• What provisions are prohibited for pregnant women. What can not be pregnant your leisure and profession. Woman in position and work


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    Joy, anxiety, doubts, fears and many other emotions are experienced by every woman when she learns about her new position. Each woman perceives this news in her own way. Someone treats this as a disease, and throughout the entire period they behave accordingly, limit themselves in everything, try to follow all the doctor’s advice and, having read books, “put themselves to bed” for a nine-month period. Someone continues to run like a "squirrel in a wheel", go to work, carry heavy bags and rush from one extreme to another.

    In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, of course, you will have to behave more carefully and attentively, you will need to give up many habits, but this is not a sentence to forbid yourself everything.

    Bring it, I don't know what!

    With the onset of pregnancy, women's appetite changes dramatically. This can manifest itself not only in an acute desire for everything salty or sour, but also, for example, in completely original combinations and whims: tea with cucumbers or honey with sausage. Many will wrinkle their noses at this, but taste preferences during pregnancy are far more bizarre. It is a well-known fact that during pregnancy a woman may experience a feeling of disgust for her favorite foods, or vice versa, what she has never eaten before can be eaten with pleasure. Naturally, food is of great importance, because now the expectant mother should carefully choose her diet, which affects the development of her unborn baby!

    In some books about pregnancy, they write that a future mother can eat only what is good for her baby, that is, everything lean and dairy. And then longing overcomes you: how to refuse something sweet, for example? How to replace your favorite foods with cereals and yogurts? However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, a piece of chocolate will certainly not make you feel bad. The main thing here is that all products are fresh.

    The diet of the expectant mother

    The diet of a pregnant woman should be complete and varied, enriched with vitamins and useful trace elements. It is important that the expectant mother enjoys what she eats, because this is the main reason for good health and good mood.

    So, if the question arises, what should not be eaten by pregnant women. The diet of the expectant mother should consist only of products of natural origin. Those. products that a woman eats should not contain various additives, flavor enhancers, and dyes that can adversely affect the development of the baby. One of the rather dangerous additives are type E additives (but not all).

    Caffeine can cause miscarriage or underweight babies at birth. And green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for the normal development of the baby.

    Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation processes in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.

    For example, fish is considered a fairly healthy type of food, but such varieties of fish as tuna, mackerel, swordfish, must be excluded from your diet during pregnancy. You should also exclude from the diet the use of spicy foods, fried and very fatty.

    Continuing the theme of seafood: raw shellfish are prohibited during pregnancy - as a possible source of pathogenic microorganisms that cause poisoning. A similar ban and for the same reason - on sushi: having caught a helminthic infection after eating sushi, then it will be difficult and long to recover. I wanted sushi, well, just “to the point of impossibility”? Then it is better to give preference to rolls with thermally processed products, and ideally, vegetarian sushi (for example, with cucumber). But it is better to cook them yourself, with clean hands and with natural ingredients.

    Cheeses - soft (brie, cameber, feta), as well as blue cheese and goat cheese. Cheeses are included in the list of prohibited foods for pregnant women due to a special cooking technology: they are produced on the basis of unpasteurized milk. And the lack of a pasteurization process leads to the fact that bacteria can remain in cheeses that can lead to infection, and, as a result, to miscarriage or premature birth. If cheeses based on pasteurized milk are not allowed for consumption, then, logically, the milk itself is also banned - unpasteurized and unboiled. Such milk is also very likely to contain infections that cause food poisoning.

    Poisoning, or even worse - salmonellosis - you can "get it" by eating raw eggs. Therefore, you can not eat either soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs in the form of fried eggs: the yolk and protein must harden during cooking. But quail eggs, to pleasantness, can be eaten raw: it has been proven that salmonella does not “live” in them. But, in any case, you should not abuse the product - after all, eggs are classified as a fairly strong allergen.

    Salmonellosis can also be in raw meat, therefore, during pregnancy, all kinds of “tatar steaks”, undercooked shish kebab or steaks, steaks with blood, half-baked liver are unacceptable for eating. It is very desirable to refuse such meat products as ham, cold smoked sausages during pregnancy - they may contain pathogenic bacteria that contribute to infection with listeriosis or toxoplasmosis. For the same reason, it is better to refuse pates (moreover, both meat and vegetable, and fish).

    And, of course, do not forget that a pregnant woman is very prone to manifestations of heartburn, which makes itself felt as a consequence of a growing and squeezing internal organs (including the stomach and intestines) of the uterus. To minimize the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon as heartburn, as well as to prevent the "overload" of the liver and gallbladder, it is worth giving up smoked, fried, fatty and spicy foods and dishes. And in order to avoid edema, as a result of a large load on the kidneys (which during pregnancy already work in an enhanced mode), avoid marinades and pickles.

    To determine more clearly what pregnant women should not eat in the early stages, the doctor will help. Since it is he who can advise you to eat certain foods, depending on how the pregnancy proceeds. For example, beets contribute to provoking uterine tone, so if a pregnant woman’s uterus is already in good shape, you can’t eat beets, so as not to worsen the existing situation. Also, with edema that may occur in a woman during pregnancy, salt should not be eaten.

    What can not be done during pregnancy?

    • Don't get allergic! Due to the direct effect of the food consumed, it is not recommended to consume in large quantities those foods that can cause allergies. Since in the future this allergy may manifest itself in the baby. Foods that can cause allergies include chocolate, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, tangerines, and strawberries. To exclude the use of such products does mean depriving yourself of the pleasure and vitamins contained in them, so you need to use them in small quantities.
    • Before using the products, they must be thoroughly washed, this applies to fruits and products such as meat or eggs must be thermally processed. This is necessary in order to get rid of all the bacteria that they may contain and which, if not disposed of, can harm the health of both the baby and his mother.
    • Also prohibitions during pregnancy include flying on airplanes and climate change, you can go on vacation only in the first months of pregnancy. Until the 26th week of pregnancy, you can fly on an airplane. At later dates, flights are prohibited, since pressure drops affect the fetus. Low blood pressure can induce labor. For late flights, rare exceptions are made, but only with a written confirmation from a doctor. It is better to just walk a lot in the fresh air.
    • It is not advisable for pregnant women to visit a hairdresser. For some women, this is a big stress, they have to endure as much as 9 months. In the early stages, you can go to the hairdresser, you just can’t dye your hair with dyes with a high ammonia content. Since the chemicals that make up the paint, all these substances easily penetrate into the bloodstream, and this is very harmful for mother and child. You should also not use hairspray or other aerosols - they also cause harm when they get into the lungs.
    • For a baby, micro-waves emanating from electrical appliances are harmful, this has been proven by scientists for a long time. Therefore, you should not talk too long and often on a mobile phone unnecessarily. It is also not advisable to sleep in close proximity to the included phone.
    • Urinary tract infections are a direct contraindication to taking a bath. Do not dive into the water if you feel the slightest discomfort. Perhaps your body is giving you a signal that you should not take a bath today. If you suddenly feel unwell while taking a bath, do not try to get out of it yourself. You can fall, and in your position it is simply dangerous. In general, pregnant women, especially in the last months of an interesting situation, need helpers who will not let you fall when you climb into or out of the bath. Therefore, try to plan water procedures at a time when you are not alone at home. The water should be warm, but not scalding. An excessive increase in body temperature is contraindicated throughout pregnancy. You should not go to the sauna, solarium, bath. With spa treatments, it is also better to wait a little. But take a bath - please. A warm bath is one of the few pleasures available to an expectant mother during all nine happy months. The water in the bath immediately begins to cool as soon as you pour it. The upper part of the body is usually above the water, does not overheat. However, avoid lying in the bath for too long and try not to immerse yourself in it completely.
    • Aromatherapy for pregnant women. Many people like to take a bath with aromatic oils. During pregnancy, this pleasure will have to be abandoned. Any essential oils and strong odors are contraindicated, as they can cause allergies and unpredictable consequences. But it is better to reduce the amount of oils used at least by half. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the fragrances that you usually use. Many oils can be hazardous to the health of your unborn child. Basil, cedar, cinnamon, lemongrass, juniper, patchouli, and cypress oils are especially harmful. They overly invigorate, increase the tone of the uterus, and this can provoke a miscarriage at any time. Your doctor may allow you to occasionally indulge in chamomile, lavender, rosewood, and sandalwood baths, but it's best not to risk it.
    • Herbal baths for pregnant women. Pregnant women can and even need to take a bath with herbs. This is the best solution for the expectant mother, who cannot imagine life without a bath. Buy herbs at the pharmacy or collect them in the forest, in the field. You can grow chamomile, calendula, mint on the windowsill yourself. Herbs are added to the bath both fresh and dried. The easiest way is to put the grass in a cloth bag and tie it to the tap while filling the bath with water. Flowing through the bag, the water will bring the juices of useful herbs into the bath.

    Want to quickly organize an herbal bath? Buy herbs in bags (for one-time tea leaves), brew a few bags as a tea, add the decoction to a bath of warm water.

    The most effective way to prepare a decoction for a bath looks like this. It is necessary to take 2-3 tablespoons of dry grass, pour it with 2-3 liters of boiling water, heat it in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then strain and add to the bath. Whole flowers, stems, leaves can be steeped in boiling water for about an hour and poured into a bath without filtering. This is what a classic herbal bath looks like - it is decorated with floating flowers and leaves.

    • Clothing during pregnancy should be loose, do not tighten the waist. It is better to refuse high heels now. First, it is dangerous: the risk of falling increases. Secondly, during this period the center of gravity shifts, the load on the spine increases. And heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which, of course, is of no use to expectant mothers. From 4-5 months of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage, on the one hand, it reduces the load on the uterus, the fetus is in a more comfortable position. And on the other hand, the bandage prevents stretching of the abdomen during pregnancy. But only if the child does not feel discomfort at the same time (if the baby does not like something, he will definitely report it, for example, he will start to push inside the tummy). Wearing synthetic underwear, especially thongs, is prohibited. Choose natural cotton panties and special maternity bras.
    • Observations and data analysis were carried out in eight Sydney clinics and maternity hospitals. Particular attention was paid to women in late pregnancy. After the studies, doctors said that expectant mothers are categorically not recommended to sleep or lie on their backs. Otherwise, the risk of an unfortunate miscarriage increases 6 times. This is explained by the fact that the presence of a pregnant woman in the supine position or on the right side for a long time leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the fetus in the womb with maternal blood. The venous blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart is weakened.

    According to the Australians, circulatory disorders in the mother's body are responsible for 10% of miscarriages.

    • You can not raise your hands when the baby has already taken the correct position.
    • You can not lie on your stomach and sit cross-legged.
    • Changing cat litter increases the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be stunted baby growth, a poorly developing brain, and eye damage to the fetus.
    • Do not start repairs during this period - paints and toxins will disappear no earlier than in a year.
    • You can not lift weights and do intense physical exercise. If you overexert yourself, you can provoke a miscarriage or childbirth ahead of time.
    • Do not use insect sprays. Toxins get into your blood, and from there - to the baby.
    • Pregnant women should not go in for sports, especially at a later date, you can simply overdo it. You can do light workouts at home, doing cleaning, cooking, while you need to monitor your breathing, take a breath during exercise, exhale with gradual relaxation. With the help of such techniques, there is an influx of blood to the muscles, and metabolic processes in the body are enhanced. The sports exception only applies to female athletes. Their body is accustomed to constant stress and a sharp rejection of them is more likely to harm. However, even such women should limit the load and not try to set records. And be sure to consult a doctor!
    • Pregnant women are prohibited from drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking and being close to a smoking person. If smoke is inhaled, the fetus can develop a cancerous tumor, and smoking can also cause premature birth. Children born to smoking women develop problems with the central nervous system.
    • One of the diseases dangerous for pregnant women is rubella. Rubella disease in the first half of pregnancy, when the child's organs are formed, can lead to the development of deformities in the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should protect themselves from rubella infection, be less in large crowds of people.
    • You can use cosmetics, but be careful! The face cream should not contain vitamin A (it is very harmful in large quantities), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that is dangerous for a child when used daily), benzoyl peroxide. Regarding the gel and body lotion, it is better to choose cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain components designed to minimize the likelihood of stretch marks and breast deformities.
    • Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy? It is better to talk about this with your doctor, who should observe you throughout your pregnancy.
    • A visit to the solarium is not recommended.
    • Never take any medications on your own! The following medications are categorically contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimethadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roanccutane, etretinate, tigazon, acitretin). But this is not a complete list. You don't need to get any vaccinations.
    • In connection with the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, calcium is needed. If it is not consumed with food, then the pregnant woman's teeth will collapse. Therefore, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese, milk, kefir daily; visit the dentist periodically. Pregnant women are advised to register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible from the moment of pregnancy. After all, only a qualified doctor can monitor the course of pregnancy!
    • Important: doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into the house to the baby for about a month. Your house has its own atmosphere and microflora, the incoming guests have their own. The child should develop immunity to his environment, so you should not gather crowds of people.

    We hope these tips help you! We wish health to you and your baby.

    10 strict "no" during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a state of mind, body and health of the whole organism. This is a wonderful and unforgettable period in the life of any woman, however, and quite vulnerable. Therefore, the expectant mother should not be vigilant and should be aware of what is strictly forbidden for her in these 9 months of pot-bellied happiness.


    The effect of alcohol on the fetus is well researched. Ethanol easily penetrates through the placenta immediately into the blood of the fetus, causing congenital deformities. Facial anomalies, microcephaly (underdevelopment of the brain), physical underdevelopment, anomalies in the development of organs - these are the dangers of drinking alcohol, especially in the first trimester.


    Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which reacts with hemoglobin and replaces part of the oxygen during gas exchange. As a result, both the mother and the fetus experience a lack of oxygen. Intrauterine hypoxia is fraught with developmental delay, problems with the cardiovascular system, and reduced immunity. Smoking during pregnancy can cause placental abruption, pregnancy failure, and even premature birth. Nicotine can also affect the psyche of the unborn child.


    Excess caffeine is believed to overstretch the cardiovascular system in the mother and fetus, cause anxiety, and can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. But here we must make a reservation that all this is true if you drink more than 3 cups of espresso per day. Women with high blood pressure coffee is generally contraindicated.


    The instructions for the drug always indicate whether it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor once again. Prohibited during pregnancy are vasoconstrictor nasal drops, ambroxol, ambrobene, aspirin, a number of antibiotics, etc.

    Medicinal herbs

    Among a fairly large number of useful medicinal herbs, there are those that can provoke a miscarriage, and those that have a negative effect on the fetus. You can find out which herbs are contraindicated in our Encyclopedia.

    weight lifting

    During pregnancy, avoid lifting heavy objects (no more than 2 kg). Such a thoughtless movement can provoke a miscarriage. This is especially true with uterine hypertonicity.

    X-ray and fluorography

    With x-ray exposure, there is a risk of damage to the nervous system of the child. Therefore, this type of diagnosis is prohibited during pregnancy.

    Active sports

    Sports such as weightlifting, equestrianism, cycling and any other power and traumatic sports fall under a strict ban. It is recommended to give preference to swimming, walking in the fresh air, (yoga and Pilates).


    It is always necessary to protect yourself from stressful situations, but especially during pregnancy. Therefore, if your work involves a busy schedule, frequent negotiations and active participation in large-scale projects, then consider how to avoid all this. The load at work should in no case be reflected either on your nerves or on the health of you and your baby.

    Some Products

    Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs. Eggs must be thoroughly cooked, whites and yolks must be firm. This prevents the risk of Salmonella infection. Do not drink raw (not pasteurized) milk, you can only one that has undergone thorough heat treatment or pasteurization. Raw or poorly cooked meat also forbidden to use during pregnancy. The same applies to sausages and minced meat. Should be avoided moldy cheeses. They may contain listeria, the bacteria that causes listeriosis. Even a mild form of this infectious disease during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or severe illness in the newborn.

    What not to do during pregnancy

    Let's start with the most important - with prohibitions.

    It's clear as God's day. For those who do not know, I will tell you why it is so harmful. The fact is that cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemical compounds, and while smoking, they safely enter the woman's blood and with her to the child.

    What are the effects of maternal smoking on the baby?

    • shortfall weight and height
    • poorly developed lungs, which can then lead to development of asthma
    • sometimes even underdeveloped organs(e.g. fingers)
    • smoking mothers 3 times increase the risk of developing sudden death syndrome child
    • smoking is bad on the baby's brain, as a result, he may begin to suffer from impaired attention and poor memory.

    These are just some of the consequences of smoking for your unborn baby. It's best if you decide to quit before you want to have a baby, as doctors not recommended to quit smoking during pregnancy.

    Drink alcohol

    Of course, a glass of wine or 200 ml of good beer once a month will not have such a negative effect on the fetus. However still not to be abused, especially in the first trimester, when the foundation is laid for the construction of a new organism.

    Avoid hard liquor. Alcohol can adversely affect the mental and physical condition of the child. In addition, it affects the nervous system of the baby. And alcoholics have a high probability of having a child with various malformations.

    abuse caffeine

    As such, the impact on the development of the child caffeine does not provide However, caffeine abuse can lead to to a miscarriage or premature birth(it all depends on the timing).

    It is not worth giving up caffeine completely (unless, of course, there are special doctor's prescriptions). If you use less than 150 milligrams of caffeine per day, it can be quite safe. Try to drink drinks that are either decaffeinated or don't make your tea/coffee very strong. And of course, you should not drink several cups of coffee a day, as you did before pregnancy.

    Eat certain types of food

    Hair coloring

    Modern hair dye has a very good quality, and the skin absorbs very little coloring pigment. However, it is better to use sparing paints, tinted balms - who knows how it really is?

    And here from perm better to refrain altogether. These substances will definitely get into your bloodstream.

    self tanning

    There are no data on the effect of these drugs on the fetus. To be on the safe side, only use bronzers and self-tanners on your face, neck, shoulders, and chest.


    The question is what vaccination to do. Again, check with your doctor about this. But even among them there are differences of opinion. For example, some people think that flu shot can reduce by 60% the chance of developing this disease in a child in the first year of life.

    No matter what doubts you have, consult a doctor and listen to your body. After all - a period not only of working on oneself, but also indulging one's whims

    As soon as the expectant mother informs her relatives that she is expecting a baby, advice begins to come from all sides on what she needs to do and what she should refuse. Moreover, there can be a lot of such information. Diverse and binding instructions come from the husband, from the mother, girlfriends and other people who are now following the development of events with excitement. Let's try to put together all the recommendations and figure out what you really shouldn't do during pregnancy.

    What should not be forgotten

    Nine months is a short period of time for a great miracle to happen. A new person grows out of two cells. In order for the process to proceed exactly according to the planned scenario, without failures, the expectant mother will have to seriously reconsider her lifestyle. The most important thing is to debug your diet and daily routine. The mental attitude is also important. But we want to pay more attention to what not to do when pregnant. This will allow expectant mothers to prioritize and avoid numerous mistakes.

    Doctors' opinion

    Let's start with what official medicine says. When the expectant mother gets registered in gynecology, a conversation is necessarily held with her. During it, the doctor will tell for a long time what should not be done to pregnant women, plunging young women into some confusion. Of course, most prohibitions imply that a woman with a problem pregnancy will follow them. If the condition of the mother and fetus does not cause concern, then there is little point in limiting yourself too much. But some points, nevertheless, must be observed strictly. So, let's figure out together what not to do when pregnant.

    Bad habits

    No matter how trivial it may sound, but the bad habits of the mother cause great harm to the unborn child. Recent studies prove that even a single dose of poisonous substances contained in cigarette smoke or alcohol is enough to cause irreversible changes. So, a pregnant woman should avoid the following:

    1. Smoking, and not only active. Avoid places where smokers gather. The accumulation of nicotine and tar in the body contributes to an increase in blood pressure. And that can lead to a miscarriage.
    2. alcohol. It jeopardizes the functioning of all important internal organs. Even weak and seemingly safe drinks, such as beer, are dangerous. And this applies not only to the mother herself, in whom all the organs have long been formed and work in full force. First of all, we are talking about the body of the embryo. Remember that alcohol is detrimental to brain cells.

    The above is beyond doubt. Of all the things that pregnant women should not do, smoking and alcoholism come first.

    Clothing and footwear

    The skin of a woman during this difficult period becomes especially vulnerable, and therefore requires increased attention. For the next 9 months, you need to review your wardrobe and completely change your addictions.

    • Tight-fitting outfits have a bad effect on the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the thong panties made of synthetic fabric. Set aside for a while trousers-pipes, skirts with tightening belts. All this you will wear when you give birth to a baby. In the meantime, clothing should be as comfortable as possible, breathable, made from natural fabrics.
    • Shoes. Making the right choice is also not so easy. First of all, it is worth understanding why pregnant women should not walk in heels. Such shoes have a narrow last and a high instep, which negatively affects the natural blood circulation. This contributes to the appearance of edema and the development of varicose veins. Shoes should be light, comfortable and made of natural materials. And, of course, for each season there must be a separate pair that meets the requirements.

    Healthy sleep

    The healthy sleep of the expectant mother is very important for the proper formation and development of the fetus. Therefore, you need to forget about business and relax as much as possible. Some women note that in the early stages of pregnancy they really wanted to sleep. So, you need to talk to the doctor, take sick leave and rest for a few days. Believe me, this is now much more important than a report submitted on time.

    But not only the duration of sleep is important. Expectant mothers need to change their habits. So, soon you won't be able to sleep on your stomach. Starting with doctors do not even recommend just lying on your back for a long time. And, of course, pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. This leads to the fact that the pressure on the vena cava increases, adversely affecting blood circulation.

    To make the rest comfortable, it is best to buy a special pillow for expectant mothers. It is a large letter L or P. Both models encourage a comfortable position on the side.

    And we continue to talk about what is impossible for a pregnant woman in the first trimester. And next we have food.

    We are what we eat

    Special attention should be paid to this. The nutrition of the expectant mother is inextricably linked with the proper development of her baby. What should pregnant women not eat and drink? Of course, these are all products of fast food chain enterprises. We remove all this immediately and for a long time. Sugary carbonated drinks go to the same basket. We've already talked about alcohol.

    But if this is understandable, then sometimes bans on quite ordinary and even useful products are puzzling. So, telling that pregnant women should not eat and drink, experts often mention dairy products and eggs. You should not give them up completely, but a reasonable restriction is necessary so as not to provoke allergic reactions in the baby. If they develop so early, they will become a real problem in the future. It is worth excluding soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk, liver, smoked meats, mushrooms and dietary supplements from the diet.

    We lead an active lifestyle

    Pregnancy is not a disease at all. You should not sit idle, you need to walk a lot, walk and breathe fresh air. Of course, if there are no special contraindications. But for the most part, we spend our working day sitting at the computer, and at home we are in a hurry to take a seat near the TV. By the way, how can you not sit pregnant? On this score, doctors have their own opinion.

    First of all, it must be said that it is completely undesirable for a future mother to sit for a long time. If you want to give birth easily, without complications, then you need to get used to walking every day from the first weeks. This is important as a prevention of excess weight, for the normal blood supply to the embryo, and for the enrichment of blood with oxygen. But before the 30th week, most women work, so you have to adapt to the requirements of the employer.

    How not to sit pregnant? First of all, cross-legged, that is, throwing one over the other. This disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and during pregnancy in the placenta. You can’t squat either, as the uterus can sink. But in fact, until the last dates of the pregnant woman, you can sit "in Turkish". This position is both convenient and beneficial, as it stretches the internal muscles needed in childbirth.

    Calm, only calm

    Peace of mind is something that will be very useful to you throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, as well as after his birth. Pregnant women should not be nervous for the reason that a small miracle inside her feels all the changes in her mother's mood. And strong stress is completely destructive for the crumbs.

    If pregnancy proceeds against the background of severe nervous shocks, this often leads to the fact that the baby is born with diseases of the nervous system. He is overly excitable, sleeps poorly and gains little weight. Sometimes this condition is reversible or subject to correction with the help of medications. In other cases, the lesions are too deep and can only be slightly smoothed out.

    Often, trying to calm down and put the nervous system in order, a woman begins to drink strong coffee. This helps because coffee is a pretty strong stimulant. If you admit such addictions to a doctor, he will say that pregnant women should not have coffee. In fact, there is no strict ban on this drink. If you feel well, then it is permissible to drink 1-2 cups a day. Very often, in future mothers, blood pressure decreases, and coffee corrects this condition.

    Excluded from the schedule

    Your personal life is undergoing significant changes. Now you need to relax more and be outdoors. And some habitual events need to be deleted from life for a while. Believe me, it's not such a big loss:

    • Expectant mothers are not allowed to visit the solarium. This is bad for your skin in the first place. The production of melanin during pregnancy increases, which leads to the appearance of age spots, and the solarium can exacerbate the situation.
    • Air travel. Considering the list of what a pregnant woman should not do in the first trimester, it should also be noted the need to reduce the number of flights, and even better, completely cancel them. At the time of takeoff, blood pressure rises sharply due to the difference in atmospheric pressure and low oxygen concentration in the air. This may cause a miscarriage.
    • X-ray and fluorography. These examinations should be excluded until childbirth.
    • Hot tub and sauna.

    Signs and superstitions

    If doctors justify all their prohibitions, then turning to the signs, we meet with an even greater number of diverse ones that cannot be explained in any way. Previously, a lot of things were forbidden to expectant mothers, because people believed that the sacrament of the birth of a new life must be protected from numerous spirits. So, you need to limit the likelihood of meeting with them. Most of these signs today have already lost their relevance, and they have been forgotten about. But some of it is still alive and passed down from generation to generation. Let's look at signs for pregnant women. What can not be done from the point of view of folk wisdom?

    Limit interaction with pets

    It has long been forbidden for expectant mothers to stroke a cat. This may seem strange for lovers of fluffy beauties, but this rule should be followed. Today, doctors fully agree with traditional healers. The fact is that cats carry toxoplasmosis. This disease is very dangerous for the fetus. It leads to damage to the central nervous system of the child. Therefore, you should not pick up your own or other people's cats, and even more so change their tray.

    Can't sit on the doorstep

    This is just the beginning of the list of things not to do. Signs for pregnant women apply to all areas of life. Wise people have always said that pregnant women should not sit on the doorstep. This was explained by the fact that the threshold separates two worlds, this and the other world. And since the baby does not yet have protection, they can harm him. If we consider from the point of view of modern medicine, then we can find a completely logical explanation. There is always a draft on the threshold, which is harmful to the health of the expectant mother.

    Prohibition on the purchase of children's things

    Our grandmothers were of the opinion that, until the baby was born, one should not buy or sew things for him, put a cradle or bring toys into the house. This is also easy to explain. The mortality of children was very high, as were their mothers during childbirth. Therefore, the dowry for the child was prepared after his baptism.

    Believe this sign or not, it's up to each mother to decide. Doctors today have nothing against you buying things for your baby from the very first days of pregnancy. But don't get too carried away. Babies outgrow their clothes very quickly, so most of the costumes will have to be given away to friends or put off until the next baby is born.

    Taking care of appearance

    All women want to be beautiful. The expectant mother is no exception. But folk signs recommend refraining from going to stylists and hairdressers.

    Why shouldn't pregnant women cut their hair? This sign is rooted deep in antiquity. People believed that women's strength lies in the hair. And if they are cut off, she will not be able to give birth to a healthy child. Everything has changed today. Expectant mothers visit beauty salons and look like from the cover of a fashion magazine. Doctors do not explain why pregnant women should not cut their hair. But with painting you have to wait. The chemicals it contains can penetrate through

    burial rites

    Since ancient times, there has been an unwritten rule that pregnant women are not allowed to attend funerals. This was associated with the saturation of such a ceremony with negative energy. The dead pulls the living, so the expectant mother should not even come close to the cemetery fence. A huge number of creatures of their subtle world live here. And, of course, they feed not only on the energy of the dead. In addition, children's energy is the most delicious, sweetest, and they will covet it in the first place.

    Often, sorcerers who want to save someone's life also come to the cemetery. And the easiest way is to exchange the life of a dying person for the one you are wearing. Therefore, pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery.

    But, of course, there is no scientific justification for this. So again, it's up to you. The death of a loved one is a strong stress and cause for worry, from which it is better for a pregnant woman to protect herself. Therefore, watching the burial of the body to the earth is not at all the best way to spend time.

    Keeping the pregnancy a secret

    This tradition has been around for a very long time. No one knew that the woman was expecting a child, until the moment when it became obvious. And then it was believed that it should be kept secret. Today, many adhere to this rule. Even if the evil eye is excluded, there is still a point in such caution. Closer to the expected date, relatives will torment you with questions, but what if you made a mistake by a few weeks? Then you will be called every day, asking the same question.

    Instead of a conclusion

    There are many more clues. For example, you can not kill snakes or eat rabbit meat, eat red berries or eat with a knife. You can not sew and knit, talk at night even with relatives. To comply with them or not is a personal matter for every expectant mother. But the most important thing is to eat right and enjoy your pregnancy every day. Then all adversity will bypass you. Of course, this does not apply to the recommendations of doctors. They must be strictly observed.

    The article provides only general recommendations, more precisely, only the attending physician can advise you. It is especially important to know that it is impossible for a pregnant woman in the first trimester, because it is at this time that all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are laid.

    Pregnancy is an amazing state of a woman, in which, along with many positive aspects, there are certain prohibitions. A certain list of products is indicated that are contraindicated for women in position, for example, coffee or alcoholic beverages. There are also many things that can harm in an interesting position, so they are also unacceptable. It is very dangerous to lift weights or take a too hot bath. But there are also absolutely superstitious prohibitions that are unlikely to harm, but women are very afraid to break them. Let's look at all these "no" and why they are so important during the gestation period.

    For the first time noticing two stripes on a pregnancy test, a woman is at a loss: what should she eat now so that the products do not harm the baby and benefit him? Therefore, we will consider foods and drinks that are categorically not recommended for use during pregnancy.

    What not to eat during pregnancy: forbidden food

    A pregnant woman needs to be aware that the food she eats serves as a biological building material for the development of the child's body, so it should be of better quality and healthier. Doctors agree on one thing - the diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products and animal proteins. Also, a woman in position needs a full supply of clean drinking water and taking vitamin preparations (as prescribed by the doctor).

    A separate item in the diet of a pregnant woman are restrictions on certain foods and drinks. They can adversely affect both the woman herself and the development of the baby. Why can't you eat certain foods while pregnant?

    The main reason is the vulnerability of the internal organs, especially the stomach, which undergoes strong changes after conception. The location of organs changes, metabolism decreases and the tone of all muscles, including the intestines, weakens. Therefore, the usual diet before pregnancy can be a serious test for the digestive system in its new position. That is why during pregnancy you should not get involved in spicy and heavy foods.

    In addition, restrictions are imposed on the so-called harmful products with flavorings, E-additives, and other unhealthy substances. This is due to the fact that these products enter the baby through the placenta and disrupt its normal development.

    And finally, some taboos in nutrition can be caused by various chronic diseases, toxicosis or allergic manifestations in the expectant mother. Therefore, often prohibited products are selected individually.

    So, what foods are not allowed during pregnancy:

    • Sausages. Fragrant sausages and sausages have long ceased to be useful. It is enough to take a quick look at the composition and it becomes clear that there is no smell of meat there. And instead of animal raw materials, there are huge quantities of spices, fat, dyes and other substances that have a toxic effect on the fetus.
    • Sweets. Cheesecakes, marmalade, halva and other sugar-containing goodies are a source of empty “fast” carbohydrates. These products are instantly transformed into excess weight and do not carry any nutritional value. As a result, a woman quickly gains weight, which has a bad effect on the general course of pregnancy - there is pain in the lower back, tachycardia annoys, the fetus excessively increases in weight.
    • Allergenic products. Chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood can cause allergies, even if this was not the case outside of pregnancy. After conception, against the background of reduced immunity, the female body can react in a completely new way to the products familiar to it, especially if they are capable of provoking allergies. Therefore, being in the first trimester of pregnancy, what you can and cannot eat from the “allergenic” list, your doctor should tell you.
    • Legumes. Corn, peas, beans contribute to increased flatulence. These products are especially contraindicated starting from the second trimester, when the uterus is actively growing and begins to compress the organs. If legumes are abused, a woman will suffer from pain, bloating, and indigestion.
    • Salted and smoked dishes. Such food colossally “loads” the liver and kidneys. This can end, at best, with heartburn and toxicosis, and at worst, preeclampsia, pancreatitis, and renal failure. It is especially important to remember that it is impossible to get involved in hot spices in early pregnancy, as they can worsen the course of toxicosis.
    • Semi-finished products, sauces, croutons. Such products are simply oversaturated with harmful ingredients. They disrupt metabolic processes and worsen digestion. As a result, a pregnant woman feels unwell, and the baby is deficient in nutrients and receives a whole set of E-supplements instead. In addition to all of the above, doctors advise to refrain from eating sugary soda, undercooked meat and raw eggs, fast food and other foods that are not related to a healthy diet.

    Why you shouldn't drink coffee during pregnancy

    Drinking coffee during pregnancy is a topical and controversial issue. Although doctors do not advise, they do not oppose moderate consumption of weak coffee during pregnancy, however, no more than 1 cup. But there are also experts who are categorically against such practice.

    Abuse of coffee during gestation can be fatal for a woman. Studies show that more than three cups a day can provoke a miscarriage, a hypertensive crisis, especially if a woman has the prerequisites for the development of preeclampsia. There is also a risk of developing hypocalcemia syndrome and potassium deficiency. These two elements are abundantly flushed out of the body along with the caffeine present in coffee.

    Important! During pregnancy, it is not the coffee itself that harms, but the caffeine contained in it. Therefore, women in position need to limit other tonic drinks - a strong infusion of black and green tea leaves, Coca-Cola, and energy drinks.

    Why you shouldn't drink alcohol or smoke while pregnant

    Even small doses of low-alcohol drinks can cause malformations in a baby or serious complications in a woman during childbirth. Alcohol is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the embryo is being formed. Regular exposure to alcohol on the fetus negatively affects the formation of its vascular and nervous system.

    The same restrictions apply to nicotine. Obstetric practice has long proven that smoking during gestation increases the risk of lung underdevelopment in the baby. In addition, the intrauterine effect of nicotine on the fetus threatens in the future with an asthmatic component and reduced immunity.

    What herbs are not allowed during pregnancy

    Due to inexperience, pregnant women resort to herbal medicine, considering homeopathy much safer than drugs. In fact, there are many herbal plants that can cause miscarriage, premature delivery, increase blood pressure or exacerbate chronic diseases.

    All pregnant women need to remember well what is impossible during pregnancy:

    • oregano;
    • cotton root;
    • saffron (crocus);
    • barberry;
    • tansy;
    • juniper;
    • large celandine;
    • sagebrush;
    • nutmeg;
    • swamp mint.

    Also, during gestation, it is forbidden to use all essential oils. Moreover, it is not allowed to take them inside, use them externally or for aromatherapy. This precaution is caused by an increased risk of developing severe allergic attacks, unplanned development of the birth process and a pathological reaction of the cardiovascular system.

    Advice! Not all herbs are dangerous during pregnancy, and some of them can be very helpful to a woman during an illness. Rosehip, peppermint and white tea will help to cope with a cold, ginger tea with lemon will stop indomitable vomiting, and lingonberry leaf will relieve puffiness.

    Prohibitions and pregnancy: what can and cannot be done during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, a woman is observed by a gynecologist for nine months. The doctor constantly monitors the woman's health and, given her condition, may recommend some restrictions in various areas of life. So, with the threat of a miscarriage, physical activity, intimacy may be contraindicated. If a woman has venous insufficiency, it is contraindicated for her to stand or sit for a long time. Well, without exception, all ladies in a position are forbidden to be nervous and overwork. However, let's look at all these "don'ts" in order.

    Sex during pregnancy: when not?

    For some reason, women think that it is impossible to have sex during a short period of pregnancy. Indeed, there are situations when intimacy is contraindicated. First of all, it is a threat of miscarriage due to uterine hypertonicity, improper placement of the placenta, or hormonal disorders. Sex in this case will contribute to a sharp contraction and tension of the uterus, which can worsen the woman's condition.

    If there are no such contraindications, then intimacy is even welcome, especially in the last weeks of gestation. It turns out that semen contains special substances - prostaglandins - that soften the cervix, thereby preventing ruptures during childbirth.

    What not to do in sports during pregnancy

    If a woman leads an active lifestyle, playing sports, then with the onset of pregnancy she will have to make some adjustments to her daily routine. It is better to abandon exercises with a sharp range of motion, strength training, as well as excessive stress on the back.

    Advice! The best option for sports during pregnancy is yoga, Pilates, swimming according to a special program for pregnant women.

    Why You Shouldn't Fly in an Airplane While Pregnant

    Travel and travel are not contraindicated during pregnancy if it proceeds without complications. You can choose any transport, except for the plane. There is a constant fluctuation in atmospheric pressure in the air, which can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. During the flight, a woman's blood pressure may increase, and if the gestational age exceeds 7 months, contractions may even begin.

    Why You Shouldn't Sleep on Your Back During Pregnancy

    Starting in the second trimester, it is best for pregnant women to avoid lying on their back while sleeping. In this period, the uterus with the baby is already quite large, and in this position it strongly presses on the diaphragm, blood vessels and internal organs.

    If you do not follow the advice of doctors, the flow of blood through the veins will slow down, which will cause headaches, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the pelvic organs and back pain.

    Advice! The optimal position for a pregnant woman is to sleep on her left side.

    Why you can't cross your legs during pregnancy

    Sitting in this position during pregnancy can cause many complications. Firstly, there is a strong pressure on the bottom of the uterus and a deterioration in blood circulation, which causes oxygen deficiency in the baby. Secondly, the vein under the knee is pressed down, which can provoke or aggravate the already existing varicose veins of the legs. And, thirdly, it causes pain in the back and pubis.

    Why You Shouldn't Lift Weights During Pregnancy

    With a normal pregnancy, it is permissible for a woman to lift no more than 5 kg, and if there is a threat of interruption, then nothing more than 1 kg can be lifted at all. Although everything is very individual and depends on the health of the woman. In any case, it is better to avoid carrying weights, because it threatens not only with a miscarriage, but also with spinal injuries, varicose veins, including hemorrhoids.

    Why You Shouldn't Raise Your Hands During Pregnancy

    The ban on raising hands during pregnancy is a common superstition. And if you believe him, this position causes the umbilical cord to wrap around the baby. But it also has medical indications. The fact is that with strongly raised hands, an overstrain of the uterus occurs, the general blood circulation is disturbed, and dizziness appears. All these symptoms are unacceptable for the period of pregnancy, so it is better to avoid raising your hands abruptly.

    Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy

    The relationship with nervous disorders in a newborn and frequent stress in a woman during pregnancy is a long-established fact. In addition, all pregnant women are forbidden to be nervous, as this increases the risk of developing a variety of pathologies - placental abruption, hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis and other diseases during pregnancy.

    What not to do during pregnancy: myths and superstitions

    Women planning a pregnancy, or already happy pregnant women, assign a special role to various superstitions and signs. Their essence sometimes causes real bewilderment, but women diligently continue to believe in them and worry about this, giving rise to many fears and doubts. Consider the most popular among them.

    Myth #1. Why should you not cut your hair while pregnant?

    Since biblical times, hair has been considered something sacred, personifying the course of life. Perhaps for this reason, the opinion has been entrenched that cutting hair during pregnancy shortens the life of the unborn baby. In fact, there is no evidence for such a mythical relationship, so visiting the hairdresser in such a delicate state is left to the consideration of the woman.

    Myth number 2. Why can't you dye your hair during pregnancy?

    This superstition has similar roots to the previous myth. It says that dyeing hair while carrying a child can make his fate miserable.

    In fact, the danger may lie elsewhere - old-generation paints (ammonia) can penetrate into the mother's body, and therefore to the fetus, causing some complications. Therefore, if you want to look beautiful during pregnancy, use only ammonia-free paints.

    Myth #3. Why should pregnant women not touch cats?

    The older generation always scolds pregnant women when they want to cuddle a cat. In their opinion, this will cause a large number of enemies in the child. Official medicine has another explanation, and it is absolutely logical. If a woman did not have toxoplasmosis before conception, she can become infected from a carrier of the disease - a cat. Although, if the animal is domestic and healthy, then there is no such danger.

    Myth number 4. Why can't pregnant women sew, knit, embroider?

    Everything that concerns a needle and thread during pregnancy is considered unacceptable. According to superstition, a woman can “sew up” the entrance to our world for a baby, or a child can get tangled in the umbilical cord. Such beliefs are of an associative nature and do not affect the course of pregnancy in any way if the woman does not overwork during such an occupation.

    Myth number 5. Why can't women get their teeth cleaned?

    Such a statement was relevant several decades ago, when pain and fear during a dentist appointment could cause pregnant women to faint, panic attacks, and even threaten miscarriage. And according to superstition, this could cause a strong fright in the baby.

    Now, with the availability of safe pain medication, modern technology and the comfort of the procedure, dental treatment during pregnancy is completely acceptable and even welcomed. After all, it is known that teeth during gestation often begin to deteriorate due to calcium deficiency, and if you postpone treatment for later, you can lose your teeth completely.

    Summing up, we can say with confidence that women during pregnancy in the choice of products, sports and transport need to be very careful. Therefore, immediately discuss with the obstetrician-gynecologist all possible prohibitions even at the time of registration.

    Video "Pregnancy in trimesters: do's and don'ts"

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