lee, in The Man Only I Knew, this method was originally intended for successful self-defense in a street fight. The fighting techniques of Jeet Kune Do embrace many styles of martial arts such as Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Jiu-Jitsu, as well as English and Filipino boxing, generalizing the use of their techniques, but with their own philosophy.

    For example, using elements of martial arts Kung Fu in Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee removed all the classic “hard” defensive stances, the classic sequences of responses and counterattacks, but nevertheless retained all percussion techniques, blocks and interceptions, with the simplification of their use.

    Bruce is quoted in Linda Lee's book as saying:

    “The easy way is the right way. In a fight, no one cares about beauty. The main thing is confidence, honed skills and accurate calculation. Therefore, in the method of Jeet Kune Do, I tried to reflect the principle of "survival of the fittest". Less empty movements and energy - closer to the goal.

    History of Jeet Kune Do

    Currently, Jeet Kune Do is known in the world mainly thanks to one of the followers of Bruce Lee - Dan Inosanto, who applied this concept to improve the Filipino martial arts school Kali. Kali is a fight using one or two wooden sticks, a knife or other improvised item.

    Along with Dan Inosanto's Jeet Kune Do, who reserved this name for his school, there are also other Jeet Kune Do schools that do not use Filipino techniques, but prefer the practice of Kung Fu, Karate and other oriental styles. Such schools are called Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do schools (Jun Fan is the Chinese name of Bruce Lee), most of them are based on the practice of Wing Chun Kung Fu, a type of martial arts that Bruce Lee mastered one of the first and, by his own admission , to which he owed his excellent physical form.

    According to the methodology adopted by the Kung Fu Institute (Zagreb, Yugoslavia), the Jeet Kune Do style training program includes ten training technical complexes (forms) and ten combat ones, as well as various tests for speed, shape, frequency and force of blows , breaking objects, contact sparring with one and several opponents. The educational technical complexes contain basic defensive and attacking technical actions, the basic principles of movement, emphasizing the spiritual and technical readiness of the examinee for the appropriate qualification degree. Collective (in relation to other areas of martial arts) forms, the names of animals are given: Crane, Monkey, Snake, Tiger, Dragon, Leopard, Deer, Eagle, Praying Mantis and Bear. Technical actions, their relationship in the educational form resemble the movements of the listed animals.

    Philosophy of Jeet Kune Do

    In the essence of his teachings, Bruce Lee did not promote the martial art; moreover, he hoped to inspire us with a true sense of mutual understanding. But mutual understanding cannot be given - it must be found in the heart of every person. The real help that Bruce Lee offers is to encourage the ability to help yourself.

    Knowledge and understanding are not the same thing. Knowledge is based on previous experience; understanding - on the experience of the present. Anyone looking to simply identify with Bruce Lee and the Jeet Kune Do system is only fooling themselves. The true goal of Bruce Lee when creating Jeet Kune Do was the desire that everyone inspired by his experience could understand what Bruce himself understood.

    Bruce Lee tried to present the methods of Jeet Kune Do as a reflection of nature, Tao, as a means of expression that can be used, but cannot be expressed in words, comprehended by the mind or fixed in the form of a system. As an illustrative example, Bruce often told the story of a Zen monk who uses a boat to cross a river, and when he crosses, he lights a fire from the boat to sleep in. The essence of this story is that it is necessary to use what has already proved useful once in a different form for other purposes.

    In order to understand the philosophy of Bruce Lee, the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, it would be useful to define what exactly the expression "survival of the fittest" means. There are many versions. The real meaning of this concept is conformity and adaptability, i.e. the ability to adapt to the environment. The one who adapts best to changing circumstances is the one who survives. And it's not necessarily the strongest. Bruce Lee tried to illustrate this philosophy in the opening scene he conceived for the film Playing with Death, when a branch of a strong but not flexible tree cracks and breaks under the weight of snow, and a flexible willow bends and the snow slides down its branches without damaging the tree damage.

    Gradually, from the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, the question arises about the nature of the relationship between "form" and "freedom", which is expressed as the ability to adapt to life. What is a form? And what is freedom? And what does keeping fit have to do with being free? How does all this relate to training in martial arts or any other art, and especially to human life?

    Keeping fit applies to many things. This is the effective execution of techniques, economy of movement and awareness of the flow of energy, which includes both the mind and feelings. And all this in the current and changing conditions of life.

    • have a good physical form means to have the ability to find the most effective and original ways to use the natural flow of energy. This ability includes balance in rest and movement, as well as the absence of unnecessary tension during the use of the body as a whole, so that each part is coordinated in well-synchronized action and reaction. Concentrated, steady, in a vertical stance.
    • Good mental form means getting rid of empty experiences, anxieties and doubts, and at the moment they appear, reorienting one's attention to a useful process of active thinking or awareness physical form.
    • Good Emotional form means the ability to feel confident even in the absence of obvious reasons for this, so that this itself serves as a reason for confidence. It takes real effort to be sure.

    All these were the most important principles with which Bruce Lee sought to live his life. Sometimes he lost, but often he won. We are invited to make a similar choice. At any moment, you can lose the awareness of the form, and then, justifying yourself, continue to live like that. We can go with the flow of life, imagining that we are free, without the slightest hope of stumbling upon, even by chance, a true experience. But if we persevere to achieve form awareness, then, at this moment, we are free.

    Freedom is not something that can be expected, just as one cannot satisfy one's hunger today by thinking about the food that one can eat tomorrow. The freedom that results from self-awareness is either present or not. We don't work to get freedom, we are free.

    If attention is present, the mind is free from distraction. If emotions are free of fears—not without fears, but not attached to them—then they can flow as a motivating energy. When the body is relaxed and free from tension, it is sensitive to the emotions and energy of others and is open enough for the energy to flow freely into the form.

    Bruce Lee first got a glimpse of this possibility when he was a teenager and, on the advice of his mentor Yip Meng, interrupted his hard work and went for a walk to the waters of the Hong Kong harbor. As he leaned over the water and dipped his fingers into his reflection, the water rippled to the sides. A second later it came back and closed around the fingers, tracing the shape of the hand perfectly.

    Years later, in an episode of "Longstreet," which Lee helped write Sterling Sillifant, he tried to evoke the same feeling in the character, advising him to be like water. “When you pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup. When you pour water into a teapot, it becomes a teapot.”

    “What could be ‘more adaptable than water’? However, without a holding form, the ability of water to flow freely and adapt becomes useless. A river without banks is just a flood, but the water flowing along the channel has a significant force that can drive an electric generator. If the mind is concentrated enough to manage the form of the body effectively and with understanding, it opens up the possibility of a completely different energy to come in.

    “Evil people want to fight in order to inflict a wound on the enemy or kill him. Martial arts do not deny such a possibility, but true inner art closes this anger and alienation in itself in such a way that the possibility of being simply alive is recognized by the master himself. Many are unable to recognize the martial art as a means of spiritual expression or inner work. The West is accustomed to think only about the "winners" and "losers", without any alternatives. In wrestling, martial arts training, the process of confrontation is absorbed by the participants in such a way that each of them learns something. Neither the "winner" nor the "vanquished" will live forever in an unchanged form. In struggle, as in life, both are involved in a process of learning and change. The enemy is not the enemy, it is "I", but in a different form. When you fight, your opponent becomes you. You confront your fears, your strengths and weaknesses, your life in general. I've been in thousands of fights, so I know what it's like to feel like that. You know you have to win, but to win means to win yourself.”

    “Martial art is like a mirror that you look into before you wash your face. You see yourself exactly as you are."

    • Bruce Lee decided to create Jeet Kune Do after mastering Kung Fu, Jiu-Jitsu and Boxing professionally, combining a little bit of each of these styles in it, which turned into an incredible miracle of martial arts.
    • In the style of Jeet Kune Do, there are almost no straight punches. Almost all offensive strikes are made after a feint or counterattack. A technically perfect offense is one that combines strategy, speed, timing, feints and precise timing. A good wrestler strives to perfect all of these elements through daily training.


    see also

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    • Jeet Kune Do
    • Jujutsu

    See what "Jeet Kune Do" is in other dictionaries:

      Jeet Kune Do- Emblem of Jeet Kune Do. Jeet Kune Do (截拳道, Jeet Kun Do, Jeet Kune Do in Cantonese, Jie Quan Dao in Mandarin) is a style of martial arts created by Bruce Lee. Translated from Chinese, it means "the path of the leading fist." To this day, this ... Wikipedia

      Jeet Kune Do- Check neutrality. The talk page should have details... Wikipedia

      Lee, Bruce- Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Lee (surname). Bruce Lee English Bruce Lee whale. 李振藩 and Chinese. 李小龍 ... Wikipedia

    - the greatest martial artist, actor, philosopher, screenwriter - a multifaceted outstanding personality, for whom there was no limit to perfection. Spike TV - American cable channel showed a fascinating documentary "I'm Bruce Lee" about this exceptional man.

    The article, which presents advice from the great Master on achieving success in training, will be useful to everyone who has decided to change something in their life, who does not take reality for granted, who is determined to become more disciplined and open. Seven lessons of Bruce Lee will tell you how to become cleaner and freer, how to love life.

    In the age of the Internet and the latest technologies, we are bombarded with a huge amount of information about various technologies for the improvement and development of a person, his physical form. There is a lot of conflicting and ambiguous information in articles about training programs, nutrition systems, various trainings and tests, in which it is difficult to find something useful for yourself. However, for those who understand issues that relate to the improvement of the human body, the question of how to increase the effect of exercise and training is increasingly being asked. Despite the huge selection of programs and methods offered, which often contradict each other, everyone tries to choose the best option for themselves, based on their own feelings, knowledge and available information.

    The presence of a huge number of methods and programs on this topic leads to the fact that a person loses confidence in his abilities, becomes vulnerable and indecisive, his self-esteem decreases. It is difficult to really evaluate events and actions if you are not confident in yourself and in your capabilities. Having become acquainted with some training technologies, evaluating their effectiveness and usefulness from my own experience, I want to prove to everyone around that your path is the most correct. Opinions that do not coincide with our point of view on the chosen training program, the desire of people to go the other way - all this causes misunderstanding and uncertainty.

    It is not the lack of technical knowledge about training courses to improve the body that leads to doubts, but the inability to philosophically approach the understanding of the ordinary, to change the attitude to events and to oneself.

    Seven lessons from Bruce Lee will be useful to anyone who wants to get closer to perfection. They are applicable in any area of ​​our lives, as it is not just about physical training and fitness, but about the connection of Bruce Lee's philosophical considerations with modern training and martial arts.

    The problems that Bruce Lee dealt with, which existed 30-40 years ago, are still relevant today. The modern fitness and bodybuilding industry faces the same challenges as it did back then. Bruce Lee was a great martial artist, and he managed to create his own philosophical system, the results of which can hardly be overestimated.

    This is a program for all times, and in order to better understand its meaning in relation to modern programs for improving the human body, it is necessary to replace the terms used by Bruce Lee with expressions applicable in modern fitness.

    For example, combat is training, instructor is coach, fighting style is training style, opponent is client, martial arts is fitness training, Jeet Kune Do is mixed training, etc. If you use modern terms when reading the recommendations from Bruce Lee, you can comprehend the full correctness and depth of his judgments, contained in seven lessons on improving the physical form of a person.

    Lesson #1 There are no perfect styles and systems. The style of "lack of style" is the way to achieve high results.

    “In order to attract more followers, certain standards of training are usually adopted, which must be strictly followed. However, it is not at all necessary to create a large ramified community of followers, diligently following the rules of the established system. With such an organization of classes, you can become a hostage to systematic training and strict rules. Very often, standard classical methods slow down, hold back development in sports. Those who follow such well-defined programs, practicing monotonous exercises, deprive themselves of progress, often finding themselves in a dead end.

    “Each style has its own idea, so applying a particular style often divides people. Once the accepted direction in training is then difficult to change and accept something new. So if you don't have a style, then you are free to choose and decide for yourself how to express yourself more fully. Style is a stop, crystallization, and a person must change and grow constantly.

    "It's undeniable that there are training styles that can claim recognition, some of them have completeness, common sense and idea."

    “It is not worth arguing who is better and who is worse, who is wrong and who is not.”

    “The highest style of technology is the absence of technology. In training, there cannot be a single method. However, there must be a deep understanding of what is being done and why.”

    Lesson number 2. Jeet Kune Do or mixed training is not a special style, but an independent training theory.

    “Jit Kune Do is not a “new style” that follows certain standards, which is fundamentally different from another method of training. No. For those who use the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, there is hope to free themselves from imitating any pattern or pattern. It must not be forgotten that Jeet Kune Do is not an organization with members joining it, but a special world with a free consciousness, a world that can be compared to a mirror in which we ourselves are reflected.

    “If an athlete practicing Jeet Kune Do claims that what he is passionate about is true Jeet Kune Do, he does not fully understand the concept of this philosophy. His consciousness has not yet been freed from patterns and frameworks. He is limited in choice, and most likely has not yet understood the simple fact that there are no standards and boundaries for truth. Templates, accumulated knowledge, recognized patterns are not the exclusive truth in the last resort.

    Jeet Kune Do is just a name. The purpose of this theory can be compared to a boat ferrying a person to the other side of the river. Once on the other side, leave the boat, it has already fulfilled its purpose, do not drag it with you, go further light, striving only forward.

    Lesson number 3. Only a sensitive, observant person can become the best coach who takes into account the individuality of the athlete.

    “One of the basic rules of a good coach is to constantly change and adapt to the individual qualities of the athlete. A knowledgeable coach won't stop at a standard training program."

    “You should not impose on a student a program that the coach likes. A real teacher will always direct the student to the path of self-knowledge, point out shortcomings and weaknesses.

    “You can very soon lose your freedom of expression if you practice according to the once and for all accepted rules of training. This path leads to a halt in development, to a decrease in results. You must be aware that the fight (training) should change depending on the situation, without being tied to personal tastes and preferences. If this is not the case, then very soon the athlete will be disappointed in the chosen training program, as a result of which the results of the training will be ineffective.

    “What is happening around will become clear, the meaning of things will reveal itself if a person has internal flexibility.”

    “During the fight, you must follow the rule: your actions in battle should become a shadow of the movements of the opponent. At the same time, the response to the attacks of the enemy should not be stereotyped, prepared. Your fighting technique is created as a result of your opponent's technique, every movement is the result of his movement. Therefore, we need a clear head, quick reaction and good physical shape.

    Lesson number 4. The right path is always the most direct and simple.

    “In Jeet Kune Do, the highest degree of perfection is the pursuit of the simplest. Through the understanding of this thought comes clarity that it is necessary to spend more, and not to store.

    “The sculptor, creating his masterpiece, cuts off everything superfluous from the block. And only when the master has removed all unnecessary material, a work of art opens up to the eye. So in Jeet Kune Do, the idea is to cut off everything unnecessary, insignificant. ”

    “The best way is the easy way. There is no guarantee that traditional classical training methods will lead to a winning result. The sure way to success is efficiency.”

    Lesson #5

    “Learning standing on the shore is impossible.”

    “It is worth remembering that even the most exhausting workouts and exercises cannot bring success. The ultimate goal of anyone involved in wrestling is a real fight, and the training process is just preparation for sparring.”

    Lesson #6 It's easy to learn how to move properly, but don't limit yourself to rigid limits.

    “Everyone needs to find an individual approach, the only way to teach a person to act correctly. This means that the most productive will be the training technique to which there is a tendency. It is necessary to identify the specific abilities of each and continue to develop them in a given direction.

    “Most training programs are nothing more than the same repetition of certain movements. In the end, with this approach, the individuality of a person is quickly lost.

    Lesson number 7. Stay yourself. Do not turn learning into imitation.

    "You were not given life to fulfill anyone's hopes and dreams, just as I am not here to guarantee the fulfillment of your expectations."

    "The stock of knowledge accumulated in the martial arts (training) really means self-knowledge."


    The philosophy of Bruce Lee, left to us as a legacy, helps to take a fresh look at this world. She teaches to appreciate the most important thing, not noticing the small things around. Having discovered it for himself, over time he begins to understand the importance of many things. Such a person will not enter into vain disputes about the benefits of specific training programs, he will learn to feel for himself which path can benefit him. The philosophy of Bruce Lee is a calm perception of the world, an understanding of why we are here, who we are and what we are doing on this earth.

    Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris

    Jeet Kune Do
    (literally - "the path of the leading fist") was conceived by Bruce Lee in 1967. IN
    unlike many other martial arts in Jeet Kune Do (Jet Kune Do) is not
    there is no strictly defined set of rules that are unique to this
    style, nor a set of techniques that would be characteristic only of Jeet
    Kong Do. He is independent, he is free. Having absorbed the spirit of all martial arts,
    this style did not become a prisoner of any of them. For those who understand the essence of Jeet
    Kung Do, he gives the power of liberation, becoming a mirror of their

    Many have tried
    describe Jeet Kune Do as an original style in familiar terms: his
    called "Bruce Lee's kung fu", and "Bruce Lee's karate", and "Bruce Lee's kickboxing", and
    "Bruce Lee street fighting system" ... Attempts to reduce Jeet Kune Do to "combat
    art of Bruce Lee" show a complete misunderstanding of the essence of this style and
    what guided its creator. The concept of Jeet Kune Do just can't
    be implemented within a single system. To understand this, the student of martial
    art must be able to rise above the unambiguity of "for" and "against", realizing
    that in fact, at some level, they are indistinguishable from each other.
    Understanding Jeet Kune Do is an intuitive understanding of this unity. Bruce Lee said
    that knowledge in the martial arts ultimately means
    Jeet Kune Do is
    not a new style of kung fu or karate and not a modified old one that got a new one
    Name. Bruce Lee did not invent or compose a new style. He saw his task in
    is to free his followers from blind dependence on any
    style, any patterns or systems.

    Jeet Kune Do -
    only a mirror that reflects those who study it - this is the key to the right
    approach to teaching Jeet Kune Do, but, as Lee noted, “creating a method of fighting is
    it's like pouring a pound of water into wrapping paper and trying to sculpt it
    this." In fact, many perceive Jeet Kune Do as an integral style of military
    art because of its versatility and effectiveness. At some point the fight
    masters of Jeet Kune Do may resemble tai-boxing or wing chun, wrestling or
    karate. Some fighting techniques evoke Filipino eskrima and kali, and
    long distance Jeet Kune Do is like northern Chinese kung fu or

    Jeet Kune Do is
    style and not style. We can say that he is just as detached from the existing
    combat systems as far as internally linked to them. Since Jeet Kune Do is not
    synthesizes all the methods and techniques used into a single style, some believe
    that it is neutral, "amorphous". Again, regarding Jeet Kune Do, this is both true and

    a practicing fighter of Jeet Kune Do is guided in battle only by a hint
    own intuition. According to Lee's concept, the fighting style should not be like
    science, whose principles and laws cannot be violated anywhere and never. Always
    there are differences between the personalities of the fighters, their levels of physical and spiritual
    preparation, fitness, ability to navigate in the environment
    environment, their likes and dislikes. According to Bruce, as true - "the road without
    direction", and Jeet Kune Do is not an organization or a society in which you can
    enter. "Either you understand or you don't - that's all," he said.

    When Bruce
    taught the Chinese Kung Fu system (this was shortly after his arrival in the USA),
    he used conventional systems. Lee said that someone who cares about quantity
    students, could follow the path of creating a school or organization, but personally for himself
    he sees no need for it. In these schools, with an increasing number of
    students, rigidly fixed sets of mandatory rules would be established,
    replacing individual work with students. As a result, most
    students would be driven into the framework of a strictly defined system and the level of their
    skill would depend too much on systematic training.

    That is why Lee
    considered expedient simultaneous training of few students. Such a method
    would require constant supervision of each student by the teacher,
    so as not to lose the connection "teacher - student." As Lee often said, "good
    the teacher is like an arrow pointing the truth. Knowing the weaknesses of the student,
    the teacher encourages him to external and internal self-examination, so that, in the end
    after all, the disciple could achieve inner perfection.”

    Martial arts
    (however, like life itself) exist in a stream, in motion, constantly
    changing. It is very important to be in line with these changes. And ultimately a fighter
    Jeet Kune Do saying that Jeet Kune Do is just a martial art, actually
    does not really feel its inner essence. He is still afraid to enter into it, to merge with
    him, trying to hold on to memorized patterns and techniques, he is a prisoner of his own
    limitations. Such a person fails to grasp the simple fact that
    truth exists outside of all representations or patterns. The search for truth cannot
    end. "Jeet Kune Do is just a name, just a boat to
    swim across the river. On the other side, she is useless, and it is not worth carrying her further to
    back,” Bruce said.

    In 1981 Jeet
    Kung Do was taught only in three places: at the Philippine Cali Academy in
    Torrance, California to Charlotte, North Carolina (where Larry Hartsell taught
    a select few) and in Seattle, Washington under Taki Kimura.
    Jeet Kune Do is most fully studied in Torrance, at the school run by me and
    Richard Bustillo. Teaching is based on the fact that the student of Jeet Kune Do
    must gain experience in other martial arts. For example, in classes 1 and 2 phases in
    Philippine Academy of Cali, students learn Western boxing and Bruce Lee kickboxing
    - yun-fang.

    I am deep
    convinced that students should not only learn the technique, but also get
    varied experience. In other words, a karate fighter who has never boxed
    must spar with a boxer. What he will gain from this experience depends
    only from him. According to Bruce Lee, the teacher does not give finished
    truth, it only gives direction to the truth that every student must find

    Here's the main idea
    which Lee wanted to convey to his students: above all, that each student
    must find his own way to the truth. He never hesitated to say:
    "Your truth is not my truth, my truth is not yours."

    Bruce didn't have
    "general methodology", only a set of guidelines to help guide the student to
    skill. Using training equipment and a systematic approach, the student
    could develop speed, strength, coordination, synchronization, endurance,
    footwork, work out the distance.

    But Jeet Kune Do is not
    was an end in itself for Bruce. It's just a by-product of his own pursuits.
    martial arts, his own vehicle for self-discovery. Jeet Kune Do was
    the basis for the growth of his personal skill, his personal comprehension of the inner
    freedom to act in the only way expediently and effectively
    not only in combat, but in life. We take from life what is useful, discard
    useless, shaping and enriching your unique life experience. Bruce Lee
    always set his followers to study judo, jujutsu, aikido,
    Western boxing, he advised them to explore the Chinese systems of self-development,
    similar to wing chun, add elements of kali, eskrima, arnis,
    characteristic features of pencak silat, thai boxing, savate. He wanted to
    the student himself comprehended the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

    no art
    cannot be higher or lower than any other. Here is an objective experience of Jeet Kune Do:
    be free from attachments, be free to fight to use
    "lack of style" as a style, "lack of path" as a way to make the only
    limitation was the absence of any restrictions. Not a style, and not “not a style” - this is
    and there is Jeet Kune Do.

    Speaking from a point
    According to Zen, “there can be no better or worse in a spring landscape. Alone
    flowering branches grow longer, others shorter.

    Jeet Kune Do is the method of the legendary Bruce Lee used in martial arts training. Literally, the name of the method is translated as "the path of the leading fist", giving the fighter complete freedom of action to disorient the enemy and easily defeat him. It is noteworthy that the system does not have an exact set of rules or a set of techniques, it does not belong to a specific style, but only helps a novice fighter to master a particular discipline. At the same time, the learning process is aimed at mastering the very essence of martial art.

    Many martial arts scholars refer to Jeet Kune Do as the original fighting style created by Bruce Lee. They tried to put labels on him, like "Bruce Lee's kung fu", but such names only indicate that a person simply does not understand the very essence of the JKD.

    The fact is that Jeet Kune Do, conceived by Bruce Lee, is not a combat discipline. It is also not an offshoot of any martial art that could be tailored to fit the systems currently in place. This is a training method that can be freely applied not only in any kind of martial arts, but also in everyday life.

    History of Jeet Kune Do

    Today, Jeet Kune Do is taught by Dan Inosanto, one of the most famous students of Bruce Lee.

    Bruce Lee laid the initial features of his methodology in 1967. Then he wanted to develop a universal method for defending himself in a street fight. As a result, a completely independent system developed from this idea, which successfully absorbed the features of many martial arts. The main idea of ​​the DCD is the possibility of going beyond the boundaries of any one discipline, the realization of freedom and openness to self-knowledge.

    Thus, in Jeet Kune Do, the influence of many styles of martial arts, such as jiu-jitsu, kung fu, taekwon-do, Filipino boxing, etc. can be traced. These techniques are generalized and simplified, a special philosophy is added to them.

    For example, from kung fu, Bruce Lee removed protective racks while maintaining interceptions, shock techniques and blocks. He believed that "the simple way is the right way."

    Currently, the popularity of Jeet Kune Do in the world is supported by the Bruce Lee Educational Foundation. It was created by the daughter of a master and maintained by his students and widow. Some of the Jeet Kune Do teachers were able to learn from Bruce Lee himself, and therefore their experience is especially valuable.

    At the moment, the discipline is taught by Dan Inosanto - one of the most famous students of Bruce Lee. He created his own school of martial arts, which continues to carry the achievements of the great master to the masses.

    Features of Jeet Kune Do

    Bruce Lee preferred to call Jeet Kune Do a method (of fighting) rather than a style of martial arts.

    Contrary to popular belief, Bruce Lee did not invent a new style of fighting. He also didn't remake old styles. On the contrary, the main task of Jeet Kune Do was to free the fighter from any framework, blind dependence on style, systems and rules. Bruce Lee compared his method to a mirror that reflects the person studying it. He considered it senseless to create a new martial art.

    Having created his own teaching method, Bruce Lee did not promote the martial art, but tried to reveal to his students the philosophy that he himself comprehended. It was best illustrated by the expression "survival of the fittest." Thus, Jeet Kune Do teaches flexibility and harmony with oneself, as well as the rational use of one's own knowledge and skills.

    The teaching is based on the ability to adapt to the environment, accept changing circumstances and adapt to them. This skill is good both in combat and in everyday life. Thus, the use of the same methodology allows success in many areas.

    To master Jeet Kune Do to perfection, a fighter should accept the following truths:

    1. The enemy is not the true enemy, the real enemy is your own Self. During the battle, a person's own fears and insecurities become the enemy. Physical training in this case may fade into the background.
    2. To win means to win yourself.
    3. Having overcome their own fears and insecurities, a person can cope with any task, whether it is a victory over a strong opponent or the achievement of a life goal.

    This philosophy allows you to be proactive. When the opponent only thinks over his blow, the true master is already preparing a counterattack. Unfortunately, such a deep knowledge of this method is available only to a few.

    Wrestling style and rules

    An improved style of Jeet Kune Do is currently developing in parallel with the traditional

    To date, the basics of Jeet Kune Do have allowed many masters to achieve success in martial arts. This system is successfully taught in a number of combat schools, teaching fighters not to focus on technology and expand their consciousness.

    The modern style of Jeet Kune Do owes much to Bruce Lee's student Dan Innosanto. He is the only person who has the right to officially use this name and has supplemented the technique with techniques from Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu.

    Also, through the efforts of Innosanto, kali techniques, an ancient martial art of the Philippines, were introduced into Jeet Kune Do. This made it possible to significantly expand the scope of the method, in addition to standard techniques, using fighting techniques with knives, sticks and various improvised items.

    An improved style of Jeet Kune Do is currently developing in parallel with the traditional school. Here, instead of the above combat techniques, classic techniques from karate and wing chun, as well as a number of other Asian disciplines, are used.

    Since Jeet Kune Do does not imply any restrictions on the conduct of combat, almost any weapon or improvised means can be used during the fight. These can be poles, daggers, swords, etc.

    Differences from karate and other martial arts

    Rigid fighting stances in Jeet Kune Do are practically not used

    Despite the fact that Jeet Kune Do has absorbed the features of many styles, this method has retained its original features and has remained unlike any existing martial discipline. The features of the methodology were carefully worked out by Bruce Lee, who deliberately made the following changes to it:

    1. No straight lines. Bruce Lee believed that there was no need to strike an opponent who was completely ready to repel him. Therefore, the advantage was given to deceptive movements, which were designed to unbalance the opponent, forcing him to open up. The blow is delivered at the most inopportune moment, when the enemy is least ready to attack.
    2. Rigid fighting stances are almost completely absent. Since a true fighter must be able to adapt to changing conditions like water, there was no need to use rigid stances. The basis of the method is a quick adaptability to any fighting style chosen by the opponent.
    3. Lack of emphasis on strength, agility and speed. The main idea of ​​the method is the victory of the most flexible fighter. Naturally, it's nice to be strong or agile, but it doesn't have to be. It is more important to be able to adapt to the situation, and the techniques used in combat perfectly illustrated this belief.

    Bruce Lee tried not to persuade people to a total passion for martial arts, but to show them the very essence of his teaching, which could be comprehended through training.

    However, Jeet Kune Do is a modern combat system known for its versatility. For example, having mastered this method, a fighter will be able to easily spar with opponents engaged in combat sambo, various types of hand-to-hand combat, wing chun, wushu, jujitsu, etc. Participation in mixed championships is also possible.

    Jeet Kune Do in Russia

    During the fight, almost any weapon or improvised means can be used.

    In 2012, the Jeet Kune Do Federation was founded in Russia. This is an official organization recognized as full-fledged and representing this method on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here, everyone can learn all the features of the technique in accordance with the original concepts developed by Bruce Lee himself.

    The Jeet Kune Do Federation was created due to the growing interest in this art among young people. Recently, there have been clear trends in Russia towards the popularization of martial disciplines, and this method is excellent for educating the younger generation. It teaches them flexibility and self-confidence, providing excellent preparation for adulthood.

    The basis of the ideology of the Jeet Kune Do Federation is the moral, spiritual and physical development of the individual, which is ensured due to the training in martial arts. The younger generation not only receives self-defense skills - the technique promotes a healthy lifestyle, forms the right view of things and tolerance for various negative factors.

    In addition to young people, mature and even elderly people can enroll in Jeet Kune Do classes in Russia. This method is designed for classes up to old age, because the physical form of a fighter is not so important as his spirit and sobriety of mind.

    The Russian representation of Jeet Kune Do has developed a special training program. Its basis is the application of combat ideology in everyday life. It is based on the study of styles such as boxing, mai tai, kung fu, etc.

    Gradation by belts involves 7 degrees, starting from white and ending with a black belt, which is issued exclusively to the master. Also, under the patronage of the Federation, city, regional and all-Russian championships are annually held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    How to choose a Jeet Kune Do coach

    Since the basis of this system is not so much fighting techniques as the very philosophy developed by Bruce Lee, then the choice of a coach should be taken with all responsibility. The best thing to do in this case is not to trust private trainers, even if they are able to provide any certifications.

    Since there is a Jeet Kune Do Federation in Russia, the most correct decision would be to contact one of its representative offices.

    Being engaged in martial art officially, a child or an adult can be guaranteed to comprehend the basics of this technique. In addition, he will have the opportunity to prove himself in various official championships of both regional and all-Russian significance.

    Teaching in the schools of the Federation is conducted only by experienced trainers who have an impressive track record. At the same time, the control over the process and conditions of teaching is carried out in full accordance with world standards.

    Cost of lessons

    In Jeet Kune Do, you can reach the heights of mastery, regardless of physical fitness or age.

    The average cost of classes in Jeet Kune Do in Russia generally corresponds to the prices of classes in other martial arts. Depending on the chosen features of training, the price may be:

    1. From 4000 to 6500 rubles per month, if we are talking about group classes. The cost depends on the age of the student, the level of his preparation and the number of people in the group. The more people who want it, the cheaper the classes will be, respectively.
    2. If we talk about individual lessons with the master, here the cost increases significantly. The minimum price in Moscow for an hour lesson in Jeet Kune Do is about 1000 rubles. The maximum can reach 3000 rubles per hour.

    Experts advise to give preference to group classes, because in this way the fighter will get more practical skills and will be able to fight with a large number of opponents.

    Jeet Kune Do is not so much a martial discipline as a philosophy of life applicable to literally any situation. She teaches to think soberly, adapt to specific conditions and find a way out of the situation everywhere.

    You can become a Jeet Kune Do master regardless of physical fitness or age. The main thing is a bright mind and a desire to master this teaching. For this reason, Jeet Kune Do should be done by people who are insecure, who obviously will not be hindered by gaining skills in managing the situation. Mastering the technique will be useful for the child during the period of personality formation. The knowledge gained will help him in his adult life.

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