• What benefits are provided to pensioners? What benefits does an old-age pensioner have according to the law? Treatment in sanatoriums and recreation at various bases


    From this article you will learn:

      What benefits do old-age pensioners enjoy in Russia?

      What benefits do military pensioners, labor veterans and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enjoy?

      What benefits do working pensioners enjoy?

      If you belong to a preferential category of persons, how to apply for a benefit

    In addition to cash benefits, Russian pensioners are entitled to some benefits in the field of taxes, utilities, transportation costs, etc. These preferences are assigned to senior citizens, both at the federal, regional and municipal levels. Let's figure out what benefits pensioners of various groups enjoy and how these people can take advantage of their right to government assistance.

    What benefits do old-age pensioners enjoy in Russia?

    Russian citizens who have retired, in addition to pension payments themselves, are also entitled to some financial benefits at both the federal and local levels. This type of social support for the population applies to all groups of pensioners - not only on the basis of reaching retirement age, but also by length of service, disability, titles, etc.

    First, let’s take a look at what tax benefits pensioners enjoy in Russia:

      Residential space that is privately owned by citizens who have reached retirement age is not subject to tax (the size of this area and the number of apartments are not limited).

      Pensioners also have the right to a reduction in the tax rate for transport tax. This benefit applies only to one vehicle owned by a citizen.

      It should be taken into account that the value of tax rates in the transport sector is determined at the regional level (in contrast to the size of the transport benefit, which is uniform for all subjects of the federation), so for Moscow, for example, it will be different than for other cities.

      Municipal authorities have the right to establish their own tax benefits for land fees.

    To enter into the right to use any of the listed types of tax compensation, a pensioner must personally appear at the branch of the Federal Tax Service closest to his place of residence. You should have the following necessary documents with you:

      Passport or other identification document;

      Pensioner's ID;

      Documents confirming ownership of the property or vehicle;

      Completed and signed application for benefits.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for some additional benefits for pensioners. But they are not intended for any citizens who have reached retirement age, but only for certain groups of pensioners, in particular:

      Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

      Veterans - participants in combat operations during other international armed conflicts (Soviet-Finnish war, Afghan war, war in Chechnya);

      Residents of besieged Leningrad who have the appropriate awards and certificates;

      Spouses of those killed in the Great Patriotic War;

      Disabled people (including those not of retirement age, for example, those disabled from birth);

      Citizens who took part in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Mayak PA and all persons affected by radiation damage in the mentioned man-made disasters;

      Old-age pensioners who continue to work (they have the right to special privileges and guarantees at their place of work).

    All other categories of citizens of retirement age, in addition to receiving standard pension payments determined by federal law, also have the right to benefits and other social support options provided by the municipality of the region where they permanently reside.

    In different regions of the Russian Federation, the set of benefits will differ, although the general logic of providing these assistance measures is the same and unchanged for all regions of the country. Only the specific amounts of payments and benefits that senior citizens are entitled to claim differ from region to region.

    There are also some unique privileges for pensioners, the initiative to introduce which belongs to the authorities of individual subjects of the federation and which are valid only on their territory.

    Any privileges and benefits intended for pensioners are implemented by them in an application form: in order to take advantage of them, a citizen should contact the local social security authorities or other authorities (depending on what benefits we are talking about) and submit an appropriate application.

    What benefits do military pensioners enjoy?

    Military pensioners are persons of retirement age who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They are allocated to a special category of citizens and, in addition to the old-age pension, enjoy additional benefits. They are subject to 4 main types of benefits.

    Let's take a closer look at exactly what benefits military pensioners enjoy in 2017:

    Tax benefits (relating to land and vehicle ownership)

    Former military personnel in Russia are entitled to certain tax benefits. This applies only to those military personnel who have served for at least 20 years. They may qualify for tax compensation, which is calculated in proportion to the value of the land they purchase and the property tax. Military retirees who wish to exercise this right must submit an application to the head of the unit in which they served.

    The transport tax discount is valid throughout the country, but each region has its own amounts of this benefit.

    Social benefits

    A number of privileges in the social sphere have been established for older military personnel:

      The right to free travel on all types of municipal transport.

      Completely free medical care in public health institutions.

      Possibility of free treatment in special sanatoriums designed for this purpose.

    Benefits for families of former military personnel

    Family members of retired military personnel are also entitled to some benefits. For example, admission of children of military pensioners to kindergartens and schools, recreation in health camps. A single mother of a serviceman who is currently serving in the army is guaranteed the right to retain a place on the staff of the organization where she is employed if layoffs are made there. The pension of a deceased serviceman goes to his family if he was its sole breadwinner. And in the event of the death of a military man while serving in the army, members of his family are entitled to a one-time monetary compensation.

    Right to employment

    Former military personnel also have expanded employment rights and benefits. So, if a former military man, after finishing his military service, is looking for a job and applies to the labor exchange, then he has a priority, outside the general queue, the right to get a job. In addition, after leaving service in the RF Armed Forces, former military personnel can get a job within three months in the places where they served in their military unit (but the length of military service and continuous work experience will be taken into account).

    What benefits do pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enjoy?

    Special privileged categories of pensioners who have benefits and compensation receive them from various departments and government agencies. Pensioners under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, along with military pensioners, are also entitled to some benefits.

    In accordance with Law No. 4468-1-FZ as amended. as of July 3, 2016, pension payments and benefits through the Ministry of Internal Affairs are due to:

      Persons who served in internal affairs bodies and were dismissed for various reasons - upon reaching length of service or retirement age, due to staff reduction (with a service period of 20 years or more; age does not matter).

      Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are 45 years old and whose total work experience is at least 25 years, and whose service life in the authorities is 12.5 years.

    These 2 cases are the only grounds for receiving a pension through the department. All other categories of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not have benefits.

    The amount of the pension payment and all additional payments to it is calculated in accordance with the length of service the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had at the time of dismissal and his rank. According to pension legislation, in 2016, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had the following benefits:


      The right to provide housing;

      Discounts on medical care and other health-improving activities for the pensioner himself and his family;

      Reduced prices for public transport tickets.

    Tax benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Tax benefits available to former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take the form of complete exemption of these persons from certain taxes or compensation of part of these taxes.

    Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not subject to the obligation to pay the following types of taxes:

      Income tax (on pensions, one-time housing payments and various compensations);

      Real estate tax (only for one real estate unit).

    And the payment of these types of taxes is partially compensated by the state:

      Real estate tax on properties that are not exempt from payment;

      Land tax.

    At the level of some regions (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chelyabinsk, Leningrad, Perm regions) there is a third type of taxes that provide benefits to retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - transport tax. More detailed and detailed information can be requested from the tax authorities of these regions.

    Such types of services as housing and communal services (including telephone communications) do not include any benefits or discounts for pensioners of this category, and their cost is calculated using a general formula.

    Benefits for housing for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    For employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, there is a special housing program, according to which pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who retired from service and were on the waiting list for housing before 2005 (their service life at the time of dismissal must be at least 10 years) can be provided with an apartment . The need to improve their living conditions is determined in accordance with Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 247-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” Residential premises are provided to them on the terms of social rent with the possibility of subsequent registration as property. There are also alternative options for government support - issuing such pensioners a one-time payment for the independent purchase of residential premises or a targeted loan for no more than half the total cost of housing.

    Transport benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    The price of transport travel, including for such a privileged part of the population as former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is determined by regional authorities. At the moment, the capital's pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are in the most advantageous position: they have the right to travel absolutely free on public transport, the same conditions apply to pensioners in the Moscow region. In St. Petersburg, this category of citizens purchases travel tickets at discounts.

    Subsidies for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for medical care and rehabilitation

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs system has a network of its own medical institutions and sanatoriums, in which only its employees, including former ones (retired due to old age), are treated. All services are completely free for them, including medications and consumables.

    Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to receive one free annual voucher to a sanatorium that is part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Travel to and from the sanatorium is fully compensated. In addition to the employees of the authorities themselves, benefits are also provided to their family members, for whom it is possible to purchase vouchers to these sanatoriums at a discount (the amount of which will depend on the work and service experience of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioner, as well as the rank he has achieved).

    What benefits does a pensioner – “Labor Veteran” – enjoy?

    Veterans of labor are an honorable and highly respected category of citizens who have devoted all their efforts to work and received a special title for this. Unfortunately, due to the difficult economic situation, the state is forced to reduce the amount of benefits due to labor veterans. Some of these benefits will disappear in 2017, some will be replaced by other privileges and social support measures.

    The title of labor veteran appeared during the USSR. Initially, this was the name of a civil medal awarded to the most active and diligent workers who have worked in their industry for a large number of years. As a rule, this award was awarded to workers in heavy industry, personnel in certain types of public service, and agricultural workers. The medal did not provide any material bonuses or special rights and served only as a moral incentive, a sign of special honor and recognition of the worker’s services to his Motherland.

    After the final cessation of the existence of the USSR as a state, in 1995 the status of labor veterans was adjusted. Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation introduced a new title “Veteran of Labor” and legislated the procedure and grounds for its assignment (see the Law “On Veterans”). From this moment on, holders of the status of labor veterans were entitled not only to honor and respect, but also to a number of benefits and preferences, the purpose of which was to materially reward the people who worked most actively and for the longest time for the benefit of the country.

    At the moment, labor veterans throughout the Russian Federation have the following benefits:

      Half price discount on all utility bills. This is the most tangible bonus in economic terms, motivating people to achieve the title of labor veteran, since a significant part of each citizen’s income is spent on housing and communal services, and the fee only increases from year to year.

      Free travel on all types of public transport, including trains, for any distance.

      Significant discounts on travel on long-distance trains during the winter season.

      Preferential tax conditions for entrepreneurs (the amount of benefits is determined by the type of commercial activity and is calculated individually in each specific case).

      Privileged right to go on labor leave at any time at your own request (for veterans who continue to officially work). A veteran cannot be denied leave when he submits a written request for it to the human resources department. No production or economic reasons (shortage of personnel, reporting period, etc.) can be grounds for this.

      Exemption from tax on land that is registered as the private property of a labor veteran.

      Privilege to connect a landline telephone outside the general queue.

      Free medical services in any healthcare institutions (both federal and municipal).

      Free dental services in public clinics (only the cost of consumables and medications is paid).

      Discounts on trips to boarding houses and sanatoriums (based on medical indications for this type of recreation and rehabilitation).

      Possibility of membership in various cooperatives and partnerships (dacha, housing, etc.) in a simplified form.

    These are benefits at the federal level. In addition to them, labor veterans also have a number of privileges provided by local authorities.

    What benefits does a working pensioner enjoy?

    For pensioners who continue to work, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a number of benefits and preferences relating to their work activities:

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      Pensioners who have received an old-age pension are not subject to mandatory work within two weeks from the date of filing an application for dismissal from work (for more details, see Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

      The right to annual leave without pay (Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the maximum duration of which is determined in accordance with the category of the pensioner:

      • for old-age pensioners who continue to work, this is 14 calendar days;

        for working disabled people – 60 days;

        for veterans and participants of the Second World War – 35 days.

      Citizens who continue to officially work after reaching retirement age have the opportunity to freely improve their skills in their existing specialty and retrain for a new profession at the local employment service.

    For scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of universities who continue to work in their profession after reaching retirement age, special bonus payments are provided - the so-called scientific pension. It is determined in each case individually based on the employee’s length of research and teaching activity, the availability of academic degrees and titles, and the amount of his salary.

    Working pensioners do not enjoy any more benefits; their rights and responsibilities do not differ from those enjoyed by all other workers. For example, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the possibility of refusing business trips, overtime or night work for pensioners.

    What benefits do pensioners enjoy when paying taxes?

    Property tax benefits for pensioners

    Article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that all categories of pensioners, without exception, are entitled to tax benefits on real estate that is in their ownership and is not used for commercial purposes. Moreover, the benefit is valid regardless of how many units of real estate the pensioner owns. However, if a pensioner owns several real estate objects of the same type (for example, two or three apartments, garages, dachas, etc.), then the benefit applies only to one object of each type at the choice of the payer himself (that is, for example, tax Only one of the existing apartments is not taxed, and for all other apartments it is paid on a general basis). At the same time, there are also tax deductions for pensioners for certain types of taxable real estate.

    In order to enjoy the right to these benefits, they must be independently confirmed once every 3 years by contacting the Federal Tax Service corresponding to the citizen’s place of residence or the location of the immovable property, with an application accompanied by a passport and pension certificate.

    If a person applies for a pension not at the very beginning of the calendar year, but a little later, then he should write to the Federal Tax Service an application to recalculate the amount of property tax, taking into account the newly emerged benefits associated with his pensioner status.

    Land and transport tax benefits for pensioners

    Land tax in the Russian Federation does not provide for any federal benefits or preferences for citizens entering retirement upon reaching retirement age. However, there are benefits and discounts for pensioners in this area, but only at the level of individual regions. This is due to the fact that this type of fee is local, and decisions on providing benefits for it are fixed in local regulations. In some regions of the Russian Federation, pensioners are completely exempt from paying land tax (for example, in Bashkortostan); in other regions (Moscow, St. Petersburg) the amount of tax for them is significantly lower than for other categories of citizens.

    This logic also applies to transport tax, the amount of which is also determined by municipal authorities, as well as the method of determining benefits. The situation varies greatly in different parts of the country: for example, in Novosibirsk, the car tax for pensioners includes a twenty percent discount; in St. Petersburg, pensioners who own Russian-made cars older than 1991 are completely exempt from this tax; in Moscow there are no such benefits for anyone except large families.

    Other tax benefits for pensioners

    A pensioner filing a lawsuit against pension funds (including all non-state pension funds operating in the Russian Federation) does not pay state duty.

    Some types of income of retired citizens are not taxed at all:

      All pension payments;

      Medical care paid for by former employers and related sanatorium and resort services;

      Financial support received from former employers (no more than 4,000 rubles monthly).

    What social benefits can pensioners enjoy?

    According to the Law “On State Social Assistance” No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999, Russian pensioners of any category, including disabled people, have the right to receive the following types of social services free of charge:

      Social assistance at home (purchasing and issuing medicines, food, other essential items to pensioners, cleaning the apartment, etc.);

      Semi-stationary care in day or night care institutions (includes a wide range of services: medical and household assistance, rehabilitation programs, provision of food and recreation, cultural and entertainment events, legal advice, assistance in obtaining education and professional retraining, etc.) ;

      Inpatient social services (in nursing homes, boarding houses, boarding schools);

      Providing one-time emergency assistance (free provision of food, medicine, clothing and basic necessities);

      Urgent (one-time) social assistance (providing temporary housing, supplying necessary clothing, shoes, medicines, hot meals, etc.);

      Consulting assistance (legal, psychological and medical-psychological).

    The basis for the free provision of these types of social support is the pensioner’s health condition, in which he is unable to satisfy his vital needs on his own and take care of himself.

    Social services also include discounts on housing and communal services and rental of living space in the form of social rent, the right to which is available to federal pensioners with benefits. For example, since 2015, for WWII veterans, the use of utilities is absolutely free; other categories of pensioners are entitled to a significant discount on these services - 50%.

    What benefits do pensioners enjoy at the regional level?

    At the regional level, there is a fairly large number of different measures of social support for citizens who have retired. In particular, these are the following types of benefits:

      Absolutely or partially free travel on public transport;

      Various additional payments and pension supplements;

      Cash benefits for citizens of retirement age - social benefits, benefits for housing and communal services and other necessary services;

      Large discounts on medicines or food products, sometimes providing them free of charge to pensioners.

    Travel benefits for pensioners

    As for the cost of travel on public urban transport, benefits are provided for pensioners throughout the Russian Federation, but the volume of these benefits is established in each subject of the federation individually. As a result, the way these benefits are implemented is also different: in some places public transport for pensioners is completely free, while in other regions they are provided with significant discounts on tickets.

    The right to discounted travel is confirmed in different regions in different ways. In some cities, it is enough for a citizen to show a pension certificate to confirm his status as a pensioner and the benefits that accompany it. In other localities, pensioners need to independently apply for a social card (for example, in Moscow) or a discounted travel ticket (in St. Petersburg).

    A less common measure of material assistance is monetary compensation for travel on public transport (both urban and suburban) for pensioners.

    Social supplement to pension

    Non-working pensioners whose old-age pension is less than the minimum subsistence level established for the region of their residence are entitled to a monthly social supplement to their pension, allowing their income level to equal this minimum. In addition to this group of pensioners, some other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to claim this additional payment. It should be borne in mind that this does not include officially employed pensioners, regardless of the size of their pension.

    This type of financial assistance is assigned by territorial social protection authorities. The pensioner must write an application, submit it to the nearest branch of this structure (at the place of his registration or permanent residence) and wait for a decision. Some other types of social supplements are dealt with by the Russian Pension Fund.

    Benefits for utility bills

    Russian citizens of retirement age also have the right to compensation for housing and communal services. This right is relevant for those of them whose monthly payments for housing and communal services exceed 22% of their total income for this period. The amount of the benefit depends on the type of utility service.

    In addition to federal benefits, there are also regional and local benefits, compensation and other types of material support. More accurate and up-to-date information about what benefits pensioners enjoy in a particular city, town, etc. should be checked with local social security offices.

    What benefits do Moscow pensioners enjoy?

    Pensioners living in the capital are entitled to a large number of different local benefits, many of which significantly reduce necessary expenses and bring noticeable benefits. Here are some of them:

      Benefits for housing and communal services. Utility bills, the tariffs for which are constantly increasing, are a significant expense item for all citizens, including pensioners. However, the latter are entitled to some discounts on utilities, unlike other categories of citizens. Thus, single pensioners have the right not to pay for garbage collection and receive partial monthly compensation for telephone payments (this only applies to calls within Moscow). There are no more explicit benefits for them, but an elderly payer can qualify for a state subsidy if his total expenditure on utilities turns out to be higher than the standard value corresponding to family income (for the capital region this is 10% of the total family income). To exercise your right to it, you need to contact the Center for Housing Subsidies (or go to the Moscow State Services website and submit an application through it).

      Additional payments to pension. For some groups of capital pensioners, special pension supplements are provided, which can also be considered as a benefit and assistance from the state. Officially not working pensioners whose pension amount is less than the subsistence level in the capital region are entitled to these additional payments. The amount of payments is calculated in such a way as to bring the total income of the pensioner (consisting of pension and additional payment) to the subsistence level. The additional payment can be made at the branch of the Social Protection Fund at the pensioner’s place of residence.

      Reduced or free medications. Muscovites whose old-age pension is minimal and undergoing treatment at home are entitled to a special 50% discount on any medications (upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor). Moreover, for some types of medications used in the treatment of serious diseases, there is a 100% discount for pensioners (that is, they receive the necessary medications absolutely free).

    All mentioned types of benefits and subsidies provided for by law for Moscow pensioners are provided to them only if the citizen himself contacts the appropriate government agency and writes an application for the benefit. Otherwise, it is impossible to exercise your right to benefits. Therefore, being interested in existing additional payments, subsidies, discounts and other types of financial assistance, as well as seeking to receive them, is primarily a matter for the pensioners themselves.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who have received pensioner status, in addition to a monthly pension, have the right to benefits that they can take advantage of and improve their financial condition.

    In addition to special categories of persons who have the right to special additional privileges and monetary compensation, all low-income citizens registered with the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia) can count on state assistance that is specific to everyone.

    There are 2 types of payments:

    1. Federal- are the same for citizens of any region who are allocated from the state budget.
    2. Regional- may vary by region and are paid from the local fund.

    Federal benefits for pensioners:

    1. For payment utilities you can apply for a subsidy that will cover up to 50% of housing and communal services payments (there are exceptions, but they are very few).
    2. Obtaining medications for outpatient treatment involves a 50% discount from their cost.
    3. Exemption from property tax for housing and land intended for its construction. If they charge you a tax, it is illegal.
    4. Financial compensation is due or receiving socially guaranteed basic necessities (for example, for bedridden disabled people - diapers, diapers, anti-decubitus mattresses, wheelchairs, etc.).
    5. Care about those in need and care for single persons carried out by guardianship and social protection authorities.
    6. Patronage care for incapacitated pensioners.
    7. Free pass in city public transport, in suburban electric trains.

    All categories of citizens have the right to receive information about the benefits due to them, guaranteed by the state. To do this, you need to contact the social protection authorities or the Pension Fund, where they are required to provide it.

    Today, you can receive a number of government services (municipal) without leaving your home, online. To do this, you need to register on the gosuslugi.ru portal and take advantage of the benefits provided. Or receive first-hand information on the Pension Fund website by creating your own account.

    List of benefits for old-age pensioners

    People who have lived to the age (men - 60 years, women - 55) must have at least 5 years of continuous work experience to calculate their retirement pension. Based on this, the pension amount is calculated. By the way, for women raising more than 2 children, the retirement age has been reduced to 50 years.

    Due to the fact that during perestroika, labor relations were spontaneous in nature, many had unfairly low payments, therefore, the state provides many benefits to the low-income elderly population and increased material support for a certain category of citizens.

    For example, if a person has outstanding services to the Motherland, then he has the right to count on a significant additional payment.

    Also, older people living in the northern regions of the country can receive compensation for transportation costs when going to vacation spots once every 2 years. This is a considerable amount, given the size of the state.

    Before we describe in detail the benefits pensioners are entitled to, let’s figure out how to get them:

    1. First of all, you need to know, where the social welfare department of your area or other body performing its functions is located. Don't forget that you can now contact these organizations online.
    2. With the necessary documents(in each case they will be different), which you can find out about by phone, contact these authorities with a statement in which you describe your problem and desire to get help.
    3. Find out how long it will take for you to receive an answer. Wait for the result and then follow based on it. If your problem is resolved, receive what was indicated in the application. If not, ask what the reason for the refusal is.
    4. In the latter case or file a complaint with higher authorities, or correct the mistakes that have become an obstacle, if it depends on you.

    Working pensioners

    If a man after 60 years or a woman after 55 continues to work, then they are not limited in receiving all the benefits that are due to people who have retired.

    A working pensioner has the right to additional unpaid leave upon request, without explaining the reasons, which is guaranteed in Labor Code Art. 128:

    • WWII participants - 35 days;
    • disabled people - 60;
    • the rest - 14;

    If an employee wishes to resign, he is not obliged to work for a two-week period; the employer does not have the right to fire him due to retirement age.

    For those working in the field of education, additional payments to the pension are provided based on titles, Ph.D. degrees, etc. Therefore, the pension of such employees will be much higher than usual.

    The amount of the pension is subject to recalculation annually, since each additional year worked increases its size.

    A citizen of any advanced age who wants to lead an active lifestyle has the right to count on employment, retraining and learning new professional skills.

    Regional benefits

    Regional benefits are provided by local authorities, but basically their type is the same throughout the country. The only differences are in the amount of the discount or in the amount of compensation, benefits or subsidies.

    In large and rich regions, benefits will be slightly higher due to the fact that the cost of living requires more expenses. Travel and services there are usually more expensive than in other regions, with a few exceptions. In some areas, more benefits are provided due to their exclusivity and location.

    In first place are the regions of Chukotka and Sakhalin.

    What benefits do municipal authorities usually provide:

    1. Payment for public transport, in addition to federal benefits. For example, they can run a free bus on a route often used by pensioners (to the clinic). Provide a discounted taxi, etc.
    2. Pay cash bonuses for holidays.
    3. Organize food assistance for the poor.
    4. Pay extra pension benefits from the local budget.
    5. Reduce fees for utilities in addition to federal benefits.
    6. Provide one-time assistance for people in trouble (house burned down), etc.

    To find out about regional benefits for pensioners, you need to contact your local social security office.

    Payment for housing and communal services

    The high cost of utilities is unaffordable for many pensioners. Therefore, in order to maintain a minimum standard of living, most low-income and special categories of citizens can count on a subsidy for housing and communal services.

    The list of beneficiaries includes:

    1. Disabled people Groups 1 and 2.
    2. Pensioners dependent persons with more than two children.
    3. WWII participants, victims of the blockade and concentration camps, having the status of “home front workers”, participants in military conflicts in post-Soviet times, victims of terrorist attacks and in the line of duty.
    4. Liquidators of the Chernobyl accident; displaced persons affected by radiation; relatives of the deceased, etc.
    5. Victims of political repression; honorary donors and labor veterans.
    6. Pensioners, whose utility bills amount to more than 22% of the total income of the family living with them.

    The subsidy can be provided in the form of cash compensation or a discount on payment for housing and communal services, the amount of which does not exceed 50% of the total cost of all payments to utilities.

    Citizens using this benefit are required to confirm its relevance every 6 months.

    The subsidy is not provided to pensioners automatically; in order to receive it, you must submit an application to the social security authorities with a set of documents:

    1. Help about family composition and their income.
    2. With an extract, confirming that there are no arrears in payment for housing and communal services.
    3. Pensioner ID.

    You can apply for a subsidy on the State Services portal by providing scans of the necessary documents or by contacting the social security service in person.

    If citizens have payment arrears, they can agree on the timing of its repayment and receive a government discount legally.

    Tax benefits

    Pensioners who own real estate are exempt from paying property tax:

    1. If you receive a receipt for payment, then contact the nearest branch of the Federal Tax Service for clarification.
    2. Number of residential premises, belonging to the beneficiary is not limited.
    3. Also, land allocated for construction, is not taxed, but the rest of the territory (gardens, plots, etc.) involves a discount at the regional level.
    4. If you have a vehicle, then you will be given a discount when paying tax on it. The right applies to only one vehicle.
    5. If you have more, then for the rest, the fee will be charged in full.
    6. Tax benefits is provided by the state, but the level of the discount is regulated by regional authorities, so their size may vary by region.
    7. Citizens are exempt from paying personal income tax on the following income:
      • labor pension;
      • the cost of a trip to a sanatorium-resort treatment;
      • monetary assistance from the former employer in the amount of no more than 4 thousand rubles per year;

    This list applies to all pensioners. Persons belonging to a special category of beneficiaries may receive more significant privileges.

    To resolve all issues regarding the provision of discounts due to you, please contact the tax service of your area.

    A pensioner who has purchased a home has the opportunity to get back part of the money spent, under certain conditions:

    1. Main so that the purchase takes place no later than 3 years from the moment when the person still had earnings from which he paid income tax.
    2. All citizens have the right to a tax deduction refund when purchasing housing and not only if they are personal income tax payers.

    Property tax deduction

    While a person works and pays personal income tax, he accumulates funds from which he has already paid the required 13% to the state. His savings go towards buying a home, where he again pays tax on its acquisition.

    It turns out that with the same funds, he pays the state twice - first, when he earns money, and then when he makes a purchase. This will amount to 26%, and not the required 13%, which is unfair.

    Therefore, such a concept as a refund of tax deduction was introduced, which is a possible compensation for the acquisition of property. Since 2014, pensioners have the opportunity to return these funds if they bought housing, taking advantage of the three-year period from the moment they were personal income tax payers, i.e. for the past.

    To find out your capabilities and rights, you need to contact the tax service of your area, where an inspector will explain to you whether you have such an opportunity, what is needed for this and how to obtain these funds.

    If you are entitled to this benefit, you can reimburse the amount up to 260 thousand rubles.

    Note: Legally married spouses have the right to use the tax refund for each other.

    Veterans of Labor

    Since 2005, labor veterans have moved to the jurisdiction of regional beneficiaries.

    Therefore, opportunities to enjoy privileges may differ depending on where you live:

    1. Exactly about your benefits You can find out from your local social security authorities. Labor veterans will take advantage of most of the benefits after retirement.
    2. List of benefits is provided by federal authorities for all pensioners, which we have already cited, and by a set of services and discounts provided by local authorities or the administration of the enterprise where the veteran worked. This could be an additional supplement to the pension or a one-time cash bonus, compensation for the cost of a trip to a sanatorium, free emergency dental prosthetics in public clinics, etc.
    3. Part of unused benefits, the veteran can compensate in cash equivalent, thus receiving an increase in pension.

    Social assistance for pensioners

    Social assistance can be received by pensioners who find themselves in a difficult situation when there are no relatives who are obliged to help the frail elderly.

    Therefore, support will be provided to lonely people in need first.

    To get it, you need to contact your local social security department with an application. If you yourself are unable to do this for health reasons, then ask your neighbors or friends to invite a social worker to your home.

    Social assistance is guaranteed by the state, but it is provided at the expense of the regional budget, so each subject of the federation has its own characteristics and capabilities, but the range of services offered is approximately the same everywhere.

    Cash assistance:

    1. Get a pension increase Those pensioners whose total income is less than the subsistence level established in a given region are eligible. So, for Muscovites this amount will be higher than for others. Therefore, additional payments will be different.
    2. Compensation can be received in the form of a subsidy or benefit, which can be one-time or monthly. Sometimes, if you refuse certain types of social assistance, you can receive monetary compensation.
    3. Support can be expressed for example, by providing seasonal fuel, in the form of partial payment for gasification of the house, and by providing free medicines and basic necessities.


    1. Pensioner category those who need service can count on a social worker coming to buy groceries, cook food, clean the room, help them get to the clinic, etc. Those in need of food and clothing will be provided with the necessary things.
    2. In the most difficult situations, the elderly person will be sent to a boarding house or boarding house, where he will be under constant medical supervision.

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    » » What benefits are available to single pensioners in Moscow?

    What benefits are available to single pensioners in Moscow?

    You will find out what benefits are available to single pensioners in Moscow in 2019 by reading this article to the end.

    After reaching retirement age and completing the necessary documentation, single pensioners are entitled to certain benefits.

    To prepare documents, you must contact the social security authorities at your place of residence.

    Moscow pensions

    Statistical studies suggest that Moscow pensions are at a higher level compared to other regions. And if payments to pensioners living alone do not correspond to the minimum subsistence level established for the Moscow region, bonuses are paid.

    Non-working pensioners receive bonuses only if the citizen has lived in the capital for more than ten years. The amount of the insurance pension is on average 14 thousand rubles in Moscow and 14.2 thousand rubles in the Moscow region.

    If the pensioner is not a native Muscovite, his benefit is calculated taking into account the cost of living. If the payment is less than the subsistence level, then the difference is paid by the city budget.

    Social benefits for single pensioners

    In addition to the mandatory benefit, pensioners can receive additional social support payments.

    Benefits for pensioners in 2020:

    1. free travel in public transport, except minibuses and taxis;
    2. Dental prosthetics, except for expensive structures, are free;
    3. for pensioners who have lost the ability to self-care - home care;
    4. assistance in the form of purchasing food and things, which is provided to pensioners who find themselves in difficult situations;
    5. social services in the form of day care for lonely elderly people;
    6. sanitary and hygienic services, cleaning of premises, patronage;
    7. benefits for funeral services;
    8. exemption from contributions for major repairs for people over 70 years of age.

    Tax deductions and benefits

    In addition to social benefits, Muscovites at retirement age are entitled to discounts on the following taxes:

    • property;
    • transport;
    • land.

    Pensioners pay land tax in full, except for a discount on one of the objects. In Moscow, as in other regions, pensioners are entitled to a transport tax benefit. Single pensioners have the right not to pay for 1 unit of transport.

    Regarding tax deductions, Moscow pensioners are entitled to the same deductions that are available to residents of other regions of Russia:

    • property deduction for the purchase of real estate;
    • professional deduction;
    • standard deduction for working retirees;
    • when paying for your own education or the education of your children and grandchildren. In the case of personal training, the deduction does not exceed 120 thousand, for children and grandchildren - 50 thousand rubles;
    • deduction for payment of medical procedures.

    Subsidies for housing and communal services

    Pensioners in Moscow, along with other groups of people, have access to a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services if the amount exceeds the monthly family income by 10% or more.

    Citizens with incomes that meet established standards have access to a 50% discount on charges for water supply, heating, and electricity.

    A 50% refund of the tariff for using cable television is provided. This discount is available in Moscow in 2020 to elderly people living alone, as well as to families consisting of pensioners who have already received subsidies for housing and communal services.

    For pensioners, a monthly payment is made to pay for the telephone.

    Medical service

    Pensioners living alone have access to assistance in the form of medical care:

    1. an annual free trip to a health facility if there are medical conditions;
    2. discounts on the purchase of medicines;
    3. receiving extraordinary and free medical assistance. city ​​institutions;
    4. partial compensation for payment for technical rehabilitation means;
    5. Dental prosthetics, except for expensive structures, are free in public clinics;
    6. social assistance for citizens who are unable to fully care for themselves.

    Social supplement

    A number of social benefits provided to Moscow pensioners can be replaced by monetary compensation. In particular, instead of transport benefits, you can receive monetary compensation. The same can be done with free medications.

    There are regional and federal allowances. Federal pensions are assigned to citizens whose pension does not reach the minimum wage. The difference between the subsistence minimum and the benefit amount is paid.

    When calculating the amount of the supplement, all sources of income are taken into account, including pensions, monthly payments and other payments. The only exception is in-kind social support.

    Monthly compensation

    Monthly compensation payments (or MCP) are due to pensioners who are officially employed, but their salary is less than 20 thousand rubles per month.

    As a rule, these compensations are provided to pensioners working in the following positions: librarians, teachers, janitors, nurses, pharmacists, drivers and a number of others, except for participants in the Great Patriotic War, as well as disabled people of groups I and II (for this category, the ECI is assigned regardless of the position position, place of employment and salary).


    In conclusion we can say:

    1. Pension benefits for single pensioners in Moscow have certain differences from benefits in the regions.
    2. Pensioners in the capital have access to a list of standard and additional social measures. support.
    3. Elderly people have the right to a full exemption or discount on land, property and transport taxes.
    4. Pensioners have the right to compensation for housing maintenance costs, including payment for radios, telephones and utilities.
    5. Benefits are also provided in the form of free travel vouchers, medical care, and discounts on medicines.
    6. In addition to federal supplements, capital pensioners also have access to additional so-called. "Luzhkov" payments. The condition of their appointment is residence in Moscow for 10 years or more.
    7. Pensioners working in certain positions have access to ECVs if their salary does not exceed 20 thousand rubles. Disabled people of groups I and II and participants of the Great Patriotic War are entitled to such payment regardless of the size of their salary and position.

    Video: Single pensioners will receive compensation for major repairs.

    Any employee approaching retirement age should know what benefits are available to old-age pensioners. In this article, the reader will find information about which benefits for old-age pensioners arise at the federal level and which ones at the regional level. We will also tell you about targeted social support measures provided to low-income and single people of retirement age.

    What benefits do old-age pensioners enjoy?

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached a certain age can apply for a pension - a measure of social support provided by the state. In general, in accordance with the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 8 of the Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, old-age pensions are assigned to men who have reached their 60th birthday and women who have passed the 55-year mark.

    From 01.01.2019, the law of 03.10.2018 No. 350-FZ will come into force, introducing amendments to the pension legislation that provide for a gradual increase in the retirement age. As a result of these amendments, the retirement age will be 65 and 60 years for men and women, respectively. Details about the conditions of the pension reform can be found by clicking on the link.

    In addition to mandatory monthly payments, citizens who have reached retirement age are provided with additional preferences, which can be both monetary and material. What benefits pensioners are entitled to in each specific case are determined not only by federal, but also by regional legislation. At the same time, the legislator, when defining a list of measures to support the population of retirement age, gives the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the right to assign additional preferences only on the condition that they expand the list of rights of beneficiaries, and not reduce them. In any case, the preferences provided may have a social, tax or labor orientation. Read more about what benefits pensioners have at the legislative level.

    Social benefits for pensioners

    One of the most important measures of state support provided to low-income pensioners is the assignment of additional payments to the pension they have earned. The total income of a non-working pensioner, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 12.1 of the Law “On State...” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ, cannot be less than the legally established minimum subsistence level.

    When calculating the amount of such security, the following are taken into account:

    • pension;
    • additional material (social) payments;
    • monthly cash payments (including those paid as compensation for sets of social services due to a pensioner);
    • other payments provided for by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    If the pensioner’s income, calculated taking into account all of the above cash receipts, does not reach the subsistence level, he is assigned a social supplement to his pension (clause 4 of article 12 of Federal Law No. 178). To receive such an additional payment, you must contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence or stay with a corresponding application. The pension supplement will be accrued from the 1st day of the month following the month of application to the Pension Fund. The amount of the surcharge is adjusted every time the authorities decide to change the cost of living in the region (Clause 8, Article 12.1 of Federal Law No. 178).

    IMPORTANT! A pensioner who gets a job must immediately notify the Pension Fund about this, after which the accrual of additional payments will be stopped. In the event that a working pensioner continues to enjoy the benefit, the amount of excess funds paid will subsequently be withheld from him (Clause 12, Article 12.1 of Federal Law No. 178).

    Targeted social support

    Persons of retirement age who find themselves in a difficult life situation (for example, having lost their housing or being left without the help of relatives) have the right to count on additional preferences from the state. The grounds for recognizing a citizen as needing social support of this type are given in Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law “On the Fundamentals...” of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ.

    The list of social support measures provided to persons of retirement age includes:

    Don't know your rights?

    • help at home, i.e. cleaning, purchasing medicines and products, paying receipts, etc. (Part 1 of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 442);
    • provision of free food and clothing (clause 1, part 1, article 21 of Federal Law No. 442);
    • inpatient care in specialized social institutions (for example, nursing homes) in the manner established by the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated November 24, 2014 No. 935n;
    • provision of temporary housing (clause 3, part 1, article 21 of Federal Law No. 442);
    • payment of one-time financial assistance to compensate for damage resulting from natural disasters or other emergency situations (subparagraph “b”, paragraph 9 of the “Financial Support Rules...”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2011 No. 456).

    To exercise the right to receive such support, you must contact the social security department at your place of residence.

    What federal benefits are available to pensioners in 2018?

    Federal, i.e. operating at the state level, benefits include:

    1. Exemption from the obligation to pay tax on a land plot whose area is less than 6 acres. If the plot owned by a pensioner is larger, the difference between its actual area and 6 acres is taxed (clause 5 of Article 391 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
    2. Discount on the purchase of medicines in the amount of 50% (Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On State..." dated July 30, 1994 No. 890). This right arises for a pensioner if his income does not exceed the minimum subsistence level established by law. To receive a discount, you must submit to the pharmacy a prescription for the medicine, issued by the attending physician and certified by his signature and the seal of the medical institution.
    3. The right to unpaid leave of up to 14 calendar days a year for pensioners who continue to work (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, such citizens can exercise the right to dismissal in one day, that is, without complying with the condition of mandatory warning to the employer about the termination of the employment relationship 2 weeks before the date of termination of the contract (paragraph 3 of Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    4. Exemption from payment of state duty when filing a property claim against the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or non-state pension organizations (subclause 5, clause 2, article 333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    In addition, pensioners who have reached the age of 80 are paid an increased fixed supplement to the insurance pension they receive in the amount established by Part 1 of Art. 17 Federal Law No. 400. It is 100% of the amount of the basic allowance and, as of 2018, equals 4,982 rubles. 90 kopecks per month (Part 1 of Article 16 of Federal Law No. 400). Persons caring for such pensioners are provided with monthly compensation in the amount of 1,200 rubles. It is transferred to the pensioner along with the pension, after which he can independently transfer it to the person caring for him.

    What regional benefits do pensioners have?

    Regional authorities have the right to independently decide what benefits an old-age pensioner living in a certain subject of the Russian Federation has. However, they cannot pass laws that infringe on the rights of pensioners granted by federal legislation.

    The list of regional benefits for pensioners in 2018 includes:

    1. Exemption from the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs. A single non-working pensioner who has reached the age of 70 has the right to claim a refund of 50% of the contributions paid for the overhaul of the house in which he lives. For elderly people over 80 years old, the amount of payment is fully compensated (Part 2.1 of Article 169 of the RF Housing Code).
    2. Free travel on public transport, which can be replaced by monetary compensation (for example, in the territory of the Republic of Mordovia, the procedure for providing such a benefit is regulated by clause 21, part 23 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova “On the procedure...” dated May 19, 2017 No. 315).
    3. Free travel to and from a vacation spot on the territory of the Russian Federation for pensioners living in the Far North and equivalent areas (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated April 1, 2005 No. 176).
    4. Exemption from payment of transport tax (for example, according to Article 4-1 of the Law of St. Petersburg “On Transport Tax” dated November 4, 2002 No. 487-53, a pensioner has the right not to pay tax for one vehicle owned by him, provided that it was produced in the territory Russia or the USSR and has an engine with a power of no more than 150 hp).
    5. Additional financial assistance to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations (for example, pensioners of the Moscow region can apply for payments on the basis of clause “c” of paragraph 6 of the “Procedure ...”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated July 20, 2015 No. 585/27) .

    Note: the proposed list of regional benefits for pensioners varies from region to region.

    How to apply for the required benefits?

    To obtain accurate information about what benefits pensioners have in a certain region, you need to contact the social security department at your place of residence or the nearest multifunctional center (MFC). Service employees will not only provide detailed information about the required social support measures, but will also tell you what package of documents will need to be collected to apply for benefits.

    You can submit an application by personally visiting a branch of a government agency authorized to resolve issues in a certain area (for example, to receive tax benefits, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service or the MFC; when applying for a refund of contributions paid for major repairs, you need to contact social security or the housing and communal services department). In addition, the request can be sent via the Internet: the Gosuslugi portal provides this opportunity to all citizens who have a confirmed account in the service.

    What tax benefits do pensioners have?

    According to sub. 10 p. 1 art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, pensioners have the right to receive tax benefits. In particular, a taxpayer of this category, in accordance with clauses 2 and 4 of the same article, is exempt from the obligation to pay tax on any of the following objects:

    • apartment (or part thereof) or room;
    • residential building or part of such a building;
    • premises used for professional creative activities (for example, having the status of a workshop, studio or atelier) or used as a site for private libraries, museums or galleries open to the public;
    • a building or structure located on a plot of land intended for dacha/garden farming, gardening or individual housing construction (provided that the area of ​​such a structure does not exceed 50 sq. m);
    • garage or place intended for placing a car.

    In the event that the object chosen by the taxpayer is used to carry out business activities, it will not be possible to obtain a benefit - this is indicated by clause 2 of Art. 407 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    How to take advantage of the right to tax relief

    To exercise the right to be exempt from the obligation to pay tax, you must submit an application for a benefit to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (clause 6 of Article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The form of this application is given in Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated November 14, 2017 No. ММВ-7-21/897@.

    It must indicate:

    • tax authority code;
    • information about the applicant (full name, date and place of birth, passport details and contact telephone number);
    • method of informing about the results of consideration of the application - in person or by mail (for applicants submitting an application through the taxpayer’s personal account, all information is transmitted electronically);
    • the applicant’s signature and date of application;
    • information about the object in respect of which the benefit will be applied;
    • the period for applying the benefit;
    • details of a pension certificate, which serves as confirmation of the right to tax exemption.

    The pensioner has the right to attach a document confirming his right to receive benefits to his application. However, its absence cannot serve as a basis for refusing tax exemption: the Federal Tax Service must independently request such information from the Pension Fund (paragraph 2, paragraph 3, article 361.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    You must contact the tax authority no later than November 1 of the year in which the benefit will be applied to the selected property (paragraph 1, clause 7, article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If the pensioner has not submitted such an application, the benefit will not be lost, since tax authorities will apply it automatically to those objects on which the highest tax is charged (paragraph 3, clause 7, article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    So, when determining what benefits old-age pensioners have in Russia, it is worth remembering that they are divided into two large groups: federal and regional. Federal benefits are enshrined in state regulations and are provided to all pensioners living in the country. Regional benefits for old-age pensioners are established at the level of individual republics, territories and regions, i.e. the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently determine the amount of support provided to citizens. To exercise your right to a benefit, you must contact the social security authorities, the Federal Tax Service office or the MFC. Employees of these institutions will not only provide information about what benefits for pensioners are available in the region in 2018, but will also tell you what documents you will need to collect in order to receive them.

    Benefits for non-working old-age pensioners represent a separate category of support for weakly protected segments of the population. Since such pensioners are the largest group of beneficiaries, their preferences and special rights are also broad and varied.

    Benefits for old-age pensioners and their types

    What benefits are available to non-working pensioners? Recently, this issue has become especially relevant, since legislation increasingly ceases to consider working pensioners as a truly preferential category.

    Benefits for pensioners who are not disabled cover the following areas:

    • public utilities;
    • travel in major modes of transport in populated areas or outside them;
    • purchase of medicines;
    • medical service;
    • taxation;
    • ensuring the level of pensions in accordance with the subsistence level.

    Working pensioners usually enjoy the privileges of working citizens, as well as regional and departmental preferences.

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    Subsidies to ensure payment of utilities

    Subsidies are financial assistance provided from the state or municipal budget. The purpose of subsidies is to ensure the solvency of consumers of goods and services.

    This assistance is provided to those pensioners for whom the amount of payments to ensure a minimum set of housing comfort is more than 22% of the resident’s total income. A pensioner can exercise the right to receive such assistance individually. If he lives with relatives, then the right to a subsidy can only be exercised based on the total income of all residents of this premises.

    In addition, the subsidy can only be provided to those pensioners who have the right to dispose of this premises. This means that housing must belong to pensioners on the basis of ownership or under a social tenancy agreement.

    In addition to the condition of 22% of income, the pensioner must fulfill one more - he cannot have debts on utility bills. However, if debts for the apartment have accumulated, the pensioner still has the opportunity to receive a subsidy. Typically, the relevant authorities offer such a person to enter into an agreement on the procedure and timing of debt payment.

    To exercise your right to a subsidy, you must submit this request to the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

    This benefit is provided for no more than six months. After this, the entire registration procedure must be completed again.

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    Travel benefits and options for their implementation

    Benefits for non-working pensioners for using public transport may vary depending on status.

    Typically, only special categories of citizens, for example, WWII veterans, can count on free travel. Ordinary pensioners pay partial travel costs.

    The fact is that all citizens who enjoy benefits when traveling on public transport are divided into federal and regional. For this reason, in different regions in urban and suburban transport you can find beneficiaries with different coupons, cards and other items confirming their special rights.

    Preferential travel is guaranteed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2005 No. 176, and the magnitude and features of its implementation in the regions depend on the capabilities and policies of local authorities.

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    Medical care and provision of medicines

    In order to have the right to preferential medications, you must have a diagnosis provided for in a special list of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. If your disease is included in this list, then the medical professional will write a prescription on a special form. You can get such medications only in those pharmacies that have the right to dispense drugs at preferential rates. As a rule, these are state pharmacies.

    The situation with medical care is different. Pensioners are entitled to the following benefits:

    1. Free dental prosthetics. This benefit is provided by regional authorities, so not all residents of Russia can take advantage of it. Where possible there is a queue. Moreover, a number of categories of citizens have the right to priority service. Usually these are war veterans and citizens equivalent to them.
    2. Benefits for sanatorium-resort treatment. These benefits are available mainly to disabled people, military pensioners, and also pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The last 2 categories usually purchase vouchers for treatment in departmental sanatoriums. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs buy vouchers to such institutions for 25% of the market price. Vouchers for spouses or minor children are purchased with a 50% discount.
    3. Free travel by any type of transport to the place of treatment and back. This benefit is a continuation of the right to preferential sanatorium treatment. Travel to a sanatorium, clinic, place of examination and surgery, etc. is completely free for both the beneficiary and his family members.

    A group 1 disabled person traveling to a place of treatment or examination has the right to discounted travel for 1 accompanying person.

    Pensioners with veteran status are also entitled to similar benefits for sanatorium treatment.

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    Tax benefits for pensioners

    For those who receive an old-age pension, a number of tax benefits are provided.

    Not subject to taxation:

    • the pension itself;
    • financial assistance provided to a pensioner by his former employer, provided that the amount of payments does not exceed 4,000 rubles per year;
    • payment for sanatorium-resort treatment;
    • the cost of medical care provided by the former employer at the expense of the organization;
    • real estate owned by a pensioner at the rate of: 1 apartment or house, 1 dacha, 1 garage.

    This list of tax benefits is provided for by federal law, that is, it is mandatory for the entire country. However, at the level of individual regions, other tax preferences may appear.

    Despite the fact that non-working pensioners do not pay income tax, some of them are entitled to a tax deduction when purchasing a home. This rule applies only to “young” pensioners who acquired their new status in the year of acquisition of real estate, provided that they were officially employed within 3 years before retirement.

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