• How to open a lipstick production. How to make natural lipstick at home - simple recipes Making lipstick


    Lipstick is a popular make-up product. In ancient times, the beauty of the lips was emphasized with the help of natural dyes. How make modern lipstick we will tell and show in the article. The composition combines natural ingredients for the care of sensitive lip skin, synthetic substances that give the product a deep lasting color, a number of auxiliary products that make the products of a particular brand exclusive and unique.

    A modern cosmetic product is a fat-wax complex. On the basis of fats, oils, film-forming substances and wax, dyes, special pigments and various components are combined to nourish and moisturize the lips.

    The quality and type of wax determine how durable and plastic lipstick will turn out. Popular wax products are:

    • bee;
    • candelilla;
    • carnauba;
    • its microcrystalline analogues, rarely paraffin.

    The quantity and quality of the oil affects the softness of the lipstick, ease of application. has a high degree of viscosity, softens the skin, gives elasticity and a pleasant texture. Exclusive expensive components are obtained from shea, jojoba, olives. Rarely used in the production of vaseline oil or paraffin.

    The latest polymeric substances are used as film-forming substances. They are responsible for the quality of the smear itself, determine the degree of durability and how each lip will be emphasized with a certain shade. Lanolin and its derivatives are added to lipsticks as emollients.

    Natural dyes are obtained from plants, fruits and seeds (tumeric, beets, carrots). A fashionable bright red tone is obtained from the cochineal insect. Synthetic products for giving a spectacular color - coke tar, boric acid, iron oxide.

    How lipstick is made

    Each woman, holding a bright tube in her hands, thought about how lipstick is made, how many complex technological processes and manipulations have to be applied to create a quality product. The production technology is relatively simple. Basic products are mixed, heated and shaped.

    The liquid composition is pre-enriched with plant extracts, vitamins, proteins, UV protection elements. Almost any cosmetic product is supplemented with flavors, color enhancers.

    Mandatory components of really high-quality lipsticks are antioxidants. To give a pleasant aftertaste, the fragrant tube is supplemented with saccharin or vanillin additives.

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    Useful ingredients

    The different composition of the cosmetic product affects the quality of lipstick, durability, intensity and depth of color. Conscientious manufacturers offer cosmetics of excellent quality. The most valuable components of lipsticks are:

    • The wax from the Brazilian palm leaves acts as an excellent fat base, which gives the lipstick a pleasant texture. The color is saturated, and the smear holds even in extreme heat, without blurring;
    • Candilla wax contains active ingredients that care for delicate fabrics. The human lip is covered with a delicate epidermal sheet that requires special care and protection. Lipstick based on this wax is valued for its attractive shine and increased durability;
    • Azulin is a substance extracted from chamomile. Natural antiseptic relieves inflammation, heals small cracks in the skin, eliminates dryness and irritation;
    • Coconut oil is suitable for sensitive lips prone to allergic reactions. Contains an increased amount of vitamins A and E;
    • Olive oil is rich in valuable fatty acids;
    • Hyaluronate is introduced into the compositions of anti-aging agents. The substance has strong anti-aging properties;
    • Corn and wheat oil protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation.

    In addition to useful components, there are also harmful ones.

    Harmful components

    To make high-quality decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to carefully develop the composition, work only with exclusive, proven ingredients. Some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to replace elite components with more primitive ones that carry a potential threat to the beauty and health of consumers.

    Coconut tar dyes are strong allergens. They can cause inflammation in the dermis and provoke the appearance of a rash.

    Excessive passion for lead leads to disastrous consequences. An element in large quantities is able to force the development of carious phenomena, reduce the immune response, and negatively affect the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The metal carries a danger to the reproductive function in women.

    When choosing another colorful tube with decorative cosmetics, in this case, lipstick, it is necessary to be guided not only by aesthetic needs, but also to focus on the composition of the product. The health and longevity of each of us depends on the right choice.

    Homemade lipstick is becoming more and more popular, because it contains only natural and safe ingredients, and it can also be easily made at home. From this article you will learn great recipes for homemade lipstick for lips, how to make lipstick at home.

    As you probably know, lipstick is a common cosmetic used to improve lip color. It contains a variety of pigments, oils, and waxes that not only create different color variations, but also often provide protection to the skin of the lips. The lipstick comes in the form of a stick inside a tube or as a liquid and is applied with an applicator brush. It has a positive effect on the skin of the lips, has softening, moisturizing and antioxidant properties. Studies have concluded that soft lipsticks lead to a positive emotional response in women.

    History of lipstick

    Lipstick has always been a part of fashion, but the history of lipstick goes back to the ancient Egyptians who used henna to paint on their lips. According to the book A Cultural History of Lipstick, the Egyptians knew how to make lipstick. They used a mercuric vegetable dye called fucus, which contained algin, iodine, and brommannite, resulting in a reddish purple color. However, this combination was potentially poisonous.

    Nowadays, many popular brands use harmful toxins, parabens and many other dangerous ingredients in the production of lipstick. The American channel CNN reported that several years ago lead was found dangerous to health in many brands of lipstick. In 2007, the company for safe cosmetics conducted a study called Poison Kiss. The study found that lead was present in more than 60% of the 33 lipsticks tested. This substance was not indicated in the composition of the product, because. its quantity is very small. However, when applying lipstick and its daily presence on the lips, we eat it in large quantities in a year. This is another reason to learn how to make lipstick because you can avoid using dangerous chemicals on your skin.

    Back to history, lipstick has a pretty amazing history. During certain periods of history, makeup, including lipstick, was considered unacceptable. A movement led by Thomas Hall, an English pastor, claimed that makeup or face painting is the work of the unclean, and that women who put makeup on their lips are trying to lure others in order to kindle the fire and flame of lust in the hearts of those who throw theirs on them. gaze.

    The British Parliament banned lipstick in 1770, arguing that women who seduce men with cosmetics could be tried for witchcraft. Even Queen Victoria declared makeup impolite and vulgar, and only actors and prostitutes were allowed to wear it. Make-up was a serious offense and was banned for quite some time.

    Later, thanks to the film industry and the need to uplift the country during World War II, lipstick and face powder finally gained respect. In addition, it even became a patriotic duty for women, since then the lipstick industry has only continued to grow.

    Now that you've learned a bit of history, you might be wondering how to make DIY natural lipstick. Making your own lipstick at home is easy, plus you know what ingredients you put in to create a safe product.

    Note: If you are in a hurry, you can simply combine your natural eye shadow and castor oil and mix well.

    How to apply lipstick correctly

    I recommend avoiding dipping unclean brushes in a natural product to prevent bacteria from getting into the lipstick. Take a clean lipstick brush and simply smear from the top of the lipstick without piercing it. It is necessary to apply lipstick from the middle of the upper lip and moving to the corners, then the lower lip, according to the same principle, then lightly blot the lips with a tissue to remove excess lipstick.

    Safety regulations

    The ingredients in homemade lipstick are completely safe, but if you have any allergic reactions to any ingredient then don't use it in the recipe. Also, any component can be replaced with another one that suits you.

    Caution: If you have a severe reaction to an ingredient, contact your physician immediately.

    When making lipstick, be sure to follow safety precautions, and also use gloves.

    The main composition of homemade lipstick

    The main composition of lipstick prepared at home are solid oils and beeswax, as well as coloring powders and mineral pigments. All of these ingredients can be found at a soap shop, but keep in mind that the ingredients you buy must be approved for making cosmetics. All the oils from the recipes below have positive benefits, below we will take a closer look at the positive qualities of the oils that make up homemade lipstick.

    Coconut Oil – Has antibacterial properties that help create a smooth texture to lipstick as well as provide it with healing properties.

    Beeswax is great for treating dry, chapped lips and can completely prevent dryness. In addition, it is an excellent moisturizer.

    Shea butter - together with bee honey is a phenomenal healer for the skin, it softens the dry skin of the lips well, and also restores and strengthens the collagen in the skin of the lips. Collagen helps to get rid of dryness and unwanted wrinkles around the lips that appear with age.

    Castor oil– creates shine to lipstick, and also does not allow it to spread. It is a natural treatment for the delicate skin of the lips, which heals cracked lips.

    Cocoa butter - has softening, regenerating and moisturizing properties, and also contains antioxidants that give lips elasticity and softness.

    Sweet almond oil- perfectly nourishes chapped skin of the lips, and also has a pleasant sweet taste.

    Olive oil is a great lip balm as it moisturizes and nourishes dry lips.

    Essential oils - have rejuvenating and bactericidal properties and give lipstick a pleasant aroma.

    Color powders- create the color you need for homemade lipstick, and you can also experiment with different color transitions.

    How to make lipstick

    The preparation of homemade lipstick requires special attention and patience, for this it is necessary to melt solid oils in a water bath, while the mass cannot be brought to a boil, otherwise all the useful qualities of the product will be lost.

    In a small bowl or saucepan, made of stainless steel or fireproof glass, set inside a saucepan of boiling water, melt the hard oils and waxes specified in the recipe. The melting of the mass is carried out over low heat, while it is necessary to continuously stir the product with a wooden or porcelain spoon. After the whole mass has melted, add bulk ingredients (powders), remove from heat, add essential oils (of your choice) and beat well with a small mixer or blender.

    Caution: Do not add essential oils of lime, grapefruit, lemon and bergamot to lipstick, which can burn the delicate skin of the lips.

    After preparing homemade lipstick, pour the mass into a tube or jar for storage and let it cool naturally.

    Note: The container for the finished lipstick must first be prepared, for this you need to pasteurize and grease the inner walls of the jar with alcohol or vodka.

    So, let's look at some effective homemade lipstick recipes that you can make at home with your own hands.

    Homemade cocoa butter and sweet almond lipstick (color of your choice)


    2 teaspoons cocoa butter

    1 teaspoon sweet almond oil

    Color shade

    ¼ teaspoon beetroot powder

    ¼ teaspoon cocoa powder

    Melt beeswax and cocoa butter in a water bath (do not boil), add sweet almond oil, powders (color of your choice) and mix.

    Note: Powders are added depending on the color you choose.

    Then remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes, add the essential oil and beat well with a hand-held mini-mixer or blender. Draw the mass into a syringe (without a needle) and pour into a container for lipstick and allow to cool naturally.

    This lipstick will make your lips soft and smooth. The recipe is designed for 2 tubes of lipstick or 1 jar, the shelf life of homemade lipstick is 12 months from the date of its production.

    Homemade sweet almond oil lipstick (color of your choice)


    1 teaspoon beeswax (can substitute for carnauba or candelilla wax)

    3 teaspoons sweet almond oil

    5 drops lavender or peppermint essential oil

    Color shade

    Red Ingredients:

    ¼ teaspoon beet root powder

    ¼ teaspoon alkane root powder

    Brown Ingredients:

    ¼ teaspoon cocoa powder

    1 tiny pinch of cinnamon or turmeric (add depending on the desired shade)

    Matte Texture Ingredients:

    ¼ teaspoon bentonite clay

    ¼ teaspoon mineral pigment (color of choice)

    Melt beeswax and sweet almond oil in a water bath (do not boil), add powders (color of your choice) and mix. Then remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes, add the essential oil and beat well with a hand-held mini-mixer or blender. Draw the mass into a syringe (without a needle) and pour into a container for lipstick and allow to cool naturally. This lipstick will make your lips soft and smooth. The recipe is designed for 2 tubes of lipstick or 1 jar, the shelf life of homemade lipstick is 12 months from the date of its production.

    Note: If you want a darker shade, then add more color powder or vice versa.

    Homemade coconut oil lipstick (color of your choice)


    1 teaspoon beeswax

    1 teaspoon cocoa butter

    1 teaspoon coconut oil

    4 drops of essential oils of your choice

    Note: If you want to get the effect of slightly plump lips, then add mint essential oil, because. it increases blood flow and visually slightly increases the shape of the lips.

    Color shade

    Red Ingredients:

    1 teaspoon beet root powder

    ¼ teaspoon alkane root powder

    Brown Ingredients:

    ½ teaspoon cocoa powder

    1 tiny pinch of cinnamon or turmeric (add depending on the desired shade)

    Note: Do not use too much turmeric as it will your lips may get a yellow tint for a while.

    Matte Texture Ingredients:

    ½ teaspoon bentonite clay

    ½ teaspoon mineral pigment (color of choice)

    Melt beeswax, coconut oil and cocoa butter in a water bath (do not boil), add powders (color of your choice) and mix. Then remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes, add the essential oil and beat well with a hand-held mini-mixer or blender. Draw the mass into a syringe (without a needle) and pour into a container for lipstick and allow to cool naturally. This lipstick will make your lips soft and smooth, as well as moisturize well. The recipe is designed for 2 tubes of lipstick or 1 jar, the shelf life of homemade lipstick is 12 months from the date of its production.

    Homemade olive oil lipstick (color of your choice)


    2 tablespoons cocoa butter

    2 tablespoons beeswax

    1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon olive oil

    ½ and ¼ teaspoon mica powder (color of choice)

    3-4 drops of essential oil (optional)

    Note: If you don't have olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, or sweet almond oil can be substituted.

    Melt beeswax, cocoa butter and olive oil in a water bath (do not boil), add mica powder (color of your choice) and mix. Then remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes, add the essential oil and beat well with a hand-held mini-mixer or blender. Draw the mass into a syringe (without a needle) and pour into a container for lipstick and allow to cool naturally. This lipstick will make lips smooth and silky, and it also moisturizes and protects lips. The recipe is designed for 425 grams of lipstick, the shelf life of homemade lipstick is 12 months from the date of its production.

    Homemade shea butter lipstick (color of your choice)


    ¾ teaspoon coconut oil

    1 teaspoon grated beeswax or beeswax lozenges

    1 teaspoon shea butter (shea butter)

    ¼ teaspoon castor oil

    1 drop lavender essential oil

    ¼ teaspoon any combination of organic cocoa powder, cinnamon, beet root powder, or turmeric

    Melt beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter and castor oil in a water bath (do not boil), add organic powders (color of your choice) and mix. Then remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes, add the essential oil and beat well with a hand-held mini-mixer or blender. Draw the mass into a syringe (without a needle) and pour into a container for lipstick and allow to cool naturally. This lipstick will make your lips soft and smooth, as well as moisturize and give them shine. The recipe is designed for 2 tubes of lipstick or 1 jar, the shelf life of homemade lipstick is 12 months from the date of its production.

    It is difficult to find a woman who has never used lipstick in her life.
    Tinted lips make a woman look attractive and desirable to the opposite sex. The quality of lipstick should be of concern not only to women, but also to men who eat up to three kilograms of this type of decorative cosmetics in their lifetime. Let's find out more about the composition of lipstick and what components make it high-quality and harmless to health.

    A bit of history

    It is generally accepted that lipstick originated over 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Obeying the fashion of that era, she had to visually reduce her lips and therefore was of dark colors. The composition of lipstick in ancient times consisted of ingredients from carmine sticks, shellfish mother-of-pearl or even poisonous ocher.
    In ancient Greece, decorative lipstick was already used and the profession of “cosmetologist” was valued, which helped to decorate facial imperfections. In the Middle Ages, women with painted lips were considered witches.

    What is lipstick made from?

    Lipstick may differ in its constituent components. This determines the quality of this product.
    Most often, on the shelves of stores and the pages of fashion magazines, you can encounter such types and brands of lipsticks:

    • moisturizing;
    • hygienic;
    • resistant and super resistant;
    • flickering;
    • cream lipstick;
    • satin and matte;
    • nutritional;
    • shine;
    • balm.

    Moisturizing (or satin) - include oils (castor, coconut or avocado). These lipsticks have the highest percentage of wax. They visually increase and soften the lips, as well as eliminate the manifestations of their dryness. This type of product is suitable for seasons with positive temperatures, and is quickly erased from the lips. This type of lipstick is adequately represented by a well-known brand.

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    Hygienic - suitable for daily use by adult women, children and even men. Their goal is not to decorate imperfections, but to maintain a healthy state of the lips. This type contains useful additives (vitamins, emulsions, antiseptics, ultraviolet filters, carrot or propolis extract, avocado oil, etc.), and sometimes color and flavor additives.

    A complete list of the best liquid eyeliners is presented.

    Hygienic lipsticks do not contain components hazardous to health and are suitable for people of any age.

    Shimmery lipsticks are very effective, especially in the twilight. They contain quartz and mica, which can irritate the skin.
    Cream lipsticks contain emollients and are suitable even for sensitive lips.
    Balm - like hygienic lipstick, designed for lip care. It also contains a complex of decorative components and can be used for gentle make-up.
    Persistent and super-resistant - able to stay on the lips for a long time (12-24 hours) thanks to the wax and essential oils that make up their composition. This type of lipstick contains a lot of silicone oil. When in contact with fatty foods, this lipstick is able to wear off. Therefore, before applying it, the lips must be wiped with a napkin for degreasing. These lipsticks are removed from the lips with cosmetic milk. Check out the composition of super resistant.

    Super long-lasting lipsticks are not suitable for daily use as they can lead to excessive dryness and tightness of the lips.

    Bismuth compounds in matte lipsticks cause contact dermatitis in some women.

    Nourishing - thanks to the content of fats and wax, they are designed to protect the lips from atmospheric influences. The disadvantages of this type of lipstick include their property to blur on the lips, so it is better to powder the edges of the lips when applying them. Liquid matte lipstick has nourishing properties.

    Glitter - refers to the fashionable form of decorating the shape and color of the lips. They contain components in the form of sparkles or mother-of-pearl, they are applied alone or over lipsticks. Due to the liquid consistency and fat content, this type of decor can blur on the lips, therefore, it requires frequent application.

    Lip glosses give lips a seductive sensuality. New products to add volume impress with their action. Check out reviews of lip glosses that increase volume.

    Lip gloss contains a minimum amount of coloring pigments, which is good for health.

    Watch a video about hygienic lipstick

    What are the chemical ingredients

    Thanks to developments in the modern beauty industry, new types of lipsticks with more advanced aesthetic properties are emerging. Each cosmetic company introduces its own components into the composition of this product. But common to most is the content of the following ingredients.

    1. Waxes(solid and semi-solid) in the amount of 2-13%. They are necessary to bind the remaining components and maintain the hardness of the lipstick. To eliminate dullness, waxes made from palm leaves (carnauba), from cacti (candelian) or roses (pink) are added to beeswax. Thanks to them, the lipstick becomes resistant to temperatures, does not smudge, retains the brightness of the color. Different types of wax differ in their percentage. So, the amount of beeswax usually does not exceed 2-5%, as it makes the lipstick dull. For shine, candelian wax is added to the lipstick in an amount of up to 13%. Carnauba wax is used in amounts up to 5%, otherwise the lipstick will crumble.
      Many companies are replacing natural waxes with synthetic substitutes.
    2. Lanolin and its derivatives are substances obtained from sheep's wool. This component has disadvantages in the form of an unpleasant taste, odor and high stickiness. Sometimes lanolin can cause allergic reactions in the form of contact dermatitis. Usually lipsticks contain about 5% lanolin, and in glosses its content reaches 70%.

      Maybelline eyebrow shadow reviews can be found.

      Lanolin in lipsticks can cause allergic skin reactions.

    3. Dyes are included to give them color (most often various shades of red, pink or crimson tones). Previously, vegetable juices (carrots, beets), natural herbs (turmeric), insect pigments (carmine or cochineal) were used as natural dyes. Modern lipsticks usually contain chemical dyes from the D&S (Drugs and Cosmetics list) category. This is a list of dyes allowed in pharmacy, where each shade has its own serial number. According to this list, crimson is number 22, and orange is number 5. The percentage of the dye indicates the saturation of the color: 4-5% of the dye is typical for pastel shades of lipsticks, and with 15-20% of the dye, the lips will be bright and inviting.
    4. Oils(synthetic and natural) do not allow varnishes and pigments to precipitate. Perfume oils are components solvents and make up to 30% of lipstick volume. Most often, sunflower, castor or chamomile oil is used in the composition. Oil components help to effortlessly apply it on the lips. Aroma oils add attractiveness, thanks to a pleasant smell and taste. Fruit aromas (banana, apple, strawberry, raspberry) and natural esters (jasmine, lavender, bergamot) are more often used as aroma compositions.
    5. Pearlescent additives(for example, mica) make up to 25% in the composition.
    6. pine rosin(in an amount up to 4%) is added to lipsticks for hardness and creating a film-like coating.
    7. Microspheres are small particles that make the lipstick more saturated and oily. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and include special chemical compounds, as well as vitamin E and folic acid.
    8. mineral pigments in the form of iron oxide or titanium dioxide are used to achieve two goals: to obtain pink shades and the ability to be well applied to the skin.
    9. Boric acid adds shine and iridescence to pearlescent lipstick. Microparticles of quartz or mica are used for the same purposes.
    10. Antioxidants in an amount of up to 0.8% are included as a necessary component in all types of lipsticks. It is antioxidants that prevent the negative process of oxidation of natural components. The most commonly used substance in this role is propyl gallate.

    In addition to the required components, manufacturers can add collagen, aloe vera, sunscreen and other ingredients to the composition.
    Learn about what lip gloss is made of.

    Watch the video: factory tour

    Useful and harmful components that make up lipstick

    The chemical compounds that make up lipstick can threaten a woman's health.
    Let's briefly consider the most dangerous of them.

    Dyes based on coal tar in large doses can cause dry lips, allergic rashes, dermatitis. In some people, these components cause headaches, nausea, mood deterioration, and a feeling of fatigue.

    The property of resin to accumulate in the body is especially dangerous. Reaching high concentrations, it can lead to death.
    Preservatives in the composition can lead to dysfunction of the digestive organs (stomach, liver).
    The fragrance that flavors lipstick can cause headaches, increased pressure, and nausea. The strong smell of lipstick indicates an “overdose” of this chemical component.
    The safe components of lipsticks include all natural ingredients.. Not only harmless, but also beneficial to human health are beeswax, high-quality natural and essential oils, supplements in the form of vitamins or natural extracts.

    The most dangerous chemical components of lipstick that can cause serious ailments include high concentrations of coal tar, preservatives, and fragrances.

    It is very difficult to choose a high-quality foundation today, it is easy to get confused in a large assortment, and the cream you like may not match in color, smell or density. Today, high-quality ones are very popular.

    Watch the video: what can be dangerous lipstick

    Whatever lipstick a woman uses, she should not forget that when she comes home, she needs to immediately remove makeup with cosmetic milk.
    Of course, it is impossible for a modern woman to do without lipstick. Yes, and you shouldn't do it. Introducing the standard of elegance -. To prevent dry lips before applying it, it is advised to lubricate with a drop of oil. By making smart choices in a sea of ​​color cosmetics, you can look sexy, well-groomed, and at the same time not pay for beauty at the cost of spoiled health. And by making your own lipstick from natural ingredients, you can discover an interesting and profitable business of your own. We hope that our advice will bring you health and success!

    Lipstick is an indispensable attribute of every woman's makeup bag. Many ladies have well-established tastes regarding the color of this cosmetic product and its manufacturer. Did you know that lipstick is easy to make yourself? We will talk about the intricacies of creating homemade lipstick, possible ingredients and recipes for its preparation in today's article.

    To make homemade lipstick, you will need:

    1. Base - it can be candelilla, bees, palm or carnauba wax and hard butter (Shea, cocoa, coconut, etc.).
    2. Liquid oils and capsule vitamins - any, they are needed to give lipstick shine and caring properties.
    3. Pigment, flavors, sweeteners - these can be natural products, essential oils and artificial raw materials.

    To get the correct consistency lipstick should include 30% liquid oils, 40% solid oils and 30% wax. The quantity and dosage of ingredients may vary depending on your wishes and preferences.

    Tools needed to make homemade lipstick

    So, to make lipstick you will need:

    • Container for heating the mixture in a water bath;
    • Measuring syringe (5 ml) and measuring spoons;
    • The ingredients prescribed in the recipes;
    • Wooden spoon or stick for easy stirring of the mixture;
    • Container for storing lipstick (jar, tube of old lipstick, etc.).

    If you decide to completely abandon store-bought lipsticks and switch to making them at home, we recommend that you get a special notebook in which you will enter information about the dosage of the components, which in the future will allow you to improve the existing recipe and make the necessary adjustments to it.

    Almost all homemade lipsticks are created using standard technology. We will review its steps below:

    1. All ingredients must be prepared before starting the lipstick making process. Now we prepare a water bath and heat solid and liquid oils, as well as wax, on it. You can also melt the ingredients over a candle. Make sure that the components only dissolve, but do not boil.
    2. We introduce oils, vitamins, pigment, flavors and sweeteners (of your choice) into the hot mixture.
    3. Stir the mass and collect in a syringe. After the composition has solidified, cut off the tip of the tool and squeeze its contents into the prepared container. The tube must stand vertically. Put a small piece of foil on the bottom of the tube to keep the lipstick from leaking out. Do not completely fill the selected container with the prepared composition; after cooling, it may increase in volume and leak out.
    4. We are waiting for the lipstick to harden. If you need a quick result, then put the prepared product on the refrigerator door.

    Some lipsticks have their own nuances of preparation. They will be specified separately in each recipe.


    We offer you to familiarize yourself with 10 recipes for lipsticks for lips that you can easily prepare at home:

    1. Vitamin lipstick is the easiest recipe. Mix 3 g of wax with 4 g of cocoa butter and 3 g of jojoba oil. We introduce 2-3 drops of tocopherol into the melted mixture (or the contents of 2 capsules of the Aevit drug). Sweeteners, pigment, flavors - as desired. We carry out other actions according to the technology described above.
    2. Matt lipstick. Mix 10 g of candelilla and beeswax, add 5 ml of jojoba and castor oil to the mixture. In another bowl, combine 5 ml of wheat germ oil, 80 ml of zinc oxide (containing mica) and 10 g of titanium dioxide. We stir the components until a homogeneous composition is obtained, mix it with the wax mass and heat it in a water bath until all components are completely mixed. We place the finished frozen composition in a tube from an old lipstick in the manner described in the instructions.
    3. Lanolin lipstick. We combine 2 g of candelilla and beeswax, 1 g of rose wax, 1 g of mango oil, 1 g of lanolin, 8 ml of castor oil and 4 ml of oil infusion of jojoba or vanilla. We melt the components, stirring constantly, we carry out other actions according to the technology described above.
    4. A glossy lipstick to add volume to lips. We mix 5 g of wax, jojoba oil and cocoa. Melt the ingredients, add 5 g of pigment, a drop of mint ether and 10 g of mika of your favorite shade. We carry out other actions according to the technology described above.
    5. Red lipstick. We mix 10 g of wax, Shea butter or cocoa butter, add 1 g of beetroot powder or 1 drop of red food coloring to the mixture. We draw the stirred mixture into a syringe and wait for it to cool, then place it in the prepared tube.
    6. Translucent palm wax lipstick. Mix 5 g of melted palm wax with 5 ml of peach oil and 5 g of color pigment. Stir the ingredients and add 10 ml of jojoba oil and 5 ml of tocopherol, stir again and add 5 ml of shea butter and 1 drop of geranium ether. Thanks to the described action plan, the color pigment will not be able to curl into balls in the prepared lipstick. We carry out other actions according to the technology described above.
    7. Colorless lipstick with mica and zinc oxide. In 10 g of melted bees or palm wax, we introduce 5 ml of grape seed oil or wheat germ. We mix the composition and add pigments: 40 g of mica and 10 g of zinc oxide (can be replaced with titanium dioxide). We put the container on the fire and wait for it to thicken, while constantly stirring the contents with a wooden stick. We remove the thick agent from the heat and inject 7 ml of tocopherol, stir, draw it into a syringe and wait for it to cool, then place it in the prepared tubes.
    8. Therapeutic lipstick for the prevention of herpes. We mix 10 g of wax and cocoa butter, melt the mixture, add 5 ml of jojoba oil, 5 ml of tocopherol and 1 drop of ether from orange, tea tree, geranium or lavender (optional). We draw the liquid composition into the syringe and wait for it to cool, then put the lipstick in the prepared tube.
    9. Lipstick with alkane powder. In 25 ml of olive oil we introduce 10 ml of jojoba oil and 15 g of alkane root powder. The mixture should stand for a while, the oil will soon begin to turn dark red or burgundy. We filter the colored oil through gauze and add it to the container with 10 g of wax. Stir the mixture and wait for the formation of a pasty mass. Remove the composition from the heat, let stand for 1 minute, and add 9 drops of rose oil. We draw liquid lipstick into a syringe and wait for it to cool, then we place the frozen rod in the prepared tube.
    10. Chocolate lipstick. We mix 10 g of wax, Shea butter and cocoa, melt the mixture and combine with 2 ml of avocado and wheat germ oils, 1 g of dark chocolate or grated cocoa and 2-3 drops of ginger or orange ether. We mix the composition, carry out other actions according to the technology described above.

    The lipstick recipes listed can be modified to suit your personal preferences. You can enrich the composition of the cosmetic product with fragrances, the desired pigment, your favorite oils and mimics, which will give the lipstick beautiful mother-of-pearl highlights. Do not be lazy to write down lipstick recipes with specific dosages of components, during the preparation process you can easily correct existing shortcomings and create your ideal lip care product.

    When preparing and using homemade lipstick for lips, the following recommendations should be followed:

    1. Follow the dosage. In order for the lipstick to thicken, it is necessary to adhere to the dosages described in the recipe. When adding "your" additional ingredients, remember that their content should be minimal. In this case, we recommend increasing the dose of the base component by 1-3 grams.
    2. Remember the freshness and expiration date of the raw materials added to the lipstick.
    3. Make lipstick in small batches. After making sure that the composition and color of the prepared product suits you, in the future you can create lipstick for the future.
    4. Don't forget the allergy test.
    5. As a pigment for homemade lipstick, you can use:
    • a mixture of turmeric, cocoa powder and cinnamon to obtain chestnut shades (depending on the dosage of each ingredient listed);
    • chocolate or cocoa powder to give the product a brown or bronze color;
    • cinnamon will make lipstick red-brown;
    • turmeric will give the product a copper tint;
    • beet root powder will help make lipstick bright red;
    • sea ​​buckthorn oil will color the composition of the product in a red hue;
    • alkane root will give the product a dark red color;
    • bentonite clay will make the lipstick matte.

    In addition, castor oil will add shine to lipstick, mickey - pearl shade, and mint and cinnamon esters will make lips juicy and plump.

    You can also use eyeshadow, industrial lipstick residue, baby crayons (safe to eat), food coloring, mineral pigments, etc. to provide color to the product.

    The useful composition, the desired color and the inexpensive cost of the ingredients for homemade lipstick are strong arguments in order to try making this product yourself. Perhaps in the future you will be able to invent your own recipe that will match your wishes and color preferences.

    24.09.2017 24.09.2017



    basis Any lipstick consists of 3 basic components:

    • Wax
    • Oils
    • Dyes

    Wax is the structural basis of any lipstick, it is the binder of all other components and makes up about 30% of the total volume. It is this substance that is chosen as the basis because of its most suitable properties. The melting point of wax is 60 degrees Celsius, therefore, it will not spread from the temperature of the lips. The most commonly used are beeswax, carnauba and candelilla waxes.

    Oils contribute to the easy application of lipstick mass, also thanks to oils, the pigment component is distributed evenly, it occupies about 65% by volume. The most common oils are castor, olive, shea, coconut, chamomile, and jojoba.

    Dyes set the tone of lipstick. They are mixed with pigments that give a specific color and shade and are mixed with oils.

    Specific Additives

    • fragrances
    • preservatives
    • Collagen
    • vitamins
    • Film-forming substances

    Perfumes are used to hide the unpleasant odors of raw materials and to give it a pleasant aroma.

    Preservatives prevent the growth of bacteria in the mass itself, thereby increasing the shelf life

    Collagen is a fibrillar protein, the main component of connective tissue of animal origin, used in lipstick to prolong the action of extracts and oils.

    Vitamins are used of groups A and E. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, contain extracts and sunscreens.

    Film-forming agents are obtained from polymers such as polyethylene and silicates. Such substances provide shine, durability, prevent drying.


    Lipsticks can be divided by direction and texture

    By direction

    Moisturizing - not only colors the lips, but also moisturizes them, prevents peeling. It has a pleasant texture, an increased concentration of pigments, as a result, a rich color. Easily erased, leaves marks. Application in the cold is not recommended, as it freezes and cracks.

    Nutritious - high content of waxes, thanks to which it performs well in the cold, preventing cracking. Spreading is possible, so it is recommended to apply the contour with a pencil.

    Persistent - the composition includes volatile esters and petroleum jelly. Esters after application evaporate, resulting in a bright, colored film. This lipstick is good for everyone, except for good. Easy to apply, long lasting. Very dry skin.

    Increasing volume- for this effect, they resort to various methods: the addition of a protein complex, hyaluronic acid and collagen, essential oils and plant extracts, silicone. Reflective elements are also added to visually increase the volume.

    Hygienic - the composition does not include pigments, that is, it is colorless. Has no flaws. Helps moisturize and nourish lips, protects against external factors, and is also used to treat and prevent colds and herpes on the lips. Contains vitamins, nutritious, moisturizing substances, extracts of medicinal plants.

    By texture:

    Matte - contains powder, does not have shine. It has a rich lasting color, not suitable for dry lips.

    Satin - the composition includes mother-of-pearl particles that give shine, visual volume, and last a long time. Good for thin lips.

    Glossy - has a bright, glossy sheen, which is achieved thanks to special herbal additives. Moisturizes and nourishes lips.

    How lipstick is made in a factory

    The first step in the production of a sponge will be the preparation of a cosmetic mass. It is prepared by cooking all the components in a special reactor, which are added in order. Most components are purchased and delivered to the factory ready-made, but some are further processed at the factory.

    For example, paint for the mixture is made separately. Powdered dye, initially 150-200 microns in size, is mixed with castor oil and passed through a bead mill to reduce the powder to 10-20 microns.

    Waxes and oils go into the reactor first, fragrances and other volatile substances are added last. Before loading, all components, and there are about 20 of them on average, are weighed in accordance with the technological map and fixed in the program. In the reactor, the mixture is boiled for about 6 hours at a temperature of 80 degrees. In this way, an absolutely homogeneous mass is achieved.

    After cooking, the mass is poured into containers with a shot-through wrapper. Also at this point a sample is taken for quality control. In these containers, the mass is stored and cooled, resulting in 25 kilogram briquettes of lipstick. After checking the quality, an additional sticker is glued to the briquette, which makes it clear that the product is ready for use.

    Now let's talk about how a lipstick tube is obtained from a briquette of fondant. In order to get the shape we need, the mass must be melted again. The briquette is cut into several parts, for the speed of the process, and placed in a special boiler.

    From the boiler, through tubular holes, the mass is poured into a mold mounted on a conveyor. The mass poured into the mold, within 3-4 minutes, passes through the refrigerator, in which it solidifies. After that, with special equipment, it is placed in a prepared cartridge, twisted inward and a cap is put on.

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