• Hot Georgian men: a promising romance or a story without a happy ending? Georgian girls: appearance, upbringing, names


    Many representatives of the fair sex from the CIS (especially from a country like Ukraine) marry Georgian men. When these girls come to the country, they still have little idea of ​​the local way of life, which almost all families in Georgia adhere to. All local men are very temperamental, they respect the customs of their ancestors, so they are not going to violate them. There is, of course, complete patriarchy in the family.

    If a girl decides to marry a Georgian citizen, and also to leave for his country for permanent residence, then she must unconditionally accept the local rules of behavior both in the house and in society, if she wants peace and tranquility in the family. You will have to come to terms with the fact that as long as your spouse’s father and mother are alive, they will live with you. Note that the mother-in-law is always right. There is no point in swearing, arguing or defending your point of view; your spouse will be on your mother’s side, especially if the sport took place in public.

    Of course, you don’t need to expect that your husband will be faithful to you until his death.

    Representatives of the stronger sex assume that they are entitled to everything, even visits to girls of easy virtue; they do not recognize such an action as a serious offense.

    Let us note that they demand unconditional fidelity from their spouses, not only intimately, but even spiritually. If you are getting married in Georgia, then you need to forever forget about light flirting with young people, short dresses, even communicating with former classmates or classmates through social networks. Georgians are extremely jealous of their spouses and value their reputation as “true” men. It is very important for them that no one can say anything bad about his wife, which means that she should behave very quietly and modestly.

    This state of affairs does not mean that the guys from the state are tyrants who lock their spouses up with ten locks and dress them in burqas. This is not true at all. This is a free country where women and men have equal rights, in theory they can do whatever their heart desires. Pay attention to the word “may”, yes they can, but this does not mean that they will do so. Of course, a Georgian wife has the right to wear a short skirt and walk like that on the streets of the country. But you can behave this way if you don’t know or don’t want to know the unspoken rules, since then it is possible that you and your husband will have a serious conversation about this, perhaps even a scandal if your spouse finds out about it. In Russia, Ukraine and other similar countries, wearing such clothes is normal, but in Georgia this behavior is unacceptable.

    Another important factor is where the husband comes from. If you are from the capital or another large city, then you can hope for personal freedom, as well as for your own family to live separately. Urban citizens have a simpler view of the world, they want to get closer to European standards, for this reason their thinking is a little different. Let us note that most of Georgia is composed of villages, hamlets and small regional centers. And there, as you understand, patriarchy and the notorious adherence to the conventions and traditions that we talked about above reign.

    Russian citizens in Georgia live under different laws, although there are practically no such people here. There are, of course, mixed families, although the influence of local culture is also felt there.

    How do representatives of the fair sex from other countries live in this country, under the influence of such restrictions?

    Very good, some are happy. Although many, when they marry a Georgian and come to his homeland, soon go back, sometimes without a husband, local traditions and customs seem so meaningless and unacceptable to them.

    For example, few visitors can understand the following phenomenon... During a ceremonial feast, girls and men sit separately at the table, or at different tables.

    If friends have gathered in your apartment (house), then you will not be able to sit down at all. The spouse must constantly spin around and serve those who come. Her responsibilities also include ensuring that mains and snacks are always fully stocked.

    Let us note that men from Georgia give courtship very beautifully, especially if they are in another country. If a Georgian has definitely decided that he wants you to become his wife, then he will definitely achieve this. Georgian men give their girls, as well as potential brides, much more freedom; they turn a blind eye to some things, but this is only until the woman becomes his wife. Then the relationship can change a lot, since the girl is one thing, and the spouse is something else. When discussing your future family life with you, the Georgian groom will promise a lot of things, but everything said about Georgia and local customs is a lie, you should not believe it unconditionally.

    If you are so in love that you are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of your feelings, including some freedom and a familiar way of life, then follow your love! Just remember that your Georgian spouse will never become your helper around the house, even if he rests on the sofa all day. By the way, raising children is also your job.

    As a rule, girls marry Georgian men for only one reason – love. They also go to the country only because of this. All the inconveniences that appear during life together are a kind of payment for love.

    Absolutely all Slavic girls who have visited Georgia (blondes in particular) will confirm that Georgian men, to put it mildly, “breathe unevenly” towards us. They always give us a big discount “for beautiful eyes”; they look at us the way a thirsty person looks at ice water. I've always wondered why we get so much attention. With every look the horseman directed at me, I was surprised, “Are they really missing their women?!” Having recently visited the homeland of khachapuri and khinkali, and taking advantage of the moment, I found brave souls who explained to me why they were not satisfied with Georgians, writes Yulia Dryn in The People.

    Sandro Nemsadze, 27 years old (was married to a Russian woman for 3 years)

    We met my Russian wife in Turkey (I worked there, and she came to visit her boyfriend). If we call everything by its proper name, then I stole her from my friend (that’s how they are, Slavs - for their sake you can lose your head and sacrifice a friend). After dating for a couple of months, we got married in Georgia. I still remember how she called her parents in Russia and said: “Mom, I married a Georgian.” Unfortunately, we only lived together for three years, but I consider her a very good girl, friend, wife (and I will always be jealous of her). And in the future (if fate has another marriage in store for me), I would really like a Slavic wife again. Believe me, it is better to live a year with a Slavic woman than five with a Georgian woman. +

    Since childhood, my grandmother said that I would have a Russian wife. Slavic women, unlike our girls, have always attracted attention with their alluring appearance. Just recently I met a Georgian woman at an event. She looked great and was open in communication (I was even surprised that I met such a well-groomed and uncomplicated Georgian). A week later he asked her out on a date and... regretted it. She came unkempt, as if she was not getting ready for a date, but to go to the garden. Georgian girls don’t know how to be sexy, to attract a guy, they don’t even try to attract a man. +

    Most Georgian women are very complex, but at the same time they are very demanding, and they give nothing in return (they always want flowers, gifts, restaurants, attention and take everything for granted). The only advantage of Georgian wives is that they are easy to live with (they never ask their husbands to wash the dishes and clean the house, because from childhood they are taught to do it all on their own). +

    Vakhtang, 30 years old (married to a Ukrainian woman for 5 years)

    I met my wife at a friend's wedding. Fun, dancing, toasts... After the wedding, we started texting, then dating. Slowly everything was approaching the wedding again, only this time it was ours. We often laugh that it all started with a wedding and ended with a wedding. +

    I was specifically looking for a Slavic wife. In principle, I have nothing against Georgian women - Georgians always put family first, many are even ready to turn a blind eye to their husband’s infidelity in order to save the family, and our men, unfortunately, take advantage of this. But a Slavic woman wants to be the only one for her husband and does everything to be so. Changed it - be prepared to see a suitcase with things at the door the next morning. Believe me, men married to Slavic women will never even think about cheating on her, and if they do, he’s just an idiot. +

    Georgiy, 22 years old (married to a Ukrainian woman for 2 years)

    I met my Ukrainian wife on vacation. To be honest, at the time we met, I was very drunk. But even in a drunken state, he realized that he was lost. The very next day I forgot about my friends and spent time exclusively with her. Six months later we got married. +

    I am grateful to fate that it was a Ukrainian woman who won my heart. Some will say that appearance is not the main thing. But you must admit, loving a person who you like not only mentally, but also externally is twice as pleasant. +

    Let's ignore the appearance (there is no need for unnecessary words here - the Slavs undoubtedly win). Georgian women are materialists, the Russian phrase “with a sweetheart is heaven and in a hut” is not about our women. But the Slavic people live by the soul, they are ready to live in this hut for the sake of feelings. Now someone will say that I’m wrong, because many Ukrainian women won’t even look at a guy without a car and a penthouse. There are exceptions everywhere, I will answer. +

    I would also like to add - if a Slavic girl cannot get married in her homeland, let her come to Georgia, there are potential suitors for her like a tangerine on a tree. He will still turn his nose and choose. +

    In short, having a Slavic wife is as prestigious in our country as driving a Bentley to a luxury restaurant. Such men hold their noses high and consider themselves lucky, and everyone secretly envy them. +

    A conversation with my neighbor Zina prompted me to this slippery topic. So, meet early in the morning on the street.

    Still, these newcomers are arrogant. They are simply stealing our men. Just imagine, a pensioner came from Moscow and married a Georgian widower. And now, with pressure and groans, she prepares chakhokhbili for him. She can’t even say the words, but she’s saying something. And he calls him, you know what?

    - “Atari”! I would just take it and strangle it. The invader is.

    What, I say, is the problem? Let them enjoy their health. “Atari” is probably making things up a la Chakhokhbili and not complaining. Why didn't you marry this starving widower yourself?

    I? Are you kidding me? I didn’t get married at the time. And now even more so. At 70, it’s time to get ready for the next world, not get married. People have no shame or conscience!

    And we went in different directions. Nevertheless, the conversation stuck in my head and I began to interview different people, how can one explain the phenomenon that many Georgians marry Slavic women, while local women, with all their merits, for some unknown reason remain unclaimed. Or it just seems like it to me.

    Here are some opinions.

    Tamriko Kiknadze: My older brother moved to Russia 30 years ago. First he studied, then he served in the army. At first he lived in a hostel, then registration was required and he moved to his classmate from Tambov, who already had a one-room apartment. Lived with her for several years.

    My father was nervous and called Achiko here. After all, he was the only son; high hopes were placed on him; girls from good families were looked for. Then Achiko announced to us that he would marry Valya, since she was pregnant. My father almost went crazy due to nervousness. Marrying a woman with a child from his first marriage was beyond his understanding. He had a stroke, but Achiko still did as he decided. He announced to us that Valya is the best. In the end, we had to come to terms and accept Valya with wooden smiles. Valya visited Tbilisi, but she never wanted to live here. Achiko also repeated in her tone:

    Indeed, he earned good money, sent money to his parents every month and did not forget us, two sisters. Sometimes he came with his son and stepdaughter, who called him “my daddy” and did not even know that he was not her father.

    We asked him why he didn’t marry a Georgian, and named specific girls who corresponded to him in all respects. He said something like this:

    Russian women are more beautiful than ours in both their faces and figure. It's easier to communicate with them. Georgians are more pretentious. I lived with different women, and no one demanded anything from me.

    What can I say after all these years? My brother is apparently happy, he is a crazy father, he loves his son very much. They have different things with their wife, Achiko is cheating on her on the sly, and Valya turns a blind eye to it. Their marriage took place. I only feel sorry for my father, who can’t come to his senses after a stroke, can barely walk, can barely talk. It was necessary to accept Achiko's choice more philosophically.

    And as for our women... In my corps, exactly half of the girls never got married, although all are beauties, hardworking and good housewives. Although there are those who got married two or three times.

    David: My wife is Georgian. We live normally, we have two children. Several of my friends have Slavic wives. This, of course, has its advantages. It's much easier with them than with ours. And visually they immediately attract the eye. We men don’t like to be pressured and burdened with responsibility. Here you haven’t had time for a month to just hang out with a girl, cinema, cafe, back and forth, her parents are already looking at you as an official son-in-law, and try not to get married. The whole thing. And my friends lived with their loved ones for several years, and no one dragged them to sign. They could jump off at any moment. For example, my sister remained unmarried, although she is a wonderful housewife, a beauty and an excellent specialist in her field. But she wouldn’t let a man come close to her with any suspicious proposals.

    Maiko Gagnidze: Yes, there is such a tendency. I also notice that our men marry Russians. Either they bring them here, or they meet tourists here. Personally, I like Russian women too. There is a lot to learn from them. They are beautiful, disciplined, raise children well and are very relaxed. No complexes. I think that’s why our men like them.

    Ruslan Strizhak: Another option. At the level of instincts, two fight, one requires a close and native type for the reproduction of offspring, and the other requires the most different one, for the introduction of fresh blood. Both instincts work in everyone, and which one will be stronger depends on external factors.

    Yulia: Maybe the candidates don’t have a large number of relatives? Our men are spoiled. Drunk, skinny, doesn't work and drinks. But you still run after him, and he turns his face up - yes, you are fat, and you have children from your first marriage... And the Georgian himself runs after you, and in general loves children more than the average Russian - his own and others. And he will help, and give compliments, and is always ready for intimate relationships. So our ladies favor Georgians, they know what to compare with. Sometimes they are ready to carry such a handsome man in their arms. And they see a good attitude.

    Alena: I myself am a native resident of Tbilisi, but I have not noticed such a trend. They marry both of them quite well. They don't marry someone. Very often it depends on the desire of the woman. By the way, not everyone wants to get married.

    Tatiana Leon: Yes, I am generally for mixed marriages, I am a child from a mixed marriage, my child is from a mixed marriage. I don’t agree with saying that they only marry Slavic women; I have a friend who is married to a Japanese woman. It’s just that those Georgians who are married to Japanese, Italian, French, etc., are almost invisible in Georgia, they simply don’t live there! Why are Slavic women visible, because the near abroad is more accessible, then in Georgia, I think, after the 90s, a massive depression began: everywhere is good, except for Georgia, and many left, in all directions, and since it was easier in the near abroad, so The kind of marriages turned out to be where you live there and fall in love. Then a wave of tourist boom began with the oohing and aahing of the Slavs, how they adore Georgia and how they wanted to live in Georgia, and so the spell was set in motion. About the fact that it is easier to live with Slavic women, it is difficult to put the same labels on everyone, everyone has their own character, but if you ask Europeans who ate the dog about this, they will say that it is Slavic women who are more capricious, but I don’t want to generalize that Georgians are more interested in brains, it’s hard to generalize, there are different ones. But, probably, in the beginning it is more difficult to court Georgian women, because they grew up with beautiful words and know that it is often dust in the eyes, beautiful conversations, so men do not want to waste their energy.

    Anna Masterkova: Parents of Slavic women interfere less in their choice. They also don’t look at economic conditions. The girl’s responsibility to the family is less, especially at the initial stage of dating. You can step back more painlessly, but in practice it leads to marriage faster.

    Anna Puchkova: Georgian men often fall in love with Slavic women, because the behavior is different and the attitude is different. Now, if a man grabbed all the bags and carried them, the Georgian woman will not blink an eye: “He’s a man, he’s obliged.” And a Slav, especially from Moscow, will say: “Wow, how nice, thank you very much.” She knows that there are men who don't do this. If a Georgian woman offers a man to take her somewhere, bring her from somewhere, then she takes it for granted, and the Slavic woman as a super caring man. If a Georgian woman is counting on a serious relationship, then she can harass a guy for months without having an intimate relationship, a Slavic woman, in most cases, for the sake of decency, will endure it for two weeks, and then will have a full-fledged relationship. For Georgians, children and parents come first in most cases. For a Slavic woman, a man is almost always the center of her attention. At the same time, of course, Georgians devote a lot of time and effort to household chores and worries, and this cannot but admire. All this is not without exceptions. There are also counter examples. But men explain it all something like this.

    Temuri: I didn't notice anything like that. As it was, so it is. The main thing is not in origin, but in finances. If everything is financially stable in the family, then there will be no problems. Nowadays, if men see that a woman earns good money, they will gladly marry her. And women think the same way. For example, my neighbor married a Chinese man and already has a child. The Chinese have a business here. They live normally, there is definitely no misunderstanding. I'm a different person. I would never marry anyone other than a Georgian. I really respect our traditions, culture and history. And I think that you shouldn’t mix with anyone.

    Many respondents repeated what had already been said before them. All this can be summed up by one simple truth - there are no ready-made recipes for happiness.

    I would like to end this impromptu survey with one story.

    Marina Kulikova: I want to tell my story.

    On July 3, 2008, I also met a young and handsome guy via the Internet. I knew little about the Georgians, and about Georgia in general, at that time; we talked for days on end on Skype, strong feelings appeared, and then on 08/08/2008 the war began. I bought tickets, but the borders were closed, how many worries there were, how many nerves - it’s simply beyond words. And, lo and behold, two days before my departure the border was opened! I didn’t doubt it for a minute and flew from St. Petersburg to Tbilisi, of course, in transit. At the airport I was told that my flight from Kyiv had been postponed by 12 hours. There had never been a connection like there is now; I managed to convey the message that I was late. As a result, when I was flying, I was the only Russian on the plane, there was NOT ONE sideways glance, and this was September 11th! Everything would be fine, but while I was sitting in Kyiv, they lost my luggage, and when I arrived, everyone had already left, and I was still writing a statement about the loss, I could not go to Gio. He waited for me for 12 hours at the airport! Neither he nor I knew exactly when I would arrive; there was no longer any communication either.

    We spent ten amazing days together, and then, when I returned, I decided all my affairs and two months later I arrived for good.

    08/08/2009, exactly one year after the sad events, our Sandra was born, and a year later - Gio, son. We have been happily married for nine years, for us every day is like the first day!

    So you can’t put everyone under the same brush: there are both good and bad people in every country! Decency does not depend on nationality!

    Girls, don't be afraid to love and be loved.

    KINDNESS and MUTUAL LOVE to everyone!

    I join Marina Kulikova’s wishes and wish all Sputnik readers to find their soul mate and, most importantly, to maintain mutual feelings for life.

    While the fair half of our country still feels a shortage of “real” men, many women decisively and irrevocably give their preference to overseas handsome men. You can meet the same one in your homeland, but you can get much more pleasure by changing the background for your future love story to seascapes or majestic mountains.

    And if until today the favorite place with affordable prices for unringed young ladies was neighboring Turkey, today this direction has been replaced for security reasons by another neighboring country - Georgia.

    What do Kazakh girls get from these trips, is it really possible to find love there and why Georgian men are the last romantics in the era of quick sex and total selfishness, says Aidana Toktarkyzy, who has just returned from vacation.

    Our vacation was an ode to the mainstream: we chose Georgia and its two most tourist-attractive cities: Tbilisi and Batumi. The plans included a gastronomic tour, a visit to the sulfur baths, spiritual enrichment and a lazy holiday on the Black Sea coast. We, 3 girlfriends, had no goal of finding a MC there or starting a holiday romance. Our ideas about an ideal partner were somewhat different from the image of a Caucasian man, although all our friends who visited Georgia talked with admiration about how hot they all were there. But first things first.

    On the day of arrival, we were met by the owner of the apartment in which we were going to stay and had booked it in advance through airbnb. It was 3 am, but Mugzar decided to take us around the city at night and show us the most iconic places. There was a ring on Mugzar’s ring finger, which kept making me wonder: why doesn’t his wife worry about where he hangs around? Tired from the road, we barely listened to our free guide and really wanted to finally lay our heads on soft pillows. Mugzar kept busy giving us advice on what to visit, how much to pay and how to get around the city. Towards the end of our night trip, confident that we had received all the passwords and tags, our talkative Georgian reluctantly left.

    There was a ring on Mugzar’s ring finger, which kept making me wonder: why doesn’t his wife worry about where he hangs around?

    We spent the following days like real tourists: we went up on the cable car, went to the dry bridge, ate in restaurants everything that was marked “national dish” and walked a lot. Our friends’ comments about the love and ardor of local men were confirmed when, from the first minute of our appearance on the central streets of Tbilisi, we only heard car horns and classic exclamations about beautiful eyes. A small note: we were in comfortable clothes, hats and spacious backpacks. But local men apparently have developed a special nose for foreign women, which gives them every right to show their caring attitude, despite their not very feminine outlook.

    Then it became even more fun - men began to sit down with us during our meals. Moreover, each of them strove to feed us, no body shaming - a woman in Georgia should not starve. We devoured khachapuri, khinkali, ojakhuri, phale and dozens of other delicacies in one sitting. I have to admit that it’s quite cute when a man tries to put on another piece of flatbread with a fatty cheese filling, while tirelessly showering you with compliments.

    And, of course, it is worth noting their special generosity: Georgians not only serve you food, they pay for it, take you, as the song says, “to restaurants” and are well versed in the wine list. Any Georgian will tell you that combining khinkali with wine is a bad idea, churchkhella should not be hard, and it is better to take homemade wine from farmers for gifts. Of course, such knowledge in the kitchen fascinates our women, because in Kazakhstan you will never meet a man who can talk about the ideal meat for beshparmak or the degree of softness of the dough. This is not a man's business, as they say.

    ...it's quite cute when a man tries to put on another piece of flatbread with a fatty cheese filling, while constantly showering you with compliments.

    Continuing the theme about Georgians: whoever feeds the girl here dances her. You will not succeed in being a defector from one embrace to another. Local men are very conservative, since you have given your heart to him, albeit for a short time, then other men will not come one step closer to you.

    Georgian men are completely old school in the field of courtship. No dating apps, no newfangled words and tricks. They come up right on the street, can give you one rose bought from a gypsy girl, they can easily cheer you up and will never judge you for having an extra glass of wine.

    Reading all this, you may have already wondered about their women? Oh, this topic could be dedicated to a separate article. I am still surprised by the widespread fashion for foreign women in this beautiful country, because Georgians themselves look amazing: petite figure, tanned skin, curly hair and big eyes. True, women are less talkative than men and show their closedness with their entire appearance. And then I remembered Kazakh men... Just think, this is a perfect match!

    Georgian men are completely old school in the field of courtship.

    In the last days of our, as it turned out, not only a gastronomic tour, I met a Ukrainian Sasha, who opened a hostel in the center of Tbilisi and has been welcoming guests from all over the world for many years.

    Over morning tea, I began to tell my friend about my observations, including about local men. To which Sasha sarcastically asked to be “more careful” with them and said briefly: “those are still Casanovas.” I began to question my interlocutor, because he was a living collection of tourist stories and novels that unfolded before his eyes. Sasha, so to speak, brought us all down to earth when he began to tell the 4th story in a row about yet another Ana or Aliya, who left everything and moved to live in Georgia for HIM. Unfortunately, all our loving heroes, according to Sasha, turned out to be unprepared for a serious relationship. Moving into one house with one woman is no joke when dozens of similar, but non-binding relationships are waiting for you outside the door. As a result, the fairy tale expired, and our princes disappeared into the twilight of warm nights, again leaving the still unringed young ladies alone.

    And everyone knows the ending: airport, suitcase, return ticket and boarding the Tbilisi-Almaty flight.

    What a pity that fairy tales end so quickly...

    Georgia is a country historically close to us, and many of its representatives live in Russia, so marriages with Georgians have long become quite commonplace. But it’s one thing to marry a Georgian who lives in our country and is generally no different from a Russian in love and life, and quite another thing to go with him to Georgia.

    Before you decide to take such a step, it is worth becoming more familiar with the customs and way of life of this country, so that living together does not become an unpleasant surprise and does not cause only one desire - to go back as soon as possible. Although Georgia is close to Russia and has the same faith, it is still different in many ways, so let’s get to know the Georgians and the country itself better.

    What kind of girls do Georgians like?

    Like representatives of all southern nations, Georgians are very greedy for blondes, and this has nothing to do with the vulgar stereotype about “blondes”. It’s just that, whether in Georgia or in Spain, blondes are a rarity, so they are initially perceived as something exotic and therefore especially attractive.

    But simply being liked, and even having an affair, does not mean becoming a wife, and in order to lure a Georgian to the registry office, you will have to try hard.

    First of all, keep in mind that Georgians are very loving. They simply love to communicate with women, especially beautiful ones. Flirting with a stranger, compliments at every opportunity - all this is commonplace for them, and such liberties are often allowed in the presence of their constant girlfriend. They know how to please and find the key to all people, so often within five minutes after meeting a Georgian, one gets the impression that they are old friends.

    Therefore, if an avalanche of beautiful and pleasant words falls on you, do not rush to delude yourself and take them at face value. Georgians are literally filled with love and vitality, so they like all the girls at once, but only a few can count on the status of a legal wife. Georgian men marry only modest and decent people.

    Fickle ladies, no matter how attractive they are, have practically no chance, since in this country it is customary to get married not only following the call of the heart, but also taking into account the traditions of society. First of all, this concerns the distribution of roles - the man is always in charge, so feminine, kind and compliant girls who do not strive for emancipation and manifestation of character have the best chances.

    Moreover, this applies even to those Georgians who, in general, depart from the traditions of their people, since genes cannot be fooled. The main one is always a man and nothing else.

    Georgians in relationships

    Representatives of all Caucasian peoples court beautifully and romantically. You will constantly hear beautiful words about your appearance and charm, receive huge bouquets of roses and expensive gifts. There is never a dull moment with them, and often even excessive talkativeness and intrusiveness looks very cute and attractive.

    Georgian guys constantly write SMS, often call just to talk and strive to spend all their free time together. Don’t try to calm down such hot ardor and besiege your gentleman, just let him be himself and carry you in his arms. But do not be completely deceived by such ostentatious love - after the wedding, everything can change, and as a husband, a Georgian will be harsh and demanding, constantly jealous of every pillar.

    They honor the traditions of their people and are generally quite conservative people. Therefore, instead of the promised golden mountains, you can only see the Caucasus mountains and the patriarchal way of life, which seems absurd to many Russian women, especially those inclined to emancipation. Most of our girls do not want to put up with such a role in the family and begin to defend their rights, which most often ends in divorce.

    At the beginning of a relationship, you don’t need to show your character, but you also don’t need to completely submit - try to maintain a fine line between these extremes, which will allow you to find out the true views on the life of your gentleman, and his reaction to yours. Will he accept you as you are or will he strive to remake you for himself? Is he really jealous or is he pretending more as part of a romantic game?

    Before the wedding, it is very important to understand whether the groom is a hidden domestic despot, which is often found in the Caucasus. Such traits are especially evident with Russian women, who are not raised from childhood for a subordinate role.

    Georgian family

    Of course, for any family, the ideal option is to live in a separate house, away from parents. But the Russian bride also needs to be prepared for the fact that she will have to live in her father’s house for some time. As in all patriarchal cultures, elders are deeply respected in Georgia, regardless of their social status.

    In order for a peaceful atmosphere to reign in the house, the young wife will definitely have to obey her mother-in-law in everything, always leaving her the last word. Any bickering and disputes will certainly lead to conflicts in which you will not see support from your husband, since he will always be on the mother’s side. Therefore, if you love your husband and do not want to get a divorce, you will have to be friends with his parents.

    In general, kinship ties are developed in Georgian culture and families are almost always very strong. The family is sacred, as are its members. If the father dies or something else happens, the eldest brother is responsible for the unmarried sisters, and financially too. Georgians rarely go against the opinion of the family, and each marriage is considered not as a separate union, but as part of one large team. Therefore, you will have to be friends with all your brothers, uncles and the rest of your relatives.

    The positive side of this way of life is that the financial side of family life falls entirely on the shoulders of the man. Providing for his wife and children - all this will be his only concern; his wife will not even have to think about such issues.

    Of course, if you wish, you can work, since the people of Georgia are still not the most “dense” and modern trends are not alien to them, but still men prefer caring housewives rather than wayward careerists.

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