• If a woman is dominated by masculine traits? The main qualities of a real man: what women value Character traits of a man and a woman


    The manifestation in women of masculine character traits, masculine behavior cause rejection in men. For example, polygamy, which is a male property. In men, it is perceived calmly. And a woman with such behavior will have a completely different attitude. A drunk man and a drunk woman cause different reactions. A woman drives a car well if she has a masculine driving style.
    In the same way, the manifestation of feminine behavior in men is annoying.

    There are even such unpleasant expressions: "a horse in a skirt", "a woman with eggs", "a boy - a girl". We have probably met such an attitude and people who create such an image look like that.

    In each of us there are both feminine and masculine qualities. Both in men and in women. And if a woman has masculine qualities, well, she was born like that. what should she do? Strangle these manifestations of a man in yourself? Or can they be used somehow? For some reason, she was created like that, or was he (the man) so feminine, too, for something created?

    I think it's really wonderful that people have traits of both men and women. Otherwise, men and women would never understand each other. If a person has some properties that are completely absent in another, then they simply will never understand each other, they will not have any contact. Like people who speak different languages, there is no chance to talk to each other.

    Those. these properties of the opposite sex are not given to us for their direct use, but for better contact. For example, it is easy for women to communicate with a man who is sensitive, sentimental, who likes to look beautiful and has other feminine qualities. He understands women well. But he is not a woman, he is the most natural man. And he is interested in women, not men as sexual objects.
    But it is pleasant to communicate with him only as long as he shows these qualities to facilitate communication, for a better understanding of a woman, and does not become a woman in his behavior. You understand a woman - class! But behave. like a man, and everything will be hurt. (you can cry)

    That is why it is so difficult for men who have very little feminine to understand the motivation, way of thinking and desire of a woman. For them, a woman is an unsolvable mystery.

    Similarly, a woman with masculine properties. If she uses these properties to establish contact with men, to understand their thinking and nature, then everything is very good. But as soon as she begins to behave like a man: to command, manage a man, she begins to demand something from him, i.e. shows clearly masculine traits of behavior, idylls end. She becomes unpleasant to a man, rejected by him.

    This applies, for example, to female desire, which affects a man like the sound of a magic pipe on rats in an old fairy tale. He just can't resist it. A woman's desire is transmitted to a man at some level that is elusive to ordinary organs of perception. Embedded in a man and becomes his desire. A woman, in general, is such a generator of desires, and a man is a filler of these desires. A very effective union in which both complement each other. But this is about desire, not demand. The demand, on the contrary, causes rejection and resistance on the part of the man because he no longer sees a woman in front of him, but a man. A woman, when she demands, commands "grow a mustache." Those. she turns into a man. And another man will not fulfill a man's desire. Another mechanism of interaction is switched on - rivalry.

    Desire and demand are very similar in their external features, although they are completely different in essence. As a person who is brave and ready to give his life for others, who feels responsible for other people, sometimes looks from the outside in the same way as a cowardly person, but drawing attention to himself, trying to command others. If the first is always in the spotlight because he is a leader by nature. Then the second in the spotlight because of his cowardice. He needs to be constantly in sight, so that at the moment of danger they would not forget about him and save him.

    That's it, it's very simple. There is nothing wrong with a woman being strong or having leadership qualities. You just need to use it correctly. Not in order to command men, to demand something from them, but in order to establish the best contact with men. And men will do everything themselves, to mutual pleasure.

    And there is nothing wrong with being a sensitive and sentimental man. He understands women like no other.

    Both men and women are created wonderful and perfect. Problems begin when we start building our interaction incorrectly.

    There is not a single problem that would be solved effectively by men or women separately. They are always solved in the best way through each other, that is, women's problems are solved through men, men's problems are solved through women.


    Why are strong, successful women often left alone? How should they be: change themselves or abandon the generally accepted pattern: "Everyone - get married"? The candidate of psychological sciences, the well-known metropolitan psychotherapist and writer Olga Romanovna Arnol reflects on this.

    How not to get confused in a skirt?

    All my life I wanted only one thing: to love and be loved. Instead, I have everything else: my own business, career, money, car and apartment. And there is no loved one and no family. Marina is 33 years old, she is tall, slim, athletic. At the institute, I played football with the guys (!). After graduating from a prestigious technical university, where there were almost no girls, she quickly abandoned her scientific career and went into business. Together with two classmates, she created her own company, which is now flourishing. Her male partners voluntarily relinquished the position of CEO to her. Marina really liked one of them, but she didn’t even know about it. Otherwise, he would not have consulted with her before marrying. Marina did not have a single more or less serious novel. After the first meeting, the men she pays attention to run away from her like fire. After another failure, when Marina left a loved one who lived with her for two weeks, she turned to a psychotherapist. I give Marina a critical look. She is attractive in her own way, dressed in an expensive trouser suit, which is quite consistent with the appearance of a business lady. - Marina, do you always wear trousers? She is surprised at my question. But then, after thinking, she answers: yes, she feels light and free in trousers. Say: well, what are you clinging to men's clothing? However, the fact is that trousers correspond to a determined gait, a tough manner of communicating with people and doing business. Oddly enough, one of the surest ways to return to your feminine roots is to learn again to wear clothes that are traditional for the weak half of the human race. Sometimes this alone is a real miracle. Together with a dress, a skirt and high heels, a sweet female coquetry, grace of movements comes to us - in a word, that sum of almost imperceptible moments, which is called femininity. The situation is more difficult with gait. It is very difficult to switch from a wide male step to a female, slightly mincing one. If you have never worn women's clothing, then try not to get tangled in a wide skirt or tear at the seams of a narrow one! But if Marina wants to take the first step towards changing herself and her relationships with men, then she now knows where to start. And I am sure that I will soon see her in a dress, combed in a different way and skillfully tinted.
    Who do men run away from?

    Marina's character has features that help her earn money. But they get in the way when it comes to relationships with men. This is a mad pressure and perseverance in achieving the goal. If she likes a person, she shows him it directly, without any equivocation. If he begins to court, then Marina immediately expects the next step from him and pushes him to it. In general, she is a leader in these relations - exactly the same as in business. But men don't like being bossed around by a woman. They can still put up with it at work. But to be subordinate in personal relationships - no, this is already too much. Even the weakest man will take "legs in hand" with such a clear threat of enslavement. They are especially afraid of women who violate the rules of the game: they actively rush to the attack, directly and unambiguously declare their intentions, dictate their conditions. Such ladies strive to prove to themselves and to the whole world that they are no worse than the representatives of the stronger sex. This is a typical male trait - a passion for competition, a desire to become the first, in a fierce battle to win a place under the sun. As a rule, women with this character always have a lot of androgens in their blood. This is a distinctive feature of their body, which is determined by hereditary factors, the structure of the body and the characteristics of the work of the endocrine glands. So, back to Marina. Her masculine nature helps her in business. The aggressiveness and pressure of this woman won her the respect of both partners and competitors. They treat her like a man. But in order to achieve the fulfillment of her cherished dream, she must learn to behave like a woman. Such a division: at work - a man, and at home - a woman, is given with difficulty. To do this, you need to be a bit of an actress, clearly aware at every moment of time what you want. And do not confuse your roles - do not throw tantrums at work and do not give orders in a commanding tone to your gentleman during a candlelit dinner.

    Not those men...

    Businesswoman Faina outwardly looks completely different than Marina. This is a beautiful woman with soft catlike movements, equally attractive in skirt and trousers. She knows how to present herself and does not experience a lack of fans. However, in her personal life, Faina is fatally unlucky. She chooses "the wrong ones" all the time. With men, she behaves like a cat, which she looks so much like: hissing and arching her back, showing her claws. She believes that she needs a real, energetic, strong person who would really love her and with whom she would be interested. But in reality, relationships with lovers who are at least a little similar to her ideal end very quickly. In general, love for Faina is an eternal showdown. Behind them is always the question: who is in charge here? If a man wants to dictate the terms himself, the relationship breaks up very quickly. Those who allow themselves to wipe their feet stay longer. But why is Faina such a lover?
    What kind of men attract a strong woman? Definitely strong! But this is precisely the whole paradox of the situation: two strong, courageous natures cannot get along together. At the same time, soft, delicate men are discarded by these ladies as “weaklings”. But such a combination: a woman with a masculine character and a soft feminine man is an ideal option. Almost the only one in which a strong woman can achieve happiness in marriage. Yes, and a man - too, the opposites here complement each other.

    Illusory loneliness

    And what about our heroines, two representatives of a new tribe of entrepreneurs? Oddly enough, charming Faina faces the same problems in her life as Marina, deprived of female charm. The only difference is that potential fans run away from Marina right away. And Faina is surrounded by men, but among them there is no one with whom she could build a long-term relationship. If these ladies want to become happy, like ordinary women, they need to change a lot in themselves. With Marina, things are easier. You can teach her to dress and act like a woman. And if she really wants to, she will be able to humble her assertive temper and behave more gently with her chosen one. Especially if he borrows their patience and some tricks from lovely ladies. If Marina really wants to start a family, then she will come to terms with the fact that she does not need a superman, but a softer man. But with Faina, everything is more complicated. How to explain to a feminine graceful beauty who is wildly successful that she has a masculine character and this scares the stronger sex? Faina could find only one for herself if she managed to analyze her childhood complexes and stop asserting herself. But this is a huge job. But generally speaking, I'm far from sure that all determined, energetic, smart women who have found themselves in the professional field actually want to get married and start a family. Often they are simply mistaken under the influence of conventional wisdom. In fact, they don't need it. It is enough to have a friend and live your full life. To each his own, and you have to pay for everything. Including for such wonderful qualities as will, determination, energy ... And, to be honest, I like such women in some way.

    Not all women like to cook and stay at home. Not everyone wants to get married. Not everyone has creative talents and feminine qualities. Many people follow the male path.

    And those who have been following them for a long time have already formed masculine qualities, masculine aspirations, and a masculine type of behavior. Many of us are raised as boys from birth. They set goals for us, try to change us, to make us more independent.

    And then - if this is your story - the description of female nature will outrage you. How it would have angered me ten years ago. Since childhood, I wanted to be a boy, envied boys, played boyish games. For a long time I did not have girlfriends, I did not know how to needlework and I was not attracted by the fate of a housewife.
    Therefore, when I first heard that each of us has our own nature, and the female body was not given to me by chance, I was very indignant. This provoked a storm of protest in me. And I went the other way - stubbornly and categorically. Three jobs, college, career.
    But what I came to - a violation of the hormonal background, female diseases and a tumor in the chest at the age of 20 - made me think. Am I right in rejecting what is given to me from above? And is it really all my character and my essence? Or is it acquired stereotypes of behavior and thoughts?
    I have always believed that being a man is better. It's better to be a man. And I regretted that my body was female. And in fact, a lot of strength was spent on this struggle with oneself, with one's nature.
    I would like to offer you an analogy. Imagine that women are peach trees. And men are, for example, coconut palms. If we deny that we have been given a female body, then it is as if we are trying to grow coconuts on a peach tree. Surely this is possible - even if watermelons are grown in Siberia. But how much effort you need to spend on it!
    I'm told all the time that women are different. Of course they are different. I don't deny it. There are many varieties of peach trees. But they all belong to the same family - peach trees. Do you understand what I mean?
    Some fruits are larger, some are smaller. Someone's tree is taller, someone's thicker. Some fruits are sweeter, others are juicier. Each tree is unique. But each of them is peach.
    So are women. We are different. We have a different vision, different characters and individual characteristics. But we are united by the fact that we are women. So we have some common features. Even if we don't want to admit it.
    You can spend your whole life to become a palm tree. But this is impossible. You can disguise yourself as a palm tree, graft coconut branches, behave like a coconut. But inside you will still be a peach tree. The energy spent on disguise could be used to ripen delicious peaches. And in the end - the harvest is poor, immature and tasteless.
    It is the same with our nature. You can deny your femininity as much as you like. Even sex can now be changed surgically. But it will not change the essence. But you have the freedom of choice - and you can try. If you want.
    It is often said that it is not necessary to separate male and female so clearly, that this is very categorical and wrong. But for some reason God created us so different. Means. He had good reasons for emphasizing these differences physiologically.

    What to do with male character traits?
    Everyone has masculine traits. The only question is how much they dominate your character. Without some masculine qualities, it is very difficult for a woman to survive in the modern world. At least until she gets married.
    Of course, it is best not to acquire such habits as stubbornness, arguments, rigidity. That is why in ancient times, girls from birth were prepared for the female path. They studied women's arts, communicated in women's groups, women's schools. From childhood they were taught to be wives and mothers. And certainly they did not finish two universities, postgraduate and doctoral studies. They did not learn to build a career and be independent.
    But if we take today as a given, then there is no point in worrying about injustice. No one taught - learn yourself. It's never too late.
    If you have 90% of masculine qualities in you, then you should think about developing feminine qualities in yourself. Gradually develop women's skills, women's habits, women's behavior. If no one has explained to you since childhood the purpose and meaning of your birth in a female body, you can explain it to yourself now. Even at eighty years old, it is not too late to change the course of history.

    Why is this needed?
    - To build a relationship with a real man. Many - even very strong and strong-willed women - want a real man next to them. So that he could defeat not only all the dragons, but also herself. That's just real men are not interested. Why waste so much energy? After all, it is better to change the world, to kill all the dragons, than to conquer one man in a skirt. Therefore, most often next to a courageous woman is a feminine man. The other one just won't survive. And this one will nicely complement, close her rear. That's just happiness from this in her life will not increase. After all, she can't rely on him. And he doesn't look like a real man at all.
    - To be healthy. After all, our hormonal system is very fragile. And if we go the wrong way, we get a failure. When we behave like a man, male hormones begin to dominate in our body. They, perhaps, make us more resilient, stronger and more determined. But for our physiology, long-term exposure to such hormones ends sadly.
    - In order to pass on to my daughter a different scenario and a different model. You are strong, self-sufficient and strong-willed. You have achieved everything yourself. But are you happy with it? And could you trade all this for the reliable shoulder of a man next to you? If your daughter sees how good it is to be a woman, she will also want to. And then she will be able to avoid many problems and mistakes.
    - In order to enjoy the notorious female happiness. Which you hardly feel when swinging your saber. In order to touch him, you need to get off your horse and put away your weapon. After all, this happiness is very thin and fragile. It can be easily destroyed by a rude word or a sharp swing of a saber. Only a woman is capable of experiencing female happiness. And this is her personal indicator that she is moving in the right direction.
    - To try something different. You already know how to stop horses and extinguish huts. And if something happens, the skill in you will instantly wake up. But while peacetime, the huts do not burn and the horses do not gallop - maybe to master a new model of behavior?

    Yes, at first it will be difficult and unusual. Sometimes even - maybe through force and without enthusiasm. Then gradually there will be interest, a different taste of happiness. Like with a skirt. At first, you can't bring yourself to wear only dresses. And after a month you realize that you don’t want to wear trousers. And the feeling in them is not the most pleasant.
    The same is true of feminine qualities. Having started to communicate with girls, at first I overpowered myself in many places. Well, how much can you talk about nonsense, it's time to do things! Gradually, I began to relax during bachelorette parties. And now for me it is the most valuable and important communication. I don't even know how I managed without friends before.
    And do not strive for 100% femininity. Because in the modern world it would be nice to dilute peace, kindness and gentleness with activity, enthusiasm and purposefulness.
    It is enough to start behaving differently, to add new elements to your life - whether it is wearing skirts, chatting with friends, needlework or self-care. And after some time you will notice changes in your character, and in self-awareness, and in relationships.
    It is enough to start fulfilling women's duties, even if you don't like them, so that six months later you will be surprised to find that your husband has begun to fulfill his men's. And at the same time, as you moved towards femininity, masculinity began to appear in it. And after a while you will realize that you can finally lean on his strong shoulder. Even if you married your mother's son.
    You can also choose another option. And leave everything as it is. That is why we are given freedom of choice. I just want to tell you two things:
    *If you are given a female body, then it is not just. This is a landmark in which direction your main prize is located, where your path lies.
    * Even if at the moment you have more masculine qualities, this is not a sentence. The percentage can always be changed if you approach this consciously. The main thing is desire and motivation.

    You can always go back to basics. Because they are already embedded in you from the moment of conception. Even earlier - from the moment you decided to be born in a female body.
    I wish you to find the way to your origins.

    Marry a "poet"

    Imagine a man who works well, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink. He is very sensitive, cries, admiring the sunset. He will not contradict if you want to go to the pool with him, he will go with you, and if you are going to stay at home this evening, he will understand you. Before us is the type of a male poet. But most women are not attracted by such a prospect. Unless you are 16 years old. These men are not practical in life, any difficulty makes him hysterical. A woman next to this man needs to become strong. Sometimes in life there is no time for beauty, and if you cry for a couple, this will lead to disastrous results.

    Men are great actors

    Many women can play “mother”, listen to a man’s confession, wipe his nose. And at the same time, they expect a man to be that rock behind which one would like to hide from storms and storms. In life, there are rarely men who would appear for you as a wide wall and open their souls. And then they play. The secret of a successful man is that he will not be strong if he does not “play” a man. Men are great actors. When such a man sees that a woman is hysterical, he does not pay attention to her emotions, he is a man and should not react. But do not rush to judge, maybe he wants to cry, often a man restrains his feelings. The image forces him to do this, but he does not want to lose respect for himself.


    A man with a gentle character cannot see himself from the outside, so he is not shy about emotions. You will know what is happening in the soul of your man. This makes me want to be alone and relax. This man is alone with his mother. He cannot form a character without a strong maternal influence. The gentle nature of a man is determined in childhood, when it is necessary to alienate his son from his mother. In the recent past, many nations weaned a boy from his mother, sent him to study, work, closed him among the same boys. Maybe it's good to live with a soft man. Consider the pros and cons of such a man:


    • He is inferior to you in everything, you feel stronger.
    • Usually he is a good family man, loves children.
    • He is incapable of jealousy.
    • You do not need to look for a girlfriend, the husband is your girlfriend to talk heart to heart.
    • In life, he will not surprise you with anything special, and good.
    • He can go shopping with you all day with pleasure.


    • You will be bored with him.
    • You will be deadly tired of his confessions, entangled in his complexes, you have your own.
    • In a difficult moment, he is unlikely to support. He will begin to worry with you, instead of being able to reassure you like a man.
    • He is not one of those who will earn a lot of money, due to the fact that there is no character.
    • In intimate life, you will not reach the heights with him, you will live longing for a strong man.

    Find out for yourself what kind of man you need, you will have to spend years with him. There are women for whom restraint, silence, masculinity do not play any role. It happens that a woman marries a man with a gentle character and lives with him all her life, but she is bored. And another woman chooses a strong man, there are conflicts, misunderstandings with him, but it is interesting to live with him.

    As a rule, they mean a self-confident person who is ready to take everything he wants from life, even if sometimes he has to go over the heads of his rivals. However, there is such a type as a feminine guy. He is characterized by softness of disposition and lack of aggression. Why?

    Formation of an effeminate character

    Female character traits are manifested in people who were brought up exclusively by grandmothers, mothers, aunts and sisters. There was no one to give them an example of male behavior. Mothers often do not allow children to fight, climb trees, get involved in fun alterations. If a boy is taught to sit quietly on the sidelines because the world is full of danger, there is a high probability that he will not crawl out of his cozy nest either at 20 or 30 or 40 years old.

    It is sometimes useful for children to beat their knees on the asphalt, tear their sneakers while playing football. This is really a small price to pay for the acquired life experience. When mom talks about everything, she acquires the status of authority, and then it is extremely difficult to get rid of overprotection, start doing something yourself, get out from under her wing, and even more so take responsibility for your own family.

    Parents sometimes protect us from everything except their own care. Building a protective wall around the child, the mother sometimes does not notice how the barricade turns into a cage.

    As a result, the young man develops an effeminate character. Instead of solving difficult situations, coping with them, he avoids them, prefers to accept worse living conditions than to take risks and achieve the desired heights. Such people often do not even make plans, because they do not believe in their implementation into reality. For them, improvements always hover somewhere in the realm of fantasy, an impossible dream that is too good to be true.

    How to recognize the passive-feminine type of a man

    The feminine guy moves smoothly, he has a graceful and calm voice. Although there are also people who speak with excessive pathos and mannerisms, show emotions beyond measure, extol the importance of their own mood. In some ways they resemble scandalous ladies. But if a woman sometimes paints a slight harmfulness, speaks of her passion and temperament, then the representatives of the stronger sex immediately lose their masculinity in the eyes of others.

    It’s good when it’s just a mask, and a man is joking in this way, but he can switch to a serious tone at any moment and solve the problem that has appeared on his way. For some people, femininity is really just an image. Much depends on what exactly the person took from the character traits of the opposite sex.


    There are a lot of stereotypes in society. Sometimes it is believed that an effeminate man is one who does not watch football with a bottle of beer in his hand and would rather go to the theater than go fishing. There was an opinion that the standard is James Bond in a chic suit with a gun, or at least a bad guy with stubble and on a motorcycle in a smoky leather jacket.

    Subconsciously and instinctively, girls pay attention to self-confident and sometimes even arrogant men, and the stamp “feminine guy” is hung on any quiet person who finds the pleasure of measuring muscles and fighting for territory seems doubtful.

    Responsive and understanding people

    Someone is led to excessive arrogance. But girls like effeminate guys who not only achieve them and enjoy their own achievement, as another conquered peak, but are capable of sympathy, empathy, simple spiritual conversation. During their school years, women's attention rarely shines on them, but when the mind takes over hormones, the ladies understand that, in addition to a sexual partner, it would be nice to find a friend in one bottle.

    People who cultivate their masculinity are often self-confident, treat a woman as a beautiful thing, whose main task is to adorn and please them. All light and attention should be directed to him, and the companion is just a beautiful background element, attendants or a toy.

    Unsuitable for real life

    However, one should not categorically say that an effeminate man is a higher form of life than an ordinary guy who loves to dig under the hood of a car in his garage and drink beer with friends. There are overly narcissistic and little capable of loving anyone but themselves, exalting their own beauty and imaginary superiority over the people around them.

    It is usually difficult for such people to explain that in order to eat and pay for utilities, you need to work. And sometimes it can even be a job at a construction site or a cashier in a supermarket. And they periodically come to this, because at a time when ordinary people are fussing and making plans for the future, a handsome guy thinks that his external data, charm, sense of humor and uniqueness will certainly not allow him to be on the street.

    But then the harsh realities of life emerge from the fog of illusions. Guys with a female appearance at such moments turn into pretentious cynics and fatalists, disillusioned with life, geniuses not recognized by society, ideal against the backdrop of a cruel world. Instead of changing something, they prefer to blame others for what happened.

    Family life with a feminine man

    Too handsome a man can be capricious, and even more trouble with him than with a child. His gallantry and courtesy is enough for the candy-bouquet period. After the couple moves in, such a person literally sits on the woman's neck. She cooks, does laundry, cleans, and works, while he "rewards" her with the opportunity to contemplate his beautiful face every day and be nearby, an opportunity that ordinary mortals do not have. A dubious gift of fate.

    He is unlikely to take responsibility for the household, he will resist when entrusting him with some business, talk about his fatigue and problems, and when he catches a cold, he will definitely write a will.

    Many women love to take care of someone and even more - to suffer, to carry a cross and a noble burden, so they willingly take responsibility for their beloved. When he talks about how bad he is, the fair sex blames herself, painfully looking for mistakes in her actions. Perhaps she lacked tenderness, and in the depths of his soul there is a bright and sincere light hidden by protective barricades.

    Women are able to naively believe for years that in fact their chosen one is just a fallen angel, painfully hit by cruel realities, undeservedly condemned, who has gone through severe trials. And only she will be able to revive his faith in himself and awaken masculinity.

    For selfish natures, such partners are energy donors and a means of self-affirmation. In their direction from time to time they throw sharp remarks and hints that they will do just fine without them.

    Why aren't they thrown?

    A woman only clings more to her “jewel”. After all, he is so special, unique, unusual. There are few of them. Moreover, everyone is already married, so you need to rejoice at this. A little more effort - and he will definitely trust her, become sincere. In addition, in society he is known as a polite, courteous and gallant person, the dream of every woman. How can you resist the temptation to brag to your friends? Misunderstandings happen when a child appears in the family.

    If a guy is very feminine, sometimes he is able to love only himself and does not find much pleasure in giving something to someone, wasting his invaluable time and effort on at least 18 years of growing heir. His chosen one has little time to run around him, which is why the passive-feminine type feels depressed and unnecessary, despite the fact that the family really needs him. Only we are talking about help and care in the real world, and not praising his fine mental organization.

    Hidden ambitions

    The stronger sex wants to feel like they're in charge, and if they don't succeed in this in the business and public sphere, it is possible to use the most ridiculous ways to establish their own importance. However, from the outside it looks like the barking of a small dog that will never actually bite.

    Behind external obedience can be hidden It is not for nothing that they say that quiet lunatics are much more dangerous than violent ones, because you cannot recognize them at first sight. A person must give free rein to feelings.

    Feminine character is often formed due to hidden fears of defeat. It is better not to try to do something at all than to disgrace yourself in front of everyone. Masculinity is, first of all, the ability to go towards your goal and achieve it at all costs. If the absence of these traits makes a person uncomfortable, closes the door to promising achievement, stops him from taking steps towards his dreams, they work with a psychotherapist who helps to get rid of complexes and open his masculine "I", to believe in himself.

    How can a man use femininity in his character correctly?

    In behavior, the passive-feminine character is manifested by pliability, gentleness and politeness. In today's world, these qualities are useful. Gone are the days when to achieve success in society it was enough to have big muscles and fists to win the biggest piece of meat for the family. Today, money is earned through courtesy, observation and insight.

    So a feminine guy can be an excellent breadwinner and a wonderful family man, especially if he is complemented by a self-confident and practical spouse. There are also a lot of decisive ladies, so there is a buyer for each product. Difficulties arise when a person is not able to defend his point of view, positions and beliefs, bends under the circumstances.

    There is nothing wrong with being feminine. Another thing is how to use them. Unrealized plans, lost opportunities turn a shy person into a domestic tyrant. Such men can be courteous and timid when dealing with higher-ranking officials, but they can recoup their loved ones. In order to at least somehow assert themselves, they show their “masculinity” or its remnants where no one will fight back and will not be able to trample their self-esteem even deeper into the dirt.

    How to instill confidence in yourself

    Not always effeminacy is limited only to character traits. The guy with has wide hips compared to the waist. This does not fit with the classic athletic triangle of shoulders and torso. Such people are very complex, but they are helped by playing sports, building muscle mass in the shoulder girdle.

    Going to the gym has a positive effect in psychological terms, like any sports club. Physical activity relieves stress and increases self-confidence. So, in addition to unwanted deposits on the hips, a person gets rid of fears and bad thoughts. To improve mood and increase courage, sometimes it’s enough just to go for a run in the evening or beat a pear.

    It is quite another matter - a nice guy who uses charm and the ability to analyze the emotional background of others in order to reach the location of friends, family and superiors. Polite treatment, courtesy open many doors in society, new steps in the career ladder. Such people are like water flowing around rocks rather than crashing headfirst into them.

    The appearance of a guy is no less important than a girl’s, although it is believed that for a man the main thing is a good sense of humor and a tightly stuffed wallet. But who's to say that beauty is bad? A well-groomed and stylish appearance is a plus for any person, whatever their gender. It is wrong to identify with masculinity sandals worn on top of socks and a drop of ketchup on a T-shirt.

    Many guys pluck their eyebrows, dye their hair, use foundation, nail polish. Reasonable and moderate use of cosmetic products is not a crime at all. Nobody talks about extremes, but why not improve what can be improved? From a simple principle? Do you remember from Pushkin: "You can be an efficient person and think about the beauty of nails ..."? In moderation, all this will only make the appearance more attractive.

    It should be understood that a guy’s feminine face is not a sign of his depravity and unscrupulousness or, on the contrary, holiness and high moral ideals. Behind the appearance there are many hidden details that you can’t see at first glance.

    Femininity in a man manifests itself in different ways - in a positive or negative way, just as a woman can be self-confident and sexy, or simply unkempt and doubt her own abilities. The habit of taking care of one's appearance, the ability to peacefully negotiate with people without pressure and pressure - these are qualities in which there is nothing shameful. They serve the individual only for the benefit.

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