• How to choose a ripe pineapple. Tips on how to choose a ripe pineapple and how to properly store it at home. It is necessary to refuse the purchase in such cases


    We all know what a pineapple looks like. The fruit is covered with a thick skin, behind which lies a yellow fragrant pulp, and on top there are green hard leaves. When choosing a pineapple, try to get a good look at it. Pay special attention to the following factors:

    • pleasant subtle aroma from the skin. If the fetus is healthy, its smell is barely perceptible. The sharp smell of sweetness indicates that the fruit has most likely already begun to deteriorate;
    • beautiful green foliage. Leaves should be free of blotches and signs of rotting. Try to tear off one leaf from all the tops; in a ripe pineapple, it separates without much effort. Few people know, but the tops of the fruit rotate around their own axis. Just pick up a pineapple, hold it with one hand, and rotate the tops with the other hand. If it turns well, then this indicates a clear ripeness of the fruit. Feel free to buy it;

    Rotate the tops very carefully, without applying force. Otherwise, it may separate from the fetus.

    • elastic crust. Many mistakenly assume that a ripe pineapple should have a hard skin, but this is not entirely true. The skin is dark in color, even, when compressed it shrinks a little, but springs. If the fruit cannot be squeezed, it is probably not ripe yet. When the fingers fall into the pulp, the pineapple has already begun to rot;
    • pulp. Tap on the fruit and appreciate the sound. If the sound is empty, then the pulp is bad. A dull sound, on the contrary, is a sign of ripeness.

    When you have evaluated the fetus in all respects, weigh it. Do not take smallish pineapples, remember that the normal weight of the fruit is from 1 to 2 kg. Be sure to pay attention to the price of fruits. A low price or promotion should alert you, it is better not to buy such pineapples. If the fruits are of good quality, no one will sell them for free. Do not forget to wash the fruit under running water before eating. Cut the fruit and enjoy its sweet and juicy taste.

    How to store pineapple after purchase

    If you have a few pieces of fragrant pulp left, put it in the refrigerator. The temperature in it should not be below zero degrees. The most optimal temperature range for storage is recognized as an interval from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius.

    At a lower temperature, the pulp instantly loses its taste and becomes soft. At elevated temperatures, rotting of the pulp develops faster. Fruit pieces can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. If you leave a pineapple on the table, it will barely last two days. If more time has passed, and you forgot to remove the fruit, throw it into a bucket, because eating such a fruit is unsafe for health, there is a high probability of getting food poisoning.

    Store already cut pineapple slices only under a film or wrap them in paper. Moisture must not be allowed to get on the pulp, otherwise rotting quickly develops.

    You can transfer the pineapple chunks to a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Line the bottom of the container with paper towels in several layers.

    Approach the choice of fruit carefully, never grab the first fruit that comes across. Even if you chose an unripe fruit, it's okay: leave it to lie in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and it will ripen. It is undesirable to eat unripe pineapples, they are not so sweet in taste, and there is much less benefit in them than in ripe ones.

    Pineapple is an exotic delicacy, and therefore it is more difficult to choose it than a simple apple or pear. Learn how to choose the right pineapple to decorate your holiday table. Buying this fruit at random is not worth it.

    Choosing a ripe pineapple in the store by smell

    The smell is one of the faithful assistants in choosing the perfect fruit. Smell the pineapple and appreciate its aroma.

    How to choose the right pineapple so that it is juicy and ripe

    A good pineapple has a delicate and subtle smell. If the aroma is too strong and almost chemical, then the fruit is overripe and already starting to rot inside. If there is no smell at all, then either the fruit is still unripe, or it was picked green, and it ripened during transportation, which means it is second-rate. In any case, you should not take such a fruit.

    Visual inspection of fresh pineapple upon purchase

    Here are a few more indicators that will help when choosing this overseas delicacy:

    • examine the tops of the fruit. There should be a lot of leaves, and they should be bright green, juicy. Try to pull one leaf. If he does not want to break away from the base, then the pineapple is unripe. If the leaves turn yellow and dry, then the fruit is overripe and spoiled;
    • an unusual way to check a pineapple: twist the tops. In a ripe fruit, it easily scrolls around its axis, while in a green one it is motionless;
    • a ripe fruit is slightly soft to the touch, but its peel remains elastic. The green fruit is much harder than the mature one;
    • do not pay attention to the greenish tint of the peel, this does not mean at all that the fruit is unripe. But if the crust is covered with spots, this is a bad sign. Such a pineapple is overripe and spoiled;
    • tap on the fruit. A pineapple with an ideal level of maturity makes a dull sound. But an empty sound is a sign that the fruit is overripe and dried out. Do not take it if you do not want to eat not juicy pineapple;
    • if you want to buy half a pineapple, evaluate its color in the section. It should be bright yellow with a golden sheen. A pale color is the first sign that the pineapple is not ripe;
    • do not take a fruit with a non-uniform skin color. This always speaks of certain shortcomings of the fetus.

    Once you bring your pineapple home, store it at room temperature only. In the refrigerator, a fresh pineapple will become watery and lose its bewitching aroma.

    Don't buy a pineapple without looking. So you risk spending a lot of money and acquiring stale fruit. Only after a thorough inspection can you find the very perfect pineapple in the supermarket, which will be tasty, sweet, fragrant.

    How to choose a pineapple in the store?

    Tropical fruits on store shelves no longer surprise anyone. It is difficult to find a person who has never tasted pineapple in his life. However, the taste in two cases out of three leaves much to be desired. How to choose a pineapple in the store so that it is ripe and sweet?

    What pineapples are sold

    If you have tried a freshly picked pineapple, you will not like the taste of what is sold in stores. Only unripe fruits are always transported over long distances. Ripe fruit will not withstand transportation. And unripe in the process of transportation will not become tastier and sweeter.


    Examine the "crown" of leaves at the top of the fruit. It should be even, symmetrical and dense. Length - from 10-12 cm, depending on its size, but not more than twice the length of the fetus.

    The color of the tops is rich green. Slightly dry edges are normal. Refuse to buy if you see a lot of beginning to wither, yellow and dried leaves.

    According to popular belief, an easily pulled out leaf is a guarantee of fruit ripeness, but this is not so. This means that it has been lying on the counter for a long time, so the leaves have begun to dry out. Unlike mangoes, feijoas, or bananas, a pineapple will not be any more ripe than it was when it was picked.

    There is one 100% sure way to know if a fruit is ripe, but the store clerks are unlikely to get you right. Grasp the leaves and try to unscrew the "crown". From the ripe fruit, it is separated quite easily.


    Take a close look at the pineapple. In a ripe fruit, the peel is smooth, elastic, without brown and gray spots between the scales, signs of rot and mold. The scales are of the same shape and proportionally decreasing from the middle to the top and bottom.

    The color of the peel is uniform. Pineapples grow so that the sweetest pulp is at the base. The transition from golden yellow to pale salad means that the whole fruit cannot be eaten. Where the peel is green, it is sour.

    Depending on the variety, both green and yellow pineapples are ripe. But buying green in Russia is a risk.

    Tap on it like a watermelon. A booming sound, similar to drum beats, means that the fruit is already overripe and dry. A muffled sound gives hope for ripeness.
    Press down on the crust with your finger. In a ripe fruit, it lends itself, but no dents remain. If the rind is hard and tough, it is quite immature. A dent means that the fruit is overripe and rotting.


    Ask the seller to cut the fruit in half or cut off the top. A ripe pineapple has a rich yellow flesh. A greenish-yellow tint or butter color means the fruit is unripe.


    Smell the fruit before buying. Ripe has a characteristic sweetish aroma, pleasant, but not too strong. It is felt at a distance of 10-15 cm from the fetus.

    The intense smell emanating from the uncut fruit means that it is overripe, and fermentation processes are taking place inside.


    The price of pineapple depends on the method of transportation. Those that are more expensive are delivered by plane. Less time is spent on the road - ripe fruits are harvested that do not have time to deteriorate.

    Cheap fruits are shipped by sea. The journey takes several months. They are taken very immature.

    Storage conditions

    In the store, pineapples are not stored in the refrigerator. At temperatures below 6-8ºС, they lose their aroma, the color turns pale, the flesh “soaks”. But the plucked fruit does not like heat either, as it deteriorates very quickly.

    If you saw pineapples in a refrigerated display case, then the only explanation for this is that the fruits began to rot and they were put there to slow down the fermentation process.
    Sometimes pineapples are placed upside down. It is said that in this position, the sweetness from the base spreads evenly throughout the fruit. The question is debatable, since it is impossible to compare the taste before and after.

    spoiled pineapples

    Refuse to buy if:

    1. The fruit smells of vinegar or rot.
    2. The crust is cracked and juice is leaking from it.
    3. All leaves are uniform brown.
    4. The fruit is soft to the touch.
    5. Pineapple is red-brown, bronze or copper in color.

    How to choose the right pineapple, useful tips

    Let's talk about the exotic fruit pineapple, how to choose and its origin

    The question "how to choose a ripe and tasty pineapple?" it’s not quite simple if you don’t live in tropical countries and you rarely meet this fruit in everyday life. Pineapple comes from Brazil. They later spread to South and Central America. According to scientists, according to historical sources, it is said that pineapple juice served as a medicinal drink for the ancient Indians in the 15th century, and fibers were made from pineapple leaves for making fabric. For the first time during his trip around the world, Columbus, seeing this fruit, gave it the name "pine cone" and, of course, learned how to choose delicious and ripe pineapples even then .. So a delicious pineapple came to Europe. For a long time, pineapple was used as a decoration. They did not use it, but put it on the festive table, which was considered prestigious, and the guests assessed the wealth of the owner. Pineapple came to Russia in the 18th century. The exotic fruit has a long history of its "journey" from Brazil to Europe. And in this regard, many countries arrange a holiday for their favorite fruit. In June, a lot of people come to the holiday, because. this is not just a holiday, but rather a congress of business partners, suppliers for the exchange of experience, everything that concerns only pineapple, in the question “how to choose the right delicious and ripe pineapple” - these people have no equal . new varieties, as well as souvenirs and delicacies. On this day, fireworks do not stop. Such festivals are held in India, Thailand, Florida and other countries.

    Nowadays, pineapple cultivation is produced in countries with a tropical climate. In the middle lane, pineapples are grown indoors, which is very important for the timely ripening of the fruit, its ripeness and sweet taste. Hawaii, Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Ghana are the main producers of pineapples. Very large plantations are found in India. If you calculate what is the area of ​​​​cultivation of pineapples around the world, it will be about one hundred thousand hectares.

    In everyday life, we often face the problem of choice. One of these tasks is the purchase of fresh, high-quality fruits. Let's look at one example - for example, how to choose the right pineapple.

    So how do you choose the right pineapple? When buying a pineapple, you need to pay attention to a number of the following rules, following which it will be easy for you to make the right choice.

    Seven basic rules for choosing the right pineapple

    Rule number 1. Visual quality assessment when choosing a pineapple

    Rule #2

    Take a pineapple in your hands, the first sign of its maturity is the softness of its rind. The crust should be not only soft, but also elastic. In order to understand what kind of peel, it is worth slightly pressing on it from the side of the pineapple, as a result of which a small cavity is formed, which should instantly spring under the fingers. You select a pineapple for ripeness and want to judge its taste and sweetness by its appearance, in this method, of course, the best are those who encounter it daily - but here's what they look at. If such an effect occurred, we can safely assume that the pineapple was picked ripe. There is an opinion that an unripe pineapple can ripen if left to lie down. This opinion is erroneous. Yes, after lying down for a while, the greenish pineapple will turn yellow, but with such ripening it will lose its taste.

    Rule #3

    The question of choosing a delicious pineapple can be compared with an example, as in choosing a watermelon. To do this, you just need to take a pineapple in your hands and tap the fruit with your palm. In this case, you need to carefully evaluate what kind of sound comes from it. A ringing sound indicates an unripe pineapple, therefore, refrain from buying it. But, well, if you hear a dull sound - this is a sign of a ripe pineapple, buy it safely

    Rule #4

    According to experts, you need to pay attention to the foliage of the fruit. It is believed that if the pineapple is ripe, then its “tops” should be green, slightly wilted, and the leaves themselves should be effortlessly separated from the fruit. Experts also advise, when choosing a pineapple, to take one of the leaves and turn it around its axis, as if unscrewing it. If this was done without effort, then the pineapple is ripe.

    Rule #5

    As we said, the pineapple should be yellow-brown in color. In determining the freshness of a fruit, brown spots are not allowed on it. If there are, then this is considered a sign of overripe pineapple, after you choose it, it can be tasty and sweet, but this is rare.

    Rule #6

    Further, if the pineapple suits you on all of the above points, the time has come to smell it. You shouldn't be ashamed of it. Ripe pineapple has a pleasant, sweetish, delicate aroma. A sign of too sweet aroma is the overripeness of the fruit, which means that fermentation processes have already begun in it.

    Rule #7

    Finally, one of the main points of choosing the right delicious pineapple is its price. Among the exotic fruits on the shelves, pineapple takes pride of place. The high price indicates that the ripe pineapple crop was harvested and delivered in a short time, i.е. by plane. But, and the low price is a sign that the pineapples were not ripe, their delivery was carried out by sea, which means that their ripening was on the way. You can’t consider “expensive means good”, because. even for an average quality product, you can ask for a high price.

    Well, we got acquainted with the main rules for choosing the right delicious pineapple

    Ripe pineapple recipes

    You have chosen the right pineapple, now you can enjoy not only its taste, but also cook many delicious dishes from it, because pineapple is not only considered a low-calorie fruit, but also participates in the process of splitting fats, which means you can easily lose weight when eating it.

    Let's start with a recipe for a delicious pineapple salad.

    Ripe pineapple salad with shrimps.

    To prepare it, you need the following products:

    - A pineapple

    - Shrimps - 100 grams

    - Mango - 100 grams (mango juice is possible)

    - Greens and mayonnaise to taste


    For salad, choose a delicious pineapple. Cut the pineapple into cubes, about 1 cm, chop the shrimp and mix with pineapple, add mashed mango with herbs, mix and add mayonnaise. Salad can be put on a plate, or you can put it in a pre-cut half (boat) of pineapple without its pulp. It will turn out unusual and original.

    It is worth noting that cooking can be done not only from fresh, properly selected pineapples, but also from canned ones.

    Here is one of the salad recipes, but now with canned pineapples.

    Pineapple salad "Snack"


    - Chicken meat (500 g);

    - A can of canned pineapples;

    - Fresh champignons (500 g);

    - Lemon juice;

    - Mayonnaise;

    - Mustard;

    - Yogurt;

    - Black pepper

    - Dill, parsley (any greens to taste)


    Boil chicken meat. Salt. Separate mushrooms from caps and legs. Mushroom caps should be boiled in salted water, then acidified with vinegar and lemon juice. Mushrooms and cooked meat cut into pieces. We chop greens. We take a jar of canned pineapples, lay them out without syrup. Mix all the ingredients. Let's move on to making the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise, yogurt, mustard and black pepper (all ingredients are added to taste).

    Delicious Pineapple Pork Recipe

    To prepare this recipe, you need to know how to choose the right pineapple, because. in this recipe, if the pineapple is unripe or overripe, the taste of the dish during its preparation will not turn out tasty and fragrant.

    Pineapple Pork Recipe Ingredients:

    — Fresh pineapple

    - Pork - 1 kg.

    - Mayonnaise - 200 grams.

    - Cheese - 300 grams.

    - Vegetable oil - 100 grams.

    Divide the meat into small pieces, put on a countertop, grease the baking sheet in advance, salt and pepper to taste. Top with chopped fresh ripe and sweet pineapple, grease everything with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven until done at 180 degrees.

    Pineapple can also be used to make delicious delicious pastries.

    Pineapple pie for 12 servings.

    This cake can be served on the table, both on a normal day and for any holiday. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

    - butter - 200 grams

    - powdered sugar - 200 grams

    - egg - 4 pcs.

    - flour -3 cups

    - baking soda - about 1 tsp

    - vinegar - ½ tsp

    - pineapple (canned slices) - 850 grams.

    Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer, melt the butter and add to the eggs and sugar. We continue to beat everything, add soda, slaked with vinegar, add flour. We mix everything. Put the finished dough on a baking sheet (pre-grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil or put parchment paper). On top of the dough, lay out the chopped selected tasty and sweet pineapple, or canned pineapple circles and place in a preheated oven at a temperature of 150-180 degrees, for about 20-25 minutes.

    The pie is ready to eat.

    Also, pineapple can be chosen not only to cook a delicious dinner, but also to lose weight

    In fact, in order to lose weight, it is not enough just to eat pineapple, which is actively involved in the breakdown of fats, you need to combine the duration of the diet with physical activity, salad recipes will help to make food using pineapple more varied. Also, after the correct choice of a ripe and sweet fruit, the use of pure pineapple in itself is recommended on fasting days. Fasting days are recommended by nutritionists, the period of which is 1-2 days. It is considered safe for health. To do this, you need a two-kilogram pineapple and a liter of pineapple juice. Take pineapple approximately 3 to 5 times a day, dividing the pineapple juice into the same number of doses between meals. At the same time, on this day, for the desired effect, do not eat other foods, do not drink other drinks. Eliminate everything except the pineapple itself and pineapple juice.

    For those who find it difficult to consume only pineapple and pineapple juice, you can add 100 grams of boiled beef, 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and one slice of bread to the diet.

    But, do not flatter yourself that the pineapple diet has no contraindications, no matter which pineapple you choose for this. In medicine, it should not be used for diseases of the stomach, because. Pineapple contains bromelain. Let's talk about the nutritional properties of pineapple and its vitamins. It contains many vitamins and nutrients. One of the most active substances in pineapple - bromelain - is an enzyme that normalizes the wrong process of protein digestion. Thanks to this complex of nutrients, pineapple has healing properties: it stimulates the digestion process, lowers blood pressure, and disinfects the intestines.

    We got acquainted with the secrets of losing weight. Properly selected sweet and tasty pineapple is a great helper not only in the formation of a slim figure, but also slows down the aging process of the skin.

    Masks from selected delicious and ripe pineapple

    Women use the properties of pineapple also in cosmetology. Pineapple not only slows down the aging process, but also moisturizes the skin, breaks down old cells, and allows you to keep it in good shape. You can make nourishing, moisturizing face masks at home

    Pineapple mask for wrinkles.

    For the mask, you need to choose the right ripe pineapple. Cut off a small piece, add one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of fresh sour cream to it. Gently put the entire consistency on your face for about 15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

    Moisturizing pineapple mask.

    To two crushed spoons of pineapple, add two tablespoons of grated apples, ½ teaspoon of honey and one drop of any essential oil. Apply to the face for 15 minutes, wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

    From oily skin on the face, cosmetologists advise wiping the face with slices of a selected tasty, ripe and sweet pineapple.

    Masks should be carried out regularly, with a break of 1-2 months.

    Let's list a few points of the beneficial qualities of ripe pineapple

    - Vitamins and minerals.

    These are potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iodine. As well as pineapple fibers cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins.

    - Action of nutrients in pineapple.

    Substances found in pineapple have a preventive effect in hypertension and atherosclerosis.

    - Serves as a preventive measure for many diseases.

    This fruit protects against many diseases, for example, it is good for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections, just as mentioned earlier, it does not allow pressure to increase and decrease.

    — Normalization of pressure.

    During a meal, it is useful to drink a glass of fresh pineapple juice or eat a slice of it, while the enzymes in the gastric juice increase their activity. In this form, pineapple is good to use in the case of eating meat dishes and with a hearty meal.

    - Pineapple against cancer.

    Scientists have proven that pineapple prevents cancer. It has an antioxidant effect on the body.

    — Cosmetology.

    Included in many cosmetics, as well as the preparation of pineapple masks can be used at home. It turns out a kind of beauty salon at home.

    — Dietetics.

    Perfectly participates in the process of weight loss and the breakdown of fats.

    The use of correctly selected tasty and ripe pineapple in pediatrics

    In Russia, pediatricians do not recommend eating pineapple for children under 3 years old, because. it is considered an allergic fruit. In their opinion, it is not worth risking the health of a child from infancy. The pediatricians of European countries, for example, Spain, have the opposite opinion. There, doctors advise eating ripe and tasty pineapples if the baby has metabolic problems, problems with the urinary system. The Spanish favorite product is meat, and pineapple serves as a good aid in digestion, parents instill in their baby a love for pineapple from infancy, as well as the ability to properly choose a ripe, ripe and delicious pineapple. The kid eats pineapple with pleasure, then in adulthood he will use it, thereby his body can easily cope with the digestion of heavy food. Here's how pediatricians disagree about eating pineapple. Delicious pineapple, you always want to give your child a try. Russian pediatricians believe that children under three years of age are forbidden to use pineapple, because it can cause allergic reactions, and it also contains irritating substances. According to their advice, it is best to give fruit to a child at an older age.

    Did you know that ripe and delicious pineapple can be grown at home?

    The question immediately arises, where to start? To do this, you need to choose a ripe pineapple, according to the rules that we already know well. We cut off the “rosette” at the base of the fruit, but without the pulp. Then, we wash the “socket” in a solution of potassium permanganate and dip the cut into a layer of ash. Allow time to dry (approximately 5-6 hours). While the cut is drying, prepare a container for planting. To do this, you need a pot, approximately 0.6 liters. Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot, then earth and leaf humus. In the middle of the pot we make a small depression slightly larger than the diameter of the “socket” itself. Of course, in this matter, as well as in the question “how to choose the right tasty and ripe pineapple,” you need minimal practice and knowledge. Then, we take the “socket”, lower it into the recess, sprinkle it with earth and tamp it down. Pour abundantly and put on top a plastic bottle (previously cut off 10 cm high) and put in a dark place. Rooting will occur if the pot is kept at a temperature of 27-27 degrees. It is very convenient to do this in the winter, putting the pot on the battery and protecting it from light. After 15 months, the "socket" takes root, you can see how new leaves break through, now you can remove the plastic bottle. In a ripe pineapple, layering grows from the side at the base of the stem; when choosing a ripe ripe pineapple, you can see them on the shelves. They can be rooted from the top of the fruit. Pineapples are transplanted annually, while silently increasing the capacity of the pot. The root system is deepened by 0.5 cm. Pineapples can be transplanted, but only with the help of transshipment, while the root system and the clod of earth are not destroyed. When growing pineapple, you need to observe the temperature regime. The temperature in the room should be at least 18 degrees. Hypothermia of the root system of the future fruit also has a detrimental effect. Water the pineapple with melt, rain or settling water. Once a month fertilize, moisturize (spray). If you follow all the recommendations for caring for a pineapple, then in a year you will be able to see how it blooms, and at the same time it forms many small children. Be careful that pineapple can be affected by spider mites and powdery mildew.

    How to make delicious and sweet "candy" pineapple

    That's what a comprehensive utility of pineapple. Pineapple is used in many areas: cooking, nutrition, medicine, etc. Do you know that delicious pineapple can be consumed not only fresh, canned, baked, etc., but also “candy”? Yes, it's "candy". Pineapple, thanks to our imagination, can be served on the table in the form of sweets. To do this, we do not have to be puzzled how to choose a delicious pineapple, here the following components will be needed to make such a pineapple.

    - sweets - 600 grams, you can and 1 kg.

    - polystyrene - (height 15 cm, diameter 10 cm)

    - tape (double sided)

    - scissors

    - packing tape (polysilk)

    - decorative ribbon (aspidistra) for making leaves.

    - Styrofoam, we make an oval shape out of it.

    We wrap the foam with packing tape. At the top we leave a "tail" for fixing the leaves. We glue the film with adhesive tape. Now cut out the leaves from the decorative ribbon for the future pineapple. You can fantasize what leaves you will have: fluffy, long, thick, everything is at your discretion. Having made the “tail” of the pineapple, glue it on the top of the mold. We glue the prepared blank with double-sided tape throughout the volume. Now we proceed to the main process, we attach sweets to the adhesive tape. Better to start from the top down. Candies can be taken with a yellow wrapper, or yellow-brown, so that the pineapple looks like a real one. Although, for such original gifts, a wide variety of candies with wrappers are suitable, because. such a pineapple on the festive table will look very unusual.

    And to surprise and delight your guests even more, offer them an aristocratic drink from distant France - pineapple in champagne!

    For this drink we need:

    - 750 grams of champagne

    - Pineapple - 1 piece

    – Dry white wine – 1 liter

    - Sugar - 150 grams

    We choose pineapple. We know how to choose a delicious pineapple. Clean it and cut into thin pieces. The entire volume of chopped pineapple is poured into 0.5 liters of wine and covered with sugar. Insist in a cold place for 2 hours. At the end of time, add to the mass of champagne, the rest of the wine and ice. Mix everything. The aristocratic drink is ready. Pour the drink into glasses. Be sure to have 2-3 pieces of pineapple in the glass.

    You can serve a drink on the table and enjoy a romantic drink from France itself.

    An inhabitant of tropical latitudes, pineapple is now an ordinary fruit on our table. Nobody considers it a curiosity anymore. It lies on the shelves of shops in Russia along with bananas, grapes, apples, oranges. The most famous exotic fruit exporting countries are Thailand, Vietnam, Ecuador, and the Philippines. But how to deal with these tropical sissies? How to choose a ripe pineapple? What signs must be taken into account? Let's find out.

    How to choose the right pineapple

    An unripe, unripe fruit has a sour taste, it is unlikely that anyone will be happy with it. In addition, "green" pineapple can cause indigestion. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a ripe, sweet tropical delicacy that your family and you will be satisfied with. It is better to purchase pineapples in large chain stores, where they are provided with the most.

    How to determine the ripeness of a pineapple? There are three important points to always keep in mind. Choose:

    • according to external signs;
    • by sound and weight;
    • by smell

    Is it possible to determine ripeness by the rosette of leaves on a pineapple

    Look carefully. There should be no defects, scratches, dents on the peel. If the skin color is brown-yellow or reddish-yellow with a predominance of pleasant yellow hues, this is a sure sign of ripeness. Wrinkled peel with spots - the fruit is overripe. The eyes are well developed. Underdeveloped eyes and greenish scales are evidence of the immaturity of the tropical guest. The firmness of the pineapple is also a sign of immaturity. In ripe - the peel is slightly elastic, the dent quickly disappears when pressed on the "body" of the fruit. The bottom should be firm, not wet, but rather dry. Soft to the touch “bottom” is a sign of an overripe fruit.

    The second point is the leaves at the top. They should be strong, not withered, not torn, without traces of mold and white bloom. How to determine the ripeness of a pineapple by a rosette of leaves? This sign of ripeness is secondary, but, nevertheless, the leaves should have a fresh appearance - this is an indicator of the quality of the fruit. Broken, dirty, unaesthetic-looking leaves indicate that the fruit has “traveled” somewhere for a long time, has been repeatedly loaded and unloaded and is most likely not suitable for a meal and it is better to reject it. Yellow leaves clearly indicate overripeness and staleness.

    Let's listen to the sounds and estimate the weight

    You can choose a pineapple by sound. Often this is how watermelon is chosen. Pineapple also “sounds” differently depending on the degree of maturity. A ripe fruit makes a dull, full sound, a “green” or vice versa overripe fruit sounds dry and unexpressed. These definitions of sounds are of course subjective, and each one over time, from his own experience, determines which sound corresponds to a ripe fruit, which green, and which is overripe and stale.

    The shape and weight of the fruit depends on the variety, but it is either cylindrical or oval. Upon visual inspection, you will see the symmetry of the fruit. Symmetry is a sign of a healthy fetus. Weight from 1 to 5 kilograms. It is believed that small fruits are sweeter, but the variety also affects the sweetness. A good ripe pineapple weighs more than it looks. If the fruit is large, light, then it is overripe, since the pulp has lost some of its internal moisture with time and its specific gravity has decreased.

    Smell the tropical guest

    How to choose the right pineapple by smell? We have a very useful, completely free analyzer of the quality and freshness of any product in our body - this is our sense of smell. By smell, you can understand a lot, get the right idea about the degree of freshness and ripeness of pineapple.

    High-quality, ripe, healthy fruit emits a delicate, pleasant, sweetish aroma. If the smell is pleasant, but too sharp and intense, the fruit is clearly overripe. If the smell is not felt at all or very slight, the fruit is “still green”. An unpleasant, “yeasty” smell is evidence of a spoiled, overripe fruit.

    Let's look at the price

    A tropical guest, by definition, cannot be cheap. Its delivery by any mode of transport - by air, by water or by land over such a considerable distance costs "a pretty penny". Loading, unloading, storage and all sorts of trade margins also form the price of an exotic product.

    If you saw pineapples at a alarmingly low (compared to the usual) price at a sale in a supermarket, think carefully about whether it is worth "chasing cheapness." Fruit is more likely to be of inadequate quality, otherwise they would not be sold. But anything happens. Maybe there are too many fruits for sale, and the demand for them is less than the calculated one - insignificant. Remember how to choose the right pineapple and slowly get down to business. Perhaps you will get a normal ripe and fresh fruit.

    Pulp color

    It is unlikely that in a store to determine the ripeness of the fruit, you will cut off a piece of pulp to see the color. But at home, you can appreciate the dependence of color on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. The color of the pulp of a ripe fruit is yellow, golden, unripe is very pale yellow, almost white.

    Will the "green" pineapple ripen

    If you made a mistake and incorrectly assessed the ripeness of a fruit by buying an unripe specimen, will it “reach” at home? You don't have to count on it. If it's green, then so be it. Pineapples are harvested already in the degree of maturity. They do not contain starches, which turn into sugars over time, as happens, for example, with bananas. Bananas are harvested unripe and the starch contained in them in large quantities is gradually converted into sugar in the process of certain biological and chemical reactions, so we get ripe tropical bananas on the table.

    No matter how hard you try, no such reactions will occur in pineapples. Storage in warm, cold, dark, bright light, tops or bottoms will not cause any reactions. Storing a "green" fruit in order to get a ripe fruit will only cause it to spoil - it will either ferment or rot. As a result of vain efforts, you will receive only a spoiled product.

    What pineapples should not be bought

    We list the signs indicating which fruits do not need to be bought:

    • with defects, scratches, dents on the peel
    • asymmetrical shape
    • with yellow or damaged, unsightly leaves
    • with an unpleasant "yeasty" or putrid odor
    • very small or too big
    • big but light
    • too hard
    • if the dent on the peel does not return to its original position
    • wet or soft bottom
    • inappropriate price

    The most delicious, sweet, ripe fruits can be purchased in December-January. It's pineapple season. Canned fruits in jars are sold all year round. But the most useful, although not quite “off the shelf”, are still fresh.

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