• How to understand men are polygamous. Polygamy. Is there female polygamy?


    Looking at the explanatory dictionary, you can see that a polygamous man is a person who simultaneously maintains sexual relations with several women (two or more). In addition, the concept of female polygamy is distinguished.

    History of polygamy

    There was no such thing as monogamy at all. For our distant ancestors, polygamy was simply necessary - only thanks to it it was possible to constantly continue the clan and increase its population. In turn, this is what allowed the tribe to survive in harsh conditions. Of great importance was the hierarchy within the tribe itself. So, the leader, the strongest representative of the genus, had the unconditional right to fertilize any of the females, and after him, in descending order of importance, other males. At the same time, stronger and more enduring children were born from stronger males. Why is the word "polygamy" now used most often in a negative context?

    The transition from polygamy to monogamy

    As evolution proceeded, more stable and strong ties began to emerge between individual representatives of different tribes. There were even the beginnings of marriage. However, they continued to be based on polygamy. The husband could have any number of women on the side, but his wife, in case of treason, risked being stoned. By the way, it was in this version that harems were born.

    Over time, issues of division of property began to arise. They were decided very simply - since it was the males who dominated the society, the male child also had to inherit everything. In order not to leave all the property acquired over a long life to someone else's offspring, the head of the family had to be sure of his paternity. This is where the question of paternity comes into play. Nowadays, this problem is solved in just a couple of hours - the child and the father pass special tests, and then they find out the result almost instantly. Then the only way out was a monogamous marriage.

    Religions played an important role in strengthening and developing monogamous marriage. In parallel, purely human relationships also developed - in addition to the natural instinct of prolonging one's own kind, attachments and feelings began to play the role.

    Is it true that all men are polygamous?

    Many representatives of the stronger sex justify their love affairs by the fact that they are naturally polygamous and unable to resist the influence of instincts. This question begs itself: “Perhaps a polygamous man is normal?” Let's try to figure it out.

    Why are men polygamous? It is believed that the reason really lies in ancient instincts - primitive males tried to fertilize as many females as possible and leave as many heirs as possible. Is it likely that these instincts still operate today?

    Physiologically, men are indeed prone to polygamy. However, one should not forget about the ability to think and act contrary to the call of nature. Therefore, it is not easy to be faithful to a man all his life, but it is possible. However, it is necessary to remember this not only for the husband, but also for the wife - having surrounded her “male” with love, care, understanding, giving him everything that is needed for happiness, she protects herself from betrayal. After all, a decent and able to be grateful person will appreciate what the chosen one does for him. And at least out of a sense of respect, he will not hurt her feelings by going “to the left”.

    However, there are people who believe that cheating on the male side is normal, they sincerely do not understand why girls are so categorical about this. The main thing here is to be initially honest with your other half, immediately dotting all the “i”.

    And how are they?

    What does polygamous mean, we have already figured out. Now let's talk about the common myth that all animals are polygamous. This is far from true. Relations between representatives of different sexes in the animal world are also built differently. For example, some birds converge only for the time of incubation of eggs and hatching of chicks, and next time they are looking for new partners. There are arctic foxes, foxes, and even some types of fish that practice an exclusively monogamous lifestyle. But, say, beavers can behave differently depending on the habitat.

    It is noteworthy that in the animal kingdom, even polygamous males try to fertilize strong healthy females. A polygamous person, hiding behind his instincts, most likely does not even think about procreation and survival. At least in this case, he should have chosen precisely those women who theoretically could endure and give birth to healthy offspring (strong, with wide hips, and not just with beautiful breasts). If this is not the case, then talk about polygamy is nothing more than empty words in order to justify one's own promiscuity.

    The Benefits of a Polygamous Relationship

    So, polygamous relationships are a form of contact between men and women, in which one partner maintains contact with several people of the opposite sex at the same time (yes, polygamy is characteristic not only of men, but also of some women).

    Let's put moral questions aside and look at what advantages a polygamous family can have. We note right away that we are not talking about one-time betrayals, but about a real polygamous family (as in where a man can have several wives at once). Moreover, this is a full-fledged family, where each member has their own duties, rights, etc.

    Actually, the main advantages of polygamous families:

    • from the point of view of biology, the diversity of sexual relations has a beneficial effect on the vitality of the offspring;
    • a polygamous family is a rather difficult step for a woman, and if she agrees to this, then only on the terms of a deliberate agreement;
    • as a consequence of the previous paragraph, the percentage of divorces in polygamous families is practically zero.

    In addition, it should be mentioned that men can have several wives (in those countries where this is allowed) only if they have enough funds to support the entire harem. That is, the wives of such a “sultan” will be 100% sure that their children will never need anything, will not starve, and will receive a decent education.

    Disadvantages of polygamous relationships

    Now let's talk about the cons. First of all, a polygamous man is a person who must pay enough attention to each of his partners. It succeeds, to put it mildly, few. And although in terms of material wealth, no one in the family lacks, some psychological discomfort can still occur.

    You should also not think that you can get used to a polygamous marriage, and that over time there will be no hint of jealousy. Most likely, it will simply have to come to terms with it as an inevitable fact, but nothing more.

    On top of that, it has been noticed that a polygamous person, who already disperses his attention to several partners, devotes less time to children.

    Polygamy and domestic mentality

    Someone may object and cite as an example the happy polygamous families of the East. However, several factors must be taken into account. Firstly, polygamy is not prohibited by Islam (unlike Christianity, which is widespread among us). Secondly, girls are brought up in this culture from an early age, they are psychologically ready to become an "older" or "younger" wife.

    It should also be taken into account that in the Arab countries, women have practically no rights. Our girls, who fell under the powerful current of expansion, are unlikely to be able to share their man with someone. And therefore, the legalization of polygamous marriages in our country, most likely, will not lead to anything good - there is simply no suitable psychological foundation that has been formed for centuries.

    Is there female polygamy?

    Unlike men, women do not have historical background for this phenomenon. There are simply no corresponding mechanisms in the fair sex. Women's polygamy is nothing but a psychological phenomenon, even a deviation from the norm. After all, girls are genetically programmed not to have children from as many males as possible, but to choose the strongest, hardiest and smartest representative of the species and give birth to offspring from him. In fact, polygamous women go across the genetic code and their natural destiny.

    How to deal with polygamy?

    No matter how we relate to this phenomenon, a polygamous man is a fairly common phenomenon. And the only logical way out of the situation is to do everything possible to ensure that the partner is so happy and satisfied that he cannot hear the call of nature.

    Male polygamy is one of the most common stereotypes in society. You can often hear from the female half the assertion that a man is a “walker” by nature. The polygamy of women is spoken less often, it is believed that this is the lot of men. Is it so?

    What is polygamy?

    Polygamy is a person's tendency to have multiple relationships with the opposite sex. The concept comes from the word polygamy (Greek. pολύς - many, γάμος - marriage) - a marriage in which a man or woman has several marriage partners. In nature, the phenomenon of polygamy in males is called polygyny, and such sexual behavior helps to maintain the species through numerous offspring.

    Is a person polygamous or monogamous?

    The question of whether a person is polygamous is of interest to biologists and sociologists. Science does not give an unequivocal answer, in most cases, it is believed that monogamy prevails when an individual has a desire to continue his family, but when relationships become stable and children grow up, consistent polygamy may arise: and new offspring. Men or women who do not want to destroy the family, have extramarital relationships, which are carefully hidden.

    Reasons for polygamy

    What pushes a person to multiple connections or relationships. There are several reasons for polygamy:

    1. Survival. Since ancient times, humanity has experienced many wars, outbreaks of various epidemics, genocide. Men died in battles, children died, and in order to somehow fill the balance, the instinct of procreation awakens in men through communication with several partners at once.
    2. Traditions. Religion and social order play a role here. Polygamy is supported in a number of Islamic states, the reasons are also rooted in the past, when high mortality prevailed. Some peoples still have a custom: in the event of the death of a husband, a woman, along with her children, passes under the protection of another brother, becoming his wife, even if he is married at that time.
    3. Love for several. This also happens when a man or woman, being married, falls in love with another, while striving. More often these are romances on the side, which are kept secret so as not to hurt spouses.
    4. Prestige. In certain business circles, having multiple mistresses provides credibility.
    5. Psychological complexes. Psychologists talk about polygamy in the modern world as an inferiority complex. "Don Juan", "Casanova" are afraid to build a serious relationship, which means responsibility and polygamy here is a way to prove to others "how good I am and how successful I am!"

    Polygamy of men

    Male polygamy, according to scientists, is due to the fact that men are less in percentage terms than women. According to statistics, the difference is small (50:52), but boys are born weaker and mortality among them in infancy is higher than among girls. Polygamy in men is a phenomenon in society carefully supported by the strong half of humanity. Male polygamy has been traced by historians since the time of the Old Testament:

    1. The great king Solomon, according to various sources, had up to 700 wives in a harem.
    2. Artaxerxes II Persian ruler of the Achaemenid dynasty - 336 wives and concubines, 150 children.
    3. Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko - before being baptized, he was known as a great libertine and mired in fornication had up to 800 wives.

    Polygamy of women

    Polygamy among women is a less common phenomenon, condemned by modern society and causing rejection in a person with a European mentality. The concept of female polygamy is associated with impartial epithets in their direction. The main reason, according to anthropologists, lies in the fact that a woman is looking for a biologically strong male with good genetics for procreation, along the way she can change a sufficient number of partners. Psychologists divided polygamous women into types:

    1. "Snow White"- believes that "quantity is more important than quality." A woman after 30 years, who at one time did not work up. Practical. He appreciates generosity in men: gifts, "walking into the world."
    2. "Alpha females"- often this is a business woman, a mature lady choosing younger partners. She can afford relationships with several "youths" at once.

    Types of polygamy

    Polygamy is an adaptive phenomenon inherent in the animal world, and man, as part of nature, tends to follow the manifestation of his instincts. Polygamy is divided into types:

    1. Polyandry is a rare form of marriage where a woman has multiple husbands. Fraternal polyandry - a girl marries brothers, such a marriage allows you to use land inheritance without dividing it. Women's polygamy, as a type of relationship, is practiced by ≈ 50 nationalities and officially legalized in the following countries:
    • Tibet;
    • some states of India (Rajasthan, Zanskar);
    • Polynesia;
    • Nigeria;
    • regions of the far north.
  • Polygyny - polygamy, common in eastern countries. It is not forbidden for a man to have up to 4 spouses, more are allowed only to the ruling elite. In those countries where polygyny is common, most men prefer to have one wife - this is due to economic reasons, not everyone can afford to support a "big family".
  • Group marriage - several women and men unite in a family, run a common household, raise joint children. This form of marriage was preserved in the Marquesas.

  • Polygamy - pros and cons

    Polygamy, from a biological and psychological point of view, is attractive to men and has a number of advantages and advantages, unlike monogamy, and very few disadvantages. What is more in reality? Pros of polygamy:

    1. The man is self-confident, he is surrounded by an aura of mystery. Women intuitively feel the demand for a "male" and this attracts them.
    2. Care, warmth and affection provided by wives or mistresses.
    3. Difficulties of choice are bypassed when it is necessary to prefer any one life partner.
    4. Diversity of the gene pool: offspring from different "females" provides a "footprint in history".
    5. When you part with one, others remain.

    Cons of polygamy:

    • if this is not an officially legalized relationship, you have to lie, dodge;
    • fear of being exposed;
    • big waste of money;
    • inheritance disputes;
    • in case of ruin, injuries, the family is left without provision;
    • less time for children.

    Polygamy in Christianity

    Polygamous relationships are suppressed by the Christian denomination and are considered unacceptable. is replete with examples of polygamy. The Holy Fathers explain this by the fall of man, because even in the Garden of Eden, God concluded a monogamous union between Adam and Eve. The Old Testament is “replete” with polygamous relationships, and only in the New Testament, according to the teachings of the first apostle Paul, marriage appears as a sacred sacrament of two people: “Let the husband cleave to his wife, and the wife to her husband”, everything else is adultery sin.

    Polygamy in Judaism

    Among the Jews, the phenomenon of polygamy - polygamy has been common since antiquity. Only wealthy people could afford several wives. The Torah, the holy scripture of the Jews, prescribed to have a second wife in case the first one was barren or weak. In the 11th century, Rabbi Meor Gershom decreed a 1,000-year-old decree that ordered no more than one wife and a ban on divorce without her consent. Modern Jews are in favor of bringing back polygamy in order to correct the demographic situation that has developed in Israel, in their opinion, the 1000-year period has already ended.

    Polygamy in Islam

    Polygamy among Muslims is a common and widespread phenomenon based on the ancient way of life. Common in areas where there are more women. What is polygamy among Muslim peoples:

    • any man has the right to take several wives;
    • everyone decides whether to use this right or not;
    • marriage relations should be fair and equal for all;
    • if a man cannot provide for more than one wife, polygamy is forbidden for him.

    “Men are polygamous, and women are monogamous”, “all men go to the left, this is masculine nature”, “women always wait for their one and only” - such opinions can be found with amazing frequency both on the Internet and in decent communication. These stereotypes are sometimes so stable that it never occurs to us to question them. However, how true are they?

    What do scientists say?

    In nature, approximately 90% of bird species and 5% of mammals are monogamous (that is, they create stable pairs and raise offspring together), and among primates (to which scientists include humans) such 23%. Scientists are still debating whether Homo Sapience is inherently polygamous or monogamous.

    Some researchers believe that people are polygamous and the biological task of a man in this case is to impregnate as many women as possible, and the task of a woman is to get pregnant from the most status and physically strong man.

    But this view is not supported by historians and anthropologists. According to them, our ancestors, as well as modern primitive tribes, formed pairs for living together and raising children. Such unions were beneficial from the point of view of the survival of the population, since they allowed both parents to distribute responsibilities and take care of the offspring. According to researcher Tom Smith, “such marriages, on the one hand, guaranteed the wife and children the care and support of the husband / father, and on the other hand, guaranteed the husband that the children in whom he invested his resources were from him. Contrary to popular belief, there have not been and do not exist societies where sexual and love relationships would not be regulated by tradition or law. These traditions can be more or less rigid, but they are always there.” However, whatever point of view the scientists adhere to, they agree that all people should be considered monogamous or polygamous, without making a division into men and women.

    Speaking about the differences between men and women, scientists also often point out that men have higher levels of testosterone, a hormone responsible, among other things, for sexual desire. But on the basis of this, it cannot be concluded that men are prone to polygamy, since testosterone stimulates sexual desire, and not the desire to have as many sexual partners as possible.

    What do sociologists and psychologists say?

    If we were writing an article about hamsters, or pygmy jerboas, then this discussion could be over - all biological theories have been sorted out, there is nothing further to discuss. However, man, unlike animals, is not controlled by physiology and hormones alone. Therefore, let's look at how the sexual behavior of men and women differs, based on modern sociological research.

    In general, according to surveys and social experiments, men do indeed tend to have more sexual partners, move into sexual relationships faster, and even think about sex more often than women. As a result of a social experiment conducted in the United States, 72% of men agreed to have sex with a pretty stranger. While all the women who participated in the experiment refused to have sex with a handsome stranger.

    According to one survey, American men, on average, would prefer to have 18 sexual partners in their lifetime, while women, on average, preferred to stop at 4. But in reality, both men and women had about the same number of sexual partners (4 for men and 3.5 in women). In addition, a fairly large percentage of Americans, regardless of gender, remain faithful to one partner all their lives (among people over 60, this figure is 40%, and among thirty-year-olds, 25%).

    In other words, in sociological surveys, both men and women, as a rule, express only their desired position, trying to comply with social norms as much as possible, prescribing that a man should strive to have many sexual partners, and a woman should strive to find “the very one”. The real situation may differ significantly from what it is seen on the basis of dry statistics. In practice, the number of sexual partners in men and women differs little.

    And what about the ideas of polygamy/monogamy/treason in Russia?

    According to polls by the Levada Center, regardless of gender, the majority of Russians (63%) consider cheating unacceptable. Among men of those who do not see anything reprehensible in treason, 34%, while among women - 16%. But these differences are not so significant that it could be argued that men approve of cheating more or are more prone to cheating. Regardless of gender, Russians most often aim for monogamy in permanent relationships.

    In a word, each person builds his own personal life and decides for himself how many sexual partners he will have - one, a couple of dozen or none at all. But whatever choice we make, it is we who make it, not the X or Y chromosomes in our DNA.

    In one of the publications on our website. Today we invite you to figure out with us whether male polygamy (as many of our readers claim) really pushes men from the arms of one woman into the arms of another. Is it really? AND, Is it possible to demand constancy and fidelity from a man if he is really prone to polygamy?

    We hasten to disappoint those who still believe that a man is a monogamous creation of nature. Unfortunately, first of all, to our female regret, this is not so. Science has proven that male polygamy is due not only to his promiscuity, but also to understandable physical and even mental reasons. What? More on this later.
    However, we want to make it clear right away that we are in no way condoning unfaithful husbands, just… we are trying to explain the reason for their behavior. And, to explain, this to some extent means to understand and take appropriate correct measures regarding our behavior. Indeed, a polygamous man can be an exemplary family man, however paradoxical it may sound. Simply, a lot depends on the woman who is next to him ...

    According to statistics, men are less likely to seek help from psychologists than women do. But, when, nevertheless, a man gets an appointment with a psychologist, then in the latter’s office he finds himself in such a confused state that it becomes clear that he was brought here not by a fictitious, but by a very real and quite serious problem.

    You will be surprised (for us women, this situation does not mean a problem, but rather stupidity), but very often men turn to a psychologist for help to help them figure out which of the women - three mistresses or a lawful wife, he should still stay. The main argument why he himself cannot make a decision and make his own choice is the words that he really loves all four and feels happy with each in his own way. Now, if all the qualities of these women were collected in one bottle, then he would not cheat on anyone ...
    But, how can it be, you ask, dear ladies, to equally love several completely different, both externally and internally, women? (It’s rare that a man gets himself a mistress, like two drops of water similar to his wife ...) With women, it’s really impossible, but with men it’s a completely different story ...
    Polygamy, as we already wrote, is based on quite objective and understandable reasons, which we will finally tell you about.
    Reason one. Psychological. As a rule, the roots of such adult promiscuity, as the presence of both a wife and several mistresses, must be sought in the childhood of the man himself. The little boy sorely lacked maternal love, attention and care. He always wanted "more of a mother" ... The boy grew up and became an adult man, and his fantasies of a caring and loving mother, whom he always lacked, were transformed into a desire to receive this kindness and love from other women. And the more women, the more love. You can't argue with this kind of arithmetic. And, very often, the basis of regular men's trips to the "left" is just the same neurotic need of a little boy, who is still in the depths of the consciousness of an adult man, in love - abstract, and not in the desire for frequent sexual contacts with different partners.
    However, the psychological side has another aspect - in childhood, the boy could be raised by his mother, who shared the child with her grandmother. A stereotype was formed in the mind of the child that these two women are the most expensive in his life. Therefore, when a boy grows up, one "mother" is not enough for him. We also need a grandmother. If you dig deeper, then your mother will definitely look like a wife, and a grandmother will look like a mistress (of course, we are talking about internal female qualities, behavioral characteristics, and not age!).
    The second reason. Physiological. Finally, sexologists took it upon themselves to openly declare that men are polygamous and this is their physiological feature. But, to be more precise and try to explain the mechanism why this happens, it is necessary to delve into the terminology. During sexual intercourse, the female body secretes substances that are natural erection stimulants that enter the male body. Accordingly, the higher the woman's level of arousal, the more of these substances will be released. And, although the duration of these stimulants is only a few seconds, they are enough for a man to feel like a real giant. However, over time, the body gets used to these substances of a permanent partner, and after two years of regular sexual intercourse, it simply stops responding to them. And, after all, you want to return the forgotten sensations ... So the establishment of a series of mistresses and the periodic replacement of team players begins. However, if a man has several women with whom he periodically has sexual relations, then it is more difficult for the body to get used to the “stimulants” of one, so he reacts violently to relationships with all at once. And, most importantly, in such a relationship, a man feels absolutely satisfied.

    all attempts to persuade an inveterate representative of polygamy to the reverse side - monogamy, cause him real mental shocks, psychological disorders and health problems. Such is the polygamous breakdown ...

    But, do we women need to just put up with all this? No and no again. The situation with the "polygamist" belongs to the category of solvable. The main thing is that he himself is aware of his problem and wants to fix something (for example, the number of women) in his life. If this behavior is based on a psychological problem, psychotherapy sessions and psychologist consultations will help, if this is a physiological aspect, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem from the other side.
    But! men - this information is for you - to find comfort, balance, and the love that you so strive for, you will not be able to eternally search for whose turn it is to share the bed with you today, but only with one single woman.
    However, if polygamy is a scientifically proven fact, then why does such a unit of society as a family and marriage still exist? We live in a civilized world, and the aspect of social perception plays an important role for us, therefore, in order not to be considered an incorrigible womanizer in the eyes of society, a man starts a family, but, nevertheless, tries to hide his instincts. Some do it better, some do it worse...
    However, when we talk about the polygamy of men, it is necessary to understand that this is, first of all, a theory, and in practice there may be exceptions in the form of monogamous and stable relationships. And, just as polygamy can be attributed to the instincts of male nature, so the feeling of shame can be attributed to the tools that block such polygamy in practice.
    And now information for women -

    the more a man values ​​a woman, the more she corresponds to his standard and ideal, the more he tries to restrain his animal instincts. And, this means that there is still hope for a strong and faithful family! You just need to become for your man everything that he can only dream of. And it's not just about sex...
    If, in such a relationship, you take the position of a reserve player, and the man does not hide from you that besides you, he has a wife and someone else - you, as sad as it sounds, do not mean absolutely anything to him. Beloved women are not offended by the presence and information about rivals. They can hide this information from them, but do not advertise it in any way.

    Here they are, our men. We cannot correct their nature. Therefore, it remains to adapt!
    Shevtsova Olga

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    5 comments on the article “Monogamy? Polygamy? About male nature” - see below

    Are all men polygamous?

    Wow, how provocative. Let's clarify right away: there are very few phenomena in the world that can be summed up by a common denominator - because this mythical “everything” simply does not exist, nature loves exceptions.

    But what if we're talking about something really fundamental? About the program that is inscribed in the genetic code? What then?

    Let us recall Nietzsche's imperishable phrase that man is a wild beast with a subtle touch of civilization. Well, in general - yes, we are largely controlled by the most ancient structure - the reptilian brain.

    According to this logic, in our body it plays the role of something like a secret world government, which alone makes decisions and allows the rest of the brain to enjoy the illusion of choice.

    However, whether it's a gift or a curse, man has to adapt to his environment over millions of years. If we are not talking about survival, we now make any decision on the balance of the biological and social principles.

    Therefore, to understand the essence of male polygamy, we turn to both biology and sociology.

    What does biology say?

    First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in nature there is not a single species in which the male would be polygamous and the female monogamous.

    In the animal world, the sexual behavior of males mainly depends on the needs of females, that is, on their reproductive system. Females are the decisive factor in the behavior of the entire species - most likely because they are responsible for maintaining the population.

    Let's look at the polygamous variant of the animal species. In such populations, the female at ovulation diligently collects the gene pool for procreation, and for this she needs to mate with as many males as possible.

    Nevertheless, it would never occur to anyone to talk about the fact that female polygamy can be normal or natural.

    Indeed, it is difficult to imagine at least one woman who, during ovulation, enthusiastically seeks unprotected sex with as many men as possible, and does not even think about sexual intercourse during the rest of the cycle.

    If we draw analogies without double standards

    In general, if you compare the behavior of people with the animal world, you can stumble upon a number of strange, and sometimes terrible precedents.

    It would be funny if women were inspired by the example of, say, a female praying mantis, who during intercourse is not yet quite sure whether to eat her male or just bite off his head - in the hope of avoiding this fate, males sometimes bring something edible for mating.

    “Darling, did you take sweets for tea? Oh, well, what to do, let me bite off my head. Why are you panicking that, you don’t know, nature is like that?”

    If we draw any conclusion on the basis of the animal world, then only the one that diversity reigns in nature. What is acceptable for a black widow is even physically impossible for a dolphin.

    But animals are united by one main feature: everything is honest with them, a lion does not drag a piece of antelope to another lioness while the mother of his children is resting under a baobab, and the male of the same praying mantis, deciding to mate, is fully aware that his woman is thinking about cannibalism.

    Everything is open.

    What does sociology say

    Let's go back into history again, but not so deep. Islam. The ancient religion favors male polygamy. The sages, as far as is known, did not say a word about female polygamy, while male polygamy is officially allowed.

    It is unlikely that the prophets had no reason for this, right?
    Many believe that the main goal of most religions is social in nature: to restore order, to keep people from breaking the rules, and so on.

    Recall that Islamic countries throughout their history have been waging bloody wars, in which many men die. Who knows, maybe polygamy just helps them survive?

    Polygamy as self-affirmation

    For modern, moderately civilized men, a large number of women can be a way of self-realization - especially in cases where a man is not very confident on his feet in other areas of life.

    Self-affirmation due to female attention can be both a specific personality and compensation for deep complexes. It is always difficult to deal with internal problems, it is much easier to pack them in an attractive wrapper and decide that everything is okay - especially if common clichés help with this.

    What does psychology say

    The American psychologist Andrew P. Smiler expressed the opinion that in the process of evolution, a person had an understanding that control over descendants is necessary for the subsequent transfer of genes.

    To do this, it is more convenient to live in a family and maintain constant contact with your children.

    The researcher also found that most men are looking for a permanent, serious relationship, and not with many partners - this behavior is often explained more by the search for his one and only.

    Burial of the Myth of Male Polygamy

    The myth of male polygamy is shattered at the slightest collision with logic, both biological and social.

    Polygamy is not something negative until it acts as a screen for and deception of another person, in which case “polygamy” is the same fornication, only pronounced with a more aristocratic breath.

    A person's level of consciousness is too high to seriously consider examples of animal behavior as a solid excuse.

    And Nietzsche, he could just be joking.

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