• How to wean your child from waking up at night. How to rid a child of nightmares How to rid a child of night fears


    It is known that it is children who are most susceptible to nightmares, with the greatest frequency of cases occurring in children aged 6-10 years. If adults have nightmares in exceptional cases, say, after suffering stress, mental and physical stress, then children are exposed to them because of the still unsettled nervous system and a large number of impressions that the child has to assimilate daily. However, nightmares can and should be fought, because healthy sleep is no less important for children than for adults. Below we will tell you several ways to help you with this.

    1. Don't make fun of childhood fears. You can often see that parents are trying to brush aside their childhood fears, not taking them seriously: “She’s afraid of a little bit! think what nonsense! " Some parents, making fun of their child's fears, hope in this way to convey to him their attitude - "you see, this is funny for us, so you have nothing to fear." However, this approach usually has the opposite effect: rejecting his feelings, you only let the child understand that his feelings mean nothing to you, and he is now alone with his fear. After all, the problem, of course, is not in the drum, which, indeed, there is nothing to be afraid of, but in the fact that the child is scared. This is already a real problem that must be solved.
    2. Talk to your child about their dreams and fears.The first and most important advice - be ready to listen to your child and show him that you are "on his side." Sometimes a child's mere verbalization of his fears gives noticeable relief: having shared them with the parent, he no longer feels as powerless in front of them as before. The child understands that the nightmares expressed in words are not so terrible, and that now he has an ally in the fight against them - you.
    3. Provide your child with a relaxing evening. The calmer and more peaceful the time before bedtime, the calmer the sleep itself will be. Therefore, tagging and hide-and-seek, computer games for reaction and speed, and colorful intense cartoons are best left for an earlier time. Before going to bed, all daytime impressions should more or less “fit in”, and the child himself should not be in an agitated state - otherwise it guarantees sleep problems. Naturally, it is foolish to expect a restful sleep from children who watched horror films or news broadcasts at night, with colorful descriptions of crimes and natural disasters.
    4. Present your child with a "personal" night light. Even if you already have a "wall" night light, it will never be superfluous to have another one - one that the child can turn on himself if necessary, simply by reaching the switch with his hand. The simple ability to turn on the light in a dark room on your own will very calm the child: he will feel more control over the situation, which means there will be less fear.
    5. Let him choose the night "helper"... Let your child choose a favorite soft toy or some other "soft object" (pillow, blanket) with which he has the most positive associations, and falls asleep with him in an embrace. Tell him that this thing will help him sleep peacefully all night and will not give him offense.
    6. Record the nightmare and destroy.If your child already knows how to write well, then ask him to spell out fears and nightmares on a piece of paper. When he finishes, ask him to tear this piece of paper or, if conditions permit, burn it. This symbolic act will allow the child to get rid of the fears from the head - being written and destroyed, they will become for him a “passed stage” and may not return.
    Enjoy your dreams and your children!

    A child's nocturnal cough is alarming for parents. The kid does not sleep well, his health is disturbed, his appetite disappears. It is important to know for what reasons a cough appears, how to cure it as soon as possible.

    Causes of a night cough

    Cough at night is in some cases reflex. It occurs for two reasons: due to the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx or in diseases of the respiratory tract, when the blood supply to the lungs is disrupted. It is difficult for a child to breathe in the morning.

    A night cough is very disturbing for a child.

    A reflex cough attack begins when the air in the room is too dry, which provokes irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.

    Coughing at night is a sign of diseases:

    • sinusitis, rhinitis;
    • chronic pharyngitis;
    • asthma;
    • whooping cough;
    • gastroesophageal reflux;
    • viral infections;
    • cardiac pathology;
    • allergies;
    • false croup;
    • tracheitis;
    • laryngitis.

    It may be of a psychosomatic nature. In this case, it is a reaction to an experienced stressful situation. Seizures are treated with psychotherapy methods.

    In the case of rhinitis and sinusitis, the baby suffers from bouts of dry hacking cough. With pharyngitis, he feels a tickling and tingling sensation in the throat, against the background of which an attack develops.

    Asthma is a chronic disease localized in the respiratory organs, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. If the disease is mild, coughing is the only sign of the disease. The child breathes heavily, a whistle is heard when exhaling.

    Frequent nocturnal coughing can be a consequence of whooping cough. The disease is characterized by attacks of dry cough, which are repeated after a certain time. They are characterized by the following signs:

    • deep "lead breath";
    • discoloration of the skin;
    • crying out.

    Attacks bother the child at night, in the evening, end with nausea, vomiting.?

    Manifestations and symptoms of whooping cough

    The child's body reacts differently to the presence of helminths in it. The signs of the appearance of worms are similar to those of a cold: the child complains of weakness, nasal congestion, snot, body aches, severe cough.

    The problem of adenoids is familiar to many parents. Due to nasal congestion, the child breathes through the mouth. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx dries up, which provokes the appearance of a cough.

    In infants, a night cough appears due to teething.

    During this period, a lot of saliva is released, the child is not yet able to swallow it. The solution to the problem is simple: just turn it on its side or put a soft towel under your head so that the baby is in a reclining position. For better sputum discharge, parents use massage. This method cannot be used without consulting a doctor.

    Consequence of viral and colds

    The appearance of a cough at night indicates that the baby has not yet recovered from a cold. Attacks are accompanied by a barking cough, difficult sputum.

    A poorly cured cold is dangerous with the appearance of diseases: sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis. Bronchitis is dangerous for a child with serious breathing disorders, shortness of breath, oxygen starvation.

    Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease. In children, infection occurs through the household route from adults. Night cough runs in the background.

    Moisturizing the air soothes cough

    Whatever the reason for the appearance of a cough, it is always an alarming sign, indicating that a doctor's consultation is necessary.

    Emergency care for a child in the event of a night attack is required in the following situations:

    1. The attack develops unexpectedly, takes some time.
    2. The cough is accompanied by a hoarse sound from the lungs.
    3. Green sputum is discharged.
    4. When coughing, blood appears.
    5. The child is vomiting.
    6. The attacks are accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, shortness of breath.

    Parents often make the situation worse when trying to help their child. Incorrect actions can damage the health of the baby and lead to death.

    What not to do when coughing at night:

    1. Rub the skin and do inhalation if the child is under six months.
    2. Give antibiotics and antihistamines to relieve the condition without consulting your doctor.
    3. It is strictly forbidden to treat dry cough in a child at night with antitussives.
    4. Do not suppress a wet cough by using antitussive drugs.

    A dietary meal helps to relieve the coughing fits that a child may experience at night. The nutrients found in food products help to improve health and relieve coughing.

    Honey and cranberries are an effective remedy

    The daily diet should include the following dishes:

    • puree with milk;
    • freshly squeezed juice;
    • fruits high in vitamin C (citrus fruits);
    • oatmeal porridge;
    • vegetable salad with radish.

    A few days spent on the antitussive diet, and the child's condition will noticeably improve. Foods included in the diet help sputum discharge and relieve spasms. Some foods can cause allergies in a child, so parents should be careful.

    Treating cough with medication

    To cure the baby, to save him from painful night attacks, the cause of their occurrence should be determined. This requires the consultation of a pediatrician. Depending on the nature of the cough, medications are prescribed to the child.

    Medicines that suppress the cough reflex: "Sinekod", "Sedotussin", "Tusuprex", "Glauvent". The drugs Libexin and Levopront help reduce the sensitivity of cough receptors.

    The combined effect is provided by the drugs "Bronholitin" and "Stopussin". Syrups, preparations "Glytsiram", "Mukaltin", "Solutan", "Bronchikum" help to stop a wet cough. They have a pronounced expectorant properties.

    A doctor's consultation is required for a night cough

    If the cough is of an allergic nature, it is necessary to give the child drugs of the antihistamine group - "Fenistil", "Terfen", "Gismanal", "Erius", "Suprastin".

    Antibiotics will help cure a cough with pneumonia. Medicines for coughs caused by gastroesophageal reflux are prescribed by a gastroenterologist. They help reduce the number of seizures.

    Medication should be used only after consulting a specialist.

    Folk remedies

    It is possible to get rid of coughing attacks with the help folk remedies... The most popular and effective are the following6

    • sugar burnt;
    • plant-based decoction:
    • golden mustache.

    To cook a burnt, you need to melt sugar (1 tablespoon), melt it in a mug or enamel bowl, add a quarter glass of water and aloe juice. The remedy must be taken before bedtime.

    If a night cough torments due to a cold, a sage decoction will be an indispensable remedy. To prepare it, boil milk (150g.), Add dry sage herb (1 tablespoon). The medicinal composition should be infused for an hour. Before use, milk must be warmed up, given to the baby to drink before bedtime.

    A quick and effective remedy - golden mustache. It is recommended to chew the leaves of the plant during a nocturnal coughing fit. This method helps to reduce the gag reflex.

    How to help your child during a night attack

    1. Raise the child upright or sit down to ease breathing and calm down.
    2. Give him a drink of a decoction of chamomile, mint, rose hips or sage. An excellent remedy for dry cough is milk and honey. A piece of butter should be added to the medicinal composition. If the baby is tormented wet cough, it is recommended to add a whisper of soda to the milk. It is important to remember that honey can cause allergies.
    3. Humidify indoor air. To do this, you can ventilate the room or use a spray.
    4. Banana gruel is a delicious and effective cough medicine. The mashed fruit is given to babies in a teaspoon instead of syrup or medicine.
    5. To stop a coughing attack if it is caused by asthma, inhalation of a soda solution helps. You can use an inhaler with a mask. If you don't have a special device at hand, you can let your baby breathe over the steam.
    6. An alternative to inhalation is the method of rubbing the body with camphor oil. The composition should be applied to the chest without pressing or rubbing into the skin. Then wrap the child in a warm blanket. The method cannot be used if the baby has a fever.

    A baby's night cough is an alarming signal. It indicates the presence of a latent infection that was not cured in time, or the presence of a respiratory tract disease. Nocturnal coughing fits frighten not only the child, but also the parents.

    Many get lost, panic.?
    It is important to maintain composure, to be able to correctly, adequately and competently help the baby, after which it is necessary to call a doctor. Self-administration of medications in the treatment of nocturnal cough is unacceptable, as it can aggravate the child's condition.

    Comments 1

    Unfortunately, nightmares are constant sleep companions for most babies aged 1 to 3 years old, and that is why we decided to tell you about how you can overcome childhood fears and make your baby's sleep calm and joyful.

    And for this you do not have to go to a psychologist, since the advice of the latter can confuse you, forcing you to take completely unnecessary actions. It is best to arm yourself not with some "modern knowledge", but with love, patience and confidence in your victory, and initially abandon the words: "You are already big and you have nothing to fear" and "Good boys / girls should not be afraid", because this is the right way to develop all kinds of inferiority complexes in a child.

    We advise you to start the struggle for a restful sleep of your baby from the most important thing - from a careful study of the bed on which he sleeps. After all, it is the crib that is often the cause of your child's poor sleep.

    A baby bed causes nightmares in the following cases:

    - if it is too tough;

    - if it is narrow and uncomfortable;

    - if it creaks at the slightest movement;

    - if raised too high above the floor;

    - poorly lit or standing next to a window.

    Also, the baby's sleep can be disturbing because of a too hot bed (warm, out of season blankets, feather beds, pillows) or, conversely, children's fears can be the reason that your baby is cold.

    Taking into account all the above facts, you should carefully study the crib, and, if necessary, replace it with a more suitable one. But, sometimes a crib can be corrected by purchasing an orthopedic mattress selected for the weight and height of your child. True, such a mattress should be changed every 2 years, but we believe that you will go for it if you do not want the child's childhood fears to develop into more global problems.

    So, the crib is changed and covered with a suitable bed linen, but the baby's sleep did not become calmer and stronger. Then we advise you to use the following methods that will help your child to overcome all his childhood fears once and for all.

    Turning a nightmare into a fairy tale

    Teach your baby, waking up from a bad dream, to immediately run to you. Firstly, it will calm him down much faster and more surely than in the case when he calls you, not knowing whether you will wake up or not. And secondly, then you will be able to provide him with "emergency psychological help", immediately turning nightmare to the beginning of a fascinating tale.

    To do this (if the baby is already talking), teach him to tell you about the terrible thing that he dreamed. After listening, immediately pick up his story, turning everything terrible into fascinating story... The child dreamed of an angry dog \u200b\u200b- in your story, the baby became a hero who defeated or tamed the dog, making it his friend. The child dreamed of a fire - make the kid a firefighter who heroically extinguishes the fire.

    Always make sure that your story ends on a light or cheerful note, and your baby can feel like a hero, not a victim. We assure you that very soon the baby will forget about terrible dreams and, for sure, will not perceive them as something terrible.

    Protector toy

    An ordinary toy can be an excellent way to overcome children's fears. But not just a toy chosen at random, but one that the kid really loves. And it doesn't matter if it is a doll or a car, a ball or a plastic movie hero, or a man from the Lego construction set. Before you wish your baby good night, take his favorite toy and tell a little story about how this toy defeats all "night babies" and how now it will protect the baby's sleep.

    Then leave it next to the bed or let your toddler take the toy with him in the bed. It has been proven that this simple method can help in 75% of cases.

    Absorption breast milk - one of the main "tasks" of the newborn. Up to about six months, a child needs a constant intake of food, since his body requires a huge amount of energy.

    But if the "daytime" appetite of a baby to a nursing woman brings only joy, then night feedings are not always associated with something pleasant. A mother who managed to take care of a baby in a day, to do household chores, often feels annoyed and annoyed when she hears a hungry cry at night.

    Expert advice will help you know how and when to stop feeding your baby at night.

    Feeding at night is becoming a big problem for some young mums. For the sake of sound sleep, women even switch to a convenient feeding schedule for themselves, but such a step does not delight babies. So should you stop eating at night?

    For a naturalist, night feeding is a necessary element of normal growth. For a child under one year old (and especially a newborn), it is extremely important to have constant contact with the mother, both day and night.

    Babies under 6 months of age cannot tolerate long pauses between feedings. Waking up and crying at night in order to eat is not a whim, but a natural need for young children.

    In addition, feeding at night is important for both the baby and the new parent. The hormone prolactin, which regulates the secretion of milk secretion, is produced precisely in the morning hours. If the baby does not eat at night, the amount of breast milk will soon decrease.

    Breastfeeding experts warn that stopping nighttime snacks too early will disrupt optimal milk secretion, leaving the baby on "starvation rations" and switching to formula, and the mother may expect breast problems.

    An infant whose diet is dominated by formula milk is most often fed by the hour. It's a little easier for moms to set at least an approximate meal time. However, up to 6 months, artificial people must eat at night, as do babies who are breastfeeding.

    Some parents, especially experienced ones, can easily tolerate feeding their newborn at night. Others try to stop nighttime snacks as soon as possible for various reasons. It is the latter who are actively interested in the age at which it is better to wean the child from feeding in the dark.

    There is still no consensus on this issue among HB experts, pediatricians, psychologists and lactating women.

    If a breastfeeding woman is normal about night feeding, this process can last up to the fourth year of life. However, usually newly-made parents get tired of lack of sleep already in a year, so the advice of experts on hepatitis B will come in handy.

    How do you know if your child is ready?

    Weaning choices are best done after women have determined whether infants are ready to give up breast milk or formula. Quite often, after 6-7 months, when additional foods are introduced, the child stops waking up at night, allowing the mother to get enough sleep.

    The main symptoms of a baby's readiness to give up nighttime snacks appear at about 11 months or a year and look like this:

    • babies receive the most varied feeding;
    • the number of breastfeeding or formula preparation during the day is significantly reduced;
    • babies have a good weight gain;
    • the child is absolutely healthy;
    • at night, children get up at a certain time;
    • the child cannot be forced to eat the entire last portion, he can often be distracted.

    In the presence of such symptoms, it can be assumed that the night meal for the child is not a vital need, but a formed habit. In this case, it will most likely be possible to wean the baby without any problems.

    Slowly or instantly?

    Cancellation of snacks at night can be gradual or instantaneous. Each of these methods has positive and negative characteristics. This is why a woman who is breastfeeding or using formula should make her own decisions about the preferred technique.

    The essence of the technique is that breastfeeding at night is stopped gradually due to denser meals in the daytime. For example, before bedtime, the baby is additionally fed with porridge or vegetable puree so that he does not wake up in the middle of the night.

    Simultaneously with the introduction of more complementary foods, the total volume of breastfeeding should be reduced. In this case, the woman will have a decrease in the amount of milk secretion.

    The main advantage of this method is that the babies fall asleep well-fed and satisfied, and the mother will not need it, which reduces the likelihood of nipple cracks and lactostasis.

    This technique also has disadvantages:

    When Mom starts to cancel nighttime snacks, GW experts recommend that she show her love to her child in every possible way - caressing, talking and kissing. Such attention in infancy is vital!

    This method is usually used when weaning a child up to one year old, but it will also come in handy for older babies. From 6-7 months, babies can already receive complementary foods. Even this “gentle” method is not suitable for children under six months old.

    2. Instant way

    This technique is permissible if the newly-made parent needs to wean the child as soon as possible. Of course, the reasons should be weighty, for example, chronic lack of sleep, going to work or forced separation from a baby.

    The main advantage of this method is that the woman saves the time that it would take to gradually cancel the night feedings. The disadvantage is very significant - such a sharp rejection of milk and formula can cause stress in a baby of an early age.

    Of course, situations are different, but most HV experts do not advise weaning babies under one year old instantly. A child at 2 months, and at 11 months, and even a year reacts extremely painfully to the deprivation of his mother's breast.

    When asked at what age it is worth weaning a baby from night feeding, a popular pediatrician answers - after 6 months. Komarovsky assures newly-made mothers that a child of the seventh month of life no longer needs to eat at night.

    Nocturnal breastfeeding of a child over this age is a common habit formed by the indulgence of the mother. Baby tears at night are not necessarily caused by hunger. If you feed a baby toddler for every squeak, his digestion may be disturbed.

    Your pediatrician advises you to follow these guidelines to help you finish your nightly meals.

    1. Do not give your child too much food in the penultimate meal. But before falling asleep, the baby needs to be fed pretty, so that he does not wake up from hunger.
    2. When breastfeeding (and even when using the mixture) late bathing has a positive effect on fast and sound sleep. Any additional treatments (bathing or massage) should be done before feeding to keep the baby hungry.
    3. At an early age, the microclimate in the room is especially important. Cool and humid air (up to 20 ° C) contributes to sound sleep. It is better to put on warm pajamas on the child than to lay him in a stuffy room.
    4. You can try, if not remove, then shorten the daytime sleep. Children of the third month of life sleep about 16-20 hours a day. After the sixth month, sleep duration drops to 14.5 hours. A child spends an hour less in a crib a year. A woman can try to wean the baby from sleeping too much during the day.
    5. It is extremely important to establish a regimen practically from the first month. If the newly-made parent follows the daily routine, then the child is 11 months old, and a year old, and preschool age will firmly understand when to eat and when not.

    The well-known pediatrician is sure that if these rules are observed, the child will eat only during the day as early as a year, and at night it is sweet and sound to doze, not forcing the mother to wake up and apply it to the breast.

    The older generation of the family, who raised seven babies, claims that in the absence of any problems, night feeds should be saved. The child will decide at what age to refuse such snacks.

    If the kids do not stop demanding even after a year breast milk or a formula nursing mom can use the following recommendations.

    With excessively bright tantrums, a decrease in weight gain, it is better to adjust the refusal technique. You can also wean off nighttime snacks in a more gentle way.

    What shouldn't be done?

    It is very difficult to stop doing something, especially for a young child. When do parents fail to wean their babies from nighttime snacks? If the mother does not take into account the main mistakes that are possible in the process of refusing to feed at night.

    Also, there is no need to deceive the child, explaining the change in the habit by the fact that the mother has "overactive milk" or "chest pains". Why lie to a crumb, even on such trifles?

    Many new parents have doubts about the age at which to stop feeding their baby at night. Maybe six months? Or is it better at 11 months? Experts recommend focusing on the well-being of the baby and your own intuition.

    If you are sure that the baby is ready for a change in eating habit, proceed with the refusal. If you have any doubts, continue to feed the baby at night, not forgetting that the benefits of milk for the baby compensate for all the mother's inconveniences and fatigue.

    Night terrors in children are a widespread group of sleep disorders. Any child sooner or later is faced with the manifestation of night fears or horrors. This usually happens a few hours after he goes to bed.

    Awakening from a nightmare occurs with screams and chaotic movements. The child cannot calm down for a long time after this, and often in the first moments after waking up, he does not even recognize close relatives.

    Many psychologists and somnologists agree that this phenomenon is natural and is due to the completion of the formation of the central nervous system. And only in cases of their frequent repetition, the child needs the help of a specialist.

    Children from one to three years old sleep very soundly and the dreams they see are completely erased from memory. Since at this age children actually do not distinguish between reality and sleep, sometimes they can wake up and cry because they are not able to explain to themselves a sudden change of scenery. For example, a child dreamed that he was playing in the sun, and suddenly, suddenly, he is alone in a dark room; finding a mother nearby, the children quickly calm down and fall asleep.

    The first night fears in children appear from 3-4 years old... Around this time, the final stage of neuronal myelination occurs, that is, the brain finally completes its formation and the separation of sleep and reality occurs. The first night fears are associated with an unconscious fear of the dark and the active activity of fantasy - the child's brain draws in its imagination pictures of shadows in the bedroom, which appear to him in the form of terrible monsters from children's fairy tales.

    At the age of 5 years, the main reason for the appearance of fears is the processes of adaptation of the child in society. During this period, children begin to defend their place in the hierarchy of their environment and the recognition of a social group or close people is very important for them.

    The experiences of babies at this age are reduced to relationships with friends and the implementation of the minimum social functions that they already have at the moment. It can be both joint games and performing some simple tasks: whether it be a public speech at children's party or helping mom with housework. Any failures in these simple processes can actually have a very strong effect on the psyche of the baby, which, naturally, will negatively affect his restful sleep.

    After a school appears in a child's life, the main causes of anxiety and phobias are associated with it. Children at the age of 7 are not always able to control their emotions, especially when they are in a state of severe overload.

    In nine-year-old children, the symptoms of fear also change.

    At this time, the reasons leading to nightmares are already more global and significant phenomena:

    1. Fear of realizing your own death or the death of your parents.
    2. Fear of being left alone in a world full of strangers and evil people.
    3. Fears of impossibility of social adaptation, lack of confidence in their abilities.
    4. Fear of wars, disasters, violence and more.

    The fears children experience change with age. As the child grows and becomes acquainted with new manifestations of the world around him, the development of the child's psyche takes place.

    Nightmares in children are an unconscious manifestation of the difficulties that a child faces in everyday life.

    With the correct reaction of parents to such manifestations of behavior, they will end at the age of 9 to 10 years. However, this figure is highly individual. Often, the process of getting rid of nightmares can take up to 12 years; there is nothing wrong with that. If the problem remains after this age, in order for the fears and nightmares to end, the help of a specialist is needed.

    An important point in understanding child behavior is that childhood fears and nightmares are two different things. Nightmares are of a slightly different nature; in addition, their frequent occurrence leads to hypnophobia - fear of sleep.

    The problem of frequent nightmares must be solved by completely different methods than the problem of night fears.

    Actually, the manifestations of these two problems are completely different: night fears affect falling asleep, and nightmares come much later, at the stage of REM sleep.

    The symptoms of fear are as follows:

    • the child's unwillingness to go to bed;
    • the need for a light source in the room;
    • even next to the mother, the child cannot sleep for a long time;
    • a sleeping baby suddenly wakes up and starts screaming or crying.

    During the onset of night fears, even the state of drowsiness is restless; the child is constantly spinning in bed, constantly shifting, sometimes even getting up.

    From the outside it may seem that some obstacle prevents him from relaxing and falling asleep. Actually, this is the reason, because if the baby falls asleep and goes through the stage of naps, then he sleeps peacefully until the very moment of morning awakening.

    The manifestation of nightmares is completely different: until the onset of REM sleep (about 1.5-2 hours from the moment of falling asleep), everything happens within the normal range. From the moment the nightmare begins, the child's heartbeat accelerates, he breathes heavily, sweating may appear. The child may start to rush convulsively, fight with someone, even get out of bed, but at the same time he continues to sleep and it is difficult to wake him up.

    Suppressing children's nighttime fears does not imply an open struggle with them: there is no need to somehow shame the child, or even more so to joke about him. The kid is scared completely sincerely, so the problem can only be solved with the help of kindness, patience and affectionate attitude.

    In the fight against nightmares, it is necessary to make the child understand that his parents, especially his mother, are always on the same side with him, and he will never be without proper attention and support. This will greatly help the child and will stimulate him to gain courage and not be afraid.

    You need to properly respond to attacks of childhood fear, namely:

    You also need to remember about preventive measures. First of all, the child needs to be provided with comfortable conditions: a cozy bed, no extraneous noise or sounds, soft and dim lighting in the form of a night light.

    Before going to bed, it is undesirable to expose the child to strong emotional experiences: you should not watch action films or animation before going to bed. And even more so, one should not in any way make a child a witness to the solution of intra-family problems.

    Reading children's books before bed is a good option in dealing with fears, and always with a happy ending. Do this constantly and very soon you will see progress in overcoming your fears.

    In the best way deliverance and prevention of night fears and nightmares at all times have been and will be goodwill and a calm, cozy atmosphere in the family. Try to establish and maintain a trusting relationship with your child, do not ignore his problems.

    The child's body, starting from the age of 5, despite its enormous "safety margin" in terms of physiology, is very vulnerable to mental problems. Sometimes, as a result of dreams, burdened by nightmares or even simple fears, a child can develop quite serious health problems.

    These include:

    • asthma attacks;
    • various manifestations of nervous tics, twitching;
    • urinary incontinence;
    • stuttering;
    • feeling nauseous or vomiting.

    If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from specialists - a neurologist or a child psychologist.

    The sooner parents can react to such manifestations, the more successful the process of treatment and rehabilitation will be.

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