• How much should a six-month-old child weigh and what should be his height? What is the growth of kids in 6 months


    Six months since the birth of a kid is an important and more serious date. The development of a child in 6 months is much different from what he knew how to do even just a month ago. In six months, the child is movable and even independent.

    Child in 6 months - changing body, growth and weight

    This period is characterized by the fact that the question of weight and growth of crumbs is sharp. How the child has grown and recovered, shows whether breast milkSince ideally, he should eat only them. The weight of the child in 6 months is redundant or insufficient directly signals about health problems. Average indicators - growth from 64 to 67 centimeters, weight from 6800 to 7200 grams. A pediatrician will tell about individual characteristics, as all data is calculated, pushing away from the birth indicators. Kids are born both quite small and large enough.

    Weight and child growth in 6 months, table according to domestic pediatricians

    Growth and weight of the child in 6 months, the norm according to WHO

    What is able to make a child in 6 months

    In half a year, the baby is well flipped up, raises the legs to the head, keeps a rattle in his hands, can take it not only from mom's hands. The baby knows how to keep toys in both hands and knocks them, stands on all fours and swing, learn to sit, tries to crawl. Kroch pulls everything in his mouth, so it is necessary to follow purity with doubled power. He plays, knocking toys, picks them up and throws. Children at this age are able to distinguish between negative and positive emotions. Harmonious Development 6. monthly child Allows you to become a real person, he understands about whom or what is the point of speech, finds a look, distinguishes his native people and other people, understands the connection of the act - the investigation.

    6 months baby - development, nutrition

    The child's nutrition in 6 months differs from the feeding introduced into the diet earlier. Breeding stomach is ready for reception of food, vegetable puree or silent porridge. Each new dish in the diet once a week, otherwise problems with digestion will begin. Vegetable mashed potatoes start giving, starting with half a teaspoon, increase the portion every day twice, until you bring up to 100-200 milliliters, that is, replace one feeding. By the same scheme, enter the silent porridge. The child's nutrition of the child in 6 months should be like this: let's feed before breastfeeding, while it is hungry and preferably in the morning, the first dish is liquid, almost the consistency of milk and observe the regularity.

    All games for a semi-annual child are directed to his physical, emotional and mental development. Distract up and will be interested in kids. Educational arcs and rugs, games with buttons and velcro, drums and hammers, clockwork toys.

    Child 6 months - development, video:

    Each child lives according to its individual growth program and weight. Nevertheless, there are statistics that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the average weight of children is. Also, there are recommendations of doctors offering optimal growth values, weights, and their ratios.

    We compared the data obtained by the statistical path and recommendations of the doctors, it turned out that they practically coincide with the difference not exceeding 3%.

    So, the data given in the table is the optimal meaning of the growth and weight of the child. Note, for boys and girls, the values \u200b\u200bare somewhat different.

    Table weight and growth of infants by the ages
    Year + monthBoyGirlMonth
    Birth3,60 50,0 3,40 49,5 0
    1 month4,45 54,5 4,15 53,5 1
    2 months5,25 58,0 4,90 56,8 2
    3 months6,05 61,0 5,50 59,3 3
    4 months6,70 63,0 6,15 61,5 4
    7,30 65,0 6,65 63,4 5
    6 months7,90 67,0 7,20 65,3 6
    Seven months8,40 68,7 7,70 66,9 7
    8 mesen-tsev8,85 70,3 8,10 68,4 8
    9 months9,25 71,7 8,50 70,0 9
    10 months9,65 73,0 8,85 71,3 10
    11 Me-Sia Tsev10,0 74,3 9,20 72,6 11
    year + monthweightheightweightheightmem.
    1 year Rivne10,3 75,5 9,5 73,8 12
    1 year, 1 month10,6 76,8 9,8 75,0 13
    1 year, 2 months10,9 78,0 10,1 76,1 14
    1 year, 3 months11,1 79,0 10,3 77,2 15
    1 year, 4 months tsev11,3 80,0 10,6 78,3 16
    1 year, 5 months11,5 81,0 10,8 79,3 17
    1 year, 6 months11,7 82,0 11,0 80,3 18
    1 year, 7 months11,9 83,0 11,2 81,3 19
    1 year, 8 months12,1 83,9 11,4 82,2 20
    1 year, 9 months12,2 84,7 11,6 83,1 21
    1 year, 10 months12,4 85,6 11,7 84,0 22
    1 year, 11 months12,3 86,4 11,9 84,9 23
    year + monthweightheightweightheightmem.
    2 years Rivne12,7 87,3 12,1 85,8 24
    2 years, 1 month12,8 88,1 12,2 86,7 25
    2 years, 2 months13,0 88,9 12,4 87,5 26
    2 years, 3 months13,1 89,7 12,5 88,4 27
    2 years, 4 months13,2 90,3 12,7 89,2 28
    2 years, 5 months13,4 91,1 12,9 90,0 29
    2 years, 6 months13,5 91,8 13,0 90,7 30
    2 years, 7 months13,6 92,6 13,1 91,4 31
    2 years, 8 months13,8 93,2 13,3 92,1 32
    2 years, 9 months13,9 93,8 13,4 92,9 33
    year + monthweightheightweightheightmem.
    2 years, 10 months14,0 94,4 13,6 93,6 34
    2 years, 11 months14,2 95,0 13,7 94,2 35
    3 years Rivne14,3 95,7 13,9 94,8 36

    How to use Table

    How much should the child weigh in? In the left column we are looking for a string with the text of 1 year. On the right there will be weight in kilograms (boy 10,300 / girl 9,500) and growth (75.5 / 73.8) in centimeters.

    Weight score

    Deviation of the weight of a child within 6-7% of those specified in the table is an absolute norm.

    A greater weight deviation up to 12-14% speaks of a leaning towards the advantage or no one.

    The deviation of the weight over 12-14% speaks of a light advantage and underfloor.

    The departure of the weight over 20-25% speaks of a translate and underfloidence, perhaps in this case a small power correction will be useful, carried out exclusively on the recommendation of the doctor.

    For a more accurate weight rating, use our or professional centeal tables, or.

    Growth assessment

    The rejection of the growth of the child within 3% of the specified in the table is an absolute norm.

    With the rejection of growth over 10%, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

    For a more accurate growth estimate, use our.

    Adequate assessment of the growth and weight of the child

    In general, the norms for each child's own. Approximately 10% of the children's weight and growth rates will go for the proposed evaluation framework and it will be the norm.

    Follow the weight of the child first of all in order to detect any problems with nutrition on time. For example, if a child stopped gaining weight or reduced it without visible reasons - this is an indication that there are some problems. Thus, for a complete analysis, it is necessary to know the background of the weight and growth of a particular child.

    Weight and Savie Control also helps to estimate optimal nutrition for a child: rebuild on a specific power mode, go to a new mixture, normalize the consumption of porridge.

    When evaluating the weight of newborns, it is necessary to remember that during the first week of the child's life, the natural weight loss by 5-8% is a normal phenomenon.

    You may be interested:

    • An ideal weight calculator for adults.
    • How much we need to weigh an average for a person aged from 2 to 20 years.
    • Calculator of physical development norms for children.

    The first half of the year is the first significant date in the life of a little man. The growth and weight of the child in 6 months is the most important indicators for which parents can determine whether their kid is developing normally. In addition, there are other criteria for assessing the normal physical and mental Development Children, but we will talk about them later.

    Weight rate for a child in 6 months

    From a long time, there is such an opinion: in half a year, the baby should increase his mass twice, and in a year weigh three times than at birth. This statement really can be relying. The average body mass of the child is calculated depending on its age. But you can not customize all children under certain framework, because they are all different and added in weight in different ways.

    Why can there be deviations from the norm?

    • Sexuality. The boys and girls will have a variety of weight in the same age period.
    • Body mass at birth. Children are all born with different weights. Small and slender will raise less mass by the end of the first half of the year than large and chubby. In addition, it often happens that "small" very quickly correctly correct in the future, no matter how compensating the initial lack of a fat layer.
    • It matters growth rate. Weight rate can not be considered without correlating it with increasing. All tables indicating weighing parameters are brought next to the growth parameters of children, as well as their age. It is logical that the higher the growth mark in the baby, the higher it can be the mass of his body.
    • The weight of the child is half a year, as well as the dynamics of its increase directly depends on the natural parameters of its dad and mothers, less often - from the parameters of other relatives. In other words, heredity plays the last role in how the baby will be corrected: one will be predisposed to completeness, the other will remain thin.

    So, how much should I add to the toddler in a six-month old? By the end of the first half of the year, the child will weigh from about 6500 to 7500 g (sometimes the weight reaches 9000 g). From the sixth to the seventh month, Kroch will get about 500-700 g. Accordingly, by the end of the sixth month, the mass of his body will be from 7000-7200 g to 8000-8200.

    Boys and girls: weight differences

    Usually female babies are born with a smaller weight than male babies. Although it happens and vice versa. Consequently, the weight gain in boys is more active. So, a representative of weak gender in 6 months should weigh from 6,500 to 7000 and how much will the future warrior be wearing at this age? Weight rate for the boy will be approximately 7000-8000

    Child food as a main factor affecting the weight of the child

    To be sure that the rate of weight indicators corresponds to generally accepted parameters, it is important to monitor the nutrition of the baby. We must pay attention to everything: how, and how much the child eats. If the kid is undernumbers, he will lose weight. Overbinding will lead to the fact that the child will weigh more norm. The baby on average eats about 200 g for one feeding (aged 6 months). If your child eats much more or much less, measures should be taken. Perhaps you need to feed the crumb more often or, on the contrary, you should not offer him to eat with any manifestations of children's caps.

    • Influence of pricorm
    • Breast milk and mixture

    Children on artificial feeding Must feed on a properly chosen mixture. Perhaps mom bought a mixture, which is very calorie and is designed for premature babies with a small weight. In this case, the kid with a normal body weight will add more than necessary.

    Female milk can also be different in fat. If the baby becomes bad, the mother should eat better (it is important not how much it will eat, and what quality will be used). And on the contrary, it is worth moving to dietary, low-calorie food in the case of a baby's set of extra grams.

    It must be remembered: kids located on different types of feeding (breast, artificial, mixed) require a different approach in the definition of weight norms. For infants, there will be a small weight and a small increase, while artificials usually weigh more and add more monthly.

    Physical activity and weight

    Reducing weight gain in half a year may be associated with increased motor activity Child: Pay attention how much energy he began to spend on the knowledge of the surrounding world and its own opportunities. However, if the baby has always added in weight in accordance with the upper boundary of the norm and suddenly dropped sharply in its indicators to the lower limits, then it is necessary to take it seriously.

    Health problems also affect weight

    If the mother can confidently delete from the list of reasons that cause problems with weight, subframe, surfacing, errors in their own diet and others, then it should be carefully examined by the baby. The reason for the weightless weight may be some kind of disease, for example:

    • the weakening of the body after the defeat of the viral infection;
    • the specific reaction of the kid to the presence in its diet of allergens;
    • congenital pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • hereditary disease;
    • neurological disorders;
    • dysbacteriosis.

    If the child is lagging behind in weight, you can and you need to continue to feed the kid at night. For a nursing mothers, this night feeding will become an additional stimulus to improve lactation. Milk will be added, the kid will be more. In the case of excess weight, it is better to wean a child from a night meal.

    Rising indicators

    The weight of the child and his growth is interconnected. If the weight gain should be gradually, the growth may change dramatically, jumpingly. What growth standards should the healthy kid be fit? We give an approximate table of growth and weight indicators depending on the age of the child (six months).

    In order for the baby to develop well, I added normally in weight and growth, he needs not only to eat right, but also move a lot, walk in the fresh air, a sufficient amount of time to devote to sleep. Let's talk more about sleep mode and motor skills of a six-month baby: how much and how should it sleep and move?

    Slets six months old baby

    At this age, kids sleep about 14-15 hours a day. Day sleep captures from 4 to 6 hours, the rest of the time is a night's sleep. Mutted kids can already sleep at night 7-8 hours, without waking up.

    Before the departure for the night, it is recommended to start special traditions: viewing pictures in a book, singing sleeping song, reading fairy tales. Repeating day by day I got familiar to the crumbs, you already ahead of you to set it up for sleep. Gradually, the child will produce a reflex reaction, and it will fall asleep faster. Such training can also serve as massage and water procedures.

    Take a child to sleep in your crib, you can even take it into the next room: the baby has become older, it's time to show him it.

    How much should children sleep during the daytime? In the afternoon, children at the age of 6 are sleeping 2-3 times a day for two or a half hours. Babys need at the same time both during the day and night. It will teach them to the regime, the observance of which will make life easier for you and will benefit the kids.

    Physical activity

    The first half of the year is the time of large sacrifices for the baby. What did he learn to?

    • Conducts well on the stomach, confidently keeps his head, begged on the elongated handles.
    • May turn over the back from the abdomen and vice versa.
    • Trying to litter to toys.
    • Some can stand for a few seconds on all fours.
    • Many are already able to sit with a smooth back.
    • With the support of hands, the child gets up, walks, jumps and danges.
    • The baby can already be put in walkers, it will confidently move around the house.

    Sometimes a child at six months does not want to sit, some do not know how to turn over. How many reasons may be for this? Motor skills depend on the nature of the kid, body weight, innate features of the body. Weak physical activity can be the result of a reduced tone of muscles, as well as a shortage of attention of parents who are engaged in a little with a crumb.

    In order for kid to grow moving, healthy, well developed both intellectually and physically, first of all, he needs the presence of loving moms and dads. Be close to your child, give him your care, and then everything will work out.

    According to the provisions of the USSR, which are secretly applied to and until today, the weight of the baby is doubled in half a year, and in the year it is rapid about how he was born with. But the rules of the rules, but in fact it does not always happen, and some kids are significantly crossed or do not get a cherished kilogram.

    Let's find out how much the child must weigh in 6 months, because among a huge number of information, young mommy can be confused, not understanding where the truth.

    Average weight of the child in 6 months

    To determine the weight of the baby, three digits are used, two of which are the boundaries of the norm and the golden middle. If the child does not go beyond these limits or in nor in a smaller side, then it develops harmoniously. And if the indicator is in the middle, then it is generally wonderful.

    But not only how much the child weighs in 6 months, says about harmonious Development kid. After all, there is such a concept as an increase. It is correlated with weight in every month, calculating the average value. After all, if the baby is low, and his weight is above average, it can talk about its excess.

    And on the contrary, the kid of high growth has the right to be larger, as evidenced by the table of standards. On average, the semi-annual kids weigh about 7,300 kg, but the weight of the kids of different floors is different.

    How much should the boy weigh in 6 months?

    As you know, in the overwhelming number of cases, boys are born larger girls and grow more active pace. To achieve a semi-annual mark, this difference may already be quite significant - they are also a strong floor.

    But there are also such boys who appeared on the light of crumbs, and by 6 months did not have time to recover well, even behind the girls. If the baby Bodr, cheerful, develops well, mastering new movements, this situation is quite normal - not to all be heroes. Perhaps his parents also had little growth and weight as a child - we can't argue with genetics.

    To the question of how much the baby should weigh in 6 months, the doctor will answer, but do not worry much if the child does not fit into these standards. After all individual development - This is something inexplicable and you need to love your crumb that he is - the main thing that he is healthy. The average boy by half a weight gains weight more than seven kilograms, and large kids weigh almost eight, the lower limit of the norm for the boy is 6,900 kg.

    How much should the girl weigh in 6 months?

    Girls, as a rule, are somewhat smaller than boys and weight, and in growth, although individual features may vary. The difference in this period they have approximately half a million - not much, but still there is a difference.

    The lower limit of 6 months for the girl is 6,500 kg, and the upper 7,000 kg. If the baby does not match these numbers, then it may be her feature, and she succeeded in a small, slender mammy or, on the contrary, - in the dad of the heroic weight and growth.

    But if the child has health problems, most often with the gastrointestinal tract, then this is a reason for changing the diet of the child, as well as for the purpose of drugs that are necessary to assimilate the organism of nutrients from food.

    Often the cause of a small weight becomes when food literally "crashes" without having time to suck and linger in the intestine. The solution to this problem is sometimes stretched for months and parents must make maximum efforts to help the child.

    Peresorch, that is, the breathtaking, and the breast milk "stretches" the child to the child, as they speak in the people, and the usual portion it becomes little. The kid crying and loving mommy seeks to quickly feed their child. It turns out a vicious circle, the way out of which should be sought together with physicians.

    It is impossible to leave this problem without attention, because in children, as well as adults there are obesity, and this is not only ugly appearance, but also numerous concomitant diseases, weakened immunity. Everything is good in moderation, which means that the golden middle of the child must be observed in feeding the child.

    For each particular baby, the rates of norm may be individual, because children are born with different weight and growth, respectively, and develop in different ways.

    Welding Indicators and Child Growth in 6 months

    Normal weight and growth indicators for a semi-annual baby are subject to medium, as they depend on the initial parameters, with which the baby was born, from the heredity of each individual child and from many other factors.

    Average normal weight For a semi-annual boy must be from 6.4 kg to 9.7 kg; Girl weight - from 5.8 kg to 9.3 kg.
    The growth of the boy in six months should be about 63-71 cm, girls - about 61-70 cm.

    We remind you that these indicators are medium, they may differ in individual cases.

    Prius and child growth

    A newborn boy in six months on average adds about 4-6 kg; From the fifth month of life on the sixth, the kid is gaining approximately 350-510 grams. A girl in half a year as a whole picks up 4-5 kg, and from the fifth for the sixth month - about 340-510 grams.

    From the fifth for the sixth month, the boys grow up by 1.5-1.9 cm, and girls are 1.3-1.7. After half a year, boys and girls no longer differ in boys and girls.

    Circle of chest and head of a 6 month old child

    At a semi-annual boy, the middle circle of the head is from 40.9 cm to 45.8 cm, the chest circumference is from 41.4 cm to 47.6 cm.

    Girls have a circle of head at the age of six months can be in the range of 39.6 cm to 44.8 cm, chest - from 41.6 cm to 45.8 cm.

    6-month-old baby development diary

    A semi-annual baby is already able to roll over the back on the barrel and the tummy. If you hold it for the handles or for armpits, it may not stand on the legs for a short time.

    Also, Krocha is already able to sit at six months. In addition, the baby is trying to crawl, lying on the tummy.

    The baby confidently holds in the hands of toys and rattles, stretches with handles to his mother, when he wants to be raised.

    The kid actively misses, trying to repeat the sounds. Reacts when a finger point to some familiar subject.

    In addition, the kid starts teething. From the semi-annual age, the crumb can be introduced.

    What should alert parents?

    If your baby instead of gaining weight, loses it - this is a bad sign, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    If the indicators of the random and growth rate are very lagging behind or exceed the average level, it is also worth seeing to the doctor.

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