• Human superpowers: how to become psychics. Human superpowers: how they become psychics Is it possible to become a student of a psychic


    People who sometimes notice in themselves the ability to foresee the future, to feel the thoughts of others, often wonder: is it possible for an ordinary person to become a psychic? According to eminent clairvoyants, everyone can develop the ability to see the supernatural. This requires constant training and striving for results. This article will discuss how to become a psychic in real life, what practices are best to apply, what is the methodology for performing such exercises.

    What to do to acquire the ability of a seer? You can download a video on the Internet on how to become a psychic, or you can perform a few simple practices.

    The main condition for their effectiveness is that you need to develop the skills of foresight every day, without exceptions and excuses.

    1. Accumulation of prana (energy).
    2. Contact with human thoughts.
    3. The development of the vision of the medium.
    4. The development of extrasensory hearing.
    5. Mindfulness exercises.


    In Indian philosophy, one can come across such a concept as prana - a supernatural energy that nourishes the entire world around us. In other words, prana is the biofield of the earth. Having concentrated a sufficient amount of prana in yourself, you can quickly master the science of how to become a psychic at home. You will learn to see the thoughts of other people, heal from ailments, predict the future with the help of your own powers and world energy.

    How to accumulate prana?

    To do this, you need to follow these simple practices.

    • Sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on a sofa, fold your palms in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus.
    • Relax all your muscles as much as possible.
    • Listen to your heart rate.
    • Now start breathing exercises: inhale for 4 beats in a row - hold your breath for 2 beats - long exhale for 4 beats.
    • When you inhale, feel how the energy of the world is absorbed by the pores of your skin, and when you exhale, how it enters the area below the chest (solar plexus), and remains in it.
    • Most often, prana is represented as a beam of light, a stream of air, or otherwise, it does not matter much. Devoting 5 minutes a day to the accumulation of prana, you can soon feel its dynamics.

    Learning to read thoughts

    This is one of the main reasons why people want to develop their psychic abilities. In order to learn to "see" the thoughts of others, one should do this practice:

    • Imagine one of your relatives, friends or acquaintances with whom you have a good relationship. Focus on what you can do to make him happy. Go through thoughts one by one until you feel one of the impulses:

    - sensation of "goosebumps" on the skin.

    - a feeling of languor in the chest area.

    - strong resonance throughout the body.

    If you feel any of this, it means that contact has been established. Now once again imagine this person, and begin to mentally ask questions of interest. Concentrate on the sensations. By devoting 20 to 30 minutes to the exercise every day, you can quite noticeably develop your telepathic abilities and become a psychic in real life.

    Developing psychic vision

    This practice will help you begin to see what is hidden from the ordinary eye. To carry it out, you need to create an atmosphere of complete darkness, looking at any piece of furniture. It is best if you only partially remember its appearance.

    Then try to mentally recreate a complete picture of the appearance of the object: its shape, temperature, texture, taste. It should not be a memory, but a reading of the energy of a thing.

    After a certain time, you will acquire the ability to see unfamiliar objects, for example, in the darkness of a cinema hall or other similar environment.

    Acquiring Extrasensory Hearing Skills

    To comprehend this practice, you need to accustom yourself to maximum concentration on the sounds of the outside world. For example, when going to bed, one should not create an atmosphere of familiar silence, but, on the contrary, absorb the maximum amount of sounds in a calm environment.

    Each of the sounds is a carrier of information. The voice of a person carries his energy, the roar of the motor of a car carries the energy of the mechanism, its driver and passengers, the noise of foliage - the biofield of the forest, etc.

    Important! It is not necessary to comprehend what you heard at all, on the contrary, you should try to capture the energy at a sensual level.

    Attention Development Exercises

    Be interested in the inner world of every person with whom life brings you, try to tune in to his wave, guess habits and preferences based on external behavior. By practicing this constantly, you will soon be convinced that your guesses are 80 - 90% correct. Practices for concentration of attention are also useful, for example, you can try to recreate from memory the external features of an object seen in an unfamiliar place, etc. By doing this exercise often, you will see how much more sensitive your attention has become, how many little things and details are around, invisible most people around.


    This is how primary practices look like, how to become a psychic at home. To develop your paranormal abilities even deeper, it is not shameful to enroll in special courses or be trained by a famous medium.

    Important! Before you opt for any one guru, do not be too lazy to inquire about his reputation, read customer reviews. Remember: this area is especially full of scammers who want to profit from a breach of trust.

    Food restrictions are considered a good help in the development of psychic abilities. Try to eat less meat, do not drink wine, give up tobacco. It is better if the basis of the diet is cereals, bread, dairy products. Having ceased to concentrate on earthly things, the question of how to become a psychic at home is quite simple to solve.

    People who sometimes notice in themselves the ability to foresee the future, to feel the thoughts of others, often wonder: is it possible for an ordinary person to become a psychic? According to eminent clairvoyants, everyone can develop the ability to see the supernatural. This requires constant training and striving for results. This article will discuss how to become a psychic in real life, what practices are best to apply, what is the methodology for performing such exercises.

    What to do to acquire the ability of a seer? You can download a video on the Internet on how to become a psychic, or you can perform a few simple practices.

    The main condition for their effectiveness is that you need to develop the skills of foresight every day, without exceptions and excuses.

    1. Accumulation of prana (energy).
    2. Contact with human thoughts.
    3. The development of the vision of the medium.
    4. The development of extrasensory hearing.
    5. Mindfulness exercises.


    In Indian philosophy, one can come across such a concept as prana - a supernatural energy that nourishes the entire world around us. In other words, prana is the biofield of the earth. Having concentrated a sufficient amount of prana in yourself, you can quickly master the science of how to become a psychic at home. You will learn to see the thoughts of other people, heal from ailments, predict the future with the help of your own powers and world energy.

    How to accumulate prana?

    To do this, you need to follow these simple practices.

    • Sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on a sofa, fold your palms in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus.
    • Relax all your muscles as much as possible.
    • Listen to your heart rate.
    • Now start breathing exercises: inhale for 4 beats in a row - hold your breath for 2 beats - long exhale for 4 beats.
    • When you inhale, feel how the energy of the world is absorbed by the pores of your skin, and when you exhale, how it enters the area below the chest (solar plexus), and remains in it.
    • Most often, prana is represented as a beam of light, a stream of air, or otherwise, it does not matter much. Devoting 5 minutes a day to the accumulation of prana, you can soon feel its dynamics.

    Learning to read thoughts

    This is one of the main reasons why people want to develop their psychic abilities. In order to learn to "see" the thoughts of others, one should do this practice:

    • Imagine one of your relatives, friends or acquaintances with whom you have a good relationship. Focus on what you can do to make him happy. Go through thoughts one by one until you feel one of the impulses:

    - sensation of "goosebumps" on the skin.

    - a feeling of languor in the chest area.

    - strong resonance throughout the body.

    If you feel any of this, it means that contact has been established. Now once again imagine this person, and begin to mentally ask questions of interest. Concentrate on the sensations. By devoting 20 to 30 minutes to the exercise every day, you can quite noticeably develop your telepathic abilities and become a psychic in real life.

    Developing psychic vision

    This practice will help you begin to see what is hidden from the ordinary eye. To carry it out, you need to create an atmosphere of complete darkness, looking at any piece of furniture. It is best if you only partially remember its appearance.

    Then try to mentally recreate a complete picture of the appearance of the object: its shape, temperature, texture, taste. It should not be a memory, but a reading of the energy of a thing.

    After a certain time, you will acquire the ability to see unfamiliar objects, for example, in the darkness of a cinema hall or other similar environment.

    Acquiring Extrasensory Hearing Skills

    To comprehend this practice, you need to accustom yourself to maximum concentration on the sounds of the outside world. For example, when going to bed, one should not create an atmosphere of familiar silence, but, on the contrary, absorb the maximum amount of sounds in a calm environment.

    Each of the sounds is a carrier of information. The voice of a person carries his energy, the roar of the motor of a car carries the energy of the mechanism, its driver and passengers, the noise of foliage - the biofield of the forest, etc.

    Important! It is not necessary to comprehend what you heard at all, on the contrary, you should try to capture the energy at a sensual level.

    Attention Development Exercises

    Be interested in the inner world of every person with whom life brings you, try to tune in to his wave, guess habits and preferences based on external behavior. By practicing this constantly, you will soon be convinced that your guesses are 80 - 90% correct. Practices for concentration of attention are also useful, for example, you can try to recreate from memory the external features of an object seen in an unfamiliar place, etc. By doing this exercise often, you will see how much more sensitive your attention has become, how many little things and details are around, invisible most people around.


    This is how primary practices look like, how to become a psychic at home. To develop your paranormal abilities even deeper, it is not shameful to enroll in special courses or be trained by a famous medium.

    Important! Before you opt for any one guru, do not be too lazy to inquire about his reputation, read customer reviews. Remember: this area is especially full of scammers who want to profit from a breach of trust.

    Food restrictions are considered a good help in the development of psychic abilities. Try to eat less meat, do not drink wine, give up tobacco. It is better if the basis of the diet is cereals, bread, dairy products. Having ceased to concentrate on earthly things, the question of how to become a psychic at home is quite simple to solve.

    How to become a psychic: 7 home exercises + 7 good books + 7 useful tips.

    People endowed with powerful psychic abilities are quite a rarity in our world. But since certain talents are hidden in each of us, you can work on yourself if you want to replenish the elite magic club.

    A school of magic, like Hogwarts, will not help with the question of how to become a psychic, as it is an artistic invention, but books and special exercises are easy.

    True, one should prepare for certain difficulties, large time and energy costs, and also for the fact that not everyone will be able to discover psychic skills as a result.

    Why think about how to become a psychic?

    It's always interesting what motivates people to think about how to acquire psychic abilities. After all, they not only open up new opportunities, but also impose a certain responsibility, significantly change your life and not always for the better.

    So, before you start learning, you should think: do I need all this or is it better to live a quiet life, as before.

    Can everyone understand how to become a psychic?

    First you need to come to terms with the fact that not everyone can be psychics.

    To work with such subtle matters, you need to have a certain set of qualities:

    • sensitivity;
    • impressionability;
    • good imagination;
    • strong character;
    • empathy, etc.

    And, of course, one cannot do without specific extrasensory abilities (albeit at the embryonic stage).

    Your chances of becoming a psychic increase if:

    1. There were people with supernatural powers in your family.
    2. You understand animals well, you are convinced that you know what they think, what they feel, what they want, etc.
    3. You have vivid dreams that sometimes come true.
    4. Your intuition is well developed and it has helped you out of difficult situations more than once, warned you of danger.
    5. A strong sense of deja vu is not uncommon for you.
    6. You hear what no one else hears, except - psychics.
    7. You experience the energy of places - somewhere you feel good and comfortable, somewhere scary and uncomfortable, while it turns out that something bad really happened in places that are unpleasant for you.
    8. The feeling of trouble that is coming is felt by you, including in relation to loved ones.
    9. You perfectly read people and easily find a common language with them - this is a gift not only of a psychologist, but also of a psychic.
    10. Sometimes it seems to you that you are dreaming in reality, because in certain places, when in contact with certain objects, pictures appear in your head, etc.

    You can check your chances of becoming a psychic with this test, which consists of 7 questions:

    • Are you drawn to certain places, objects, people for a clear reason?
    • Do you see dreams that can be considered prophetic?
    • Do you sometimes feel someone's presence even though no one is around?
    • Do you feel comfortable with people who have supernatural abilities?
    • Do you like visiting cemeteries and other places with powerful energy?
    • Does it happen that you suddenly thought about a person, and soon after that he called or came to you?
    • Does it happen that you do not want to take some things in your hands, because they are unpleasant for you (not just do not like, but cause disgust, fear)?

    Give yourself 1 point for each positive answer, do not put anything for a negative one. Now calculate how much you ended up with. The more points you score, the higher your chances of becoming a psychic.

    What psychic abilities can be developed in yourself

    Powerful witches who can do everything at once exist mainly in fairy tales.

    In real life, psychics specialize in one thing:

    1. predicting the future;
    2. telepathy;
    3. diagnostics and treatment of people;
    4. exorcism;
    5. communication with spirits, etc.

    Of course, you can gradually develop various supernatural abilities in yourself, but you still need to have specialization, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve success in any of the areas and you won’t succeed as a good psychic.

    It is rare that a psychic works completely without assistants. They usually help:

    • cards;
    • pendulums;
    • candles;
    • stones;
    • amulets;
    • framework;
    • mirrors;
    • knives;
    • herbs;
    • animals etc.

    If you also want to be a skilled psychic, you definitely cannot do without various devices.

    You should not immediately purchase half of the goods in an esoteric shop. Proceed gradually, taking for yourself only what really works.

    If difficulties do not bother you and you definitely decided to develop supernatural abilities in yourself, listen to the recommendations of those who have been working as a psychic for a long time.

    Tips on how to become a psychic:

    1. Do not hurry. Sometimes it takes years to develop at least one psychic skill. It all depends not only on your natural data, but also on how carefully you work on yourself.
    2. Constantly learn. Books, communication with their own kind, trips to different cities and countries - a real psychic studies all his life and does not hesitate to ask advice from someone who is smarter and stronger.
    3. Be selfless. It is believed that psychics who take money for helping people lose their abilities. This does not mean that it is absolutely necessary to work for free, but it is impossible to help only the rich solely for a large reward.
    4. Listen to yourself. Let it sound trite, but your task is to develop a “third eye” in yourself, learn to see and feel what is inaccessible to ordinary people, only to psychics, and for this you will have to work a lot with your subconscious.
    5. Love spiritual practices. I am talking now not only about religion (although consider the fact that there are no atheists among psychics), but also about meditation and the like. You have to cooperate more with the world of spirits than people, and this is not easy.
    6. Don't take unnecessary risks. Before you can run, you need to learn how to walk. So it is with the work of a psychic: you need to master the simplest practices (fortune-telling, diagnostics, telepathy) before summoning the spirits of the dead and fighting demons.
    7. Live differently. Think more of your soul than of your body. Material wealth, money-grubbing and even a full-fledged family are what distract the psychic from his work. If you are not ready for such a sacrifice, then it is better to choose a simpler profession.

    It is also important to decide whether you will practice dark or light magic. They say that it is easier to become a black psychic (the forces of hell are always happy to replenish their ranks), but you will have to pay for it with your own soul.

    Maybe it's better to play on the side of the world?

    How to Become a Psychic: Books and Exercises

    There are offers on the Internet to enroll in psychic courses, a witch school, etc. Of course, it is up to you to agree to such proposals or not, but I would recommend to start working on your own with the help of books and exercises.

    If you succeed, you will gain more or less powerful abilities, and you can move on to advanced training among other psychics.

    How to become a psychic: books that will help

    Of course, I would like to advise my readers a number of textbooks for different levels, after studying which everyone can become a psychic, but, alas, I do not have a subscription to the magical library.

    Therefore, we will manage a number of books that will help at first.

    NameShort description
    1. Ivanov Yu.M. "How to Become a Psychic"
    The book deals with the essence and structure of the human bioenergetic field. The practical application of aspects of the human biofield (diagnostics, treatment, determination of biopathogenic zones, water magnetization) is shown.
    2. Rhonda Byrne "Magic"In this book, Rhonda Byrne discovers life-changing knowledge. She invites you on an incredible 28 day journey where you will learn how to apply this amazing knowledge every day. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what is going on around you, "Magic" will make your life amazing!
    3. Nord N. "How to become a psychic who can heal"
    The author of this book, a well-known writer, psychic, healer of the Sirena Center for Alternative Medicine, as well as the founder of his own esoteric school, Nikolai Nord, believes that everyone can become a psychic!
    4. B. Moore "Sacraments of Tarot"
    Tarot cards are one of the most popular ways to know the future. The deck can answer almost any question, you just need to formulate it correctly and read the answers according to the meaning of the cards. Soon you will learn to read the signs that Tarot cards show and understand the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of the issues that interest you.
    5. A. Estrin "Textbook of Magic"

    The title of the book clearly suggests what the book is about. The author - a magician, healer, dreamer, poet, writer, researcher of paranormal phenomena, who has numerous students and followers in different countries of the world - teaches the most real things that exist in nature and in the human world, things that are called "energies".
    6. Volgin S.A. Uspensky L.B. Vivelgar. "The Secret Book of Magicians"
    This book is about what magicians hide and what they don't talk about. It reveals the most secret secrets of real magic. Therefore, everything that you will read has never been published anywhere, because it has always been a secret. But the time has come. Look at the world with new eyes.
    7. Krukover V.I. "How to Become a Witch"
    There are detailed instructions for the preparation of witches and magicians. ancient textbooks. They are the basis for this book.

    Gradually, you can move on to more complex reading, but for those who want to become a psychic, these textbooks will be enough for a basic course.

    Psychic technology at home

    Home exercises that will allow you to become a psychic

    There are a number of simple exercises with which you can develop your abilities well and become a psychic in the future:

    • We represent everything in the form of energy fibers. Every living being and inanimate object has its own energy. You need to learn to visualize everything you see as multi-colored energy fibers. Gradually, you will gain the ability, even with your eyes closed, to determine what is in front of you thanks to the energy radiated by it.
    • We develop hearing. Of course, this is not about singing or the ability to hear over long distances, but about learning, like other psychics, to hear the world around at the frequencies that it produces. This is roughly how bats hear ultrasound.
    • We sniff people. Learn to distinguish your acquaintances by smell (not only perfumes, cosmetics and the degree of unwashedness, but by the smell of their energy. When you can identify the aroma of the energy of acquaintances, you can move on to strangers.
    • We train the sense of touch. A similar exercise for future psychics is best done with your eyes closed. You can train both on people and on non-inspired objects. Ask a friend to put an object in front of you that you do not know about, and you, using your sense of touch, try to describe it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - that's how psychics learn.
    • We accumulate mystical energy. This is the best exercise for this purpose. Lie on your back with your palms clasped on your stomach. The room should be completely quiet so that you can fully relax and hear your heart beat. Breathe, focusing on his knock: 4 beats - inhale, 2 beats - hold your breath, 4 beats - exhale. At the same time, imagine how mystical energy accumulates under the ribs, which will help you become a psychic.
    • We learn to distinguish between the dead and the living, the good and the bad. Take a photo of a living person and someone who is no longer alive. Try to feel at the energy level how they differ - from whom it is warm, from whom it is cold, maybe there is a glow from photographs or one of them changes color, etc. The same should be done with dead (from the tap) and living (spring) water, church and cemetery items, etc. Experienced psychics easily do this thanks to their abilities.
    • We are trying to heal people. Start small, like a headache. Visualize this pain - describe its shape, color, size. Now imagine how you pull it out of the body of another person.

    It is rare that a psychic cannot see the future. Visions do not come to everyone, but even the most inexperienced fortuneteller can look into the future with the help of cards or other magical objects.

    The phone rings, and you know in advance who is on the other end of the wire. Or someone is going to tell you some news, and you already know from somewhere what will be discussed ... Similar phenomena in your life indicate that you are a little psychic! Let's find out how you can develop your abilities and become a real psychic.

    Psychics are people who can read other people's thoughts, anticipate events, move objects without touching them. Information comes to them in the form of pictures that appear before their eyes, voices that sound in their head. Psychics see the aura of a person and are even able to “patch” it, thereby helping the patient to recover. But everyone has the makings of such abilities.

    They can appear at any age and are sometimes associated, for example, with a head injury or very strong feelings. So, the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga became a clairvoyant after she lost her sight, picked up by a hurricane and thrown to the ground.

    Test your psychic abilities

    Have you had prophetic dreams? How often do your dreams come true? Can you attract events?

    For example, you really need to meet some person, you constantly think about him - and the meeting really happens, although the circumstances did not favor this.

    Do you have prophetic dreams

    Or maybe you are able to help some of your unfortunate acquaintances, just mentally wishing him good and health? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you have psychic inclinations.

    How to develop psychic abilities

    Do you want to develop your discovered psychic abilities? For this, there are simple but effective exercises.

    Pull out one card face down from the deck and, without turning over, try to guess the color of the suit. After some time, by practicing regularly, you will be able to guess not only the color of the suit, but also its rank.

    Put photos from your family album in front of you. Some of your deceased relatives or acquaintances are depicted, others are alive to this day. Slowly move your hands over them, listening to your feelings. Is there a difference between the sensations that arise when you study photographs of the living and the dead? Perhaps there is a chill from the photograph of the deceased, or some kind of picture or color spot appears before your eyes. After a while, do the same with photos of people you don't know. If you learn how to correctly determine the state of those. who is shown in the photo, it means that your psychic abilities are gaining momentum.

    Learn to feel the biofield

    Sit on a stool with your back straight. Relax, put your hands down. Bend your elbows, place your palms parallel to each other at a distance of about 40 cm. Slightly round your fingers.

    Start bringing your palms together until you get the feeling that there is an elastic ball between them, preventing them from connecting. This feeling may not appear immediately, but only after a few days or even weeks of training. What does it say? The fact that you have learned to feel the boundaries of your biofield, or aura. Now you can move on to experiments with other people.

    The boundaries of the biofield and human aura

    Bring your palms closer to the person until you feel an invisible barrier. This will be the boundary of his biofield. Depending on the state of health (physical and spiritual), the size of a person's aura can range from tens of centimeters to several meters. The aura of a sick person is a very thin shell. By determining the size of the biofield of your counterpart, you can draw a conclusion about its condition.

    We train the power of sight

    Open the faucet like this. so that a very thin stream of water flows from it. Put a bar of soap in the sink, and fix the blade vertically in it. The water must hit the blade exactly. Sit in front of the tap, inhale and exhale several times, relax. And now try to deflect the stream of water with the power of your gaze so that it does not fall on the blade, but passes next to it. If you succeed in influencing the trickle, then over time, with regular exercise, you will be able to influence another person with the power of your gaze.

    The power of a psychic gift has nothing to do with the level of a person's education. Among people with hypersensitivity, there are both holders of scientific degrees and semi-literate "nuggets".

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    And who knows, you might succeed!

    How do you know if you have "witch" abilities?

    First, answer the following test questions. After all, you need to understand what abilities are already inherent in you by nature.

    1. Do you feel an inexplicable craving for certain objects?

    • No - 0 points.
    • Yes - 1 point.

    2. Has it ever happened that when you think about someone, he immediately appears or calls?

    • Often - 1 point.
    • Another person comes (calls) - 0 points.

    3. Do you see prophetic dreams?

    • Yes - 1 point.
    • No - 0 points.

    4. Do you have "places of power", that is, places where you feel just fine?

    • Yes - 1 point.
    • No, I do not feel such places - 0 points.

    5. Were there sorcerers or magicians in your family?

    • Yes - 1 point.
    • No - 0 points.

    6. If you are in the company of telepaths, will you be comfortable with them?

    • Yes - 2 points.
    • No - 0 points.

    7. Do you sometimes think that some things radiate negative energy?

    • Yes - 1 point.
    • No - 0 points.

    8. Do you often have deja vu?

    • Very often - 2 points.
    • Rare - 1 point.
    • Never had - 0 points.

    9. Can you connect with someone who is far away from you?

    • No - 0 points.
    • I adjust if this is a close person - 1 point.
    • I connect with anyone I think about - 2 points.

    10. When falling asleep, do you feel vibrations in your body?

    • No - 0 points.
    • I often feel - 2 points.
    • Rarely - 1 point.

    Test results: you scored less than 5 points - your skills are very small; you have from 6 to 10 points - you have good abilities to start, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, you can succeed; 11 points or more - you have all the makings to become a famous psychic! Regular classes will make you a real magician and sorcerer.

    Vision exercises

    Psychic abilities involve mastering unusual skills that are not taught at the university. Among them is "witchcraft" vision. With it, you can see things that most people can't see.

    To do this, you will need to enter the apartment or house at night. The curtains must be closed and the lights turned off absolutely everywhere. Having fixed your eyes on any physical object, you should see it, at least in general terms.

    Mentally imagine what color this object is, what its shape and other properties are. You should not think about this subject, but consider its energy field.

    Once you have learned to recognize objects by their energy field in your home, you can try to do this in apartments, houses of friends or relatives. After this stage, you can try to wander around the city at night, but in the realities of our country this is unlikely to be safe.

    "Witch" rumor

    How do you develop extrasensory hearing?

    Meditation and earplugs are useless here. You have to be immersed in every sound you hear. Before you go to bed, you should listen to all possible frequencies.

    It is very important to be able to control sounds, to extract information from them. For example, you heard the voice of a stranger in a room or on the street. Listen and tune in to his energy.

    Try not to look at this person, but feel him. His image in your mind should not be invented, logical, but created only from the information that entered your brain through hearing.

    The psychic's sense of smell

    Here it is important to smell not the physical body, but the energy one. First, you can practice on friends and acquaintances (it’s better not to tell them about it), then you can, when you see two familiar people, understand their relationship with each other. So, gradually you will learn to determine and see the energy flows of each living being.

    I do not argue, this stage is quite complicated and not everyone masters it. But if you constantly practice, the smell of energy will give no less information than hearing and vision.

    The medium's touch

    The next or parallel stage will be the development of touch. By the way, its practice is the simplest. To do this, blindfold your eyes with a bandage, close your ears tightly and lightly touch an object. After that, you should try to "count" the energy of the subject. As soon as you start to succeed with objects, try to feel the energy field of a person.

    When you have no problems with this, try to understand which part of the body or organ gives him anxiety. This is how you learn to heal people.

    You should train every day, gradually increasing the load. At some point, the mysterious world of energies will open before you and you will get access to very important and valuable information.

    Brief conclusions

    I believe that all people from birth have psychic abilities in one way or another. Some people find it interesting, some don't. Many discover such skills at the age of 30, 40 and become successful healers, shamans, witches, etc.

    • Realize your potential, answer the test questions and be honest with yourself.
    • Train your inner vision. This will help you master all the skills of extrasensory senses.
    • Train your ear by choosing distant sounds of nature or human voices.
    • Keen hearing is something without which a magician cannot exist.
    • Intuition is an important skill, it can also be trained.

    There are a great many methods for mastering the skills of a healer, a psychic. I have described only a few of them. And although I did not become the star of the program about magicians, but in life my new skills benefited and my life became deeper and more successful.

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