• They are perceived by the daily euthanasia of the infant. How to put a baby to sleep without breastfeeding. Caress and hugs


    Valeria Protasova

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    A A

    The sleep mode of a one-year-old baby is 11 hours at night, 2.5 hours before lunch and 1.5 hours after. Although, in general, the regimen will depend on the parents and the child's activity - 9 hours of sleep is enough for someone, while 11 hours of sleep will not be enough for another baby. At such a young age, babies are the most capricious - sometimes it is difficult to put them to bed during the day, at night you have to rock the crib and sing lullabies for a long time, and the child's mood swings exhaust parents so that they are afraid to look at themselves in the mirror in the morning.

    How can you teach your baby to fall asleep without crying - calmly, quickly and independently?

    • A child's sleep is not just a period of time when a mother can rest or take care of herself. Sleep is the basis of a baby's health (including mental health). Accordingly, the child's sleep schedule should be taken seriously. Without outside help the baby will not be able to learn to sleep "correctly", which can threaten first with sleep disturbances, and then with serious problems. Therefore, no "through your fingers" - take your baby's sleep seriously , and then problems in the future will bypass you.
    • The child's restructuring to the "solar cycle" begins after 4 months - the baby's nighttime sleep increases, the daytime sleep decreases. The habituation to the "adult" regime passes gradually, taking into account the peculiarities of the baby and the development of his "internal clock". Certain external stimuli - day / diet, light / dark, silence / noise, etc. - will help parents to correctly set up these “watches”. the child should feel the difference between sleep and wakefulness for the clock to work properly.
    • The main "tools" for setting the clock: calmness and confidence of both parents , understanding by parents of the importance of "sleep science", patience, mandatory compliance with the regularity of evening procedures and external elements (crib, toy, etc.).
    • By the year the baby can already be accustomed to a single daytime sleep (afternoon). The child himself will tell his mother what time it is best to do it. By reducing the number of hours you sleep during the day, you will get a better night's sleep. Of course, if one day's sleep is not enough for a crumb, you should not torment him with wakefulness.
    • The psychological attitude of the parents is very important. The baby will always feel that the mother is nervous, worried or not confident in herself. Therefore, when putting your baby to bed, you should radiate calmness, tenderness and confidence - then the baby will fall asleep faster and more calmly.
    • The method by which you put your child to sleep should be the same. - the same method for every day. That is, every evening before going to bed, the scheme is repeated (for example) - to bathe, put him to bed, sing a song, turn off the light, leave the room. It is not recommended to change the method. The stability of the "scheme" - the confidence of the baby ("now they will redeem me, then they will put me to bed, then they will sing a song ..."). If dad puts it down, the scheme is still the same.
    • External "elements" or things that the baby associates with sleep. Each child falls asleep in the mother's arms. As soon as the mother stops pumping, the baby wakes up immediately. As a result, the child sleeps all night long next to his mother's breast, or clinging tightly to the bottle. Why? Because it is soothing. But sleep is not for food, sleep is for sleep. Therefore, the baby should sleep exclusively in his crib and, of course, without a bottle. And in order not to injure the psyche of the baby and add confidence, we use stable "external elements" - those that he will see both before going to bed and waking up. For instance, one and the same toy, your beautiful blanket, a night light in the shape of an animal or a crescent above the bed, a nipple etc.

    • Teach your baby to fall asleep on its own. Experts do not recommend a one-year-old baby to sing songs before bedtime, rock the crib, hold a hand, stroke the head until he falls asleep, put him in his parent's bed, drink from a bottle. The child must learn to fall asleep on their own. Of course, you can sing a song, pat the head and kiss the heels. But then - sleep. Leave in the crib, dim the lights and leave.
    • At first, of course, you will be sitting "in ambush" half a meter from the crib - in case "what if you suddenly get scared, cry." But gradually the crumb will get used to the laying pattern and begin to fall asleep on its own. If the baby nevertheless cried or suddenly woke up and got scared - go up to him, calm down and, wishing goodnight, delete again. Naturally, there is no need to scoff at the child: if the baby is roaring at the top of his voice, then you urgently need to "present your mother" and once again tenderly wish you quiet dreams. But if the child just whimpers, wait it out - most likely, he will calm down and fall asleep. After a week or two, the baby will understand that his mother will not run away anywhere, but he needs to sleep in his crib and alone.
    • Show your child the difference between sleep and wakefulness. When the baby is awake, hold it in your arms, play, sing, talk. When falling asleep - speak in a whisper, do not pick it up, do not play hug / kiss.
    • The place for a child to sleep is the same. That is, a baby's crib (not a parent's bed, stroller or rocking chair), with a night light in the same place, with a toy near the pillow, etc.
    • During the day, lay the child in a slightly dim light (having slightly curtained the windows), turn off the light completely at night, leaving only the night light. The baby should perceive light and darkness as signals for sleep or wakefulness.
    • You don't need to tiptoe during your naps and sizzle out of the window at noisy passers-by, but at night, provide the baby with silence.
    • Before going to bed (if bathing calms him down) and for half an hour before laying down, turn down the sound from the TV or radio. Half an hour before bedtime is preparation time for bed. This means no noisy games, loud sounds, etc. In order not to overexcite the baby's psyche, but on the contrary - to calm him down.
    • The baby should be comfortable in the crib while sleeping ... This means that the linen should be clean, the blanket and clothes should be optimal for the room temperature, the diaper should be dry, the tummy should be calm after eating.
    • The air in the room must be fresh. Be sure to ventilate the room.
    • Stability means safety (children's understanding). Therefore, your layout, external auxiliaries and procedures before bed should always be the same ... And ( mandatory rule) at the same time.
    • Pajamas. Pajamas should be optimally comfortable. So that the baby does not freeze if it opens up, and at the same time does not sweat. Cotton or jersey only.
    • The dream of any child is for his mother to endlessly read him a fairy tale, sing lullabies, straighten the blanket and iron the rebellious whirlwinds all night. Do not fall for the cunning and whims of your little robber - monotonously (so you fall asleep faster) read the story, kiss and leave the room.
    • Getting up to a one-year-old baby 3 times a night (or even 4-5) is not the norm. After 7 months, the little ones should: fit in calmly and without hysterics, fall asleep on their own in their crib and in the dark (with or without a night light), sleep for 10-12 hours fully (without interruptions). And the task of the parents is to achieve this, so that later the crumbs will not have problems with insomnia, moodiness and serious sleep disturbances.

    And - be realistic! Moscow was not built in a day, be patient .

    A child who always pleases parents with a sound childhood sleep does not occur as often as we would like. Usually even a calm and balanced baby turns into a little tyrant or crybaby when it's time to go to bed. If mom and dad teach the baby to sleep according to the rules, and do not let this delicate process take its course, then the child will not have any problems with sleep. Accordingly, there will be no problems with lack of sleep and fatigue from his parents and other family members.

    Evgeny Komarovsky, an authoritative pediatrician and author of numerous articles and books for parents on children's health, knows how to properly teach a child to go to bed. And he always willingly shares this knowledge with parents who cannot in any way establish a rest regime for their baby.

    Baby sleep

    Parents should be puzzled about the organization of children's sleep immediately after returning from the hospital. And although a newborn baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day, this is the most appropriate time to establish and first "run in" the sleep and wakefulness regime. If this is done, then rarely at an older age, the baby will have trouble falling asleep.

    But if the baby was not helped from the very beginning to live according to a certain regime, then the situation may worsen later.

    The rules of children's sleep will be told by Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

    Nighttime sleep and daytime sleep are very interrelated. If a child does not sleep well during the day, then, most likely, at night he will have difficulties with a quiet rest, which means that the whole family will not get enough sleep.

    Of course, all children are different, as are the families in which they grow up, but doctors have tried to calculate the daily need for sleep for children. different ages... In their opinion, the child will be able to develop normally only when the duration of his sleep is at least approximately close to these, rather average, standards:

    • Newborns and children up to a month 9 hours of daytime sleep and 11-12 hours of nighttime sleep (with breaks for snacks) are allotted.
    • Up to 2 months the child usually has 4 daytime dreaming episodes and 10 hours of night rest.
    • By six monthsthe baby can sleep 2-3 times during the day, and at night he sleeps for at least 9-10 hours. It is no longer necessary to feed him at night.
    • The baby goes into two daytime sleep in 7-9 months, the duration of the night's rest remains the same. 10 hours at night and 1-2 daytime sleep for 2 hours are needed for a baby at the age of one year and a little older.

    Once again, I note that these norms are quite general, and babies are not at all obliged to comply with these figures and recommended values \u200b\u200bwith pharmaceutical accuracy.

    Children sleep differently than adults. They have, according to research by scientists from the UK, a completely different structure of sleep, a different pace of alternation of slow and fast phases.

    Children under 6-7 years of age do not see dreams as often as adults think, but more often they suffer from parasomnias (these are the very sleep pathologies that so much complicate the process of normal rest for the whole family). Most often, parosomias are expressed by nightmares, dreaming, involuntary movements of the limbs during sleep, sleepwalking. All this is characteristic of perfectly healthy children, there is no talk of diseases of the nervous system.

    But any parasomnia that the baby has encountered the day before can increase the fear of falling asleep, and it will not be so easy to put the baby to bed.

    Evgeny Komarovsky's rules

    The renowned pediatrician notes that the importance of sleep should in no way be underestimated. The child needs it no less than good nutrition, vitamins, fresh air and parental love and attention.

    Evgeny Olegovich names ten main components of normal sleep:

    • Everyone's sleep is important!This means that the child should not sleep due to the insomnia of the mother, who rocked him all night, or the father, who has to go to work in the morning. You need to strive to ensure that all family members sleep at the same time and get enough sleep.
    • You need to sleep according to the schedule!The child should sleep when it is most convenient for mom and dad. Parents determine the time of going to bed, based on many factors - work schedule, family rules... But it is important, having chosen it once, to adhere to just such a regime constantly.
    • Sleep place. The now practiced joint sleep of parents with a child has little in common, according to Komarovsky, with a healthy child's sleep, in any case, joint sleep does not in any way affect the strength of sleep of the smallest family member. In this matter, it is also better to decide for reasons of convenience for parents - if you want to sleep with your child, please. But Evgeny Olegovich still recommends giving the baby his own crib. If living space allows, it should be in the children's room, if not - in the parents' bedroom.
    • Wake up without regrets!If the child sleeps well during the day, and then cannot lie down in the evening, then Komarovsky advises not to be afraid to wake up the baby if he has exhausted the entire daily limit of dreams. This will make it easier to put the baby to bed when it’s time to go to bed in the evening.
    • Food. After eating, some children want to play and actively enjoy satiety, while others (and most of them) begin to fall asleep after eating. Komarovsky recommends optimizing the baby's feeding regimen so that before bedtime (evening or afternoon) feeding is more satisfying and dense. This will help the baby fall asleep more easily when the quiet hour or night sleep is set. And if the child is drawn to play after eating, then it is better to feed him in advance, an hour and a half before the estimated time "H".
    • Microclimate.It will be much easier to put the baby to bed if the parents remember that it is difficult to fall asleep in a hot and stuffy room, and it is disgusting to sleep. Optimal parameters The doctor calls the microclimate the following: the air temperature is not less than 18 and not more than 20 degrees, and the air humidity is 50-70%. Remember to ventilate your bedroom or nursery before every bedtime.
    • Bathing. It is quite possible to put the baby in literally 5 minutes, says Komarovsky, if you bathe him in cool water before going to bed, and then put him to bed and cover with a warm blanket. The baby will warm up and begin to fall asleep without motion sickness, which grandparents insist on.
    • The bed must be correct!No feather beds and soft blankets, Evgeny Olegovich warns. Only an even and hard mattress, preferably a special children's orthopedic mattress, so that it does not "fall through" and does not bend. A baby under two years old does not need a pillow at all. After this age, you can sleep on a pillow, but it should not be too big or too soft. And no feathers! They can cause severe allergies.
    • Delicate issues shouldn't bother! Komarovsky advises parents to be very careful when choosing a diaper for their baby. The better it is, the better the child will sleep. And if the child already goes to the potty, then before going to bed, you should definitely take him to the toilet. Gradually, this will enter into a ritual, which in itself will remind the child about the imminent retirement to bed and mentally prepare him for this.

    Motion sickness

    There is no benefit in motion sickness for the child's health, but there is no harm either, according to Dr. Komarovsky. If the child refuses to fall asleep without this, then the parents need to know that the child wants and requires a heart-rending scream not of motion sickness itself. He has a need (conditioned by nature) for a sense of security. Naturally, the baby feels protected in his arms.

    This instinctive need passes by itself with age, the child "outgrows" it as he grows up. Thus, by rocking the baby, parents only prolong the "life" of the instinct, which is still destined to recede into the past.

    If you want to download - please, says Evgeny Olegovich. But remember that this is harmful to the health of the parents, who may be spending this time on something more beneficial than motion sickness.

    It's not so difficult to wean from motion sickness before bedtime, Komarovsky said. It is enough to eliminate the cause of anxiety, because it is not the absence of motion sickness that prevents the little one from falling asleep, but, as a rule, more real problems - he is wet, hungry, he has something hurting.

    If a child cries until he is picked up and starts crying again as soon as he is put back in the crib, then we are talking about a bad habit that was formed from the wrong attitude of mom and dad to the needs of the baby.

    In this situation, families are faced with a difficult choice - to let the child scream and then enjoy the silence, since he will fall asleep anyway, or still take it and shake it. If it's easier to shake and do it every day, or even several times a day, then you need to choose the second one.

    Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that parents who decide to endure the scream and remove the issue of motion sickness once and for all are by no means heartless or bad. In addition, the goal is quite clearly visible beyond the horizon - children's shouts of protest generally last only a few evenings, and then the sleep of the whole family will become calm, strong and healthy.

    Ideally, a newborn baby wakes up every two hours. However, in fact, a child cries at night much more often. Even if the baby sleeps with his mother, the mother shudders from his every movement and uneven breath. Night after night, she sleeps in one position on the edge of the bed, afraid to move. After a year, the lack of sleep becomes critical, and the woman thinks: why not heed the advice from the category of "let the baby shout out"? All mothers who, tired, resorted to this method, cannot be wrong?

    There are two rigid approaches to the organization of children's sleep. The first is that the child should be allowed to cry as much as possible, and then he will stop calling his parents every five minutes. The second boils down to the fact that the mother should fly up to the baby for every squeak. Both have their positive and negative sides. Let's figure out how to put a child to sleep without any medication.

    How to quickly put a child to sleep according to Spock

    Dr. Benjamin Spock was very popular with our grandmothers. This extremely extraordinary person assured that babies should be taught to live according to the schedule. - in 3-4 hours, not earlier. And do not teach to hands, otherwise you will not wean. He assured that children often manipulate their parents, and therefore wake up every five minutes just like that. So that my mother would come and take it on her arms. The best way getting rid of this kind of "childish selfishness" - to leave shouting. Pooret, pooret, but stop, says the eminent doctor. This will teach him to calm down himself, and not to manipulate adults. “If the baby cries before vomiting, walk into the room, clean up after him and leave without contacting him,” advises Spock. As a result, children did learn to sleep on their own, but in adulthood this led to gigantic psychological problems.

    For example, in the 70s, Dr. T. Berry Braselton studied newborns to see if they might experience despair or depression. Babies crying inconsolably, trying to get the mother's reaction, were filmed. On the tape, it is obvious that at first the children try to cry louder, and after a while, having tried the whole arsenal of means and never catching the mother's eye, they begin to turn away from her. In the end, they refuse to look at their mother at all, drop their heads, become quiet and seem to fall into despair.

    As a result, these children learn only one thing - no one can be trusted, and my needs mean nothing. In adulthood, such children do not know how to build boundaries and say no, and loneliness and fear are considered a natural form of human existence. They do not know how to build long-term love relationships, and loneliness and pain are satisfied with the help of alcohol and drugs. These will not betray, and are always available. And all because the need for emotional contact with the mother is innate.

    Of course, as a result of introducing this approach to the organization of children's sleep, you yourself will finally get enough sleep. And the baby will sleep all night. But at what cost. In addition, this method can hardly be defined as methods: "How to put a child to sleep in a minute"

    Satisfying every whim

    Modern neurophysiologists have proven that the future of a child depends entirely on the parents. The fact is that 85% of human neural connections are formed before the age of three based on the experience of relationships with mom and dad. A kid who grew up in an atmosphere of love and attention subsequently considers the world to be kind and generous. He grows up to be a happy, healthy and caring adult. Scientists assure that the child must be taken in your arms when he cries. His brain is not yet ready for manipulation, and at this age he cannot be pampered.

    The same babies who are often left alone to cry by their parents or react viciously to their crying, in adulthood often exhibit aggressive antisocial behavior, mental illness and an inability to cope with stress.

    The fact is that newborns are unable to express themselves in the words we are used to.

    Therefore, they are very sensitive to pheromones. If the mother is not there when she is needed, the baby loses the sense of security that the smell and warmth of his mother's body give him. Dr. Jay Gordon believes that children who are hugged or fed all night will sooner or later learn to calm down and sleep on their own.

    However, not all women are capable of selflessly serving a child. Many do all these mandatory actions "because it is necessary", and in the end they feel unhappy.

    Sleep is important happy life... If mom doesn't get enough sleep, she herself becomes aggressive. And often, having lost control, it can break down on the child. Your children will always copy your behavior, and if you are unhappy and ignore your own needs, they will grow up to be the same adults.

    Therefore, if you are already tired of sleeping like this, being completely at the disposal of your crumbs, think about your own well-being.

    How to quickly put a child to sleep: an alternative

    How to put a baby to sleep? If you are determined to teach your little one to sleep through the night in your crib, keep the following in mind. First, he must not be left alone in the room. It is clear that you are so calmer: you do not hear crying, and do not experience stress. However, the baby feels abandoned. Just be there. Slap it, try the hiss method,. Sit next to him and just put your hand on him. He needs to know that you are always there. Also, music can put a child to sleep.

    Tell him that the rules change from this day on, explain the new rules, and follow them unswervingly. Even if your child is crying, he will know that you are there. Over time, he will necessarily separate from you.

    Author of the publication: Ekaterina Vasilieva

    There are many ways to help your child fall asleep and calm him down before bed, but each is effective in a particular case for a particular child.

    Again, it all depends on why the baby is awake? There can be many reasons. For example, because of the weather. What does it mean? Yesterday it was cold, but today it became sharply warm and vice versa. Also cloudy weather: snow, rain affect the sleep of an infant. Another reason for not wanting to sleep: tummy problems.

    For example, infant colic or just a pain in the abdomen - can become the reasons for the crying of the baby, and as a result of the unwillingness to sleep Fatigue can also be attributed to one of the reasons for a child's poor sleep. A vivid example of this is the presence of a large number of people around, for example, relatives, who want to pay attention to your child.

    So let's move on from reasons to practice. How to put a child to sleep? Let's try to go through all the methods that I know of.

    • When the child was not yet a month old, I used your method of putting a child to sleep... I don't even know what to call it. I’ll describe it better. I walked up and down the kitchen very quickly. She paced 600-700 steps, and the child calmed down and, in the end, fell asleep. Perhaps this method can be attributed to motion sickness. I had to use it in this form, because the baby did not want to just sit on the arms after feeding. He needed me to move. As soon as I stopped, he immediately showed his displeasure.
    • Noise of water (this can also include noise washing machine, hairdryer and vacuum cleaner). A very effective and natural method of calming the baby, because in the mother's tummy, the child was in a constant stream of noise (heart murmur, blood flow, environmental sounds). It not only helps the baby to fall asleep, but also just calm down and not cry. We take the child in our arms and go to the bathroom. Everything is very simple. It does not always help, of course. If the child is very overexcited, then you will not get off with the noise of water.
    • Tight swaddling in conjunction with any of the above methods to calm the baby.

      This method can be used at night. For many babies, tight swaddling allows you to sleep for a large number of hours at night, which undoubtedly pleases parents. I did not use this method, tk. my child does not like to swaddle. But I found an alternative a little later. At the end of the second month, I remembered how my baby was lying under a lamp in the hospital. The nurse wrapped his arms and legs in such a way that only they were shackled, and not the whole body. How to swaddle only the pens (I only wrapped the pens, because the baby distracted himself with them and constantly woke up)? We take a diaper, preferably a square one, fold it in half diagonally to make a triangle. Next, we lay out the diaper as follows: the baby's head is located in the place where the arrow is.
      Tuck the corners of the diaper under the handles pressed to the body. Thus, it turns out that the edges of the diaper are tucked under the back and bottom of the baby.
    • Mobile.

      Who does not know what it is, can find a lot of information on the net. I will not dwell on this in detail. I'll just say that this method is not suitable for everyone. My baby, looking at the toys moving in a circle, had fun and did not fall asleep at all, but only more and more disinhibited. This device helps me when I need to do something in the kitchen or want to lie in bed longer. It takes about 20 minutes to distract him.
    • Nipple.

      Helps to calm the child in conjunction with the methods of motion sickness, swaddling, lullaby. This method is suitable for those whose child is accustomed to this device.
    • Shared sleep.

      It also doesn't always work. Helped only if the child is already very tired or after feeding, as well as in conjunction with the nipple.
    • Chest.

      Of course, how could we forget about it. Feeding or just sucking at the breast can help your baby fall asleep or just calm down. But here you need to know when to stop. Don't let your baby hang on your chest all day. Better try other methods.
    • Also effective method are walks in the open air.

      This is only beneficial, and not only for the child, but also for the mother, who needs physical activity after childbirth to regain her shape. Or you can make dad or grandmother go for a walk, and most do a bunch of household chores or just sleep. As I generally do.
    • Reading fairy tales... This method is for older children. I myself have not yet reached it, tk. we are still quite kids.
    • And there is also funny video "7 ways to put your baby to sleep"which I came across on the internet. I advise you to look, you will not regret it.

    The appearance of a baby in a family is not only a great joy, but also a serious responsibility. Unfortunately, the expected event is often accompanied by conflicts and resentments. The main reason for the tension in relations between a man and a woman is their incredible fatigue. The child takes away all his strength, does not allow him to sleep, which develops into constant stress.

    Restoring the correct sleep and wakefulness of the baby is a paramount task that everyone can cope with. If the baby has a healthy and long sleep, then his mother will have time to rest, his father will get enough sleep before work. Constant overwork will be replaced by the usual routine of the day, which will restore calmness and self-confidence to parents. Here you need to act with proven methods, use the advice of psychologists and experienced mothers.

    In the article we will consider how to euthanize a newborn different ways... Both in the hospital and in the first month of the baby's stay at home, he should sleep up to 20 hours a day. If the child is restless and constantly crying, see your local pediatrician or neurologist. Maybe the baby has tummy problems or increased intracranial pressure. If the child is healthy, then you should know how to properly lull a newborn, how to equip his sleeping place, how to behave in a situation when the baby does not allow you to move away for a second, requiring the constant presence of a loved one.

    Achieving proper and healthy sleep requires a sequence of actions. A young mother should understand the psychology of the baby and, if necessary, find out the cause of the child's restless behavior, choose the right tactics for solving the problem. After reading the tips on how to put your newborn to sleep quickly, try testing them on your baby. One of them will definitely help, although sometimes an integrated approach is required.

    The importance of evening rituals

    The baby was in the mother's stomach for 9 months, so it is difficult for him to get used to the huge (in his understanding) cold bed. He wants to constantly feel his mother, the touch of her hands, the beat of her heart and the warmth of her body. When a toddler is left alone, he feels a natural fear of the unknown. Maybe he was abandoned and forgotten? The fear of loneliness develops into crying, which stops with a touch of mom or on her arms.

    Gradually you need to move away from this so that the baby learns to sleep in a different way. But be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to get used to it. You need to act consistently and firmly. The main thing for mom is strict adherence to the regime. Then the child will become accustomed to the ritual performed before bedtime, he will understand the sequence of the mother's actions, remember them and will react more calmly to being put to bed. Consider how to euthanize a newborn child in the hospital and after the mother returns home.

    Motion sickness

    In a hospital setting, the mother has few ways to calm the baby. Usually, after feeding, the baby falls asleep and calms down. A young mother has the opportunity to lie down next to her and admire the newborn. If he begins to cry, then the only method available to the mother in the hospital is to take the child in her arms and walk with him through the ward or the corridor of the room, slightly shaking and whispering tender words. A young mother understands how to euthanize a newborn and endures her positive experience after returning home.

    The kid remembers from the hospital that he needs to cry - and his mother will take him in her arms. But every day the baby's weight increases, and the mother gets tired. It is getting harder and harder for her to carry the baby. Often, pain in the spine begins, which can end in dire health. Therefore, gradually you need to get rid of the original effective method and try another way, how to lull a newborn baby, without lifting weights.

    Falling asleep after feeding

    Sucking is time consuming and tiresome. Usually, after eating, he gets tired and immediately falls asleep. The mother's difficulty arises when the child tenaciously grabs the breast and does not let go. Here, in no case should you pull the nipple so as not to get a painful injury or crack. There is a proven method that our grandmothers used. You need to close the baby's nostrils with two fingers, blocking the air flow. When the baby opens his mouth to inhale, you need to quickly remove the nipple and release. In the period after feeding, the child sleeps soundly, he can be safely laid in the crib.

    In the first six months of life, a newborn may wake up at night 1 or 2 times. Many mothers try to wean him from night feedings and deliberately do not breastfeed, ostensibly thereby accustoming the baby to the new rules. But the baby can be hungry as simple as possible. Believe me, the best way to put a newborn to sleep at night is to feed him hearty.

    However, this can only be done when the baby is developing normally and the night feeding does not lead to excess weight. Overfeeding can also lead to stomach pains and nighttime crying. After 6 months, the child should calmly endure a night's sleep without additional feeding.

    Evening swimming

    Now many mothers are too lazy to bathe their baby every day, but this is a very important process for the baby. It's not just about hygiene and body cleanliness. If you do not know how to quickly euthanize a newborn baby, then use the helpful advice - bathe him before bed. It is important to note that water treatments are best done with herbal decoctions. These are chamomile and succession, motherwort and lemon balm, valerian root or birch leaves. You can brew the drug separately or make a mixture.

    For a soothing bath, the herb must be infused for 10 minutes. To do this, pour 1 tbsp into a bowl. spoon of dry chopped herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. Cover the drug with a lid. After the medicinal mixture has been infused, be sure to strain it through a filter or fine sieve (you can fold gauze in 4 layers). Then pour the resulting tincture into a full bath. The color of the water should be light brown. The impact on the baby's nervous system is made not only through inhalation of herbal vapors, but also through the skin.

    Before bathing, you can make a relaxing body massage with light stroking movements of the palms. After water procedures, it is recommended to wrap the child warmly and feed tightly. Evening bathing, massage and feeding is a wonderful complex that will answer the question of how to put a newborn baby to sleep so that he sleeps soundly all night.

    Cozy nest

    We have already mentioned that for a newborn baby, a crib is a huge cold space, in the vastness of which he feels uncomfortable. Take care of a sleeping place before putting your baby into bed. All parents act differently in this case. Some arrange a real cozy nest from a blanket or blanket, significantly narrowing the free space. The child feels support from all sides, and this calms and warms him.

    Other mothers on the sides of the baby install rollers rolled from terry towels or blankets. They also give a sense of security. A baby who has fallen asleep in the mother's arms while nursing is gently transferred to the bed and immediately feels the coldness of the diaper and blanket, which can immediately wake him up and make him cry.

    Caring parents are thinking about how to put a newborn to sleep at night. The diaper on which the baby will lie can be heated with an iron or placed in bed plastic bottle with warm water. It is recommended to leave a bag of heated salt under the blanket for a while. When you put your baby to bed, be sure to remove the "heating pad" so as not to burn the baby's delicate skin.

    Shared sleep

    Any baby will be happy to fall asleep in the arms of a mother, but this method of falling asleep has many disadvantages. First, sleeping next to your baby will be disturbing and restless. Both mom and dad will be worried so as not to accidentally hit the child in a dream with a hand, not press down with a twist of the torso or drop it from the bed to the floor. As a result, no one but the baby will get enough sleep. The father will go to work tired, and the equally exhausted mother will become nervous and frantic.

    In addition, the presence of a baby between spouses will introduce detachment in intimate life, which will also subsequently affect the coexistence. Resentments will appear, conflicts will grow like a snowball, in the end everything will end in a breakdown in relations or betrayal.

    If you are thinking about how to put a newborn baby to sleep at night, then it is advisable not to choose joint sleep as a way to calm down. As a last resort, you can move the bed closer to the place of the parents so that the mother can reach out and stroke the child, give him a dummy or straighten the blanket, while not getting out of bed.

    Calm environment

    All children are different. Some can sleep well with the TV or music on, not pay attention to repairs from neighbors, while others wake up from every creak. If your baby belongs to the second type of children, then before you put a newborn baby to sleep in the afternoon or evening, create a quiet and calm atmosphere.

    Turn off the TV and music, warn the rest of the family about the upcoming procedure, draw the blackout curtains during the day, and turn on the dim nightlight in the evening. You can sit next to the baby's crib and hold his hand, stroke his head, gradually moving further and further.

    Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room half an hour before putting the baby to bed. This must be done even in winter when the child is not in the room. Lowering the ambient temperature will help you fall asleep as soon as possible.

    Soothing sounds

    Everyone knows about the calming effect of a lullaby on children. It is pronounced monotonously and quietly. Nowadays, many ways have been invented to lull the baby, freeing the mother from chants. Some use the rustling sounds of pouring water and buy a small indoor fountain. When the child is put to bed, he is placed next to the crib and turned on while falling asleep.

    Many toy manufacturers have considered the question of how to properly euthanize a newborn baby. Toys with a double effect on the baby's nervous system appeared on the market. They work like a night light, showering the ceiling and walls of the room with glowing stars. In the middle is a built-in receiver that plays a gentle lullaby melody. The volume is set manually.

    Of course, cooing the mother's voice is a wonderful sleeping pill for an infant. It doesn't matter what you say, the main thing is the intonation of your voice. You can tell your husband about your day in an undertone or describe a store-bought dress to a friend. The very presence of mother in the room and the sound of her voice are important for the child. Some cheat and write it down on one of the gadgets, and then turn it on for the baby before bedtime.

    High quality diaper

    If you choose effective methodhow to quickly put a newborn baby to sleep at night, do not forget about a high-quality and reliable diaper. This ingenious invention will help to calmly survive the night not only for the baby, but also for the parents, so do not skimp and choose a product that will not leak and cause discomfort to the child.

    Disposable diapers contain a special gel-forming material that absorbs moisture from the surface of the baby's body. Its ability to absorb more than 50 times the weight of the urine powder amazes everyone. The sides are equipped with elastic bands that prevent liquid from flowing out, and comfortable Velcro fasteners help to securely fix the product on the child's body, despite the turns and movements during sleep.

    The delicate inner layer is made of cellulose, so it does not irritate the baby's skin at all, excludes the appearance of diaper dermatitis and other skin problems. With a quality diaper, your baby's sleep will be long and restful.

    Compliance with regime moments

    If you are unsure how to euthanize a newborn, consider your daily routine. Maybe it's all about your disorganization. If you perform the same procedures every day before going to bed, the baby will get used to their sequence and will know for sure: if he is being given a massage, there will soon be water procedures. After bathing, mom will definitely feed and put to bed.

    Regime moments must be observed constantly. This will teach the child from early childhood to the correct daily routine and will save him from many problems in the future, including heavy falling asleep. All procedures should not only be sequential, but also take place at the same time, without holidays and weekends. At first, it is not easy to completely rebuild your life and subject it to strict rules, but it is much better and easier than hearing the constant screams of a baby and not sleeping at night. Organize your life correctly - and you will not have to think about how to put a newborn to sleep. He will fall asleep on his own according to a certain time.

    In this article, we looked at the main ways babies go to bed in the first months of their life. This is the most crucial and difficult period in families where long-awaited babies have recently appeared. So follow useful tips experienced parents - and your life will flow much faster as usual. This will improve the baby's health and the relationship between spouses. After all, raising a child is quite hard, but also very joyful work!

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