• Henna natural Indian Neha. All the secrets of dyeing hair with Indian henna Henna for hair india


    What's happened henna and what useful properties it has, as well as, my personal, proven method of brewing henna, which does not dry out hair.

    The first time I dyed my hair with henna was when I was 18. And no, then I didn’t think about my health yet, just like a simple student - it was much cheaper than ordinary chemical dyes.

    My natural hair color is probably what they call mouse. Dark blond and somehow inanimate.

    I always really liked and I'm still crazy about red hair. There is something mystical about him that has always attracted me. Nature did not endow me with a redhead, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

    For more than 13 years I have been a redhead. Shades changed - from a very light, reddish blond to a dark, reddish hue. For myself, I already know that red is my color, this is how I feel from the inside.

    I used to constantly use a recipe where henna was simply mixed with water. I put it on for a couple of hours, washed it off with shampoo and that's it!

    About 5 years ago, I read on one of the forums about natural beauty that the color will be deeper and brighter if henna is mixed with some kind of acid medium - such as vinegar, lemon or orange juice.

    The color really was brighter, but the problem was that the henna dried my hair very much, as a result of which they began to split.

    About a year ago, I met a girl from India who had gorgeous black hair with reddish highlights. To be honest, all Indian girls have very beautiful, super thick hair.

    We started talking, where I said that henna is a constant friend of my hair, and I really like the result, but it dries my hair very much. To which she told me that henna will dry itself, and even with lemon juice.

    So she shared with me her recipe, which does not dry the hair, gives it a reddish color, nourishes, gives volume and thickens the hair. I still use this recipe today.

    Henna no longer dries out my hair, but makes it voluminous, strong, shiny and healthy. I'm not overjoyed at all!

    The photo for this post shows how my hair looks before and after henna. And if the color has not changed much (probably, for so many years of use, henna has firmly ingrained into my hair), then changes in the structure and smoothness of the hair are visible to the naked eye.

    What is henna?

    It is a greenish powder obtained by crushing the leaves of the Lawsonia inermis shrub. The leaves of this shrub contain a dye element - Lawsone, due to which henna colors not only the hair, but also the skin in a red-orange color.

    Cultivated in the warm tropical climate of northern Africa and northern and western Asia.

    Mankind began to use henna several millennia ago. Some scientists claim that even Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it to maintain the beauty of their hair.

    Why is henna better than regular hair dye?

    I perfectly understand that not everyone, like me, is in love with the red hair color. But now there are many different types of henna with an admixture of various herbs that will help to achieve a variety of hair shades, of course, depending on the natural, original hair color.

    It is important to understand that henna is not able to lighten hair, as this requires bleaching of the hair pigment.

    • closes the hair cuticle, attaching to the hair protein and does not penetrate into the hair cuticle, but envelops it, while ordinary dye penetrates the hair shaft.
    • absolutely natural and if you choose high-quality henna, it does not contain chemical components that can be absorbed into the blood when applied to the scalp.
    • safe and does not cause allergic reactions, unlike paints.
    • gives incomparable shine, smoothness and strength to your hair, making each individual hair shaft visibly thicker. Hair looks thicker and more voluminous.
    • has an antifungal effect and can be used to combat dandruff, unlike chemical dyes that can provoke this very dandruff.

    Henna in Indian style

    And no matter how they should know everything about henna, using it in their culture not only for dyeing hair, but also for Mehendi - mehndi (traditional application of henna to the skin in the form of intricate patterns).

    Here is how I prepare henna:

    1. Henna, powder: quantity depending on the length and thickness of the hair. My thin, mid-back hair takes about 3/4 cup.

    Note: henna is different. And not only the end result, but also your health depends on its quality. I was terrified to learn that unscrupulous companies add heavy metal impurities to henna. So choose quality over quantity.

    2. Strong solution of black tea. In a small saucepan, I boil water (I take 2 cups just in case) and as soon as it boils, I add 4 tablespoons of black tea there. And on a slow fire, stirring occasionally, I brew it.

    Note: I am a big fan of turmeric (a very strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects) and I try to put it not only in food and morning smoothies, but also in henna. I even put it in a homemade coffee scrub once, but then I went all covered in yellow spots. Turmeric strengthens hair and prevents hair loss.

    My henna also contains chili pepper, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation, creating a feeling of warmth, which helps the color to set in even better.

    Spices (1 teaspoon each) I add with tea and boil.

    3. Then I dilute the henna with this tea solution to the consistency of full-fat yogurt. I cover and clean in a warm place for 2 days to infuse.

    Note: henna does not like metal, so do not use metal utensils for brewing it, only ceramics or glass. Stir it with a wooden or plastic spatula or spoon.

    4. Before applying henna, I wash my hair, as it is better fixed on clean hair. I put henna on dry hair, when it is wet, it starts to flow and creates a mess.

    I always add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, Shea butter and argan oil and a couple of drops of oregano and orange essential oils to my henna.

    Note: You can add any oils. Oil is necessary not only to nourish the hair, but also to prevent their dryness. Through trial and error, I already know that olive oil and shea butter work best for my hair.

    I add orange essential oil just for the smell. And oregano - for its antifungal properties. It will help those who have problems with oily scalp or dandruff.

    5. Mix the mixture well with a wooden spatula. I apply it along the partings to the roots with a brush, after combing the hair well. And then hands on the entire length of the hair.

    Note: henna stains the skin, so I advise you to wear rubber gloves if you do not want to have yellow palms

    6. After I finish applying the henna, I massage my scalp for a couple of minutes. Then I put my hair in a bun and put plastic bags over my head. Whole 2! And then I wrap my head in a towel. Henna loves heat!

    I keep henna for 2 hours. I used to try to do it at night, but it was very difficult and uncomfortable to sleep.

    7. I wash off the henna first with just warm water. Then I apply conditioner and massage the scalp and hair itself. I flush. I apply the conditioner again, wait a couple of minutes and rinse until the water runs clear. I do not recommend washing off henna with shampoo, this can lead to very tangled hair and not such a bright color.

    After that, I rinse my hair with vinegar, I have already written about this method. ,which not only adds shine, but also fixes the henna.

    Note: a couple of days the hair will smell like henna. But the smell doesn't bother me at all.

    Also, I try not to wash my hair after henna for at least 3 days. So that the color does not wash off and last longer.

    I use henna every 3 months. I buy this natural, without impurities.

    It has the ability to accumulate in the hair and with each application, the color of your hair will look deeper and richer.

    Nature didn't give me gorgeous hair and I can't boast of thick hair, but henna gives my hair the thickness and volume it needs. Hair looks well-groomed, smooth and shiny.

    Henna is a natural, time-tested hair treatment that not only colors the hair, but also takes care of its appearance and health.

    How do you dye your hair with henna? And how does your hair look after that?

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    Those who prefer to dye their hair with natural dyes are familiar with Iranian henna. It is sold in many stores, cheap, from different manufacturers, and even in different shades with the addition of certain dyes (though not always natural). But Indian, on the contrary, is a rarity. You can't buy it in the supermarket, and it costs much more. What do we pay for when buying or ordering Indian henna online? I'll tell you in this article.

    I have been dyeing my hair with natural remedies for a long time and have already told in previous articles. I always got a red color (golden-red), but darker shades (with the addition of basma), even if they turned out, were washed off very quickly, leaving a redhead and some kind of indistinct admixture of grayness. I had to repaint. I learned about Indian henna when coloring my eyebrows in the salon. Looking at how well this paint keeps on the eyebrows (for about 2 weeks for sure), I decided that I want the same for my hair. I went to an oriental goods store for it and bought 2 types there - red and black.

    Of course, you could limit yourself to dyeing your eyebrows with black henna, and your hair with red, but it's boring! So I decided to experiment a little and see what shades can be achieved with these two dyes.

    In order not to dye all the hair at once and not get some unexpected result later, I always dye test strands first. I separate several thin strands of hair and dye each separately in order to see what happens. After all, if you don’t like any color, it is much easier to wash it off from one curl than from the whole head.

    So, I took 3 strands, which I will dye in different colors. The first - in pure black, the second - I mix equally black and red henna, and the third - pure red. Then I compare it with the original color, which remained from previous stains.

    To do this, I need 3 small plastic bags, 3 hairpins, 3 bowls for brewing and the actual Indian henna itself - red and black.

    I apply different mixtures of henna to the strands, wrap each in a separate bag, which I stab at the roots of the hair. I fix it all on my head and leave it for 2 hours.

    Here's what happened:

    The photo shows the results of staining after two hours. Hair washed with shampoo and dried. The first strand is black henna, the second is black + red in half, the third is red, the fourth strand is the original color, that is, the previous staining with Iranian henna. As you can see, the last strand looks rather dull compared to the dyed Indian.

    Now I'm choosing a color in which I will still dye all my hair.

    It is necessary to select it not for makeup, but for a clean face in order to see how this color is combined with the natural skin tone. I immediately discard the original color and black, brown looks quite natural, but I can go into it after red, just apply a mixture of black and red henna. But from brown to red without a wash it will no longer work, so I decide to still stay bright red.

    After full staining with red Indian henna, this color turned out:

    The powder made from the leaves of non-prickly lavsonia collected during the flowering period and dried is called henna. This natural remedy for strengthening and coloring hair gained popularity long before synthetic pigments became available to almost every buyer.

    However, natural Indian henna is a fairly new product for the domestic market. Unlike several other varieties that are more popular in the post-Soviet space, Indian henna has a wider range of colors. It gives the hair a deep and “noble” shade, while healing them along the entire length.

    Despite the abundance of chemical paints, Lavsonia powder continues to be in demand, thanks to the regenerating and strengthening action of the components. They do not weaken the hair with each coloring, on the contrary, they return their natural shine and natural strength.

    The catalog of the online store "Russian Roots" presents Indian henna of the popular Neha Herbal line. The originality of the products is confirmed by the availability of quality certificates, and the significant demand for products from this line confirms their therapeutic and cosmetic value.

    Neha Herbal Series

    The original Indian henna emphasizes the natural color of the hair or corrects it depending on the concentration and the presence of additional ingredients in the mask. Its active ingredients do not destroy the natural pigment of the hair. They envelop it, thickening and strengthening the structure. The essential oils contained in the leaves of lavsonia form a protective barrier that protects the hair from negative external influences.

    The main products of the Neha Herbal line include:

    Peculiarities. It is used for therapeutic purposes, to cover gray hair and give the hair a healthy, attractive shade. Eliminates dandruff, itching, brittle hair, prevents hair loss. Brown color.

    Compound. In addition to Lavsonia powder, natural paint contains:

    • Amlu (Indian gooseberry). Saturates with vitamin C, makes hair stronger and lush.
    • Hibiscus. It is considered a natural conditioner that stimulates active hair growth.
    • Shikakai (soap beans). Natural hair cleanser. Removes dandruff without damaging the protective fatty layer.
    • Bringaraj. A substance with a coloring pigment that provides nutrition to the hair follicles.
    • Additional components: green tea, neem, brahmi, aloe vera, behera, katha, coffee, harad.

    Peculiarities. Finely ground brown henna forms a thick and homogeneous mixture that envelops the hair from all sides. It fills all the voids: both natural cavities between the hair scales, and traces of mechanical damage due to improper care or unsuccessful previous stains. The dye gives the hair a rich brown color with a spectacular copper tint.

    Compound. Henna natural (97%), paraphenylenediamine (3%).

    Henna black (India):

    Peculiarities. The rarest type of henna, which is used to dye hair black. It allows you to become the owner of burning black hair, and for natural brunettes, this is an opportunity to get a rare and attractive bluish tint.

    Compound. Henna natural (90%), paraphenylenediamine (10%).

    Mode of application

    Dilute the powder in water heated to 90 degrees, stir constantly. The amount of henna depends on the length of the hair (for short - about 20 g, for long - about 100 g). Apply to clean, slightly damp hair. Protect the tips with olive or coconut oil from excessively intense staining. Line the edge of the hair on the forehead with oil to protect the skin. To obtain a uniform color, apply sequentially with partings every 1-1.5 cm. Fix for about half an hour, putting a special cap on your hair. Wash your hair with warm water until the henna is completely removed without using shampoo. Apply hair conditioner.

    On first use, apply a small amount to the crook of the elbow to test the tolerance of the ingredients. It is not recommended to dye hair with henna in the presence of open lesions of the scalp, traces of eczema. Before use, it is advisable to test the paint on a small strand of hair. This will determine the concentration of the henna solution. The tool can not be used for coloring eyelashes and eyebrows.

    About Neha henna manufacturer (India)

    The Indian company Neha is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of natural henna. The Neha Herbal branded line includes a wide range of hair care products, dyes with herbal ingredients and tattoo pigments (mehendi). Not so long ago, the cosmetics of this well-known manufacturer appeared in domestic stores and quickly gained popularity among professionals and ordinary buyers. The Neha logo on the packaging indicates the high quality of the products and the use of top grade natural henna.

    This therapeutic and cosmetic powder is made from the dried leaves of non-prickly lavsonia (mignonette, el henna). This shrub at its peak can reach a height of two meters, even in countries with arid climates. Lavsonia grows in the Middle East and North Africa. The main producers and importers of its leaves include Iran, Sudan, Egypt and India. Indian henna is considered the most valuable. It has a wide range of shades and provides a therapeutic effect, eliminating skin pathologies of the scalp.

    Evidence from the past

    The ancient Egyptians began to use this natural dye for cosmetic purposes. During the excavation of burials, traces of henna were found on the hair and nails of many Egyptian mummies. Archaeologists believe that even 1200 years before the advent of our era, it was very fashionable to dye hair and nails in a reddish color. Later, the medicinal properties of Lavsonia powder were discovered. It has become one of the important ingredients of traditional Arabic medicine. Healers used henna as an antiseptic, treated it with a solution for skin damage, insect bites. It was even believed that the aroma of crushed leaves can eliminate headaches and increase potency.

    Hair strengthening

    Indian henna is mainly used as a harmless analogue of chemical dyes. At the same time, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect, providing elasticity, density and splendor of the hair. The organic acids contained in the leaves (ellagic, gallic, hennotaninic) bind collagen in the cells of the epidermis and accelerate wound healing. Thanks to their antimicrobial properties, dandruff, itching and rashes on the scalp are eliminated.

    As part of henna tannins, triterpenoids, vitamins and up to 10 percent essential oils are present. With regular use, they strengthen weakened and thinned hair, restore their natural resistance. Henna prevents hair loss and protects them from solar ultraviolet radiation and even sea water.

    Gamma shades

    Indian henna is presented in several basic colors:

    • Natural (colorless). It is mainly used to restore weakened hair and emphasize the natural color. A colorless composition is applied to strengthen the roots, thicken the hair, stimulate more intensive growth, and get rid of brittleness. It does not destroy the natural pigment of the hair, on the contrary, it activates its production to obtain a more saturated natural color.
    • Gold, burgundy, chestnut, brown. A feature of Indian henna is coloring exclusively in warm shades. For maximum effect, the color is chosen similar to natural or one tone darker. The henna pigment accumulating in the cuticle does not penetrate into the hair structure and does not affect the natural metabolic processes. At the same time, it is well retained in the outer layer of the hair, without being washed off for a long time.
    • Black. Natural brunettes often use this type of henna for a luxurious blue-black hue. Owners of lighter hair can use it to give them a deeper dark shade. Black henna paints gray hair well and provides a long lasting effect.

    Buying natural Indian henna

    Unlike the traditional Iranian lavsonia powder, Indian henna is not so easy to acquire. It is rarely found in supermarkets and pharmacies. Usually it is ordered on the Internet, which opens up a field for many scammers. Outwardly, it is almost impossible to distinguish a quality product from a fake, and the low quality of henna is usually determined only after unsuccessful staining.

    In order to guarantee the success of the procedure and not risk the health of your hair, it is better to purchase Indian henna from trusted suppliers. Among them is the Russian Roots company, one of the most reliable sellers of medicinal herbs and herbal remedies in Russia. An online order can be made in the company's online store. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, the purchase will be delivered by a courier, and for customers from other regions, it will be sent by mail. You can make a purchase on your own, having familiarized yourself with the quality certificates for products, in one of

    There comes a time in everyone's life when they want to change something. Women most often experience life, starting with a dramatic change in appearance, because they say that this is a sure step towards something new. Creating an unusual image immediately implies updating the hair color. The best means to realize your goal is high-quality and safe.

    What is worth thinking about?

    The chemical effect of paint can greatly harm the hair. The structure of the hair will become weak, the tips risk becoming dry and lifeless, and the hair follicles will no longer hold them firmly on the head. The color of the dye is quickly washed out, and the shade can be updated no more than once a month. But how to paint the head without harming the health of the curl?

    Indian henna for hair is suitable for coloring, reviews of which speak for themselves.

    What is henna and where does it come from?

    Indian henna - hair dye, reviews of which are mostly positive, is of organic origin. It occupies an important place among caring and coloring products. It contains no additives or dyes. These are simply the dried leaves of a shrub native to Africa, Asia, and northern Australia. Dry plants are crushed into powder and a coloring mixture is prepared from this mass.

    Initially, henna was used among the southern and eastern peoples to decorate the body. For example, in India and Pakistan. Now it is a favorite remedy of many women.

    What does color depend on?

    The color of this eco-paint depends on the method of preparation of the coloring mass and the presence of various natural additives. Initially, it has an orange tint, but in addition to it, black and colorless henna can be found on store shelves.

    Based on reviews of Indian hair henna, a variety of secrets of its use can be distinguished.

    Fiery red, or How to adjust the color of henna staining

    Henna leaves have a lot of positive aspects:

    • strengthens hair follicles;
    • restores hair;
    • heals the scalp
    • natural composition;
    • persistent natural color;
    • the possibility of frequent staining.

    But despite this, like any cosmetic product, henna has a downside. It is impossible to predict in advance what color the curls will acquire after the staining procedure.

    The resulting shade will depend on the original hair color and on the method of preparation of the coloring solution.

    Reviews of hair coloring with Indian henna show that when exposed to light strands, a rich red color is obtained, and when applied to dark ones, burgundy.

    To use henna correctly, you need to follow the instructions:

    1. The contents of the sachet must be filled with hot water.
    2. Stir until the consistency becomes "sour cream" and allow the solution to cool.
    3. Hair must be clean and dry. You can leave the curls slightly damp, so it's easier to apply paint.
    4. Gently apply the dye to your hair. It is important to remember that henna is used for temporary tattoos, so it is very difficult to wash it off the skin.
    5. The mixture should be applied from the crown of the head to all roots, and then along the length of the hair.
    6. Massage your head to evenly distribute the eco-paint and hide your hair under a cap.
    7. It is recommended to put a towel on top, because the liquid mass can drain.
    8. For coloring light hair, wash off the henna after an hour, for dark hair - after an hour and a half.

    But how not to get into a mess and get the desired color?

    In order for the resulting shade not to be a surprise, henna fans do little tricks.

    The intensity of the red depends on the method of preparation of the coloring solution. The more dry powder in the mixture, the brighter the color will turn out. But it's hard to stick to the same consistency every time, so organic dye lovers have come up with several ways to adjust the color of the paint. This will require several natural supplements.

    Owners of blond hair pour the dye not with boiling water, but with a solution of chamomile. This mixture will make the hair golden-honey. For dark hair, chamomile will help soften the shade of henna. For an intense yellow color, blondes can add turmeric to the mixture. If you want drastic changes, you can pour hot beetroot juice or warm red wine over henna, then the hair color will be fiery red. And to achieve a chestnut hue, you need to add black coffee or tea to the coloring powder.

    Of course, it is difficult to imagine the exact color, and you will have to choose a coloring method for your hair. But the possibility of frequent use will help to correct mistakes and get the desired result in a short period of time without damaging the hair. However, it is important to know that you should not use henna more than three times a month.

    What do reviews say about black Indian hair henna?

    If the leaves are dried, a grey-green indigo powder can be obtained. In another way - basmu. When mixing basma with ordinary henna, black henna is obtained. It can be easily found in cosmetic stores. This miracle powder can be a worthy replacement for black hair dye.

    Black henna, like regular henna, has no contraindications. It is hypoallergenic and has a number of positive properties. But she has some distinctive features. Black henna should not be painted over gray hair. If the usual hides colorless hair without problems, then basma can make them burgundy or green. That is why it is better to use black eco-paint for dark-haired girls.

    The method of applying this coloring powder is not significantly different from the method of applying ordinary henna. Only additives are useless here. The powder should be diluted in boiling water and stirred until completely liquefied. Keep the mass on the hair for about one hour.

    It is far from always possible to make the hair black with bluish tints from the first application, but with subsequent staining, the effect will be much better.

    Why do you need colorless henna?

    Many may have questions: if Indian henna for hair, reviews of which are excellent, is used more often, then why do we need colorless? Transparent powder is needed to heal the scalp and restore hair without discoloration.

    Where did the orange shade of dried leaves go? For the disappearance of color, the coloring powder is subjected to a special treatment.

    Useful Recipes for Using Clear Henna

    In order for henna to have a positive effect on the scalp and hair, it needs to be kept on the hair for some time, so you should use this organic mixture as a mask.

    1. If you dilute the colorless henna powder with hot water to the same consistency as when staining, and add a drop of castor or olive oil there, you get a firming mask. This solution should be applied along the entire length of the hair and hidden under a cap for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.
    2. When mixing henna with cognac in a ratio of 1/1 and adding a spoonful of ground cloves and a couple of drops of olive oil to the mixture, you get a mask for dandruff and itching of the scalp. The product should be kept on the hair for about half an hour.
    3. 20 g of henna per 50 g of yogurt with the addition of a drop of orange oil (optional) will give a mask for dry scalp. Keep this mixture on your head for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair well.
    4. Henna combined with egg yolk with the addition of 20 g of pomegranate juice will give a mask to restore, smooth and shine hair.
    5. Mix 30 g of henna in hot water and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a third of a spoon of honey. The resulting mixture will help in the fight against oily scalp.

    Any of the masks should be applied 1-2 times a week. The effect will be noticeable almost immediately. But owners of dry curls should not be zealous with henna. Reviews of Indian colorless henna for hair say that it dries the hair.

    Don't expect perfect results after the first application

    Ecological and hair definitely deserves the attention of every woman. It has a number of useful properties and is able to change the color of the strand no worse than professional dyes. But do not expect the perfect shade after the first application. It is important to study your hair, pay attention to the color of your hair before dyeing and choose for yourself an individual recipe for preparing a coloring solution. Perseverance and patience will pay off with a wonderful result. Hair will acquire the desired color and will shine with strength and health. Reviews of natural Indian henna for hair will help you quickly navigate the variety of methods of use and choose the right method of coloring or a recipe for a healing mask.

    Each person reacts differently to cosmetics, so be sure to experiment. Although reviews of Indian hair henna are excellent, it may not be suitable for everyone.

    Henna or Henna is a traditional oriental dye for hair, skin, wool and fur. Recently Henna (Henna) is gaining popularity among Russian consumers. As a result of this, we receive more and more questions from our customers about the features of the use of henna, and I will try to answer them in this article.

    First, let's define what is Henna?
    Henna (Henna) is the dried leaves of the Lavsonia shrub ground into powder. who likes a hot tropical climate. Lavsonia, common in countries such as India, Egypt, Iran and Africa. As you know, religious traditions are very strong in these countries, which is why henna (henna) in these regions is used primarily for painting on the body - temporary tattoos, which in India are called mehendi. Not a single wedding ceremony is complete without amazing drawings on the legs and arms inflicted by the bride with henna.
    For the production of henna for the skin, the upper leaves of the shrub are harvested because they have a greater coloring power. Henna for hair, made from the lower leaves, coarsely ground, so that henna (henna) does not give off the coloring pigment so actively.

    Of course, the most common and famous henna is Indian.
    In Russia, there has been a biased attitude towards henna for a long time, this is due to the fact that when dyeing hair with henna, you need to follow a number of rules:

    First of all, you need to understand that henna (henna) is ideal for coloring dark (black, brown) hair. Blonde or gray hair should be dyed with henna with care, as the final shade is almost unpredictable. For example, just when dyeing gray hair, the first time you get an unnaturally fiery red hue. A beautiful, darker, natural shade on gray hair, obtained after several dyeings.

    Henna (henna) does not penetrate the hair structure, but only envelops it while the hair cuticles stick together. Thanks to this, the hair acquires an even texture, and as a result, a natural shine and volume appears. But here it is worth noting that due to the closed cuticle, henna-dyed hair is almost impossible to recolor with chemical paint. In addition, henna (henna) in combination with chemical dyes can give a completely unexpected shade, up to green-blue. Therefore, it is important to understand that before dyeing with chemical dyes, it is necessary to wait for the hair dyed with henna to grow. There can be only one piece of advice here, before dyeing all your hair, try henna on only one curl.

    You can also find henna in other shades, for this henna (henna) is mixed with various plant components. For example, to give a chestnut color, henna (henna) is mixed with basma, and for wine red with beetroot juice. The golden color will turn out if henna is mixed with turmeric.

    Another important property is that henna (henna) perfectly protects the hair from sunlight and exposure to sea water, from which ordinary chemical pigments are washed out.

    There is another type of henna - Colorless henna, which is so often sought after by our customers. Although it is called that in Russian, it cannot be called henna in English. This is due to the fact that such henna is made from the leaves of another plant - cassia. Colorless henna has all the beneficial properties of traditional henna - henna, it also strengthens the hair, gives it shine, volume, and so on, but more on that in another article.

    So let's continue ... It is important to choose the right frequency of henna use and the time during which you need to keep it on your head. These instructions are contained in the description for each individual product, and are also readily available on the Internet, so we will not dwell on this.

    This article also contains the answer to a common question: Are henna and dyes based on it natural? Of course, since henna is simply impossible to combine with chemical dyes.

    So, henna (henna) is a natural natural remedy for complete hair care and coloring.

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