• Future retirees will receive support from the state. Who retires early: a memo for future retirees How a pension is formed


    Future retirees need to understand well the mechanism for the formation of future payments. After all, the amount of the benefit directly depends on the efforts of the future recipient himself.

    On December 15, 2001, two laws No. 166-FZ and No. 167-FZ were adopted, which laid the foundation for a new pension insurance system. The text of the first document contains the fundamental concept at the moment - the pension coefficient.

    Fundamentals of the pension insurance system of the Russian Federation

    The system of social guarantees for disabled citizens in Russia is built on the interaction of a specialized state body - the Pension Fund (PFR) with citizens. The essence of the division of responsibilities is as follows:

    1. The FIU performs the following functions:
      • registration of citizens and enterprises transferring contributions to the solidary budget;
      • funds management;
      • payment of benefits to people who are legally entitled to them.
    2. Citizens' duties include:
      • an expression of a voluntary desire to participate in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS) by way of a personal statement;
      • distribution of funds paid by the employer between the respective funds: state and non-state or management companies.
    3. The employer is obliged:
      • transfer 22% of the amount of workers' earnings monthly to the solidarity fund;
      • assist in registering employees in the system
    Download for viewing and printing: Attention: the interaction of the system participants is based on legislative acts, the implementation of which is equally obligatory for everyone.

    Personalized registration of payers of contributions

    On the basis of Law No. 27-ФЗ dated 01.04.1996, the state body keeps records of future recipients of pension payments. Within its framework, each voluntary participant in the system receives:

    1. certificate of insurance (SNILS);
    2. personal personal account on which the contribution to the formation of the budget is taken into account - pension coefficients, the value of which depends on
    3. work experience;
    4. the size of the received wages.
    Attention: a personal number is assigned once and for life.

    It gives the owner the right to:

    1. claim maintenance upon the occurrence of an insurance situation;
    2. control the accumulation of coefficients;
    3. distribute the contributions paid by the employer (22%) in the following ratio:
      • 16% - to the insurance fund;
      • or 10% for insurance savings, and 6% for the formation of a funded pension.
    Important: 6% of the contributions of each payer always go to cover the current costs of pension payments. Download for viewing and printing:

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    What will be the future pensions

    The legislation laid the foundations for the formation different types payments in insurance situations. They depend on:

    1. type of work of the future recipient;
    2. choice of a citizen;
    3. the amount of points accumulated and experience;
    4. contribution of the future recipient.

    The principles of formation enable a person to participate in such systems:

    • state (OPS);
    • non-governmental (NGO).

    In turn, the OPS program includes the following types of support for disabled citizens:

    1. Insurance pensions are assigned upon the occurrence of one of the following cases:
      • old age (age limit for compulsory employment);
      • disability (inability to take part in production activities for health);
      • loss of a breadwinner;
    2. Cumulative pension benefits are only due to people who have redirected part of their contributions to:
      • non-state PF;
      • management company (MC).

    In addition, there are such additional types of state support for persons of certain categories:

    • seniority pension at the expense of the state budget;
    • payments from non-state funds, to which the citizen transferred additional contributions at his will on the basis of an agreement.
    Important: in some cases, people have the right to receive two pensions, for example, for state security and insurance.

    How to determine the amount of upcoming retirement payments

    The previous method did not allow citizens to independently calculate the future content of old age. Reforming the systemThe 2015 OPS corrected this flaw. Working with income projections is now more transparent and easier. Here are its fundamental foundations:

    1. a person's participation in replenishing the joint pension budget is expressed in points;
    2. their number depends on the terms of official employment and earnings;
    3. the cost of one pension coefficient is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation based on the price of the consumer basket;
    4. data on the contribution of each worker to the FIU for the previous (before the reform) period are converted into points;
    5. the size of the upcoming pension depends on the bonus coefficients for a later application for a pension.

    Attention: non-insured periods are converted into points. Namely:

    • time of caring for newborns from 0 to one and a half years;
    • maternity leave;
    • conscript service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
    • period of official registration with employment authorities;
    • the period of care for the disabled:
    • disabled persons of the 1st group;
    • persons who have crossed the 80-year threshold;
    • disabled children.

    Women who retired before 2015 can apply for the recalculation of the pension already granted if they want to replace the period of the accounted childcare period under the old legislation with pension points. The recalculation takes place according to the following scheme:

    • for the 1st - 1.8 points are awarded for 1 year of care (in total, for 1.5 years of care, 2.7 points are obtained);
    • for the 2nd - 3.6 points (in total, for 1.5 years of care, 5.4 points come out);
    • for the 3rd and 4th - 5.4 points (in total, for 1.5 years of care, 8.1 points come out).

    For the rest, the accrual is not provided.

    Important! The feasibility of this recalculation depends on the number of children, the length of service as of 01.01.2002 and the value of the ratio of wages, on their basis the size of the pension is determined. The pension will be recalculated if this does not lead to a decrease in its size.

    Formula for calculating the size of upcoming payments

    The calculation of charges for old age or a new insured event is now determined by an exact formula. It is like this:

    • RP = IPK x STIPK + BV, where:
    • RP - the final amount of the pension;
    • IPK - the number of individual coefficients accumulated over a lifetime;
    • STIPK - the price of one point in rubles, determined on the date of granting the benefit;
    • BV - a fixed or basic part, which has the same size for all pensioners at the date of appointment.
    • IPK = CER / MCCB x 10, where:
    • CER is the total contribution to the PFR budget made for the worker;
    • IHRV - 16% of the maximum contribution base, determined by government decree for the current period.

    Also, the size of the PKI can be found by requesting an extract from the individual personal account of a citizen by submitting an application to the PFR TO or through the website of public services.

    Attention: specialists have developed a program to automatically assess the value of the expected content in the insurance situation. The calculator can be used by a citizen of any age. However, the program gives only an estimated result, which is very different from the real one.

    The procedure for assigning pension benefits

    The methodology for working with the population on pension issues is described in the relevant articles of legislative acts:

    1. insurance - in Art. 21 of Law No. 400-FZ of 28.12.2013;
    2. state - in Art. 24 (No. 166 dated December 15, 2001);
    3. cumulative - Art. 9 of Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013.

    Applications are accepted by the appointment authorities. In particular, there are several ways to apply for an insurance pension:

    • at the reception with the specialists of the FIU;
    • in a multifunctional center;
    • by post;
    • through the employer;
    • via internet connection:
      • on the official website of the FIU;
      • in your personal account on the public services portal.
    Attention: state pensions are assigned by the state body in which the applicant served.

    For all types of subsidies, the following assignment rules work:

    1. it is allowed to submit an application no earlier than 30 days before the onset of the right to payment;
    2. it is processed:
      • ten days in the presence of all papers;
      • up to three months, if finalization of the package of documents is required;
    3. in case of refusal to grant benefits, the state agency is obliged to notify the applicant within five days with an explanation:
      • reasons for making such a decision;
      • methods and terms of its appeal.

    For preliminary verification of documents, a future pensioner can apply to the authority 6 months before the established age.

    Download for viewing and printing:

    Package of documents

    The application for the accrual of benefits in 2019 is accompanied by papers and their copies confirming the corresponding right.
    These generally include:

    • passport of a citizen (of the Russian Federation or another state for foreigners);
    • SNILS (optional);
    • work book (it is likely that the provision of this document will be canceled soon);
    • military ID (if available);
    • marriage certificate (when changing the surname);
    • certificate of salary for 60 months before 12/31/2001 (if necessary, requests the PFR TO);
    • documents confirming the preferential category, for example, a certificate specifying the nature of the work.
    Attention: the package of papers provided depends on the type of pension.

    The study of the methodology for calculating the future content shows an attentive person that his future well-being is built from the first days of his career. How much a particular citizen will receive in old age depends on participation in filling the PFR budget now... In addition, the paramount importance based on the formulas given is obtained:

    • earnings on the job site;
    • the number of years of work experience;
    • retirement age.
    It is important: the more a citizen works, the higher his pension content will be.

    However, just working is not enough. When choosing a place for talent application, it is necessary to take into account such formal factors as:

    • formalization so that the employer regularly pays the required contributions to the FIU;
    • accrual of white salaries - then the contributions will be higher.
    Attention: first of all, it is recommended to join the compulsory insurance system so as not to be left without income in older years.

    Young people (born in 1967) are advised to choose a comfortable plan for the distribution of contributions for the upcoming maintenance:

    • only insurance;
    • insurance and savings.

    If funds are available, it will be useful to conclude an agreement with an NPF on the formation of an individual savings account from their own funds (they will have to be paid from current earnings).

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    According to the current legislation, every working citizen of the Russian Federation can count on pension payments in the future, but what they will be - for the bulk of the population remains a mystery, shrouded in darkness. Previously, the main thing when calculating a pension was seniority, without which one could not count on a pension. Now the minimum pension can be received without even having worked officially for a single day.

    Pension types

    Most often, the pension is received by age, but this is not the only possible option. There are 4 types of pensions established by law:

    1. Old age: paid to men after reaching 60 years of age, women - after 55 years.

    2. For the length of service: a pension is awarded for a certain length of service in military or public service without regard to age. The experience is considered not only continuous - all periods are summed up. In the case of federal public service, it must be 15 years and be continuous for the last 12 months. For military personnel, the length of service required for calculating a pension depends on rank, gender, the presence of diseases and injuries sustained in the line of duty.

    3. For disability: paid for legally established disability and total insurance experience of at least 7 years. A separate algorithm is used to calculate the disability pension for military personnel if an injury or illness occurs during service.

    4. Upon the loss of a breadwinner: paid to all persons who were not dependent on the deceased, as well as to a family member who is forced to leave work to take care of minor children or disabled relatives.

    But most of the questions are related precisely to the old-age pension: how is it calculated, when is it paid and what will it be?

    How is the pension formed?

    Pension savings are formed from the employer's contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system and consist of two parts: insurance and funded, but only for those born after 1967. For those who were born earlier, all contributions fall into the insurance part.

    There is also a fixed payment, the so-called basic, which is paid if a citizen does not have insurance and funded parts.

    The insurance part is currently calculated according to a special formula that takes into account the length of service and the amount of pension contributions for the employer's employee. These are always monthly payments, the amount of which is indexed annually. The funded part consists of 6% of the salary, which the employer transfers, as well as from the contributions of the citizen himself, if he participates in the co-financing program or simply contributes money to his pension contribution. This is true in the absence of an official place of work or low "white" salary. The funded part of the pension can be received in the form of a lump sum or monthly payment, for which there are conditions and rules. The monthly payment is based on an expected payment period of 228 months.

    From 2015, the funded part of the pension can be abandoned - in this case, the insurance part will be calculated at a preferential rate.

    There is a concept of insurance experience - this is the total duration of labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, during which insurance premiums were paid for a citizen in Pension Fund... Do not confuse general work experience with insurance: now only those years are taken into account when there were deductions to the Pension Fund. Every year the minimum insurance period required to obtain it increases by a year. In 2016, it is 7 years, and by 2025 and in subsequent years it will increase to 15 years.

    Pension coefficient

    Individual pension coefficient (IPC, points) - an innovation in 2015.To calculate it, you need to divide the amount of insurance premiums paid for the employee by the employer by the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum salary (in 2015 - 711 thousand rubles), and then multiply by a multiplying factor. When calculating a pension, the PKI is determined for each year of life, and then the numbers obtained are summed up. If a citizen did not work in any year, this does not mean that the PKI will be zero - coefficients are provided for periods of caring for children, sick relatives, urgent service and other situations.

    To receive an insurance pension, a citizen must achieve retirement age, have an insurance experience of 15 years and a total IPC of at least 30. These figures will be relevant only starting from 2025, and now there is a transitional period, during which the minimum length of service and IPC are gradually increasing. In 2016, they are 7 years and 9 points, respectively.

    If there is not enough work experience and IPC upon reaching the retirement age, insurance pension appointed later or paid social pension(women - from 60 years old, men - from 65 years old).

    How do I calculate my pension?

    Since 2015, the insurance pension is calculated according to the following formula:

    SP = IPK x SPK + FV
    SP - insurance pension in the year of granting the pension;
    IPK - an individual pension coefficient equal to the sum of all annual pension coefficients of a citizen and bonus coefficients for the length of service; in 2016, the maximum IPC is 7.83;
    SPK - the cost of one pension coefficient in the year of granting a pension, determined annually by the Federal Law, in 2016 - 74.27 rubles;
    FV - a fixed payment, determined annually, from February 1, 2016 - 4,383.59 rubles.

    Summary: the pension will now be accrued in points, and the value of the point will be recalculated annually.

    Here is an example of calculating the annual retirement coefficient (APR) in 2016:

    The salary of a citizen is 40,000 rubles a month. The amount of insurance premiums (16%) paid by the employer to the Pension Fund will amount to 40,000 rubles. × 12 months × 0.16 = 76 800 rubles. The maximum contribution-taxable salary this year is 796,000 rubles, that is, the sum of the maximum insurance contributions is 127,360 rubles. We consider:
    GPK = 76 800/127 360 × 10 = 6.017 pension points.

    Thus, the PK for each year are calculated and summed up, that is, the more experience, the higher the PKI. Let's say that the IPC by the time of retirement in 2016, taking into account all conversions and recalculations, is 80 points. In this case, the calculation of the insurance pension will be as follows:
    SP = 80 x 74.27 + 4 383.59 = 10325.19 rubles.

    If the same citizen refuses to receive a pension, then increasing coefficients will be applied in the calculation (they differ depending on the period of refusal). As an example, the calculation of a pension in case of refusal from it for 5 years:
    SP = 80 x 74.27 x 1.34 + 4 383.59 x 1.27 = 13528, 90 rubles.

    The increasing coefficient for the PKI is 1.34, for a fixed payment - 1.27.

    State and non-state pension funds

    All pension contributions automatically go to the state pension fund, but this is not the only option. There are many non-state funds (NPF) in which savings are growing faster, and each citizen can choose where to transfer the funded part of his future pension. Many are kept from switching to non-state funds by the fear that the fund will close, which cannot happen to state funds.

    This fear is in vain, since all the money in this case is returned to the owners.

    The only risk is not to get any profit during the period of stay of funds in the NPF.

    Co-financing programs

    In 2014, the state program of co-financing of pensions was launched, the acceptance of applications for participation in which ended on December 31, 2014. The essence of the program was that the state doubled each voluntary contribution of the program participant in the amount of 2 thousand, but not more than 12 thousand rubles per month. That is, it was possible to contribute more monthly, but the state still paid only 12 thousand extra. This was especially important if there was no official employment or the salary was paid in an envelope. Now the Duma is considering proposals to restart the co-financing program in 2016 on even more favorable terms, but there is no exact information yet.

    Can I leave an inherited pension?

    If, by the time of the death of a citizen, an unpaid part of the funded pension remains on his personal account, it can be received by the legal successor - usually the closest relative or the person specified in the will. To receive funds, the assignee must contact the PF branch at the place of registration of the deceased, and they will be paid to him in cash. The right of inheritance does not apply to the insurance part of the pension.

    So that the "extra penny" does not come out sideways: in what cases should a teenager inform about his employment in the FIU?

    On the eve of the summer holidays, schoolchildren and students were reminded of the need to report their employment to the Pension Fund.
    In the summer, young people have a couple of free months. Some guys use them completely for recreation, while others seek to earn an additional "pretty penny" by getting a job. But there is a special category of young people who, when applying for a job, must notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. These are those students and schoolchildren who have been assigned a federal social supplement (FSD) to their pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, as well as those who have a compensation payment for caring for a pensioner over 80 years old or a disabled person of group I. It is important for them to know that, according to the law, FSD and care payments are set only for non-working citizens. And in case of employment during the summer holidays, the federal social supplement should be suspended, and the compensation payment for care should be terminated. If the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence is not informed about employment, the funds will be considered received illegally and young people will be forced to return them voluntarily or through the courts.
    To inform about the start of labor activity and suspend payments, a schoolchild or student must contact the client service of the Pension Fund at the place of residence or through the Personal Account of a citizen on the PFR website.
    Recall that the federal social supplement is established for the pension of an unemployed citizen if the amount of his total material support does not reach the pensioner's subsistence minimum established in the region. So, in the Volgograd region for 2019, the living wage of a pensioner is 8,569 rubles a month.
    Compensation payment in the amount of 1200 rubles is established for non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled people of group I, as well as for pensioners in need of constant outside care after imprisonment medical institution or those who have reached the age of 80. Although the payment is established for the caregivers, it is paid at the same time as the pension for the disabled citizens being cared for.
    If you are a recipient of one of these payments, do not forget to inform the FIU institutions in case of employment during the summer holidays!

    Now you can confirm your pre-retirement status on the PFR website

    The corresponding service has appeared in the "Personal account of a citizen"

    In connection with the change in the pension legislation in Russia, a new category of citizens has appeared - pre-retirees.

    For citizens pre-retirement age many benefits and social support measures that were previously provided upon reaching retirement age remain. In addition, new benefits related to annual medical examination and additional guarantees of employment have been introduced for pre-retirees.

    You can now find out whether you belong to the new category on the Pension Fund website www.pfrf. To do this, go to the "Personal account of a citizen" and in the section "Pensions" select "Order a certificate (statement) on the classification of a citizen as a citizen of pre-retirement age."

    To use this service, you must be registered on the State Services portal, that is, have a confirmed account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (Unified System of Identification and Authentication).

    Long work experience gives the right to early assignment of a pension

    Federal Law No. 350-FZ of 03.10.2018 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issues of Appointment and Payment of Pensions" for the first time introduces the right to an early pension to citizens with long-term work experience. From 2019, you can go on a well-deserved rest two years earlier than the generally accepted retirement age for men with 42 years of experience (but not earlier than 60 years), for women with 37 years of experience (but not earlier than 55 years).
    An important point- for the appointment of an early retirement pension due to long service, only insurance experience is taken into account, in fact, labor activity. Non-insured periods, such as military service, parental leave, the period of receiving unemployment benefits, caring for the elderly and disabled, and others are not included in such length of service. Residents of the Volgograd Region can check the experience they have earned to date in the Personal Account of a citizen on the PFR website or on the State Services portal. An extract from the personal account containing information about the experience can also be obtained from the client services of the Pension Fund and Multifunctional Centers. If any periods of work are not taken into account in the personal account data, supporting documents must be submitted to the FIU in order for these data to be taken into account when assigning a pension.

    How pensions will be assigned in 2019

    Since 2019, a gradual increase in the generally established age begins in Russia, which gives the right to an old-age insurance pension and a state security pension. The law provides for a smooth transition to new parameters, according to which the retirement age will increase by one year in 2019. The real increase in this case will be six months - such a step will provide a special benefit that allows you to assign a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age. Anyone who was supposed to retire in 2019 under the terms of the previous legislation will be able to use it. These are mainly women born in 1964 and men born in 1959, who will be the first to be affected by the increase in the retirement age. Due to the benefits, they will begin retirement from July 2019.

    For many Russians, however, pension payments remain within the same age limits. This primarily applies to people who have early retirement benefits. For example, miners and miners, rescuers, drivers public transport and other workers employed in difficult, dangerous and hazardous working conditions for which employers pay additional contributions to pension insurance. Most of these workers continue to retire at age 50 and 55, depending on gender.

    Preferential retirement is also preserved for teachers, doctors and representatives of other professions, to whom payments are assigned not upon reaching retirement age, but after acquiring the necessary length of service. At the same time, from 2019, the appointment of a pension in such cases takes into account the transition period to increase the retirement age, which comes into force from the moment the required length of service is acquired in the profession. For example, a school teacher who has developed the necessary teaching experience in April 2019 will be able to retire in accordance with the transition period in six months, in October 2019.

    As before, in order to assign a pension in 2019, the minimum requirements for seniority and retirement points must be met. The right to retire this year is given by 10 years of experience and 16.2 pension points. It should also be noted that raising the retirement age does not apply to disability pensions. They are preserved in full and are assigned to those who have lost the ability to work, regardless of age when establishing a disability group.

    Individual (personified) accounting information - a way to quickly assign a pension

    At present, it is possible to assign an insurance pension according to the information of individual (personified) accounting at the disposal of the territorial body of the PFR without providing information about the length of service and earnings, anyone can.

    The appointment of a pension via the Internet is possible due to the fact that in the PFR personalized accounting system, in most cases, there is information about all periods of the insured person's employment.

    Personalized accounting is the accounting of information about each citizen insured in the compulsory pension insurance system of the Russian Federation. In the system of rediscounting during a person's labor activity, the data necessary for the appointment of a pension are recorded: about the length of service, periods of work and other periods, places of work, about insurance premiums and the number of points earned. And wherever a person works at different periods of his life, information about him comes to the Pension Fund from employers and is stored there as individual.

    It is not the first year that the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (www.pfrf.ru) has been running the electronic service "Personal Account of a Citizen" *, the most popular section of which is about the formed pension rights. In it, everyone can learn about their retirement points and experience. Through your personal account on the PFR website, you can also apply for a pension.

    You can also enter your Personal Account through mobile app FIU for smartphones. In addition, a citizen can personally apply with a request to provide information on the state of the individual personal account of the insured person to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia (at the place of residence or work), to the multifunctional center of state and municipal services, or by mail.

    If a citizen believes that any information has not been taken into account or not taken into account in full, he has the opportunity to contact the employer in advance to clarify the data and submit them to the territorial body of the FIU at the place of residence. If the enterprise where the citizen worked no longer exists, you should contact a higher organization or archive.

    At the same time, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation carry out early work with citizens of pre-retirement age, which makes it possible to bring the data on the personal account of the insured person in full compliance with the documents available to the citizen for the appointment of a pension.

    After familiarization with the information of individual (personified) accounting, consent can be submitted to the FIU in several ways.

    When applying for a pension through the employer, the said consent is expressed by putting a corresponding mark in the application itself. The same mark can be filled in with the expression of the will of the citizen and when sending an application through the EPGU or LKZL.

    * To use the electronic services of the FIU, you must register and receive a confirmed account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA) on the public services portal. At the same time, registration can be helped in the client service of the FIU. If you are already registered on the portal, use your username and password.

    Moms with three or more children will be able to retire earlier

    From January 1, 2019, Federal Law No. 350 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issues of Appointment and Payment of Pensions" will enter into force. The document is aimed at a gradual increase in the retirement age. However, certain provisions of the law provide for earlier retirement for women. This applies to mothers with many children.
    Women who have given birth to five or more children will continue to receive a pension at the age of 50. In addition, a mother of three children will be able to retire early at 57 years old, and who gave birth to four children at 56 years old. At the same time, for early retirement, mothers with many children need to develop a total of 15 years of insurance experience. One more condition - mothers of many children must raise children under 8 years of age.
    Among the main conditions for changes in the pension system is a gradual increase in the retirement age for old age. The law establishes the generally established retirement age at the level of 60 years for women and 65 years for men (now 55 and 60 years, respectively). The change in the retirement age will begin on January 1, 2019 and will occur gradually during the transition period until 2028. Transitional will last 10 years.
    For those who were supposed to retire in 2019–2020, there is a special benefit - retirement six months earlier than the new retirement age. For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, must retire in January 2020, will be able to do so as early as July 2019. Raising the retirement age at the first stage will affect men born in 1959. and women born in 1964).
    During the transitional period to increase the retirement age, all federal and regional benefits in effect as of December 31, 2018 remain. As before, women will be able to use them upon reaching 55 years of age and men upon reaching 60 years. Similarly, within the limits of the previous retirement age, the appointment of a funded pension and other types of payment of pension savings remains.
    Raising the retirement age does not affect current pensioners - recipients of insurance pensions and state security pensions. They will continue to receive the required pension and social benefits in accordance with the previously acquired rights and benefits.

    The State Duma on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, approved amendments by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the bill to amend pension system... The law provides for criminal liability for unjustified dismissal or refusal to hire persons of pre-retirement age. The retirement age for men is set at 65 years, for women - at 60 years.

    Parliamentarians also approved an amendment on the right to early retirement for mothers with many children.

    With regard to responsibility for the dismissal of pre-retirees, legal scholars interviewed by Life say that this provision will allow older employees to work in peace. For dismissal or refusal to hire people of pre-retirement age, employers will face compulsory work for up to 360 hours or a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 18 months.

    Lawyer Alim Bishenov believes that people of pre-retirement age should more accurately formalize their relationship with the employer.

    Firstly, it is best for people of pre-retirement age to record all their negotiations with a potential employer on paper, so that they have something to go to the prosecutor's office or labor inspectorate. And they can refuse allegedly due to insufficient work experience, lack of required skills and for other reasons, - the specialist explained.

    Lawyer Ilya Alekseev also believes that people of pre-retirement age should not particularly trust the words of the employer, but everything should be recorded not only on paper, but also recorded on the phone.

    Such vigilance will allow the employee to remain in the ranks, because the recorded information will allow the investigation and the court to prove discrimination against the employee at the age of 55-60, will help condemn a negligent employer, he explained.

    According to the Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin, especially during the transition period, when changes are made to the pension system, it is necessary to do everything so that a working person, a citizen of pre-retirement age, is protected.

    As Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova explained earlier, the adopted law is similar to the norms contained in Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Unjustified refusal to hire or unjustified dismissal of a pregnant woman or woman with children under the age of three").

    Tatyana Golikova noted that criminal liability is an "extreme case". In 2017, under article 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 2,000 applications were recorded, but at the same time, a decision on criminal punishment was made only on two.

    In a televised address on August 29, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed setting the retirement age for women at 60 and for men at 65. In addition, from 2019 to double the unemployment benefit for persons of pre-retirement age, introduce a preferential retirement regime for mothers with many children (at the age of 50-57), and also spoke in favor of maintaining land and real estate tax benefits for citizens. who have reached the current retirement age. At the same time, the head of state noted the need to introduce employer liability (including criminal liability) for unjustified dismissal or refusal to hire persons of pre-retirement age.

    Navigating the article

    Formed by citizens born in 1967. and younger, if they made a choice in favor of its formation before 12/31/2015 and is charged based on the availability of funds accumulated in the personal account (part 1 of article 6 of the law of 12/28/2013 N 424-FZ).

    State Pension Pension

    The state pension is monthly payment, carried out in order to compensate for the harm caused to health and lost income in the following categories:

    • upon reaching the established length of service when retiring to an insurance pension for old age or disability;
    • and upon retirement for seniority;
    • to persons who have lost their health during military service, in cases, as well as in the event of disability, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner and upon reaching a certain age;
    • in order to provide them with a livelihood. State pension provision financed from revenues to the Pension Fund from the state budget. (Article 2 of the Federal Law N 166-FZ)

    Non-state supplementary pension provision

    Non-state pension provision(NGO) is an additional type of provision for pensioners. The NGO system is based on drawing up an agreement with non-state pension funds and voluntarily transferring funds by the employer (depositor) to the accounts of employees (participants). The payment of pensions of this type is carried out on the grounds specified in the contract.
    Basically, the appointment of pensions under contracts is carried out to citizens working at workplaces recognized as dangerous or harmful. Thus, the main purpose of such retirement benefits is to compensate for the harm received while doing work.

    The activities of NPFs are regulated by the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ "On Non-State Pension Funds".

    How to calculate your future pension?

    The latest changes in the pension system, concerning, took place in 2015 as a result of the ongoing pension reform. If earlier the amount of the assigned pension was calculated based on the pension capital (the total amount of paid contributions for employees), now insurance contributions must be converted into individual pension coefficients (points), the cost of which is determined by the state.

    Moreover, the previously formed pension rights must convert to points and taken into account when assigning a pension.

    When calculating, points for the so-called non-insurance periods:

    • during parental leave;
    • for the passage of military service in the Armed Forces;
    • for caring for elderly citizens, disabled people and disabled children;
    • when receiving unemployment benefits;
    • other periods described in Art. 12 of the law "On insurance pensions".

    Already now it is possible independently determine the amount of pension provision, based on the new calculation formula specified in Art. 15 of the above law.

    New pension formula from 2015

    After the reform of the pension system, the procedure for its calculation also changed. Now the formula for determining the size of the future pension looks like this:

    SP = IPK × SIPK + FV,

    • Joint venture- the amount of the established insurance pension;
    • IPK- the sum of individual pension coefficients at the time of appointment;
    • SIPK- the cost of the PKI in the year in which the pension is assigned;
    • PV- the size of the fixed (base) payment.

    As mentioned earlier, now insurance premiums have begun to be converted into retirement points calculated each year of employment, the value of which is determined as follows:

    IPK = SV / MV × 10,

    • SV- the amount of insurance premiums;
    • MV- 16% of the established maximum contribution base.

    The introduction of the PKI is a new condition that requires not only accumulating seniority, but also ensuring the payment of contributions in the amount established by the Law, as well as increasing interest in the full timely payment of contributions and the withdrawal of workers' salaries from the "gray" economic zone.

    How to increase the size of your future pension?

    Many are wondering about raising the size of their retirement benefits. The most simple option is to work longer in order to transfer more insurance premiums to the Pension Fund.

    The legislation does not prohibit receiving a pension and continuing to work, but since 2016, the Government has decided to cancel the indexation of payments to working pensioners, so it can serve as a way to increase their pension coverage. She passes annually on 1 August and increases the size of payments to pensioners at the expense of previously unaccounted for insurance premiums. As a result of the recalculation, a working pensioner can be credited with no more than three points (Article 18 of Law No. 400 FZ).

    Based on the cost of the pension point, which is in August 2019 (taking into account the indexation by 7.05%) RUB 87.24, a working pensioner can count on the maximum increase, which for 2019 will be 261.72 rubles.

    Another way - if a citizen, after reaching the set, does not apply for it and continues to work, then for each subsequent year the size of his pension will grow due to premium rates(application and law "On insurance pensions"). For example, if it is postponed for a period of five years, the FV will be increased by 36% and the insurance pension by 45%.

    The procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions

    You can apply to the FIU no earlier than a month before the date of acquiring the rights to pension benefits. List of documents required by the FIU depends on the type of pension, but you will definitely need the following:

    1. application for the appointment of a pension;
    2. passport with registration mark;
    3. employment history;
    4. insurance certificate (green card);
    5. foreigners permanently residing in the Russian Federation will need a notary-certified translation of a passport and a residence permit;
    6. military ID (if available);
    7. Marriage certificate.

    The appointment is governed by Art. 21 Federal law No. 400 of 28.13.12, state - art. 24 of the Law No. 166 of 12/15/2001, and the accumulative 9 art. Law of 28.12.2013 N 424-FZ.

    With an application for the appointment and payment of a pension, you must apply to FIU or in MFC... The appeal can be submitted through the "personal account" in the form of an electronic document, as well as through the employer's personnel service or by mail.

    Application consideration period- 10 working days after its acceptance by the staff of the Foundation, if all the required documents have been provided. The pensioner has the opportunity to independently choose the method of delivery of his pension. This can be a division of the Russian Post, a bank or another organization.


    The new rules for calculating pensions affected only the insurance pension, which is the most common type of pension payments in Russia.

    • As a result of the introduction of a new unit into the calculation formula - IPK (individual pension coefficient), all pension calculations occur only in retirement points and are converted into rubles only upon its appointment.
    • Introduced premium odds in the event of a delayed retirement, which subsequently significantly increases the size of the pension benefit.

    It should be noted that the specialists of the FIU, when accepting documents, reveal many mistakes admitted by employees personnel services, when filling out work books. For example, unreadable seals, uncertified corrections, missing required entries, etc. In this case, the specialists of the Fund will be forced to demand additional supporting documents, the collection of which may take a lot of time and this will not allow the calculation and appointment of a pension in as soon as possible... Therefore, it is worth in advance, approximately in 6 months before the planned visit to the Pension Fund and consult with specialists.

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