• Kota Baru Malaysia. A city you don't want to go back to. Which sunscreen to choose


    Kota Bharu is located on the East Coast of the Malay Peninsula, where the Kelantan River flows into the South China Sea.

    Translated from Malay, the name of the city means "new fort". It is the tenth largest city in Malaysia which fully reflects the culture and traditions of the country. Kota Bharu is a classic example of a modern, prosperous Malaysian city. More than half a million people live here, mostly Malays. The main part of the population is employed in the production of batik, in the woodworking industry, and also earns money through handicraft production of silverware and woodcarving.

    Before we make a short tour of Kota Bharu, I want to say a few words about the wind that brought us there. First of all, the East coast of Malaysia is less popular with tourists than the West. There are no big cities here, science is less developed, there are fewer universities and there is no industry. In addition, and importantly, there are almost no Chinese on the East Coast (although where are they now?) And all 100% of the population professes Islam and a little Buddhism. When, after a year of work in Malaysia, I was invited to speak at a meeting of the Microscopic Society in Kota Bharu, I accepted without hesitation, as it was very interesting to get to know the new city and see a more typical part of Malaysia with their rich cultural and historical heritage. In addition, there is the South China Sea with exceptionally clear water and an abundance of all living creatures. It is no coincidence that the islands of the East Coast - Perhentians, Redang and Kapas - are the Mecca of all divers, and they are located very close to Kota Bharu. There will be a separate series of stories about the islands, but for now let's start with the conference.

    The opening of the conference and accommodation of the participants took place in the fashionable 5* Renaissance Hotel.

    From a large number of photographs, I will leave only a few with short captions as a keepsake.

    Series of two photos: Speaker and students

    Performance of an ensemble of drummers on the famous Kelantan "reban ubi" - picturesquely decorated huge drums.

    Solemn closing of the symposium and presentation of awards and diplomas. At the conference, everything was real, like in sports.

    I omit the scientific part, and will dwell in more detail on excursions and walks around the city. The hotel was in the center, so even on working days after the meetings there was always free time to walk around the city and see the main sights. I also want to add that my graduate student Nazida is from this city, and she offered us her services as a guide, so our cultural program turned out to be very rich and interesting.

    The city is replete with beautiful buildings, museums and mosques, elegantly complementing the colorful image of the state capital of Kelantan.

    View from the hotel window

    Along with traditional one-story buildings, high-rise buildings have begun to appear in recent years.

    Kota Bharu primarily attracts tourists with the charm of the traditional Kelantan way of life. Perhaps the best place to see it is in the central market. The market is located on Jalan Pintu Pong Street and immediately catches the eye, thanks to the large number of people, as well as the hustle and bustle that reigns in its territory. This is a lively and colorful corner of the city, a real oriental bazaar that almost never sleeps, smells of all the smells of the world and offers a huge number of all kinds of souvenirs, goods and products. In addition to traditional silverware and batik clothes, a variety of spices, vegetables, fruits, gourmet incense and seafood are sold here. Interestingly, this market is one of the few places in Kota Bharu that has not changed much over the past hundred years, so you can feel the real Asian culture there. The place is very colorful, bright and simply a must-see, so we will start our tour of the city from it.

    Bazaar Bulukh Kubu - "Bamboo Fortress"

    The main trading facility is an imposing complex called Bazaar Bulukh Kubu, which means "Bamboo Fortress".

    Vegetable rows inside the fortress. General view of the vegetable department.

    Not only vegetables are sold here, but also herbs for every taste, spices, seasonings, sauces, and if you go a little further, there will be fish rows.

    Seafood on the coast of the South Korean Sea is always in abundance

    A colorful figure of a seller of spices and sauces

    Oriental sweets and candied fruits are very popular among the Malays.

    The king of all fruits is the durian!

    Semi-precious stones and silver jewelry. It is customary to bargain here, and you can always reset the original price.

    You can buy a real dagger at the bazaar, but they will not let you on the plane with it.

    Second and third floors Bazaar Bulukh Kubu designed for women. This is a kind of women's paradise

    Most of all here are batik fabrics and clothes made from such fabrics.

    Batik is hand-painted on fabric using reserve compositions. Fabrics may vary, but the best choice is silk for cool batik and free painting.

    From bright drawings and a variety of colors in the eyes ripples, but women like it

    You can try everything on and take a picture.

    An hour later I was ready to buy any dress for my wife, which she took advantage of.

    At this pleasant moment, you can end your trip to the Oriental Bazaar

    Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Kota Bharu

    In the city center, on Jalan Sultan Mahmud Street, is the Gelangang Seni Cultural Center with an excellent collection of the cultural heritage of the state. Here you can watch competitions of giant gassing tops, performances of shadow theater wayang kulit and folk dances, as well as hear the famous Kelantan drums. And on the beach - demonstrations of flights of huge colorful wow kites.

    It is worth taking a walk along the streets of Jalan Sultan and Jalan Hilir Kota - the local "Cultural Zone", which is located in the Padang Merdeka area (Independence Square).

    In the evening, you can go to listen to traditional Malay music or watch "wayang kulit", a flat leather puppet theater that masterfully combines sound and shadows, as well as "silat", the traditional Malay art of self-defense.

    Museums in Kota Bharu

    The Royal Museum used to host royal wedding ceremonies. Now the regalia of many sultans of the state, as well as items of court use, are stored here.

    For a while, you can imagine yourself as a sultan

    No less famous is the Istana Jahar Palace, now a museum of court traditions and customs. In addition to the extensive collection, the museum is notable for its wooden building with unique fine carvings.

    The Islamic Museum is interesting with a collection of samples of Muslim art and crafts, photographs of items related to the life of the Prophet Muhammad, or places that played a big role in the history of Islam.

    There is also the War History Museum in Kota Bharu, the oldest brick building in Kelantan, built in 1912. The museum contains documents and objects relating to the period of the Second World War and the Japanese occupation.

    The state of Kelantan borders Thailand. This neighborhood has a long history, and the surroundings of its capital, at one time played an important role in the development of the entire region and its future prosperity.

    Thai territory is visible on the other side of the river.

    From the conference, we were given a tour around Kota Bharu and we visited several places related to Buddhism in the region. As a rule, Thais living in these areas preach Buddhism.

    Dragon Temple

    The temple complex is quite large, and it has many different pavilions, each of which stands out for its originality.

    In one of the Buddhist monasteries. After communicating with the monks, Tanya learned the laws of Karma. As a physicist, it was easy for her to understand. It turns out that the law of Karma is formulated very simply: "What you sow, you will reap." Essentially, it's just another name for Newton's third law: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

    In the immediate vicinity of the Dragon Temple there are two more famous Thai Buddhist temples - Wat Photiwihan and Wat Mathimmaram

    Wat Photivihan (Wat Prothivihan)

    Here you can see one of the largest Buddhist temples in South Asia with a sleeping 40-meter Buddha. This statue is considered the longest in Southeast Asia.

    Next to the statue of the sleeping Buddha, the Wheel of Dharma or the Wheel of the Teachings of the Buddha is installed - the most ancient, most common and popular Buddhist symbol.

    This symbol adorns the entrances to many Buddhist temples in the world.

    Its symbolism lies in the fact that the Buddha not only taught those who met him personally, but the teaching, like a wheel, continues to "turn" and lead beings to Enlightenment for a long time after that.

    Dharma is mentioned in Indian philosophical and religious teachings as a law, a prescription, a duty. This is such a law, following which leads to the accumulation of good karma, maintains balance and harmony in the World. In a broad sense, it means a certain pattern of duty and justice, which must be followed throughout life.

    There are many smaller statues around the sleeping Buddha, and they are all in different poses.

    Wat Matchimmaram

    In this temple there is a 50-meter Buddha, but this time already seated. This seated Buddha sculpture is also one of the largest in Asia.

    seated buddha

    For more information on all issues related to budget trips to Malaysia, with options for choosing interesting and unusual islands, with diving and snorkeling, with the dangers and surprises that lie in wait for you, etc., you can find in the book: " MALAYSIA"

    The collection includes stories about life and work in the wonderful country of Malaysia. For a year we traveled by car almost the whole country. We visited hard-to-reach mountainous places where the oldest jungles on the planet grow, found the largest flowers in the world - rafflesia, visited many islands, both on the East and West coasts with excellent diving, swam with sharks, admired the wonderful coral reefs and, of course, got acquainted with the original and peculiar culture and way of life of Malaysia. This collection can and does serve as a detailed guide to Malaysia and its islands. The book will be of interest to both tourists and divers, as it describes in detail all the most interesting places for scuba diving. The book has 587 pages and a large number of photographs.

    The price of the book is 100 rubles

    You can read the book and buy it on our website. (http://website/magazin)

    Welcome to Malaysia!

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    Kota Bharu located on the Malay Peninsula, at the point where the Kelantan River flows into the South China Sea. Translated from Malay, the name of the city means "new fort". It is replete with beautiful buildings, museums and mosques, elegantly complementing the colorful image of the state capital of Kelantan. It is the tenth largest city in Malaysia which fully reflects the culture and traditions of the country. More than half a million people live here, among whom there are many representatives of other Asian powers, there are also Europeans and immigrants from the African continent.

    The main crafts here are the manufacture of silverware and clothes from batik fabric. Hobbies of local residents are typical for all of Asia. These are kite flying, fishing, classical oriental dances using appropriate paraphernalia, as well as the local martial art Silat. In general, there are many schools practicing martial arts in the city. Walking along the city streets, you can often see groups of boys diligently practicing the techniques of Silat. In the vicinity of Kota Bharu, there are gorgeous sandy beaches, which are visited by citizens and guests of the state capital on weekends. Each beach has its own name, which sounds no less attractive than the appearance of the entire coastline, carefully washed by the gentle waves of the South China Sea.

    One of the busiest areas of Kota Bharu is the central market, in the city center. Here all the smells of the world mixed together. It sells all kinds of spices, vegetables, fruits, exquisite incense and seafood. The market is located on Jalan Pintu Pong Street and immediately catches the eye, thanks to the large number of people, as well as the hustle and bustle that reigns in its territory. The main trading facility is an imposing complex called Bazaar Bulukh Kubu, which means "Bamboo Fortress". It sells a great variety of various souvenirs and products from various materials. The process of buying and selling is always exciting and noisy, especially if foreign tourists from the Middle East and Europe participate in it. No less interesting attraction of Kota Bharu is the cultural center Gelangang Seni, on Jalan Sultan Mahmud street. Inside, you can see a unique collection of the cultural heritage of Kelantan, as well as enjoy the performances of shadow theater dance groups and hear the sounds of the legendary rebana ubi drums, well known throughout the Asian continent. Jalan Hilir Kota Street, in the Padang Merdeka district, is known as the cultural center of the city. Locals love to walk here, and children usually fly kites, which fit very gracefully into the general surroundings.

    Among the cultural events that can be visited in Kota Bharu, it is worth highlighting the local Wayang Kulit Theater, which hosts performances of flat leather puppets, as well as the official city Silat competitions. Traditional Malay music is often played in local restaurants for tourists, and the dishes amaze with their variety and unusual taste. Of great interest to lovers of history and Malay culture is Museum of Kota Bharu, where royal wedding ceremonies were once held, and now the regalia of the former sultans of the state of Kelantan, as well as items related to the traditions and customs of those years, are stored. In addition to the internal content of the museum, it is also remarkable for its external appearance, with artistic wood carvings characteristic of the East. Not far from the building is the Islamic Museum, where visitors have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Mohammed) and the history of the Islamic religion. Of no small importance for the city is a military museum dedicated to the events of the Second World War and the time when Malaysia was occupied by Japanese troops.

    Located on the border with Thailand, the state of Kelantan has a long history, and the surroundings of its capital, at one time played an important role in the formation of the region and its future prosperity. One of the most exciting excursion routes that you can take from Kota Bharu is a river cruise. Kelantan. During it, before the eyes of travelers, the marvelous beauties of this region appear with dense tropical forests, exotic animals and fabulous landscapes. The tour begins in the Kuala Krai area, where you can get from the capital in just a couple of hours. This region is also famous for its picturesque waterfalls, the highest and most spectacular of which is located in the Lata-Beringin region. In addition, in the vicinity of Kota Bharu there are many excellent beaches, the most famous are Pantey Chakhan Bulan, which in Malay means "Moonlight Coast", Pantheus Irama, Pantey Bisikan Bayu, meaning "Coast of the Whispering Wind", and Panthey Seri Tujuh. These places enjoy great attention not only among locals, but also among foreigners.

    Kota Bharu is a classic example of a modern prosperous Malaysian city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. The infrastructure is very well developed here and many tourists visiting the capital of Kelantan, Kota Bharu, remain delighted with its elegant architecture, magnificent nature and sincere hospitality of the locals. Kota Bharu gives the impression of a pleasant, well-groomed city, with a lot of greenery and a special atmosphere that contributes to a steady desire to return here again.

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    In June of this year, we accidentally, more precisely in search of a Thai visa, brought us to the Malaysian border town of Kota Bharu.

    The main goal, of course, was to obtain a visa at the Thai Embassy in Malaysia, which, by the way, turned out to be very simple because of a little trick - we went to apply on Sunday, because. Malaysia is a Muslim country and they have a day off on Friday and Saturday, Sunday turned out to be a normal working day. We took advantage of this knowledge, and did not lose! There were only two visitors at the embassy besides us, in 5 minutes we submitted all the documents and left happy to explore the city.

    The guidebook promised a nice colorful city, with its own soul and a quiet way of life.

    But personally, the city did not seem to me either quiet, or sweet, or sincere. It can be seen that money was invested in the city, maybe even now they are investing, but they are not spending at all on maintaining what is being created or has already been created.

    Walking through some areas, there was a feeling that everyone around had died out and it was all unreal. The city feels the spirit of desolation and some kind of emptiness.

    Separately, I want to say about the living conditions in this city. If you are used to budget travel, then you need to have very, very strong nerves to stay in the local guesthouses. For 750 - 1000 rubles (the price does not guarantee comfort in this case) you will be offered a room in which it is scary to sleep without light, because you feel that if you turn off the light, monsters will come running, and not some mythical, but quite real : cockroaches, mice, I'm afraid to imagine who else.

    But the light on does not guarantee you 100% salvation, for example, a mouse came to us and very busily scurried around the corners, showing with all its appearance that it is at home, and it is not very afraid of us. The linen looks like it was bought and made up in the last century and has never been washed since that time.

    In general, if you want to test your nerves and / or get a Thai visa (the latter is not guaranteed now) - welcome!

    Going to, we considered Kota Bharu only as the first point of our short trip to Malaysia, especially not hoping to find anything interesting there. After reading the reports of the visa holders, they somehow determined for themselves that there was nothing to see, so they wanted to immediately go to the next city. But in fact it turned out that Kota Bharu became our discovery on this trip and seemed to us more interesting than, for example,. It is a pity that we took only 2 incomplete days to it, this turned out to be catastrophically small, and the city left wonderful impressions.

    What can you see in Kota Bharu? Let's go through the sights and interesting places of Kota Bharu.

    It is very convenient to navigate in Kota Bharu - posters with a map of attractions are everywhere in the tourist part of the city:

    2. Museums

    Despite the small size of the city, Kota Bharu has a huge number of museums. So if you are interested in learning more about the culture and history of Malaysia, then Kota Bharu has every opportunity for this.

    2.1. Royal Museum (Istana Batu)

    The Royal Museum was originally the royal palace and official residence of the Sultan Yahya Petra. In 1991, it was decided to open the palace for free visits and house a museum in it.

    Working hours: 8.30-16.45 from Saturday to Wednesday, Thursday - 8.30-15.30

    Entry fee:

    Near each attraction of Kota Bharu, you can find a similar sign that tells about the history of the discovery or creation of this attraction, as well as the cultural and historical significance of this place for Malaysia:

    2.2. Museum of Royal Ceremonies (Royal Ceremonies Museum, Istana Jahar)

    Initially, this building was also a palace and still one of its names is Jahar Palace. The palace remained the official royal residence during the reign of Sultan Mohammed III, and in 1992 the Museum of Royal Ceremonies was opened here.

    Working hours:

    Entry fee: adult ticket - 3 ringgit, children - 2 ringgit.

    The Museum of Royal Ceremonies is simply impossible to pass - the area is simply amazing:

    Museum cash desk, if you just want to take a walk without entering the museum, you don’t have to pay anything:

    You can look at old exhibits, or you can sit in a carriage and imagine yourself as a special royal blood:

    Various crews:

    Even if you are not a fan of museums, be sure to take a look at the territory of this unusual museum - so many flowers and bright colors in one place, just an oasis in the stone jungle:

    You can’t take pictures inside the museum itself (such signs hang almost next to every museum in Kota Bharu), you can’t enter with a backpack (a strange requirement, of course, but I think that you can leave your backpack at the entrance to the guards):

    One of the exhibits that you can see without going to the museum is an old boat:

    This boat was presented to the King of Malaysia by Rama V, King of Thailand in 1905 for his coronation:

    On the other side of the main entrance to the museum there is a small extension where you can also go to see:

    2.3. Memorial Museum of the Second World War (WWII Memorial Museum, Bank Kerapu)

    Initially, the museum building (built in 1912) was used as a commercial bank. During the Second World War (during the period of Japanese occupation), the building was occupied by the Japanese secret service, and after the end of the war, the bank was opened again. And only in 1992, instead of a bank, a museum of the Second World War was opened. The expositions contain old photographs, military artifacts and other evidence of the war.

    Working hours: 8.30-16.45 from Saturday to Thursday

    Entry fee: adult ticket - 3 ringgit, children - 2 ringgit

    As the name implies, the museum's expositions are devoted to the period of the Second World War, namely, the time of the Japanese occupation of Malaysia.

    On the territory of the museum there are many interesting exhibits of those times - mostly vintage cars:

    And, of course, military equipment:

    Executive luxury cars of that time:

    We did not get into the museum itself, but we looked at all the open exhibits:

    The territory is quite large, so there really is something to see and it was very interesting:

    2.4. State Museum of Kelantan (State Museum, Muzium Negeri Kelantan)

    The state museum exhibits exhibits on the history and culture of Kelantan.

    Working hours: 8.30-16.45 from Saturday to Thursday

    Entry fee: adult ticket - 2 ringgit, children - 1 ringgit

    State Museum of State:

    3. City attractions

    3.1. Mosques

    Malaysia is a Muslim state, therefore, like in other Malay cities, there are many mosques in Kota Bharu that tourists can also visit.

    For example, a mosque is located very close to the Royal Museum. Masjid Muhammadi:

    In the same mosque, you can also visit the Museum of Islamic Culture. Just note that tourists first need to go to the information center at the mosque, and then go on a tour. At the same time, not all rooms can be entered - the mosque has separate halls for men and women.

    Mosque and museum opening hours: 8.30-16.45 from Saturday to Thursday. The visit is free.

    3.2. Crafts Center (Handicraft Village, Kampung Kraftangan)

    – a pleasant place for a walk, you can look at folk art, look at a lesson in painting or sewing:

    You can also buy something as a souvenir, the choice is decent:

    Local handicrafts:

    There is also a museum on the territory of the center, where you can also see some interesting exhibits.

    Museum opening hours: 8.30-16.45 from Saturday to Thursday

    Museum entrance fee: adult ticket - 1 ringgit, children - 0.5 ringgit.

    3.3. Viewpoint (Menara Tambatan Diraja)

    Sooner or later you will come to the embankment of the Kelantan River. Here you can climb to, from which the whole city is visible:

    Working hours: during daylight hours

    Entry fee: 1 ringgit

    3.4. Old Kota Bharu Market

    I already wrote about the market, the place is very colorful, bright and simply a must-see. There you can buy fresh exotic fruits, prepared food (after 18.00), spices, spices, fresh coconut milk and much more. It is also better to go there for souvenirs - you can easily bargain and discount the original price.

    Interestingly, this market is one of the few places in Kota Bharu that has not changed much over the past hundred years, so you can feel the real Asian culture there.

    3.5. Independence Square (Padang Merdeka)

    All the main attractions are concentrated just around the Independence Square, so it will be difficult to miss it. The square is unusual for its huge columns with the symbol of the Koran at the top:

    4. Outskirts of Kota Bharu

    If you have come to Kota Bharu for more than one day and have already seen the city itself, you can also see the surroundings, because there are also a lot of interesting things there.

    4.1. Beaches

    There are no beaches in Kota Bharu itself, we even made sure of this from our own experience when (Pantay Cahaya Bulan, PCB). It turned out that there is no bathable beach there at all, the entire coast is littered with huge cobblestones:

    Therefore, if you still want to swim in the South China Sea, you will have to go to the beach in one of the nearby towns.

    For example, you can go to a small village Tank (Bachok), next to which there are already three beaches - Pantai Perkasa, Pantai Sungai Dua, Pantai Kandis.

    4.2. temples

    There are many Buddhist temples in the vicinity of Kota Bharu, and the most interesting ones are not in the city itself, but in the distance, so you will have to get there by transport. The easiest way is to rent a taxi to immediately drive to all the temples of interest.

    Wat Phothivihan. One of the largest Buddhist temples in Southeast Asia, there you can look at a huge 40-meter statue of a sleeping Buddha (almost the same size as in). You can get there from Kota Bharu by city bus number 19 or 27. But then you still have to walk about 3.5 km.

    Wat Kok Seraya. An interesting temple with a female Buddha statue.

    Wat Pikulthong. 4 km north of Wat Kok Seraya is another temple, this time with a statue of a standing Buddha, decorated with gold mosaics.

    Wat Matchinmaram. Temple with a huge 50-meter statue of a seated Buddha. The architecture of the temple is a mixture of Chinese, Thai and Indian decorations.

    As you can see, there are many interesting places in Kota Bharu itself, and in the surrounding area, so if you are planning to go to Malaysia, do not forget to stop by this small town as well.

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