• Rules for phone calls to girls. Can a girl call first


    Not only young maidens, but also older ladies sometimes make this mistake - they call the man first, barely having time to meet him. However, in order to interest a man, this should not be done in any case.

    Often girls, having learned that the more a man spends time and other resources on a lady, the more he becomes attached to her, they think that the more often she reminds him of herself, the better. This is not true. A man should think that he voluntarily gives you signs of attention, and when a girl calls often, this can stress him.

    Until he falls in love, your call means nothing to him. You cannot know what he is doing at this moment. If you distract him from something that is important to him, it can cause displeasure and even irritation, and this is not at all what is needed for the development of a relationship.

    Of course, the worst thing is if a lady calls just to chat, but even having come up with good reasons for calling, it is not a fact that he will like it.

    Sometimes a woman knows that men like it when a girl shows weakness. The girl thinks that the more often you ask him for help, the better. This is true, but not in this case.

    Let's say a girl is exhausted from the desire to communicate with him, and comes up with an excuse to call the first one, asking him for help. What will a man think in the first seconds when he sees her phone number? He will think, “Oh! I called. Itself ... ”He will immediately note this fact.

    When he hears a request for help in the receiver, it is possible that he will want to help, and it is likely that he will do it with pleasure ... but ... He will have a question: “Is the girl who asks for help from a little acquaintance so good? men? "

    If a girl is really good, she should have a bunch of fans who sleep and see what feat to do for her. And if she has absolutely no one to turn to, this is suggestive.

    As much as you like it, you need to be patient.

    Men do not fall in love immediately. Usually, most men, and especially young guys, have many girls they know, they communicate, spend their free time with girls and are not going to associate themselves with anything. And only when one of these many "hooks" on something, the man first begins to be interested, then bored, and only then falls in love. If, of course, the girl behaves correctly.

    Do not call him first, do not be easily accessible, and, moreover, do not seek his attention so clearly. He should want to hear your voice on the phone himself. Let the first call! Let him think that you have every minute scheduled, that crowds of suitors are waiting in line for you. You are the best, so it cannot be otherwise.

    But what if he never calls ?!

    It means that you are not interested in him, and it is better to forget him. If you are seriously in love, intend to pursue your happiness by any means and firmly rush to call "come what may" ... well, this is your decision and try to emotionally prepare for a variety of consequences.

    And so that these consequences are not completely unpleasant, follow one important rule: wait a month. During this time, you will be able to assess your feelings for him (perhaps they will cool down), and he will forget a little what kind of emotions you awakened in him, that he did not want to call you.

    The best option if you have communicated with him no more than 1-2 times before. In this case, you can call and ask: “Hello! And who is it?" Play that you were cleaning the phone book, stumbled upon an unfamiliar number and cannot remember its owner. The man will be hurt, he thinks that he is super, and all girls should remember him to the grave. Meet again, but now try to interest him. There may not be another chance.

    First call girlthat you like is often very exciting. This is why a lot of guys put it off all the time and end up not calling at all. This happens because, firstly, you do not know. And secondly, there is a fear of refusal: the girl picks up the phone and somehow reacts negatively, clearly shows that she doesn't really want to hear you.

    But all this is not so important if you distract from thoughts in relation to the girl and turn your gaze to yourself.

    Think yourself. If you call a girl you like, then you already have a significant chance of success. And even if it does not come true, in return you will get even more - EXPERIENCE.

    After all, if you do not make any attempts, do not make mistakes, then you will be afraid of everything all your life, and your skills will not increase. You will, and nothing more. But do you want this? You need to take yourself by the balls and if you want to call - do it! And throw away all thoughts of how to call, what to say, and what she will answer, and so on.

    How to call a girl and what to tell her

    The girl you are about to call is not the first or the only one in the world. You must understand this. Because if her value is too high, then it will be difficult for you to communicate with her.

    In order to set yourself up before calling, try to distract yourself. Think about some of your business or plans to be done. Or maybe you have some difficulty in this period of your life that you have to cope with. By the way, this is very effective, after switching your thoughts to the girl, you will understand how much you overestimated your excitement and expectation from the call.

    Distracted? Excellent! Now dial the number.

    If your friend feels that you are tense and worried, and your voice is trembling, then this will play not in your direction. Be calm and positive during the conversation.

    Say hello to her. Ask if she can speak now. If she's busy, tell her you'll call her back later. In such cases, I do not call back the same day, but do it the next. Show your need for it is not worth it. And without her, I have a lot of interesting things to do 🙂

    So that's it. If she says that everything is ok and can talk, make a short introduction first. Ask how she's doing, what she's doing. Then comment. You can tell a few words about yourself how you spent your day. But we should talk about really interesting things. You shouldn't tell the girl how you were at home all day and it was boring.

    On the contrary, say something like: “and I was in the water park today. Yes, the one that opened up new. Another friend asked for me. We had a very cool and fun time there. I can tell you in more detail when we meet. "

    Thus, you show that you are an interesting and active guy who does not like to sit at home. And besides, you have at least one female friend. It immediately grabs. The girl's head immediately turns on competition: what kind of girl is she and how much she is your friend, that is, regarding your relationship status.

    After the initial stage of the conversation, get down to business. If you call a girl you like, you probably want to.

    Do not hesitate with this for a long time, but confidently call her for a walk. Tell her that you have free time after 6 tomorrow night and you will be happy to see her.

    Important! After the offer to go for a walk, you must just as confidently tell her about the place and time of your meeting. Let her know right away that you are a pretty busy guy and you don't have much free time in the day.

    Girls love to shrug off responsibility. And if you are hesitant to invite her, she will start to excuse herself. Say “well, I don’t know”, “come on another day,” and so on.

    So tell me right away, when you are free, suggest the time and place. And here it is important to feel the girl's reaction. She can immediately agree. Maybe she really won't succeed at the suggested time. Then make an appointment for another time that suits both of you.

    You should not settle for a standard female excuse, such as "let's call you tomorrow or the other day, and we'll see." Say that you have a very busy schedule now and it will be much more convenient to immediately agree on a specific time and place.

    All this is said calmly, confidently and friendly. If you don't have a lot of experience, it's still better to go a little too far and seem tough and self-confident than she thinks that you are a weak-willed mumbler who agrees to whatever she offers herself.

    Over time, you will find a balance in communication and it will become easier to feel the girl.

    Never call a girl just like thatif you don't have a goal (meaning that girl you haven't had sex with yet). Every call should have a purpose.

    Don't talk to her for long... Phone, a means to make an appointment, and nothing more. You are a busy person who does not like to waste time on idle chatter. And the girl should feel this. And when she realizes that behind any of your actions there is a clear goal, then seducing her will become much easier.

    So that you have a clear and clear example of a good call, I highly recommend listening to this recording.

    The call is long, the girl agreed much earlier than the conversation lasts. But it is valuable because you can appreciate this guy's incredible sense of humor, and get a lot of chips that fill the conversation.

    Pay attention to the fact that when the girl begins to agree, the author backs up and begins to set her own conditions for the meeting.

    So pick up the phone. Because now you know how to call a girl you like and what to say interesting to her. Good luck!

    So you've successfully met a woman you really like and exchanged phone numbers with her. Now what? What if she forgot you? What if you get nervous on the phone and lose your temper? What if she's busy on the day you want to meet? What if she's busy with something far more important than answering a phone call? What if a man answers the phone? What if she gave you the wrong phone number? .. Don't worry about that. If you just relax, the first phone call can be a very simple process.

    How long are you going to wait after receiving the phone number before making a call? Some say they call the next day, others say they wait three days. This is all wrong. There is no fixed timeout period. It is rather a matter of how long you can wait. In other words, if you met a woman, you had mutual sympathy, and a new acquaintance asked her to call, you can wait a whole week. She will not forget you.

    However, if you met a woman, talked for a few minutes, exchanged numbers, and after that saw her chatting with other guys all evening, you should call her right the next day. Because if you don't create that same mutual sympathy and impress the woman within forty-eight hours, she will most likely completely forget about you.

    When it comes to making phone calls, the basic rule is: Don't miss the moment. Call while your meeting is still fresh in the memory of the interlocutor, but still not too quickly. And don't call too often lest she thinks you're an intrusive suitor.

    Some pickups advise turning on the anti-caller ID function before calling a woman. They also advise not to leave a message on her answering machine if she doesn't pick up the phone. Their logic is as follows: if you keep calling, sooner or later the woman will pick up the phone, and once you catch the fish, you can persuade her to meet.

    I do not use this scrap method and do not recommend using it for you, unless, of course, you are engaged in sales by phone. The point is, if a woman doesn't call you back or pick up the phone when you call her, the problem isn't your phone skills. The problem before is acquaintance. Apparently, you failed to demonstrate the qualities necessary for her to want to see you again. In reality, problems at any stage of the communication usually mean that you made a mistake in the previous stage.

    Therefore, never block the caller ID and always leave a message. Why? Because it demonstrates your self-confidence. If you show an attractive personality, value and importance, and inspire confidence when you first meet, a woman will be happy to hear from you.

    Your goal is for the woman to worry after every conversation with you: "What if he doesn't call?" If you made the acquaintance correctly, then when you call, she will know what it is about, and will feel comfortable.

    [The first phone call is the only and decisive one - either the beauty will come on a date and you will engage in a pleasant process of seduction, or nothing. If you want to be a leader at all stages of communication with the fair sex or just feel confident and easy when talking on the phone with a new acquaintance, then come to the Dating Academy, where you can learn not only confident and effective telephone communication with the opposite sex, but and get to know beautiful girls so that after they met, they were looking forward to your call and an offer to meet. ]

    Here is the general conversation structure to follow on the first call.

    1. Don't introduce yourself. Start the conversation by reminding you of your previous conversation. If you teased her by calling her mom's daughter, say, "Hello, mom's daughter!" Thus, instead of reminding your new acquaintance that she practically does not know you (especially if she has forgotten your name), you will return to pleasant memories of your conversation.
    2. To avoid uncomfortable pauses after the woman greets you, bring the conversation to a story from your life. Choose an acceptable story that you created on the day you wrote the stories, or add something new to your repertoire. Start with something like "the most interesting thing that happened to me today is ...". Just remember: the story should be short, and the point is not to brag, but to make the interlocutor smile, laugh and feel comfortable.
    3. Speak in a deep, calm and welcoming voice, with a touch of fun and positive energy. You need to be cheerful, but don't speak too quickly or be hyperactive. Smile and the woman will hear it.
    4. Having told his short story, give her the opportunity to speak. Most of the time, the woman will tell you about her day or ask questions. If she doesn't speak, then you can continue.
    5. Make plans for the next week. Some experts advise to immediately say what days you are busy in order to demonstrate, among other things, that you are living a full life and literally squeezing a new acquaintance into this life. Using the push and pull method, you might say something like, “I’m busy on Friday and Saturday, but I’m having a little company on Sunday. I have invited some very interesting people, and you should come. We need a source of problems. "
    6. If you are inviting her not to your party, but to some other event, do not present this meeting as a date. Just invite you and your friends to “participate”, “connect” or “join”.
    7. If she answers that she agrees, great. If she replies that she is busy, tell her about another event included in your calendar. And only about one thing. If the woman doesn’t show enthusiasm, assure her that she should like it and that if you are free, call and let her know.
    8. Regardless of whether the interlocutor agreed with your proposal or not, do not say goodbye immediately after the invitation and do not hang up. Just as you did after the exchange of numbers, continue the conversation for another minute or two. Add a playful joke OR tell another short story related to the topic of the conversation.
    9. End the conversation long before it dies out. Be the first to say goodbye. You are a very busy person. You have a lot to do.

    While this scenario is very simple and has been used successfully by thousands of men, it is not the only way to handle the first phone call. Once you get used to this process, you will be able to differentiate yourself from the crowd of other men by calling the first time only to quickly talk and schedule the next call.

    If you prefer SMS, still refuse them on the first contact. On the other hand, if you fall into the trap of exchanging messages on your answering machines, and not having time to talk even once, SMS can be a good way out of this situation.

    If the woman doesn't answer anything definite to your suggestions or declines several invitations in a row, it's time to check your dating schemes. You probably made a mistake somewhere on early stages your communication. Perhaps they showed low social value, pursued it too desperately, or exchanged numbers too early. Perhaps your style (or lack thereof) does not fit her criteria for a relationship candidate. Find out where your weak point was and work to fix it. In some rare cases, when you did everything right and the woman is still naughty, it could mean that she has a boyfriend or has just broken up with someone.

    In general, never take the word “very busy” as a regular excuse. If Angelina Jolie calls you and invites you to dinner at her estate with Bono, Jay-Z, Bill Clinton and George Lucas, can you go? Of course you can! You will cancel any plans, skip work and go there in your arms if need be.

    Your goal in all communication is to be so interesting and rare that the woman is never busy for you. After all, if you meet the best girl, will you try to find time for her? So be like one of the top ten!

    Building relationships with a man is an art. Many girls do not master it perfectly, so they make frequent mistakes. Even the most beautiful young ladies can remain lonely due to commonplace errors and their own stupidity. One of the most sensitive questions that any girl asks: should you call a man first? Look for the answer below.

    Don't call after a first date

    Have you met a guy once? Did you find the man handsome? Then wait for the call. After the first meeting, a girl should not have a dilemma in her head: whether to call the first man or not. The answer is no. Calling is definitely not worth it. If a guy is interested in your candidacy, he will call. If a man does not call, this does not mean that he has lost his number or cannot find five minutes. This means that he did not like the lady, and the guy does not intend to continue meeting with her. You can console yourself with the thought of a lost number, but with the development of social networks, it has become quite easy to find any person on the Internet. So don't bother the man who prodded you. Find another guy who can appreciate your deep inner world. And it is not worth bothering a person who does not want to contact you. The guy will think that you are too desperate a lady to call him first. The absence of mistakes at the first stage of the development of relations will be able to elevate the girl in the eyes of the guy. Therefore, ladies should have patience and wait for a call from a gentleman after the first date.

    Call, but not often

    When the relationship between a guy and a girl passes the candy-bouquet period, the lady will again begin to wonder if she can often call her chosen one. This is not worth doing. From time to time, you need to remind yourself on the phone so that the guy does not think that you are not at all interested in him. But calls should be infrequent and irregular. Let's say you can call three times in one week, and only once in the next. Let the man think that you are calling for inspiration, not some strategy.

    Have you heard from a friend that she called the first man and he was very happy? The stronger sex is flattered by female calls. They like to understand that women have sympathy for their candidates. But to please the guy too often is not worth it. Otherwise, you risk raising the guy's self-esteem to the skies, and the chosen one will decide that now it is your turn to take care of him, since he has already won you over. There should always be a slight understatement in a relationship. The guy should know that the girl has sympathy for him. But a man must understand that if he does not take care of the lady, then she can easily find herself another gentleman.

    Should I call after a quarrel?

    Have you had a fight with the young man? If a woman calls a man first, then the guy will think that she understood her guilt and now wants to ask for forgiveness. If the lady was really to blame for the quarrel and flared up too much, then she should not be ashamed to call first. Everyone should be able to admit their guilt. And there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, a prudent personality will grow in the eyes of a man. If the guy was to blame for the quarrel, then the girl should not be the first to call. A man must apologize. And to call and ask about whether the chosen one has decided to ask for forgiveness is rather stupid. You don't need to build an all-forgiving heroine out of yourself either. You should forgive a guy for mistakes only when a person sincerely repent. If it doesn't, then don't waste your time. You will not be able to build a normal relationship with a person who cannot admit their guilt.

    Will a man forget you if you don't call him?

    The lady quarreled with the man and is thinking about how she should behave. She wants to pick up the phone and dial a familiar number, but pride does not allow her to do so. It is logical that the question comes to a woman's head whether the faithful will not forget her if she does not call. As mentioned above, if a quarrel occurred through the fault of a man, it is he who should call first. And if he doesn't call? If a guy can't find the strength to apologize, what kind of normal relationship can we talk about? A person must be able to admit mistakes. Will a man look for a replacement for a lady who could not understand the complex nature of a guy? If a person is in love, he will not immediately break off the relationship. He can bide his time to understand himself and come to some kind of decision. A well-resolved quarrel helps to make the relationship safer and stronger.

    The man has grief

    Having found out whether to call the first man after a quarrel, a lady may not understand how to behave with a guy who has grief. For example, should you call the first man whose father died? Yes, in this case it is the girl who must take the initiative. The man will be morally ill, and help from the beloved will be appropriate. A girl must morally support her soul mate, say words of consolation. The task of the lady also includes taking care of the expulsion of sad thoughts from the mind of a man. The lady's task is to convince the man that, despite all the troubles, life goes on.

    When can you call first? If a guy gets sick or something bad happened in his family, you need to support the person. A man will not have the time and energy to think about his beloved. The girl's shoulders are temporarily responsible for asking the guy about his health and well-being. You need to show sincere concern, call and come more often. At a time when a person feels bad, you can forget about prejudices. The Snow Queen can temporarily melt and turn into an affectionate kitten, which is able to cheer up and make the atmosphere in the house more comfortable and soulful.

    Blockage at work

    Women's secrets about when to call first relate to specific work situations. If your chosen one is leading a complex business project and all his thoughts are busy preparing for the presentation, the lady should remind of herself from time to time. When a man has a rush at work, he will not think about romance or a sweetheart. His thoughts are completely captured by the project. Therefore, the girl should be engaged in the organization of leisure. She can call the guy and invite him to dinner, or invite the man to spend the night with her today. Come up with activities that will help your guy escape from his routine. Such expressions of concern will definitely not go unnoticed. A lady who is next to a man in a difficult moment is valued by a guy more than the person who is next to him only during a complete calm of life.

    Holidays coming soon

    When can a woman call first? One of the women's secrets is that a girl can impose her company on a guy during the holidays. For example, a lady can decide how a couple will spend City Day, or New Year... Men do not like to plan such events and will gladly shift this responsibility onto the shoulders of their beloved. The guy will be satisfied with any scenario if the girl invites not only her friends to the holiday, but also the guy's friends. It's not worth making a lot of calls to consult with a guy about the holiday. But from time to time you can call, because you will have a great reason. For example, you can ask how many friends the guy wants to call, or specify the location of the celebration.

    Don't call for no reason

    Guys don't like to gossip, and they don't enjoy the usual chatter. Should you call a man first to find out how he is doing? If you have no excuse to call, other than that you are bored, it is better not to call. Guys love it when people know what they want and don't waste other people's time. Always find a reason, such as asking a guy to go to a trade show, or talking about a book you recently read. A reason is also needed in order to fill the awkward silence with words in the event of a pause. Such hesitation often occurs in the dialogues of people who are not familiar with each other. The girl may have a lot of things to talk about, and she will end up being afraid and embarrassed, leading to a pause in the conversation.

    Business calls will show the guy that the girl is sensible and educated. The lady does not take time and always knows what she wants. And it is precisely this effect that any woman achieves. A man should know that you like him and you value his time.

    Have pride and don't waste time trying to persuade

    Should you call a man first? You can call if you have a reason to do so. But remember that you shouldn't pamper your boyfriend with calls too often. And of course, you only need to call once a day. You should not leave messages on the answering machine and call 5 times if the guy does not answer. A man who sees even one missed one from his beloved woman will definitely call back. He will not need to see 5-6 calls. In this case, he may think that something has happened to you.

    A girl should have pride and understand when a guy is unpleasant about her company. If a lady called the gentleman and invited him to take a walk, then the man should take the next step. If the guy refused to walk and did not offer to compensate for it with something, not the girl, but the man should postpone the meeting. Don't waste time persuading someone who doesn't value you and your time.

    Confirm plans

    Thinking about whether to call a man first? If you want to confirm any plans, then you need to call. For example, a month ago you agreed to go to the theater, and the man had to buy tickets. You can call and clarify whether you are going to the show or not. In this case, the call will be justified and appropriate. The same goes for the appointments you made last week. If you don't see your boyfriend too often, you can call him from time to time and ask if you are going on a date. But this should be a clarifying question, not an ingratiating confirmation that the man has not changed his mind about giving you time.

    Every girl at least once in my life I thought about whether it was possible for the first guy or not. Every second had such a situation when it seemed that they wanted to dial a familiar number, and injected. It is not clear exactly how to act under such life circumstances. On the one hand, stereotypes that have settled in my head assert that it is not appropriate for a girl to take the first step. But a call does not always mean the first step. There are situations when it is not only possible, but even necessary to call the guy first, so as not to destroy the relationship.

    You can call first:
    1) If you are already in a relationship for a while, and are designated for the people around them as a couple, then you can call the first one calmly. Since he is your boyfriend, and no one is reaching anyone, you are already together, he will not think that you are running after him. However, you should not constantly annoy him with calls, because he can get fed up with this. Give him the opportunity to show some kind of initiative in the relationship. If only he is constantly calling, it may seem to him that communication with him is not at all interesting and unnecessary for you.

    2) If a guy has been running after you for a long time, tried to reach you, but you all did not give in. And then one fine day they decided to give him a chance, apparently, having looked at him better and realized that he was not so bad. And you, perhaps, can do something. The guy could during this time completely lose hope that he will ever get a chance to communicate with you, so he will probably stop calling you. Therefore, you will have to call yourself and make it clear to the guy with some hints that you are also not indifferent to him.

    3) If he doesn't have your number... For example, he begged you for a long time, but you did not dictate the coveted numbers to him. And you could easily get his number through his friends. If you want to continue acquaintance with him, you can safely call the first one, he will be only glad.

    4) If he himself asked you to call... Guys are often cunning, telling the girl, as if by chance, to call him when, for example, she wakes up, leaves work, etc. Thus, the guy teaches the girl to call first. Over time, she can get used to and start calling without a reminder, not considering this act shameful. However, this is a misconception.

    There are also situations, in which it is strictly forbidden to call the guy first. This will not only ruin your relationship, but it will also make you look bad.

    1) If you just had your first date... You talked, got to know each other a little, but it is not clear what impression you made on him. Of course, feminine curiosity can eat you, but try to pull yourself together. If you call him first now, I assure you, it will always be so. And you will not wait for calls from him.

    2) If you haven't started a relationship yet... You see each other almost every day, but you are not a couple yet. Despite this fact, you already had, but you are still not close enough. This period can be called courtship. And men should look after. Therefore, do not take this bread from him, let him feel like a conqueror, and at these times he will do everything first.

    3) If you've always called each other equally, and suddenly he abruptly stopped calling. Sometimes it happens. Maybe he has some urgent business or something serious happened. But he may have just gotten tired of your relationship with him and decided to take a short break. And if you start calling him now, he will be even more annoyed about it.

    4) If you had first sex... After this, a man is simply obliged to call the first one, and if you do this, then you will forever lose respect in his eyes, since he will decide that you are an insecure girl who is afraid that she will be abandoned after a night spent with her.

    5) If you had a major altercation at stake for which he is clearly to blame... Or if both of you are equally guilty, then you should not be the first to beg for forgiveness from him, no matter how dear to you your couple is. Give him the opportunity to show his attitude towards you and show his interest in the truce.

    Despite these adviceWhether to call the first guy or not is up to you. Perhaps your situation will be some exception to the rule, and if you do not do what your heart tells you, everything will get worse.

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