• Meeting from the army: scenario at home. How to meet a guy from the army so that your delight knows no bounds


    The long-awaited meeting comes, a meeting with her boyfriend, who has served his time in the army and is returning home. But how can you meet a guy from the army in such a way that it would be beautiful, and he would really like this meeting?


    Returning from the army and meeting a guy is not just a meeting, it is a whole event that needs to be captured as a memory, and therefore, first of all, take care of photographs and videos of your meeting a guy from the army. The next step is to prepare to meet the guy; for this there are two options for meeting.

    OPTION 1: You can meet a guy from the army by gathering a noisy company and staging a grand show at the station where the guy arrives. Balloons, shooting champagne, hugs and a fun celebration.

    OPTION 2: You can meet a guy from the army on your own, for example, if you are the guy’s girlfriend, then meet him alone, which will allow you to get the joy of solitude, hugs and passionate long-awaited kisses. But it is advisable, again, to capture this meeting at least in photographs.


    When you meet a guy from the army, don’t forget about the guy’s relatives, because they also missed him, and the guy himself missed his home, so as soon as you met the guy, go home with him. Let the guy feel the comfort of home. He will meet his relatives and those friends who did not meet him at the station, but are waiting at home.


    Returning from the army is a whole event that needs to be celebrated, but how to celebrate depends on you and your boyfriend, what you choose. We advise you to do it noisily with a large group of friends.

    If you have friends, finances and opportunity, then try to organize get-togethers at home. This way the guy will meet all his friends and relatives and feel the home life and comfort that he has become unaccustomed to and misses. Home is home, home is always better, of course you can throw a party in a cafe, but there will be no home coziness and comfort, which is so lacking in the army.

    If you don’t want to throw a grand party and celebrate the guy’s return from the army, then spend the evening with the guy, but preferably again at home, maybe even alone. After meeting him from the army, a guy needs to adapt to another life, to civilian life, and therefore, when you meet a guy from the army, try to understand and forgive him, because he may exhibit army habits that will be unpleasant for you.


    Remember that there are no girls in the army and the time that the guy spent in the army most likely he did not experience real carnal pleasures with a woman, and therefore if you love your guy, you must give him an unforgettable and active night of love. To do this, prepare for it; it may even be better to rent a hotel for the night, if there is no other way to be alone with the guy, so that no one bothers you. This night after you met a guy from the army should be an unforgettable night full of pleasures and pleasures. Try to please the guy.


    If you are not expecting a guy from the army, but he doesn’t know it yet, or he knows it, but you don’t know how he will react to it, then just be prepared that he will still come to you and want to hear everything from your lips. Therefore, learn to say, tough and firm no, despite his persuasion and requests to stay, say no and that’s it. After all, this is your life and only you can build it and decide how to live further.

    If you don’t want to meet him, then you can first write to him via SMS or tell him through friends that you don’t want to see him and there is no longer any relationship between you, of course it’s difficult, but it’s worth it. Although this does not guarantee that he will not come to see you in person, so be prepared for this.

    The era of the Decembrists, whose wives followed their husbands into exile and to the chopping block, has sunk into oblivion. Today you can often find adultery, accompanied not only by male infidelity, but also by a lack of chastity in women. However, there are still sincere feelings that can stand the test of time and distance. A striking example of this phenomenon is the meeting of a guy from the army, whose chosen one waited for her lover, despite the variety of temptations in the modern world.

    Preparatory procedures

    For a girl who has coped with the test destined for her with due chastity, it is important to take into account all the nuances and subtleties in the process of preparing for the long-awaited meeting:

    A man will definitely appreciate your attention, care and efforts spent in the process of preparatory procedures. However, do not be surprised if you find out about this only the next day - at the time of arrival, the guy’s emotional state will not allow him to think rationally and have a conversation. He will be sincerely glad to see his loved ones, his chosen one, parents and friends, literally losing the power of speech.

    Meeting a loved one who has returned from the army is comparable to a first date - both partners are filled with excitement. There is no need to cope with emotional overexcitement, give in to the impulse of feelings and enjoy each other

    Options for meeting a guy from the army

    In the 21st century, modern girls, waiting for guys from the army, arrange entire concerts for their lovers at train stations. Tears of joy and sincere surprise of the chosen one are the main rewards for the glory of the woman who has tried. If you have not yet decided how to meet a guy from the army and have fun with him, then use one of the following options:

    When choosing a way to meet a guy from the army, be sure to take into account his personal qualities, preferences and hobbies. For some men, the presence of all their loved ones on the platform will be an invaluable surprise, while other soldiers will appreciate the banners and posters made by their beloved.

    When compiling a holiday menu, it is important not to overdo it. A man should see his favorite homemade dishes and light snacks on the table. There is no point in “overloading” the celebration with culinary masterpieces, because the newly minted defender immensely missed you, first of all

    Features of the routine of the first day after a long separation

    The day a guy arrives from the army is invariably different from all subsequent days, so not only the girl wants to spend it with the newly minted soldier, but also relatives, friends, and work colleagues. in the current situation there is no need, asking him leading questions is also inappropriate - the decision should be made by close people on their own. You can convene a general council or get by with a telephone conversation, during which you will find out the answer to the question: How to spend the long-awaited day of meeting with your favorite soldier? When looking for different options for the development of an event, be sure to consider the following factors:

    • Parents who have already missed their boy incredibly will want to see the man. Taking away time from a mother and father that could be spent talking with one’s own son is useless and fraught with unfavorable consequences. A guy, with all due respect to you, will not be able to refuse communication with close people, because he himself misses them no less. Mom and Dad will invite you too, understanding the peculiarities of a long separation. You cannot offer such a development of events as an alternative option - inviting your parents for a romantic dinner is inappropriate.
    • Friends who have been waiting for a long time for a faithful friend from the army will express a desire to meet with the newly minted defender. Some of the chosen one’s comrades also served, so they will have many topics to discuss. However, guys often do not provoke conflict situations, losing their friend to a girl on the first day - male solidarity. The main thing is to politely ask the guy’s comrades not to persuade the betrothed to see him on the day of his arrival. If you have a good relationship with your chosen one’s friends, then they will definitely meet you halfway.
    • Keep in mind that your lover spent a long time on the road to home, so he feels tired. It is preferable to let a man rest in the bed at home, which he missed. The guy will gain strength to communicate with loved ones and will be grateful for your understanding, because you were waiting, and he lay down to sleep.
    • If you have not distinguished yourself by chastity during the time allotted for serving your lover, then it is recommended to immediately tell the man the truth. There will most likely not be any talk about continuing the relationship, but you will be honest with your former chosen one. In the current situation, meeting a guy from the army is a stupid act that will lead to consequences for him. Don’t be afraid of the man’s reaction—the soldier won’t offend the “child,” so you can calm down. Explaining to your lover, regaining trust in yourself, is useless. Cheating is included in the list of actions that a woman should never do.

    If you have a clear conscience and bright thoughts, then meeting your chosen one at the station will definitely be remembered by both partners. The test of separation will only strengthen you. It is possible that after returning from the army, a man will decide on an important act - he will make you a marriage proposal.

    When a guy arrives from the army, don’t think about the future, present and past - in a second your lover, whom you haven’t seen for a long time, will come out of the carriage onto the platform. Just enjoy the long-awaited meeting.

    You remember everything like it was yesterday. Your boyfriend was being drafted into the army. Do you remember farewell tears and promises to wait. How difficult it was without him. Every minute of separation seemed like an eternity. Sometimes the incoming letters warmed you up, but how you waited and missed you. It probably wasn't easy for him either. There are legends about service in the ranks of the modern army. Many people talk about how guys change after the army. And the very fact of serving in the armed forces is a very important and unforgettable event in the life of every man.

    And now, time has flown by and your boyfriend comes home from the army. Of course, a meeting of a guy from the army needs to be organized in such a way that he remembers it for the rest of his life. Believe me, this is very important for him. And since preparation can take some time, it’s better to start it a little in advance, so that you don’t have to do everything at the last moment.

    And yet, how to meet a guy from the army so that the meeting remains in his memory for many years.

    Arrange a meeting for him at the station. There is no need for this meeting to look like a scene from some movie where a girl meets a guy from the army. That is, do not go to the station alone, because in this case you will hardly be able to avoid tears on the pier, even tears of joy. Call all his friends, draw posters, inflate balloons and shout loudly “Hurray!!!” and stun him with chants as he exits the carriage.

    Give the guy some time to be with his friends - go to the park together. Of course, you want to be alone as quickly as possible, but then you will be bothered by persistent calls from friends waiting for his attention. And so, after spending some time with them, you can slip away unnoticed. If they notice your escape, they will understand.

    The main thing for a guy after the army is the so-called social adaptation “in civilian life.” Lately there were only military men around him. He had everything according to a precise schedule: getting up, going out, eating. And if a person had nothing to do with the armed forces before the army, it was very difficult.

    Now that the guy has returned from the army, help him adapt - go to the cinema or to a play. It is advisable that the action be of a romantic or comedic nature; I don’t think he will want to watch a film about the war.

    How else can you meet a guy from the army? Give him a tour of the city, there will probably be some changes in the city during his absence. And now that the guy has returned from the army, he will be interested in everything, even what he might not have paid attention to before - a new park, a restaurant, an exhibition of a local artist. Tell him about the lives of mutual acquaintances and friends: probably someone got married, and someone had children.

    Don’t forget that his parents are no less eagerly awaiting him at home. They probably set a table rich in delicacies, and this is understandable - what man doesn’t like to eat. But for a long time he had to eat government food, which hardly pleased him with the variety of tastes and aromas.

    But no one says that if your parents set the table, then you can’t do it anymore. After a feast with your parents and other relatives, invite him to visit you. Prepare him a romantic dinner. There may not be exotic gourmet dishes on the table, but there will be food prepared by your own hands. For him, I’m sure it’s the most delicious. Play his favorite music, light a few candles, put champagne in the refrigerator. And you are both guaranteed an unforgettable evening in each other’s company.

    Many girls are interested in the question: do guys change after the army? And what kind of people do they come from there? You will not get a definite answer to these questions, because all people are individual. What can be said with confidence is that guys after the army become more serious and responsible. All other changes, if any, you will notice yourself in the first few days after his arrival.

    The long-awaited demobilization day for all parents has arrived! Very soon their boy - now a fully grown man - will return home. How to meet your son from the army? How to turn this day into a real holiday that a young soldier will remember for the rest of his life? These questions worry his family and friends almost the entire 12 months while he is in the army.

    We advise you to start preparing for this holiday in advance, slowly, thinking and discussing every detail with your loved ones. It will be just great if you write a rough plan for a future event, because in the turmoil it’s easy to forget about everything in the world! If your son, husband, brother or beloved boyfriend, it's time to get ready to meet him.

    On the platform

    Undoubtedly, a young man who has just gotten off the train in his hometown will be very pleased to see the faces of his parents or his girlfriend right on the platform.

    If your son has always been the life of the party, feel free to gather all your relatives, neighbors, friends, and your beloved shepherd dog, and go to the station.

    A more reserved young man will be pleased if only his mother meets him, and later, having coped with the surging feelings, he will happily hug his closest relatives.

    How to decorate an apartment

    Talk to your son's friends. Knowing his tastes and preferences well, they can give good advice on how to decorate the house for his arrival, and will provide invaluable assistance in decorating. Instruct them to draw and attach posters with greetings all the way from the door to the entrance to the apartment, decorate the house with Chinese lanterns, garlands or flags - in a word, everything that the demobilizer will like.

    In summer or early autumn, you can organize a meeting in the yard - decorate the gazebo in an original way, put a barbecue in the yard, and roll in huge pumpkins from the garden. If it’s already cold outside, the celebration will have to be moved indoors. Don't be afraid that it will turn out less solemn! By showing ingenuity and imagination, you can organize an unforgettable meeting even in a one-room apartment.

    What to treat a demobilizer

    Take a very responsible approach to compiling the holiday menu. Do not forget that the young soldier ate healthy, satisfying, but rather monotonous food for a whole year.

    To bring down an avalanche of various delicacies on him means that he will inevitably damage his digestion. Let these be light, tasty dishes, the most favorite of those that he ate before the army. And if you think they are not festive enough, pay attention to the design. Even the most ordinary herring looks like a real culinary masterpiece if you don’t just sprinkle it with onion rings, but lay them out in a beautiful chain or even build a lush bouquet of chrysanthemums using onions of different colors. Show your imagination! You will succeed!

    Many people are interested in whether alcohol is appropriate on the table when meeting someone discharged from the army. If alcohol is not accepted in your family, then the problem will automatically go away. If you are buying alcohol for the holiday table, then choose a bottle of good wine or champagne. There is no need to put strong drinks on the table: the hero of the occasion, out of habit, can get very drunk. In addition, copious libations are never good for the holiday. Therefore, find a way to entertain the long-awaited guest and his friends without strong alcohol.

    Who to invite

    It will be simply wonderful if everyone who is especially dear to the young man gathers at the festive table. It would be wise to refrain from inviting those relatives with whom your son does not have a very warm relationship. The day of returning home should not be overshadowed by unpleasant, painful emotions.

    Try to remember all the most interesting, funny, unusual things that happened over the past year. Please the young man with good news about mutual friends, tell him a couple of incredible stories. By the way, you will need regular, not digital photographs - and it would be better in a thick pack, and not in an album. They can be passed from hand to hand, shown to each other, sharing impressions. This will bring everyone closer together, and the young soldier, ceasing to be the center of attention, will be able to relax and feel more relaxed.

    What to give to a soldier

    Take care of gifts. Of course, it would be good to inadvertently inquire in advance - for example, in a letter or by telephone - about what the young man would like to receive. Try to fulfill his request. Such a gift will be long-awaited and most pleasant for him! It doesn't have to be a motorcycle or a new computer. Has your son always dreamed of a purebred dog? Since school he has been buzzing your ears about what a wonderful breed the Rottweiler is, and even managed to choose a sonorous nickname for his future pet? You have a great opportunity to make his dream come true. Believe me, nothing brings a family closer together in these touching moments than a funny baby passing from hand to hand.

    Meeting with your girlfriend

    Perhaps some of your son’s stories about everyday life in the army will shock you, and his new jokes will seem unfunny and inappropriate. Keep your comments to yourself: You will embarrass your guy if you tell him off in front of his friends.

    Remember how many years ago you sent your boy to summer camp. From there he also came changed, with new words and stories that made his parent’s heart skip a beat. However, a couple of weeks later, your child was again in front of you, as you were used to seeing him. Imagine that your adult son went to summer camp, only for a year. Of course, he was affected by his environment and it would take more than a couple of weeks for him to get back to normal.

    Be patient and be gentle, otherwise you risk alienating your son. Believe me, soon you will get used to each other again, and life will go on as usual.

    It happens that after service a guy doesn’t know what to do with himself. Let him read our article – perhaps this will help him decide.

    Does your loved one serve in the army? What a fine fellow! And you…. You’re also smart, because you wait patiently for him in civilian life. Many girls prefer not to wait for the soldier to return, so as not to waste time.

    I can give several vivid and different examples from my life. They concern me, but only indirectly. And now you will understand why.


    One of my friends Elena (my sister’s classmate) immediately warned her boyfriend that she was not going to wait for him. Vitalya did everything to avoid joining the army. He did it! I don’t know how he did it (I didn’t go into details because of my “intrusive” correctness). However, I see how much this guy loves my friend! I’m both pleased and sorry for Vitaly. I can imagine what he had to do to avoid military service...

    The second friend, who was a witness at my wedding, waited for her lover. She fell in love with Zhenya so much that she was not afraid of the long separation. She told me a lot and often about him, went to see him (even for a few days). They made plans for the near and distant future and were going to implement them. Ulyana was going to invite me to the wedding, where I would be the guest of honor). I was sincerely happy for Ulya and proud of her (just as sincerely). But the guy returned and everything changed. Quarrels, disagreements and scandals arose in their meetings. They came together and separated three times, as if they were playing a “guy plus girl” relationship. We didn't communicate for a long time. Then (probably several months later) she called me and said that she and Evgeniy had finally separated, and that she had finally met that love (which supposedly cannot die).

    Why did I tell you all this? And then, so that you understand how unpredictable life can be.

    The guy is not a toy! If you’ve already decided to wait for him and be with him, then don’t cry into your pillow and don’t complain that you can’t wait any longer! If you are not confident in yourself, then it is better not to promise anything to the guy so that the breakup does not lead to dire consequences. A guy is capable of a lot if he finds out that you are going to “dump” him. Escaping from the army unit is the most harmless thing he can do. I don’t even want to talk (write) about something more terrifying.

    How should you meet your favorite guy from the army?

    1. In order for the meeting to be super successful, prepare for it properly! Start with your favorite shopping experience. You must buy new clothes, a new bag and new shoes. All things should be distinguished by eroticism and sexuality. Buy some perfume. Choose them until you find something you really like.
    2. Choose gifts for him. Buy them little by little, taking your time to be smart about your purchases. You know how difficult it is to please men! Consider your loved one to be even a “tenfold” ideal, but it will be difficult for him to choose something that he will like and use (with great pleasure and with a smile). Don’t let it slip about what you bought for him when you “visit” him. And don’t give in to his persuasion!
    3. Grow your nails, get a manicure, pedicure, waxing. Change your hair color. The latter needs to be done in such a way that the guy definitely likes it. So ask him (very carefully) what other hair color he likes (besides the one that “lives” on your head now).
    4. Ask your loved one how and with whom he wants to celebrate his return from the army. Take into account his every wish on this matter. Discuss the details with the people the guy put on the guest list. Don't forget anyone so that your loved one doesn't get upset.
    5. What should you do if a guy wants to celebrate his return only with you and his parents? Tell him it won't be nice to his friends and other relatives. Offer a great alternative. Divide his holiday into several parts. Let him spend one day with dear friends, and let him devote the second day to you and mom.
    6. Start redecorating your room. Cover all the walls with his photographs. Lay down a rug with the words “I love you” on it. Beautifully arrange and arrange all the things he gave you. Occupy all the most visible places for these purposes. Then the guy will understand how carefully you treat him.
    7. Hang a large calendar on the wall. Cross out all the numbers with a black marker so that he can see how much you waited for him and counted the days. Tell your loved one that you would cross out the clock hands with a marker, counting the seconds of separation, if such a thing were possible.
    8. Meet a guy not only at home! But we will finish the preparation within the apartment walls. Write down the menu that you are going to prepare for the arrival of your loved one. You can order some at a restaurant, but cook some yourself.
    9. There should be several menus. One is suitable for a meeting, and the second is necessary for a truly romantic evening. By the way, the evening should smoothly flow into a crazy night of love. The guy really missed you! You have to guess about this.
    10. Order a huge cake with the inscription “Darling, I really missed you.” Make sure it is done right before demobilization. This option is suitable if the guy you are waiting for is partial to sweets.
    11. Write different banners (“I was waiting for you”, “We meet a soldier!”, “It’s so good that you came”, “And I love the military”). You can ask your friends to help you in this matter. They will not refuse to help you.
    12. Buy cool balloons and inflate them. And again you can “connect” your friends! Balloons inflate well with music and good company.
    13. Give your boyfriend a large photo album. Give him this gift along with the ones you have already bought.
    14. Don't scold a guy for starting to smoke. Almost everyone in the army carries cigarettes. There is no other way to survive in army conditions.
    15. How to meet a retired guy? - Without delay, with warm hugs and kisses. Hug and kiss him so that he feels how you were waiting for him.
    16. Walk a little, talk and go home to sit at a set table and see the changes in the room (in the apartment).
    17. Say toasts, nice words. Give what you dreamed of giving him. Wait for the night of love to spend it with all the colors of passion.
    18. In the morning, celebrate the second day of demobilization. In the evening, walk with him to beautiful and memorable places and take pictures.
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