• How to know if your girlfriend likes someone else. How to understand that a girl is in love but is hiding it, says a psychologist


    We raised the issue of interpersonal relationships. Therefore, today I want to continue the topic and help men learn to recognize the insincerity of their chosen ones. Do you know if a girl is in love how she behaves? Do you find the difference between how much she truly appreciates you, or is she just playing a role to achieve her goal? If not particularly, dear strong half of humanity, then I propose to explore this topic together.

    Signs of falling in love


    In the above article, I talked about the importance of balance in the exchange process. This is like a litmus test in many ways, which makes it clear whether they have a continuation or not. Therefore, if a woman is ready not only to take, but also to give in return, I want to congratulate you. It’s not necessary, if you gave flowers, she will come to the next meeting with a bouquet, no. In response, she may cook something delicious or take care of you in some other way.

    If she refuses gifts and other manifestations of attention, sometimes preferring to act as the giver herself, she does not want to be obligated to you and lose her independence, keeping a barrier between you, so that a joint future is in question. Sometimes, on the contrary, he accepts with joy, but in vain, without feelings of tenderness, touching, desire to take care and be close. These are signs of consumer relationships, superficial, functional, without intimacy, and, accordingly, love.

    2. Sloppiness

    If a woman is well-groomed and does not allow herself to be sloppy, then she is very interested in you. But when it is presented to you in a more natural form, without makeup and hair, it is a signal that she has become much closer to you, feeling trust.


    A girl in love is sometimes capable of sacrificing her needs, wanting her chosen one to be happy. This does not mean that this will happen all the time, but sometimes she will actually be ready to cancel a meeting with her friends in order to join you on a fishing trip.


    Don’t forget about non-verbal manifestations, no matter how much your beloved tries to show you how passionate she is, her body will not be able to lie. You will understand what exactly she is hiding if you are attentive to gestures, posture and facial expressions. You can learn these nuances if you follow the link.

    5. Grouchiness

    If, despite your shortcomings, she still remains by your side, even though she grumbles, I again hasten to congratulate you.


    A man is tested by his actions and willingness to be there in difficult times; almost the same can be said about the fair half of humanity. When you are sick, does she take care of you? Are you worried? Does it prepare meals so you don't go hungry and gain strength?

    7. Jealousy

    You should not assume that jealousy is an indicator that you are significant and important to her. This behavior, unless there is a good reason for it, usually indicates a desire to have power and control over you for various reasons. Either low self-esteem, or negative experience in past relationships, or the habit of usurping control over another person and, in general, manipulating in this way.


    There may be some idealization of your qualities and skills. At first, such burning eyes and delight addressed to you can inspire and inspire. Over time, this develops into irritation, because in this case there is no place for the real you, which does not need to maintain the image. And then accusations will begin to pour in that you are not what you seemed at first. So it’s better to gently explain that you are not so good and, like all people, you have shortcomings. The less charm, the less disappointment.


    Sometimes a loving but doubtful girl begins to get involved in astrology, trying to find out your joint horoscope, that is, how compatible you are as a couple. It is especially interesting to notice such moments if she previously rejected any truth of such magical and astrological forecasts.

    10.Common interests

    He may begin to share your interests, keeping you company on hikes, trips, attending football matches and boxing matches.


    If she talks about children, hints about them, family and the like, paying every possible attention to couples walking past with strollers or being touched by pregnant women, then most likely she was considering your candidacy for the role of husband and father, and you are approved. In the case when you have no suspicions of her mercantile intentions, such behavior indicates falling in love and choosing a partner for life together.


    There is an opinion that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, in order to conquer the sweetheart and show off her culinary abilities, the woman will begin to prepare a variety of, and most importantly, your favorite dishes. In such a case, it is not difficult to guess how the girl feels, especially if you start to find out that before she did not strive to spend all her free time in the kitchen.


    She may begin to ask for help, thereby showing how much she needs a strong male shoulder nearby. And while you are screwing in a new light bulb or repairing an outlet, your beloved will tirelessly praise you and look at you with admiring eyes. Although there are often cases when a woman enters into competition with a man for various reasons, trying to show that she is stronger and cooler.

    14.Glitter in the eyes

    Take a closer look at her eyes, if they sparkle with joy, and a smile often appears on her face - you don’t even need to study non-verbal signals and wonder how to understand her feelings, and everything is clear. A woman who experiences love becomes softer, more feminine, sometimes even slowing down in pace, periodically falling into fantasies and daydreams.

    15. Conversations about personal matters

    I am ready to open up and share my experiences, both pleasant and traumatic. Do not confuse this with talkativeness, because sometimes there are people who are ready to spill out their life story even to strangers, without noticing the backlashes to the story. Now, if you start to learn a little about her, it means that she keeps boundaries and is cautious, and when she opens up, sharing her vulnerabilities, this is an indicator that trust has arisen in you, and this is about intimacy.


    It doesn’t matter what sexual preferences and appetites she has. She was like an old maid or experienced in these matters; in bed she will try to seduce and delight you, surprise and anticipate your desires. Even if you want a belly dance or a striptease performed by her, it is likely that she will secretly go to training courses in order to make a pleasant surprise one day.

    17.Total time

    Increasingly, he invites you to join friends and parents, not wanting to spend his free time without you. It’s just important to notice the difference, whether it’s calling because you pay for travel, gifts, etc., or whether it wants direct involvement in the events in your life.


    The problem of our time is social networks and the Internet in general. So, in the case when your beloved devotes time to you, and is not focused on the phone, this is a very clear indication that she is interested in you much more than other people with whom she is accustomed to correspond.


    Each of us is unique, so only she can give a 100% answer to the question of whether your sweetheart loves you if she herself is aware of her feelings. Be careful and remember that it is better to clarify exciting moments than to fantasize about them, because we do not always draw the right conclusions. And if you have any questions, you can write in the comments or in the feedback form. We will return to the issue of interpersonal relationships later. Especially if there are requests from readers. Good luck, happiness and love to you!

    At the initial stage of a relationship, the question of signs of falling in love becomes especially relevant. Especially when it comes to girls. After all, it is especially difficult to understand the mood of a person you do not really know. And the girls are also coquettes. And not every guy or man is able to recognize the attitude of each specific representative of the fair sex at first glance. In this article, we have collected a set of signs on the basis of which we can conclude that a girl is in love with you.

    Long look

    Everything that arouses interest in a person also attracts his gaze. If a girl holds her gaze on you for too long, then we can definitely talk about her being somewhat interested. Although it’s too early to talk about falling in love here. To verify the veracity of this conclusion, just watch yourself. And here you will definitely notice that when the object of adoration comes into your field of vision, your gaze immediately concentrates on this person. So this point is true not only for girls. This hypothesis applies equally to men.


    This sign of a girl falling in love dates back to ancient times. And it is caused by banal instincts. Many people watched programs about wildlife. And even without all these programs, it is clear that a girl in love begins to attract the attention of the guy she likes. How can this be done without it looking too obvious and intrusive? Adjusting hair curls, blouse collars, lip coloring in the presence of a man. Here even demonstrative narcissism of a girl in the mirror can speak of falling in love. And it depends on whether the girl wants others to know about her interest.

    Desire for meetings and communication

    A girl in love will definitely look for an opportunity to meet and communicate with the guy she likes. And absolutely any reason can be used for this. From a holiday together with a large group to a chance meeting on the street. And such a meeting may not be accidental at all. It should also be remembered that a girl in love is shy and lost in words when communicating. If you notice a similar reaction from your interlocutor, then there is a very high probability that she is in love with you.


    Men are used to the fact that they are the ones who have to take care of girls. Indeed, a man in love is inclined to take care of his beloved. But this thesis is equally true in the case of girls. A girl in love shows concern for her lover. And this care manifests itself in small details that are completely invisible at first glance. This trait is determined by the maternal instinct, which the girl projects onto her lover. Even if on a subconscious level.

    Excessive joy

    If a girl starts laughing loudly and beaming with happiness when she sees you, then this is a clear sign of her falling in love. Let such manifestations of it not occur very often. But this is a sign of truly sincere sympathy and love. This also includes a violent reaction to a mediocre joke.

    Access to personal space

    Anyone who has been even slightly interested in psychology has heard about the concept of personal space. This is the distance to which a person does not allow anyone except people close to him. So, if a girl is calm about random touches, intimacy and other similar things, then you can assume that she classifies you as close people.

    Access to personal belongings

    Again, this is the line beyond which a girl will not let everyone go. The most striking example of this is the mobile phone. If a girl calmly hands it over to you, then she completely trusts you. And they trust their loved ones. Well, access to a page on a social network is beyond reality. If a girl has given you such access, then she is not only in love with you, but also ready to go to Siberia. Joke.

    Light flirting

    This won’t surprise anyone, but it’s still necessary to remember such a sign as flirting. Flirting can be of completely different quality. From innocent to even brazen. Here everything depends on the girl herself. But in the context of this article, we discard the second option. You should concentrate on light and innocent flirting, from which love relationships begin. Here is another sign that a girl has fallen in love with you.

    Increased attention

    A girl in love will always show increased attention to you. And this concept is slightly different from the similar case with men. If a man demonstrates his attention through actions, then the girl pays increased attention to the man’s words. It’s not for nothing that they say that women love with their ears. That is why a girl hears absolutely all the comments of her beloved man regarding appearance and behavior. If a girl begins to rapidly change for the better for you, then this may not be a coincidence. Remember, weren’t you the one who advised her to let her hair grow long or wear those cute earrings?

    External changes

    This point smoothly follows from the previous one. A girl in love gradually probes the tastes of her lover and becomes more and more like his ideal. Please note that it was because of you that the girl could have done a different hairstyle, changed her clothing style, and generally changed her interests and social circle. Here we are talking not only about falling in love. Here it’s time to talk about true love. And you shouldn’t waste such girls!

    So we have looked at the main signs by which you can determine that a girl is in love with you. Of course, each specific case is individual. But it is precisely on the basis of these tips that you can understand in the shortest possible time whether the girl is in love with you?

    How to understand that a girl loves you? Are there any tips that will help men understand their feelings and not lose their dignity if a girl says “no”? When a guy falls in love, he catches every glance of his passion, but it is not always possible to read true thoughts, because a girl is not always ready to demonstrate her love, waiting for the first step from a man. That is why it is important to know what signs a woman is in love with.

    Interested look

    It is the look that helps you check whether a girl loves you or not. Do you want to see for yourself? Keep your gaze on her, and if your assumptions are justified, the girl will do the same. Although, of course, a woman herself begins to look at a man if she falls in love with him. Her gaze becomes interested, she, as people say, “shoots” with her eyes. This means that she does not look straight at the guy, but catches his gaze, and immediately looks away, and then looks again. A light blush on your cheeks will confirm your guesses.

    Frequent calls or SMS

    How does a woman in love behave? She begins to look for meetings with a man, this is her psychology. For this reason, she does not hesitate to take the first step, tries to call or send SMS with the most innocent or casual reason. In this case, she tries to seem spontaneous, but several calls in one day can already confirm that the girl loves you.

    Signs of attention

    The behavior of a woman in love is significantly different from everyone else. The fair sex begins to take care of her man, she is interested in his emotional state and health. A girl in love has a desire to feed a man, because from childhood they are told that they must look for the way to the heart of their lover through the stomach. And when the girls notice a slightly torn button, they immediately try to sew it on. Such signs of caring indicate that she loves you.

    She takes into account your interests and capabilities

    If a girl is in love with you, she will listen to your opinion, understanding every word you say. If today is football, then that’s what you’ll be watching. If you don’t like women’s shopping, then she will go with her friends and save her lover’s nerves. But if a woman does not love a man, then she has absolutely nothing to do with where he spends his time or with whom. If you want to check the seriousness of her feelings, then just change the general plans a little, but in your own direction. And if she loves you, she will agree with all the arguments.

    Minor gifts

    How to understand that a girl is in love? This is not difficult to do if you notice not only increased attention from her, but also receive gifts from her. Of course, girls love when they are given jewelry and taken to a restaurant; all this does not cancel out female activity. A loving look and a cute little thing in a gift box will emphasize a serious feeling. So, as a gift, you can receive a mug with a heart, a magnet with a love message, and other unnecessary items with a pronounced hint of love.


    The state of love in women is expressed in fidelity, because if one man has already interested her, she will never look at others. The most interesting thing is that in this state she does not need either money or cars, she is really in love with a person, with his appearance, soul, and what he has behind him does not interest her at all. And even if a wealthier candidate for the role of groom is nearby, she will still ignore him.

    Sincerity of beautiful words

    How do women love? They are not shy in expressing their feelings, they say that they love, and they do it so often that it gets boring. Sometimes a girl tries to deceive her boyfriend in order to get some benefit from him. In this case, she also often says that she likes you, but there is no sincerity in her words or eyes, and this is very easy to notice.

    The girl begins to take care of herself

    Signs of a woman's love are also in her appearance. If you have known each other for more than a day, and you know that she usually ties her hair on her head in a ponytail, doesn’t wear makeup and wears trousers, and suddenly comes with a hairstyle on her head, in a short skirt and stiletto heels, then she is in love. Grooming is one of the most striking symptoms, because the girl is trying to please you.

    Smile and friendliness

    Anyone who has ever fallen in love knows well that at this moment you want to enjoy life. It's all about endorphins - joy hormones that are released in the body. The woman smiles more often, and in front of her lover she tries to shine as much as possible, demonstrating her goodwill.


    To find out how a girl in love behaves, you can try to ignore her. She tries to please you, gives you gifts, constantly calls and reminds you of herself, and you, in turn, ignore her. Real feelings will make her worry, and she begins to suffer, why is the guy not paying attention to her. How can you tell if she's worried? The girl may become even more intrusive, her speech becomes less confident, but she still tries to catch the eye of her beloved and please him.


    How do girls love when their feelings are real? They are ready to move mountains after communicating with their loved one. Incredible energy, increased readiness for a change of scenery, slight emotional excitability - all this can be a sign of a girl falling in love.

    Fear of losing a loved one

    To understand that a woman is in love, it is enough to provoke a quarrel. By the way, this will not be so easy, because when she starts to fall in love, she agrees with absolutely everything. If the quarrel is a success, it will not last long, and as a result the woman will behave compliantly. When a girl falls in love and her feeling turns out to be mutual, she tries to maintain the relationship and is afraid that the guy will leave her.


    Certain signs in behavior can confirm that a woman is in love. For example, she begins to be jealous as soon as she realizes that a possible competitor has appeared nearby. A man cannot look the other way, because then the woman in love will begin to react. Jealousy is a good sign, but only if it is moderate.

    She doesn't notice the flaws

    A sign that a woman loves is also her restraint in relation to the shortcomings of her loved one. A knowing look at scattered socks, dirty dishes and other possible disadvantages pleases a man and confirms that she is in love.

    How can you tell if a girl is in love if she hides her feelings? In this case, her behavior may repeat all the signs listed above, but only they will be veiled. The girl is also looking for meetings, but under a different pretext, she asks mutual acquaintances or friends about you. Caring on her part will be less active, and she will never be the first to ask - do you like me or not?

    But when a woman doesn’t love, or doesn’t even have interest in a man, she will never bring him a cup of tea, and will expect him to be the first to do such things. She is not interested in your friends, family, work, hobbies. There is no sense of tact in conversations, and even if she has a good upbringing, she will clearly avoid the second conversation.

    How to find out if a girl loves you if there are too many doubts? Disappear for a while - a business trip, a trip to visit your parents or a sudden vacation will provide time, and after a short separation everything will fall into place.

    Understanding a girl's feelings is a difficult matter, and it is made even more difficult by the fact that her feelings can change and may be inconsistent. There are many indicators of feelings that show up in her eyes, facial expressions, tone of voice and physical behavior, but to understand what they mean, you need to understand the context. For example, the initial expressions a girl displays when she meets a guy are unlikely to be real indicators of what kind of romantic feelings she has for him. Instead, pay attention to nonverbal cues over time to determine her romantic interest. The best way to find out how she feels about you is to observe the patterns that develop over time and ask her directly how she feels about you.


    Part 1

    Eyes and gaze

      Pay attention to her gaze. There are a few things that can tell you how she feels about you romantically. If her eyes seem to constantly be drawn to your face, and especially your eyes, even during a conversation or when you are not talking, then this may indicate she is romantically interested. As a rule, if a girl is interested in a guy sexually, her gaze will shift to those parts of his body that she finds attractive. If a girl is interested in a guy romantically, her gaze will be more focused on his face and eyes.

      • But be careful, the way she shifts her gaze may be a sign that she is an extrovert. Extroverts tend to be more stimulated by social interactions and make eye contact more often than introverts.
    1. Pay attention to the size of her pupils. Constricted pupils are another sign of interest or desire. If you notice that the black pupils of her eyes become smaller when she looks at you, this could indicate that she is interested in you romantically or sexually. A man's eyes widen when he looks at what he wants.

      • This is especially easy to notice if a person has blue eyes, due to the contrast between the black pupil and the light iris.
      • Be careful, a person's pupils may also constrict in response to increased light brightness, so pay attention to the light changes if you notice her pupils constricting.
    2. Count how many times per minute she blinks. If she blinks more than 6-10 times per minute while talking to you, this may indicate that she has feelings for you. People who look at something they like tend to blink more often than usual. Wear a watch with a second hand that you can glance at while you count. Do this while talking to her.

    3. Don't rush into assumptions. If you like her, your liking may harm your ability to read her signals correctly. Waiting for signals of interest from her will make your perception less reliable, so take your time and don't jump to conclusions. To assess her feelings for you, analyze an entire evening or even several dates. When you observe her, try to be objective and look at the situation as an outsider would look at it.

      • Look at how she acts around other people to see if your assumptions are too presumptuous. For example, if she frequently makes eye contact with other people or frequently groups her gestures, she simply may be an extrovert, and you need to take this fact into account when interpreting her body language.
    4. Pay attention to signs that indicate she is not interested in you. Just as there is body language that indicates interest, there is also body language that indicates disinterest and anxiety. For example, if she often raises her eyebrows, she may feel uncomfortable. And this may mean that she does not want sympathy from you. Additionally, crossed legs and arms may mean she is trying to remain closed to you. This could mean that she is anxious or resistant to your feelings.

      • You can ask if she is worried about something. If she says there is something going on in her life that is making her anxious, her body language may not be a reaction to you.
      • Also, her feelings for you could be a reason for her anxiety if she likes you but doesn't know how you feel about her. This anxiety may show in her body language. If you notice mixed signals - first interest and then disinterest - you might want to talk to her about her feelings.

    Part 3

    Communication with a girl
    1. Invite her to do something that will focus your attention on her. You can go to dinner or just to a cafe for a cup of coffee and talk. You should have enough time so that you can calmly sit opposite each other and talk about everything in the world. The best way to understand a person's feelings is to talk to them so that you can look at them and actively listen.

      • Men usually feel more closeness in these activities when the person is close to them, side by side. For example, when watching football or drinking. But when you sit side by side with a person, it is more difficult for you to read their feelings because in this position you are not looking at their face and cannot actively listen.
    2. Actively listen to what she tells you. Sit face to face, and when she speaks, lean forward a little, closer to her, and maintain eye contact. This will allow you to understand her feelings as you will have access to all the signals she is sending through her voice inflections, facial expressions and body language. The more information you get, the easier it will be for you to understand how she feels. Use your body language and these conversational techniques to improve your listening skills. :

      • Use your body position to show her that you are listening. This will encourage her to talk more, and the more she talks, the better you will be able to understand her. Nod your head to show agreement or encourage her to continue talking.
      • Give her the right distance. This will also encourage her to communicate with you because if you give her the right distance, she will be more comfortable talking to you. If you stand too close, you may seem too interested, and if you stand too far away, you may seem aloof. Give her the space she needs in the conversation, but position yourself so that you can see and hear her well.
      • Restate the main idea of ​​what she is saying. This way you will know that you understand her feelings correctly. And she will be able to correct you if you have the wrong idea about what is happening to her. If she's talking about a bad day, for example, you could say, “So what you're saying is that you couldn't understand why your sister was misbehaving until she saw what was happening to her at school.”
      • Empathize with her feelings. If you begin to develop this muscle in your communication with her, you will become an expert at recognizing her feelings. Empathy means that you understand the feelings she is experiencing, even if you don't share those feelings. For example, you could combine restating her main idea with empathy by saying, “You were probably just itching to get out of the house after sitting at your desk all day.”
    3. Ask her how she feels about you or the current situation. This will show her that you care about her feelings. Often the best way to find out how a person is feeling is to ask them directly. This will take the guesswork out of your communication and prevent you from overthinking the situation. Most of all, you should listen to what a person is saying, even if you think it contradicts what their body language is saying.

      • Find a place where you will not be distracted by other people or activities. This doesn't have to be a long conversation. Find a table in the corner or a couple of chairs where you can sit for a couple of minutes and talk about how she feels.
      • Ask if she would mind talking to you for a minute. You don't want the situation to put too much pressure on her, so tell her it won't be long. It doesn't take you long to ask about her feelings. Say, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
      • Think about what exactly you want to know before you start talking to her. Form a question in your mind before you ask it. If your question seems unclear or ambiguous, she may not understand how to answer it and therefore may give an answer that is not helpful to you. First, think about how you feel, for example: “I am beginning to develop romantic feelings for you.” And then think about what you want to know: “I want to know how you feel about me romantically.” Be sure to be specific. For example, the question “Do you have any romantic feelings for me?” would be better than asking “Do you like me?” because the word “like” can mean different things to different people and is too vague. She may be afraid of hurting your feelings and may not want to directly tell you how she feels unless you ask her directly.
      • Ask directly about her feelings and tell her about yours. For example, you could say, “I really enjoy spending time with you and am starting to develop romantic feelings for you. Do you feel something romantically for me?”
      • Respect her feelings and don't be sad about them. Admit that you were brave enough to ask, and if you respect her feelings, you can only be proud of your actions. Remember that your dignity, self-respect and personality do not depend on her feelings for you, even if you care about her very much.

    The great gift of nature is love, undoubtedly the brightest feeling nesting in the human heart. Raising us to the seventh heaven, giving us bright moments of joy. The young man is lucky if his chosen one immediately openly reciprocates.

    True, girls themselves cannot always correctly understand what is happening to them. They begin to hide and diligently veil emotions. Maybe she is in love, but hides her emotions? The young man is tormented, at a loss as to what is really going on in his beautiful head and how to understand that a girl is in love, but is hiding the emergence of a bright and beautiful feeling.

    In contact with

    If a girl is in love, how does she behave?

    It is impossible not to notice love, and the girl dissolved in it is visible to everyone from afar and immediately. And it’s not even that it radiates with bright light and scatters pieces of joy and happiness around. Just the warmth of love, warming those around us, irresistibly draws them into its atmosphere.

    Relatives observe how the girl’s appearance becomes prettier, the interests and behavior of the girl in love change. Refinement of manners and grace appear. The obvious signs of a girl in love begin to catch your eye:


    The appearance attracts the eye, zest and mystery appear. One feels the inner fullness of light, continuously pouring out. The image becomes sophisticated, romantic, sometimes tender, sometimes playful. The eyes sparkle with joy, the face lights up with a smile.

    Clothing style changes

    The outfits add elegance and femininity. Often, adapting to the taste of the chosen one, the image and hairstyle changes.

    Fireworks of emotions

    Energy flows like a fountain, everything around you is pleasing, causing continuous positivity. Any business is successful and what you have planned becomes within your reach. Mood swings occur: after intense fun, sadness or blues suddenly flash through.

    The weaker sex is not known by the mind and often does not understand itself. But even the most modest and secretive girl cannot be in love and hide her feelings.

    Head in the clouds

    A sweet absent-mindedness, sometimes detachment, appears. The gaze becomes clouded, thoughts fly somewhere in the distance, and a carefree smile, usually put on at the wrong time, adorns the face. There is no doubt - she is in love and hides her emotions from prying eyes very poorly.


    She transforms - that's what happens when a girl is in love. How she behaves and acts with her chosen one becomes not very important. She can be cold or available, cheerful or serious, be in love and hide it. The main thing is that a feeling has arisen and it will depend on only two whether love will blossom.

    Signs of how to know that a friend wants to be with you

    It is not difficult to understand a guy’s attitude towards his girlfriend by his behavior. Everything is unambiguous and extremely simple. With the fair sex, everything is confusing and much more complicated: you have to try hard to find out whether she likes you.

    How do you understand that a girl wants to be with you and is not interested in another young man? You need to take a closer look. There are clear signs of interest on the part of a friend:

    • Coquetry and flirting.

      A sure sign of sympathy, which greatly simplifies the path to the heart of the chosen one. It can manifest itself through flirting, jokes, and compliments. She is clearly in love and does not intend to hide her feelings.

    • Sight.

      The eyes are undoubtedly the mirror of the soul; it is impossible to mistake seeing warmth and interest in them. How do you know if a girl is in love with you? Just look into her eyes. An ordinary look will tell the truth about the feelings of even the most modest girl.

    • Tenderness in touch.

      It’s a good sign to reveal your feelings to your chosen one and most likely gives hope for reciprocity.

    • Genuine interest.

      The lack of indifference in a girl who is in love but hides her feelings is an excellent reason to take active action. The main thing is not to overdo it and, having overplayed, not to scare off the chosen one. Yes, it’s even more important not to be boring and mediocre.

    • Hidden jealousy.

      Should you hope for reciprocity and how to understand that a girl is in love with you? Simply and easily. You need a small reason for jealousy. Everyone knows that if she’s jealous, it means she’s “head over heels in love.” Just be careful with the checks: you can’t touch a nerve with your actions. The weaker sex is very vulnerable and does not like to forgive mistakes.

    How to understand that a girl is in love with you? You just need to ask her friends and mutual acquaintances. From the outside they can see everything much better. And if a girl is in love and hides her feelings from you, they will definitely tell you about it.

    How can you understand that there are feelings, but she is hiding them?

    The fair sex takes the choice of a life partner and father of future children very seriously. He is in no hurry to show off his feelings, looking closely at the applicant. Therefore, even when she is deeply in love, she hides it.

    Often a girl is in love, but hides her feelings from a guy because she is not sure of him. And he sees no point in developing further relationships. Young people have to work hard to win their favor.

    Under the veil of mystery draped over a woman’s soul, how to understand that a girl is in love, but is hiding her feelings. Taking a closer look, there are many clues that reveal the girl’s true feelings:

    1. Confused look. Shyly downcast eyes. A furtive glance and fear, if noticed, show that the girl is in love and is hiding her feelings.
    2. Nice excitement. A light blush filling the face. Trying to find a place for my hands. Replies spoken out of place. The voice is trembling and breathy, indicating that she is in love and is trying to hide it.
    3. A reverent attitude towards appearance, especially noticeable when meeting a loved one. When a young man unexpectedly appears, frantic attempts to straighten his hair and clothes are noticeable.
    4. Excessive modesty, stiffness. It can be expressed in a moment of loss of speech or even in an escape from a loved one.

    The fair sex always strives to be the center of attention and knows how to achieve what they want. As many girls as there are on earth, so many methods will be used to seduce the chosen one.

    How do you understand that a girl has fallen in love with you and you are destined to be together? The best thing to do is to trust your heart and enjoy the surging feelings. The chosen one will still prove herself, and time will put everything in its place.

    In addition, you can use correspondence, for example, on VKontakte, to further win over the girl.

    Peculiarities of behavior of girls in love

    Mutual relationships are built for life. It would be useful to find out how girls of different zodiac signs show feelings.


    How to understand that an Aries girl has fallen in love? Possessing great, often overflowing energy, he shows feelings sincerely and impulsively. They fall in love immediately and very passionately. Makes a bright show out of relationships.


    Taurus girl, how do you understand that she is in love and wants to be together? It seems that the zodiac sign created specifically for love constantly strives to be in this feeling. Builds strong and long-lasting relationships. Her passion is sincere and entirely dedicated to her chosen one. Jealous and faithful.


    How to understand that a Gemini girl is in love and hopes for reciprocity? Being a fickle and changeable sign, she is unpredictable in her actions, but is faithful to her partner.

    How to understand that a Gemini girl has fallen in love? It’s very simple: she rarely hides her feelings and will definitely talk about them. She never lies and becomes a wonderful wife. Does not like quarrels and scandals.


    If a girl is Cancer, how can you tell that she is in love? Finely tuned nature. Dreamy and romantic. Marriage is perceived as the goal of life and the foundation of personal happiness. He hides his love, but very ineptly.

    How to understand that a Cancer girl is in love? All you have to do is contact her with a request. She will give everything for her half.

    a lion

    If the girl is Leo, how can you understand that she is in love with a guy? Born a leader, Leo builds mutual relationships, giving himself the main role. For the sake of love, she is capable of much. Faithful and does not tolerate boredom.


    How to understand that a Virgo girl is in love? Representatives of a contradictory zodiac sign often consider love to be a weakness. Every effort is made to avoid passion. But if they feel that they are calm and good in the relationship, throwing aside fears, they rush headlong into the pool.


    If the girl is a Libra, how can you understand that she is in love and ready to build a relationship?

    Being slow to draw conclusions, Libras have a rather difficult time making decisions, especially those related to relationships. But realizing that the guy is right for them, they fall in love deeply and forever.

    Marriage is considered the basis of life and people are completely happy in it.


    How to understand that a Sagittarius girl is in love? The freedom-loving sign also shows frivolity and frivolity in relationships. But having experienced a real feeling, she becomes her best friend and wife.


    If the girl is Scorpio, how can you understand that she is in love? Representatives of the sign do not accept defeat, they are sensual, passionate and very jealous. In relationships they get their way and always go to the very end. They do not accept showing feelings in public.


    Capricorn girl, how to understand that she is in love? An ambiguous sign: afraid of love and can completely confuse a partner without telling him anything. Whether there are feelings is not clear from appearance. But still, representatives of Capricorns are quite sensual natures. Afraid of being offended, they wear different masks.


    How to understand that an Aquarius girl is in love? Sensitive and idealizing loved ones. They give tender and fluffy love.

    Aquarius girl, how to understand that she is in love?

    Representatives of this sign will always try to help their loved one in everything. Selflessly support any of your partner’s endeavors.


    If your girl's sign is Pisces, how can you tell if she's in love? This is someone who can show completely different manifestations of love. Pisces is capable of suffering romantically and taking any wall by storm. Be flexible and don't let anyone down. The feeling is taken seriously, but often there is a lack of determination in achieving the goal.

    Useful video

    A girl's love for a guy always has a pronounced emotional connotation. Feelings overwhelm her so much that she does not notice anything or anyone except her object of love. It is not at all difficult to recognize this, but it happens that a girl hides her true feelings. The video below will tell you how to understand that a girl is really in love:


    A woman forever remains a complete mystery to a man. How can you tell if a girl is in love but is hiding her feelings? Clues can be found in her behavior and attitude towards you.

    And you definitely need to look into the eyes of your beloved, maybe all the answers will be found right away.

    In contact with


    How to understand that a girl is in love but is hiding it: understand secretive women

    Every guy at least once in his life is faced with bewilderment, does his girlfriend love him or is it just a figment of his imagination, and she doesn’t feel anything? Or, when meeting her, he cannot understand whether his other half feels at least half of what he feels for her.

    Of course, the easiest option would be to simply ask the lady about how she really feels about you. But anyone can always lie, and it’s still awkward to ask directly. But then what should a poor guy do in such a situation?

    From now on, he will have to carefully monitor the “object” that interests him: her behavior, gaze, words, and so on. The rules given in this article will help you understand that a girl is in love.


    By unconscious actions, you can easily understand that a woman is in love, but is hiding it.


    You can understand a lot by looking, because depending on who a person is looking at, hatred or love, tenderness or indifference can be read in his eyes.

    1. If in a large company of people you have already caught a lady’s gaze on you a large number of times, she is definitely interested in you.
    2. Many people have heard at least once that when you look at a person you like, your pupils increase in size. This is absolutely true, such a physiological process really exists.

    Pay attention to her eyes, namely her pupils, when she looks at you. No matter how funny it may sound, it can really help.


    Sign language is quite a serious thing, and it’s easy to understand if you try. With this you can learn a lot about a person's feelings towards you. Romantic dates in St. Petersburg can be arranged anywhere.

    Not every woman will allow a man she doesn’t care about to touch her hair. Therefore, you can arrange such a mini test for feelings.

    With these tips, you can easily determine how any woman you are interested in feels about you. But be careful, you can always confuse something and end up disappointed in unjustified hopes.

    By secret...

    Probably every girl faces the problem of being overweight? After all, sometimes it’s not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, or trim your sides or belly. Diets don’t help, you don’t have the strength or desire to go to the gym, or it doesn’t bring tangible results.


    Women really don't like to show their feelings openly. And sometimes, it’s quite difficult to understand that a girl is in love but is hiding it. But to find out her true feelings, you can pay attention to several signs. Love cannot be hidden completely. Therefore, it will definitely be noticeable. The main thing is to take a closer look at the object of your attention.

    How to understand that a girl is in love with you?

    Every lady who has strong feelings behaves strangely. A girl who is in love but hides her feelings is different:

    1. Sociability. She tries to find any excuse to talk to you;
    2. Interest. Whatever you say, she’s interested;
    3. With help. If she lets you write it off, provides you with a spare pen or lends you money, she is in love;
    4. Jealousy. A lady in love is sincerely upset when you communicate more with her friends;
    5. Happiness. When she meets you, her eyes “glow” with joy.

    Special attention and giving gifts are also considered a sign of love. She may often ask you to help with something and constantly offer help herself.

    Of course, all these signs can also be signs of ordinary friendship. But this happens extremely rarely. And even if this is so, then from love to friendship (between a guy and a girl) there is one step.

    Gestures of a girl in love

    Even if we ourselves don’t want it, arbitrary body gestures give us away. Thus, a person in love constantly touches the object of attention. This happens both on purpose and by accident. And this sign applies to all people.

    Uncertainty. When she meets you, she loses the precision of her thinking and the firmness of her words. Although, many women are already deprived of such qualities...

    Will reveal hidden feelings and flirting. A girl in love tries:

    • Make fun of a guy;
    • Touch it with your hand;
    • Take his thing;
    • Or even insult.

    This is an instinctive sign of attention. All women do not like it when their personal space is invaded. But if you can touch her hair, face or take her things, then this is a clear sign of feelings.

    Among other things, she will constantly monitor you. Her gaze is fixed on you in any situation. And when you try to look at her, she abruptly looks away. This is one of the main signs. After all, every person in love cannot help but focus on the object of their affection.

    How to find out that a girl is in love, but is hiding it through correspondence?

    When you communicate with a person, it is easier to find out about his feelings. But even without engaging in live communication, this problem can be solved. If you are talking to a girl on VKontakte or another social network. network, then you can observe the signs of falling in love by correspondence. These include:

    1. Constant communication. She texts first every day;
    2. Using a large number of emoticons;
    3. Daily wishes for good night or good morning;
    4. Touching upon personal topics during correspondence;
    5. Constantly sending gifts or invitations to games;
    6. Hints that she is sad without you on social media. networks.

    Of course, all this can indicate not only falling in love. But such signs definitely emphasize special attention to you. Therefore, do not be shy, try to show reciprocal interest in her.

    When does a girl definitely not love you?

    One of the signs that there is nothing to hope for is informative communication. She turns to you only when she needs to clarify specific information - which means there is no point in talking about the warmth of feelings.

    Also, a person who is not in love will be indifferent to your affairs. She is not interested in your hobbies, health, or studies. And all communication takes place exclusively formally.

    But the main aspect of indifference is “communication as with a girlfriend.” If a girl talks openly about looking for a guy and about relationships with the opposite sex, then she doesn’t need you.

    It remains to add that everyone knows how to understand that a girl is in love but is hiding it. This state of mind cannot be reliably covered. But you shouldn’t make such signs out of nothing, clinging to little things. After all, even if in your fantasy she is crazy about you, in reality everything may turn out to be the opposite.

    And material on the topic:

    Beautiful words for a girl: compliments and wishes

    Watch the video:

    The answer will be published in the “Your Questions” section. Write normal questions! Scraps of phrases such as “3a34km I want to become a blogger ldrppit” are not accepted!


    How to find out if a girl loves you: signs of falling in love, behavior

    Often men in love doubt the reciprocity of their feelings. While it’s very easy to tell when a guy is in love, some girls deliberately hide their feelings or are afraid to show them.

    You can figure this out through simple observation. It is necessary to pay attention to changes in appearance, facial expression, gestures and behavior of the girl of interest and it will immediately become clear how she relates to the young man.

    Signs of a woman's love

    There are certain signs by which you can understand that a girl is in love. These include:

    • appearance;
    • behavior;
    • gestures.

    Not all signs are confirmed even in the presence of feelings, since the character traits of an individual person should be taken into account.

    If a girl is modest and truly loves, then she can hide her feelings, but her eyes will give her away. If a girl is brave by nature, then 80% or more of the signs may coincide. The guy will only have to take the initiative.

    How to understand that a man is in love and is hiding his feelings


    A girl in love begins to pay a lot of attention to her appearance. You can often notice dramatic changes:

    1. 1. Makeup becomes brighter. If she's never applied it before, she's starting to. A girl can dye her hair, get a haircut and change her hairstyle, decorate her hair with various hair clips and flowers.
    2. 2. Clothing style changes. Preference is given to more feminine outfits that emphasize the figure: dresses, skirts, blouses with a neckline, etc. Many new things appear in the wardrobe, or the girl tries to interestingly combine and decorate existing outfits with accessories.
    3. 3. Often lovers begin to use eau de toilette more actively.
    4. 4. There is a sharp jump in weight. A woman loses weight because she loses her appetite when she falls in love.

    How to understand that a guy really loves a girl?


    A loving girl always behaves in a special way with the object of her adoration. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

    1. 1. Interest in the guy. The girl listens very carefully to everything the young man says, is interested in his life, hobbies, and tries to get to know his inner world. She thinks about him more and more often, asks about the guy’s personal problems and experiences.
    2. 2. Victims. If a guy notices that a girl puts his interests above hers and puts aside her important matters to meet him, then he can be confident in her feelings. When a girl constantly makes compromises, agrees with a guy, or admits that she is wrong in some matters, this is also a sure sign of falling in love.
    3. 3. Communication. If a girl, being in the company of many young people, prefers to stand nearby and communicate with only one, there is open interest. If many guys are courting her, but she rejects all but one, then this is a sure sign of falling in love.
    4. 4. Gifts. These are not necessarily some expensive accessories. To attract the attention of the person you like and please him, you can present ordinary souvenirs, keychains, etc. The girl stops being selfish, she wants to please someone else and is waiting for a response.
    5. 5. Jealousy. When the object of love begins to communicate with other women, the loving girl immediately becomes sad or aggressive. In this case, she may become very upset or angry with both the guy and the girls around him.
    6. 6. Attention and care. The woman behaves like a married woman, is interested in the well-being of her lover, will definitely prepare something for him, and in case of illness, will visit him or even take treatment.
    7. 7. Condition. She literally glows with happiness and does not notice any problems around her. He laughs even at the most unsuccessful jokes and anecdotes that a man tells.
    8. 8. Phrases. She remembers the words and phrases that the guy said, and then constantly uses them in communication with him.
    9. 9. Accepting flaws. The girl completely accepts the guy for who he is and does not try to correct him, because she loves him so much.
    10. 10. Trust. She shares her deepest secrets and experiences, never lies, openly shows her correspondence and puts her phone in her hands - this is a very serious sign of a woman’s love.
    11. 11. Surveillance. She constantly tries to catch his eye and appears in the same places where he does.

    How to understand that a girl is excited and wants intimacy?


    At the beginning of a relationship, when the girl does not yet allow herself to constantly touch the guy, the main symptom of sympathy is her loving gaze. Its features:

    1. 1. Long look. If she looks into your eyes for more than 5 seconds, this is a sign of love or strong interest. But if a long look is hard and accompanied by a grimace, then the girl is unfriendly or even hates the person.
    2. 2. Short glance. If a girl quickly looks away as soon as their eyes meet, it means she is in love. That's what prudes do.
    3. 3. Pupils. It has been scientifically proven that when a person looks at the object of adoration, his pupils involuntarily dilate.
    4. 4. Shine. The girl’s eyes sparkle with happiness, burning with emotions overwhelming her.
    5. 5. Tracking. She watches the guy's every move, looks in the same direction and at the same objects. If, while in the same room or company, a girl very often “shoots” her eyes in the direction of a young man, then this is love.

    If, when communicating with a guy, a girl looks directly into his eyes most of the time, it means that she is trying to understand whether he is in love with her. When she does this, we can safely say that she has romantic feelings.

    Nonverbal signs: gestures, body position, facial expressions

    Non-verbal signs are almost impossible to control, so it is very easy to use them to identify a person in love:

    1. 1. Light touches. The girl will try to stay as close to the guy as possible, looking for a reason to touch him or even stroke him. If she removes hair from his face or removes an eyelash from his cheek, then the young man can safely confess his feelings, since the sympathy is mutual.
    2. 2. Strong excitement. The girl either blushes or turns pale, her timbre of voice changes and becomes trembling, her arms and legs may also tremble. Such young ladies will never take the first step; they are very vulnerable, trusting and need courtship from a guy.
    3. 3. Body position. A girl's toes will almost always be turned towards the guy she likes. The young lady will position herself so that she can see the young man completely or at least out of the corner of her eye, but in no case will she stand with her back to him.
    4. 4. Violation of personal space. She becomes closer to him than to others, and easily allows him into her personal space.
    5. 5. Flirting. The girl begins to flirt and give compliments, but if the young man does not react, she tries in every possible way to offend him with ironic words, caustic phrases, jokingly push him, take things away. She constantly straightens her hair, smiles openly, bites her lips and touches her body.
    6. 6. "Mirroring". She copies his poses. For example, if he sits on a bench and touches an object, then she repeats everything after him.

    How to determine love by correspondence?

    By correspondence, you can also figure out the person in love. If 90% of the points below (especially the last one) match, you can be sure that the girl has fallen in love. She:

    1. 1. Often writes first.
    2. 2. Replies to messages quickly.
    3. 3. Writes meaningful answers, does not respond coldly or with a simple smiley face.
    4. 4. Shares details from his life, experiences and problems.
    5. 5. Constantly sends his photographs, funny pictures, music and videos.
    6. 6. Often online at the same time as him.
    7. 7. Easily and quickly agrees to meet without coming up with any excuses.

    If a girl is in love, for the sake of meeting her beloved she will put off all meetings with her friends, trips, preparation for lessons, shopping and even the most important things for her. If a guy after breaking up is still curious whether his ex loves him, then he should invite her to meet and then he will understand everything from her answer.

    How to check the girl you love?

    Not only the weaker sex tests the feelings of their lovers. A guy can do this too, using the guidelines below:

    1. 1. You need to try to invade her personal space. If she doesn't back down, but stays in place, it means she likes it. It will be clear from her face that she is pleased with this.
    2. 2. It’s worth asking a girl to help with something. Even if she doesn’t understand this at all, she will still try to do something, but in no case will she refuse.
    3. 3. If a guy knows that his chosen one is afraid of something, he should specifically invite her to do it. If she loves, she will even climb onto the roof if she is afraid of heights or go scuba diving despite her fear of water.
    4. 4. If you start deliberately ignoring a loving girl, you will notice how she will begin to actively communicate with the guy, call and literally run after him.
    5. 5. You need to try to flirt with someone else in front of the girl. If she loves, she will immediately become sad or start talking very loudly, thereby attracting attention to herself.
    6. 6. Periodically change poses and gestures and monitor whether the girl repeats these movements.

    How do you know if your ex-girlfriend is still in love?

    If a guy wants to get his ex-girlfriend back, but is not sure whether she still has tender feelings for him, then it makes sense to study the following signs:

    1. 1. If she constantly looks at her ex and tries to catch his eye, then she still loves him.
    2. 2. The girl often calls, writes for no reason, and offers to meet. All this happens because she wants to hear his voice and see him.
    3. 3. When meeting, she touches the young man, she can take his hand - this is a sure sign of unquenched feelings.
    4. 4. If she visits memorable places where she went with her beloved, it means that she has not forgotten the guy and hopes that she will meet him there.

    How to determine sympathy from a married woman?

    The signs that a married woman is in love are not fundamentally different from those listed above. She glows with happiness in the presence of her beloved man, laughs at his jokes, repeats the young man’s gestures, touches both herself and him, shoots her eyes and looks piercingly.

    A woman can tell a stranger how tired she is of her marriage, how her husband is unpleasant to her and that they live together because of jointly acquired property, children, habits, etc. She may complain that her husband is hurting her in order to make the man want to protect her. Often in such cases, a woman misses calls from her husband in the presence of the man she likes and says that she wants to get a divorce.

    How to understand that a wife loves another?

    When falling in love with another man, the wife’s behavior changes dramatically. This is especially evident in the following signs:

    1. 1. She doesn't like it when her husband takes her phone or uses her computer. If previously the spouses knew all the passwords for each other’s pages on social networks, but at some point the wife changed hers and did not say anything - this is a very bad sign.
    2. 2. She stops trusting and telling stories about incidents at work or with her friends, the spouses have nothing to talk about.
    3. 3. The wife gets irritated by hugs and even ordinary touches from her husband.
    4. 4. She often wears very revealing lingerie, which she previously only wore on rare occasions.
    5. 5. The wife stops asking her husband to take a walk together. On the contrary, she walks alone and often comes up with ridiculous excuses so that her husband does not go with her. Another bad sign is that she doesn’t want her husband to meet her.
    6. 6. The wife is always in a very good mood, but there are no obvious reasons for this.
    7. 7. She misses calls, turns off her phone, or forgets it at home.
    8. 8. Spouses begin to have less sex and kiss. She chooses poses in which her face is not visible. But in some cases the opposite happens. The wife feels guilty and therefore does everything to better satisfy her husband.
    9. 9. She goes to bed either earlier or later than her husband.
    10. 10. She tries to be alone with her husband as little as possible.
    11. 11. Notices those shortcomings of her husband that she had not previously paid attention to.
    12. 12. She is indifferent to her husband’s actions, is not jealous, does not argue, as she did before.

    Women only seem to be complex creatures. If a man knows their psychology, he can easily check whether his lover loves or uses him. When a guy can discern true love, he will avoid mistakes and choose the most reliable and sincere life partner.


    How to understand that a girl is in love with you. 15 signs that will give away any

    Perhaps every young man at least once in his life is faced with the following question: “Are my feelings mutual?” Of course, you can ask the girl directly. But what to do if there are too many doubts, and you don’t want to make yourself look stupid?

    In this case, the girl’s unconscious actions come to the rescue, which she herself may not notice. But knowing about their existence and being able to read them, you can easily determine whether you really have a chance of reciprocity.

    Signs that she loves you

    All unconscious human actions can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, gaze, gestures. Let's look at each one separately.


    In order to find out whether a girl is in love, you need to observe how she behaves. Here are the main signs:

    1. Interest. A girl who cares is usually very happy to hear about your affairs. A sure sign is if a girl is trying to ask someone else about you, asking mutual friends about your condition. If a girl is always ready to help you, regardless of her own affairs, then most likely she likes you.
    2. Communication. A girl who likes you will look for communication with you. She will prefer talking with you to talking with her friend.

      Pay attention: if a girl stays close to you at all general meetings and tries to talk, this is a sure sign.

    3. Self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid of drowning, but she boldly climbs into the boat after you? She definitely likes you.

      A girl in love very often puts the guy’s interests first, forgetting about her own for a while. But remember that the girl will expect the same from you, don’t disappoint her.

    4. Present. A gift for no reason is a reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that she likes a guy. If you were given a handmade item into which a lot of time and effort was invested, this can be a help for a long, serious relationship.
    5. Jealousy. Did you catch a look of displeasure when you started talking to her friend? You helped a nice stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her so much? She's just jealous of you. Even if you are not in a relationship yet, a girl in love does not want to share you with others.
    6. Care. If you are sick, and she comes to you much more often than all her other friends, if she tries to take care of your condition, she absolutely definitely likes you. All girls have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of people. But only about special, dear people.
    7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the least obvious sign. But it’s also worth paying attention to: a girl in love (even if unrequited) looks like a little sun. She rejoices at every little thing, and it seems that nothing can upset her.
    to contents


    1. Are you able to catch her eye on you when you are in a big company? See if this happens often. If at least three or four times during your meeting, the girl is definitely interested in you, she wants to look at you.
    2. If, when looking at you, the pupils of a woman in love enlarge, then this is a sure physiological sign. But please, don’t try to look at the changes in girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you risk embarrassing or frightening your chosen one.
    3. Did you look at the girl and saw her sharply look in the other direction? This means that she is in love with you and is embarrassed by it. She wants to look at you, wants to date you, but she is afraid that you will not reciprocate her feelings.
    to contents

    Sign language

    1. Touching. A girl in love will constantly seek touching the object of her feelings, often even unconsciously. She will sit closer to you in cafes, in all attractions, in the cinema and in other places. For what? In the hope that at some point your hands will meet. If a girl is constantly trying to straighten your hair, slap you on the shoulder or remove an invisible speck of dust from you, you can safely confess your feelings to her - and you will probably receive reciprocity.
    2. Excitement. For any woman, meeting the objects of her desire is a very exciting event. By looking at her at this moment, you can easily understand whether she feels something for you.

      A girl in love may have a slight blush on her cheeks and rapid breathing; she will not know where to place her hands and may even answer inappropriately. In order to notice these subtle, almost invisible signs, you need to develop good powers of observation.

    3. Flirting. Girls are big coquettes. And it’s not surprising that a girl who is in love with you will flirt with you. Flirting is a sure way to determine sympathy, to “test the waters.” How can you tell if a girl is flirting? A sure sign of flirting is compliments. They can be either direct or veiled “woven” into the conversation.

      Often, when a girl flirts, she teases and teases you. Don't be offended - this is a sign that she likes you. Of course, provided that the girl does not do this often and only on topics that you make fun of yourself.

      An equally important sign of flirting are gestures and movements. If a girl “shoots” her eyes in a conversation, twirls her curls and smiles sweetly, be sure that she likes you and is flirting with you.

    4. Rapport. Another sign is that the girl unconsciously “mirrors” your poses. She can keep pace with you, sit in a cafe in the same position, hold her hands in the same way - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
    5. Personal space. If a girl is calm about your intrusions into her personal space, this will also be a sign of her sympathy for you.

      What is invasion of personal space? This is if you touch her hair or cheek without her permission, if you suddenly take a bite of her ice cream, or if you take a ringing phone out of her purse to give it to her. Did the girl endure all this? She really really likes you.

    to contents

    Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

    Here are some main signs that indicate that a girl doesn't love you:

    1. If a girl calls you not for the purpose of chatting, but only when she needs something, this may be a sign - she is just taking advantage of you.

      But feel the difference. If you chatted with a girl for an hour, and during the conversation about books she asked you to nail a bookshelf, then she is probably just looking for a meeting. And if she called and started the conversation with the words “fix”, “borrow” or “buy”, then she is completely indifferent to you.

    2. Does a girl tell you about her relationships with guys? This means that you are only a friend to her, and she is in love with someone else. If she liked you, she (even when dating someone else) would not remind you of it once again.
    3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already deteriorated and you decided to break it off, look at the girl’s reaction. If she is sincerely upset, it means she still has feelings for you and everything can be restored. If she doesn’t care, then the relationship has outlived its usefulness, and you did the right thing by deciding to break it off.

      But if, under the threat of separation, a girl suddenly begins to show such interest in you as she has never had before, this is a reason to think - maybe she is just using you and does not want to lose a source of money or help?

    In this video you can see examples of how a girl in love behaves:

    Now you have all the information you need. You just need to take a close look at the girl. She will definitely give herself away by word, gesture or deed.


    How to understand that a girl is in love, but is hiding it

    Author: Site Administrator | 02/02/2017

    Julius cannot understand how much the girl is in love with him. What if she hides her feelings? Well, why! How long can a heart languish? It's time to open up.

    A woman remains a mystery to a man throughout her life.

    Modest in temperament and brought up in the spirit of the old times, the girl will hide her love.

    But when and under what circumstances will she open the door of her soul?

    And how can you reliably understand that she is in love?

    I dedicate you to a terrible secret.

    * Sweet and gentle creature, not tempted by intimacy; male noisy company, she is in love with you, and she gives herself away with her red cheeks.

    As soon as you start talking about feelings, she turns her face away, trying to hide the intensity of love.

    * You will understand that a girl is in love with you due to elementary care on her part.

    A little childishly, she will begin to show partiality towards you, adjust her scarf, and become embarrassed when she is next to you and looking into your eyes.

    * A girl in love, very unobtrusively and carefully, will become interested in your preferences.

    What you love and what you can’t stand.

    * Some too smart girls invite you to the movies, carefully choosing the plot in advance.

    They hope that after watching the film (play), you will guess everything yourself.

    * Girls tend to hide their crush for one very good reason.

    Their young man is quite stingy with explanations.

    They expect you to be the first to open up.

    Afterwards you will hear the words that you dream about day and night.

    * Try to provoke a girl into a declaration of love.

    Observe facial expressions, gestures, the same reddening of the cheeks.

    Don't try to understand the one you idolize.

    It will always seem to you that she likes someone else.

    Julius, love blinds each of us.

    And you are no exception.

    The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

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