• How to become a person is a mystery. How to be unpredictable for a man and always remain a mystery


    It doesn’t matter whether the relationship is in its infancy, whether you have been living with your man for several years or you just like a guy, being mysterious to your loved one is an art that never goes out of fashion. But how to become a mysterious stranger that he will solve again and again?

    If you've been married for a long time, it seems difficult or even impossible to be mysterious. Not at all like that. Everything depends on you. We all have different sides and we may discover them at different times. How to be a mysterious woman? There are many strategies to do this!

    Break the routine

    In principle, you need to change what you have already become accustomed to and have even begun to expect. If your boyfriend expects you to do certain things at a certain time, don't do it! If he comes home from work at the same time and you are usually at home, leave today. You can just go for a walk with the dog, meet a friend.

    Be unpredictable

    Be hard to get sometimes

    • How to remain mysterious if you don’t have many friends and nowhere to put yourself? Enroll in a dance class or organize a meeting of your institute classmates. Take fitness classes, sewing classes, floristry classes, a makeup tutorial—whatever interests you!
    • There are many feminine tricks that you can organize at home. Maybe you have a spare room? Close the door and do whatever you want (listen to music, do exercises, read poetry or shave your legs). Just don't tell him what you're doing here.
    • When you are going somewhere, do not tell the man where you are going to spend time, keep it a secret. Just tell him you don't know yet. This will work well when meeting a friend.

    Change your style and image periodically

    How to look mysterious using purely feminine techniques? Change your shampoo, makeup or perfume. Swap your favorite jeans and T-shirt for an elegant dress. Wear shoes with luxurious heels. Most men don't notice small changes, but subconsciously he will notice the changes. Even if he doesn't mention it, he actually creates an association in his mind that you are a mysterious girl.

    How to be mysterious to a man every day? A few more tips.

    • Spend your weekend with your children, girlfriends or relatives. You can go alone or invite him along with you. A wonderful opportunity to maintain his interest in your life and reveal the secret of where you are.
    • Listen more than you talk. Talkative people give others a clear idea of ​​what they feel and think. They leave little to the imagination.
    • If you are sexually active with your man, change the rhythm and energy of the relationship more often. And then the question of how to become a mysterious girl will not torment you. You don't have to have sex regularly or on a schedule. Be intimate several times for one week, and then stop having sex for a week or two. Decide for yourself what suits you, what rhythm to choose. Ultimately, you know your relationship better than anyone else. Men need to experience the uncertainty of intimacy!

    A woman who remains mysterious to a man will always attract him to her, beckon him, as if offering to unravel her. We can say that mystery is one of many women’s ways to attract a man’s attention and win him over.

    A man, full of confidence that he will solve all the mysteries that a woman has, finds himself enchanted, caught in her network. How to remain a mystery to a man so that he never loses interest in you?


    Create situations that will raise a lot of questions in a man, especially if they are directed at the man himself. For example, you can throw in the phrase “I realized what your highlight is”. He will certainly ask you several questions: “And what?”, “How do you know?” and so on. You need to delicately avoid answering by introducing a little fog, for example, “I’ll tell you tomorrow, but for now you think for yourself” or "Everything has its time". Are you talking on the phone? Then say that your boss is allegedly calling you urgently for a meeting or something like that.


    You can remain a mystery to a man thanks to your unpredictability.. He won't know for sure what you are going to do at any given moment, and this gives you a certain mystery. For example, a man invited you to a place where you don’t want to go. You take it and agree, and then suddenly change your mind. Will he be offended? And you do it in such a way that he definitely won’t be offended: hug, kiss, promise that you will definitely go another time, and that you will miss him.


    You don’t necessarily have to immediately respond to all missed calls and SMS from your man (unless, of course, these are business messages). You can answer the call by saying “Sorry, I can’t talk right now” or “Call back later.” He will definitely be at a loss as to why you are so busy that you cannot talk to him.


    Change your look every forty days y. This is exactly how long it takes a man to get used to your appearance, and then suddenly, bam, you are radically transformed. Soon a man will be waiting for your every transformation, burning with impatience to see what image you will try on.


    You shouldn’t remain silent like a fish, but don’t shed too much light on the details of your life.. If you have absolutely no secrets from a man, he will very soon get to know you so much that he will simply start to get bored with you. There is no need to tell in detail what you will do in the evening; it is better for him to ask himself. But also when he asks you, it is not at all necessary to tell you about all your plans.

    Nothing complicated, right? But these simple rules will give you a certain aura of mystery, which will have a beneficial effect on your relationship - you will constantly surprise a man.

    Every girl and woman wants be mysterious to attract an interesting and worthy guy or man into your life. After all, men love mysterious women and are able to care for them. While other girls who do not have such knowledge choose the wrong guys with whom they can create a good relationship.

    1. Learn to smile sincerely .

    To be mysterious, you need to learn to smile not only when you feel good, but also when hard times, stress, depression, despondency, and bad mood come in life. A smile will help you overcome problems faster and begin to attract interesting guys into your life again, so that you can finally choose the one who is more suitable for creating a long-term relationship.

    2. Be more modest.

    To be mysterious As a girl, you need to learn to restrain yourself when emotions arise. Of course, you don’t need to be too closed and modest. It's just that guys prefer hard-to-reach girls who need to be courted for a long time and painstakingly in order to win attention. Even if you are not particularly beautiful, your modest and calm character will attract more admirers and applicants into your life for a happy family life. Find out: .

    3. Know how to carry on any conversation .

    To be a mysterious woman, you need to learn to listen to a man and support him in any topic of conversation. Read books, take courses, constantly learn something new. Then it will be easier for you to maintain any conversation, with any person. And for men it is important to be understood and supported.

    4. Don't reveal all your secrets .

    To become a mysterious girl when meeting guys, you don’t need to tell everything about yourself at once. Open up to a stranger gradually, like a new and interesting book. Then you will quickly make him fall in love with you and seem to him an interesting and mysterious girl. And guys simply adore such girls and are able to spend a lot of time, effort and money to make such a girl fall in love with them.Find out: .

    5. End the conversation first .

    To be mysterious always and everywhere try to end the conversation and acquaintance first. When meeting someone on the street or talking on the phone, you need to end the conversation exactly when the guy becomes interested in you. If you continue to talk until he gets tired of talking to you, then you will therefore not be able to interest any guy.

    Part 1

    Mysterious way of thinking

      Be yourself. Have you ever met someone who is completely different from you? Not so similar that his view of the world made an indelible impression on you? Such people are mysterious not at all by nature, but due to difference between you. How then can you differentiate yourself from others? Be yourself.

      • Really, just think about it. When a man and a woman meet, the element of mystery lies mainly in how different their ideas about the world are. Thus, it seems to a man that a woman flutters in her feminine reality, which he will never be able to comprehend (and vice versa). The same situation applies to your personal universe, regardless of gender and the nature of the relationship.
    1. Believe in yourself. In today's world (which is filled with images from fashion magazines that demonstrate the need to go with the flow and follow fleeting trends), believing in yourself simply necessary to maintain individuality. This is the only way you won’t be baffled by the question “Sink or bust?” The point is that people Mad from self-confident individuals. They attract others to themselves like a magnet. Such people are convincing, attractive and desirable by default on a subconscious level.

      • What could be so incomprehensible about low self-esteem? In the shackles of fear, all your actions are determined by the thought: “What will people think?” Such personalities are not at all attractive because they are understandable and easily predictable. Whereas a confident person who is comfortable being himself, defending his rights and beliefs, is always interesting to others. He literally makes people say, "There's definitely some mystery to him!"
    2. Keep calm . He who is not distinguished by restraint is also not distinguished by outstanding imagination. After a couple of days, it becomes clear how such a person lives, what he enjoys, and why he wants to hide in a corner. Try to always remain calm and no one will be able to “see through” you. The only negative is that those around you will begin to study you with renewed energy!

      • Keep a cool head in hot situations. If you need to show emotions, then show ones that are not necessarily directly related to current circumstances. It's frosty outside, but there's no snow? What's wrong with this nature?! What's the matter?! Who needs a winter like this? It's time to move to Iceland.
    3. Remember to be polite. Mystery is often equated with being "dark" and "introverted," so it's important to counter such negative perceptions with politeness. Any mystery has no nothing in common with rudeness and unresponsiveness. Don't confuse the concepts! Everyone deserves to be treated well, no matter your image or image.

      • Try a friendly smile. This will not only make you seem friendly and open, but also make you wonder, “What is she really thinking?” Think about the impression people make on you when they smile and laugh to themselves in the middle of the street.
    4. Don't be afraid to look stupid. As people age, they begin to think about how they should behave in society to meet expectations. No one will stop you from eating a whole chicken wing and spitting the bone right on the floor, but you won't do it (most likely). It is not at all necessary to follow exactly such example, but think about their impulses in which there is nothing criminal. When a waiter comes up to a table in a cafe to ask what you want, sometimes you’re tempted to blurt out with a straight face: “If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you.” This is completely normal.

      • This tactic is fairly straightforward, but people will still wonder what's going on in your head. It is very funny! Next time order a salad with shrimp and warn: “I’m the only one with a shellfish allergy.” When they ask you why you ordered this salad, tell them you can handle it.

      Part 2

      Rules of communication
      1. Don't go into detail. When we are asked questions, we usually understand what others want to hear in response. If they ask: “Do you have a boyfriend?” then In fact they want to know: “Do you have a boyfriend? Who is he? How close are you?” Instead of answering: “Yes, I have a boyfriend. His name is Zhenya. He is a journalist,” simply say “Yes.” The person will wonder if it is appropriate to ask other questions, but curiosity will only increase!

        • Tell stories about yourself based solely on facts. Avoid commentary and retell the events sparingly.
        • If your current boyfriend asks you about your ex-partner, then don’t go into detail, but simply say: “We didn’t get along. We decided to break up, and I don’t think about him anymore.” It's that simple. This may sound stingy, but it is honest and without unnecessary details.
      2. Be impenetrable. Much of the exchange of information between people occurs without the use of words. There are dozens of “signals” that “give” our mood to those around us at the moment. Always pay attention to these aspects and start using template views to your advantage. Remember how blank James Bond's face is when he tells a joke? Repeat after him. When flirting with women, he also does not show his emotions. Agree, he is very mysterious.

        • Pay attention to the position of your body while speaking. Don't stay in one place and watch your interlocutor's reaction. Change your tone of voice, look into your eyes, look away. Make the person wonder what's on your mind.
      3. Shift your attention to other people. This is surprising Very easily. Start a conversation with someone and bombard them with questions. As a result, they will consider you an interesting conversationalist, but they won’t even understand that you haven’t said a word about yourself. In short, people like to talk about themselves. Take advantage of this fact!

        • Ask open-ended questions. If your interlocutor is interested in someone, then develop the topic. Don't let him be silent. Show genuine interest in the conversation. You will be accepted as a kind person who knows how to listen. At the same time, you don’t need to make any effort to have fun. See how simple it is?
      4. Speak to the point. If the conversation after all affects you, then state the dry facts. There is no need to share opinions, beliefs or experiences. Add your participation to the conversation, but don't talk about yourself.

        • Instead of: “Just think, I once read on the Internet that if you drink one liter of water a day more, you can lose significant weight, although not right away. We were still planning to go to a bar with a friend. I’ll definitely try this method. Going to the gym alone is not enough!” just say: “According to a number of studies, if you drink more water, you can noticeably lose weight. A very convenient way.” So you will provide the same information, but tell little about yourself.
      5. Act distant. Accept invitations to parties so that people don't forget about you. But as soon as you cross the threshold of the house and the other guests like you, start acting mysterious and distant. Skip some events. Make others look for you. Come a little later than others. Be one of the first to leave and don’t go into explanations. Remain a mysterious person.

        • Act wisely. If you constantly leave in the middle of a party, people will quickly become bored with your behavior. If you don't come, you won't be invited. Use common sense.
      6. Don't talk about the past. If you've moved to a new city and want to keep things interesting, don't talk about your past. The result will surprise you! When asked where you used to live, answer: “It doesn’t matter where I’m from, all that matters is where I am now.” You can also return to the facts without details: “Kaliningrad”. The second answer is not so shocking to others.

        • If remaining silent is not an option, then turn your story into a game. Tell us a story about how you lived in Vladivostok and worked in a shipbuilding company. Then tell them that you previously worked in a restaurant as a chef. After that inadvertently tell the story of an unusual acquaintance and friendship with a famous actor. The image of mystery is fun, isn't it?

      Part 3

      External manifestations
      1. Watch your posture. Slouching almost always hides low self-esteem, so instead of being mysterious, you will appear timid or lonely. For ideal posture, you need to straighten your shoulders, straighten your chest and keep your abdominal muscles toned. If necessary, perform a series of exercises to improve your posture. Become attractive and confident so that men and women admire you.

        Develop your own sense of style. Alas, modern fashion trends allow everyone around them to be given stereotypical labels. Wearing a scarf and chunky black glasses? You are a hipster. Do you like miniskirts and blouses with a deep neckline? There are no words here. Wear your jeans lowered and don't tie your laces? Good God. Don't follow fashion, come up with your own style.

        • Focus on your taste. Combine different styles for one look or change your look every week. Today you can come in glasses with black frames, and tomorrow in a sports jacket. The day after tomorrow, put on your own knitted vest. Combine all three items in one look. Follow only own style.
      2. Choose mutually exclusive hobbies. When you look at your average high school football player, it's easy to think, "Okay, he's probably tough, likes to make things, has a ton of friends and a stylish girlfriend." A common thought about a guy who plays in a band is: "A little introverted. Smart. Hang out with a couple of close friends. Loves his family. Nice guy. Could use a little less video game play." Stereotypes are often wrong, but try to combine the incompatible. Put on lipstick, wear a short skirt and carry a volume of The Divine Comedy with you. Learn to play the violin and go to football. Surprise.

        • The more active your lifestyle, the more difficult it is to analyze you. If a person can be seen right through, then there can be no question of any mystery. Do something that no one expects from you. Mysterious actions will help you find unexpectedly interesting hobbies.
      3. Keep your emotions in check. If you are easily angered, then everyone will do so. Under no circumstances should you give in to remaining mysterious. Do not show off your feelings, otherwise it will be easy to see through you. If it is impossible to analyze you, then it is easier to live in the image of a mysterious girl. No one will know about your likes and dislikes, beliefs and views. But most people don’t close their mouths even for a second!

      4. Don't limit yourself. There are a million ways to turn into a mysterious girl. No one will stop you from doing extraordinary things. Wear sunglasses in cloudy weather. Transform your bedroom into a dark princess room. Speak in quotes, wear a bolero over a T-shirt. How far are you willing to go?

        • Want to have some fun? Pretend to be someone else. At a party, introduce yourself with a random name and ask where all the guests went. Of course, it's important to be yourself, but why not have fun?
      • Don't tell everyone that you want to be mysterious. The fewer people in the know, the better!
      • Use complex terms and concepts in conversation. Get others to look up the dictionary.
      • Try not to use emoticons in your messages. Write "Funny" instead. It will be very unusual at first, but people will find you mysterious and serious.
      • Make sure that you do not become known as a “mysterious” girl. As strange as it may sound, being labeled as “mysterious” will stop you being considered as such.
      • Blend in with the crowd to remain an individual. You should be considered unusual, but not called deliberately daring.
      • Define reason the reason you want to be mysterious. Playing a game with someone?
      • Don't be afraid to use difficult and tricky words! Make people wonder. If they try to clarify the meaning of the word, then shrug your shoulders and grin. A smart and mysterious girl is doubly cool.
      • Use words like synergetic and recessive. Let those around you scratch their heads.
      • Try to keep your emotions under control. Speak rarely, but to the point. You can be a quiet girl who loves karate and Japanese cartoons, or a noisy girl who is shy of attention! Combine the incongruous.
      • Smile, but with restraint, sometimes grin.


      • You may be considered "weird". Don't be offended and take it as a compliment.
      • Mystery does not require you to give up your friends. Be friends with a lot of people and remain mysterious. It all depends on behavior. Learn to present yourself correctly
      • Being too mysterious will make people (especially parents) think you're up to no good. Watch yourself and don't go overboard.
      • People around you may think that you are arrogant or have lost interest in your friends, ignore you and even stop communicating. Don't get carried away so as not to lose friends. You don't have to become a loner, even if it's funny at first.
      • You may also be called "moody."

    Everyone says: men love mysterious women! And this is true, especially at the flirting stage. That is, women do not need to try to please a man, think about him constantly, figure out how a romance might develop, savor the details with girlfriends - No! Change your tactics! Your task is to make him want to please you, to make him want to fall in love with you, to puzzle over how to understand you and make assumptions. The more the applicant's thoughts are focused on you, the better! The actual process of falling in love in a person is a constant concentration of thoughts on an object.

    A man is essentially a researcher - he likes to learn the unknown, to explore new territories - so ask him a problem: How and in what ways can you fall in love and make this magnificent, fascinating, incomprehensible and beautiful woman, that is, you, yours!

    As soon as a man begins to understand you, to anticipate your actions and reactions, you become a read book for him. He “puts you on a shelf” and begins to mentally strive for new horizons and heights.

    To be a mystery is to be a real woman!

    This art and its mastery lies in being different and at the same time remaining yourself, that is, in any state, feeling inner harmony!

    Sometimes we get too stuck in one image. If we stop changing, we become boring and lose our attractiveness! Every girl must have a harmonious combination of four states, four roles, which she must use according to circumstances.

    State « Playful Child! When to use?

    • When you want to admire a man
    • When you want to ask for something
    • When you want to be taken care of and protected
    • When you want to express your true feelings in plus or minus
    • When you give thanks, accept gifts and care
    • When to believe in yourself and be brave
    • When you want to “whine” so that you will regret it
    • When you want to have fun

    For what?

    • To receive gifts and care
    • To sometimes act as your intuition tells you
    • To love yourself unconditionally
    • To be easy and treat flirting as a game
    • Just)))

    The child does not think about the impression he makes and the consequences. That's why they believe children! Children are amazing! I want to teach children to put their soul into them! I want to protect them and take care of them!

    “Caring Mommy” state. When to use?

    • When you need to take care of your internal and external order
    • When to take care of others
    • When you need to fill the space around you with comfort
    • When you want to support others and yourself
    • When you need to defend your principles
    • When you need to scold someone
    • When you need to properly manage resources (money, time, relationships)
    • When is it necessary to
    • When it's time to get things done
    • When you need to understand and accept a man for who he is

    For what?

    • To create an atmosphere of unconditional love around you
    • To create “home” traditions
    • To feel solidity, loyalty, protection in you
    • To make a man feel at home like in a five-star all inclusive hotel

    Only next to your mother can you relax, stop fighting “for a place in the sun,” and rest your soul. She wants to talk about everything. She will understand and will not judge. You want to snuggle up to her and feel like you were a child, calm and cozy!

    Condition "Seductive Hetera". When to use?

    • When to inspire action
    • When you want to look seductive
    • When you need to charm and become attractive
    • When you want to give a man a holiday
    • When you want to receive and give pleasure
    • When to open up to a man and fully accept his body
    • When you need to fill a man with energy

    For what?

    • To make a man feel like a Hero next to you
    • To spice up your sex life
    • So that a man strives to be with you more often
    • To feel like a seductress and beauty

    Hetaera wants to be worshiped! For her sake, I want to conquer the whole world and throw it at her feet! I'm drawn to her! She captivates with her beauty and affection! Her talents are intoxicating! Next to her you forget about everything in the world!

    Condition "Charming Queen". When to use?

    • When you need to fill all the space around you
    • When you need to believe in someone
    • When you let a man go to great deeds
    • When you need to be alone, not to please
    • When do you need to distribute responsibilities and rights?
    • When to demand justice
    • When to forgive
    • When to say “No!”

    For what?

    • To
    • To make a man proud of you
    • So that he is jealous, not you
    • To be forgiving of others' weaknesses
    • So that others strive to capture your attention
    • To feel worthy of the best in this life!

    The Queen is proud! The Queen is respected! They are afraid of losing her favor! They treasure it! They consult her! She is both a friend and a partner who will never betray.

    Now you are probably waiting for specific recommendations on how to put this information into practice? There won't be any! You have to push yourself and get creative! Think over your approach and style to each condition, based on your strengths and experience. The main thing is that you feel natural in it and feel comfortable inside.

    Being a Real Woman means forgetting about templates! Down with predictability! Be different from others! Be yourself!

    Advice – exercise “Getting into role in 1 minute”

    There are two reliable ways to correctly enter any psychological state you need:

    • First way: You need to remember a situation when you felt like you want to appear now. Close your eyes and mentally return to that situation, remember your feelings and transfer them to the current moment.
    • Second way: You need to imagine yourself as an animal that, in your opinion, has the qualities you need. Feel like a panther or a kitten. You can mentally change the size of this animal - let it be either the size of a two-story house to enhance strength, or a tiny fluffy ball curled up on the lap of your loved one :)
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