• Pedicure at home: types and techniques. Flawless feet: tips for caring for your feet at home


    Some salon treatments can be performed at home. It is quite possible to do a pedicure at home with minimal time, effort and money. The step-by-step execution technique is simple; you just need to follow some recommendations and nuances.

    Instructions for home pedicure

    This procedure refers to the treatment of not only the toes, but also the removal of rough skin on the feet.

    Women with dry skin are recommended to take special daily foot care - foot baths with the addition of sea salt, essential oils and treating the feet with pumice or special files almost every day. In this case, it will be possible to maintain the result for a long time. Treatment of toes - removing the cuticle, shaping the free edge, it is recommended to repeat every 7 - 10 days. But, as a rule, the toes can withstand longer periods of time without a pedicure without losing their attractive appearance. Therefore, the frequency will be determined on an individual basis.

    Preparing and steaming your feet

    Like the manicure procedure, pedicure begins with steaming the skin. Foot baths can be different, but the main condition is that the water should be warm, not hot! The water can be soapy - add shower gel, shavings of regular bath or toilet soap, shampoo. For a better effect and removal of rough skin, you can add a little sea salt and vinegar to the water, which promotes the rejection of keratinized epithelium of the feet.

    The duration of the procedure is 5 – 15 minutes, this time will be enough to steam out dead cells. Treat your nails and feet skin dry!

    Nail treatment

    The next stage is processing the free edge of the nail and removing the cuticle; you can use any convenient tools - manicure scissors, tongs or nippers, nail files. The free edge is cut in a straight line, i.e. they are given a square shape to prevent ingrowth. Using a file or buffer, the nail plate is finally processed - unevenness and roughness are removed and given its final shape.

    To give your nails a natural shine and a healthy look, the nail plate can be treated with a buff or other fine-grained file. On smooth nails, the polish will last longer. It is imperative to treat the subungual space where dirt and dead cells accumulate.

    Foot skin treatment

    Treatment of the skin of the feet can be carried out in different ways: hardware, mechanical or trimming. Using a trim manicure - cutting away rough skin with a blade - is a very dangerous procedure that contributes to the formation of corns and calluses. Conscientious specialists prefer to use a hardware or mechanical type of pedicure - grinding with special files.

    The final stage of nail treatment at home will be a nourishing foot mask. The same procedures will help maintain the result for a long time.

    Daily treatment of feet with pumice stones or files will help maintain ideal results. You can use scrubs or peeling, but after using them, the skin of your feet needs nourishment.

    Hardware and spa pedicure at home

    If you have enough time, then once a month you can treat yourself to a spa pedicure. The pedicure procedure itself involves a foot bath with the addition of essential oils and a mask with a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

    You can use any essential oil that you like best, or select it depending on the problem: when cracks and corns form, it is recommended to add tea tree oil to the water; for excessive sweating, it is best to use citrus oils.

    There are also a whole set of recipes used for specific purposes:

    • To tone: add 2 tbsp to a bath of warm water. spoons of sea salt, tbsp. a spoonful of ground coffee, 2 - 3 drops of lemon juice, mint or orange. The duration of the procedure is 10 – 15 minutes;
    • Getting rid of swelling: add dried rosemary, a few drops of cedar or mint oil to the water, and place your feet for 10 - 15 minutes;
    • For relaxation: 5 drops of mint oil, 3 - 5 drops each of rosemary and pine oil, if desired, you can add a few pinches of salt.

    For a nourishing mask, you can use any cream that needs to be applied in a thick layer, then wrapped in cellophane and put on socks. You need to keep this mask on your feet for at least 2 – 3 hours. But the best effect is achieved if you keep it on all night. Do a couple of these procedures and the skin on your feet will become like that of a baby.

    Another type of home procedure can be called a hardware pedicure - using a special pedicure machine. The set includes different attachments: for polishing nails and removing dead skin on the feet. A significant advantage will be the presence of attachments of different sizes, which allows you to treat rough skin even on the toes.

    In addition, this is a radical remedy for combating calluses and corns, the removal of which occurs carefully and carefully. By controlling the intensity of exposure, there is no risk of damaging the skin of the feet. Step-by-step instructions for use are no different from the mechanical form.

    varnish coating

    Multi-colored nails can be a fashionable and interesting result of a pedicure. The finish on your nails will depend on personal preference, taste and the polishes you use.

    Covering your toenails should be done using the same technology as on your hands, adhering to certain rules:

    • degreasing nails;
    • base coat;
    • applying color;
    • optional artistic painting;
    • fixing base.

    But there is also a peculiarity - placing cotton swabs or special separators between the fingers, this will make it easier to apply the varnish, and it is guaranteed not to smear when the fingers touch.

    All toenails or just a few can be multi-colored. Usually the two middle fingers stand out, but this is not a rule.

    Typical mistakes in home pedicure

    For excellent results and safety of the procedure, it is necessary to avoid typical mistakes that are often made by beginners:

    • You cannot use hot water for baths - the skin will peel off in layers, which will affect the quality of the pedicure. The duration of the bath should not exceed 20 minutes.
    • It is forbidden to cut calluses and corns with a razor or scissors. Unfortunately, this is a common practice that is used not only by women at home, but also by some craftsmen. The consequences of such actions can be very sad - the growth of calluses and corns or the inability to walk due to pain - the most harmless ones. For a safe procedure, you can only use scrubs, pumice stones or special pedicure scrapers.
    • Cutting off previously unprepared cuticle will lead to its rapid restoration. For convenience, you can use special softening agents, and you can push back the cuticle with a pusher or an orange stick.
    • It is forbidden to cut off the corners of the nails, or cut from the side ridges - to give a more refined shape. It is also forbidden to cut them to the very root; it is advisable to leave at least a millimeter of free edge. Otherwise, an ingrown nail will form.

    Feet cannot look well-groomed without a pedicure, but beautiful toes and well-groomed foot skin will give confidence and make a woman attractive.

    – one of the popular and safe foot care procedures. The effectiveness of this method of treating feet is extremely high. Using a hardware pedicure, corns, calluses, microcracks are removed, the problem of ingrown toenails is solved, and diabetic and fungal feet are treated. Let us consider in detail the technology for performing hardware pedicure.

    Hardware pedicure. Fraser.

    Technology for performing hardware pedicure.

    1. We treat the client's foot with sterilium (skin antiseptic) and wipe it dry with a disposable towel.
    2. If necessary, remove the length of the nails.
    3. We apply a keratolytic agent to the foot - with a brush we apply a thin layer of the gel-like preparation Callus Remover (foot skin softener). The softener acts on the foot for 5 – 10 minutes. Keratolytic promotes rapid exfoliation of dead cells from the surface of the foot. Foot softeners most often contain lactic or grape acid - the most commonly used keratolytics. They are also used for hyperkeratosis, which not only exfoliates dead skin cells, but also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the foot.
    4. Carrying out the procedure hardware pedicure, it is not recommended to pre-soak your feet in water, as the skin absorbs liquid and swells, and in this case you will have to spend additional effort on processing. It is enough to take a hygienic bath for 5 - 6 minutes with a water temperature of up to 36 degrees - the feet will not have time to steam, and the master will work on dry but clean surfaces.
    5. To protect your eyes and respiratory organs, we wear a mask with a protective screen.
    6. Use a disposable towel to remove any remaining foot softener. If there is hyperkeratosis (strong growths), leave the product on the foot longer.

    7. We put the largest (coarsest) disposable cap with an abrasiveness of 60/60 on a round-cylindrical rubber holder and process the foot at a speed of 10 - 12 thousand revolutions with a machine milling machine. It is known from practice that disposable caps are processed more efficiently than stone nozzles and speed up the work process.
    8. The next stage of hardware pedicure technology is polishing the skin of the foot. We change the disposable cap to a fine-grained one (100/100) and treat the foot at 10 - 12 thousand revolutions. At this stage it is necessary to thoroughly polish the leather. If this is not done well enough, after 1 - 2 days it will look like a fringe due to uneven filing of the layers. You need to work carefully so as not to saw through the skin of your feet. At the end of this stage, the skin should be a healthy pink color with a slight yellow tint.
    9. We remove the remains of the foot softener - this can be done with a simple spray bottle of warm water. After spraying, wipe with a disposable towel.
    10. We process the fingers and the skin between them - the next step hardware pedicure techniques. In the places located between the toes, many sweat glands are concentrated, as a result, these places are subject to heavy pollution and require no less care. We apply the foot softener to the skin between the toes, place a ceramic nozzle in the form of a truncated cone with a blue color (it has a medium grain size) and work with a milling cutter at a speed of 5 - 10 thousand revolutions per minute.

      Hardware pedicure. The ceramic nozzle is medium-grained.

      Hardware pedicure. The ceramic nozzle is finely shaped.

      Then we take the same attachment, but pink (red) in color (this is a fine-grained polishing attachment), and work with a milling cutter at the same speed. Remove any remaining foot softener using a spray bottle of warm water and wipe with a disposable towel.

    11. We treat the cuticle and periungual ridges with Cuticle remover. Using the same fine-grained pink ceramic nozzle, we grind the periungual ridges with a milling cutter at a speed of 5 - 10 thousand revolutions.
    12. When performing a hardware pedicure, we do not push back or trim the cuticle. The processing is carried out using a diamond cutter in the shape of a small ball.

      The milling cutter speed for this procedure should be about 5 – 6 thousand revolutions. Use a cutter to move along the cuticle from side to side without pressing on it. This is an important point, since it is very delicate and easy to injure, damage the nail matrix and leave grooves on it. When working with a router, you do not need to file down the cuticle, but make it even and smooth. We remove the remaining softening agent using spraying and disposable towels.

    13. The final stage hardware pedicure technologies– polishing nails. Apply cuticle oil to the cuticle, nails and periungual ridges using rubbing movements. Then we put on the polishing felt attachment and polish the nails until they shine.

      Rotation speed – 5 thousand revolutions. Cuticle oil has a bactericidal, softening and healing effect, and in addition it slows down the growth of the cuticle. The client can use cuticle oils daily at home.

    14. At the end of the procedure, apply a non-greasy cream using rubbing movements in the direction from the toes to the heel, while simultaneously performing a light massage.

    Hardware pedicure. Technology.

    Using professional technology hardware pedicure, nail service professionals receive undeniable advantages over the classic method of treating feet, including significant time savings and effective care.

    In a sociological survey conducted by one cosmetics company, it turned out that up to 60% of women consider their feet to be the most unattractive part of their body! 20% of all respondents admitted: they dislike their feet so much that even in the summer they try to wear closed shoes. However, only about 10% of women regularly take care of their feet and get pedicures. If we talk about the male part of the respondents, only 30% of the respondents considered women’s feet to be the least attractive parts of the female body. This is affected by everything: both the natural shape of the foot and the condition of the skin, nails, correct gait and beautiful shoes. How to properly care for your feet so that you don’t have to hide them?

    Dermatologists classify cracked heels as mechanical dermatitis.

    Heels like a baby's - this definition can be called the highest praise for you and the master who gives you a pedicure. Why don't children have foot problems? Because they don't walk much? Maybe. However, the main reason is the structure of the skin, which over the years coarsens and becomes very tough. Many women are faced with the problem of rough heels, corns, unsightly yellowing of the skin on the heels, and in advanced cases, even cracks. This not only looks ugly, but also causes a lot of inconvenience, often painful sensations. To ensure that your heels are always “newborn”, they need to be looked after carefully and regularly.

    On your own

    Modern beauty salons and manicure salons offer foot skin care services on a par with pedicures. Some clinics employ podiatrists - doctors who specialize in foot diseases. No self-respecting master will paint your toenails with decorative varnish if he sees that your skin and nails are in unsatisfactory condition. Therefore, when it comes to additional heel care procedures, do not skimp: even the best pedicure in combination with rough heels will look terrible.

    If you don’t have the time, money or desire to go to a salon every time, and you’re used to taking care of your feet on your own, then our tips may be useful to you.

    To soften the skin of the feet and rid the heels of rough dermis, cosmetologists advise regularly (1-2 times a week) doing foot baths. For baths at home, aqueous solutions with the addition of soda, sea salt, soap, herbal decoctions and vinegar are suitable. Some women are accustomed to cutting off excess skin with a razor or a special metal brush-grater. Our advice is don't get carried away. Firstly, you risk damaging healthy skin and removing too much: when the skin is soft, it is difficult to control the process. Secondly, by removing at least a little excess skin, you will provoke the growth of a new, even rougher layer in record time. This is a natural process: you have deprived the heel of its “shell”, and it strives to build it back up as quickly as possible in order to protect the overly delicate “bare” skin from damage.

    How to properly treat heels after softening baths? Experts recommend using purchased or homemade scrubs (made from salt, sugar, ground buckwheat). If you are used to traditional methods, use pumice or a special finely abrasive file for heels. They will not harm your skin and will gently but effectively remove roughened excess. Having treated the entire skin of the foot in this way, you can lightly massage your feet with nourishing cream or oil. There are many nerve endings on your feet, so even the simplest massage will be a very pleasant end to the day and will calm your body.

    After the massage, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin and allow it to be absorbed. This is the minimum program for regular care. But if you have cracked heels, then prevention is not enough.

    We treat and care

    Dermatologists classify cracked heels as mechanical dermatitis. As the name implies, such skin damage occurs due to mechanical stress - for example, rubbing from tight or hard shoes. But this is by no means the only reason: a lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders can also make your heels an instrument of torture when walking.

    Often, cracks in the skin of the heels can be a sign of a serious disease, for example, diabetes or a fungal disease. If this is not the reason, then you can handle it yourself.

    Podiatrists are doctors specializing in foot diseases.

    To soften severely rough skin, experts recommend making masks and wraps. One recipe: mix 10 crushed aspirin tablets, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of lemon juice, apply to the skin and wrap tightly with cling film. Put on warm socks and sit for half an hour, then treat your heels with soft pumice and lubricate with nourishing cream. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a week. However, this recipe is not suitable for those whose heels are already very cracked: it will be very painful for you if lemon juice gets on the wounds. In such situations, aloe juice and any creams based on it are used as a remedy. You can also buy special softening and medicinal-nutritional formulations at the pharmacy.

    To saturate your skin with vitamins, you can enrich any foot cream with vitamins A and E, which are sold in pharmacies in oil solutions or capsules. You can also use calendula-based cream as a base; it has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. To prevent cracks, contrasting foot baths that improve blood circulation are suitable.

    A pedicure can be done in any beauty salon, and pedicures at home are popular with many people. But if we are talking about something more than just pleasant care and a nice bright coating, if your feet suffer from overload, and calluses and cracks prevent you from living without worries, then you should think about a podiatric pedicure. We tested this still rare procedure.

    Podology is an area on the border between cosmetology and medicine. A podiatrist must have a medical education, for example, in order to cut tissue with a scalpel - this is necessary to treat problems such as ingrown toenails and internal corns. Podological pedicure also includes the treatment of cracks, ulcers, and excessive sweating of the feet.

    There is no podiatry school in Russia, but in Germany it has existed for 50 years. It all started with the famous Gehwol foot cosmetics, and now a German brand has appeared on the market Peclavus (Peclavus). It is suitable for both medical and aesthetic care - the main thing is that it is used by specialists who have completed training courses. “A specialist is allowed to work with cosmetics only after an exam and receipt of a certificate. At repeated exams after six months and a year, they check what you can offer for treatment and further care,” says Yulia Savchenko, master of nail service at the “Victoria’s Dreams” salon on Petrovsky Boulevard.

    The Peclavus brand has different series: both for traditional care and for more medical care, including the prevention of fungal diseases and care for diabetic feet. And, of course, podological pedicure, like a classic one, includes hardware removal of calluses and corns.

    “I know that people are afraid of hardware pedicure - because they suffered from self-taught people, people who do not know what speed to turn on the device, what type of cutter is needed, on which part of the foot deep treatment is possible, on which only superficial cleaning. It’s very difficult not to touch the nail bed when processing the cuticle; everything takes a long time to learn,” explains Yulia.

    In order not to run into unprofessionals, the master advises studying the salon’s website and the cosmetics it works on. If there is not enough information, you can call or even come for a consultation, look, or chat. “Any self-respecting salon will show you everything. You need to think about your health first, so don’t be afraid to clarify and don’t be afraid to leave if you don’t like something,” recommends Yulia Savchenko.

    The only contraindication for hardware pedicure is pregnancy. “There are pain points on the legs; when treating the foot, the body tenses and adrenaline is produced, which cannot be useful for expectant mothers. When pregnant women come to us, we do a combined pedicure: the feet are processed manually with pumice files, and the toes are treated with a device,” explains the specialist.

    Feet: the most common problems

    1. Hyperhidrosis (high humidity) is an office disease. Office workers spend the whole day in closed shoes - and while women have options, especially in the summer, men suffer from this more often in their formal boots.
    2. Those involved in fitness often complain about corns, deformation of the nail plates, and in athletes it reaches the last stage of flat feet. No matter how good the sports shoes are, loads still provoke problems with the feet.
    3. Fungus is a very common problem, especially among those who go to the pool. Experts recommend using a prophylactic product - it should be applied after you have swam and showered.
    4. Often after childbirth, as a result of hormonal changes, cracks appear and sweating increases.
    5. Damage to the nail plates occurs most often in the elderly, in people suffering from diabetes and circulatory disorders.

    “Many problems can be avoided if you take care of your feet regularly: apply cream, treat them - most often there is not enough time for this, but you only need five minutes a day,” laments the nail service specialist.

    Podological pedicure: what it looks like

    First, a nail softener with fruit acids is applied, then a cuticle treatment, followed by a foot concentrate that cleanses the pores, opening them to the action of the natural ingredients contained in cosmetics.

    Peeling PeclaSANUS with sea salt deodorizes and moisturizes feet - and adds SPA relaxation to a strict medical procedure. “Our beauty salon “Victoria's Dreams” is for the whole family, children often come. Recently, one boy, seeing me leaving the office in a white coat and with a mask on my face, mistook me for a doctor,” the master laughs.

    Meanwhile, a cooling massage lotion with lemon balm is applied to the shins to improve blood circulation. Then - a moisturizing cream with urea on the foot, which lasts 6-7 hours. Anti-crack cream is applied to the heels with massage movements, after which thermal insulation bags are put on - the cream will act on the skin for about 20 minutes.

    Deep cracks, which also bleed, take longer to treat: you need to carry out a course of procedures in the salon, and then maintain them at home for a week using medicinal cosmetics. Then all that remains is a network of small cracks, which will go away on their own with regular constant maintenance.

    In the meantime, you can work on your fingers. The master processes them and applies antibacterial oil with ylang-ylang to protect the nails after treatment with diamond cutters and metal tools.

    After deep and thorough work with the feet, all that remains is to make a fashionable covering. Lucky Christina Fitzgerald Known for their variety and deep colors - it's hard to choose. If yellow was the favorite color last summer, now mint and green shades are more often chosen. Shellac also released a pastel line: Mint convertible, Sun bleached, Azure wish.

    “Nowadays they often leave nails bare or with 2-3 strokes of a discreet light shade,” says the master. “Naturality is in fashion, which is good news, because well-groomed legs and healthy nails in themselves look very attractive.”


    I have never had a pedicure in a salon, I don’t see the need. As a rule, I take care of my feet on a regular basis, so drastic measures are not required. Once a month I treat the heels and dry areas with a Wartner pen to remove dead skin, then I remove it all with a grater a few days later. I trim my nails and apply polish if desired. Every day I apply moisturizer, and in winter I add Vaseline to prevent it from drying out.

    I also do it at home. I agree that no special skills are required. I use all the usual things: nail file, scissors, spatula. I use the cream “healer with urea”. I definitely just moisturize and nourish my feet with it at night.

    You can do a pedicure at home, but it’s hard to fix everything yourself if there are real problems.

    I have been doing pedicures at home on my own for a long time.) For this you don’t need anything special, except for hands in the right place) I use simple tools, like for a manicure. The only thing I recently purchased was a shol file to remove rough skin on the feet + shol cream. I do the procedure when necessary) I am very pleased with the result and with myself.

    Comment on the article "Feet: the most common problems. Not just a pedicure"

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    Cracked or rough heels with a yellow tint are not only unsightly to look at, but they also cause pain. Compressed foot skin is an absolute taboo, which can be easily “smoothed out” on your own, while maintaining a beautiful pedicure and soft skin.

    What can cause cracked heels?

    Cracked heels can be the result of dehydration, an unhealthy diet, and wearing ill-fitting shoes that distribute weight unevenly and cause pressure to occur most often on the heels and sides of the feet. Cracked heels are the last stage of trampling with complete dehydration of the skin. It is better to take precautions before your heels start to crack, as healing cracked heels is not a quick process. Therefore, care should be regular and especially attentive if the skin of your feet becomes rough rather quickly.

    Feet after a pedicure look simply magical, but what to do in the intervals between full pedicures to keep the skin of your feet soft, you will learn from the recommendations below.

    Ongoing treatments to maintain soft feet

    You must remember:

    1. Foot socks must be made from natural fabrics better than cotton;
    2. You need to soak the skin in water without allowing the accordion effect;
    3. If there are cracks or wounds on your feet, do not use acidic ingredients;
    4. All these recipes are guaranteed to make your skin soft, but for this you need to do the procedures regularly.

    1. Homemade bath to soften feet using soda:

    You will need a product common in our kitchens - baking soda! Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda to warm water and soak your feet in this solution for about half an hour (the skin should steam, but not shrink). After steaming, apply patchouli or sandalwood essential oil.

    For maximum benefits, you can add bath salts (sea salts). Salt helps soften the skin and relax the muscles.

    Repeat this procedure regularly! Sea salt with lavender extract is especially relaxing; this steaming before bed will allow you to completely let go of your thoughts and fully relax. Rub your legs with your hands to circulate the blood and relieve fatigue. You will immediately feel light, especially after a day spent in heels.

    2. Banana puree mask for feet and heels (softening):

    Banana is a tropical fruit that boasts a number of health benefits. It will also help cure rough skin on your feet.

    Grind a ripe banana with a blender (or fork), add a tablespoon of honey to the puree and apply the resulting banana pulp evenly on your feet. Let it dry for 10-5 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Apply nourishing cream 20 minutes after the mask. Carry out this procedure once a week, preferably before bed, and get the desired result - soft heels.

    3. Daily cleansing procedures (polishing heels):

    It is very important to regularly practice simple hygiene practices, such as scrubbing your feet with a buffing grater. This will prevent dead skin from accumulating on your feet and will also protect your skin from drying out and flaking. This procedure will take no more than 6 minutes for both feet, but it is thanks to it that the skin will become smooth.

    All you need is to rub your feet while showering with a grater (before treating your heels, apply liquid soap or shower gel to the grater, this is mandatory). The hardness of the grater-polishing should not be higher than 100/180 grit. Once you're done, let your feet dry and moisturize them well with cream.

    4. Foot massage with olive oil to soften:

    Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer, especially for dry skin. To use olive oil, your feet must be clean. The easiest way is to dip a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it to the rough areas. Gently massage your feet in a circular motion to restore blood circulation. Once you're done, put on the wrap and a pair of warm socks on top and let your skin absorb the oil. After an hour, rinse your feet. Massage your feet with olive oil every other day.

    For maximum benefits, leave the oil on overnight (but use it without film for no more than an hour; you shouldn’t soften your feet too much) and wash off the next morning.

    5. We use vinegar to steam out old skin on the feet:

    IMPORTANT! This method is only suitable if you have very dry skin WITHOUT CRACKS.

    Dissolve 5 tablespoons in warm water, use only apple cider vinegar; its texture is more delicate. Soak your feet in this bath for no more than 10 minutes, and then be sure to apply the cream liberally and let it absorb (without socks). This procedure is not for every day; soften the skin of your heels with this bath 2-3 times a week.

    6. Peppermint for dry feet:

    Apply a small amount of peppermint oil to clean feet every day before going to bed or some time before leaving the house in the morning. The antiseptic properties of the oil will not only make the skin smooth, they will give a pleasant smell and prevent bacteria from entering the skin throughout the day. The oil also reduces pain and discomfort.

    This is one of the simplest home remedies to treat cracked and rough heels.

    7. Exfoliating Homemade Foot Scrub:

    Treat your dry heels with this simple homemade scrub. It will remove the dead layer of skin. Make this scrub by mixing oatmeal with lemon juice, honey and sea salt.

    • honey one and a half tablespoons;
    • lemon juice - 4 parts lemon;
    • oatmeal - half a glass;
    • sea ​​salt 1.5 tablespoons.

    Keep the scrub on for 30 minutes and then rinse your feet with warm water. Moisturize your feet with mint oil after scrubbing.

    8. Another homemade mask, honey and salt to moisturize and exfoliate the skin on the feet:

    Honey has many healing properties and is an excellent product for the skin. Add salt to honey so that the mask has an exfoliating effect, the ratio of components is 1 to 1. Just distribute the mask over your feet and massage your feet, rinse as usual. After the procedure, you don’t need any cream or oil, just put on socks. Do this procedure every day for 10-15 minutes and say “bye” to dry heels.

    9. The best natural moisturizer is milk:

    The value of milk for the skin was felt by Cleopatra herself and many women in Egypt. Prepare a warm water bath with a cup of hot milk and 2 tablespoons of sea salt to open the pores. Keep your feet in it for a while. Do this not every day, but only once a week!

    10. Soak your feet in warm water with iodine and salt:

    Once or twice a week, soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water with two tablespoons of sea salt and a tablespoon of iodine. Polish the skin with a grater and apply cream. Do this softening method once a week.

    11. Care for calluses on feet at home:

    If you have problems with calluses or corns, use a small finger grater.

    You will need:

    • finger grater;
    • remover (a professional product for softening corns and skin);
    • oil to add to water (or honey);
    • moisturizer (oily texture).

    On dry skin, apply the remover to the roughest areas of the skin, hold for 5 minutes and immerse your feet in warm water with oil. Steam for 7-10 minutes and lightly rub them with a grater, rinse off the removed skin, dry your feet from moisture and apply cream (no need to wear socks). Repeat the procedure if corns appear, usually once every two weeks.

    12. Toe hygiene - remove all excess with an orange stick:

    Take an orange stick, steam your toes in a warm bath with aroma oil and sea salt to clean all the dirt from your toenails. Be very careful not to inject yourself. You can also use steel tools, but an orange stick is completely harmless. Use one stick only once.

    13. Remove hangnails and cuticle:

    Clean hangnails and cuticles quickly and easily with a cuticle remover. After you have steamed your feet and cleaned your nails, carefully remove, push back and cut off the cuticles with clippers. You don't have to push the cuticle to the base of the nail if it's very small.

    14. Trim your nails regularly:

    You should trim your toenails at least once every two weeks. Long toenails are not very hygienic and even unsafe, since they can push against shoes and deform their growth, this often leads to this. that the nails begin to grow into the skin. You need to cut your nails carefully, especially at the free edge (in the corners). Do not cut your nails too short; it is better to remove the main length with a tool and then shape it with a nail file.

    15. Polish the surface of your nails with a buff:

    Polishing your toenails is just as important as your fingernails. This should be done in the same way as on your hands.

    16. Problem of sweaty feet:

    If your feet sweat and smell bad, then you need to wear shoes that “breathe” to work. Apply talcum powder to the inside of your shoes (if you wear shoes on bare feet) or sprinkle talcum powder on the bottom of your feet (if you wear socks). This will absorb sweat and get rid of bad odor. You can also rub two drops of pure sandalwood, lavender or peppermint oil on your feet before putting on your shoes.

    17. Base Nail Coat:

    If you're not in the habit of painting your toenails, but you like a neat pedicure, try painting them with a clear polish. This will give a healthy, natural look to your toenails.

    18. To keep your feet soft and healthy, take care of your shoes:

    Be sure to use antibacterial sprays for shoes, especially closed ones. It will remove the unpleasant odor and the bacteria that causes it (if you have such a problem). It can also be used for preventive purposes. Before use, read the instructions from the manufacturer you purchased.

    These simple methods will help restore and maintain softness to the skin of your feet, as well as maintain neatness and beauty until your next full pedicure.

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